45, 29 39 (208) Korean J. Poult. Sci. Vol.45, No., 29 39 (208) https://doi.org/0.5536/kjps.208.45..29 29 2 Dicky Tri Utama Effect of Liquid Smoke and Curing Mixture on Quality Characteristics of Chuncheon Dakgalbi during Storage Hae Seong Jeong, Ki Ho Baek 2, Dicky Tri Utama, Jun Tae Kim and Sung Ki Lee Animal Products and Food Science Program, College of Animal Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 2434, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea ABSTRACT The goal of the present work was to determine the optimal addition amounts of liquid smoke and curing mixture to develop Chuncheon Dakgalbi with improved preference and shelf-life. In the first experiment, Chuncheon Dakgalbi was prepared with different amounts of liquid smoke. In the second experiment Chuncheon Dakgalbi was prepared with various amounts of curing mixture and 0.% (w/w) liquid smoke. Different amounts of liquid smoke resulted in different aroma patterns, which were observed using an electronic nose, and Dakgalbi with 0.% (w/w) liquid smoke had the highest score in overall acceptability. The addition of liquid smoke and curing mixture inhibited the growth of bacteria, slowed down the decline in ph, and delayed increased in volatile basic nitrogen contents and lipid oxidation. However, no clear effects were observed on instrumental color. From a consumer preference test, the highest preference score was achieved by added 0.2% (w/w) curing mixture. Liquid smoke and curing mixture extended shelf-life and improved preference of Chuncheon Dakgalbi. Considering the physicochemical, microbiological and consumer preference, it was recommended to add 0.% (w/w) liquid smoke and 0.2% (w/w) curing mixture to Chuncheon Dakgalbi to enhance shelf-life and preference. (Key words: Chunchen Dakgalbi, shelf-life, consumer preference, liquid smoke, curing mixture),. HMR(Home Meal Replacement) (Lee et al., 205). HMR. 2,,.,,,,,, (liquid smoke) (wood vinegar) (Kim et al., 998). Seo et al.(2000), Jeong and Shim(2002). Kim et al.(99), Gheisari et al.(207) Escherichia coli O57:H7 Listeria monocytogenes Escherichia coli O57:H7 Listeria monocytogenes. To whom correspondence should be addressed : skilee@kangwon.ac.kr
30 :.,.. ph,,.,, ph values, (Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances; TBARS), (Volatile Basic Nitrogen; VBN),,.. 30 (Ross broilers) (Mireuchuksan Corp., Gyeonggi, Korea) 2 2. 3.3%, 6%, 3.4%, 6%, 0.7%, 6.4%, 6.3%, 20%, 7%, 0.2%, 6%, 3.7%, L-.0% 5. (Hickory smoke oil RS-30, ES Food Co. Ltd, Gyeonggi, Korea) 5.0% 95.0% 0.2%. (Taewon Food Industry Co. Ltd, Gyeonggi, Korea) 93.%, 5.9%,.0%. 0.05%, 0.0%, 0.20% 30% Control, S-0.05( 0.05%), S-0.0( 0.0%), Table. Ingredient of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke Ingredient (%) Control S-0.05 S-0.0 S-0.20 Meat 2 00 00 00 00 Total 00 00 00 00 Dried red pepper powder 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 Minced onion. Minced garlic. Minced ginger. Soy sauce 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Milk. Curry powder 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Refined sugar 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 Soju 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Ground black pepper 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 Starch syrup 4. 4. 4. 4. Ketchup. Monosodium glutamate 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Liquid smoke 3 0.00 0.05 0.0 0.20 Control: no liquid smoke, S-0.05: added 0.05% liquid smoke, S-0.0: added 0.0% liquid smoke, S-0.20: added 0.20% liquid smoke. 2 Meat: deboned drumette of 30-day-old Ross broiler. 3 Liquid smoke: smoke extract 5% and soybean oil 95%. S-0.20( 0.20%), Table. 50 (Convotherm 4 easydial 20.20 GS, Eglfing, Germany) 5. 5 0 220 g Polyethylene (Jinwoong Chemical, Gyeonggi, Korea) (IV-2000, Incoin Tech, Gyeonggi, Korea). 8. 24 ph values, 48.
