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For example: 행복하다 = happy 행복 = happiness 성공하다 = succeed 성공 = success 말하다 = speak 말 = speech/words 성취하다 = achieve 성취 = achievement 취득하다 = acquire 취득 =

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로

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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>

안부를묻고답하는표현과헤어질때하는인사말을듣고이해할수 있다. 안부를묻고답하는표현과헤어질때하는인사말을말할수있다. A : How are you doing? B : I m doing great. How about you? A : Have a nice day, everyone.


여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장



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I&IRC5 TG_08권

71816 감사해 복음성가 주여 이 죄인이 복음성가 감사함으로 그 문에 복음성가 파송의 노래 복음성가 괴로울 때 주님의 얼굴 보라 복음성가 하나님은 너를 지키시는 자 복음성가 고난의 길 복음성가 73370


CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior




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1-2 영어 천재 ( 이 ) 강의명시간교재코드날짜선생님확인 7 단원 Yuri's New Hobby 6 다운로드 적중예상문제 8 단원 Be a Good Internet User 8 다운로드 단원 Enjoy korean Culture! 7 다운

For example: 행복하다 = happy 행복 = happiness 성공하다 = succeed 성공 = success 말하다 = speak 말 = speech/words 성취하다 = achieve 성취 = achievement 취득하다 = acquire 취득 =




June July August October Decamber. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은? A: Would you like to go to the concert with me? B:. Why not? Sure, I'd love to I'm sorry, I can'

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Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T



300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름

3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

<English On The Go> currently 현재, 지금 sightseeing 관광, 구경 tourism 관광 사업 Lucy / UK 여동생이 현재 방문 중인데, 관광 투어는 너무 비싸기 때문에 자신이 직접 구경 시켜 줄 예정이라고 말하고 있습니다. So I



Output file

Wor d R omanization English C lass 우리이제각자다른사람을찾아보는게어떨까. Uri ije gakja dareun sarameul chajaboneun ge eotteolkka. We should see other people. 대단하다! dae



