QoS 지원을위한 개방형서비스망구조 2005. 1. 27. Prof. Kyungshik Lim, CS Dept., Kyungpook Natl. Univ. kslim@knu.ac.kr
QoS 지원을위한개방형응용서비스망 Open service Open APIs : Communication service developers and IT Programmers QoS sup Service level end-to-end QoS on top of packet trans network function with QoS sup Packet marking, resource establishment & release for resource reservation, queueing management, etc. Application service networks Logical service networks to mitigate performance gaps of heterogeneous physical underlying networks in BcN between end-to-end users
NGN Service Architecture Model Open Service Application Service Network QoS Sup
NGN Open Service Architecture
Parlay/OSA APIs Web based Client applications Application Server Application Server
NGN Realization WiMax RAN Metro Ethernet WiFi Hotspot Broadcast Access Network DVB / ISDB-T RAN PS Backbone SGSN Network PDG/ WAG GGSN Public Internet PDG/ WAG Service Provider Data Network BMSC HA PDF Network DBs Databases AAA DHCP HSS DNS IMS I-CSCF S-CSCF P-CSCF BGCF MRFC MGCF MRFP SIP-AS Parlay IN Converged Service Interfaces SMS Presence PTT MMS Voice Streaming ISC OSA Mail SSF Converged Services and Platforms RNC 3G RAN BSC 2G RAN Access Network (CDMA systems are similar to GPRS and UMTS systems shown) CS Backbone Network Trans Network Legacy MSC/VLR Legacy GMSC MGW PSTN PLMN SGW Legacy HLR Converged Services
Main s by IMS Call (Session) control based on SIP signaling Resource management to sup QoS capabilities Interworking to other networks by means of media gateways and gateway controllers
IMS Related s in the NGN Session Control Architecture Management Terminal S-4 A-1 S-18 Session Control Proxy A-2 Application Gateway User Profile DB S-1 T-16 Application Server (may include own Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) S-17 LS S-9 Trans Adaptation Trans Resource / Policy Control S.Authentication & Authorization S-10 Registration Session Control PGCF S-11 S-19 S-12 Media Resource Control AGCF MGCF T-12 SGF S-13 Application Session & Call Control Network Border Other NGN other IP MM Network (e.g. IMS) Management T-6 AMGF T-7 Access Relay T-1 T-18 T. Authentication &Authorization T-20 T.Network Access Control T-4 T.Network Access Process T-8 Mobility Sup T-15 Trans Resource & Enforcement s Packet Trans T-13 T-11 Media Resource Processing Traffic Measurement T-3 PGF T-9 TMGF Trans Internet PSTN/ISDN Scope of NGN All lines of this type attach to the corresponding input line at the CCF within session & call control Connection point
IMS Related s (1/2) Session Control 세션서비스제공, 과금측정 세션계층오버레이망에서의컨텐츠변환을위한제어메시지생성 Session Control Proxy 외부혹은단말에서들어오는 SIP 메시지를 Session Control 에게전달 User Profile DB 사용자의프로필을 DB 에저장하고관리하며외부의요청에의해이를제공 LS (Location Service ) 사용자의위치를망에서얻어오는기능 Application Server 서비스를제공하는서버 OSA Gateway, Session Control 와연동하여전체적인서비스를제공및제어 타망의 OSA Gateway 와도연동하여타망의 IMS 를통한세션간연결서비스를지원 OSA Gateway 망의제어및정보제공을표준화된 API 형태로제공하여편리한형태의서비스제공지원 Packet Gatway Control Packet Gateway 를제어, 타망으로부터의내부망의토폴로지보호, 과금측정 Registration 세션의생성을위하여사용자의등록을담당 Authentication & Authorization 사용자의인증및인증정책제어
IMS Related s (2/2) MRCF (Media Reference Control ) MRPC 을제어하여노드에서의미디어프로세싱기능관리 MRPF (Media Reference Processing ) MRCF 로부터받은요청에따라노드에서미디어프로세싱 멀티컨퍼런스를위한비디오, 오디오의정합 Packet Gateway 외부의패킷기반망과의게이트웨이역할을수행 MGCF PSTN/ISTN 망과의연동을위해시그널을변환 PSTN/ISTN 망과연결점인 TMGF 를제어 Trunk Media Gateway PSTN/ISTN 망과연결을위하여패킷을변환 Access Relay 외부로부터의패킷을내부로전달 Network Access Control 외부로부터의데이터를내부로전달할지여부를판단 NAT (Network Address Translation) 수행 판단된결과를 NAPF 을통하여적용 Network Access Process NACF 에게받은요청을통해외부로부터의데이터의전달또는차단기능수행 Packet Trans 실제로패킷을전달망내에서전달해주는기능