Jeong et al. : Effect of Liquid Smoke and Curing Mixture on Quality of Chuncheon Dakgalbi 3 30%, 0.%, 0.2% 0.3% 0. 2 3 (Convotherm 4 easydial 20.20 GS) 50 5. 5 0 220 g (Jinwoong Chemical) (IV-2000). Control, S( 0.%), SC-0.2( 0.% + 0.2%), SC-0.3( 0.% + 0.3%), Table 2. 8. ph values,, TBARS, VBN, 0, 7, 4, 2, 28, 33, 47 56,. 30 3 56, 3. ph values, TBARS, VBN, 3. 3 CIE L*(lightness), a*(redness), b*(yellowness) (CR-400, Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc., Japan) 4 5. calibrate plate(2 observer) illuminant C Y=93.6, x=0.334, y=0.394. ph 3 2. 5 g 45 ml homogenizer(ph9, SMT Co., Ltd., Japan) 2,000 rpm ph meter(seveneasy ph, Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Switzerland). 4 2. g vial PTFE/rubber septa autosampler(hs00, Alpha MOS, Toulouse, France) 60 Table 2. Ingredient of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke and curing mixture Ingredient (%) Control S SC-0.2 SC-0.3 Meat 2 00 00 00 00 Total 00 00 00 00 Dried red pepper powder 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 Minced onion. Minced garlic. Minced ginger. Soy sauce 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Milk. Curry powder 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Refined sugar 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 Soju 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Ground black pepper 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 Starch syrup 4. 4. 4. 4. Ketchup. Monosodium glutamate 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Liquid smoke 3 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 Curing mixture 4 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.30 Control: no additive, S: added 0.0% liquid smoke, SC-0.2: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.20% curing mixture, SC-0.3: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.30% curing mixture. 2 Meat: deboned drumette of 30-day-old Ross broiler. 3 Liquid smoke: smoke extract 5% and soybean oil 95%. 4 Curing mixture: sodium chloride 93.%, sodium nitrite 5.9% and sodium carbonate.0%. 500 rpm 0, headspace auto sampler syringe(45 ) 2.5 ml 2 metal oxide injector (carrier gas flow rate air 50mL/min). principal component analysis(pca, Alpha soft version 8.0 software, Alpha MOS, Toulouse, France). 2 MOS(Metal Oxide Sensor) SY/LG, SY/G, SY/AA, SY/Gh, SY/gCT, SY/gCT, T30/, P0/, P0/2, P40/, T70/2 PA2, SY, T P Table 4. SY/LG P40/ fluoride chloride, SY/G,
32 : SY/Gh, SY/gCT ammonia sulphur, SY/AA, PA2 T30/ Organic solvents, SY/gCT, P0/ P0/2 nonpolar volatiles, T70/2 (Anonymous, 200). 3 2, TBARS(2-Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances) (Sinnhuber and Yu, 977).. 0.5 g antioxidant(54% propyleneglycol + 40% Tween 20 + 3% BHT + 3% BHA) 3, TBA solution(% TBA + 0.3% NaOH) 3 ml 5. TCA solution(2.5% TCA + 3.6 mm HCl) 7 ml, 00 water bath(ob-25e, Jeio Tech, Korea) 30 0. 5 ml 0 ml glass tube, chloroform 3 ml 4 3,500 rpm 30 (CS-6R Centrifuge, Beckman Instruments Inc., USA), 3 ml 4.5 ml 532 nm (UC-mini-240, Shimadzu, Japan). kg mg MA(malonaldehyde), blank. (Volatile Basic Nitrogen; VBN) 3 2, Conway (Kohsaka, 975).. 5 g 5% TCA 20 ml Homogenizer(Ultra Turrax T25 basic, Ika Werke Gmbh & Co., Germany) 3,500 rpm 60. Filter paper No.(Whatman International Ltd, UK). Conway s borate butter ml Conway dish, 50% K 2 CO 3 ml K 2 CO 3. 37 40, 0.02N H 2 SO 4 mg%. (206) 3 2. 0 g 0.% peptone 90 ml (Whirl-pak blender bag, Nasco International, USA), stomacher(laboratoryblender400, Seward, England) normal speed. 0 ml petri dish 45 (Plate count Agar, Difco, USA) 5 ml,. 37 24±2.. (206) 3 2. ml petri dish 50 VRBA(Violet Red Bile Agar, Difco, USA) 5 ml, petri dish. 37 24±2.. 0, (color), (taste), (aroma), (salinity), (overall acceptability). 2. 9,., (Intensity). (MS23F30- TAW, 00W, Samsung, Gyeonggi, Korea),. Agricolae(R-version 3. 2. 0) ANOVA (The R-foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria), Duncan s multiple range test 5%.