Grammar Point #1 - Intentional

Grammar Point #1 - I Think I Will

Grammar Point #1 - Even Before You Mentioned It Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Lower Intermediate Lesson I Feel It's A Bit Too Pricey 17 Korean Hang 2 Romanizati 2 English 2 Alternative 3Tr Vocabular 3 Grammar Poin 4 Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Korean Hangul (1) 혜영 야, 근데여기좀비싸지않아? (2) 지훈 응. 비싼감이있지만서비스가좋잖아. (3) 혜영 야. 서비스가밥먹여주냐? (4) 지훈 왜그래! 그냥맛있게먹자. (5) 혜영 그래. 근데맛있기는맛있다. (6) 지훈 그렇지? 비싼감이있어도나는여기가좋아. (7) 혜영 그래, 그럼자주오자! (8) 지훈 진짜? (9) 혜영 응. 많이먹어. (10) 지훈 아, 근데너왜이렇게늦게왔어? 진짜배고파서죽을뻔했어 2 Romanization (1)hyoyeong ya, geunde yeogi jom bissaji ana? (2)jihun eung. bissan gam-i itjiman seobiseu-g (3)hyeyeong ya. seobiseu-ga bab meogyeo junya? (4)jihun wae geurae! geunyang masitge meokja. (5)hyeyoung geurae. geunde masitgi-neun masitda. (6)jihun geureotji? bissan gam-i isseodo naneu (7)hyeyoung geurae, geureom jaju oja! (8)jihun jinjja? (9)hyeyoung eung. mani meogeo. (10)jihuna, geunde neo wae ireoke neutge wasse jugeul ppeon haesseo. English (1)Hyeyoung Hey, but isn't this place kind of exp (2)Jihun Yeah, it seems to be, but the service (3)Hyeyoung Hey, service isn't everything you kno (4)Jihun What's the matter! Let's just enjoy t (5)Hyeyoung Okay. The food really is good. (6)Jihun Isn't it? Even though it seems to be (7)Hyeyoung Okay, then let's come here often! (8)Jihun Really? (9)Hyeyoung Yeah, eat a lot. (10)JihunBy the way, why were you so late? I n LC: 281_LI_L17_102308 - All Rights Reserved 2008-10-23 Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts (1) 혜영 Alternative Transcri 지훈씨, 근데여기좀비싸지않아요? (2) 지훈 네. 비싼감이있지만서비스가좋잖아요. (3) 혜영 지훈씨. 서비스가밥먹어줘요? (4) 지훈 왜그래요! 그냥맛있게먹죠. (5) 혜영 그래요. 근데맛있기는맛있네요. (6) 지훈 그렇죠? 비싼감이있어도저는여기가좋아요. (7) 혜영 그래요, 그럼자주와요! (8) 지훈 진짜요? (9) 혜영 네. 많이드세요. (10) 지훈 아, 근데혜영씨왜이렇게늦게왔어요? 진짜배고파서죽을 했어요. 3 Vocabulary Hangul RomanizationEnglish Synonyms 자주 jaju frequently, often 종종 근데 geunde but, by the way 그런데 늦다 neutda to be late 맛있다 masitda to be delicious 드시다 deusida to eat (honorific) 비싸다 bissada to be expensive 서비스 seobiseu service 그렇지 geureohji right Vocabulary Sample Sent 유라는거짓말을자주해. Yura lies a lot. 근데, 여기가어디죠? By the way, where am I? 다행히안늦었어요. Luckily I wasn't late. 이찌개는맛있어요. This stew is delicious. 과자를드셨어요? Did you have snacks? 골프는너무비싸요. Golf is too expensive. 이음식점은서비스가좋아요. This restaurant's service 그렇지. 그렇게해야해. Right. That's the way you LC: 281_LI_L17_102308 www.kor Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Grammar Points --------------------------------------------- Grammar Point #1 - Kind - of, ㄴ / 은 / To 는감이 Have 있다 a Feeling --------------------------------------------- -ㄴ/ 는감이있다 (n/eun gam-i itda) is the grammar "kind of" in a certain state or to express wh comes from the Chinese character ( 感 ), which m translated like "I feel that it is..." or "I Construction Verb stem + - ㄴ / 은 / 는감이있다 Ex) 비싸다 (bissada - to be expensive) - 비싸 + ㄴ감이있다 = 비싼감이있다 (It is somewhat expensive.) 4 Ex) 이르다 (ireuda - to be early) - 이르 + ㄴ감이있다 = 이른감이있다 (I feel that is is a bit early.) In This Dialog (2) 지훈 : 응. 