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1 경제협력국가와의 경제발전경험 공유사업: 캄보디아, 인도네시아 기획재정부 2011 경제협력국가와의 경제발전경험 공유사업: 캄보디아, 인도네시아 , 경기도 과천시 관문로 88번지 정부 과천청사 Tel 한국개발연구원 , 서울시 동대문구 회기로 47 Tel 경제협력국가와의 경제발전경험 공유사업 , 서울시 동대문구 회기로 47 KDI 국제개발협력센터 ISBN ISBN (세트) Tel cid.kdi.re.kr KSP보고서표지_캄보디아_인도네시아_국문.indd 오전 11:05:37

2 2011 경제협력국가와의경제발전경험공유사업 : 캄보디아, 인도네시아

3 2011 경제협력국가와의경제발전경험공유사업

4 Knowledge Sharing Program 2011 경제협력국가와의경제발전경험공유사업 : 캄보디아, 인도네시아 한국개발연구원

5 Preface

6 Contents

7 Contents


9 Contents

10 Contents

11 Contents


13 Contents


15 Contents


17 Contents


19 제 1 절사업추진배경및구성 018

20 제 2 절사업목적과특성 제 3 절사업추진체계와주체및역할 019

21 제 4 절사업내용과유형및진행단계 020

22 021

23 제 5 절사업의실적및주요성과 022

24 023

25 024

26 025

27 026

28 027

29 028

30 029

31 030

32 031

33 032

34 033

35 034

36 035

37 036

38 037

39 038

40 039


42 캄보디아의중소기업, 산업및수출부문발전을위한정책과제

43 042

44 043

45 044

46 045

47 046

48 047

49 048

50 1. 시사점 049

51 050

52 051

53 2. 기대효과 052

54 1. 중소기업전담은행을통한중소기업금융지원방안 053

55 2. 중소기업의역량배양 054

56 3. 캄보디아전자산업육성전략 055

57 4. 캄보디아농산물가공산업육성 5. 수출다변화 056

58 057

59 < 요약 > 058

60 059

61 060

62 제 1 절서론 061

63 제 2 절글로벌경제위기와캄보디아경제 1. 글로벌경제위기와캄보디아경제성장 062

64 063

65 Cambodia Indonesia Singapore Philippines Thailand Malaysia Business sophistication Market size Innovation Institutions Infrastructure Macroeconomic stability Health and primary education Cambodia ASEAN average Technological readiness Higher education and training Financial market Goods market efficiency sophistication Labor market efficiency 064

66 2. 캄보디아의경제전망 065

67 066

68 제 3 절중소기업지원시스템 1. 캄보디아중소기업 067

69 2. 캄보디아중소기업개발계획 3. 캄보디아중소기업의문제점과과제 4. 캄보디아중소기업지원 068

70 제 4 절중소기업전담은행 4) 1. 중소기업의금융이용 2. 중소기업금융의문제점 069

71 070

72 3. 마이크로파이낸스기관 (MFIs) 071

73 4. 신용정보시스템 072

74 5. 농촌개발은행 (Rural Development Bank) 제 5 절산업발전 1. 산업정책 073

75 074

76 Tourism Services Industries Agriculture 농가공산업발전 제 6 절수출다변화 1. 캄보디아무역부문 075

77 076

78 2. 캄보디아쌀부문 077

79 Million tons (paddy basis)

80 079

81 Brother Investment Group, Informative Report on Banking Sector in Cambodia, April Cambodia Microfinance Association, Annual Report Cambodia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) ( National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia, Cambodian Statistical Yearbook 2008 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), FAOSTAT ( IFC Cambodia, Business Issues Bulletin, No.17, June IHS Global Insight, Country Intelligence: Report Cambodia, March IMF, Public Information Notice (PIN), No. 10/158, December 14, IMF, Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF staff Mission to Cambodia, press release No. 09/325, September 24, IMF, IMF Team Completes the 2010 Article IV Consultation Discussion with Cambodia, press release No. 10/334, September 10, International Trade Center (ITC), Trade Map and Market Access Map ( Keo Socheat, Cambodia SME Financing Focused on Export Financing, Mid-to Long-Term Loan for Facility Investment, Credit Guarantee: Overview and Limitation, August National Bank of Cambodia, Banking Supervision Department, Annual Report National Bank of Cambodia, Annual Report, Park, Jin-Hwan, Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Integrated Rural Development in Korea, Forum on Industrialization and Urban-Rural Linkages, Korea Development Institute, October Park, Jong-Kun, The Promotion of the Korean Electronics Industry, Forum on Industrialization and Urban- Rural Linkages, Korea Development Institute, October Royal Government of Cambodia, National Strategic Development Program Update , Rural Development Bank, Annual Report, Slayton, T., A Roadmap for Cambodian Rice Exports, Royal Government of Cambodia, Sub-committee on Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs Policy & Promotion in Manufacturing: Issues and Proposals for Their Development. Royal Government of Cambodia, Sub-committee on Small and Medium Enterprises, Background Note II on Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)-focused Bank in Cambodia. 080

