Korean Business Network

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VOL 7_<CD1D><AD8C>(15MB VERSION).pdf

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ePapyrus PDF Document



슬라이드 1



Diapositive 1

슬라이드 1


october 2014 history predictions cbd ybd gbd Seoul office is a Tenant Favored Market due to oversupply since Seoul s office vacancy to in


야쿠르트2010 3월 - 최종

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E Y Assurance Tax Transactions Advisory A b o u t E Y EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization and may refer to one or more of the memberfirms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legalentity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about ourorganization, please visit ey.com. 2015 Ernst & Young Han Young 2015 Ernst & Young Advisory, Inc. All Rights Reserved. APAC no. 05000285 This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. e y. c o m / k r

B u i l d i a b e t t w o r k i w o r EY한영은전세계 150개국에걸쳐 210,000여명의전문가들이활동하고있는글로벌리딩회계 컨설팅법인 EY의한국회원법인입니다. 풍부한지식과다양한경험을갖춘 1,700여명의전문가들이품질에대한굳건한신념을가지고탁월한고객서비스를제공하고있습니다. EY Han Young is the Korean member firm of EY, a global leader in assurance, tax, transactions and advisory services with 210,000 experts across 150 countries. Our well-grounded 1,700 experts with a strong commitment to quality deliver exceptional client service. 1

EY Korean Business Network AMERICA EUROPE MIDDLE EAST INDIA AFRICA ASIA PACIFIC JAPAN EY 한국비즈니스네트워크 (Korean Business Network) 는전세계주요국가에서고객여러분을지원합니다. 특히신흥시장에진출한한국기업의비즈니스를돕기위해한국어가가능한전문인력을배치, 현지에서최상의서비스를받으실수있도록준비하고있습니다. EY 한국비즈니스네트워크는글로벌을무대로활약하는한국기업에전문적이고실질적인통찰을전해드리기위해 EY Global Market Review Day 를비롯한다양한이벤트를진행하고있습니다. 한국비즈니스네트워크의전문가들은여타경쟁법인과는차별화된전문역량을바탕으로고객사의 C-suite 어젠다를선도하고있으며한국기업이신뢰할수있는소통채널이되고있습니다. 한국비즈니스네트워크는고객여러분의든든한비즈니스동반자로서 Building a better working world for client 라는 EY의목표를달성하기위해최선을다하겠습니다. The EY Korean Business Network has expanded over the most wide geographical coverage around the world. Specifically, we have dedicated Korean-speaking professionals in emerging markets to serve Korean enterprises in their global business. We are proud to demonstrate our experiences of holding numerous exclusive dialogues for CEOs and CFOs of global companies headquartered in Korea to help Korean companies explore new business via our trademark seminar EY Global Market Review Day. We envision that our people in the Korean Business Network will be reliable communication channels with Korean enterprises and lead the discussion of the C-suite agenda of our clients for building a better working world. 2 Korean Business Network 3

Our Services EY 는전세계고객들에게차별화된회계감사, 세무, 재무자문, 어드바이저리서비스를제공하고있으며, 금융기업을위한특별조직을운영하고있습니다. 고객의문제를해결하고비즈니스 ASSURANCE SERVICES TAX SERVICES TRANSACTIONS ADVISORY SERVICES ADVISORY SERVICES 성과를높이는 EY 한영의다양한전문서비스를 확인하시기바랍니다. 회계감사서비스 세무자문서비스 기업인수 합병관련서비스 Performance Improvement EY delivers differentiated assurance, tax, transactions and advisory services to clients all over the world and operates a special organization for servicing financial firms. External Audit Services 회계자문서비스 Financial Accounting Advisory Services FTA 컨설팅서비스 FTA Consulting Services Business Tax Services 세무신고및보고서비스 Global Compliance and Reporting Services 국제조세서비스 International Tax Services Merger and Acuisitons 회계, 세무및재무실사서비스 Transaction Support 가치평가및사업모델구축서비스 Valuation and business Modeling 시장및고객전략 Market and Customer Strategy 벤치마킹서비스 Benchmark Service 성장전략수립 Learn more about EY Han Young s diverse professional services dedicated to solving your issues and delivering better business performance. 이전가격서비스 Transfer Pricing Services 인수 합병관련세무서비스 Transaction Tax Services 기업구조조정관련서비스 Restructuring 부동산관련서비스 Transaction Real Estate Growth Strategy IT 자문서비스 IT Advisory Service 임원보고및워크숍서비스 인적자원관련서비스 인수후통합서비스 C-suite Reporting and Workshop service Human Capital Services Transaction Intergration 간접세서비스 Indirect Tax Services Risk 전사위험관리자문 Business Risk Service 내부통제및내부감사서비스 Internal Control / Internal Audit 4 Korean Business Network 5