비싼감이있지만서비스가좋잖아. (2)jihun: eung. bissan gam-i itjiman seobiseu (2)Jihun: Yeah, it seems to be, but the servi (6) 지훈 : 비싼감이있어도나는여기가좋아. (6)jihun: bissan gam-i isseodo naneun yeogi-g (6)Jihun: Even though it seems to be expensiv LC: 281_LI_L17_102308 - All Rights Reserved 2008-10-23 Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts More Examples 1. 영화가좀너무단순한감이있어. [ 단순하다 ] (yeonghwa-ga jom neomu dansunhan gam-i isseo) - This movie is somewhat too simple. 2. 저선생님수업은지겨운감이있어서싫어요. [ 지겹다, 싫다 ] (jeo seonsaengnim sueop-eun jigyeoun gam-i is - That teacher's class is kind of boring so I 3. 좀늦은감이있지만... [ 늦다 ] (jom neujeun gam-i itjiman) - Although I feel that it's a bit late... 4. 이배우는연기력이부족한감이있어요. [ 부족하다 ] (i baeu-neun yeongiryeok-i bujokan gam-i isse - I feel that this actor is lacking some acti 5 5. 바가지쓰는감이있지만, 그냥살래. [ 바가지쓰다, 사다 ] (bagaji sseuneun gam-i itjiaman, geunyang sal - I kind of feel that it's a rip-off, but I'l Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Lower Intermediate Lesson I Almost Got Killed! 18 Korean Hang 2 Romanizati 2 English 2 Alternative 3Tr Vocabular 3 Grammar Poin 4 Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Korean Hangul (1) 지훈 아, 근데너왜이렇게늦게왔어? 진짜배고파서죽을뻔했어 (2) 혜영 사실은... (3) 지훈 사실은뭐? 말해봐. (4) 혜영 사실은나... 오는길에죽을뻔했어. (5) 지훈 뭐라고? 왜?! (6) 혜영 교통사고를당할뻔했어. (7) 지훈 정말? 어디서? (8) 혜영 집앞에서... (9) 지훈 뭐? 자동차가신호를안지켰어? 누구야?! (10) 혜영 아니. 사실은... 내가신호를... 안지켰어... (11) 지훈 뭐? 에휴... 2 Romanization (1)jihun a, geunde neo wae ireoke neutge wasse jugeul ppeon haesseo. (2)hyeyeong sasil-eun... (3)jihun sasil-eun mwo? malhae bwa. (4)hyeyeong sasil-eun na... oneun gil-e jugeul pp (5)jihun mworago? wae?! (6)hyeyeong gyotong sago-reul danghal bbeon haess (7)jihun jeongmal? eodiseo? (8)hyeyoung jib ap-eseo... (9)jihun mwo? jadongcha-ga sinho-reul an jikye (10)hyeyeong ani. sasil-eun... nae-ga sinho-reul.. (11)jihunmwo? ehyu... English (1)Jihun By the way, why were you so late? I r death. (2)Hyeyoung Actually... (3)Jihun Actually what? Tell me. (4)Hyeyoung Actually I almost got killed on the w (5)Jihun What? Why?! (6)Hyeyoung I almost got in a car accident. (7)Jihun Really? Where? (8)Hyeyoung Infront of my house.. (9)Jihun What? Did the car not obey the signal LC: 285_LI_L18_103008 - All Rights Reserved 2008-10-30 Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts (10)Hyeyoung No. Actually... I didn't obey it.. (11)JiHunWhat? Gee... Alternative Transcri (1) 지훈 아, 근데혜영씨왜이렇게늦게왔어요? 진짜배고파서죽을 했어요. (2) 혜영 사실은... (3) 지훈 사실은? 말해봐요. (4) 혜영 사실은저... 오는길에죽을뻔했어요. (5) 지훈 뭐라고요? 왜요?! (6) 혜영 교통사고를당할뻔했어요. (7) 지훈 정말요? 어디서요? (8) 혜영 집앞에서요... (9) 지훈 네? 자동차가신호를안지켰어요? 누구예요?! (10) 혜영 아니요. 사실은... 제가신호를... 안지켰어요... (11) 지훈 네? 에휴... 3 Vocabulary Hangul RomanizationEnglish Synonyms 사실 sasil fact, as a matter 실상, 실제로는 of fact, in fact 죽다 jukda to die 앞 ap front, in front of 신호 sinho signal, traffic light 지키다 jikida to keep (time), to abide by (rules) 교통사고 gyotong sagocar accident Vocabulary Sample Sent 사실... 저는여자입니다. Truthfully... I'm a girl. 꽃이죽었어요. The flower died. 우리집 앞에는은행이있어요. There's a bank in front o 신호를잘보고건너야돼! Look at the traffic light cross the road. 약속지키세요! Keep your promise! 