Using Material of High Quality! ST 044N LYOUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius

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Min Max ST 044N MTRIL hain material: PS-polyamide with glass fiber reinforced UL94-H Low Noise Low Mote Speed : 10m / sec Temperature : -30 ~ +130 Other installation Length: Vertical curve above= max 2.0m Vertical curve below= max 40m Side Mounted, Unsupported= max 1.0m pplications Gantry robot, Machining center, Textile machine, Welding machine, eeder unit, ssembly Loader, Wood work machine, abric machine. alculation of the chain length L = Ls 2 + Lp Hinge rame- Hook Lock Type Load diagrams self-supporting length Kg/m Stroke 1m 2m 2.5m 3m 4m 5m 6m 2m 4m 5m 6m 8m 10m 12m SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX 53

Using Material of High Quality! ST 044N LYOUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius R 50 70 90 120 150 Lp Lf H 333 157 138 396 177 178 459 197 218 553 227 278 648 257 338 ST 044N Type Pitch P: 44mm Height : 38mm Height H: 2R+38mm Hs H+30mm ORDRING Qty(set) Length(mm) ree nd racket ending Radius Inside Width Shift hain RKT TYP (ree nd racket) ixes the cable chain to the machinery or moving application. PS has improved mounting efficiency by unifying the existing asy nd racket and Normal nd racket. bove products are patent registered item which can be protected by industrial property right. 54

HIN ROSS STION hain Type ST 044N.035 ST 044N.050 ST 044N.055 ST 044N.0 ST 044N.100 ST 044N. ST 044N.150 ST 044N.1 ST 044N. 6-5.6(M5olt Holes) +20 +14-20 38 29 10 10 4.2 21.8 64 56 71 76 96 121 146 171 195 221 R ND RKT ST 044N.035 ST 044N.050 ST 044N.055 ST 044N.0 ST 044N.100 ST 044N. ST 044N.150 ST 044N.1 ST 044N. ST044N Moving point 60.4.4 80.4 100.4.4 150.4 1.4.4 225.4 35 50 55 D ending Radius(R) Weight in kg/m 38 100 26 50, 70, 90, 120, 150 150 1 10 10 64 6-5.6(M5olt Holes) 29 38 21.8 4.2 ST044N ixing point 38 35 50 55 100 150 1 26-20 ST 044N +14 +20 +14 2-5.6(M5olt Holes) 0.93 0.97 1.00 1.06 1.17 1.30 1.43 1.78 1.94 ST044N ront point hain Type D Hole Type 3.2 0.4 15.4 20.4 40.4 65.4 90.4 115.4 140.4 165.4 3.2 D M5 olt Holes D SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX 55

Using Material of High Quality! ST 044N DIVIDRS & SPRTORS DV-S () DV-M DV-T Separator(SP) Dividers (Vertical) and Separators (Horizontal) divide the inner chamber of the cable chain to give each cable diameter its own center and keep the cables separated from each other. The use of separator in some cases, can also reduce the width requirements as two or more levels can be made within the same chamber. To prevent twisting or damage to the cables, as a rule, there needs to be at least 10% space between the inserted cable and its enclosure. ST 044N DV-M ST 044N DV-S ST 044N DV-T 33 26 9.7 4.9 3.2 33 26 9.7 4.9 33 26 2.1 9.7 4.9 3.2 ssemble divider every Two links. ST044N Separators (SP) Separators hain Type SP035 SP050 SP055 SP0 SP100 SP SP150 SP1 SP ST 044N ST 055N TI WRP 10 6 12 3 4 3 18.9 2.1 2.1 13 16.6 9.6 13 16.6 6.2 11.8 13 16.6 9.6 ttach to racket ( ) (Dimensions in mm) Tie Wrap 035 055 0 100 46 35.4 70 48.9 94 48.9 118 48.9 142 48.9 The Tie Wrap separated from the Shift hain bracket, when installed properly, protects the inserted cables from becoming entangled and twisted during operation. There are two types in the tie wrap;ttached & Unattached to the bracket. 56