Trans Resource s Management Terminal S-4 A-1 S-18 Session Control Proxy A-2 Application Gateway User Profile DB S-1 T-16 Application Server (may include own Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) S-17 LS S-9 Trans Adaptation Trans Resource / Policy Control S.Authentication & Authorization S-10 Registration S-13 Session Control PGCF S-11 S-19 S-12 Media Resource Control AGCF MGCF T-12 SGF Application Session & Call Control Network Border Other NGN other IP MM Network (e.g. IMS) Management T-6 AMGF T-7 Access Relay T-1 T-18 T. Authentication &Authorization T-20 T.Network Access Control T-4 T.Network Access Process T-8 Mobility Sup T-15 Trans Resource & Enforcement s Packet Trans T-13 T-11 Media Resource Processing Traffic Measurement T-3 PGF T-9 TMGF Trans Internet PSTN/ISDN Scope of NGN All lines of this type attach to the corresponding input line at the CCF within session & call control Connection point
Trans Resource/Policy Control Collect network resources and maintenance status information Control trans resource allocation by interacting with T.Network Access Process and Trans Resource and Enforcement Port, link, bandwidth, access list
Trans Resource & Enforcement s Link negotiation and establishment Packet forwarding QoS procedures Packet marking Resource establishment and release Resource reservation Queueing management etc
Configuration of Trans Resource s Trans Resource/Policy Control 과 Trans Resource & Enforcement s 은 SCF 로부터받은 QoS control request 를 Packet trans layer (IP layer) 에서지원하기위함 HGW manager mgt0 media media SIP mgt0 SIP mgt0 mgt2 mgt1 mgt2 SIP mgt1 media SIP mgt PC HGW -SW Edge router Bandwidth resource manager SIP proxy PC
Service Level End-to-End QoS Packet trans function(ip layer) 에서 Delay, Jitter, Bandwidth 등의기본적인 QoS 가지원될때사용자수준에서의 End-to-End QoS 를달성하기위해서는서비스수준에서의확장된 QoS 개념이고려되어야함 Contents Quality Mobility Reliability Adaptability Security 사용자의품질요구에맞는컨텐츠를제공사용자의위치에관계없이서비스가가능사용자의요구를반드시받아들여처리사용자에적합한형태로의서비스변형가능인증된사용자에게적합한서비스제공및보안유지
Service Level End-to-End QoS End-to-End QoS Application Layer Trans Layer Contents Adaptation Processing Delay & Variation Protocol Adaptation Application Layer Trans Layer QoS 지원 Packet Trans (Converged heterogeneous networks)
Case Study : Contents & Protocol Adaptation Wireless Internet Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) 1.x Protocol Stack WAP Client WAP Gateway WAP/Web Server Micro Browser WSP Client WTP Client WDP/UDP Encoded request/response?wml Compiler?Image Translator?HTML Filter, etc. WSP Server WTP Server HTTP WDP/UDP TCP Request Response WML/HTML Contents CGI, etc. HTTP TCP IP IP IP IP Bearers GSM, Bearers CDMA,? : GSM, CDMA... CDMA,? 인터넷
Case Study : Protocol Adaptation SkyX Satellite System Host Server Application 송신기지국 수신기지국 Client Application TCP IP Data Link Physical Relay TCP XTP IP IP Data LinkData Link Physical Physical Relay XTP TCP IP IP Data LinkData Link Physical Physical TCP IP Data Link Physical Split-TCP1 (Internet) Split-TCP2 E-to-E TCP Split-TCP3 (Internet)
Application Service Network Architecture Model (1/4) User Level End-to-end QoS Service Level QoS 지원 Framework SCF SCF OSA Gateway Open API 를통한망, 서비스, 단말정보 BcN Application Service Network QoS 지원 BcN Packet Trans network resources and maintenance status information
Application Service Network Architecture Model (2/4) OSA Gateway OSA Application Server UE GGSN IP IP 3GPP Signaling & Data Network C S C F M R F C IP Network MRFP C S C F Overlay Media Controller IP Network GGSN CSCF OSA-GW MRFC Application Servers BcN Core Network 3GPP MRFP IP Connectivity
Application Service Network Architecture Model (3/4) SIP Session Control G G S N OSA Gateway SIP MRFC HSS MEGACO/H.248 SLF Multimedia Resource Processor BGCF MGCF IM - Media Gateway Packet Trans 3GPP IMS Open API Application Session Control Trans Terminal Packet Gateway SIP LS Trans Adaptation T. Authentication & Authorization T.Network Access Control T.Network Access Process Open API OSA Gateway Access Relay Application Server Session Control Proxy User Profile DB MRPF Scope of BcN Session Control SIP MRCF Traffic Measurement SIP Packet Trans BcN Core Network S. Authentication & Authorization SIP Registration Overlay Media Control Trans Resource/Policy Control Trans Policy Enforcement MGCF Packet Gateway Control Signal Gateway Overlay Media Processing Packet Gateway TMGF Application Session Control Trans Other BcN Other IP MM Network Internet PSTN/ ISTN