Jeong et al. : Effect of Liquid Smoke and Curing Mixture on Quality of Chuncheon Dakgalbi 33 ph Table 3. ph 6.0 6.2 Control ph 6.06 (P<0.05), ph.,,. Table 4. (Sensor sensitivity), Table 3. Instrumental color and ph values of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke Parameters Control S-0.05 S-0.0 S-0.20 ph 6.06±0.0 b 6.2±0.06 a 6.±0.02 a 6.0±0.0 a CIE L* (Lightness) CIE a* (Redness) CIE b* (Yellowness) 46.±2.48 45.4±4.32 45.3±2.59 45.0±4.78 22.±2.03 23.4±2.6 22.5±2.5 2.7±.82 3.3±3.44 3.5±3.86 30.5±4.55 29.7±4.27 Control: no liquid smoke, S-0.05: added 0.05% liquid smoke, S-0.0: added 0.0% liquid smoke, S-0.20: added 0.20% liquid smoke. a,b Means in the same row with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). Table 4. Changes of sensors sensitivity (dr/r0 ) Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke Sensor Treatments 2 Number Model 3 Control S-0.05 S-0.0 S-0.20 SY/LG 0 0 0 0 2 SY/G 0.002±0.0003 a 0.008±0.0005 ab 0.0023±0.0002 b 0.00220±0.0005 b 3 SY/AA 0.0022±0.0003 a 0.0034±0.0007 b 0.0032±0.0003 b 0.00320±0.0006 b 4 SY/Gh 0.0037±0.0003 ab 0.0045±0.0008 b 0.004±0.0005 ab 0.00340±0.0007 a 5 SY/gCT 0.0024±0.0005 0.0024±0.000 0.0023±0.0005 0.00250±0.0007 6 SY/gCT 0.003±0.0002 a 0.0024±0.0006 b 0.0026±0.0003 b 0.00270±0.0004 b 7 T30/ 0.80±0.04 b 0.274±0.0047 b 0.293±0.0023 b 0.400±0.0069 a 8 P0/ 0.0576±0.0073 c 0.0669±0.0033 b 0.07±0.008 b 0.0803±0.0043 a 9 P0/2 0.0723±0.0087 c 0.0829±0.0040 b 0.0878±0.008 b 0.09860±0.0053 a 0 P40/ 0.0633±0.0087 c 0.0758±0.0040 b 0.0820±0.0022 b 0.0940±0.0053 a T70/2 0.0795±0.008 c 0.0876±0.0039 b 0.0903±0.006 b 0.09960±0.0052 a 2 PA2 0.68±0.059 c 0.770±0.0068 bc 0.820±0.0032 b 0.20000±0.0095 a All values are mean±s.d. (n=4). dr/r0: Value of the sensors in relative resistance change. dr/ R0 = (R0 R)/ R0. R0: resistance at t = 0 (baseline resistance). R: resistance at selected time. 2 Control: no liquid smoke, S-0.05: added 0.05% liquid smoke, S-0.0: added 0.0% liquid smoke, S-0.20: added 0.20% liquid smoke. 3 SY: a sensor which incorporates a thick film material deposited on interdigitated electrodes on a alumina substrate with the platinum alloy thick heater, T: a conventional sensor using a high quality alumina tube gold printed electrodes connecting gold alloy wires and reliable iron chrome alloy heater, P: a plane type of sensors using thick film technology on a small and thin alumina substrate. a~c Means in the same row with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05).