Min Max ST 055N MTRIL hain material: PS-polyamide with glass fiber reinforced UL94-H Low Noise: Low Mote: Speed : 10m / sec Temperature : -30 ~ +130 Other installation Length: Vertical curve above= max 3.0m Vertical curve below= max 50m Side Mounted, Unsupported= max 1.0m pplications Gantry robot, Machining center, Textile machine, Welding machine, eeder unit, ssembly Loader, Wood work machine, abric machine. alculation of the chain length Hinge rame- Hook Lock Type Load diagrams self-supporting length Kg/m Stroke 1m 2m 2.5m 3m 4m 5m 6m 2m 4m 5m 6m 8m 10m 12m SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX L = Ls 2 + Lp 57

Using Material of High Quality! ST 055N LYOUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius R 65 100 150 Lp Lf H 424 201 182 456 211 202 535 236 252 613 261 302 692 286 352 849 336 452 ST 055N Type Pitch P: 55mm Height : 52mm Height H: 2R+52mm Hs H+35mm ORDRING Qty(set) Length(mm) ree nd racket ending Radius Inside Width Shift hain RKT TYP (ree nd racket) ixes the cable chain to the machinery or moving application. PS has improved mounting efficiency by unifying the existing asy nd racket and Normal nd racket. bove products are patent registered item which can be protected by industrial property right. 58

HIN ROSS STION hain Type ST 055N.035 ST 055N.050 ST 055N.055 ST 055N.0 ST 055N.100 ST 055N. ST 055N.150 ST 055N.1 ST 055N. 8-6.5(M6olt Holes) +20 +17-14 52 40 7.2 12.5 25 17 16 85 35.8 56 71 76 96 121 146 171 195 221 R ND RKT ST 055N.035 ST 055N.050 ST 055N.055 ST 055N.0 ST 055N.100 ST 055N. ST 055N.150 ST 055N.1 ST 055N. ST055N Moving point 64 79 84 104 129 154 179 204 229 35 50 55 D ending Radius(R) Weight in kg/m 52 100 40 65,, 100,, 150, 150 1 52 25 12.5 16 17 85 8-6.5(M6olt Holes) -14 40 52 35.8 7.2 ST055N ixing point 35 50 55 100 150 1 40 +17 +20 ST 055N 3.2 +17 4-6.5(M6olt Holes) 1.12 1.15 1.18 1.23 1.31 1.41 1.51 1.78 1.92 18 D ST055N ront point 3 18 23 43 68 93 118 143 168 3.2 hain Type D Hole Type D M6 olt Holes SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX 59

Using Material of High Quality! ST 055N DIVIDRS & SPRTORS DV-S () DV-M DV-T Separator(SP) Dividers (Vertical) and Separators (Horizontal) divide the inner chamber of the cable chain to give each cable diameter its own center and keep the cables separated from each other. The use of separator in some cases, can also reduce the width requirements as two or more levels can be made within the same chamber. To prevent twisting or damage to the cables, as a rule, there needs to be at least 10% space between the inserted cable and its enclosure. ST 055N DV-M ST 055N DV-S 28N DVS ST 055N DV-T 47 40 9.7 7.9 3.2 47 40 9.7 7.9 47 40 2.1 9.7 7.9 3.2 13 17.2 6.2 ssemble divider every Two links. ST044N Separators (SP) Separators hain Type SP035 SP050 SP055 SP0 SP100 SP SP150 SP1 SP ST 044N ST 055N TI WRP 10 6 12 3 4 3 2.1 2.1 13 17.2 9.6 11.8 13 17.2 9.6 ttach to racket ( ) 18.9 (Dimensions in mm) Tie Wrap 035 055 0 100 46 35.4 70 48.9 94 48.9 118 48.9 142 48.9 The Tie Wrap separated from the Shift hain bracket, when installed properly, protects the inserted cables from becoming entangled and twisted during operation. There are two types in the tie wrap;ttached & Unattached to the bracket. When using the tie wrap option for the Shift hain ST 055 series, the corresponding frame sizes will be 50,, 100,, 150, 1 and mm respectively. 60