저기큰 길에서교통사고가났어요. There is a car accident o street. LC: 285_LI_L18_103008 www.kor Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Grammar Points --------------------------------------------- Grammar Point #1 - To Almost Do, To Closely E --------------------------------------------- - ㄹ / 을뻔하다 (l/eul ppeon hada) is a grammatical something" or "to closely escape doing someth 거의 (geoui - almost) to give it more emphasis. Construction Verb stem ending in a vowel + ㄹ뻔하다 Ex) 떨어지다 (tteoreojida) - to fall 떨어지 + ㄹ뻔하다 떨어질뻔하다 = to almost fall, to closely escape falling 떨어질뻔했어요. = I almost fell. 4 Verb stem ending in a consonant + 을뻔하다 Ex) 잊다 (itda) - to forget 잊 + 을뻔하다 잊을뻔하다 = to almost forget 잊을뻔했어요. = I almost forgot. In This Dialog (1) 지훈 : 진짜배고파서죽을뻔했어. (1)jihun: jinjja bae gopaseo jugeul ppeon hae (1)Jihun: I really nearly starved to death. (4) 혜영 : 사실은나... 오는길에죽을뻔했어. (4)hyeyeong: sasil-eun na... oneun gil-e juge LC: 285_LI_L18_103008 - All Rights Reserved 2008-10-30 Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts (4)Hyeyoung: Actually I almost got killed on (6) 혜영 : 교통사고를당할뻔했어. (6)hyeyeong: gyotong sago-reul danghal bbeon (6)Hyeyoung: I almost got in a car accident. More Examples 1. 오늘아침에늦을뻔했어. [ 늦다 ] (oneul achim-e neujeul ppeon haesseo) - I was almost late this morning. 2. 저힘들어서쓰러질뻔했어요. [ 힘들다, 쓰러지다 ] (jeo himdeureoseo sseureojil ppeon haesseoyo) - I was so tired that I almost collapsed. 3. 너무슬퍼서울뻔했어요. [ 슬프다, 울다 ] (neomu seulpeoseo ul ppeon haesseoyo) - I was so sad that I almost cried. 5 4. 너무많이먹어서토할뻔했어. [ 먹다, 토하다 ] (neomu mani meogeoseo tohal ppeon haesseo) - I ate too much so I almost threw up. 5. 놀라서소리지를뻔했어요. [ 놀라다, 소리지르다 ] (nollaseo sorijireul ppeon haesseoyo) - I was surprised and I almost screamed. Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Lower Intermediate Lesson Give Me Something Nice 19 Korean Hang 2 Romanizati 2 English 2 Alternative 3Tr Vocabular 3 Grammar Poin 4 Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Korean Hangul (1) 점원 어서오세요. 뭐찾으세요? (2) 아빠 우리딸이가방을사달라고해서요. (3) 점원 아, 어떤가방을찾으세요? (4) 아빠 아... 학생이니까책가방으로좀보여주세요. (5) 점원 아, 네, 손님. 요즘이책가방이유행이에요. 어떠세요? (6) 아빠 예쁘네요. 딸이예쁜가방으로사달라고했는데... (7) 점원 그럼이거좋아할거예요. (8) 아빠 네, 그럼이거하나주세요. (9) 점원 네, 감사합니다. (10) 아빠 ( 집에와서 ) 딸! 아빠가가방사왔다! (11) 딸 아빠. 지금장난이죠? 제가핸드백사달라고했잖아요! Romanization 2 (1)jeomwon eoseooseyo. mwo chajeuseyo? (2)appa uri ttal-i gabang-eul sadallago haese (3)jeomwon a, eotteon gabang-eul chajeuseyo? (4)appa a... haksaeng-inikka chaekgabang-euro (5)jeomwon a, ne, sonnim. yojeum i chaekgabang-i eotteoseyo? (6)appa yeppeunuyo. ttal-i ippeun gabang-euro (7)jeomwon geureom igeo joahal geoyeyo. (8)appa ne, geureom igeo hana juseyo. (9)jeomwon ne, gamsahamnida. (jibe waseo) (10)appa ttal! appaga gabang sa watda! (11)ttal appa. jigeum jangnan-ijyo? jega haend haetjanhayo! English LC: 289_LI_L19_110608 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts (1)Clerk Welcome. Are you looking for anything (2)FatherMy daughter wants me to buy her a bag (3)Clerk Ah, what kind of bag are you looking (4)FatherOh Since she's a student, show me som (5)Clerk Yes, sir. This bag is very popular th (6)FatherIt's pretty. My daughter wanted a pre (7)Clerk Then she'll like this one. (8)FatherOk, then I'll take it. (9)Clerk Yes, thank you. (10)Father (At home) I got a bag for you, my dau (11)Daughter Dad, are you joking? I told you to ge Alternative Transcri 3 (1) 점원 어서와. 뭐찾아? (2) 아빠 우리딸이가방을사달라고해서. (3) 점원 아, 어떤가방찾아? (4) 아빠 아... 학생이니까책가방으로좀보여줘. (5) 점원 아, 응. 