Custom TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT custom. custom custom. Custom : CustmOn CustmOff custom. Custom, Toolbar. Custom., Home Toolbar, 2 ¾ custom. 2 ¾ Home Toolbar Custom, custom. Tip: Custom. Custom : custom.. ƒ Var. f(x) f(x), g(x), f(x,y). Solve. Unit _m, _ft, _l. Symbol #,?, ~ Internat l TI.89: 2 ˆ Voyage TM 200 PLT: ˆ Tool TI.89: 2 Voyage TM 200 PLT: è, é, ê ClrHome, NewProb CustmOff. custom, : 1. Home, 2 ¾ custom Home Toolbar. 2. Toolbar Clean Up, 3:Restore custom default. TI.89: 2 ˆ Voyage TM 200 PLT: ˆ. 3.. Chapter 1: Getting Started 33
Application TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT application. application, application. APPLICATIONS :, N. 1. O application. 2. application : D C application,. application. Application: FlashApps :. Y= Editor,,. Window Editor Graph Table Data/Matrix Editor Program Editor Text Editor Numeric Solver Home window...,,... text.,.. 34 Chapter 1: Getting Started
applications., TI-89 # ƒ. 2 #. Application: : Home TI.89: " Voyage TM 200 PLT: ¹ " Y= Editor # ƒ, Application. TI-89 Window Editor $ Graph % Table Setup & Y= WINDOW GRAPH TBLSet TABLE F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Table Screen ' APPS HOME Voyage TM 200 PLT, applications QWERTY. Applications Chapter 1: Getting Started 35
. TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT Constant Memoryé.. 3 MODE.. ƒ,.! BA. :., Page 2, Split 2 App Split Screen = FULL.,. Tip:, MODE, N. MODE : 1.. (ƒ, ) D C. 2. B A.. 3. : D C.. 4.,. 5.. : N MODE. 36 Chapter 1: Getting Started
Mode Note:. Graph Current Folder Display Digits Angle Exponential Format Complex Format Vector Format Pretty Print Split Screen Split 1 App Split 2 App Number of Graphs Graph 2 Split Screen Ratio Plot : FUNCTION, PARAMETRIC, POLAR, SEQUENCE, 3D DE.., MAIN. (FLOAT) (FIX)., 12. 27. : RADIAN 60DEGREE. : NORMAL, SCIENTIFIC ENGINEERING. 27., : REAL(, ), RECTANGULAR POLAR. 2-, 3- : RECTANGULAR, CYLINDRICAL SPHERICAL. pretty print (OFF ON). 25. : FULL ( ), TOP-BOTTOM LEFT-RIGHT. application. application. application..,. Number of Graphs = 2, Split 2. : 1:1, 1:2 2:1. (Voyage TM 200 PLT ) Exact/Approx / : AUTO, EXACT APPROXIMATE. 25. Chapter 1: Getting Started 37
( ) Base (DEC), (HEX) (BIN). Unit System 6_m * 4_m or 23_m/_s * 10_s,,. Custom Units Custom. Unit System, 3:CUSTOM. Language TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. 38 Chapter 1: Getting Started
Clean Up Home, Clean Up TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. Clean Up Home, Clean Up : TI.89: 2 ˆ Voyage TM 200 PLT: ˆ Tip:,. 1:Clear a z. Clear a z NewProb Restore custom default archive, ().. : solve(aøxñ+bøx+c=0,x),. 1:Clear a z. NewProb.. NewProb : archive, (1:Clear a z ). stat plots (FnOff PlotsOff). ClrDraw, ClrErr, ClrGraph, ClrHome, ClrIO ClrTable. custom,. 33. Chapter 1: Getting Started 39
Catalog CATALOG TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT ( )., CATALOG ( ). CATALOG CATALOG : TI.89: ½ Voyage TM 200 PLT: 2 ½ CATALOG Built-in, TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT ( ). Built-in, ƒ Help :., ƒ Help., Flash Apps., User-Defined. CATALOG : Built-in.,.,.,. 1. : TI.89: ½ Voyage TM 200 PLT: 2 ½ 2. Built-in.. (+, %,, G ). CATALOG, N. 40 Chapter 1: Getting Started
3. ú. Tip: C. D. ú : : D C 2D 2C. (TI-89, j. j 2. ) ú. : Appendix A. [ ], factor : factor(expression) factor(expression,variable).,.,. : TI.89: ½ Voyage TM 200 PLT: 2 ½ 1. Flash Apps. (TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT,.).,.. N. Chapter 1: Getting Started 41
3. ú. ú : : D C 2D 2C. (TI-89, j. j 2. ) :,, VAR-LINK., User-Defined.,.,. 1. : TI.89: ½ Voyage TM 200 PLT: 2 ½ 2. User-Defined. (.) /.,.,., N. 3. ú. ú : / : D C 2D 2C. (TI-89, j. j 2. ) 42 Chapter 1: Getting Started