Min Max ST 072N MTRIL hain material: PS-polyamide with glass fiber reinforced UL94-H Low Noise Low Mote Speed : 10m / sec Temperature : -30 ~ +130 Other installation Length: Vertical curve above= max 6.0m Vertical curve below= max 100m Side Mounted, Unsupported= max 2.5m pplications Gantry robot, Machining center, Textile machine, Welding machine, eeder unit, ssembly Loader, Wood work machine, abric machine. alculation of the chain length L = Ls 2 + Lp Hinge rame - Pin Lock Type Shift chain - Load diagrams self-supporting length Kg/m Stroke 1m 2m 2.5m 3m 4m 5m 6m 2m 4m 5m 6m 8m 10m 12m SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX 61

Using Material of High Quality! ST 072N LYOUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius R 72 100 120 145 250 300 Lp Lf H 514 249 210 603 277 266 665 297 306 743 322 356 916 377 466 1,074 427 566 1,230 477 666 ST 072N Type Pitch P: 72mm Height : 66mm Height H: 2R+66mm Hs H+40mm ORDRING Qty(set) Length(mm) ree nd racket ending Radius Inside Width Shift hain RKT TYP (ree nd racket) ixes the cable chain to the machinery or moving application. PS has improved mounting efficiency by unifying the existing asy nd racket and Normal nd racket. or added strength, steel spacers are inserted into the fixing holes of each ree nd racket. bove products are patent registered item which can be protected by industrial property right. 62

HIN ROSS STION hain Type ST 072N.050 ST 072N.0 ST 072N.100 ST 072N. ST 072N.150 ST 072N.1 ST 072N. ST 072N.250 ST 072N.300 8-6.2(M6olt Holes) +12-15 66 52 11 7 34 19 18 107 41 23 82 107 132 157 182 207 232 282 332 R ND RKT ST 072N.050 ST 072N.0 ST 072N.100 ST 072N. ST 072N.150 ST 072N.1 ST 072N. ST 072N.250 ST 072N.300 ST072N Moving point 82 107 132 157 182 207 232 282 332 50 100 66 150 45 1 250 300 66 D ending Radius(R) Weight in kg/m 34 11 18 19 107 23 41 7 ST072N ixing point 50 100 150 1 250 300 72, 100, 120, 145,, 250, 300 8-6.2(M6olt Holes) 45 52 5-15 ST 072N 66 +12-12 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.43 2.56 2.66 3.11 3.24 3.60 4-6.2(M6olt Holes) ST072N ront point hain Type D Hole Type 7 10 35 60 85 110 135 160 210 260 25 D M6 olt Holes D SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX 63

Using Material of High Quality! ST 072N DIVIDRS Dividers (Vertical) and Separators (Horizontal) divide the inner chamber of the cable chain to give each cable diameter its own center and keep the cables separated from each other. The use of separator in some cases, can also reduce the width requirements as two or more levels can be made within the same chamber. To prevent twisting or damage to the cables, as a rule, there needs to be at least 10% space between the inserted cable and its enclosure. ST072N DV-M ST072N DV-S ST072N DV-T 3.8 4.4 3.8 3.8 60.8 45 4.4 4.4 15 7 60.8 45 60.8 45 15 15 13 21 14.6 14.6 13 13 21 11.5 21 11.5 ssemble divider every Two links. SPRTORS (SP) Separator (SP) 20~300MM TI WRP Separator Pin (SP-Pin) Separator is available in length from 20mm to 300mm and can be cut every 5mm for use. The combined use of divider and sepatator with the pin creates the most effective cable pattern and keep insertion space for cables safely, so it protects the inserted cables. 50 4.5 4.5 3. 3. 27 The Tie Wrap separated from the Shift hain bracket, when installed properly, protects the inserted cables from becoming entangled and twisted during operation. (Dimensions in mm) Tie Wrap 050 0 100 150 58 65 82 98 105 122 129 141 148 64