요즘이책가방이유행이야. 어때? (6) 아빠 예쁘네. 딸이예쁜가방으로사달라고했는데... (7) 점원 그럼이거좋아할거야. (8) 아빠 응, 그럼이거하나줘. (9) 점원 응, 고마워. (10) 아빠 ( 집에와서 ) 딸! 아빠가가방사왔다! (11) 딸 아빠. 지금장난이지? 내가핸드백사달라고했잖아! Vocabulary Hangul RomanizationEnglish Synonyms 장난 jangnan practical joke, teasing 찾다 chatda to search for, to look for 유행 yuhaeng trend, fashion 어떤 eotteon what kind of무슨 손님 sonnim customer, guest 요즘 yojeum these days, currently 최근 책가방 chaekgabang backpack LC: 289_LI_L19_110608 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Vocabulary Sample Sent 장난하지마! Don't fool around. 뭐찾으세요? What are you looking for? 요즘은이게유행이예요. This is the trend right n 어떤책을좋아하세요? What kind of book do you 오늘은가게에손님이많아요. We have a lot of customer 요즘뭐 해? What are you doing these 책가방에 책이없네요. There is no book in your Grammar Points 4 --------------------------------------------- Grammar Point #1 - To Ask Someone -아/ 어 / 여달라고 To Do 하다 Some --------------------------------------------- -아/ 어 / 여달라고하다 (a/eo/yeo dallago hada) is a gr ask someone to do something." 달라고 can be chan 주다 (juda to give ), but 달라고 is more common form on its own and must be used with -고, the form a sentence. The mood, tense and voice ar Here, 하다 means to say, so it can be replace (yaegihada to talk ), 요청하다 (yocheonghada demand ). Construction Verb Stem + - 아 / 어 / 여달라고하다 * If you want to go back and study more about Beginner Season 1 Lesson 25, or check out the In This Dialog (2) 아빠 : 우리딸이가방을사달라고해서요. (2)appa: uri ttal-i gabang-eul sadallago haes (2)Father: My daughter wants me to buy her a (6) 아빠 : 딸이예쁜가방으로사달라고했는데... (6)appa: ttal-i ippeun gabang-euro sadallago (6)Father: My daughter wanted a pretty bag... More Examples 1. 남동생이자꾸놀아달라고해요. [ 놀다 ] (namdongsaeng-i ja - My younger brother keeps asking me to play LC: 289_LI_L19_110608 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts 5 2. 엄마아빠가성적표보여달라고하셨어요. [ 보이다 ] (eomma appadallago hasyeosseoyo) - My parents asked me to show them my report 3. 민경씨가전화해달라고했어요. [ 전화하다 ] (mingyeong ssi-g haesseoyo) - Mingyeong wants you to call her back. 4. 비한테안아달라고할거예요. [ 안다 ] (bi-hante ana dalla - I will ask Rain to hug me. 5. 친구한테숙제도와달라고했어. [ 돕다 ] (chingu-hante sukj - I asked my friend to help me with my homewo --------------------------------------------- Grammar Point #2 - -( Selection 으 ) 로 Particle - --------------------------------------------- -( 으 ) 로 (-(eu)ro) is a particle that indicates marker in many cases, but since this particle represent directions, even when it is used as leaning toward a choice. Therefore, -( 으 ) 로 h always replace -을/ 를. -( 으 ) 로 is used and transl specifies the characteristics of the aforemen Construction Nouns ending in a vowel + -로 Ex) 피자 + -로 = 피자로 Nouns ending in a consonant + -으로 Ex) 빨간색 + -으로 = 빨간색으로 In This Dialog (4) 아빠 : 아... 학생이니까책가방으로좀보여주세요. (4)appa: a... haksaeng-inikka chaekgabang-eur (4)Father: Oh... Since she's a student, show (6) 아빠 : 예쁘네요. 딸이예쁜가방으로사달라고했는데... (6)appa: yeppeunuyo. ttal-i ippeun gabang-eur (6)Father: It's pretty. My daughter wanted a remember -( 으 ) 로 has several usages, like many other par usages of the particle -( 으 ) 로 : 1. 방향 (direction) - ex) 바다 (sea) + 로 = 바다로 (to the sea) - ex) 집 (house) + 으로 = 집으로 (to the house) 2. 