InkTec LFP PRODUCTS GUIDE Solvent / Oil Based Inks 솔벤트 / 오일잉크 04 Eco Solvent Inks for Roland & Mutoh Printers l 에코솔벤트잉크 05 Real Solvent Inks for Mimak

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1 A World-Class Leading Company in inkjet LFP PRODUCTS GUIDE InkTec Co., Ltd. 1124, Shingil-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan-city, Gyeonggi-do, , Korea 주식회사잉크테크 경기도안산시단원구신길동 1124 번지 (13B-13L) Tel (#287) Fax All brand names & trademarks are property of their respective owners. MEC-LF V4.3

2 InkTec LFP PRODUCTS GUIDE Solvent / Oil Based Inks 솔벤트 / 오일잉크 04 Eco Solvent Inks for Roland & Mutoh Printers l 에코솔벤트잉크 05 Real Solvent Inks for Mimaki Printers l 강솔벤트잉크 06 Oil Inks for printers with Xaar Head l 오일잉크 Water Based Inks 수성잉크 08 SubliNova Pro Dye Sublimation Inks for Epson Piezo head Printers l 전사잉크 12 Pigment and Dye Inks for Epson Piezo head Printers l 수성염료 안료잉크 13 PowerChrome Pigment Inks for Epson Stylus pro Series l 엡손파워크롬잉크 14 PowerChrome K3 Inks for Epson Stylus pro Series l 엡손파워크롬 K3 잉크 15 Pigment & Dye Inks for HP Designjet 5000/ 5500 Printers l HP 5000/ 5500용염료 안료잉크 16 Z Plus Pigment Inks for HP Designjet Z6100 l HP Z6100용안료잉크 InkTec, a world-class leading company in inkjet applications, invites you to the digital printing world. Be a specialist in inkjet application with InkTec, the best partner to successful business. 잉크젯활용기술의세계적인선도기업, 잉크테크가디지털프린팅의세계로안내합니다. 비지니스성공파트너, 잉크테크가여러분과함께합니다. Inkjet Media 잉크젯미디어 18 Water based and Solvent based Inkjet media l 수성 솔벤트잉크용미디어 19 Compatibility Chart for Inkjet media l 잉크젯미디어호환표

3 Printing Consultant, InkTec We, InkTec Co., Ltd., as one of the leading manufacturer in Korea, have been supplying various kinds of inkjet printing ink products to about 80 countries over the last 19 years. Since in 1992, we have been known as one of the research & development-oriented companies in inkjet printing industry. Unlike other ink suppliers who outsource ink products from outside, we design and manufacture various inks and related products with our own technology. In order to meet customer s satisfaction, we always try to supply Total solution in Inkjet printing such as Inkjet specialty media, a bulk ink system and printer parts. In addition, all of the InkTec staff have continuously devoted to developing diverse products with InkTec vision, A World-class Leading Company in Inkjet. So, we can always provide high quality products and customized services to our valuable customers. Our integrated technology and stringent quality control ensure that the quality of InkTec products exceeds that of any counterparts on the market. InkTec will do our best to become your trustworthy partner for the future. Do not miss your opportunity to grow with InkTec! Your success is guaranteed. 주식회사잉크테크는잉크젯활용기술산업의세계적인선두기업으로서지난 19년동안전세계 80여국가에다양한잉크젯프린팅관련제품을생산, 공급해오고있습니다. 1992년설립후, 잉크젯활용기술의세계적인선도기업 이라는비전아래잉크젯프린터용잉크뿐아니라잉크젯용미디어, 벌크잉크시스템등원천기술을바탕으로한다양한부품ㆍ소재및솔루션을고객의요구에맞춰개발, 공급해오고있습니다. 잉크테크는고품질제품생산및고객지향서비스를통해고객만족과고객가치극대화를위해항상노력하고있으며엄격한품질관리시스템과원천기술력확보를통해잉크젯활용기술산업에서경쟁우위를확보하고자노력하고있습니다. 고객님과의성공적인사업파트너로서함께성장하는잉크테크가되도록최선의노력을다하겠습니다. Solvent/ Oil Based Inks 솔벤트 / 오일잉크 InkTec s solvent and oil inks have a lot of benefits to outdoor & indoor printing market due to their high UV resistance and brilliant color on various media. Their fast drying time, wide color gamut and high density enhance the productivity in printing. Furthermore, these inks are suitable for wide range of booth coated and uncoated media such as Flex, PVC and Vinyl. 잉크테크솔벤트 / 오일잉크의뛰어난발색성과빠른건조속도는생산성극대화를가능하게하며, 특히 UV 견뢰도및스크레치견뢰도를보강하여옥외광고에최적화되어개발된잉크입니다. 미디어호환성이뛰어나플렉스, 시트지등 PVC 소재뿐만아니라다양한미디어에적용이가능합니다.