34 :. 7 2 (P<0.05), 2, 3, 6.,. Fig.. (discrimination index),, (Anonymous, 2002). 78, Control,.., Kim et al.(2004),,. Table 5.,,,,, (P<0.05).,. 0.0%. Table 6.,,,. 4 Fig.. Principal component analysis (PCA) of aroma pattern of Chuncheon Dakgalbi with different amounts of liquid smoke. Control: no liquid smoke, S-0.05: added 0.05% liquid smoke, S-0.0: added 0.0% liquid smoke, S-0.20: added 0.20% liquid smoke. Table 5. Consumer preference test of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke Parameters Control S-0.05 S-0.0 S-0.20 Color 6.2±.8 6.5±.58 5.9±0.99 6.2±.55 Taste 6.7±0.95 6.8±0.79 7.4±0.70 7.±0.74 Aroma 6.2±.23 6.5±.35 7.2±.23 7.4±.35 Salinity 6.7±.06 5.9±.29 6.±0.99 6.3±.06 Overall acceptability 6.5±0.53 c 6.8±0.79 bc 7.7±0.48 a 7.3±0.47 ab Control: no liquid smoke, S-0.05: added 0.05% liquid smoke, S-0.0: added 0.0% liquid smoke, S-0.20: added 0.20% liquid smoke. a~c Means in the same row with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). 33 SC-0.2 SC-0.3 (P<0.05). Muhlisin et al.(202),. ph Table 7. Control, S, SC-0.2 SC-0.3 ph 6.0, 6.06, 6.05 6.06 ph (P<0.05).
Jeong et al. : Effect of Liquid Smoke and Curing Mixture on Quality of Chuncheon Dakgalbi 35 Table 6. Instrumental color of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke and curing mixture during storage at 8 Parameters CIE L* (Lightness) CIE a* (Redness) CIE b* (Yellowness) Storage time (day) 0 7 4 2 28 33 47 56 Control 4.3±0.58 BC 43.8±.07 A 43.4±0.42 ba 43.4±.04 A 40.6±2.46 bc 40.4±0.52 cc 42.6±0.85 bab 43.9±0.67 A S 42.6±0.3 A 44.0±0.64 A 42.6±0.30 ca 4.5±.22 A 42.8±0.23 ab 42.6±0.6 ab 40.5±0.30 ca 43.±0.62 A SC-0.2 42.4±.27 C 43.6±0.95 B 42.7±0.28 cc 43.6±0.80 B 44.6±0.89 aa 4.9±0.0 bc 43.7±0.66 ab 44.±0.20 AB SC-0.3 42.0±0.44 C 43.2±0.54 ABC 44.9±0.77 aa 42.±2.86 BC 44.±.26 aab 42.6±0.58 abc 42.4±0.23 bbc 43.6±.45 ABC Control 2.8±0.80 bb 8.9±.86 bc 9.3±2.27 bc 22.5±.57 bb 2.2±0.66 cb 2.4 ±0.30 cb 25.6±0.80 ba 26.0±0.48 aa S 22.5±0.72 abb 2.2±.03 ad 22.3±0.64 abc 20.9±0.85 cb 23.9±0.6 bd 9.3±0.08 dcd 22.8±0.5 ca 24.9±0.20 ba SC-0.2 23.9±.45 ababc 22.2±0.4 acd 24.0±3.8 aabc 25.7±0.39 aa 24.6±0.08 abab 23.5±0.08 bbcd 2.7±0.39 dd 24.9±0.6 bab SC-0.3 24.4±.0 bc 2.6±.38 ad 24.±.6 ac 26.2±0.66 aab 25.3±0.89 abc 27.4±0.27 aa 26.3±0.49 aab 24.2±0.58 cc Control 27.7±0.76 bc 2.0±2.89 be 23.6±.47 bd 27.3±.66 bcc 27.7±2.69 bc 24.4±0.40 bd 34.6 ±0.69 aa 3.0±0.84 ab S 30.4±.34 abb 23.3±.56 abd 24.±0.5 bd 25.8±.39 cc 27.±0.37 bcc 2.4±0. dd 3.2±0.46 ba 29.3±0.40 bb SC-0.2 32.±2.45 aa 25.±0.80 ac 24.4±.39 bc 28.0±0.48 bb 25.5±0.0 cc 22.±0.4 cd 25.5±0.80 cc 28.9±0.65 bb SC-0.3 30.6±.22 ababc 23.0±.7 abd 29.5±3.08 abc 3.9±.24 aab 30.3±0.37 aabc 3.5±0.27 aab 32.0±0.8 ba 28.9±0.45 bc Control: no additive, S: added 0.0% liquid smoke, SC-0.2: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.20% curing mixture, SC-0.3: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.30% curing mixture. A~E Means in the same row with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). a d Means in the same column with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). Table 7. ph values of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke and curing mixture during storage at 8 Storage time (day) 0 7 4 2 28 33 47 56 Control 6.0±0.0 ba 6.05±0.03 A 6.