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1 1999 2

2 LeCroy Corporation 700 Chestnut Ridge Road Chestnut Ridge, NY Tel: (++914) , Fax: (++914) LeCroy SA 2, rue du Pré-de-la-Fontaine CH-1217 Meyrin 1/Geneva, Switzerland Tel: (++41) , Fax: (++41) Internet: Copyright February 1999, LeCroy. All rights reserved. Information in this publication supersedes all earlier versions. Specifications subject to change. LeCroy, ProBus SMART Trigger ActiveDSO, ScopeExplorer, WaveAnalyzer Waverunner LeCroy Corporation. Centronics Data Computer Corp. Epson Epson America Inc.. MathCad MATHSOFT Inc.. MATLABMathWorks, Inc.. Microsoft, MS Microsoft Access Microsoft Corporation, Windows NT Microsoft Corporation. PowerPC IBM Microelectronics. DeskJet, ThinkJet, QuietJet, LaserJet, PaintJet, HP 7470 HP 7550 Hewlett-Packard Company. LT34X-OM-K Rev B 0299







9 1 I N T R O D U C T I O N

10 2

11 Waverunner, preferences. 2

12 F I R S T T H I N G S Waverunner, ( ). Waverunner, (12 ).,, LeCroy.,. Waverunner : 10:1 10MΩ PP006 Passive Probe AC Power Cord and Plug Front Scope Cover Two 250 V Fuses Quick Reference Guide Declaration of Conformity. :,,,,. LeCroy,,.. LeCroy.. Waverunner 2,. LeCroy,.,,,,,., 90.,.,. LeCroy. 3

13 First.,, 2.,,,,. LeCroy. Waverunner. : LeCroy,,. 12 ( )...,, (Return Authorization Number :RAN) 10 cm 4. LeCroy,..., LeCroy,., -... LeCroy (Cash On Delivery), (air-freight). Waverunner, 1. LeCroy.. Waverunner ID, (12 ). (front panel)., LeCroy. ScopeExplorer ActiveDSO... 4

14 First ScopeExplorer: rear-panel GPIB (IEEE 488) 232 RS-port Waverunner PC PC- (connectivity). ecroy L, ScopeExplorer, PC. Waverunner ScopeExplorer,, PCWaverunner 12. ScopeExplorer ActiveDSO: PC 95, 98 NT,, MS Office, Internet Explorer, Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Visual Java ActiveX standard. ActiveDSO. OLE automation-compatible ActiveDSO,., Excel Word, MathCad, Microsoft Access database on the fly, Visual Basic, Java, C++, or Excel (VBA). 5

15 First : Waverunner EN Waverunner,. : : 5 to 40 C or 41 to 104 F : I : 80 < % RH (non-condensing) (Over voltage) II : < 2000 m or 6560 ft. : : 2 Waverunner (front panel) (rear panel),. : ( ).,.,. Waverunner :. Waverunner (). (Stand-by ). 6

16 First (Conductor Terminal) : Waverunner. Chassis 115 V ( V) Hz 220 V ( V) Hz.,. ( ). Waverunner, 115V (90 to 132V) 220V (180 to 250V), 45Hz-66Hz AC (~), (neutral c onductor).., 6.3A/250VA, T - 5x20mm. ( ).. 250Vrms. Waverunner three-terminal polarized plug 3..,. 7

17 First,..,., 6.3A/250VA, T - 5x20mm. WAVERUNNER ( ) LeCroy. Waverunner...,.... 8

18 First WAVERUNNER Waverunner. 1., Waverunner.(7 ). 2. ( ). 3. Waverunner On. ( ). 9

19 First,,. STANDBY LED. 10,. UTILITIES 4. UTILITIES. 5.. WAVERUNNER - Waverunner RS-232-C GPIB ports, (external monitor port), Centronics. PC PC, BNC 10

20 First 11 M enus,.. :. (knob). (Combination).,..... :, PANELS. ( 11 ).,,. :. RETURN.....

21 First Waverunner : 6. PANEL SETUPS PANELS. 7. Recall, : 8. : Waverunner. WAVERUNNER SCOPE STATUS 9. (Status) Waverunner,,., LeCroy 12

22 First? System, : Waverunner , ADD OPTION. Waverunner option., LeCroy,....? Waverunner.,. : UTILITIES 1. UTILITIES Waverunner, Floppy Card, Update Flash screen ) ( ).. ( System Status ( ) Waverunner : 1. DISPLAY SETUP DISPLAY. 13

23 First 2., More Display Setup.: 3. Yes No., 10. ( Energy-Saver). (STANDBY state) LED..? : 1. UTILITIES. UTILITIES. 2.,. 3. USER S PREF preferences. (auto -repeat) On,,. (audible feedback ) On,,. 14

24 1 Waverunner,., (Zoom)......MATH

25 1 :. To find your way around the display (timebase), gain, (coupling) (passive probe) CAL BNC 16

26 C HAPTER O NE Catch a New Wave 1. Waverunner 1. 2., ) ( AUTO SETUP , Waverunner. 4. trace. 1. :, 1..,. 24 trace. zoom Trace gain offset. gain. gain variable. 20. : AUTO SETUP, 50 Hz 0.1% duty cycle 5mV 40 V... :. 3,. 17

27 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave WAVERUNNER 18

28 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave Trigger Delay: trace, Time and Frequency field, Message field., 3. TIME/DIV : AUTO SETUP. TIME / DIV, s ns., 5... Division Waverunner. time/div trace label,. 19

29 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave (SENSITIVITY) VOLTS / DIV V mv : Special Modes UTILITIES : In: division gain 6. gain (VOLTS/DIV) offset ( ).. volts/div 1 trace. gain :. ( On ). Off capture,. capture 7. Gain variable gain.. (17 ). Global BWL:. 8. VOLTS/DIV On, ( 24 ).., Off digitizing.. OFFSET Trace A A ).. (Trace B, C D, 11. Trace A.). (Trace 12. : power-up :,

30 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave 13. Zoom...! MULTI-ZOOM zoom trace, AUTO-. SCROL zoom trace.. zoom trace. STOP (PLAYING) :. zoom trace. STOP (REVERSING) :.. division, 10 div referenced trace grid-page zoom trace grid-page., TRACE A. RETURN. : (sweep speed)

31 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave POSITION 14. Trace A. : Waverunner,. ZOOM 15.. POSITION 16. Trace zoomed. ZOOM 17. trace. (MULTI-ZOOM) trace.,, Trace A Trace B. Multi-Zoom, trace, trace., trace. A, B, C D trace. trace. Trace, trace. 22

32 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave 18. SETUP TIMEBASE, TIMEBASE.! 19. single-shot mode.. 7, A. Single-Shot single-shot acquisitions., event. Internal or external- ECL, OV, TTL. 7,. On Off. segments. 7,.. default 50k. 23

33 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave , attenuation...,. ECL, volts/div, offset NORMAL., TTL. 3. Off MHz. aliasing. Global BWL: ; BWL:. SPECIAL MODES 20. attenuation factor.,. LeCroy ProBus attenuation. attenuation factor. ProBus. : AC :, DC 10Hz. DC : -, 1 M 50 M. 50M dissipation 0.5W.,. Grounded, the Acquisition Summary field. DC50W. 24

34 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave CAL BNC 1. UTILITIES. 2. CAL BNC OUT 3. CAL BNC.,. BNC. CAL : 1 khz 1 V square wave. Waverunner.., CAL (: 1.00V)., 500Hz 1MHz CAL. 25

35 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave PASSIVE PROBE Waverunner LeCroy passive probe. First. Waverunner. Second. 1 probe lead. Third. Fourth. CAL tip (, (First Things )) lead s alligator clip CAL, ground ring. CAL 1 khz ( square wave), 1V p-p. UTILITIES Fifth.. Sixth.. Seventh. 500Hz 1MHz. Eighth. Coupling DC 1M. ( ). Ninth Tenth. AUTO SETUP. overshoot undershoot, trimmer. 26

36 C HAPTER O NE: Catch a New Wave PROBUS LeCroy ProBus. ProBus, gain offset, differential current active probes. ProBus EPROMS gain offset ( correction factors). Waverunner accessories BNC probe-ring. ProBus attenuation factor,. : Waverunner BNC : Pass/Fail (Trigger Out) ( Rdy). 27

37 2 : ( Simply Trigger). Rearm, 28

38 C HAPTER T WO Simply Trigger Simple Waverunner. : Edge- positive negative holdoff SMART Trigger., 8 (Trigger. Smart), SMART Trigger. DELAY Horizontal( ):. 0% 100% pre-trigger. DELAY division divisions post-trigger.,. Post-trigger delay,. TRIGGER LEVEL Vertical( ): threshold. trace. event. threshold. DC. 29

39 C HAPTER T WO: Simply Trigger SETUP 1. TRIGGER :!,,, - positive or negative. hold-off. Edge SMART :. :,. 2.. Waverunner EXT BNC connector positive negative slope. Window,. 33.,,., Time Events,. Off holdoff., 8Trigger Smart. DELAY 5., pre-trigger. TRIGGER LEVEL

40 C HAPTER T WO: Simply Trigger, :.., gain offset.. : ± 5 screen divisions ± EXT 0.5 V ± EXT/10D 5 V LINE ( ). Coupling.,.,. : DC: AC. AC:. DC, 50 Hz. LF REJ: high-pass, DC, 50 khz. -. HF REJ: DC-, low-pass 50 khz.. HF:. SMART HF. AC Positive Slope Trigger level Slope. Positive negative. Trigger, positive. 31

41 C HAPTER T WO: Simply Trigger RE-ARM arming Re- AUTO, NORMAL SINGLE,. STOP,. AUTO AUTO :, trace., Waverunner NORMAL mode... NORMAL NORMAL,.,, SLOW TRIGGER. SINGLE SINGLE : Waverunner,,.,. STOP AUTO, NORMAL SINGLE arming re-. single-shot Stop.,.. transitions.., 50ns holdoff, V0.008 positive. 32

42 C HAPTER T WO: Simply Trigger. ( 2) ,. bar. Upper Region Trigger Level WINDOW REGION Lower Region Time Triggers 2. :.. 33

43 C HAPTER T WO: Simply Trigger,, attenuation,. PRINT SCREEN SCOPE STATUS :, 1. STATUS.. PANELS. ( 2. Acquisition..). Waverunner TATUS SCOPE S. 34

44 C HAPTER T WO: Simply Trigger SMART, 8, Trigger Smart,. 35

45 C HAPTER F OUR: Visualize Your Signal 3 :. Persistence 36

46 C HAPTER T HREE Visualize Your Signal Persistence : : 1. Waverunner , CHANNEL SELECT A, B, C D trace. 4. SELECT 1, 2, 3 4, Coupling..,. 5. AUTO SETUP Persistence ANALOG PERSIST Analog Persistence Color Graded persistence DISPLAY 37

47 C HAPTER T HREE: Visualize Your Signal : persistence 0%, text.!. 3.. persistence. DISPLAY Standard XY : Standard. XY 9,. ANALOG PERSIST persistence.. persistence.. Persistence Off, Dot Join : 400, (line segments).. 9, persistence, trace. Persistence, W form + Text, text (brightness). persistence, saturation : 100, % persistence (data map) ; (saturate) - -., hit pixel. persistence, Grid intensity,., trace. 0%. 38

48 C HAPTER T HREE: Visualize Your Signal PERSISTENCE 4. Persistence Setup. 5. persistence. trace ( On ). persistence. 1s, trace ( ) trace. Infinite. trace, trace persistence. 4 trace, persistence. Analog, persistence data map trace, -, map Color Graded. trace. saturation.. RETURN 6.. : persistence accumulation,, trace, CLEAR SWEEPS. 39

49 C HAPTER T HREE: Visualize Your Signal.,.,. trace., trace zoomed single trace : Trace-,,,. pre-set schemes custom palettes. 9, 40

50 C HAPTER T HREE: Visualize Your Signal, trace 4 Octal-, trace 8-,.,. Transparent :,. 9,.. traces, trace, trace. SELECT, trace. traces : : envelope traces, persistence traces, normal traces.. 41

51 C HAPTER T HREE: Visualize Your Signal 1. PANELS (PANEL SETUPS)...!. 2. Save. 3. SETUP1. SETUP2. SETUP3. SETUP4. PC.. 42

52 C HAPTER T HREE: Visualize Your Signal , SETUP 1. 43

53 C HAPTER FOUR: Choose a Measure Tool 4 :,... 44

54 C HAPTER F OUR Choose a Measure Tool,, :.,,. 1. DISPLAY, Standard. 2. MEASURE TOOLS, (MEASURE ). 3.. : Waverunner, SINGLE,

55 C HAPTER F OUR: Choose a Measure Tool 6. (Absolute Time cursor )..,,. 7. : show Diff & Ref o., trace. 8.. Waverunner,. (Relative Time cursors ), (Reference cursor ) ( )),., falling edge. (Difference cursor )( ). Diff --Ref : Track On., bar,. :.. bar. Track Off.. 46

56 C HAPTER F OUR: Choose a Measure Tool 3... ( ) trace. 4., bar : ,.,.,.,., trace,. 47

57 C HAPTER F OUR: Choose a Measure Tool. trace, mv

58 C HAPTER F OUR: Choose a Measure Tool (Amplitude) () - bar-. trace trace., cross-bars. Time () - - single.. ( Relative mode),., -. ( straight-line segments). (Absolute), single. ( ), ( ). ;. (Relative),,. PERSISTENCE Persistence,,, bars. : (decibels) - UTILITIES... (Special Modes). (Cursors Measure menu) Read time cursor amplitudes. 49

59 C HAPTER F OUR: Choose a Measure Tool 50

60 C HAPTER F OUR: Choose a Measure Tool 1. MEASURE TOOLS MEASURE ,.,. (Parameters),, (statistics accumulation) ( ).. (Standard Voltage) single signal : peak-to-peak ( ),,, (root mean square) (signal amplitude ). (Standard Time) single signal :, 50% 90-10% rise time, 90-10% fall time 50% (delay). Custom, Pass Fail 11,,.. trace trace division. Track On,,. divisions... 51

61 C HAPTER F OUR: Choose a Measure Tool 4. DISPLAY, DISPLAY SETUP.. 1. MEASURE TOOLS MEASURE. 2.. : statistics, : CLEAR SWEEPS 52

62 C HAPTER F OUR: Choose a Measure Tool Waverunner - Math..,,. : ( 100 ),. integral number of periods... ;.. ( ). overflow. underflow. overflow underflow. 53

63 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools 5 : MATH... MATH FFT summed averaging 54

64 C HAPTER F IVE Use Math Tools Math M ATH(STANDARD M ATH) Waverunner... 55

65 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools MATH Waverunner ( ) , Waverunner A Trace A , A SETUP... MATH First. MATH TOOLS ZOOM + MATH. Second. traces. : trace trace., Third.. MATH, trace. Fourth.. 56

66 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools MATH!. MATH 7. Product trace. (Arithmetic ), 2. MATH offset, DC offset. 9. trace 1 trace. 57

67 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools FFT TIP: FFT, FFT 10. Math Type FFT.. Spectra 0 Nyquist frequency long time-domain. (Hz/div) 1 2-5,. FFT.:. Transform size N (number of input points) Nyquist frequency (= ½ sample rate) Frequency increment, f, between two successive points of the spectrum. : Nyquist f = N/2, f = 1/T T.(10 time/div). N/2. FFT Waverunner MATH (55 )... 58

68 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools Power Density: FFT normalized power.. Power Density dbm. Waverunner WaveAnalyzer. Magnitude:,. Real, Real + Imaginary, Imaginary: C FFT. WaveAnalyzer. AC FFT, DC. DC. FFT FFT. ( 10 MATH.) Hamming leakage,,. Flat Top, leakage.. Blackman Harris leakage,. 59

69 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools FFT Power Spectrum: top, FFT Power Spectrum, bottom. ( FFT trace ), peak. Trace A division 2 MHz. FFT. 60

70 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools SUMMED AVERAGING 14. Math Type Average Waverunner. 16.., trace : 17. source trace : 61

71 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools 62

72 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools - M1, M2, M3 or M4 :, PC Card ( HDD) math trace.., MATH Zoom,,... WAVE M1, M2, M3 STORAGE M ( ).. trace RETURN,. ASCII 21, PCWaverunner,. 3. W FORM. 63

73 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools 4..!.. trace. ( ).. trace. : PC, spreadsheet math. ASCII. Waverunner ASCII trace. ASCII! 12, PC Waverunner.. 64

74 C HAPTER F IVE: Use Math Tools 1. SCOPE STATUS STATUS. 2. Waveform,. 3., Memory Used. boxed ;. clear. 65

75 C HAPTER S IX: Document Your Work 6 :... Waverunner TIFF BMP, PC

76 C HAPTER S IX Document Your Work Hard Copy 1. UTILITIES UTILITIES : Waverunner,. output to.. (. ). 4. auto-print : On, acquisition

77 C HAPTER S IX: Document Your Work 7. PRINT : SCREEN PRINT. SCREEN., PLOT 1.,, PC, : 2.,,, (TIFF, BMP, HPGL) :., plot size pen number. TIFF BMP, background.,. Waverunner ( 69 ) PRINT SCREEN,,, plot RS-232-C : 232-C RS-. GPIB PC 232-C RS-. 12, PC Waverunner,. 68

78 C HAPTER S IX: Document Your Work 1. UTILITIES UTILITIES. 2.,. PC : 3. ;,. 4. PC,. 5. DOS. density. emplate t ( ASCII ). RETURN 6. MASS STORAGE,. 7. REFERENCES.,,,, File Name Preferences Add New Directory. 69

79 C HAPTER S IX: Document Your Work 8.,. DELETE THIS DIRECTORY (CUSTOMIZE FILE NAMES) 10.,. Character (). File Type ( ) RETURN 11. PREFERENCES. 70

80 C HAPTER S IX: Document Your Work 12..! 13., -named custom.. (). ( RETURN 14. MASS STORAGE. 71

81 C HAPTER S IX: Document Your Work : 17. : 18.,. 72

82 C HAPTER S IX: Document Your Work WAVERUNNER UTILITIES Mass Storage Utilities, ( MASS STORAGE menu),. 1.44MB DOS 720 Kb. Waverunner.,. LECROY_1.DIR.,. - -, PC preference, DOS.. DOSMS-, 8 3. :, PNL ; 3, ; TPL ( template); TIF, BMP, or PRT, ; PLT HPGL... DEFAULT NAME CUSTOMIZED NAME Stt.nnn xxxxxxxx.nnn Att.nnn xxxxxxxx.nnn Pnnn.PNL xxxxxnnn.pnl Dnnn.TIF Dnnn.BMP Dnnn.PRT Dnnn.PLT xxxxxnnn.tif xxxxxnnn.bmp xxxxxnnn.prt xxxxxnnn.plt LECROYvv.TPL Cannot be changed LECROY_1.DIR xxxxxxxx Sttnnn.TXT xxxxxnnn.txt MATLAB Sttnnn.DAT xxxxxnnn.dat MathCad Sttnnn.PRN 73

83 C HAPTER S IX: Document Your Work x Tt Nnn PLT C1, C2, C3, C4, TA, TB, TC, TD trace, decimal sequence number HPGL plotter or vector files KEY TO MASS-STORAGE TERMS TIF BMP PRT :, 2.2,, LECROY22.TPL. Tagged Image Format, bitmap image files Hard copy printer files,, Stt.nnn, Att.nnn. A S., Waverunner 3 sequence number. Stt ( SC1, STB), Att : AC1, ATB.. Fill,, Axx.001, Axx.002,. Waverunner,, w DOS - Wrap,,. - Axx.001, Axx.002. sequence number -, -, Waverunner. nnn,., Waverunner, 3 sequence number. -, kbyte, 1 kbyte = 1024 bytes. Mbyte,, 1 Mbyte = 1 million bytes...,, Waverunner. PC 12 PC Waverunner,. 74

84 2 75

85 7 : 1,., Waverunner.,... single-shot RIS sequence 76

86 C HAPTER S EVEN A Question of Timebase SINGLE-SHOT - WAVERUNNER 1 Capture time = Memory Sample Rate Capture time = Time Division 10 77

87 C HAPTER S EVEN: A Question of Timebase RIS - RIS (Random Interleaved Sampling) single-shot acquisition. Waverunner GS/s 25, 500 MS/s 50 single-shot acquisitions. bins 40ps. bins. ADC 5 ps. Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Final capture 1. RIS ROLL 78

88 C HAPTER S EVEN: A Question of Timebase Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 2 Trigger Trigger Trigger 79

89 C HAPTER S EVEN: A Question of Timebase SINGLE-SHOT RIS 1. TIMEBASE SETUP TIMEBASE SETUP.! 2. Single-Shot RIS Waverunner.. single-shot acquisitions Single -Shot, RIS Sequence mode On Off. segment... 80

90 C HAPTER S EVEN: A Question of Timebase SEQUENCE CAPTURE! 3.,.. SCOPE STATUS : trace segment Text and Times. Internal external ECL, - OV, TTL., ( ). UTILITIES, Special Modes Timebase Trigger -out time. On Off., segment. :...SINGLE, Waverunner segment,... segment, Waverunner STOP... NORMAL, segments,.,, Waverunner segment.. AUTO, time-out, segment.,! 81