Contacts Korea Leader China ASEAN & Singapore ASEAN & Malaysia Japan 국균 Ken Cook Korean Business Network leader, Korea Tel: +82 2 3770 0900 Email: Ken.Cook@kr.ey.com 이경모전무 Kevin KM Lee Partner, Beijing Tax, Korean Business Service Tel: +86 10 5815 3000 Email: kevin-km.lee@cn.ey.com 김정욱매니저 Jeongwook Kim Manager, Shanghai Tax, Korea Business Service Tel: +86 21 2228 5171 Mobile: +86 185 0169 9124 Email: Jeongwook.Kim@cn.ey.com 조현미이사 Hyunmi Cho, Singapore Tax, Korea Business Network Tel: +65 6309 8595 Email: Hyun-Mi.Cho@sg.ey.com 장성규파트너 Sungkyu Chang Partner, Malaysia Advisory, PI-Customer Tel: +603 7495 8692 Email: Sungkyu.Chang@my.ey.com 장진호이사 Jinho Jang Korea business Network, Tokyo Tel: +81 3 3503 1135 Mobile: +81 70 3512 0026 Email: jang-jnh@shinnihon.or.jp 배영수상무 Youngsu Bae Executive, Beijing Assurance, Korea Business Service Tel: +86 10 5815 2920 Mobile: +86 139 1172 0557 Email: YSBae@cn.ey.com 김남호상무 Namho Kim Executive, Shanghai 김경훈이사 Kyunghun Kim, Shenzhen Assurance, Korea Business Service Tel: +86 755 2238 5684 Mobile: +86 186 1708 1756 Email: Kyunghun.Kim@cn.ey.com 왕중식파트너 Joongshik Wang Partner, Singapore ASEAN Leader - Corporate Finance Strategy Tel : +65 6309 8078 Email : Joongshik.Wang@sg.ey.com Indonesia 우신영시니어매니저 Cristine Woo, Malaysia Advisory, PI Tel: +603 7495 8992 Email: Cristine.Woo@my.ey.com Oceania Assurance, Korea Business Service 안광진이사 Kevin Ahn 유훈전무 Simon Yoo Tel : +86 21 2228 2030 Assistant Executive director Mobile : +86 159 2105 6174 Tel: +62 21 5289 5343 Korean Business Desk Leader Email : Nam-Ho.Kim@cn.ey.com Email: Kevin.J.Ahn@id.ey.com Tel: +61 2 9276 9815 Email: simon.yoo@au.ey.com Vietnam 송경찬 Kyung Chan Song Staff, Perth 한경훈시니어매니저 Kyunghoon Han Korean Business Desk, Vietnam Tel: +61 8 9429 2301 Korea Business Service Email: kc.song@au.ey.com Tel: +84 4 3831 5100 Mobile: +84 93 229 6865 Email: Kyung.Hoon.Han@vn.ey.com 6 Korean Business Network 7

Contacts Canada 김중수상무 Edward Kim EMEIA Leader 유창민이사 Changmin Yoo Germany 유창민이사 Changmin Yoo CIS & Russia 천정우이사 Jungwoo Chun Central and Southeast Europe Executive 박소정매니저 Sojeong Park Tel: +41 6943 3135 Korea Business Service Leader for Europe Korea Business Service Leader for Europe Korea Business Service Leader for Russia Assistant Mobile: +41 6523 2798 Middle East India Africa Middle East India Africa and CIS Korean Business Network Email: Edward.kim@ca.ey.com Tel: +49 160 939 21993 Tel: +49 160 939 21993 Tel: +7 495 755 9700 (Ext. 9681) Tel: +48225576505 Email: chang.m.yoo@de.ey.com Email: chang.m.yoo@de.ey.com Mobile : +7 903 170 7024 Email: So.Jeong.Park@pl.ey.com America 홍승남파트너 Seung N Hong Partner Tel: +1 214 969 8674 United Kingdom 이석영이사 Seok Young Lee Email: jungwoo.chun@ru.ey.com Middle East and North Africa India 최필균이사 Phil Kyun Choi, India Email: seung.hong@ey.com Korea Business Service Leader for UKI 김정춘이사 Jeongchun Kim Korea Business Service Leader for India Tel: +44 20 7197 7347 Tel: +91 997 184 0488 김성현시니어매니저 Sung Kim Email: syounglee@uk.ey.com Korea Business Service, MENA region Email: Phil.Choi@in.ey.com Tel: +965 2295 5320 Tel: +1 949 437 0781 Email: sung.kim@ey.com Netherlands Mobile: +965 9757 8044 Email: Jeong.Kim@kw.ey.com Mexico 유창민이사 Changmin Yoo Korea Business Service Leader for Europe 이주환매니저 Joo Whan Lee Manger Korea Business Service 진성수이사 Sung Soo Jin Middle East India Africa Tel: +965-2295-5204 Tel: +49 160 939 21993 Mobile: +965-9793-1839 Korean Business Desk Email: chang.m.yoo@de.ey.com Email: JooWhan.Lee@kw.ey.com Tel: +52 55 5283 1300 Mobile: +52 1 55 3988 7726 Email: sung.jin@mx.ey.com Brazil 대니얼김시니어매니저 Daniel Kim Korean Business Service Tel: +55 11 2573 3427 Email: daniel.w.kim@br.ey.com 8 Korean Business Network