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등록안내 2016 Gwangju International Foot and Ankle Symposium International Invited Speakers Mark Blackney (Australia) Park Clinic Orthopaedics, East Melbourne Chairman of APOA Foot and Ankle section Xiang-yang Xu (China) Prof. Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine President, Shanghai Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society Kwai-ming Siu (Hong Kong) Consultant, Princess Margaret Hospital President, Hong Kong Foot and Ankle Society Tanawat Vaseenon (Thailand) Prof. Chiangmai University Hospital Member of the Orthopaedic Research Society, The Royal College of Orthopedic Surgeons of Thailand Kumar Shantanu Anand (India) Asst. Prof. Orthopaedics at MGM Medical College, Kishan ganj Executive member of APOA Foot and Ankle section Andri Primadhi (Indonesia) Asst. Prof. Padjadjaran Medical School and Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung Executive member of Indonesian Foot and Ankle Society 2016 Gwangju International Foot and Ankle Symposium Rajiv Shah (India) Consultant, Sunshine Global Hospital Past President, Indian Foot and Ankle Society Vice Chairman of APOA Foot and Ankle section Satoru Ozeki (Japan) President, Dokkyo Medical University, Koshigaya Hospital President, Japanese Society for Surgery of the Foot Keen-wai Chong (Singapore) Asst. Prof. Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Vice Chairman, Medical Advisory Board, Gleneagles Hospital Chairperson of AOTrauma Singapore Yeung-jen Chen (Taiwan) Asst. Prof., Chang Gung Memorial Hospital President, Taiwanese Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Mohd Asni Alias (Malaysia) Consultant, Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun Consultant, Orthopaedic Surgeon Foot and Ankle' Subspecialty Executive member of APOA Foot and Ankle section Nurettin Heybeli (Turkey) Prof. Trakya University School of Medicine, Istanbul Executive member of APOA Foot and Ankle section Domestic Invited Speakers 2016 Gwangju International Foot and Ankle Symposium

Day 1 2016. 10. 8 (Sat) 2016 Gwangju International Foot & Ankle Symposium (GIFAS) Current Concepts & Operative Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery ö ö ö


Day 2 2016. 10. 9 (Sun) International Symposium for the 106th Anniversary of Chonnam National University Hospital Current Concepts & Operative Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery