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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이


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0125_ 워크샵 발표자료_완성.key


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Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume


2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는


Serial Folk Songs of Nepal CD3 Audiovisual Collection V Audiovisual Collection V PRECIOUS DROPS FROM NEPAL S FOUNTAIN OF FOLK MUSIC PRECIOUS DROPS FROM NEPAL S FOUNTAIN OF FOLK MUSIC 1 Chandi Kaati Chandra Maalaa 04 12 2 Ginla Chhama Misa Cha 05 45 3 Hasi Deu Bolideu Rasaile 04 25 4 Ho Ho Re Ho 05 03 5 Sorathi 05 21 6 Baalan 04 58 7 Salam Mero Hajurlai 04 00 8 Sarboo Saayo Saayo 04 33 9 Kati Ramro Dhaulagiri 03 48 CD3 Folk Songs of Nepal Serial CD3 Folk Songs of Nepal Restored analogue sounds on Nepali intangible cultural heritage collected since 1995 by the Music Museum of Nepal (MMN). ICHCAP audiovisual Collection V Produced in the MMN-ICHCAP Cooperation Project in 2017.


Folk Songs of Nepal All rights reserved Co-published by Music Museum of Nepal (MMN) and The International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage In the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHCAP) Design by Graphic Korea Copyright c 2017 by MMN and ICHCAP Nepal is still extremely rich in folk songs, though these are less popular with younger generations. The music culture has traditionally been an oral culture passed down from guru to pupil. Many songs that have never been recorded or written down are thought to have been lost. Fortunately, several enthusiastic folklorists, musicians, singers, and researchers have made collections of folk song lyrics to promulgate them, focusing especially on the rarer and most endangered folk songs. We present here a few examples.

Instruments Baansuri A transverse bamboo or wooden flute, which can be made in varying lengths and internal diameters to produce many different tones. Khainjadi A single-sided, thick-walled, wooden-frame drum covered in deer skin, belonging to the Brahmin and Chettri peoples. Chum Chum A rhythm instrument consisting of a number of small bells tied loosely together and covered in cloth, played by tossing from one hand to the other. Maadal The most popular Nepali drum, a double-headed drum with tuning paste in the centre of each side. The maadal consists of a cylindrical body with a slight bulge at its center and heads at both ends, one head larger than the other. It is usually played horizontally from a seated position, with both heads played simultaneously. Dhimal Dhol A double-headed drum with dearskin drumheads and no tuning paste. It is held at an angle during play and always played in groups of about five. Maajiraa A pair of small cymbals about 5 cm in diameter, made of brass of medium thickness. a bit thicker than a khwalimali, and thus with a lower sound.

Machetaa A small pair of brass cymbals 10 cm across and thinner at the edge than in the centre. It is played by hitting the rolled back edge of one into the centre of the other and then sliding the pair together. Juri A tiny pair of brass cymbals about 3 cm across. Murchungaa An old Nepali folk instrument made of iron and related to the Jew s harp. The player holds it in the teeth, and breathes through it and plucks the central tongue. Panchai Baajaa A group of seven different musical instruments representing the five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and sky. It is played by a group of nine Damai music-ians. Panchai baajaa instruments are tyaamko(earth), daamaaha(water), jhurma(fire), dholaki(air), narasingaa(sky), carnal(sky) and sahanai(sky). Saarangi The most popular and most versatile Nepali bowed string instrument. It belongs to the Gandharba musician caste. A saarangi is made out of a single piece of soft or hard wood. It consists of a hollowed-out neck and double-chambered body. The lower hole is covered with goat skin while the upper chamber is left open. The four strings are tightened with the help of wooden knobs on the upper part of the instrument. The lower bridge on the goat skin and upper bridge on the neck are used to lift the strings. It is played with the help of a bow made of bamboo and horse-tail hair. Animal intestine strings were used in the past, but nylon strings are most common these days. Tyaamko (earth) About 15 cm in height and diameter, covered with cowhide. It is tied around the waist and played with two small sticks.

Daamaaha (water) A single-sided bowl-shaped copper drum, hung around the neck and beaten with one large stick. It is 30 cm high and 38 cm in diameter, and the drumhead is made of cowhide. Narasingaa (sky) A long (2m or more) deeply curved copper trumpet that gradually increases in width. It consists of five to seven parts that are easily disconnected. It is played with circular breathing. Jhurma (fire) A pair of medium-sized brass cymbals about 20 cm across. Carnal (sky) A 180 cm long copper instrument, with two parts that can easily be separated for ease of transportation. It is long and slender from the mouthpiece until it widens, abruptly, into a bell. A copper cone is placed in the bell. Dholaki (air) A double-headed drum without tuning paste, the main rhythmic instrument of panchai baajaa. The Damaahaa, Jhurummaa, and Dholaki are played at the same time and in the same rhythm as the Tyaamko. Sahanai (sky) The principal member of panchai baajaa, with a typically loud sound. This curved wooden instrument, carved from the root wood of the bayar tree, is unique to Nepal. It consists of two parts joined lengthways, with a metal bell fitted to the lower end. It has eight finger holes and a reed in the mouthpiece.

1. Chandi Kaati Chandra Maalaa 3. Hasi Deu Bolideu Rasaile 5. Sorathi 4 6. Baalan 6 Performers: Anjana Gurung and friends Date of Recording: 1997 Caste: Khas Collector: Prem Dev Giri Performers: Anjana Gurung, Kanhaiya Singh, Dipak Raman Date of Recording: 1997 Caste: Chhetri Collector: Subi Shah Performers: Shiva Paudel, Anjana Gurung, Kanhaiya Singh Date of Recording: 1994 Caste: Gurung Collector: Subi Shah Performer: Narayan Rayamajhi Date of Recording: 1994 Caste: Brahmin, Chhetri Collector: Subi Shah Chandi Kaati Chandra Maalaa is a traditional Tappa song 1 from the mid-western region of Nepal. This song has a distinctive rhythm and uses a question-and-answer form between two groups of singers, one male and one female. This type of song is heard when people gather in the evening at the haat bazaar (temporary market), where goods are exchanged by bartering. Instruments: maadal, baansuri, saarangi, chum chum, machetaa 2. Ginla Chhama Misa Cha Performer: Sanu Maiya Maharjan Date of Recording: 1997 Caste: Newar Collector: Nucche Bahadur Dangol This Newari caste song tells the story of a young Newar girl who would sing at every festival she attended. All her songs are about the natural beauty of Nepal's landscape - its rivers, mountains, and forests. Instruments: maadal, baansuri, maajiraa 1. Tappa is a musical form from the mid-western region of Nepal that is composed in 4/4 meter and has a very fast tempo. Hasi Deu Bolideu Rasaile is a Jhyaure song 2 most commonly heard in the mid-hills area of the central and western regions of Nepal. This type of song is performed by two groups of singers, one male and one female, and the lyrics typically express emotions, including pain or happiness. Instruments: maadal, chum chum, maajiraa, saarangi, baansuri 4. Ho Ho Re Ho Performers: Narayan Rayamajhi, Anjana Gurung Date of Recording: 1999 Caste: Damai Collector: Subi Shah This is an asaare song 3, a rice planting song sung in June, when the men are ploughing and the women are transplanting the seedlings from the nursery fields. Damai musicians sit along the water-retaining dykes of the paddy fields, playing their panchai baajaa instruments and singing. The lyrics are very light-hearted and comical, with many innuendos to help ease the pain of hard labor in the heat and heavy rain. Instruments: panchai baajaa 2. Jhyaure is the most popular song of the mid-hills area of Nepal. It is in 6/8 meter and has a very fast tempo. 3. Asaare is a seasonal song of Nepal sung by farmers during the rice planting season in July. This sorathi song is based on the story of King Jaya Singha and Queen Haimati 5. It relates a tragic tale of how the king and the queen were forced to abandon their daughter due to internal politics. Instruments: murchungaa, maadal, machetaa, saarangi 4. Sorathi is a folk dance of the Gurung and Magar tribes of Nepal. It is performed or celebrated when a new bab is born. 5. The story of King Jaya Singha and Queen Haimati: King Jaya Singha s fourteen wives did not grant him any children, so he took on a fifteenth wife, Hemaiti. (Some say that King Jay Singh had sixteen wives, and others say he had only seven.) A daughter was born to Queen Hemaiti, but the baby had to be thrown in a river due to pressure from the other queens. Later, Malare and Kumale, two village men, found a golden trunk into which the girl had miraculously managed to crawl. Kumale adopted the child and named her Sunrupa, the golden-faced. When Sunrupa was sixteen, the king happened to see her. He was completely carried away by her beauty. The queen, upon hearing the news, immediately sent for Kumale and asked for his daughter. Kumale offered his daughter to the king. On the day of their marriage, the king was about to put vermillion, the mark of matrimony, on the forehead of the girl, but she rejected it, saying that she could not receive vermillion from her own father. The king called Kumale forth, who explained how he and his friend Malare had found the child and the trunk. To test the story, the queen pressed some milk out of her breast. The milk flew and entered the girl s mouth. As Sunrupa s true identity was revealed, everyone grew excited. The king and the queen too became very happy. However, the marriage continued, with the girl marrying Sujan, a minister. They celebrated the moment, forgetting the tragedy that had taken place sixteen years prior. (Copied from Dances of Nepal, Nepal Music Center Trust, 2014) Kasko Hukum Pais 7 is a baalan bhajan, a type of musical drama with a long-standing tradition performed exclusively by men from the Brahmin and Chettri communities. There are always two groups of singers singing in a question-andanswer form about the Hindu epic poem Raamayana 8. 6. A baalan is a religious chant from the Brahmin and Chettri communities that is used to pray to the Hindu deities. 7. Kasko hukum pais is a Nepalese phrase that means whose authority do you have? 8. Raamayana is a Hindu epic composed by Valmiki around 300 BCE.

7. Salam Mero Hajurlai Performers: Anjana Gurung, Kanhaiya Singh, Dipak Raman Date of Recording: 1999 Caste: Brahmin, Chhetri Collector: Subi Shah This chutka song 9 is sung at local festivals in the western region of Nepal. First, the men lead the song and the women repeat the lines, and then the roles are reversed. Musicians also sing and dance as they play. Instruments: khainjadi, majiraa, baansuri 8. Sarboo Saayo Saayo Performers: Anjana Gurung, Kanhaiya Singh, Dipak Raman Date of Recording: 1998 Caste: Dhimal Collector: Lal Bahadur Dhimal This traditional folk song comes from the Dhimal community, which inhabits the forests of the Eastern Terai area in the south of Nepal. Both men and women sing and dance to this song sung in the Dhimal language. Instruments: dhimal dhol, baansuri, juri 9. Kati Ramro Dhaulagiri 10 Performers: Anjan Babu Sharma Date of Recording: 1999 Caste: Brahmin Collector: Sangeet Srota This traditional folk song originated in communities living below Dhaulagiri Mountain in the Parbat district of the Dhaulagiri zone in the western region of Nepal. The lyrics express the people s pleasure, and praise the majestic mountain and its god. Instruments: maadal, baansuri, saarangi 네팔의민요 9. Chutka (also spelt Chudka) is a typical dance of the Gurung community. 10. "Kati Ramro Dhaulagiri is the title of a Nepalese song. Kati means how, and Ramro means good or beautiful. Dhaulagiri is the name of a mountain in Nepal. The song describes the beauty of Dhaulagiri peak. 비록젊은세대에게는덜알려져있지만네팔에는여전히풍부한민요문화를가지고있다. 민요는스승과제자사이에서구전되어왔다. 기록이나문서로남아있지않은여러민요들은이미유실된것으로보인다. 다행히여러민속학자와음악가, 가수, 그리고연구자들이민요를보급하기위해가장희귀하고사라질위기에처한민요들을엮어민요가사선집을만들었다. 본 CD 에서는그가운데일부를소개한다.

사용악기 반수리 대나무나목재로만든가로목관악기로, 다양한길이와내경으로제작할수있어여러가지음색을낼수있다. 카인자디 둥근나무통한쪽면에두꺼운사슴가죽을덮어만든단면고로, 브라만과체트리계급이연주하는악기다. 춤춤 리듬악기로, 여러개의작은종들이서로느슨하게묶여있고이를천이감싸고있는모양이다. 한손에서다른손으로던지며소리를낸다. 마달 네팔에서가장대중적인북으로, 양쪽북머리의중앙에는음조율판이달려있다. 마달은중간부분이살짝볼록한원통형몸체의양쪽에북머리가덮여있는모양으로, 한쪽북머리가다른쪽보다크다. 연주자는앉아서마달을가로로놓고양면을함께치며연주한다. 디말돌 양쪽북머리에사슴가죽이덮여있는양면고로, 음조율판은달려있지않다. 비스듬히잡고연주하며, 항상다섯명가량이함께무리지어연주한다. 마지라 지름이약 5cm 이며중간두께로된작은놋쇠심벌즈다. 콸리말리보다약간두꺼워서그보다낮은소리를낸다.

마체타 지름이 10cm 인한쌍의작은놋쇠심벌즈로, 중간에서모서리로갈수록두께가얇아진다. 원반하나의들어올려진모서리부분을다른원반의중간부분에부딪히고이둘을함께문지르며소리를낸다. 주리 지름이약 3cm 인놋쇠심벌즈다. 무르충가 네팔의오래된민속악기로, 쇠로만들어졌으며구금 (Jew s harp) 과비슷하다. 무르충가를치아사이에물고호흡을내쉬면서악기중간에달린금속조각을손으로퉁기며연주한다. 판차이바자 땅, 물, 불, 공기, 하늘이라는다섯가지요소를상징하는일곱개의악기로연주하는음악을말한다. 아홉명의다마이음악가들이한팀을이루어연주한다. 판차이바자의다섯악기는다음과같다. 사랑기 네팔에서가장대중적이고널리사용되는찰현악기다. 직업음악가계급인간다르바가연주하는악기다. 사랑기는연목이나강목덩어리를깎아서만든다. 줄을매단목과두부분으로나누어진몸통을가지고있다. 몸통의아랫부분은염소가죽으로덮여있고, 윗부분은개방되어있다. 악기상단에있는나무로된줄감개로 4 개의줄을고정한다. 염소가죽에부착된하부굄목과목에부착된상부굄목에줄을걸쳐놓는다. 대나무와말꼬리채로만든활을이용해연주한다. 과거에는동물창자로줄을만들었으나최근에는나일론줄이일반적으로사용된다. 턈코 ( 땅 ) 높이와지름이약 15cm 인북으로소가죽으로덮여있다. 허리춤에매고두개의스틱으로연주한다.

다마하 ( 물 ) 구리로만든그릇모양의단면고로, 목에둘러매고큰스틱하나로연주한다. 높이 30cm, 지름 38cm 로북머리는소가죽으로만든다. 나라싱가 ( 하늘 ) 길고 (2m 이상 ) 큰곡선모양을가진구리나팔로, 밑으로갈수록몸통이조금씩넓어진다. 쉽게탈착할수있는 5~7 개부분으로연결되어있다. 순환호흡으로연주한다. 주르마 ( 불 ) 지름이약 20cm 이며, 놋쇠로된심벌즈다. 카르날 ( 하늘 ) 길이가 180cm 인구리나팔로, 이동의편의성을위해쉽게탈착할수있는두부분으로연결되어있다. 길고가는모양의몸통은하단에서갑자기구리로된종모양으로넓어진다. 돌라키 ( 공기 ) 판차이바자에서주요장단을연주하는양면고로, 음조율판은가지고있지않다. 돌라키는다마하, 주르마와함께연주되며턈코와같은장단을탄다. 사하나이 ( 하늘 ) 판차이바자에서큰소리를내며주요역할을하는악기다. 대추나무의뿌리목재를곡선모양으로깎아만든목관악기로, 네팔에서만볼수있다. 두부분을세로로끼워맞출수있는몸통을가지고있고, 하단은종모양의금속관으로되어있다. 8 개의지공과소리를내는리드를가지고있다.

1. 찬디카티찬드라말라 (Chandi Kaati Chandra Maalaa) 3. 하시데우볼리데우라사일레 (Hasi Deu Bolideu Rasaile) 5. 소라티 4 (Sorathi) 6. 발란 (Baalan) 연행자 : 안자나구룽과친구들 (Anjana Gurung and Friends) 카스트 : 카스녹음연도 : 1997 년수집가 : 프렘데브기리 (Prem Dev Giri) 찬디카티찬드라말라는네팔중서부지역의전통타파 1 노래다. 이곡은독특한리듬을가지고있으며남녀로각각구성된두그룹의가수들이서로문답을주고받는형식으로진행된다. 사람들이물물교환을하러저녁때모여드는임시장터인하트바자르에서불리는노래다. 악기 : 마달, 반수리, 사랑기, 춤춤, 마체타 2. 긴라차마미사차 (Ginla Chhama Misa Cha) 연행자 : 사누마이야마하르잔 (Sanu Maiya Maharjan) 카스트 : 네와르녹음연도 : 1997 년수집가 : 누체바하두르단골 (Nucche Bahadur Dangol) 이곡은네와르족의노래로, 다니는모든축제에서노래를부르는한네와르소녀의이야기다. 이곡에는소녀가이야기하는네팔자연풍경의아름다움을담고있다. 악기 : 마달, 반수리, 마지라 1. 타파 (Tappa) 는네팔중서부지역의음악형식으로, 4 분의 4 박자로구성되어있으며매우빠른템포를가지고있다. 연행자 : 안자나구룽, 카나이야싱, 디팍라만 (Anjana Gurung, Kanhaiya Singh and Dipak Raman) 카스트 : 체트리녹음연도 : 1997 년수집가 : 수비샤 (Subi Shah) 하시데우볼리데우라사일레는네팔중부와서부구릉지역에서가장흔하게들을수있는쟈우레 2 노래다. 남녀각각으로구성된두그룹의가수들이이곡을부른다. 주로고통이나행복과같은감정을표현하는가사를담고있다. 악기 : 마달, 춤춤, 마지라, 사랑기, 반수리 4. 호호레호 (Ho Ho Re Ho) 연행자 : 나라얀라야마지, 안자나구룽 (Narayan Rayamajhi and Anjana Gurung) 카스트 : 다마이녹음연도 : 1999 년수집가 : 수비샤 (Subi Shah) 이곡은아사레 3 노래로, 남자는밭을갈고여자는종묘장에서기른모종을옮겨심는계절인 6 월에불리는모내기노래다. 다마이계급의음악가들이논둑에앉아판차이바자를연주하며이곡을노래한다. 가사는매우유쾌하고익살스러우면서도더위와폭우속에서고된노동의고통을잊기위한많은은유가담겨있다. 악기 : 판차이바자 2. 쟈우레 (Jhyaure) 는네팔구릉지역의가장대중적인노래로, 8 분의 6 박자로구성되어있으며매우빠른템포를가지고있다. 3. 아사레 (Asaare) 는네팔에서 7 월모내기철에농부들이부르는계절노래다. 연행자 : 시바파우델, 안자나구룽, 카나이야싱 (Shiva Paudel, Anjana Gurung and Kanhaiya Singh) 카스트 : 구룽녹음연도 : 1994 년수집가 : 수비샤 (Subi Shah) 소라티노래인이곡은자야싱가왕과하이마티여왕의이야기 5 를바탕으로한다. 왕과여왕이왕실정치때문에딸을포기해야만했던비극적인이야기를들려준다. 악기 : 무르충가, 마달, 마체타, 사랑기 4. 소라티 (Sorathi) 는네팔구룽족과마가르족의민속무용으로, 아이의출생을기념하며추는춤이다. 5. 자야싱가왕 (King Jaya Singha) 과하이마티여왕 (Queen Haimati) 이야기 : 자야싱가왕은자신의 14 명의아내가자식을낳지못하자 15 번째아내인하이마티를맞이했다. ( 일부에서는왕에게 16 명의아내가있었다고하고 7 명밖에없었다는주장도있다.) 하이마티는딸을출산했지만다른여왕들의강압에못이겨강으로던져버릴수밖에없었다. 이후마을의남자주민인말라레와쿠말레는금으로된큰가방을발견했는데그안에는기적적으로아기가올라타있었다. 쿠말레는아기를입양하고 황금얼굴 을의미하는수느루파라는이름을지어주었다. 수느루파가 16 살이되었을때우연히왕의눈에띄었다. 왕은그녀의아름다움에감탄했다. 이소식을들은여왕은즉시쿠말레를불러그녀를데려오라명했고, 쿠말레는왕에게딸을바쳤다. 왕과수느루파의결혼식날왕이그녀의이마에기혼의상징인붉은점을찍으려고하자그녀는자신의아버지로부터이를받을수없다며거절했다. 왕은쿠말레를불러그가친구인말라레와가방속아기를발견한이야기를전해들었다. 이를확인하기위해여왕은자신의모유를짜냈고, 모유는수느루파의입으로흘러들어갔다. 그녀의정체가밝혀지자모두가기뻐했다. 왕과여왕도매우행복해했다. 하지만결혼식은취소되지않았고수느루파는장관인수잔과결혼하게된다. 이들은 16 년전의비극은잊어버리고이순간을축하했다. ( 출처 : Dances of Nepal, Nepal Music Center Trust, 2014) 연행자 : 나라얀라야마지 (Narayan Rayamajhi) 카스트 : 브라만, 체트리녹음연도 : 1994 년수집가 : 수비샤 (Subi Shah) 카스코후쿰파이스 6 는발란 7 노래다. 발란은전통적으로브라만과체트리계급남성들이행해온악극의한종류다. 두그룹의가수들이힌두서사시인라마야나 8 에관한문답을주고받는형식으로진행된다. 7. 살람메로하주르라이 (Salam Mero Hajurlai) 연행자 : 안자나구룽, 카나이야싱, 디팍라만 (Anjana Gurung, Kanhaiya Singh and Dipak Raman) 카스트 : 브라만, 체트리녹음연도 : 1999 년수집가 : 수비샤 (Subi Shah) 네팔서부의여러지역축제에서불리는추드카 9 노래다. 먼저남성들이노래를부르면여성들이이를따라부르고, 이후역할을바꾸어진행한다. 음악가들도연주를하면서노래하고춤춘다. 악기 : 카인자디, 마지라, 반수리 6. 카스코후쿰파이스 (Kasko Hukum Pais) 는네팔어로 당신은누구의명을받았습니까? 를뜻한다. 7. 발란 (Baalan) 은브라만과체트리계급의종교적찬가로, 힌두교신들에게기도할때낭송한다. 8. 라마야나 (Raamayana) 는기원전 300 년경시인발미키 (Valmiki) 가엮은힌두서사시다. 9. 추드카 (Chudka, Chutka) 는구룽족이주로추는춤이다.

8. 사르부사요사요 (Sarboo Saayo Saayo) 연행자 : 안자나구룽, 카나이야싱, 디팍라만 (Anjana Gurung, Kanhaiya Singh and Dipak Raman) 카스트 : 디말녹음연도 : 1998 년수집가 : 랄바하두르디말 (Lal Bahadur Dhimal) 네팔남쪽의동부테라이산림지역에거주하는디말족의전통민요다. 남녀가함께디말족언어로된이노래를부르며춤춘다악기 : 디말돌, 반수리, 주리 9. 카티람로다울라기리 10 (Kati Ramro Dhaulagiri) Contributors Co-Production Directors Ram Prasad Kadel, Kwon Huh Project Coordinator Nanda Sharma, Yadav Devkota Sound Editor Paramita Kandel Contents Editor Norma Blackstock Korean Translator Yunjung Hyun 연행자 : 안잔바부샤르마 (Anjan Babu Sharma) 카스트 : 브라만녹음연도 : 1999 년수집가 : 상기트스로타 (Sangeet Srota) 이곡은네팔서부파르밧지역의다울라기리산자락에살고있는여러마을에서비롯된전통민요다. 가사를통해자신들의기쁨을표현하고장엄한산과산신을찬양한다. 악기 : 마달, 반수리, 사랑기 10. 카티람로다울라기리 (Kati Ramro Dhaulagiri) 에서카티는 얼마나 를, 람로는 선함 또는 아름다움 을의미한다. 다울라기리는히말라야산맥칼리간다크계곡서쪽에있는산이름이다.