91 C HAPTER S EVEN: A Question of Timebase 4. SCOPE STATUS STATUS. PRINT SCREEN :,. 5. Text & Times. 82

92 C HAPTER S EVEN: A Question of Timebase, Waverunner EXT, ( MHz).. Single-Shot. EXT.: ECL 1.3V, 0V 0.0V TTL +1.5V. On Off., segment., segment. : EXT., stamps AUTO time-out. inter-segment dead time. time/div, division.,, acquisitions (jitter). Waverunner,. TIME/DIV ( ). 83

93 C HAPTER EIGHT: Trigger SMART 8 : Trigger Smart, SMART.,. hold off exclusion, intervals State- Edge-Qualified lost TV 84

94 C HAPTER E IGHT Trigger Smart hold Off HOLD OFF Trigger Source: Positive Slope Trigger Event Trigger Event Trigger Event Trigger can occur Hold-off time Hold-off time Generated Trigger Trigger initiates hold-off time r Trigger initiates hold-off timer 1. Holdoff. positive. potential,. holdoff. 85

95 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart HOLD OFF Trigger Source: Positive Slope Trigger Event Event #1 Event #2 Trigger Event Event #1 Event #2 Trigger Event Trigger can occur Hold-off by 2 events Hold-off by 2 events Generated Trigger Trigger initiates hold-off timer Trigger initiates hold-off timer 2. holdoff ( ). 2 positive. potential, holdoff. 86

96 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart Trigger SMART (GLITCH) 1. Waverunner 1. 2., 1., trace. 3., 4. Coupling. AUTO SETUP STOP.,.. 5. TRIGGER SETUP. 6.,... 87

97 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart,, exclusion (91 ).. 7. Glitch,., :..(91 ). 8.., Waverunner EXT positive negative.. 11., On. (: 2.5ns 20s). width. 12., On. (: 2.5ns to 20s). width width, ( & ) width. OR. : Waverunner, negative, Pos. positive, Neg. : Persistence,. 13. NORMAL... 88

98 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart negative 5.0 ns.,. Lower Trace A top.. :,. Waverunner (comparator) DC., ( half period).,,. 89

99 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart : (. ). 3,.,. 2.5 ns 20 s,, 2 ns. Trigger Source Glitch Width Trigger can occur Glitch Width Width Selected Generated Trigger Width Selected 3. :. potential,. 90

100 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart 1. 1., duty, Analog Persistence. 2.,. 3. AUTO SETUP STOP.,.. 4. TRIGGER SETUP. 5.,. 6. trigger on 1. TRIGGER LEVEL 7., top one division. 8. at end of Pos, width On. 91

101 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart width On,. DELAY 11., -(mid-grid). 12. NORMAL. : Analog Persistence,.. Exclusion Pass/Fail. acquisition, mask.,..,. 92

102 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart, Level ( ).., gain offset. : ± 5 screen divisions EXT± 0.5 V EXT/10± 5 V LINE.( ). Coupling.,.,. : DC:, AC. AC:. DC, Hz 50. LF REJ: pass high-. DC, 50 khz. -. HF REJ: DC-coupled, -pass low 50 khz.. Slope. positive negative.,. 93

103 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart. 1. Interval positive negative. 5., On. (: ns 2.5 s). 20 width. 6., On. (: ns 2.5 to 20 s). width width, ( & ) width. OR. 94

104 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart Interval Smaller: ( Interval Trigger), - positive( - 4)., (positive). Waverunner,. ns s. Trigger Source: Positive Slope Interval Width Interval Width Trigger can occur Selected Interval Selected Interval Generated Trigger 4.. potential,. - positive. 95

105 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart Interval Larger:, ( 5)., Waverunner.,. 10 ns 20 s. Trigger Source: Positive Slope Interval Width Interval Width Trigger can occur Selected Interval Selected Interval Generated Trigger 5. Interval Trigger potential, positive edge. 96

106 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart Interval : Interval Trigger (.. 6) Waverunner,. ns s. Trigger Source: Positive Slope Interval Width Interval Width Trigger can occur Range Range 0 T1 T2 0 Generated Trigger T1 T2 6. Interval Trigger: T1 = lower ; T2 upper. potential trigger, positive. 97

107 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart QUALIFY - Edge -Qualified State. 1. Qualified. 2. Qualifier Edge State. (Edge trigger,, holdoff.) 3.., EXT EXT qualifier.,, EXT EXT qualifier threshold, qualifier (Edge-Qualified) threshold - (State Qualified), qualifier. 6. ( within T< ). ( wait > ) T ( wait Evs ).. qualifier. 10ns 20s

108 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart QUALIFIED State-Qualified Wait (. 7). Time. (timeout),,.,. Events.,.,.,.,. Trigger Source: Positive Slope Qualifier: Pattern Present Trigger can occur Wait Generated Trigger Wait 7. State-Qualified Wait: timeout. potential,. 99

109 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart Edge-Qualified Wait (. 8).: Time. (timeout),,.,. Events.,.,.,.,. Trigger Source: Positive Slope Qualifier: Pattern Present Trigger can occur Selected Time Selected Time Generated Trigger 8. Edge-Qualified Wait: timeout. potential,. 100


111 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart. 6. Dropout. : ( )., timeout., Waverunner timeout ( 25 ns ). DELAY 10.,. 102

112 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart DROPOUT TRIGGER Trigger Source Trigger can occur Wait Timeout Wait Timeout Generated Trigger 9. ( Dropout Trigger):time-out.. 103

113 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart TV TV trigger. 1. positive negative TV-Pos TV-Neg, :. 4. Standard Custom TV decoding. 5. Standard : 625/50/2:1 (PAL, SECAM) 525/60/2:1 (NTSC) standard. Custom :, - TV interlacing factor. 6. : any. 104

114 C HAPTER E IGHT: Trigger Smart TV TV 2. Waverunner - (FIELDLOCK). - :. 625/50/2:1 (PAL SECAM ): , /60/2:1 (NTSC ): 60- NTSC , ?/50/?,?/60/?:, - (linecounting). -. equalizing.,, any line. 105

115 C HAPTER NINE: Display More 9 : Display More 3, persistence..,. Analog Persistence `````````````` XY 106

116 C HAPTER N INE Display More ANALOG PERSIST Analog Persistence. 107

117 C HAPTER N INE: Display More ANALOG PERSISTENCE LeCroy Analog Persistence DSO ( ).,.,.,,.,. -, :. DSO acquisition,. acquisition DSO. Using persistence Analog, persistence map. persistence data map, population population. population, 0 population, 0 population population. lower populations ( ). Analog Persistence view. maximum population saturation population., Saturation population populations :,., saturation populations. populations. 108

118 C HAPTER N INE: Display More (COLOR-GRADED) PERSISTENCE persistence Persistence,. Persistence view, Using persistence menu Color Graded, Waverunner persistence. 109

119 C HAPTER N INE: Display More! ( 1 6 ) ( U1 U4 ).... CHANGE COLORS.. Full Screen On grid display, Off. Transparent Opaque.. Measure Gate function.. -gate.,, Normal Bold. RETURN Full Screen,.,. 110