Application Service Network Architecture Model (4/4) OSA G/W Open API 를통하여단말의정보요청 Callback 을통한단말정보전달 OSA AS 오버레이망의관리기능 CSCF 와의연동 들의기능을관리 적합한데이터경로설정 각 에게명령전달 Overlay Media Processor 미디어프로세싱기능 오버레이패킷라우팅기능 일반 IP 망과연동기능 오버레이망에동적으로참가및탈퇴 단말수용정보의캐싱과전달 각각다양한종류의미디어변환기능 Overlay Media Processor 단말의수용정보요청 단말정보전달 OMC OMC 내부에단말정보캐싱다른노드가이를요청시제공 미디어데이터와단말정보, 망관리메시지등을전달
Application Service Network An Example of Application Layer s Cache Discovery Discovery 2. Lookup 4. Send Adapted Contents 3. Request Adaptation 2. Cache Query Adaptation Overlay 3. Cache Request 1. Registration 1. Registration 3. Original Content Request Cache Overlay Adaptation Phase Caching Phase Client IP Network 오버레이망관리메시지 OMC 오버레이망관리메시지 Overlay Media Network OMC Contents Server : Node In Caching Phase : Node in Adaptation Phase
Application Service Network An Example of Trans Layer s : Wireless / Satellite Connection WAP G/W manager : Wired Connection mgt0 media media TCP SIP mgt0 media media TCP SIP mgt0 mgt1 mgt2 SIP mgt1 media TCP SIP mgt PC WAP G/W -SW Edge router Connection manager SIP proxy PC
Application Service Network Registration UE GGSN HSS 1. 서비스요청 P-CSCF SLF MRFP Packet Trans OSA G/W CSCF MRFC Pakcet Gateway 3GPP Network 2. Open API 호출 3. 세션등록메시지 OSA AS Session Control Proxy Network Access Manager User Profile Manager 4. 사전등록여부확인 OMC CSCF Overlay Media Controller 오버레이망오버레이망관리관리메시지 QoS Manager MPLS Router 데이터프로세싱 5. 사용자등록 MPLS Router Content Server AA Server OMC Registar MPLS Router BCN Core Network 7. 인증을위한정책참조 6. 사용자인증요청 Overlay Media Processor Session Control Trans
Application Service Network Session Establishment 4. 단말 CC/PP 정보요청 UE GGSN HSS P-CSCF 4. 단말위치정보요청 SLF 2. 세션생성메시지 MRFP Packet Trans OSA G/W CSCF MRFC Pakcet Gateway 3GPP Network 1. Open API 호출 2. 세션생성메시지 OSA AS 4. 단말 CC/PP 정보및위치정보요청 Session Control Proxy Network Access Manager 관리 User Profile Manager OMC CSCF Overlay Media Controller 오버레이망 7. 변환능력에따른 QoS 지원전달 망설정 QoS Manager MPLS Router 3. 프로파일확인 5. 세션정보전달및오버레이네트워크제어메시지 오버레이망관리메시지 데이터프로세싱 8. 전달망의자원예약및패킷전달제어 MPLS Router Content Server AA Server OMC Registar MPLS Router BCN Core Network 6. 오버레이망관리메시지및변환능력리스트요구 Overlay Media Processor Session Control Trans
Application Service Network Data Transfer UE GGSN HSS P-CSCF SLF OSA G/W CSCF 3. Packet Gateway를통해데이터를전달받은후 MRFP MRFP에서데이터를프로세싱한후 GGSN을통해단말에게전달 Packet Trans MRFC Pakcet Gateway 3GPP Network OSA AS Session Control Proxy Network Access Manager User Profile Manager OMC CSCF Overlay Media Controller 오버레이망오버레이망관리관리메시지 QoS Manager MPLS Router 데이터프로세싱 Content Server AA Server OMC 2. 설정된라우팅경로를통하여전달하며중간에서 Overlay Media Processor 를통해오버레이망에서의컨텐츠변환 MPLS Router Registar 1. Contents Server 에서 Packet Trans 으로데이터전송 MPLS Router BCN Core Network Overlay Media Processor Session Control Trans
Summary Service level end-to-end QoS Current : Various heterogeneous underlying physical networks (BcN access networks and BcN core networks) SIP signaling 기반의 IMS(*) + QoS 지원 packet trans functions Interactive voice and message services 기반 Future : A variety of multimedia application services ( 대화형, 분배형, 검색형, 메일형 ) + a variety of terminal equipment capabilities + Various heterogeneous underlying physical networks Application/trans layer 에서 End node intelligence 와더불어 Application service network intelligence (proxy, agent, connection manager, etc) 가요구됨 BcN Core Network 에서 IMS 와 OSA 와의연동을통하여접속망의망상태를고려한최적의데이터경로설정및동적인오버레이망구성 오버레이망에서단말의상태정보와서비스종류에따라최적의프로세싱작업수행 오버레이망을통한다양한멀티미디어응용서비스제공 (TV 방송, 온라인게임, 비디오컨퍼런스.)