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[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~




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Unit1 4-5형식 동사 정리 of를 수반할 수 있는 동사: ask, require 등 ex ask: He asked me the way. He asked the way of me. 4 형식 동사 4형식 문형: S + V + I.O + D.O (V: 수여동사) 4형식


Bellflower* 도라지 꽃 PSA O 0 0 PSA Black Rose* 검은 장미 SO O 0 0 SO Bright Sunshine / Lovely Sunshine 해빛 밝아라 1-2 부


일반동사긍정문 A 일반동사현재형 일반동사는 be동사 (am, are, is) 와조동사 (will, can, may, must ) 를제외한동사로, 주어의동작이나상태를나타낸다. 일반동사의현재형은일상적인활동, 습관, 일반적인사실을나타낸다. 일반동사는현재시제일때주어의인칭에따라


야쿠르트2010 9월재출

CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien

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1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and






Lesson 0 6. 다음대화의내용과일치하는것은어느것입니 까? John: Where's my box? My apples are in the box. Ann: Your box is under the tree. John: Aha, it's here. Thank you. J

< FC1DF315FC1A631C8B85FB4EBBABB2E687770>

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

Unit 1 reading.hwp


Mom: What s he wearing? Child: He is wearing some space clothes. Mom: Yes, he is an astronaut. [Page 8-9] Mom: Where is this? Child: It is a desert. C

슬라이드 1

PowerPoint 프레젠테이션


Unit 17 1 S V O C 2 Subject + Verb + Modifier A bird sings. S V I laugh loudly. S V M A bird sings in the morning. S V M 3 look feel become taste... S + V + Complement + M He is a teacher. S V C The man became a doctor. S V C She was sick last night. S V C M 10 I am Grammar Plus 3

4 Object S + V + Object + M She likes apples. S V O She loves him very much. S V O M 5 S + V + Indirect Object + Direct Object + M I teach them English. S V IO DO She gives the boy a ball. S V IO DO He bought me a computer yesterday. S V IO DO M S + V + IO + DO S + V + DO + + IO give teach send to buy make for ask of She gives the boy a ball. She gives a ball to the boy. He bought me a computer yesterday. He bought a computer for me yesterday. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 6 S + V + O + C + M She makes me happy. S V O C I found the book easy this morning. S V O C M Unit 17 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 12 I am Grammar Plus 3

S V 1 The boy is angry. 2 An old woman opens the door. 3 The greedy man smiles. 4 Edward becomes the king. 5 Sumi reads the book. 6 The man is a doctor. 7 They are very smart. 8 He digs a hole. 9 The girl loses her bag. 10 The young man gives him a camera. dig hole lose Unit 17 13

1 Brian became the leader. 2 I will be a good man. 3 Mr. Jackson is sad. 4 The bread smells good. 5 It tastes sweet. 6 It is sunny. 7 My dog is white and small. 8 My hobby is drawing cartoons. 9 They look tired. 10 Minho is a great student. leader draw cartoon look smell taste hear feel 14 I am Grammar Plus 3

1 Sumi is reading the book. 2 He built the house. 3 The old man buys the vegetable. 4 He painted the people on the island. 5 She plays tennis every day. 6 Amy likes her new school. 7 We watched TV all day yesterday. 8 I am making a card. 9 Could you lend the umbrella to me? 10 Please close the window. vegetable island lend Unit 17 15

1 I / will / you / some food / give 2 him / the young man / gives / the notebook 3 she / me / the letter / sent 4 asks / the teacher / her / a question 5 a flower / the man / bought / me 6 his treasure / the princess / he / gave 7 a shot / the doctor / gives / you 8 Sujin / a card / wrote / her father 9 gives / us / it / useful information 10 lend / us / they / a house treasure shot information 16 I am Grammar Plus 3

V C 1 The man made John very sad. 2 We call him a computer. 3 She made me happy. 4 I found the book easy. 5 The wave made my clothes wet. 6 They call me a walking dictionary. 7 I think the movie touching. 8 The baker made the cake very beautiful. 9 They found the quiz not easy. 10 I try to keep people healthy. find wave dictionary touching baker quiz healthy Unit 17 17

1 John is afraid of dogs. 2 He is reading the newspaper. 3 Her parents live in the U.S. 4 Isabel teaches us English. 5 The dress costs a lot of money. 6 I try to keep people healthy. 7 My mom asks me a few questions. 8 He doesn t eat meat. 9 They make me so angry. 10 Bill and Rose like jazz. afraid newspaper U.S. cost question meat jazz 18 I am Grammar Plus 3

1 The kind man shows her the way. 2 The doctor gives you a shot. 3 The man runs fast. 4 I found the book easy. 5 She is making a card for her mother. 6 That sounds interesting. 7 I think the movie touching. 8 Mr. Brown has a new pet now. 9 The reporter gives useful information to us. 10 My habit is chewing the nails. show way sound interesting pet reporter habit chew nail Unit 17 19

1 They study hard. 2 He will often visit you. 3 He became a famous painter. 4 Tom gives me some rice. 5 They fly high in the sky. 6 He helped the old man wisely. 7 He thought the book so difficult. 8 She went to bed late. 9 We bought her a beautiful dress. 10 They call him Jim. often famous rice wise difficult 20 I am Grammar Plus 3

1 Do you have brothers or sisters? 2 She gets up early in the morning. 3 They thought him kind. 4 He brings the lady s bag. 5 Tom and Jane are so upset. 6 I don t want to send a letter to him. 7 The boy asked some questions of his teacher. 8 We play baseball every Sunday. 9 I am a pilot. 10 Nancy buys her daughter many T-shirts every summer. Unit 17 21

1 My mother buys (me, to me) a computer. 2 They asked a lot of questions (him, of him). 3 She sends a letter (to her father, for her father). 4 John gives (his brother, to his brother) a cap. 5 Mrs. Jackson teaches math (to her students, of her students). 6 Erick gave (Susan, to Susan) a beautiful ring. 7 The man bought some flowers (his wife, for his wife). 8 She made a few cookies (to her son, for her son). 9 The teacher asks (me, of me) a difficult question. 10 Jane makes (her boyfriend, to her boyfriend) a cake. 22 I am Grammar Plus 3

1 They gave him a first prize. 2 We made Amy a big birthday cake. 3 Daniel bought his mom a red scarf. 4 Amy makes her daughter a pair of mitten. 5 He sent his brother some money. 6 She teaches us English. 7 Brian buys his niece a lot of books. 8 Mrs. Peterson gave me a cute puppy. 9 He asked his children a few questions. 10 Mr. Johnson taught us science. prize scarf mitten Unit 17 23

1 The bear is sleeping in the cave. 2 My dad gave me some money yesterday. 3 We will visit our grandparents this weekend. 4 He sends a letter to his parents every week. 5 People call her Jenny. 6 I have an appointment. 7 My hobby is taking photos. 8 John bought me an ice cream. 9 They go jogging every morning. 10 My son became a fireman. weekend appointment go jogging 24 I am Grammar Plus 3

1 Mrs. Johnson teaches his students French. 2 My birthday party will be on Saturday. 3 My younger brother makes me so angry. 4 He speaks English very well. 5 Tom is happy to hear that. 6 The food keeps me healthy. 7 She likes to play the violin. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Brown will go out to eat tonight. 9 Mary gave a big teddy bear to her niece. 10 We will travel in Europe next month. go out to eat keep hear niece travel Unit 17 25