4 Solvent/ Oil Based Inks 9 에코솔벤트잉크 Eco Solvent Inks For Roland & Mutoh Printers 강솔벤트잉크 Real Solvent Inks For Mimaki JV3, JV33 & JV5 Printers InkTec Eco Solvent Inks are UV light resistant pigmented ink that applied to various media using Roland and Mutoh inkjet printers or similar piezo inkjet printers utilizing Epson head technologies. This ink has been specifically formulated for using in these printers assuring chemical compatibility and an easy switch over. No color profile is needed and plug and play is possible. This ink has been proofed not to have any harmful chemical and VOC s in working environment. 환경친화적인잉크테크에코솔벤트잉크는피에조헤드기술이적용된프린터에최적화된잉크입니다. 냄새가적고, 유해성분을포함하지않아실내인테리어용출력에적합하며, 특별한환기장치없이도쾌적한출력환경을조성할수있습니다. 출력성이우수하여다양한미디어소재에서선명한색감을얻을수있을뿐만아니라탁월한내스크레치성과내알코올성을보장합니다. InkTec Real Solvent Inks are specially formulated for Mimaki printers with Epson piezo head and new AMC head such as Mimaki JV3, JV33 and JV5 series. We guarantee that InkTec real solvent inks are 100% compatible to each Mimaki printer model with wide color gamut & high density, fast drying time and ink stability. These inks provide you with optimized adhesion with wide range of media and also withstand a great deal of water and direct sunlight exposure, so they are suitable for any kinds of outdoor applications such as advertisement, signage and banner. 잉크테크강솔벤트잉크는 Epson 헤드와 Epson AMC 헤드를장착한 Mimaki JV3, JV33, JV5 프린터에호환되는잉크로써빠른건조속도와우수한발색을자랑합니다. 또한내수성과내광성이뛰어나 POP 광고와같은실내용뿐만아니라차량광고, 사인물같은옥외광고출력에최적화된제품입니다. > Environmentally friendly, No VOC s l 환경친화적잉크로유해물질발생이적음 > Easy switch over from original ink without flushing l Plug and Play 가능 > Excellent adhesion on a wide range of media l 뛰어난미디어호환성 > Excellent scratch resistance and alcohol resistance l 탁월한내스크래치성 / 내알콜성 Eco solvent ink for Roland & Mutoh printers Roland & Mutoh 프린터용 Roland Pro II/III SJ-540/ 640/ 740 EX Series Roland XC-540/ 545W, XJ-540/ 640 Roland VersaCAMM VP540, SP300/ 540 Series Mutoh Rockhopper II/ III (w/o card chip) Mutoh Valuejet 1604/ 1614Pro (Available bulk ink only) 440ml Cartridge 1L Pack 1L Bottle 20L Bottle B ESU-0011B ESU-1001B ESU01-01LB ESU01-20LB C ESU-0012C ESU-1002C ESU02-01LC ESU02-20LC M ESU-0013M ESU-1003M ESU03-01LM ESU03-20LM Y ESU-0014Y ESU-1004Y ESU04-01LY ESU04-20LY LC ESU-0015LC ESU-1005LC ESU05-01LLC ESU05-20LLC LM ESU-0016LM ESU-1006LM ESU06-01LLM ESU06-20LLM CS EECS-0001(220ml) EECS01-01L > Strong outdoor durability l 뛰어난내수성, 내광성 > Fast drying speed after printing l 빠른잉크건조속도 > Long lasting head durability l 우수한헤드내구성 > Wide color gamut l 우수한발색 > High quality with the reasonable price l 뛰어난품질과탁월한경제성 Real solvent ink for Mimaki JV3 Mimaki JV3 용강솔벤트 Real solvent ink for Mimaki JV33 & JV5 Mimaki JV33 & JV5 용강솔벤트 Mimaki JV3-130S/ JV3-160S/ JV3-250S (Reorder# : VEHS Series) Mimaki JV33-130/ JV33-160/ CJV30-60/ 100/ 130/ 160 (Reorder# : NEHS Series) Mimaki JV5-130S/ JV5-160S/ JV5-320S (Reorder# : NEHS2 Series) 440ml Cartridge 1L Pack 1L Bottle 20L Bottle B VEHS-0011B VEHS01-01LB VEHS01-20LB C VEHS-0012C VEHS02-01LC VEHS02-20LC M VEHS-0013M VEHS03-01LM VEHS03-20LM Y VEHS-0014Y VEHS04-01LY VEHS04-20LY LC VEHS-0015LC VEHS05-01LLC VEHS05-20LLC LM VEHS-0016LM VEHS06-01LLM VEHS06-20LLM CS ECS-0001(220ml) ECS01-01L ECS01-20L B NEHS-0011B / NEHS2-0011B NEHS-1001B NEHS01-01LB NEHS01-20LB C NEHS-0012C / NEHS2-0012C NEHS-1002C NEHS02-01LC NEHS02-20LC M NEHS-0013M / NEHS2-0013M NEHS-1003M NEHS03-01LM NEHS03-20LM Y NEHS-0014Y / NEHS2-0014Y NEHS-1004Y NEHS04-01LY NEHS04-20LY LC NEHS-0015LC NEHS-1005LC NEHS05-01LLC NEHS05-20LLC LM NEHS-0016LM NEHS-1006LM NEHS06-01LLM NEHS06-20LLM CS ECS-0001(220ml) ECS01-01L ECS01-20L Vehicle graphics Outdoor signage Wallpaper image Vehicle graphics Outdoor signage POP AD