82 Tong, Kimsun, A Review of Cambodian Industrial Policy, Annual Development Review , CDRI, March 2011, pp.7~22. UNCDF, Local Development Outlook Cambodia, 2010 Edition, April UNDP Cambodia, Cambodia Country Competitiveness: Driving Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction, Discussion Paper No. 7, Ung Luyna, Development of the Agro-Processing Sector in Cambodia, August 2011 Ung, Luyna and Sras Sopheakalyanika, Rice contract farming in Cambodia, Supreme National Economic Council, February 2005, UNDP Cambodia (2009). Value Chain Unit, Trade Promotion Department, Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia, Rice Sector Profile and Strategy, October World Bank and IFC, Cambodia, A Better Investment Climate to Sustain Growth, Second Investment Climate Assessment, Report Number KH, April

83 < 요약 > 082

84 제 1 절서론 083

85 제 2 절캄보디아의중소기업금융환경과중소기업전담은행의필요성 14) 084

86 085

87 086

88 제 3 절 IBK 기업은행의설립과기능 1. IBK 기업은행의설립배경 087

89 2. IBK 기업은행의설립과역할 088

90 089

91 090

92 091

93 092

94 093

95 100% 90% 80% 3.2% 5.4% 5.7% 12.2% 70% 60% 50% 51.2% 54.4% 48.5% 63.1% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 40.1% 27.8% 35.0% 21.8% 5.5% 12.5% 10.9% 2.9%

96 제 4 절경제위기시 IBK 의역할 095

97 제 5 절정책제언 096

98 097

99 098

100 099

101 제 6 절결론 100

102 101

103 Beck, T., Financing Constraints of SMEs in Developing Countries: Evidence, Determinants and Solution, (accessed 27 June 2011) Beck, T. and D. K. Asli., Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Access to Finance as a Growth Constraints, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 30, No. 11, 2006, pp.2931~2943 Brother Investment Group, Banking Sector in Cambodia, Phnom Penh: BIG Co. Ltd., (accessed 2 May 2011) Harner, S. M., Financing SMEs in Cambodia: Why do Banks Find it so Difficult?, (accessed 2 May 2011) IFC, Understanding the SMEs Sector in Cambodia and Need for Financing Services and Products, Phnom Penh: International Financial Corporation, Industrial Bank of Korea, Annual Report, Seoul, Korea, 1961~1978. National Bank of Cambodia, Annual Report 2007, Phnom Penh: NBC, National Bank of Cambodia, Annual Report 2008, Phnom Penh: NBC, 2008 National Bank of Cambodia, Annual Supervision Report 2009, Phnom Penh: NBC, NIS, Nation-wide Establishment Listing of Cambodia 2009, Phnom Penh: NIS, Oum, S., C. Harvie, and D. Narjoko (eds.), Small and Medium Enterprises Access to Finance in Selected East Asian Economies, ERIA Research Project 2010, No. 11, Jakarta: ERIA, Petrick, M., Farm Investment, Credit Rationing and Governmentally Promoted Credit Access in Poland: a Cross-Sectional Study, Food Policy, Vol. 9, pp.275~294, Royal Government of Cabodia, SME Sub-committee, Annual Report, Phnom Penh: SME Sub-committee, Royal Government of Cabodia, SME Sub-committee, Small and Medium Development Framework, (accessed 2 May 2011) Rural Development Bank, Annual Report 2010, Phnom Penh, Saing, C. H., Trade Competitiveness of SMEs: Importance of Finance and Policy Options/Government Roles, ARTNeT GMS Notes No. 1,

104 (accessed 27 June 2011) Sohn, W., Promoting Low-cost for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Rice Mills, Korea: KDI, Tong, K., Survey on Impact of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis on Employment in Cambodia, Phnom Penh: CDRI, World Bank, World Bank Enterprise Survey, Washington DC: WB, World Bank, Cambodia Agribusiness Access to Finance Project: Concept Stage, (accessed 30 June 2011) 103

