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Company Profile 2017.02 Enabling Contactless Payment & Authentication on any device

The hyper-connected future is coming 3.85B Connected Devices $43B Cashless Payment 250K Vehicles w/internet * Jupiter Research 2020 * Business Insider 2020 * 17 Internet of Thingsʼ Facts Everyone Should Read by Bernard Marr

Inaudible Sound Transmission Technology Secure and most advanced protocol to send data over sound Our vision is Internet of Everything. Disrupt data communication & Connect devices over sound

Ultra Sound Technology Mobidoo enables data communication between mobile and devices using existing speaker. We provide SDK/API software that can be added to any mobile application for any mobile devices. 1 Short distance communication Mobile Authentication 2 Long distance communication Mobile Promotion & Authentication 3 Sonic Stamp device

Short Distance Application Mobile Payment & Transaction Enhanced Customer Experience Payment SDK/ API for any device No Extra Hardware Secure process based on Tokenization Mobile Payment Credit Card, Prepaid Card On-Demand Service Membership, Point, Coupon

Sonic Stamp Application Sonic Stamp Stamp SDK/ API Stamp Portal & Data Analysis Tool Unique Stamp IDs Fraud Detection Mobile Point Usage Prepaid Card On-Demand Service Membership, Point, Coupon

Long Distance Application Outdoor Mobile Engagement Engage mobile users at public spaces both indoor and outdoor Use existing speakers in concert hall or stadium Broadcast up to few hundred meters No Customer Settings

More Applications Internet of Things Expand to Home IoT and Kiosk (Digital Signage) to bring innovation to customer lifestyle Out of Store Payment Internet of Authentication Expanding mobile payment infrastructure using existing speaker on device. (Plan to apply our solution to Kiosk. Oct. 16) Plan to developing Keyless Entry System for Home, Car and so on. (in second half of 17) Payment and marketing service by using refrigerator, TV in home. Attendance Check Solution (launch in May) Launching payment and transaction SDK/API for IoT. (in first half of 18) Partnership with IoT platform company

Ultra Sound Solution Advantages Ultra Sound Protocol 0.5s Advanced Performance Inaudible soundwave protocol and optimized algorithm makes best performance among industries Mobidoo SDK/API Existing Service Sonic Portal 90db Noise Correction Stable performance in noisy atmosphere Prevent misuse of fraud via server monitoring system Support Restful API by use case SDK for Android, ios & Windows Compatible with any devices with C Library 4X 10cm to 3m Data Throughput Upgrade the data throughput more than 4 times than conventional technology. Support variable use cases Distance Control Support long and short(~3m) distance communication via mobidoo s own technology of distance control.

Ultra Sound Solution Security Mobidoo Sound transmission protocol is secure and safe because every transaction is one time use and our protocol is encrypted by our own algorithm. Own Protocol 2 IST protocol is encrypted and cannot be analyzed Regularly protocol change 1 3 One time Unique Code Only valid for certain period of time Tokenization 4 Token is generated for each transaction Token Validation from cloud Secure Layer AES128 Encrypted Encrypted key for protocol key Features Fraud Detection Record Prevention Distance Adjustment

Partners Lotte Partnership with biggest retailer in Korea (Dec. 2016) Payment Stamp Mobile Payment Membership O2O Service Mobile Payment Membership O2O Service Simple tab to pay with L.Pay at Lotte retailers One Tap for 3 transactions (Payment, Membership & Coupon) Replacement of barcode payment to Ultra Sound payment Auth. Attendance Door Security Ticket 17 Retail Chains and 30,000 Stores

Partners Stamp Services Prepaid Card and Point Membership Service without POS terminal Payment Mobile Payment Membership O2O Service Mobile Prepaid payment Service Mosiki Mobile Point Service Bluestamp Redeem mobile points at Cafes, Restaurants Integrated mobile point service Stamp Mobile Payment Membership O2O Service and nearby shops Redeem points at shops Auth. Attendance Door Security Ticket Buy Points Visit Stores Launch App Redeem w/ Points Visit Stores Launch App Get/Redeem Points

Business Model 100M $0.2/year $20M SONIC USERS 12% Share of Market Fee per End Users Market Share Revenue 2019-2020 1M $12/year $12M SONIC Retailers Fee per Retail POS Market Share Revenue 2019-2020

mobidoo roadmap 100M Active users and 1M Active retailers using Mobidoo s ultra sound solution 2017 H1 2017 H2 2018 H1 2018 H2 2019 Expand Lotte Pay & O2O OKPOS and beyond mpos Integration Payment API Proximity IoT Proximity Marketing IoT Connectivity Global China, Japan and Asia