5 Water Based Inks 11 오일잉크 Oil Inks For Printers with Xaar Head InkTec oil based Inks are developed to match perfectly with Xaar 512 & 128 head. This ink has a strong outdoor durability and the printing quality last up to one year in outdoor. Its fast drying time provides high productivity as well. Moreover, this ink is compatible with a wide range of media such as coated-papers, glossy papers, backlit film, adhesive vinyl, scrim vinyl and textile banner for outdoor advertisement. 다양한소비자의요구를수용하여개발된 Xaar 512, 128 헤드호환용잉크테크오일잉크는빠른잉크건조속도로높은생산성을제공합니다. 투명코팅및라미네이팅없이 1 년간의옥외내구성을보장하며인화지, 백릿, 점착 PVC, 플렉스등다양한종류의미디어와뛰어난호환성을자랑합니다. > Enhanced light fastness l 뛰어난내광성 > Outstanding weather resistance l 뛰어난내수성 > Fast drying speed after printing l 빠른잉크건조속도 > Wide coverage of media l 다양한미디어지원성 Seiko I Info. IP-4010/ IP-4500 DGI Oil Plotter Series Xerox X2 Oil ink for Xaar 512, 128 Head Xaar 512, 128 헤드용오일잉크 B C M Y CS 1L Bottle XLO01-01LB XLO02-01LC XLO03-01LM XLO04-01LY OCS01-01L Water Based Inks 수성잉크 InkTec has been providing high quality of water-based inks on the basis of InkTec s own dispersed technology. InkTec s water based inks provide high intensity colors because the particles are spread evenly. To make clear on InkTec water based inks, we try to evaluate the key factors of ink - durability, color and light fastness - by using objective technical methods. 최고의출력품질을자랑하는잉크테크수성잉크는다년간축적된잉크개발에대한노하우와최첨단설비, 기술력으로개발되었습니다. 잉크내안료입자가고밀도로고르게분포되어있어풍부한색감표현이가능하며, 잉크흐름성이우수하여다양한출력환경에서도안정된출력성을자랑합니다. 엄격한품질관리시스템을통해제공되는잉크테크수성잉크를소개합니다. Indoor/ Outdoor signage Textile Banner AD Banner AD

6 About The SubliNova SubliNova is the new brand name of InkTec s dye sublimation ink. This name is derived from the words Sublimation and Innovation. Nova means new star, which reflects our desire to become a new star-player in the worldwide sublimation market. The blue logo is the corporate color of InkTec and using this keeps up our brand identity. The magenta symbolizes the modern futuristic nature of the Sublinova ink. Sublimaiton + Innovation 의합성어이며, 전사잉크를쉽게연상할수있고, 전사잉크의혁신을이루다라는의미를내포함. Nova 의영어의미는신성 ( 新星 ) 이며, 전사잉크의새로운별이되라는의미를포함함. 전세계전사잉크시장의새로운별이되고자하는잉크테크의의지를표현함. 잉크테크아이덴티티컬러인블루계열로구성, 차갑지만이성적이고정확한컬러구현이가능한프리미엄잉크임을소구하고있음. 단조로울수있는컬러배치를마젠타컬러별의방향성과힘을느낄수있도록하여포인트를줄수있도록하였음. 전사잉크의새로운기준 SubliNova Pro New standard of Sublimation Ink, InkTec s SubliNova Pro Experience the difference of quality! Just Now! SubliNova Pro 전사잉크를사용하시고확실한품질의차이점을느껴보세요.