105 < 요약 > 104

106 제 1 절캄보디아의중소기업지원현황 1. 캄보디아의중소기업현황 105

107 106

108 107

109 2. 캄보디아정부의중소기업육성대책 108

110 109

111 제 2 절캄보디아중소기업의역량배양 1. 중소기업의역량배양방안 110

112 111

113 가 ) 지도사업 (Extension Service) 의확산 112

114 113

115 나 ) BDS 의창업중소기업에의적용 114

116 115

117 116

118 117

119 118

120 가 ) 공장집단화사업 나 ) 시설공동화사업 다 ) 기업합병사업 119

121 라 ) 경영협업화사업 마 ) 아파트형공장사업 120

122 121

123 제 3 절결론 122

124 123

125 Asian Development Bank, Cambodia: Capacity Building for SME Development -Phase, Technical Assistance Consultant's Report, Project Number , May Baily Peter, Cambodian Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Constraints, Policies, and Proposals for their Development, research/images/pdf/pdf No.5/No,5-1-Cambodian.pdf., 2007 CIA, The World Factbook, August Cho, Soon, The Dynamics of Korean Economic Development, March ESCAP, Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs: Subnational Innovation System and Technological Capacity-Building Policies, ST/ESCAP/2435, January General Department of Industry, Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, Concept Paper for Strategy 2015 (The Strategy Framework of the General Department of Industry ) by Meng Sakthara, Director of Industry, May International Finance Corporation(World Bank Group), Consulting Services in Cambodia-An Overview of the Industry, PSDP No. 19, March Japan International Cooperation Agency, Project Formulation Study on Two-Step Loan Project for SMEs and Rural Infrastructure in the Kingdom of Cambodia, October Kaoru Natsuda, Kenta Goto, John Thoburn, Challenges to the Cambodian Garment Industry in the Global Garment Value Chain, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan, July 2009, Kingdom of Cambodia, Law on Administration of Factory and Handicraft, January Kingdom of Cambodia, Law on Patents, Utility Model Certificates and Industrial Design, Korea Institute of Public Finance, Study of Foreign Tax Accountant System, December RAM Consultancy Services Sdn Bhd, SME Access to Financing: Addressing the Supply Side of SME Financing, REPSF Project No. 04/003, Final Main Report, July Royal Government of Cambodia, Sub-committee on Small & Medium Enterprises, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Framework, July 29, Royal Government of Cambodia, The Rectangular Strategy for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency in Cambodia, July Sisombat, Lili, Cambodia Government-Private Sector Forum(G-PSF), Dakar, April Small and Medium Business Corporation in Korea, Introduction of Comprehensive Diagnosis Program, Small and Medium Business Corporation in Korea, ReFactory - Management Innovation System Ver.V, February Small and Medium Business Corporation in Korea, 10 Years History of Small and Medium Business Corporation, October

126 Small and Medium Business Corporation in Korea, 20 Years History of Small and Medium Business Corporation, March Small and Medium Business Corporation in Korea, 30 Years History of Small and Medium Business Corporation, January UNDP, Cambodia Country Competitiveness-Driving Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction, April UNIDO, SME Clusters and Responsible Competitiveness in Developing Countries, January United Nations, International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities(ISIC), Rev.4, USAID, Factory-Level Value Chain Analysis of Cambodia s Apparel Industry, September USAID, G-PSF Sustainability Planning for the Cambodia Strengthening Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Project, Final Report - Public Version, Prepared by Emerging Markets Consulting, May USAID, Strengthening Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Cambodia-Final Report, GEG-I / AMAP BDS IQC, October World Bank, Doing Business 2012, October

127 < 요약 > 126

128 제 1 절서론 1. 캄보디아의경제현황 127

129 2. 전자산업육성의필요성 128

130 129

131 제 2 절캄보디아의기업경영환경 1. 노동시장 130

132 2. 자본시장 131

133 132

134 3. 기술수준 4. 사회간접자본 133

135 5. 공업단지 134

136 6. 요약및시사점 135

137 제 3 절한국전자산업의발전과정 1. 한국전자산업의현황 136

138 137

139 2. 한국전자산업의역사 138

140 139

141 140

142 3. 한국전자산업의성공요인 141

143 142

144 143

145 제 4 절캄보디아전자산업육성을위한전략과제 1. 육성정책의방향성 144

146 2. 육성을위한전략과제 145

147 146

148 147

149 148

150 149

151 150

152 151

153 152

154 153

155 ADB, Cambodia Building Solid Physical and Social Infrastructure, ASEAN, Road for Integration of Electronics Sector, CIST, 2009 Cambodia Professional IT Market Study, Jeong, Jinha, Key Features of Korea's IT Industry, KOTEF, Mardon, Russell, The State and the Effective Control of Foreign Capital: The Case of South Korea, World 154