120 C HAPTER N INE: Display More 3. Change Colors, traces, grids, ( 1 6 ) ( U1 U4 ),.,., Color Scheme.,. ( ). Change (113 ). RETURN MORE DISPLAY. 111

121 C HAPTER N INE: Display More (ON-SCREEN) Background - Trace , 2, 3, 4 trace Trace A...D Trace A, B, C, D Grid Text, acquisition- single non- source measurements Cursors Warnings Neutral measure-gate-region ( ) Overlays Full Screen. 112

122 C HAPTER N INE: Display More U1, U2, U3 U4 custom palettes gallery. : : traces, grids, text and menus, cursors, neutral color, background, warnings, overlays.. 113

123 C HAPTER N INE: Display More XY DISPLAY!. Standard or XY. ANALOG PERSIST persistence.. XY persistence : XY persisten saturation, Analog Color -Graded persistence. more display setup , (brightness)... trace.,. 114

124 C HAPTER N INE: Display More 115

125 C HAPTER N INE: Display More XY XY (, 4, )., bar. - XY. bar - - XY. Combinations,.: Y / X : Ratio 20 log 10 (ratio) : Ratio in db units Y value X value : Product = arc tan ( Y / X) range [ 180 to +180 ] : Angle (polar) r = sqrt ( X X + Y Y) : Radius (distance to origin). 116

126 C HAPTER N INE: Display More X Y. X Y. XY CURSORS T Abs A Abs A Rel Org = (0,0) Org = V XOffset V YOffset T Rel DX V XRef 0 V XDif V XRef V XRef 0 V XRef V XOffset V XDif V XRef DY V YRef 0 V YDif V YRef V YRef 0 V YRef V YOffset V YDif V YRef : AAbs: ARel: TAbs: TRel: Org: Origin VXref: X trace VYref: Y trace VXdif: X trace VYdif: Y trace 117

127 C HAPTER TEN: USE ADVANCED MATH TOOLS 10 : MATH extrema resolution filtering rescale FFT MATH trend plot 118

128 C HAPTER T EN Use Advanced Math Tools Extrema , Waverunner A Trace A , SETUP A. 6. Math Type Extrema. 7. :, envelope view.. 8., : 119

129 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools 9. trace : EXTREMA, Waverunner. Normal Stop, trace (STOP ) CLEAR SWEEPS, gain, offset, coupling, trigger condition,, extrema. Waverunner extrema zoom trace. floor roof., SETUP.,,. : Waverunner trace, MATH.,,.. Waverunner n. n,. 120

130 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools Rescale 1. Trace A, B, C D MATH. 2. Math Type Menu Rescale. : SUMMED VS CONTINUOUS ( ),.,.,. Normal Stop, trace., Waverunner averaging. CLEAR SWEEP, Input gain, offset, coupling, trigger condition, timebase, bandwidth limit acquisition. trace. summed averaging, ( ), Continuous Averaging weight.. weight : continuous average. Continuous average old weight 0 ( ) 121

131 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools Resolution 1. Trace A, B, C D MATH. 2. Math Type Enh. Res : 3., 1.5 bits. 4. trace : :, Waverunner., Averaging. 122

132 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools WAVERUNNER RESOLUTION Waverunner resolution resolution., noisy shot single- resolution. - (SNR). resolution, filtering out. 123

133 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools RESOLUTION INCREASED BY -3 DB ( NYQUIST) ( ) low-pass, SNR power. - -, SNR resolution., SNR resolution.,., -, through-, feed- SNR passband fall.,. - phase zeroresponse..,,.,, (Input Output ). unity. gain, overflow, resolution overflow. trace overflow,, overflowed - response -. overflow, spike spike., trace. Waverunner resolution. 124

134 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools low-pass : resolution () ().. enhancement bit-,. resolution :, ( ) 3 bit trace resolution. : noisy resolution. trace ( ) 2-bit resolution. ( ) smooth trace. : resolution trace resolution ; quantization linearity. The pass-band cut-off attenuation... : trace. response trace, 0.2% a point trace.,., Waverunner ERES. 125

135 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools FFT FFT AVERAGE CLEAR SWEEPS FFT FFT Averaging, descriptor. : FFT - Nyquist - PROCESSING,,,. FFT resolution,, -. FFT 126

136 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools Circular computation : circular (, ). 127


138 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools CAPTURED WAVEFORM AMPLITUDE AMPLITUDE T SAMPLING PERIOD FREQUENCY SPAN FREQUENCY SPAN = K* (1/ T) FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM (FFT) TIME FREQUENCY 2. FFT span. (1/ T). Waverunner MATH, scaling, FFT transform span. trace., FFTHz/div trace span. FFT Nyquist. FFT SPAN µ µ 129

139 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools TIME / DIV 2. s ns. 10 µs division : 3,., aliasing.. 3. TIMEBASE SETUP record up to 25 MS/s 2500,., 2500., 500 MS/s FFT 25 MS/s. span 12.5 MHz, span > 10 MHz. Window Type Highest Side Lobe (db) FFT WINDOW FILTER PARAMETERS Scallop Loss (db) ENBW (bins) Coherent Gain (db) Rectangular von Hann Hamming Flat Top Blackman Harris

140 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools MATH : Waverunner. 1. Trace A, B, C D MATH,,... 2., MATH. MATH. Functions. Integral. :, additive constant offset. DC offset offset.. 131

141 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools Resample to Deskew A,. 3. deskew. MATH. ± 132

142 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools Plot Trends 1. trend custom parameter.,,. 2. Trace A, B, C, D MATH.! 3., trend.. MATH. Trend., ( trend ). trend., trend scales. trend., trend. trend , scroll trend off. 133

143 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools!. All : trend. Average : trend,, trend. CHANGE PARAM,.,.. trend., trend scales. trend. RETURN division. division, trend Center.. 134

144 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools TRENDS division, division, trend, unzoomed trend, unzoomed. TIME EVENTS 3. trend,,. trend. 135

145 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools TRENDS trend. trend., ; XY plot x y trace,. trend : ( ) 4. Trend 5. Trigger re-arm., single acquisition.,, segment acquisition. Trend data,, acquisition., 1, dead time (, ). Waverunner trend, buffer trend N, trend acquisition N. bin trend, trend N trend. trend.,, scaling trend.,., : FIND CENTER AND HEIGHT 134 ( ).,, trend 136

146 C HAPTER T EN: Use Advanced Math Tools. Waverunner,,., -finder range,. 137

147 C HAPTER ELEVEN: Analyze with Parameter 11 : customize Pass/Fail work. 138

148 C HAPTER E LEVEN Analyze with Parameters Custom 1. MEASURE TOOLS MEASURE. 4, 1 2. Parameters, Custom.,, from and to. 3., CHANGE PARAM., ,.. trace 139

149 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters PARAMETER. 1., time,. 2. All Dt@lv. 3. : 4. from to to- % : 7. division hysteresis.., hysteresis-division,. 10., to

150 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters Pass/Fail PASS/ FAIL 1. 4, MEASURE. 2. mode Pass Fail.,, from and to ,. 5. Test Param., Param. 8. Pass/Fail, Limit. 141

