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Abstract The Internalization of ISO14000 in Korea and the Role of Government Jin Sil Park Department of International Relations The Graduate School Seoul National University This thesis focuses on the process of acceptance and internalization of ISO14000 in Korea. ISO14000, which is published by International Organization for Standardization(ISO), is a voluntary and non-governmental standard. It aims to achieve sustainable development and to harmonize different regional environmental standards for making universal environmental standard. ISO14000 inherently has two different norms: sustainable development and free-trade. The Korean government has legitimated ISO14000 through Conversion to an Environmental-friendly Industry Structure Act', that presented as application in systems and policies. Corporations in Korea also have certificated ISO14001 which is a representative standard of the ISO14000 series actively. One of the main cause in which affected the Korean Government in accepting a non-governmental standard ISO14000 was the relevance to the export industry. Korea's high dependance on international trade is closely - 118 -
connected with its economic growth. So, the government's leading acceptance of ISO14000 is based on profit interest. Korean government concentrates on framing ISO14000 based on international trade aspects regarding free-trade norm rather than sustainable development, during the process of standard internalization. Although the consideration of the environment differs by government, common concerns are centered on competition in export and trade. In Korea, ISO14000 is more applied as a standard required between foreign countries resulting in framing for overcoming trade barriers, than a environmental regulation. The free-trade norm is accordance with Korean preexisting norm, Developmentalism so it is easier to frame ISO14000 as a trade norm for government. To identify certification tendencies of companies that have actually established environmental management systems, trade companies tend to be more certified. This is due to the weight on trade policies which the government coincides with. Companies acquire and maintain certifications on basis of profits in procuring foreign markets. The diffusion of environmental management system certification in Korean industries proceed from major to middle-sized and small business, export enterprises to domestic firms. Despite government policies emphasized on export and trade and corporation activity based solely based on interests, this has fueled expansion of domestic diffusion. It suggests that local agent work on role playing affect internalization of Environmental management standard norm. Keywords : ISO14000, Environmental Management, Framing, Norm Internationalization, EMS, International Standard. Student Number: 2010-20087 - 119 -