±0.0 A 6.0±0.03 A 6.05±0.03 aa 6.03±0.0 A 5.99±0.04 A 4.63±0.26 bb S 6.06±0.0 abc 6.08±0.0 B 6.3±0.0 A 6.06±0.04 BC 5.95±0.0 bd 6.02±0.02 C 6.04±0.03 BC 5.96±0.03 ad SC-0.2 6.05±0.0 ac 6.0±0.02 AB 6.±0.02 A 6.05±0.06 BC 6.04±0.03 ac 6.03±0.0 C 5.95±0.02 D 6.02±0.0 ac SC-0.3 6.06±0.0 ab 6.09±0.02 AB 6.3±0.02 A 6.06±0.02 B 6.05±0.0 abc 6.0±0.0 CD 6.0±0.0 CD 5.99±0.06 ad Control: no additive, S: added 0.0% liquid smoke, SC-0.2: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.20% curing mixture, SC-0.3: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.30% curing mixture. A~D Means in the same row with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). a~b Means in the same column with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). ph. ph., 56 Control ph 4.63 S, SC-0.2 SC-0.3 ph 5.96 6.02 (P<0.05). Nychas et al.(998) ph. Makela et al.(992), Korkeala and Makela (989), Samelis et al.(2000), Von et al.(99). ph
36 :. TBARS Table 8. TBARS SC-0.3 0.33 mg/kg (P<0.05). TBARS, Control 33, 47, S 47, 56 TBARS, SC-0.2 SC-0.3 TBARS (P<0.05). Muhlisin et al.(202),, TBARS,. Kim et al.(998). Jeong and Shim (2002), Kim et al.(998). VBN Table 9. VBN 6. 7.2 mg%.,. 47 Control, 56 Control 25.8 mg% S, SC-0.2 Table 8. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values (mg malondialdehyde/kg ) of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke and curing mixture during storage at 8 Storage time (day) 0 7 4 2 28 33 47 56 Control 0.45±0.04 ae 0.56±0.04 E 0.8±0. ad 0.9±0.05 ac 0.92±0.08 C.8±0.06 aa.07±0.04 abb 0.97±0.0 cc S 0.42±0.0 abf 0.55±0.07 E 0.63±0.07 cde 0.70±0.0 cd 0.88±0.0 C.03±0.07 bb.6±0.05 aa.2±0.03 ab SC-0.2 0.45±0.05 ac 0.55±0.05 C 0.74±0.09 bb 0.83±0.04 bb 0.94±0.03 A.03±0.2 ba 0.96±0.03 ca.03±0.03 ba SC-0.3 0.33±0.03 be 0.46±0.3 D 0.73±0.02 bc 0.82±0.05 bb 0.85±0.05 B.00±0.04 ba.03±0.07 bca.04±0.02 ba Control: no additive, S: added 0.0% liquid smoke, SC-0.2: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.20% curing mixture, SC-0.3: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.30% curing mixture. A F Means in the same row with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). a c Means in the same column with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). Table 9. Volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) contents (mg/00g) of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke and curing mixture during storage at 8 Storage time(day) 0 7 4 2 28 33 47 56 Control 6.3±0.8 D 5.2±0.40 bd 7.9±.07 C 8.4±0.40 ac 8.4±.07 C 9.5±0.40 C 23.5±.40 ab 25.8±.07 aa S 6.8±0.00 D 7.5±0.00 acd 8.4±0.40 BC 8.2±0.70 abbc 8.4±0.40 BC 8.8±0.40 B 22.3±0.40 aba 22.5±.07 ba SC-0.2 6.±0.99 CD 4.9±0.8 D 7.5±0.70 BC 7.0±0.40 bcc 7.5±.40 BC 9.3±0.00 AB 2.±.46 bca 2.±.07 ba SC-0.3 7.2±0.49 DE 5.4±.40 bf 7.5±0.00 CDE 6.6±.07 cef 8.2±0.70 CD 8.8±0.8 BC 20.0±0.70 cb 2.6±0.40 ba Control: no additive, S: added 0.0% liquid smoke, SC-0.2: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.20% curing mixture, SC-0.3: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.30% curing mixture. A F Means in the same row with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). a c Means in the same column with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05).