,.. TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT,. : 1 ~ 8. (p ),.... AB22, Ab22, ab22, ab22. TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. : (, abs) (, LineVert). Appendix A. ( xmin xmax ). myvar a Log Log1 3rdTotal circumfer, log.,., 8. Data Types TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. Appendix A gettype(). : 2.54, 1.25í 6, 2p, xmin/10, 2+3i, (xì 2)ñ, 2/2 {2 4 6 8}, {1 1 2} [1 0 0], [ 1 0 0 ] 3 4 6 Hello, The answer is:, xmin/10 myfunc(arg), ellipse(x,y,r1,r2) Chapter 1: Getting Started 43
Note: TI-89 j. 1... 3.. (! ). 3.. 4.., with ( ). 1.. 2.. ( ),., a. a. Tip:, 2. 1.. 2..,..,. 1. 2. 2. 3.., num1. 44 Chapter 1: Getting Started
,.., TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT.,.,, 1, 2, 3.,.,. Tip:. 0 2 NUM TI.89: Voyage TM 200 PLT: 0 NUM NUMj«1 2 NUM 2ËNUMZ 2 NUM«1 NUM 2ËNUMZ 2 Chapter 1: Getting Started 45
Tip:. A=pr 2, 200. 8. 7.95,. TI.89: Voyage TM 200 PLT: 8 jr 2Ë 2 ãpäj R Z 2 8 R 2Ë 2TR Z 2 :,. A 8 7.95 A. 7.95.... : entry. Appendix A entry(). : : : ( ) 2² 2²,.. : 2 ² 2 ². 46 Chapter 1: Getting Started
ans(1) TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. 2±., 4.2 1.7. 147 1. 1.. 1.7 p 4.2 2.. : Appendix A ans(). 147 e2± ans(1),. ans(1), ans(2), ans(3)., ans(2). Chapter 1: Getting Started 47
.. 2² 2±. : : 2² :.. : ƒ. : : 2± :. ans(1)., ans(1). Tip:, N. Tip: ( ú ), B A 2B 2A. 1.,. 2. C.. 3. C D. C. C. 4....,. 48 Chapter 1: Getting Started
application. TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. Angle Exact/Approx Graph (Voyage TM 200 G#1) Graph, Busy/Pause, : 2,, j,,,. :. Angle. MAIN TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT,.. 2nd 2. 2. (TI-89) (TI-89) (TI-89) j. 2 alpha-lock.. alphalock, j. j ALPHA-lock.. ALPHA-lock, j. +. TI-89, j. RAD DEG. Angle, 3. ( ) (60) Chapter 1: Getting Started 49
( ) Exact/ Approx Graph Graph AUTO EXACT APPROX FUNC PAR POL SEQ 3D DE, Busy/Pause, Archived,. 25. Exact/Approx, 3.,. GR1 GR2. (TI-92 Plus G#1 G#2.). Graph, 3. y(x) x(t) y(t) r(q) u(n) z(x,y) 3D y'(t). BATT,. application. 23/30 Home /. 20. BUSY PAUSE Œ.. Editor(Data/Matrix Editor, Program Editor, Text Editor) archive. 50 Chapter 1: Getting Started
ID TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT, ID. About Home, ƒ A:About.. N.? About : TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT, / TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT ID. TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT,. Chapter 1: Getting Started 51
(r q), r q, r e i q. a+bi.. x y.. i ÀL1. r θ a b a+bi, re i q, (r q)., Angle. : a+bi r e i q (r q) Angle : Radian Degree Radian (Degree angle Domain error.) Radian Degree. Note: i, 2 ). i. : a+bi : a b. a «b 2 ) : 52 Chapter 1: Getting Started
: Degree angle r e i q. Domain error. : e, : TI.89: s. Voyage TM 200 PLT: 2 s e. Tip:, 2. Tip: (r q) q, (, 45 )., 2. r e i q. : r e i q (r q) (r q). : r q. q Angle. TI.89: j [R] s 2 ) Ï d c j [R] 2 Ï d Voyage TM 200 PLT: R 2 s 2 ) Ï d c R 2 Ï d :,. Complex Format 3 Complex Format. Complex Format.,. : Angle ( ) Complex Format: REAL RECTANGULAR POLAR TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT: :. cfactor(), csolve(), czeros(). i q, a+bi r e. a+bi. : r e i q, Angle = Radian (r q), Angle = Degree Chapter 1: Getting Started 53
: csolve() czeros() 1. Complex Format,. (symbolic analysis). 1: _(TI.89: Voyage TM 200 PLT: 2 ). : z_ ( z, z ). 2:. : x+yi!z z. Degree : Degree angle, (r q). Degree angle, r e i q. Radian angle., TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT,,. Degree angle, e^(iq) = cos(q) + i sin(q), cos sin, e^( )., e^(i45) = cos(45) + i sin(45) e^(i45) = cos(p/4) + i sin(p/4). Radian angle. 54 Chapter 1: Getting Started