7 Water Based Inks 150 전사잉크 SubliNova Pro Dye Sublimation Inks For Epson Piezo head Printers InkTec SubliNova Pro inks can be used not only direct printing on fabrics without using heat transfer paper but also traditional heat transfer printing on transfer paper. For smooth ink flow without head clogging, we make particle size of dispersive dyes smaller under 100nm(0.1µm) and use the highclass dyes to keep their color shade in harsh condition. The SubliNova Pro inks have superior printing quality under the various printing environment (-20 C, 10% ~ 40 C, 80%). 잉크테크 SubliNova Pro 전사잉크는타사제품과달리전사용지를사용하여전사하는기존전사방식에적합할뿐만아니라, 잉크의침투성을높여폴리코팅이된소재에직접출력, 발색 ( 전사 ) 이가능합니다. 뛰어난발색성과빠른건조성으로생산성이크게향상됩니다. > Intense and vibrant color l 선명한컬러구현 > Long lasting head performance l 우수한헤드내구성 > Enhanced productivity l 생산성향상 > Strong light fastness l 뛰어난일광견뢰도 > Fast drying on transfer paper l 빠른잉크건조속도 > Less fume in fixation process l 전사시, 적은연기발생 Dye Sublimation ink for Epson AMC, TFP, head Epson AMC, TFP, 헤드용전사잉크 Epson Stylus 7000/ 9000/ 9500 Mimaki JV2/ JV4 Series Mimaki JV33/ JV5 Series Mutoh falcon RJ 8000 Series Roland FP 740/ Cammjet CJ400/ 500 Roland hi-fi jet Pro II 540/ 640/ FJ500/ FJ600/ FJ740 Mutoh Valuejet 1604/ 1614Pro(Aqua) 440ml Cartridge 1L Pack 1L Bottle 20L Bottle B SPI-0011B SPI-1001B SPI01-01LB SPI01-20LB C SPI-0012C SPI-1002C SPI02-01LC SPI02-20LC M SPI-0013M SPI-1003M SPI03-01LM SPI03-20LM Y SPI-0014Y SPI-1004Y SPI04-01LY SPI04-20LY LC SPI-0015LC SPI-1005LC SPI05-01LLC SPI05-20LLC LM SPI-0016LM SPI-1006LM SPI06-01LLM SPI06-20LLM O SPI-0017O SPI07-01LO SPI07-20LO R SPI-0018R SPI08-01LR SPI08-20LR BL SPI-0019BL SPI09-01LBL SPI09-20LBL CS PCS-0001(220ml) PCS01-01L PCS01-20L Less fume in fixation process ㅣ전사시, 적은연기발생 SubliNova Pro was specially designed to produce less fume than other companies sublimation inks in fixation process and it allows you to keep the better working environment. SubliNova Pro 전사잉크는전사시, 타사의전사잉크보다연기발생이확연히적어쾌적한출력환경을조성할수있습니다. Table of fastness properties ㅣ견뢰도 High fastness properties are only few SubliNova Pro s competitive advantages. SubliNova Pro 는높은수준의일광, 세탁및땀견뢰도를 한국의류시험연구원으로부터검증받았습니다. Black Optical Density l 흑도 The higher the figures, the deeper the optical density. Optical Density 값이높을수록검정이미지가진함을의미합니다. Light Fastnesst ( 일광 ) ISO 105-B02 : 1994(20h) Rating 1~5 Wash Fastness ( 세탁 ) ISO 105-C06 : 2010(40 ) Rating 1~5 Alkali Perspiration Fastness ( 땀 ) ISO 105-E04 : 2008 Rating 1~5 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow SubliNova Pro (BK) S company (Deep BK) K company (Extra BK) 1.24 J company (Normal BK) * Test Method: The technical test is in accordance with the ISO test by a internationally accredited testing and inspection institute, KATRI Interior display Fancy items Flag Sports wear, Swim suit

