PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

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PowerPoint 프레젠테이션


2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

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20301 실내디자인스튜디오 2 203 Research 2

20302 Design Process 1 2 3 4 5 사무공간디자인에관한 Orientation 사무공간디자인을위한자료조사 사무공간실내디자인사례조사 Bubble diagram 의작성과동선계획 Block layout 의작성과 idea Sketch 6 7 8 9 10 예비평면도의작성 Floor Plan 의작성 Furniture plan Elevation Reflected ceiling plan 11 Color scheme 12 Material plan 13 Style 14 Model 15 디자인전과정에대한발표및평가

20303 Space/ Definition Spaces s in an office are typically used for secondary activities such as filing documents or taking a break. There are twelve generic types of support, each supporting different activities. Filling Print and copy area Mail area Library Storage Pantry area Break area Locker area Waiting area Game room

20304 s/ Classification https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/office Filing : An open or enclosed support for the storage of frequently used files and documents Storage : An open or enclosed support for the storage of commonly used office supplies Print and copy area: An open or enclosed support with facilities for printing, scanning and copying

20305 s/ Classification https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/office Mail area: An open or semi-open support where employees can pick up or deliver their personal mail Pantry area: An open or enclosed support where people can get coffee and tea as well as soft drinks and snacks Break area: A semi-open or enclosed support where employees can take a break from their work

20306 s/ Classification https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/office Locker area: An open or semi-open support where employees can store their personal belongings Smoking room: An enclosed support where employees can smoke a cigarette Library: A semi-open or enclosed support for reading of books, journals and magazines

20307 s/ Classification https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/office Games room: An enclosed support where employees can play games (e.g. computer games, pool, darts) Waiting area: An open or semi-open support where visitors can be received and can wait for their appointment Circulation : which is required for circulation on office floors, linking all major functions

20308 s/ Research

20309 s/ Research http://www.intelixia.fr/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/10-0003490.jpg 사무공간과같은장소, 같은레벨에지원할수있는공간을부여하는공간 / 업무의지원과함께공간의밀도를낮추며공간의쾌적한분위기를연출 http://www.darlenejaneiro.com/uploads/1/0/4/5/10453738/5096023_orig.jpg

20310 s/ Research https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/office https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2a/london_mozilla_work.jpg 휴게전용공간으로사무공간의질적수준을높임 Open 형지원공간으로휴게와함께간단한회의, 의견교류를할수있는공간으로구성 http://soyouknowbetter.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/05/2-valmet-bygullsten-inkinen-in-helsinky-finland.jpg

20311 s/ Research https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/office http://www.mabledesign.com/wp-content/uploads/stunning-bbc-north-office-by-idsr-photo- 07.jpg http://www.cbdprojects.com.au/img/projects/reed%20elsevier%20rbi%20&%20rx%20047.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/- jfcdgzr0av8/u15wtsyrlyi/aaaaaaaafog/gnksvzxgv80/s1600/50ca7jn36q.jpg

20312 s/ Research https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ommons/6/62/dubai_international_airpor t_winston_smoking_room_inside.jpg 휴게전용공간으로간단한스포츠활동이나차를마실수있는폐쇄형휴게공간 https://www.tendenci.com/media/cached/photos/3084/640x640/constrain/90/11757-katy- Freeway-Office-Sublease-7146-2192c.jpg

20313 s/ Research 사무공간과같은장소, 같은레벨에지원할수있는공간을부여하는공간 / 업무의지원과함께공간의밀도를낮추며공간의쾌적한분위기를연출 http://www.siamhousedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/colorful-office-plans-1.jpg http://www.design2ch.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/small-office-space-design- Fresh-With-Image-Of-Bedroom-Interior-Fresh-Design-Images.jpg

20314 s/ Research http://www.gqre.com/images/collaborative_office rendition_960.jpg 카페형식의공간으로휴식과회의를지원하는공간 http://www.kalabas-interiors.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/interior-design-for-creative- Meeting-Room-Design-Like-Pumpkin-By-Ed.jpg

20315 s/ Research http://www.interiordecodir.com/image/amazin g/amazing-conference-room.jpg 라운지형식의대기전용공간으로외무와내부사람의회의를지원하는공간 http://aboutmeditation.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/04/meeting-room.jpg http://soyouknowbetter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/6-valmet-by-gullsten-inkinen-in-helsinky-finland.jpg