Thank you CEO David Lee email: david@mobidoo.co.kr cell: +82-10-3201-0003

[ 별첨 ] 특허현황 모비두는비가청음파를이용한인증 / 결제에관한특허를 8 건이상출원하였으며, 그중음파를이용한결제관련하여 3 건의특허를출원하였습니다. [ 국내특허 ] 10-2014-0035887 전자스탬프 항목 [ 국내출원 ] 10-2016-0016031, 스탬프전용모바일광고에서음파스탬프를이용한사용자의방문 / 구매확인방법및장치 [ 국내출원 ] 10-2016-0034654 음파를이용한결제시스템 [ 국내출원 ] 10-2016-0058885 결제시스템 [ 국내출원 ] 10-2016-0095875 음파를이용한결제처리방법및그장치 [ 국내출원 ] 10-2015-0020903 웨어러블디바이스간상호신호를교환하는장치 [ 국제출원 ;PCT] 제 PCT/KR2014/005914 호전자스탬프 [ 국제출원 ;PCT] 제 PCT/KR2014/005917 호 ( 인증어플리케이션이설치된사용자단말기, 인증어플리케이션의동작방법, 및서버의동작방법 ) 모비두상표출원 ( 출원번호 45-2013-0005022) 상세설명 국내특허등록 국내특허출원 국내특허출원 국내특허출원 국내특허출원 국내특허출원 국제 PCT 출원 국제 PCT 출원 상품 ( 서비스업 ) 류제 20 류를포함한 3 개류 3/17

[ 별첨 ] 기술비교 구분기준모비두음파 NFC Bluetooth 바코드 폰범용성 X (Android 만지원 ) 편리성좋음중간중간나쁨 프로세스 관련 환경 App/Web App/Web App/Web App/Web 거리 ~ 3m ( 거리조절가능 ) < 0.2m ~ 최대 10m < 0.5m 기기간설정필요없음필요필요필요없음 확장성 관련 NFC Chipset Bluetooth Chipset 필요기기스피커 - 마이크 Reader (or 카메라 ) (Dongle) (Dongle) 가격낮음높음중간높음 3/17

[Appendix] Business Goal 2020 모바일결제 / 인증의편리함을생활전세계어디서든경험하도록함 음파기술로오프라인접점확대 Scale 1M Retailers Engage 100M Users Connect 1M Devices Mobile 결제 / 인증인프라확산 Mobile Promotion 사업확대 IoT/ Chatbot 연동솔루션개발 유통사거점으로 POS 인프라확대 글로벌시장선불카드, 포인트, 쿠폰으로시장선점후 Pay 로점진적확산 무인키오스크, TV, 자판기, 주차장등음파기술적용하여서비스규모확대 대형규모의스포츠 / 콘서트마케팅 Retail 위한실내위치기반근접마케팅 TV, 디지털사이니지등기기연결확대 Door Lock 등 IoT 연결솔루션확대 Chatbot Wallet 서비스통한인증기술개발

Short Distance Application Mobile Payment & Transaction The mobile payment solution with both convenience and compatibility. Payment service provider can spread its mobile payment infrastructure without having extra hardware. Application Features Just Tap to Pay Enhanced Customer Experience All user have to do is just tap to pay. Shorter payment process than NFC and Bluetooth (3steps 2steps) Payment SDK/ API for any device Support Android 4.4 & ios 7 and higher Support every OS(Windows, Android and ios) in case of POS Mobile Payment Credit Card, Prepaid Card On-Demand Service Membership, Point, Coupon No Extra Hardware Using Speaker or microphone on existing device. Install based SW for application. Secure process based on Tokenization Prevent users from misuse and abuse by tokenization like Samsung pay

Sonic Stamp Application Sonic Stamp Sonic Stamp enables mobile prepaid payment and membership authentication. It can be applied to any on-demand service, especially on the mobile authentication. Application Features Stamp SDK/ API Support Stamp SDK/API Support Template for services such as point, membership Stamp Portal & Data Analysis Tool Stamp Register and Management Data Analysis for Stamp Log, Stamp Authentication info. Unique Stamp IDs More than a million Stamp IDs Mobile Point Usage Prepaid Card On-Demand Service Membership, Point, Coupon Fraud Detection Applying the technology that preventing abuse like duplication, recording and so on.

Long Distance Application Mobile Engagement Engage mobile users at public spaces both indoor and outdoor Outdoor Mobile Engagement Indoor Mobile Engagement Event and promotion for customer engagement via sound which generated by Electronic board or speakers in concert hall and stadium Launching mobile order and payment solution based on customer location. (June. 17) It is possible to make better customer engagement in huge space. (Bluetooth, NFC is not possible) Differentiated technology that enables marketing and payment with sonic solution. We set our goals to engage customer more than 0.1 million in this year( 17) based on Cost per User Action Event promotion for customers based on zones in retail store.