8 Water Based Inks 13 수성염료 안료잉크 Pigment and Dye Inks For Epson Piezo head Printers 엡손파워크롬잉크 PowerChrome Pigment Inks For Epson Stylus pro Series InkTec provides quality-oriented water based pigment and dye inks specially designed for various kinds of large format printers with Epson piezo printer head such as Mimaki, Epson, Mutoh and Roland. These inks have very stable printing and jetting quality under variable printing condition (-20 C, 10% ~ 40 C, 80%). Also, the inks are formulated not to cause ink bubble that is one of the biggest weaknesses of water based ink. 잉크테크는피에조헤드를장착한 Mimaki, Epson, Mutoh, Roland 와같은다양한프린터에호환되는수성염료, 안료잉크를제공하고있습니다. 피에조프린터용잉크는다양한출력환경 (-20, 10% ~ 40, 80%) 에서도헤드막힘없이안정적인출력성을자랑하며수성잉크의취약점인충격에의한거품발생이적어최적의출력조건을만족시켜드립니다. InkTec PowerChrome inks increase the optical density for compatibility with various media types. These heavy resin coated pigment inks are engineered to deliver incredible print quality and color brilliance equivalent to dye inks. The PowerChrome inks are composed of nine colors including Matte black, Light black and Light Light black. This technology allows you to choose their right color, and to print realistic color. 잉크테크 PowerChrome 잉크는기존안료잉크보다컬러의농도를 2 배증가시켜염료잉크에버금가는선명하고깨끗한색감을구현합니다. 또한, Matte Black, Light Black, Light Light Black 색상으로풍부한그라데이션을구현하며, 선명하고자연스러운이미지표현이가능합니다. > High intensity colors with wide color gamut l 선명한컬러구현 > Strong head durability l 우수한헤드내구성 > Excellent ink performance on various media l 우수한미디어호환성 Epson stylus 7000/ 9000/ 9500 Mimaki J2-130/ 160/ 180 II, JV4-130/ 160/ 180 Roland Hi-Fi Jet Pro FJ400/ FJ500/ FJ600, Pro II 540/ 640 Roland FP 740/ Cammjet CJ400/ 500 Mutoh falcon RJ 8000 Series/ 900C Mutoh Valuejet 1604/ 1618/ 1614Pro(Aqua) (Available w/o card chip) > High density pigments for a wide color gamut l 선명한컬러구현 > Superior scratch resistance from improved pigment and resin chemistry l 향상된내스크래치성 > Stable and long lasting printing l 우수한출력안정성 Epson pro 4000/ 7400/ 7600/ 9400/ 9600 Epson pro 4800/ 7800/ 9800/ (Available bulk ink only) Pigment ink for Epson Piezo head 수성안료잉크 Dye ink for Epson Piezo head 수성염료잉크 220ml Cartridge 1L Pack 1L Bottle 20L Bottle B PHP-0001B PHP-1001B PHP01-01LB PHP01-20LB C PHP-0002C PHP-1002C PHP02-01LC PHP02-20LC M PHP-0003M PHP-1003M PHP03-01LM PHP03-20LM Y PHP-0004Y PHP-1004Y PHP04-01LY PHP04-20LY LC PHP-0005LC PHP-1005LC PHP05-01LLC PHP05-20LLC LM PHP-0006LM PHP-1006LM PHP06-01LLM PHP06-20LLM CS PCS-0001 PCS01-01L PCS01-20L B PLD-0001B PLD01-01LB PLD01-20LB C PLD-0002C PLD02-01LC PLD02-20LC M PLD-0003M PLD03-01LM PLD03-20LM Y PLD-0004Y PLD04-01LY PLD04-20LY LC PLD-0005LC PLD05-01LLC PLD05-20LLC LM PLD-0006LM PLD06-01LLM PLD06-20LLC CS PCS-0001 PCS01-01L PCS01-20L PowerChrome pigment ink for Epson Stylus pro series 파워크롬안료잉크 220ml Cartridge 1L Bottle 20L Bottle PB PEP-0001PB PEP01-01PB PEP01-20PB C PEP-0002C PEP02-01LC PEP02-20LC M PEP-0003M PEP03-01LM PEP03-20LM Y PEP-0004Y PEP04-01LY PEP04-20LY LC PEP-0005LC PEP05-01LLC PEP05-20LLC LM PEP-0006LM PEP06-01LLM PEP06-20LLM LB PEP-0007LB PEP07-01LLB PEP07-20LLB MB PEP-0008MB PEP08-01LMB PEP08-20LMB LLB PEP09-01LLLB PEP09-20LLLB Fine art Photographs Window Displays Fine art Photographs