151 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters : , - PASS/ FAIL 1. CHANGE TEST Test Mask., mask. 5., trace mask mask trace. 142

152 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters MASK 1. mask CHANGE T TES.!. mask W form ; PC mask Card ; mask Floppy. mask, D=M4., M1, M2, M3, M4. Trace RECALL W FORM... Waverunner mask. mask., tolerance., tolerance. ACTION 143

153 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters WAVERUNNER Top base. Waverunner. maximum top ampl pkpk Upper Threshold (90 % Amplitude) 50 % (Mesial) Lower Threshold (10 % Amplitude) base minimum HISTOGRAM* *not to scale LEFT CURSOR rise width fall RIGHT CURSOR 1. rise time fall (r@level, f@level)., rise fall time rising falling.,, top base line percentile scale (base = 0 %, top = 100 %). 144

154 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters Mr Rising Edge ( ) Duration Tr i Tr i Mr i = 1 Mf Falling Edge ( ) Duration Tf i Tf i Mf i = 1 Mr. Mf x trailing. Tri rising x i % x, Tf i falling x i %. Rising falling rise fall.., base top (50%) mesial (. 2),., rms mean biased. first delay last width width width 50 % (Mesial) PERIOD freq = 1/period PERIOD duty = width/period LEFT CURSOR TWO FULL PERIODS: cycles = 2 cmean, cmedian, crms, csdev computed on integral periods area, points, data computed between cursors 2. TRIGGER POINT RIGHT CURSOR 145

155 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters Noisy spikes ignored due to Hysteresis band HYSTERESIS Band DATA (1) THRESHOLD CLK (2) c2d-(1, 2) c2d+(1, 2) LEFT CURSOR TRIGGER POINT RIGHT CURSOR CLOCK EDGE = Positive Transition DATA EDGE = Negative Transition

156 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters ampl area base cycles cmean cmedian : top base., (. ) 1 overshoot, overshoot, undershoot ringing pkpk. :. ; first ; last (. ) 2 ( triangle tooth saw-waves), pkpk. probable probable lower ( top). - (., overshoot, (. ) 1 triangle tooth saw-waves), overshoot, undershoot ringing min. min.. transition (. ) 2. Transition positive- negative-going. Cyclic mean:. mean, fractional bias,. Cyclic median: fractional 50%, bias, base 50% top 147

157 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters crms csdev delay D dly D t@lv D c2d Cyclic root mean square:. rms,, fractional bias,. Cyclic standard deviation: 1 i. sdev, fractional bias,. N 1 2 ( v i ) N i= 1 N i mean 2 (v ) N = 1 Time from trigger to transition: 50% 50%., (. ) 2 propagation. delay: 50 %. transition v i, N = 100. : v i N = 100. t at level: transition edge-transition transition., polarity. Hysteresis transition. clock to data ±: ( c2d+) c2d ) (, transition. polarity. Hysteresis (. ) 3., hysteresis 148

158 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters dur duty single, dur 0; : acquisition segment ; :, single segments: segment segment ; :. Duty cycle:. width/period ( ) 2 f80 20% Fall %: falling transition, 80 % to 20 % falling transition % transition, ( triangle tooth saw-waves), top base. f@level fall Fall at level: Transition falling falling (, triangle or saw-tooth waves), top base.. Fall time: falling falling. ( Fall time -, triangle or saw-tooth. ARGUMENTS Threshold Remote Lower Upper Default Limit Limit waves), ), top base ( 1 ).. Lower Low 1 % 45 % 10 % Upper High 55 % 99 % 90 % all f : amp lower value = lower threshold + base 100 amp upper value = upper threshold + base

159 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters first.. (. ) 2 :,,,. freq Frequency: 50%. 1/period ( ) 2 transition.. last maximum mean median ( ).. (. ) 2 :,,,.., top,,., (. ) 1., acquisition. non-zero bin. maxp... centroid. Base top. Average of data ( ) 2 base top (. 2 ),,.,. 150

160 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters minimum overover+ period pkpk phase. base,. (. ) 1., acquisition. b g 100 Overshoot negative:, base falling minimum overshoot. ampl (. ) 2 b g 100 Overshoot positive: maximum top rising overshoot. ampl (. ) 1 falling. (, triangle tooth saw- waves),. rising. (, triangle tooth saw- waves),. 50 % Mr, Mr ( Tr i Tr i ). Mf transition, Mr i = 1 trailing, ( ) 2 x. Tr transition pair. i rising i x % Peak-to-peak:. Ampl,. x. Tf i falling i x %. maximum minimum (. ) 1.,, acquisition. 151

161 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters points ( ) 2 r20 80% r@level Rise 20 % to 80 %: rising % transition transition, 80 % to 20 % falling transition (, triangle or - saw tooth waves), ), top base.. Rise at level: transition Transition level rising rising (, triangle or - saw tooth waves), ), top base.. rise Rise time: rising rising. (10 90 %). (, triangle or - saw Rise times. - tooth waves), ), top base ARGUMENTS Threshold Remote Lower Limit Upper Limit Default (. ) 1.. Lower Low 1 % 45 % 10 % Upper High 55 % 99 % 90 % rise time. : amp lower value = lower threshold + base 100 amp upper value = upper threshold + base

162 C HAPTER E LEVEN: Analyze with Parameters rms sdev t@level Root Mean Square - zeromean sdev 1 2 N v i N ( ) i= 1 - zero-mean rms. (. ) 2 N 1 i mean 2 (v ) N i= 1 (. ) 2 Time at level: (t=0).,,., acquisition. v i, N = 100.,,., acquisition. v i, N = 100. top width probable, probable, base;., (. ) 1, probable.., acquisition. 50%,. rising, positive negative fwhm., width. rising falling., ( 1, 2 ). 153

163 1 2. PC Waverunner Waverunner.,. Waverunner ASCII Spreadsheet, MathCad MATLAB Waverunner. 154

164 C HAPTER T WELVE Use Waverunner with PC PC, GPIB Waverunner RS-232-C port (PC). handy ScopeExplorer, LeCroy software( ), PC., Waverunne (Remote Control Assistant) ( 157 )., PC. 1. UTILITIES,. 2. GPIB RS232. GPIB RS232.. RS232: : RS RS232, GPIB. talk-only. RS232: RS232 parity. RS232: RS232 stop bit. RS232: RS232 Baud Rate. GPIB: GPIB. address 155

165 P ART T WO: LOOKING DEEPER 1 NOT CONNECTED NOT CONNECTED 9 Waverunner PC RS-232 nine-pin communication. EXPLORE YOUR SCOPE ScopeExplorer Waverunner oscilloscope. ) ( 1. rear GPIB GPIB - -standard PC RS-232-C PC. PC ScopeExplorer, LeCroy. 3. ScopeExplorer, Windows.... help Teletype-like, PC Waverunner. interactive, virtual scope front-panel., response Pipe. (. ) Waverunner pixel-for-pixel, PC, (bitmap) (Windows Clipboard) Waverunner,., PC compact LeCroy Binary Excel Microsoft Mathsoft s MathCad - PC ASCII 156