Jeong et al. : Effect of Liquid Smoke and Curing Mixture on Quality of Chuncheon Dakgalbi 37 SC-0.3 VBN 2. 22.5 mg%. Leroi et al.(200),, VBN, VBN. Lund et al.(20),, Byun et al.(2003),,, VBN VBN., Choi et al.(20), ph, TBA VBN. VBN, ph. VBN. Table 0. Control, S, SC-0.2 SC-0.3 4. log CFU/g, 3.82 log CFU/g, 3.95 log CFU/g 3.65 log CFU/g, SC-0.2 SC-0.3 (P<0.05)., 56 Control 7.9 log CFU/g, S, SC-0.2 SC-0.3 4.39 log CFU/g, 3.97 log CFU/g 3.69 log CFU/g., Control ph. 28, 33, 56 Control 3.96 log CFU/g,.54 log CFU/g 6.00 log CFU/g. Seo et al.(2000), Noh et al.(2008) aldehyde, phenol, alcohol. Kim et al.(998), ph. Table 0. Aerobic plate count (APC) and total coliforms (TC) of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke and curing mixture during storage at 8 Parameters Storage time(day) 0 7 4 2 28 33 47 56 Aerobic plate count (CFU/g) Total coliforms (CFU/g) Control 4.±0.07 abc 4.45±0.05 ab 4.38±0.06 ab 4.47±0.08 abb 3.85±0.50 C 4.30±0.06 ab 4.7±0.2 bbc 7.9±0.0 aa S 3.82±0.09 bd 4.4±0.3 bc 4.24±0.05 abc 4.55±0.08 aa 4.4±0.20 C 4.27±0.7 abc 4.50±0.2 aab 4.39±0.0 bab SC-0.2 3.95±0.06 bc 4.9±0.02 bab 4.00±0.04 bc 4.33±0.8 ba 4.07±0. BC 3.54±0.09 bd 4.20±0.08 bab 3.97±0.05 cc SC-0.3 3.65±0. cb 3.99±0.6 ba 3.50±0.28 cbc 4.00±0.00 ca 3.65±0.4 B 3.30±0.43 bc 3.45±0.05 cbc 3.69±0.09 dab Control 2 ND ND ND ND 3.96±0.9 B.54±0.09 C ND 6.00±0.07 A S ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND SC-0.2 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND SC-0.3 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Control: no additive, S: added 0.0% liquid smoke, SC-0.2: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.20% curing mixture, SC-0.3: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.30% curing mixture. A D Means in the same row with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). a c Means in the same column with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). 2 ND: not detected.
38 :. Table.., Control. Control, SC-0.3 < S < SC-0.2, Control < SC-0.2 < S, SC-0.3 (P<0.05). Control, S, SC-0.3 < SC-0.2 SC-0.2 (P<0.05). Massimiliano et al.(203). McGee et al.(2003),., 0.% 0.3% SC-0.3, 0.% 0.2% SC-0.2. Table. Consumer preference test of Chuncheon Dakgalbi made with different amounts of liquid smoke and curing mixture Parameters Control S SC-0.2 SC-0.3 Color 7.7±0.82 7.3±.34 7.8±.03 7.0±2.6 Taste 6.2±.69 b 6.5±.43 ab 7.7±0.82 a 5.5±.78 b Aroma 5.8±.75 6.9±.0 6.8±.55 6.5±.58 Salinity 4.0±.49 b 5.8±.75 a 5.3±.34 ab 6.3±.64 a Overall acceptability 6.4±.07 b 6.7±.4 b 7.9±0.99 a 6.3±.49 b Control: no additive, S: added 0.0% liquid smoke, SC-0.2: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.20% curing mixture, SC-0.3: added 0.0% liquid smoke and 0.30% curing mixture. a,b Means in the same row with different letters are significantly different (P<0.05). (0%, 0.05%, 0.%, 0.2%) 0.% (0.2%, 0.3%). ph,,., 0.%.., ph, TBARS VBN,, 0.3%.,., 0.3% 0.2%. 0.% 0.2%. 206 (C0395805). Anonymous 200 Semi-Conduct Sensors. Alpha MOS, Toulouse, France. Anonymous 2002 Operating Manual. Alpha MOS, Toulouse, France. Byun JS, Min JS, Kim IS, Kim JW, Chung MS, Lee MH 2003 Comparison of indicators of microbial quality of meat during aerobic cold storage. J Food Prot 66(9): 733-737.
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