재료 (material) - ex) 나무 (wood) + 로 = 나무로 (out of wood) - ex) 금 (gold) + 으로 = 금으로 (in gold) 3. 수단 (means) LC: 289_LI_L19_110608 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts - ex) 자동차 (car) + 로 = 자동차로 (by car) - ex) 창문 (window) + 으로 = 창문으로 (through the win More Examples 1. 오늘저녁은피자로먹자. [ 먹다 ] (oneul jeonyeok-eun pi - Let's have pizza for dinner tonight. 2. 여기에서제일맛있는것으로주세요. [ 주다 ] (yeogi-eseo jeil - Please give me the most delicious one here. 3. 빨간색으로보여주세요. [ 보이다 ] (ppalgan saek-euro boy - Please show me a red one. 4. 더큰것으로가지고오세요. [ 가지고오다 ] (deo keun geos-e - Please bring something bigger. 5. 새책으로사세요. [ 사다 ] (sae chaek-euro saseyo) - Please buy a new book. 6 LC: 289_LI_L19_110608 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Lower Intermediate Lesson How About Me Instead? 20 Korean Hang 2 Romanizati 2 English 2 Alternative 3Tr Vocabular 3 Grammar Poin 4 Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Korean Hangul (1) 아빠 딸! 아빠가가방사왔다! (2) 딸 아빠. 지금장난이죠? 제가핸드백사달라고했잖아요! (3) 아빠 어? 어... 핸드백대신에이거쓰면안돼? (4) 딸 이건너무크잖아요. (5) 아빠 에이. 손으로들고다니면핸드백이지. (6) 딸 하하하. 아빠! 그게뭐예요!! (7) 아빠 핸드백사주는대신에아빠가맛있는거사줄게. 나가자. (8) 딸 그래도고마워요, 아빠. (9) 아빠 근데, 너이리와봐. (10) 딸 네, 왜요? (11) 아빠 너이마가왜그래? 다쳤어? (12) 딸 아... Romanization 2 (1)appa ddal! appa-ga gabang sa watda! (2)ddal appa, jigeum jangnan-ijyo? jega haend haetjanhayo! (3)appa eo? eo... haendeubaek daesin-e igeo s (4)ddal igeon neomu keujanhayo. (5)appa ei. son-euro deulgo danimyeon haendeu (6)ddal hahaha. appa! geuge mwo-yeyo! (7)appa haendeubaek sa juneun daesin-e appa-g julge. nagaja. (8)ddal geuraedo gomawoyo, appa. (9)appa geunde, neo iri wa bwa. (10)ddal ne, waeyo? (11)appa neo ima-ga wae geurae? dacheosseo? (12)ddal a... English (1)FatherI got a bag for you, my daughter! LC: 293_LI_L20_111308 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts (2)Daughter Dad, are you joking? I told you to ge (3)FatherHuh? Uh... Can't you use this one in (4)Daughter It's too big. (5)FatherCome on, if you carry it with your ha (6)Daughter Hahaha. Dad! What on earth!! (7)FatherDaddy will buy you something nice to (8)Daughter Thanks anyway, Dad. (9)FatherBut wait, come over here. (10)Daughter Okay, why? (11)Father What's with your forehead? Did you ge (12)Daughter Oh... Alternative Transcri 3 (1) 아빠 딸! 아빠가가방사왔다! (2) 딸 아빠. 지금장난이지? 내가핸드백사달라고했잖아! (3) 아빠 어? 어... 핸드백대신에이거쓰면안돼? (4) 딸 이건너무크잖아. (5) 아빠 에이. 손으로들고다니면핸드백이지. (6) 딸 하하하. 아빠! 그게뭐야!! (7) 아빠 핸드백사주는대신에아빠가맛있는거사줄게. 나가자. (8) 딸 그래도고마워, 아빠. (9) 아빠 근데, 너이리와봐. (10) 딸 응, 왜? (11) 아빠 너이마가왜그래? 다쳤어? (12) 딸 아... Vocabulary Hangul RomanizationEnglish Synonyms 가방 gabang bag 지금 jigeum now 현재 장난 jangnan practical joke, teasing 핸드백 haendeubaek handbag 대신 daesin instead (of), in lieu of 쓰다 sseuda to use 너무 neomu too, too much, 아주, 지나치게 extremely LC: 293_LI_L20_111308 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts 크다 keuda to be big 손 son hand 들다 deulda to hold (in one's hands) 다니다 danida to go to and from 맛있다 masitda to be delicious 나가다 nagada to go out, to go outside 이리 iri (to) here, (over) here 이마 ima forehead 다치다 dachida to get hurt, to get injured Vocabulary Sample Sent 4 새가방을샀어요. I bought a new bag. 지금공부해요. I'm studying now. 장난하지마! Don't fool around. 이핸드백너무비싸요. This handbag is too expen 내대신 가줄래? Can you go in my place? 