156 Politics, Vol. 43, No.1, Naron, Hang Chuon, Cambodian Economy: Charting the Course of a Brighter Future, Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh SEZ, Our Accomplishment and Challenge, Royal Government of Cambodia, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Cambodia Macroeconomic Framework , Royal Government of Cambodia, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Policy and Strategies on Information and Communication Technology in Cambodia, Royal Government of Cambodia, Ministry of Planning, National Strategic Development Plan Update , Royal Government of Cambodia, RS & NSDP, Tambunan, T., Why Do Least Developed Countries in Asia not Benefit More from Transfer of Technology? UN ESCAP, The Council for Development of Cambodia, Business Operating Environment in Cambodia, The Council for Development of Cambodia, Cambodia Investment Guidebook, The Council for Development of Cambodia, Economic Overview of Cambodia, The Council for Development of Cambodia, The Special Economic Zone, United Nations, A Case Study of the Electronics Industry in Thailand, World Bank, Transforming the Rebound into Recovery,

157 < 요약 > 156

158 제 1 절서론 157

159 158

160 제 2 절개발도상국의농산물가공산업 159

161 160

162 161

163 제 3 절캄보디아농산물가공산업현황 1. 기본현황 162

164 2. 성공사례 163

165 164

166 3. 시사점 제 4 절농산물가공산업의장애요인 165

167 1. 전통적수출상품의위기 166

168 2. 취약한농산물가공산업구조 167

169 168

170 제 5 절캄보디아농산물가공산업발전전략 1. 기본목표 169

171 2. 단기전략 170

172 171

173 3. 장기전략 제 6 절결론 172

174 173

175 Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO), FAO Statistical Yearbook 2010, Mkandawire, Thandika, Maladjusted African Economies and Globalisation, Africa Development, Vol. XXX, No. 1&2, Naron, Hang Chuon, Cambodian Economy: Charting the Course of a Brighter Future, Regmi, Anita and Mark Gehlhar, Processed Food Trade Pressured by Evolving Global Supply Chains, United States Department of Agriculture/ERS, Royal Government of Cambodia, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Annual Report, Royal Government of Cambodia, Policy Paper on the Promotion of Paddy Production and Rice Export, July Wilkinson, John and Rudi Rocha, Agri-Processing and Developing Countries, Working Paper,

176 < 요약 > 175

177 176

178 제 1 절수출다변화의필요성 177

179 제 2 절캄보디아의최근수출동향분석 1. 수출상품및대상국동향 178

180 179

181 2. 수입동향및수입대체방안 180

182 181

183 182

184 3. 비공식무역의영향 183

185 4. 수출유망산업육성의성과와과제 184

186 5. 무역전문인력양성 185

187 제 3 절캄보디아수출산업육성방안 1. 캄보디아수출업체의성공사례전파 186

188 187

189 188

190 2. 한국투자기업대상설문조사결과 189

191 190

192 191

193 제 4 절수출유망시장동향과캄보디아의진출확대방안 1. 한국시장동향 192

194 193

195 194

196 195

197 2. 아시아 5 개경쟁국시장동향 32) 196

198 197

199 198

200 199

201 200

202 201

203 202

204 203

205 204

206 205

207 3. 선진수출대상국의시장동향과진출방안 206

208 207

209 208

210 제 5 절한국의수출기업화사업소개 1. 초보수출기업육성의필요성 2. 한국의수출기업화사업프로그램구성 209

211 210

212 211

213 212

214 213

215 제 6 절결론 1. 정책제안 214

216 215

217 216

218 217

219 218

220 219

221 2. 캄보디아상무부의적용방안 220

222 Cambodia Publishing and Editing Services, Cambodia Business Directory Cambodian Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia s 2007 Trade Integration Strategy: DTIS Cambodian Ministry of Commerce, Cambodian Potential Products, Cambodian Ministry of Tourism, Tourism Statistics Report Cambodian Organic Agriculture Association, Organic Agriculture and Food Processing in Cambodia, April Council for the Development of Cambodia, Cambodia Investment Guide Korea Exhibition Organizers Association, Exhibition in Korea, Ray, Nick, Ankor Wat & Siem Reap Encounter, Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd, September 2008, translated version in Korean. 221