Min Max ST 095N MTRIL hain material: PS-polyamide with glass fiber reinforced UL94-H Low Noise Low Mote Speed : 10m / sec Temperature : -30 ~ +130 Other installation Length: Vertical curve above= max 6.0m Vertical curve below= max 100m Side Mounted, Unsupported= max 3.0m pplications Gantry robot, Machining center, Textile machine, Welding machine, eeder unit, ssembly Loader, Wood work machine, abric machine. alculation of the chain length Hinge rame - Pin Lock Type Shift chain - Load diagrams self-supporting length Kg/m Stroke 1m 2m 2.5m 3m 4m 5m 6m 2m 4m 5m 6m 8m 10m 12m SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX L = Ls 2 + Lp 65

Using Material of High Quality! ST 095N LYOUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius R 135 150 230 280 400 Lp Lf H 805 364 352 855 374 382 1,010 428 482 1,110 459 542 1,260 505 642 1,640 629 882 ST 095N Type Pitch P: 95mm Height : 82mm Height H: 2R+82mm Hs H+50mm ORDRING Qty(set) Length(mm) ree nd racket ending Radius Inside Width Shift hain RKT TYP (ree nd racket) ixes the cable chain to the machinery or moving application. PS has improved mounting efficiency by unifying the existing asy nd racket and Normal nd racket. or added strength, steel spacers are inserted into the fixing holes of each ree nd racket. *bove products are patent registered item which can be protected by industrial property right. 66

HIN ROSS STION +15 hain Type ST 095N.0 ST 095N.100 ST 095N. ST 095N.150 ST 095N.1 ST 095N. ST 095N.250 ST 095N.300 ST 095N.350 ST 095N.400-25 82 62 23 44 156 10 73 25.5 113 138 163 188 213 238 288 338 388 438 R ND RKT ST 095N.0 ST 095N.100 ST 095N. ST 095N.150 ST 095N.1 ST 095N. ST 095N.250 ST 095N.300 ST 095N.350 ST 095N.400 ST095N Moving point 113 138 163 188 213 238 288 338 388 438 100 150 82 1 56 250 300 350 400 82 D ending Radius(R) Weight in kg/m 25.5 44 23 156 ST095N ixing point 100 150 1 250 300 350 400 135, 150,, 230, 280, 400 62 82 73 10 56 ST 095N -25 +15-15 3.11 3.17 3.37 3.49 3.60 3.79 4.05 4.31 4.69 5.05 ST095N ront point hain Type D Hole Type 6 7 24 49 74 99 124 149 199 249 299 349 25 D M10 olt Holes D SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX 67

Using Material of High Quality! ST 095N DIVIDRS Dividers (Vertical) and Separators (Horizontal) divide the inner chamber of the cable chain to give each cable diameter its own center and keep the cables separated from each other. The use of separator in some cases, can also reduce the width requirements as two or more levels can be made within the same chamber. To prevent twisting or damage to the cables, as a rule, there needs to be at least 10% space between the inserted cable and its enclosure. ST095N DV-S ST095N DV-M ST095N DV-R ST095N DV-T 76.8 56 3.8 15 4.4 76.8 56 3.8 15 4.4 7 76.8 56 3.8 15 4.4 8.2 18 25.4 11.5 18 25.4 14.6 18 25.4 14.6 ssemble divider every Two links. SPRTORS (SP) Separator (SP) 20~400MM Separator Pin (SP-Pin) Separator is available in length from 20mm to 400mm and can be cut every 5mm for use. The combined use of divider and sepatator with the pin creates the most effective cable pattern and keep insertion space for cables safely, so it protects the inserted cables. TI WRP 50 4.5 4.5 3. 3. 27 The Tie Wrap separated from the Shift hain bracket, when installed properly, protects the inserted cables from becoming entangled and twisted during operation. (Dimensions in mm) Tie Wrap 050 0 100 150 58 65 82 98 105 122 129 141 148 68