9 Water Based Inks 15 엡손파워크롬 K3 잉크 PowerChrome K3 Pigment Inks For Epson Stylus pro Series HP 5000/ 5500용염료 안료잉크 Pigment and Dye Inks For HP Designjet 5000/ 5500 Printers InkTec New powerchrome K3 inks have four different black colors. It allows customers who are in photo printing business to have better printing images in black & white printing. In addition, new vivid magenta and light magenta provide wider color gamut compared with any other inks on the market. You ll experience more realistic and brighter image quality than previous InkTec PowerChome ink. 잉크테크 PowerChrome K3 잉크는더욱선명하고밝은마젠타잉크로색표현영역이크게확대되었으며, 4 가지타입의검정색잉크는보다안정된그레이밸런스로향상된그라데이션표현이가능하여실사출력뿐아니라사진출력에도최적화된잉크입니다. InkTec HLD, HLP inks are specifically designed for HP Designjet 5000/ 5500 utilizing HP thermal inkjet head. HLD is aqueous dye ink with vivid color gamut and stable ink stream during the long term printing work. HLP is aqueous pigment ink that has strong water & light-resistance in outdoor. HP Designjet 5000/ 5500 프린터에가장최적화된잉크테크수성염 / 안료잉크는 HP 잉크와동일한출력품질을구현하고있습니다. 옥내광고용으로활용되는염료잉크는선명한컬러를자랑하며, 안료잉크는뛰어난내수성과내광성으로옥외환경에서오랫동안출력상태를보장합니다. > High Density pigments for an extremely wide color gamut l 진한농도의신규안료사용으로색상표현영역확대 > Superior scratch resistance from improved pigment and resin chemistry l 정제된안료및개선된레진사용으로뛰어난내스크레치성 > Significantly improves the printers gray balance while eliminating color casts l 안정된그레이밸런스로자연스럽고풍부한색감 PowerChrome K3 pigment ink for Epson X880 series 파워크롬안료잉크 220ml Cartridge 1L Bottle 20L Bottle PB EKI-0001PB EKI01-01PB EKI01-20PB C EKI-0002C EKI02-01LC EKI02-20LC M EKI-0003M EKI03-01LM EKI03-20LM Y EKI-0004Y EKI04-01LY EKI04-20LY LC EKI-0005LC EKI05-01LLC EKI05-20LLC LM EKI-0006LM EKI06-01LLM EKI06-20LLM LB EKI-0007LB EKI07-01LLB EKI07-20LLB MB EKI-0008MB EKI08-01LMB EKI08-20LMB LLB EKI-0009LLB EKI09-01LLLB EKI09-20LLLB Epson stylus pro 7880/ 9880 Epson px-7550/ 9550 > Brilliant color gamut l 선명한컬러구현 > Long lasting head durability l 우수한헤드내구성 > Enhanced light fastness l 뛰어난 UV 견뢰도 Pigment ink for HP 5500 HP 5500 용 UV 잉크 Dye ink for HP 5500 HP 5500 용염료잉크 680ml Cartridge 1L Bottle 20L Bottle HP Designjet 5000/ 5500PS B HLP-0001B HLP40-01LB HLP40-20LB C HLP-0002C HLP41-01LC HLP41-20LC M HLP-0003M HLP42-01LM HLP42-20LM Y HLP-0004Y HLP43-01LY HLP43-20LY LC HLP-0005LC HLP44-01LLC HLP44-20LLC LM HLP-0006LM HLP45-01LLM HLP45-20LLM B HLD-0001B HLD30-01LB HLD30-20LB C HLD-0002C HLD31-01LC HLD31-20LC M HLD-0003M HLD32-01LM HLD32-20LM Y HLD-0004Y HLD33-01LY HLD33-20LY LC HLD-0005LC HLD34-01LLC HLD34-20LLC LM HLD-0006LM HLD35-01LLM HLD35-20LLM Window displays Fine art Photographs Window displays Fine art Photographs

10 HP Z6100용안료잉크 Z Plus Pigment Inks For HP Designjet Z6100 InkTec Z Plus pigment inks are specifically designed for HP Designjet Z6100. Z Plus inks include three black ink set that produces a broad range of blacks, rich black density. A combination of the same color gamut with HP Vivera pigment inks allows you to produce consistently outstanding images quality from photo images to banner. HP Designjet Z6100 프린터에최적화된잉크테크 Z Plus 수성안료잉크는 3 가지 Black 색상조합을통해다양하고풍부한그라데이션표현을실현합니다. HP Vivera 안료잉크와동일한잉크색상조합을통해풍부하고세밀한색상표현이가능하며다양한미디어용으로사용가능합니다. > Combination of three kinds of rich black ink for realistic gray color gamut l 사실적인그라데이션표현 > Superior scratch resistance from improved pigment and resin chemistry l 정제된안료및개선된레진사용으로뛰어난내스크레치성 > Excellent ink performance on a wide range of media l 다양한미디어에서의우수한출력성 HP Designjet Z6100/ Z6100PS Pigment ink for HP Z6100 HP Z6100 용안료잉크 775ml Cartridge 1L Bottle 20L Bottle PB HZI-0001PB HZI01-01PB HZI01-20PB C HZI-0002C HZI02-01LC HZI02-20LC M HZI-0003M HZI03-01LM HZI03-20LM Y HZI-0004Y HZI04-01LY HZI04-20LY LC HZI-0005LC HZI05-01LLC HZI05-20LLC LM HZI-0006LM HZI06-01LLM HZI06-20LLM LG HZI-0007LG HZI07-01LLG HZI07-20LLG MB HZI-0008MB HZI08-01LMB HZI08-20LMB Inkjet Media 잉크젯미디어 Since 1992, InkTec has committed developing innovative digital printing inkjet media as well as ink products. InkTec always tries to give the best value to customers with good quality products and competitive price. In order to meet various needs from the market, we are expanding our product range from media for water based & solvent inks to UV curable inks. Based on the know-how in manufacturing wide ranges of ink, we produce optimized media products that our customers are able to get the best printing quality. 잉크테크는 1992 년설립이래로디지털잉크젯잉크뿐만아니라다양한잉크젯미디어도함께개발및공급해오고있습니다. 고객의요구에기여하고자, 수성용미디어, 솔벤트미디어, 3D 필름까지다양한소재의제품을최고의품질과경쟁력있는가격으로공급하고있습니다. 잉크제조기술과미디어제조기술을토대로최상의출력결과를얻을수있는제품을공급하기위해노력하는잉크테크가되겠습니다. Photographs Backlit Banner