166 C HAPTER T WELVE: Use Waverunner with PC REMOTE CONTROL GPIB RS232 remote (RC) Assistant. RC Assistant PC, PC. problem detected and logged.. 1. UTILITIES UTILITIES. 2.,.. 3. top two : Off - RC Assistant remote Errors Only. Full Dialog, (firs, dialog 100 RS232 Also full dialog log, RS (, COMM_HELP COMM_HELP_LOG.) 4., log ; scrolling log 157

167 P ART T WO: LOOKING DEEPER ASCII Waverunner (M1, M2, M3 or M4), LeCroy.,, PC ASCII. PC., LeCroy ASCII, MB ASCII. WaveRunner ASCII : Spreadsheet, MathCad MATLAB., ASCII FORMAT HEADER TIME VALUES AMPLITUDE VALUES SEQUENCE TIMES MULTI- SEGMENT DUAL ARRAY Header. segment dual-array header. segment.. (Extrema. complex FFT) Spreadsheet Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MathCad Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MATLAB No No Yes No Yes No 158

168 C HAPTER T WELVE: Use Waverunner with PC! 3.. ASCII ASCII.. Wrap, : Fill,,. ( Flpy ) Waverunner, PC PC (. 159


170 C HAPTER T WELVE: Use Waverunner with PC ASCII Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel ile -> Open dialog,... : F Excel Text Import Wizard 161

171 P ART T WO: LOOKING DEEPER 1. D elimited.. 2. data, WaveRunner Spreadsheet. omma Cdelimiter.. 3. column eneral. Column G (). 162

172 C HAPTER T WELVE: Use Waverunner with PC 4. F inish : 163

173 P ART T WO: LOOKING DEEPER SPREADSHEET PLOT plot column scatter plot, X column ( ): 6 (header). start row end row, segment : SegmentStartRow := (DesiredSegment * D2) + B2 + 5 SegmentEndRow := SegmentStartRow + D2-1 TrigTime= INDIRECT(ADDRESS(DesiredSegment +3;2;4)) TimeSinceFirstTrig= INDIRECT(ADDRESS(DesiredSegment +3;3;4)) Scatter plot segment Plot trace WaveRunner persistence, segment. 164

174 C HAPTER T WELVE: Use Waverunner with PC MATHCAD MathSoft MathCad. single segment ; 168. single-segment MathCad : 165

175 P ART T WO: LOOKING DEEPER multi-segment MathCad ment seg, segment (matrix).: 166

176 C HAPTER T WELVE: Use Waverunner with PC MATLAB MATLAB MathWork 4.2c.1., MATLAB : (); ( Figure No. 1 ): MATLAB : (header) segments separator. dual-array.. 167



179 170

180 169 A PPENDIX Architecture and Specifications ( Instrument Architecture Overview) PROCESSORS ADCS (MEMORIES) RIS (TRIGGER SYSTEM)

181 Architecture and Specifications 170 (AUTOMATIC CALIBRATION) (REMOTE CONTROL)

182 Architecture and Specifications BLOCK DIAGRAM: Hi-Z, 50 W Amplifiers + Attenuators CH1 CH2 Sample & Hold Sample & Hold 8-Bit ADC(s) 8-Bit ADC(s) Fast memory Fast memory Optional Storage Devices Floppy Disk Interface Centronics RS-232-C External Trigger Trigger Logic Timebase GPIB CH3 CH4 Sample & Hold Sample & Hold 8-Bit ADC(s) 8-Bit ADC(s) Fast memory Fast memory Power PC Microprocessor with Integrated Cache Memory Front-Panel Processor Real-Time Clock Display Processor Data Memories Program Memory 171

183 Architecture and Specifications :., LeCroy ( data sheets), ACQUISITION SYSTEM - Ω Ω± Ω ± Ω Ω Ω ± ± ± ± ACQUISITION TIMEBASE µ µ 172

184 Architecture and Specifications TIMEBASE Ω Ω TRIGGERING ± 173


186 Architecture and Specifications ZOOM EXPANSION TRACES LT342/LT322 LT344/LT224 LT342L LT344L 16 MBYTES 16 MBYTES 32 MBYTES 32 MBYTES SETUP STORAGE MATH TOOLS 175

187 Architecture and Specifications (MEASURE TOOLS) ± ± Automated Measurements: 5,,. Pass/Fail: 5. PC mask., GPIB SRO, pulse out pass/fail. MATH (EXTENDED MATH AND MEASUREMENTS OPTION) MATH. MATH, MATH, integration, derivative, log ( e 10), square, square root, absolute value, trend data log. WAVEANALYZER OPTION MATH FFTs of 1 Mpoint waveforms, power spectrum density, spectrum averaging, waveform averaging to one million sweeps, continuous averaging, waveform histograms histogram parameters. Extended Math Measurement option. (SPECIAL APPLICATION SOLUTIONS) Jitter and Timing Analysis (JTA): Precision cycle-to-cycle, persistence traces, persistence to waveform tracing and full statistical analysis. PowerMeasure :. timing deskew rescale. 176

188 Architecture and Specifications INTERFACE Remote Control: Full control via GPIB and RS-232-C* Floppy Drive: Internal, DOS-format, 3.5" high-density PC Card Slot: External Monitor Port: 15-pin D-Type VGA-compatible* Centronics Port: Parallel printer interface* Internal graphics printer (optional): 25 mm/s max, 112 mm paper width; provides hardcopy output in <10 seconds * 3 m Shielded cables EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. OUTPUTS Calibrator signal: 500 Hz 1 MHz square wave, 1.0 to +1.0, test point, and ground lug on front panel Control signals: Choice of trigger ready, trigger out, or Pass/Fail status; TTL levels into 1 MΩ at rear panel BNC (output resistance 300 Ω ± 10 %) GENERAL : : 5-40 C; 80% RH max (non-condensing) at 40 C; 2000 m : 3 MIL-PRF-28800F (Requirements): V AC and V AC; Hz; automatic AC voltage selection; Power dissipation: 230 VA max (HWD): 210 mm x 350 mm x 300 mm (8.3" x 13.8" x 11.8"); feet. : 8 kg (18 lbs) : 3 ; : CE, UL cul CE : EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC. EMC Directive EN : 1997, EMC 177

189 Architecture and Specifications : EN55011: 1991, Class A Radiated and conducted emissions : Low Voltage Directive: EN : Amd.2: 1995, UL and cul Certifcations: UL : UL

190 G LOSSARY OF T ECHNICAL T ERMS Acquisition Time: sample-and-hold track-and-hold, track slew band ADC:. Aliasing:, aliasing,, AND: Input TRUE Output TRUE designation) Aperture Jitter: sample-hold ADC, ( convert) Input ( jitter). (thermal noise), aperture jitter, dv/dt delta t. aperture jitter aperture uncertainty Aperture Uncertainty: sample-hold ADC,, - ), (f, ( convert). aperture jitter, aperture uncertainty Area: DSO, Artifact Rejection:. Automatic Setup:, sensitivity,,. Average: Mean Value, Summed Averaging Continuous Averaging. Bandwidth:, amplifier 3 db gain BER: Bit Error Rate. Binning: Bit: binary digit,, 0 1,. Bit Error Rate:, 179