Min Max ST 120N MTRIL hain material: PS-polyamide with glass fiber reinforced UL94-H Low Noise Low Mote Speed : 10m / sec Temperature : -30 ~ +130 Other installation Length: Vertical curve above= max 6.0m Vertical curve below= max 120m Side Mounted, Unsupported= max 3.0m pplications Gantry robot, Machining center, Textile machine, Welding machine, eeder unit, ssembly Loader, Wood work machine, abric machine. alculation of the chain length L = Ls 2 + Lp Hinge rame - Pin Lock Type Shift chain - Load diagrams self-supporting length Kg/m Stroke 1m 2m 2.5m 3m 4m 5m 6m 2m 4m 5m 6m 8m 10m 12m SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX 69

Using Material of High Quality! ST 120N LYOUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius R 180 250 300 350 400 500 Lp Lf H 1,046 474 468 1,109 494 508 1,266 544 608 1,423 594 808 1,580 644 808 1,737 694 908 2,051 794 1,108 ST 120N Type Pitch P: 120mm Height : 108mm Height H: 2R+108mm Hs H+60mm ORDRING Qty(set) Length(mm) ree nd racket ending Radius Inside Width Shift hain RKT TYP (ree nd racket) ixes the cable chain to the machinery or moving application. PS has improved mounting efficiency by unifying the existing asy nd racket and Normal nd racket. or added strength, steel spacers are inserted into the fixing holes of each ree nd racket. bove products are patent registered item which can be protected by industrial property right. 70

HIN ROSS STION hain Type ST 120N.0 ST 120N.100 ST 120N. ST 120N.150 ST 120N.1 ST 120N. ST 120N.250 ST 120N.300 ST 120N.350 ST 120N.400 ST 120N.450 ST 120N.500 ST 120N.550 ST 120N.600 +29-28 108 84 24 50 188 12 77 39 117 142 167 192 217 242 292 342 392 442 492 542 592 642 R ND RKT ST 120N.0 ST 120N.100 ST 120N. ST 120N.150 ST 120N.1 ST 120N. ST 120N.250 ST 120N.300 ST 120N.350 ST 120N.400 ST 120N.450 ST 120N.500 ST 120N.550 ST 120N.600 8-10(M10olt Holes) 8-10(M10olt Holes) ST120N Moving point 100 150 1 108 250 300 78 350 400 450 500 550 600 150 1 225 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 108 D ending Radius(R) Weight in kg/m 50 188 39 ST120N ixing point 100 150 1 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 180,, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500-28 24 84 108 77 12 78 6 ST 120N 7 +29 15 40 65 90 115 140 190 240 290 340 390 440 490 540 +29 4.41 4.53 4.67 4.78 4.93 5.17 5.47 5.88 6.30 6.73 7.07 7.30 8.13 8.30 46 4-10(M10olt Holes) ST120N ront point hain Type D Hole Type M10 olt Holes D D SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX 71

Using Material of High Quality! ST 120N DIVIDRS Dividers (Vertical) and Separators (Horizontal) divide the inner chamber of the cable chain to give each cable diameter its own center and keep the cables separated from each other. The use of separator in some cases, can also reduce the width requirements as two or more levels can be made within the same chamber. To prevent twisting or damage to the cables, as a rule, there needs to be at least 10% space between the inserted cable and its enclosure. ST120N DV-S ST120N DV-M ST120N DV-R ST120N DV-T 100.8 78 3.8 6.4 100.8 78 3.8 15 6.4 7 100.8 78 3.8 15 6.4 8.2 15 26 35 11.5 26 35 14.6 26 35 14.6 ssemble divider every Two links. SPRTORS (SP) Separator (SP) 20~600MM Separator Pin (SP-Pin) Separator is available in length from 20mm to 600mm and can be cut every 5mm for use. The combined use of divider and sepatator with the pin creates the most effective cable pattern and keep insertion space for cables safely, so it protects the inserted cables. TI WRP 50 4.5 4.5 3. 3. 27 The Tie Wrap separated from the Shift hain bracket, when installed properly, protects the inserted cables from becoming entangled and twisted during operation. (Dimensions in mm) Tie Wrap 050 0 100 150 58 65 82 98 105 122 129 141 148 72