11 Inkjet Media 19 Media Compatibility Table l 미디어호환표 For Water Based Ink l 수성잉크용 Very good Good So so Bad Commodity Model Name Substrate Ink Glossy Thickness (µm) Weight (g/m 2 ) Spec. Coating Adhesive HP/ Encad Printer Compatiblity Roland/ Mutoh Epson Mimaki Pig./Dye Pig./Dye Pig./Dye Pig./Dye Photo Paper 인화지 ITP-PPP(M)-H R.C paper Dye & Pigment ITP-PPP(M)-L R.C paper Dye & Pigment Glossy & Matte Glossy & Matte ", 42", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ", 42", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / 잉크테크잉크젯미디어 InkTec Inkjet Media For Water-based inks and Solvent inks InkTec, based in Korea, has been manufacturing and supplying various kinds of inkjet media for large format printing to the world over last ten years. InkTec focused on the media for water based inks for the first eight years but expanded its products line to solvent media due to the continuous request from the market. With high quality and competitive price, InkTec products have got great reputation from the global market. The wide ranges of its product from different base materials such as PET, PP, RC paper, PVC are enough to satisfy current market demands. Size up to 63 inches roll is available. 잉크테크는수성잉크용미디어뿐아니라다양한솔벤트용미디어를공급하고있으며, 지속적인연구개발을통해다양한소재의미디어공급을위해최선을다하고있습니다. 합성지, 인화지, PVC 를포함한 25 종의다양한수성미디어는빠른건조성과 Curl 방지기술로생산되어최상의출력품질을자랑하며, 백릿필름, 합성지를포함한 14 종의솔벤트미디어는세계로수출되어그품질을인정받고있습니다. Back-light 백릿 PET banner 펫배너 Synthetic Paper 합성지 Clear-Film 투명필름 Heated Transfer Paper 전사지 ITP-BG Clear PET Dye & Pigment Matte ", 42", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-BGL Opaque PET Dye & Pigment Matte ", 42", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-DAS Clear PET Dye & Pigment Matte ", 42", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Self Adhesive / / / / ITP-PTB Clear PET Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-RU Opaque PET Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-POP Opaque PET- Clear PET Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*20m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-SPNW P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-SPNW1 P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-SPNW2 P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-SPNWG2 P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-SPNE P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Glossy ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-SPPE P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Glossy ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Self Adhesive / / / / ITP-PPU P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Glossy ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-SPPWK P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Self Adhesive / / / / ITP-SPPGWK P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Self Adhesive / / / / ITP-3D-W P.P Synthetic Paper Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-CFN Clear PET Dye Glossy ", 50", 60" (*30m) Resin Non Adhesive X/ X/ X/ X/ ITP-CFP Clear PET Dye Glossy ", 50", 60" (*30m) Resin Self Adhesive X/ X/ X/ X/ ITP-CFE Clear PET Dye & Pigment Glossy ",36",42",50",60"(*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / TP-HTP Paper Dye Matte ", 42", 50", 54", 60", 63" (*100m) Resin Non Adhesive X/X X/ X/ X/ > Fast drying time l 빠른건조성 > Curl-free from improved pigment and resin chemistry l Curl 방지기술적용에따른 Curl 발생감소 > Brilliant color gamut l 선명한컬러구현 > Enhanced light fastness and scratch resistance l 뛰어난 UV 견뢰도및내스크래치성 Product lines l 제품구성 > Universal Backlit film l 수성, 솔벤트용백릿필름 > PET banner, Roll-UP, POP-UP l 수성용베너, 롤업, 팝업필름 > Premium Photo Paper l 수성, 솔벤트용포토인화지 > PP based Synthetic Paper l 점착, 비점착합성지 > Sublimation Transfer Paper l 전사용지 > PVC l 수성, 솔벤트 PVC > Flex Banner l 수성플렉스 > 3D lenticular film l 잉크젯용렌티큘러필름 > Metallic Film for Solvent, Latex and UV curable inks l 솔벤트잉크, 라텍스잉크, UV 잉크용메탈릭필름 PVC Scrim Vinyl 플렉스 Commodity ITP-PVPK PVC Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Self Adhesive / / / / ITP-PVGPK PVC Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Self Adhesive / / / / ITP-WF Flex Banner Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*18m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / ITP-WFB Flex Backlit Dye & Pigment Matte ", 50", 60" (*23m) Microporous Non Adhesive / / / / For Solvent Based Ink l 솔벤트잉크용 Very good Good So so Bad PP Synthetic Paper 합성지 Model Name Substrate Ink Glossy Thickness (µm) Weight (g/m 2 ) Spec. Coating Adhesive Printer Compatiblity HP Roland Epson Mimaki ITP-SYS1 P.P Synthetic Paper Solvent Glossy ", 50", 60" (*30m) Resin Self Adhesive ITP-SYS2 P.P Synthetic Paper Solvent Glossy ", 50", 60" (*30m) Resin Non Adhesive ITP-SYM1 P.P Synthetic Paper Solvent Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Self Adhesive ITP-SYM2 P.P Synthetic Paper Solvent Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive ITP-SYM3 P.P Synthetic Paper Solvent Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Self Adhesive ITP-SYMG2 P.P Synthetic Paper Solvent Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive ITP-SPPU P.P Synthetic Paper Solvent Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive IITP-3D-S P.P Synthetic Paper Solvent Glossy (*20m) Microporous Non Adhesive Photo Paper 인화지 Back light 백릿 PET Banner 펫배너 PVC ITP-SRS1 R.C paper Solvent Glossy ", 50", 60" (*30m) Resin Non Adhesive ITP-SRM1 R.C paper Solvent Matte ", 50", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive ITP-SBG Clear PET Solvent Glossy ", 42", 50",54", 60" (*30m) Resin Non Adhesive ITP-SBM Clear PET Solvent Matte ", 42", 50",54", 60" (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive ITP-SRU Clear PET Solvent Matte , 50, 60 (*30m) Microporous Non Adhesive ITP-SPV1 PVC Solvent Glossy ", 50", 54", 60" (*50m) Self Adhesive ITP-SPV2 PVC Solvent Glossy ", 50", 54", 60" (*50m) Self Adhesive Metallic Film 메탈릭필름 ITP-SMFN Clear PET Solvent ITP-SMFP Clear PET Solvent Semi Glossy Semi Glossy ", 42", 50", 60" (*30m) Resin Non Adhesive ", 42", 50", 60" (*30m) Resin Self Adhesive