191 G LOSSARY CCD: (Charge Coupled Device). sell : ; (analog shift register). Channel:, ( Clamping:, FET, forward-biased, ( ) Coherent Gain: rectangular normalized coherent gain 1.0 (0 db), 1.0. Common Mode Range: differential Input ( Common Mode Rejection Ratio: db common-. Input, differential amplifier. Common Mode Signal (Noise):, differential ( ). Differential Input. Continuous Averaging: exponential averaging,, weight. [S(i,old) + 1/(N+1) * W(i)] i = index over all data points of the waveforms; W(i) y acquired = newl wave form;s(i,old) = old accumulated average; S(i,new) = new accumulated average; N = weighting factor (1,3,7...). Conversion Cycle:,. BCD Crosstalk:. Cursor: waveform riding DAC: -. Data Logger: Input ( ),,. Strip-chart. DC:.. DC Level Shift: nominal DC. DC Offset: DC Level Shift. shift.. DC Overload: duty 180

192 Technical Terms Dead Time:, dead time acquisition. Decimation: (n ) n,. Differential Input:. Input Differential Linearity: differential non-linearity. Differential Non-Linearity: 1. plot percentage departure; 2. single ( ) Random Input bin. Differential Output:. Differential Pulses: (polarity). Dithering: non-linearities ADC ( content ). incoming. Summed offset average, offs. Digital Filtering:. Dropout Trigger: (LeCroy 25 ns DSOs 20 s) drop out. crash, Duty Cycle: midpoint. Dynamic Range: Dynamic RAM (DRAM): refreshed random ac ECL: Emitter-coupled logic, emitter-coupled transistors. 1.6 V LOGICAL 0 = 0.8 V. EMI: ENBW (Equivalent Noise Bandwidth): bin, ENBW power ). ( 181

193 G LOSSARY Enhanced Resolution (ERES): single-shot L Signal Averaging single-shot,. Envelope:,,. 6 1 to 10 LeCroy DSOs. EPROM:, read-only.. Equivalent Time Sampling (EQT): (ETS ) single-shot digitizer exploiting.,. Extrema:, (roof). roof.. Falltime:, 90 % 10 % Fast Fourier Transform (FFT):, FFT n, n complex Fourier, coefficients Input harmonic component. real (imaginary part equals 0), n/2.. harmonic components Feedthrough:. FFT: Fast Fourier Transform. FFT Frequency Bins: Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) n/2 bank n/2 discrete bins,, n/2. bin : delta (Hz) f, = 1/T T. nominal bin delta f. FFT : FFT 0 Hz Nyquist FFT Frequency Resolution:,. bin, delta f delta f,. delta f., (,. (, bin ). 182

194 Technical Terms FFT Number of Points: FFT bound (Transform. FFT n/2 spectra. FFT Total Power:, power FIFO: (First -in, first-out) ( Filter:., integration, differentiation ( smoothing. Flash ADC: -, comparator, 2n-1.. Floor: ( envelope) FWHM: Full-Width Half Maximum.. Gate: 1. ( Input. Glitch:.. Glitch Trigger: Ground Loop: pick-up HF Sync: divider,. Histogram:,., bin bin bin. bar plot Holdoff by Events:.. hold-off by events. Holdoff by Time:.. 183

195 G LOSSARY HPGL: :. Hybrid Circuit:,. IC:. multiple-element Integral Linearity: integral non-linearity. Integral Non-Linearity: fit ADC. Full, scale. reading plus a constant ADC Interleaved Clocking:,., single unit Input transient. Interval Trigger:.,.. Jitter: Input. Leakage:, leakage Limiter: Input. (Input Logical 1: TRUE ;, yes). ( interr Logical 0: FALSE ; Long-Term Stability: MCA: Multichannel Analyzer (, analyzer). Mean Value:. DC Median Value:. Mode Value:. Monolithic IC: ( ) Monotonic: sign (derivative). Multiplexer: Output Input NAND: (negative true) Output AND. Negation: negative, positives positive negatives. 184

196 Technical Terms Noise Equivalent Power: NEP (W); unity RMS signal-to-noise ratio RMS op. NOR: (negative true) Output. OR Nyquist Frequency: Nyquist (f/2) (f) digitizer., (f) aliasing digitizer. Offset: Input ( baseline 0) OR:, Input Overshoot, Negative:,. Overshoot, Positive: top,. top. Parallel Converter: -. 2n-1,. n ADC Pass/Fail Testing: mask -acquisition Post PCMCIA: PC JEIDA. PCX: T PC Paintbrush orporation, ; Marietta, ZSoft GA. C Peak Spectral Amplitude: Period: 50 % (mesial ) Persistence: trace DSO. PHA (Pulse Height Analyzer): Input. Picket Fence Effect: FFT,, Power Spectrum,., bin Picket Fence Effect ( ). S, Flat Top 185

197 G LOSSARY Power Spectrum: 2 ). (V 2 Vref = ( dBmV peak) 2 0 dbm. ref into 50 (omega) V 1mW Power Density Spectrum: Hz (V 2 /Hz) dbm 0, dbm (V 2 ref/hz). Pre-trigger Sampling: transient, stop. Pulse Width: Pulse Start (mesial point, leading 50 % (trailing mesial point). Pulse Start: leading 50 % (mesial ). Pulse Stop: trailing 50 % (mesial ). Pulse Trigger:.. RAM:. Random Interleaved Sampling (RIS): EQT ( ETS)., single-shot offset, DSO digitizer full RIS pretrigger viewing. Real Time: dead time, Reciprocal: division. unity Reflection Coefficient:, Resolution: ADC,. Reverse Termination:. RF (Radio Frequency):. RFI (Radio Frequency Interference): EMI. 186

198 Technical Terms Risetime:, 10% 90% leading. RMS (Root Mean Square):,,, ROM: Read-only.. randomly accessible. Roof: top( maximum) envelop. Sample and Hold: Sampling Frequency: DOS digitizer Scallop Loss: picket fence. Sensitivity: ( count/mv, sensitivity ADC ). Input sensitivity,. Shot Noise:. carrieremitter. Mean (watts) square shot current(amps) noise loosely. SMART Trigger: SMART, missing bit Smoothing, N-Point: N. SNR: - Square:. Stage Delay: Input,. Standard Deviation:,. Standard Trigger:, Waverunner. 187

199 G LOSSARY State Qualified: State-Qualified AND., -. Stop Trigger: transident Summed, or Summation, Averaging:, TDC: -. Terminate:, Test Template: ( -. Threshold:. TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): (bit-mapped). Time Between Patterns:. Timeout:, Time Qualified:.. Tolerance Mask: tolerance. Track and Hold: tighter. ADC Transient Recorder: Waveform Digitizer. TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic): : LOGICAL 0 = 0 to 0.8 V L 2.0 to 5.0 V. Trend: Plot. Waveform Digitizer:. Window Functions: Fourier analysis Fourier transform spectrum analyzer selectivity ( ). LeCroy 3 1 non-zero a m cos(2¼k/n) [W = N, k 188

200 Technical Terms X-Y Display: trace trace plot.. (Lissajous figures) 189

201 190

Slide 1

Slide 1 Clock Jitter Effect for Testing Data Converters Jin-Soo Ko Teradyne 2007. 6. 29. 1 Contents Noise Sources of Testing Converter Calculation of SNR with Clock Jitter Minimum Clock Jitter for Testing N bit

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