누가쓸 거예요? Who's going to use it? 거실이너무좁아요. The living room is too s 공부는너무어려워요. Studying is too difficul 제머리는커요. My head is big. 손좀줘봐. Give me your hand. 이것좀 들고있으세요. Hold on to this for a whi 그런옷 입고다니지마. Don't walk around wearing 이찌개는맛있어요. This stew is delicious. 먼저나가세요. Please go outside first. 그신문 이리줘. Pass the newspaper over h 이마가정말넓네요. You have a very wide fore 손을다쳤어요. I got my hand injured. Grammar Points --------------------------------------------- Grammar Point #1 - Instead Of, In Return Fo --------------------------------------------- LC: 293_LI_L20_111308 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts 대신에 (daesin-e) is the grammatical structure t Korean. Like in English, instead of can be verb comes before 대신에, the verb is conjugated 5 대신 's Chinese characters, 代身, mean replace + means a replacement or a substitute. Construction - Nouns + 대신에 - Verbs + ㄴ / 은 / 는대신에 Nouns + 대신에 Ex) 나 + 대신에 = 나대신에 (instead of me) Ex) 이것 + 대신에 = 이것대신에 (instead of this) Verbs + - ㄴ / 은 / 는대신에 Ex) 학교에가다 + 대신에 = 학교에가는대신에 (instead of going to school / in In This Dialog (3) 아빠 : 핸드백대신에이거쓰면안돼? (3)appa: haendeubaek daesin-e igeo sseumyeon (3)Father: Can't you use this one instead? (7) 아빠 : 핸드백사주는대신에아빠가맛있는거사줄게. (7)appa:haendeubaek sa juneun daesin-e appa-g (7)Father: Daddy will buy you something nice remember You can drop 에 and just say 대신, too. More Examples 1. 밥대신라면먹었어요. [ 먹다 ] (bap daesin ramyeon meogeosseoyo) - I ate ramyeon instead of rice. 2. 나대신니가갈래? [ 가다 ] (na daesin ni-ga gallae?) - Do you want to go in my place? 3. 니숙제도와주는대신, 너는내방청소해. [ 도와주다, 청소하다 ] (ni sukje dowajuneun daesin, neo-neun nae ban - I'll help with your homework so, in return, 4. 감자대신에고구마를샀어요. [ 사다 ] (gamja daesin-e goguma-reul sasseoyo) - I bought sweet potatoes instead of potatoes 5. 약을먹는대신에잠을잤어요. [ 먹다, 자다 ] (yag-eu meogneun daesin-e jam-eul jasseoyo) - I slept instead of taking medicine. LC: 293_LI_L20_111308 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts 6 LC: 293_LI_L20_111308 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Lower Intermediate Lesson How Did That Happen? 21 Korean Hang 2 Romanizati 2 English 2 Alternative 3Tr Vocabular 3 Grammar Poin 4 Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Korean Hangul (1) 아빠 너이마가왜그래? 다쳤어? (2) 딸 아... 아니에요. 그냥조금다쳤어요. (3) 아빠 왜그래? 뭐하다가다쳤어? (4) 딸 네? 아... 오토바이타다가... (5) 아빠 오... 오토바이?! (6) 딸 네. 달리다가넘어졌어요. 경찰차가쫓아오잖아요. (7) 아빠 뭐라고? 경찰차? 오토바이? 달려? (8) 딸 괜찮아요. 그래도많이안다쳤어요. (9) 아빠 그래서, 경찰은? (10) 딸 경찰은쫓아오다가멈췄어요. 다른일이생겼나봐요. (11) 아빠 그래... Romanization 2 (10)ddal gyeongchal-eun jjochaodaga meomchwess (1)appa neo ima-ga wae geurae? dacheosseo? (2)ddal a... anieyo. geunyang jogeum dacheoss (3)appa wae geurae? mwo hadaga dacheosseo? (4)ddal ne? a... otobai tadaga... (5)appa o... otobai?! (6)ddal ne. dallidaga neomeojeosseoyo. gyeong ojanhayo. (7)appa mworago? gyeongchalcha? otobai? dally (8)ddal gwanchanhayo. geuraedo manhi an dache (9)appa geuraeseo. gyeongchal-eun? saenggyeotna bwayo. (11)appa geurae... English (1)FatherWhat's with your forehead? Did you ge (2)Daughter Oh... no. It's only a little scratch. (3)FatherWhat happened? What did you do to get LC: 297_LI_L21_112008 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts (4)Daughter Huh? Oh I was just riding a motorcyc (5)FatherMo..Motorcycle?! (6)Daughter Yup. I was speeding, and I fell. The (7)FatherWhat? Police? Motorcycle? Speed? (8)Daughter It's all right. I didn't get hurt bad (9)FatherSo, what about the police? (10)Daughter They were after me but stopped. I thi to go. (11)Father I see... Alternative Transcri 3 (1) 아빠 너이마가왜그래? 