INKTEC LFP PRODUCTS GUIDE Solvent / Oil Based Inks 솔벤트 / 오일잉크 04 EcoNova ID / PINE Eco Solvent Inks for Epson Piezo head Printers l 에코솔벤트잉크 08 Mild So

INKTEC LFP PRODUCTS GUIDE Solvent / Oil Based Inks 솔벤트 / 오일잉크 04 EcoNova ID / PINE Eco Solvent Inks for Epson Piezo head Printers l 에코솔벤트잉크 08 Mild So A World-Class Leading Company in inkjet & Printed Electronics LFP PRODUCTS GUIDE INKTEC LFP PRODUCTS GUIDE Solvent / Oil Based Inks 솔벤트 / 오일잉크 04 EcoNova ID / PINE Eco Solvent Inks for Epson Piezo head

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CONTENTS SOLVENT BASED INKS 솔벤트잉크 04 EcoNova IVY/ ID/ PINE Eco Solvent Inks for Epson Piezo head Printers l 에코솔벤트잉크 08 Mild Solvent Inks for Epson Pie

CONTENTS SOLVENT BASED INKS 솔벤트잉크 04 EcoNova IVY/ ID/ PINE Eco Solvent Inks for Epson Piezo head Printers l 에코솔벤트잉크 08 Mild Solvent Inks for Epson Pie InkTec Co., Ltd. 108, Neungan-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 425-839, Korea 주식회사잉크테크 424-839 경기도안산시단원구능안로 108 ( 신길동 ) TEL +82 31 494 0001 FAX +82 31 492 2041 All brand names & trademarks are property

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CONTENTS SOLVENT BASED INKS 솔벤트잉크 04 EcoNova IVY/ ID/ PINE Eco Solvent Inks for Epson Piezo head Printers l 에코솔벤트잉크 08 Mild Solvent Inks for Epson Pie

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