TI-89 TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. Program Editor. Texas Instruments : TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. Texas Instruments., ( ) TI-GRAPH LINKé - TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. TI-GRAPH LINK. TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT TI-GRAPH LINK voyage 200 TI.GRAPH LINK TI-GRAPH LINK - Voyage TM 200 PLT TI-GRAPH LINK TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT.. TI-GRAPH LINK - Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Customer Support : Tip:. TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT, Home. ( )..,. Chapter 1: Getting Started 55
: MAIN.. Home.,. Home : ( ): 1 kbdprgm1() 9 kbdprgm9(),, kbdprgm1(). TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT. Program Editor. : 1. VAR-LINK. ( 2 ). 2. View. 3. ( All, ) Var Type = Assembly. : ASM. 4.. :..., TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT Texas Instruments ( TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT Motorola 68000 op-code Exec.. Texas Instruments. : Exec.. Exec. 56 Chapter 1: Getting Started
TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT.,. /. VAR-LINK. TI-89 : TI-89 TI-89 : TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT : TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-85, TI-86. / / Voyage TM 200 PLT : / / voyage 200 voyage 200 TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT TI-GRAPH LINK cable. / TI-89 voyage 200 / Chapter 1: Getting Started 57
, VAR-LINK,.. :,,.. TI-89 TI-89, Voyage TM 200 PLT Voyage TM 200 PLT. Plus Advanced Mathematics 2.x product software (base code), TI-92. 1. 57. 2., 2 VAR-LINK. 3.,,..,., (Ÿ)..,, (Ÿ).,,, All 1:Select All. 4., 2 VAR-LINK. ( VAR-LINK.) 5. Link. 6., 2:Receive. VAR-LINK: WAITING TO RECEIVE BUSY. 7. : 1:Send to TI-89/92 Plus 3:Send to TI-92.,., VAR-LINK. 58 Chapter 1: Getting Started
,, : Archive TI-92. archive. :. archive. archive archive. archive. : : Archive,.,., archive.,..,...... 1... 2. N. Chapter 1: Getting Started 59
Product Software (Base Code) TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT product software (base code). product software (base code) TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT.. Product Software (Base Code) product software base code : ( ). ( ). Texas Instruments ID. product software..,,,. base code ( ) () 61 Product Software (Base Code). Product Software (Base Code) base code ( ). base code, Automatic Power Downé (APDé; ).,.. base code., base code.,. 228 Texas Instruments. 60 Chapter 1: Getting Started
Product Software (Base Code) :. Note: computer-tocalculator cable cable. product software (base code) : (RAM archive ),,,... MEMORY.,. 58. TI-GRAPH LINKé ( ) - (Texas Instruments ) TI-GRAPH LINK /. TI-GRAPH LINK - TI-92, TI-92 TI-GRAPH LINK software TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT.. TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT TI-GRAPH LINK - Texas Instruments : Texas Instruments Customer Support : : 1-800-TI-CARES (1-800-842-2737) e-mail: Chapter 1: Getting Started 61
Product Software (Base Code) :. : VAR-LINK. TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT product software (base code) TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT.,. TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT,... TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT product software. Home ƒ A:About. Product software (base code) TI-89 TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT Voyage TM 200 PLT. TI-92 Plus Advanced Mathematics 2.x product software (base code) TI-92. product software (base code) : 1. 57. 2. 2 VAR- LINK. 3. Link. 4. 5:Receive Product SW.. N,. VAR-LINK: WAITING TO RECEIVE BUSY. 5. 4:Send Product SW.. N,. 62 Chapter 1: Getting Started
Product Software ( ). : VAR-LINK. Home. ( ) «( ). Product Software (Base Code) base code.,. base code ( ). Product Software (Base Code) :.,.., TI-89 Voyage TM 200 PLT.,.. Tip: base code... TI-89 TI-89 TI-89. Voyage TM 200 PLT. Chapter 1: Getting Started 63
64 Chapter 1: Getting Started