다쳤어? (2) 딸 아... 아니. 그냥조금다쳤어. (3) 아빠 왜그래? 뭐하다가다쳤어? (4) 딸 응? 아... 오토바이타다가... (5) 아빠 오... 오토바이?! (6) 딸 응. 달리다가넘어졌어. 경찰차가쫓아오잖아. (7) 아빠 뭐라고? 경찰차? 오토바이? 달려? (8) 딸 괜찮아. 그래도많이안다쳤어. (9) 아빠 그래서, 경찰은? (10) 딸 경찰은쫓아오다가멈췄어. 다른일이생겼나봐. (11) 아빠 그래... Vocabulary Hangul RomanizationEnglish Synonyms 이마 ima forehead 다치다 dachida to get hurt, to get injured 그냥 geunyang just 조금 jogeum a little bit, 좀a bit 오토바이 otobai motorcycle 타다 tada to ride 달리다 dallida to run 뛰다 넘어지다 neomeojida to fall down 쓰러지다 경찰차 gyeongchalcha police car 쫓다 jjotda to follow, to chase LC: 297_LI_L21_112008 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts 경찰 gyeongchal police 멈추다 meomchuda to stop, to cease 생기다 saenggidato come into existence Vocabulary Sample Sent 이마가정말넓네요. You have a very wide fore 손을다쳤어요. I got my hand injured. 그냥다 버려. Just throw away everythin 조금더 주세요. Give me a little more. 오토바이로가는것이더빠를거야. Going by motorcycle will 택시에탄다음에전화주세요. Give me a call after you 오늘달렸어요. I ran today. 넘어지지 않게조심하세요. Please be careful not to 저기경찰차가와요! A police car is coming ov 쫓아오지 마세요. Stop following me. 경찰에잡혔어요. I got caught by the polic 컴퓨터가 멈췄어요. My computer crashed. 문제가하나생겼어요. There's a problem. 4 Grammar Points --------------------------------------------- Grammar Point #1 - While - --ing, 다가 I Was -ing Whe --------------------------------------------- - 다가 (daga) is the grammatical structure that This structure shows what kind of action was happened, and it often has the nuance of the ----------------------------- Construction ----------------------------- Verb stem + - 다가 Ex) 걷다 (to walk) = 걷 + 다가 = 걷다가 (while walkin LC: 297_LI_L21_112008 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts Ex) 자다 (to sleep) = 자 + 다가 = 자다가 (while sleep ----------------------------- In This Dialog ----------------------------- (3) 아빠 : 뭐하다가다쳤어? (3)appa: mwo hadaga dacheosseo? (3)Father: What did you do to get hurt? (4) 딸 : 오토바이타다가... (4)ddal: otobai tadaga... (4)Daughter: I was just riding a motorcycle.. (6) 딸 : 달리다가넘어졌어요. (6)ddal: ne. dallidaga neomeojeosseoyo. (6)Daughter: Yup. I was speeding and I fell. (10) 딸 : 경찰은쫓아오다가멈췄어요. (10)ddal: gyeongchal-eun jjochaodaga (10)Daughter: They were after me but meomchwe stopped. 5 --------------------------- More Examples --------------------------- 1. 자다가일어났어요. [ 자다, 일어나다 ] (jadaga ireonasseoyo - I was asleep and I got up. 2. 밥먹다가전화를받았어요. [ 먹다, 받다 ] (bap meokdaga jeo - I got a phone call while I was eating. 3. 공부하다가잠들었어요. [ 공부하다, 잠들다 ] (gongbuhadaga jam - I was studying and I felt asleep. 4. 울다가웃다가했어요. [ 울다, 웃다 ] (uldaga utdaga haess - They kept crying and laughing repeatedly. 5. 뭐하다가잃어버렸어? [ 하다, 잃어버리다 ] (mwo hadaga ireob LC: 297_LI_L21_112008 - All Rights Learn Korean with FREE Podcasts - What were you doing when you lost it? ---------------------- remember ---------------------- - 하다가 is often just used as - 하다 6 LC: 297_LI_L21_112008 - All Rights