223 World Bank, Report on the Observance of Standard and Codes(ROSC) Cambodia ( General Statistics Office of Vietnam, Yearbook, various edition. IBM Belgium, Economic Integration and Vietnam's Development, December, Ministry of Industry and Trade, internal document Pham, Truong Hoang, The Competition and Evolution of Business Architecture and the Chance for Vietnamese Enterprise, Institute of Developing Economies, 2004 Vietnam Academy of Social Science, Vietnam Economic Review, various edition. Vietnam Textile Manufacture Association, internal document. Central Bureau of Statistics(BPS), Indonesia Export Import Statistics, , ( Investment Coordinating Board(BKPM), Investment Success Story, 2010, ( Exporters and Producers of Indonesian Handicraft(ASEPHI)( The Indonesia's National Agency for Export Development(NAFED)( Eurostat( Indonesian Logistics Agency(BULOG)( Ministry of Trade(ww.kemendag.go.id) Asian Development Bank, Outlook, ( Board of Investments( Department of Trade and Industry, ( National Food Authority( National Statistics Office( Oxford Business Group, The Report : The Philippines

224 SGV & Co. Partners & Principals, Doing Business in the Philippines Bangladesh Bank, Annual Import Payments, ( Bangladesh Bank, Annual Export Receipts, ( Bangladesh Bank, Enterprise Survey, ( Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute( Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers & Exporters Association( Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation( Board of Investment( Export Promotion Bureau(EPB)( FTA Wing, Ministry of Commerce( National Board of Revenue, Import Tariff( Zaman.Zaki-Uz; MISHIMA, Tokuzo; HISANO, Shuji;Gergely, Moha'csi, The Role of Rice Processing Industries in Bangladesh : A case study of Sherpur District, Hokkaido University 2001 Trade Shows in Bangladesh( Board of Investment( CIA, World Fact Book( Department of Commerce( Export Development Board( Lanka Business Online( LMD Magazine, The Paddy Obstacle, ( Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority( 223


226 인도네시아의핵심정책분야지원 : 공공재정, 신용인프라, 수자원관리

227 226

228 227

229 228

230 229

231 1. 시사점 230

232 2. 기대효과 231

233 232

234 233

235 1. 개황 234

236 235

237 2. 경제 236

238 237

239 238

240 239

241 240

242 241

243 2. 인도네시아핵심정책분야의개발전략지원사업의추진 242

244 243

245 244

246 245

247 246

248 247

249 248

250 249

251 250

252 251

253 252

254 < 요약 > 253

255 제 1 절국고관리및예산집행의의의와선진국사례 254

256 255

257 제 2 절한국의국고관리및예산집행시스템개혁경험 256

258 257

259 258

260 259

261 260

262 제 3 절인도네시아의국고관리및예산집행시스템현황및문제점 261

263 262

264 263

265 제 4 절인도네시아에대한한국사례의시사점및적용가능성 264

266 265

267 제 5 절인도네시아국고관리및예산집행개선을위한정책방안 266

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274 제 1 절서론 273

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276 2. 한국의발생주의회계제도도입과정 275

277 276

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281 3. 중앙정부의개혁 280

282 4. 통합재정정보시스템 (SPAN) 의구축 5. 지방정부의회계제도개혁 281

283 6. 소결론 : 개혁과정의애로점들 282

284 283

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286 제 4 절심층 Q&A 285

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288 제 5 절정책제안및결론 1. 양국간의보편성과특수성 287

289 2. 인도네시아를위한정책제안 288

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296 2. 디지털예산회계시스템의필요성 295

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2011 경제협력국가와의경제발전경험공유사업 : 캄보디아, 인도네시아

2011 경제협력국가와의경제발전경험공유사업 : 캄보디아, 인도네시아 www.ksp.go.kr 2011 경제협력국가와의 경제발전경험 공유사업: 캄보디아, 인도네시아 기획재정부 2011 경제협력국가와의 경제발전경험 공유사업: 캄보디아, 인도네시아 2012 427-725, 경기도 과천시 관문로 88번지 정부 과천청사 Tel. 02-2150-7732 한국개발연구원 www.mosf.go.kr 130-740, 서울시 동대문구 회기로 47

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