Min Max ST 150N MTRIL hain material: PS-polyamide with glass fiber reinforced UL94-H Low Noise Low Mote Speed : 10m / sec Temperature : -30 ~ +130 Other installation Length: Vertical curve above= max 7.0m Vertical curve below= max 150m Side Mounted, Unsupported= max 4.0m pplications Gantry robot, Machining center, Textile machine, Welding machine, eeder unit, ssembly Loader, Wood work machine, abric machine. alculation of the chain length Steel racket Load diagrams self-supporting length Kg/m Stroke 1m 2m 2.5m 3m 4m 5m 6m 2m 4m 5m 6m 8m 10m 12m SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX L = Ls 2 + Lp 73

Using Material of High Quality! ST 150N LY OUT O TH HIN Ls: Stroke Lp: Loop Length Lf: Loop Projection Hs: Safe Space (Dimensions in mm) ending radius R 205 305 405 505 605 Lp Lf H 1,215 561 550 1,510 651 0 1,807 743 950 2,106 835 1,150 2,405 928 1,350 ST 150N Type Pitch P: 150mm Height : 140mm Height H: 2R+140mm Hs H+80mm ORDRING Qty(set) Length(mm) nd racket (1, 2, 3) ending Radius Inside Width Shift hain RKT TYP S (Steel nd racket) or ST150N, its end parts of cable chain being fixed are used with steel bracket, and it is possible to be installed 1, 2, 3 types of brackets. 1 2 3 74

HIN ROSS STION hain Type ST 150N.0 ST 150N.100 ST 150N. ST 150N.150 ST 150N.1 ST 150N. ST 150N.250 ST 150N.300 ST 150N.350 ST 150N.400 ST 150N.450 ST 150N.500 ST 150N.550 ST 150N.600 121 146 171 196 221 246 296 346 396 446 496 546 596 646 ND RKT (STL TYP) 100 150 1 140 250 300 110 350 400 450 500 550 600 ST150N Moving point D ending Radius(R) Weight in kg/m 205, 305, 405, 505, 605 ST150N ixing point hain Type D Hole Type ST 150N.0 ST 150N.100 ST 150N. ST 150N.150 ST 150N.1 ST 150N. ST 150N.250 ST 150N.300 ST 150N.350 ST 150N.400 ST 150N.450 ST 150N.500 ST 150N.550 ST 150N.600 140 100 150 1 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 7 9 5.85 5.96 6.08 6.18 6.30 6.51 6.78 7.14 7.51 7.88 8.18 8.37 9.11 9.26 110 M10 olt Holes D SHIT HIN SIN HIN RVOLVING HIN HLIX HIN ROO-KIT PSLX PSIX

Using Material of High Quality! ST 150N DIVIDRS Dividers (Vertical) and Separators (Horizontal) divide the inner chamber of the cable chain to give each cable diameter its own center and keep the cables separated from each other. The use of separator in some cases, can also reduce the width requirements as two or more levels can be made within the same chamber. To prevent twisting or damage to the cables, as a rule, there needs to be at least 10% space between the inserted cable and its enclosure. ST150N DV-M ST150N DV-S ST150N DV-T 6 8.5 3.8 132.6 110 4.4 22 9 132.6 110 60.8 45 6 8.5 22 15 26 40 28 14.6 13 26 21 11.5 13.9 40 ssemble divider every Two links. SPRTORS (SP) Separator (SP) 20~600MM TI WRP Separator Pin (SP-Pin) Separator is available in length from 20mm to 600mm and can be cut every 5mm for use.the combined use of divider and sepatator with the pin creates the most effective cable pattern and keep insertion space for cables safely, so it protects the inserted cables. 50 4.5 4.5 3. 3. 27 The Tie Wrap separated from the Shift hain bracket, when installed properly, protects the inserted cables from becoming entangled and twisted during operation. Shift hain (Dimensions in mm) Tie Wrap 050 0 100 150 58 65 82 98 105 122 129 141 148 76