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2 본문 6 쪽 She[she] the blindfolded girl she my mother they[their] two oxen theythe wheels One afternoon recently my eighty-year-old mother was walking home and noticed several young children playing blind man s bluff on the lawn next door. notice -ing She motioned for them to keep quiet, tiptoed into their midst, and knelt down near the blindfolded girl who was groping for her friends. motioned, tiptoed, knelt She who the blindfolded girl 본문 8~10 쪽 He[he]John he the supervisor John got the feeling that he thought that John s approach was not different, but wrong. the feeling that ~ 2
3 that thatthought What he needed was support, confidence, guidance, advice, and perspective. What 3 They[they] manatees they trash items They can sometimes be seen feeding on vegetation overhanging the water and fruits and nuts that have fallen into the water. be seen -ing that fruits and nuts Sometimes they get stuck in their gut or, in the case of fish hooks, can puncture their intestinal or stomach lining to death by secondary infection. get stuckget get stuck can puncture they 4 They[they] parents They their children For example ~ the book. Sometimes they call ~ with the boyfriend. parental intrusiveness For example, as soon as the child has trouble reading, they take over and read the rest of the book. as soon as ~ They do not develop age-appropriate social skills to deal with social situations and problems of their own because they are used to their parents taking care of everything for them. to deal to age-appropriate skills be used to ~ Vocabulary Review complain 2 infection 3 harmful 1 confused 2 본문 11 쪽 A
4 branch investment election conference spectacle B downstairs upstairs likelihood infection intention awareness armful C parent confused confident trust implicitly indirectly arrogantly intrusively impatiently 본문 12쪽 본문 14~16 쪽 paper particles 1 4
5 The meaning of the experience is determined by the order of the signals provided to the brain. providedthe signals which are provided to the brain which are If you program the commands in the right order, the computer will use all its capabilities and produce the result you desire. you desirethe result 2 So a soil rich in compost will need less watering, ~ richa soil need watering watering need to be watered Compost is filled with microbes, which break down the organic matter in soil into basic elements plants need. which microbes plants need basic elements 3 5
6 Joe looks at him blankly, keeps working the register, and mutters, Uh huh in total and final acknowledgement. looks, keeps, mutters You d better try to be like Jane. had better higher proportion of paper particles to wear away into the air, ~ less than allowing allow allow to 4 Vocabulary Review 1 compost 2 additive 3 bleach 4 elasticity 5 property 1 comprises 2 contain 3 correct 1 overlook 2 본문 17 쪽 paper particles ~ the polymers in the plastic the chains that make it strong and flexible shorten. make strong flexible The fibers are shorter and the paper is less smooth than virgin paper, allowing an even A decayed substance pale stretch B compromise incorrect evenly protein cook 6
7 C 본문 18 쪽 cover excuse emphasize inner manage to overlook spiritual 본문 20~22 쪽
8 It usually means that the fungi and bacteria with which we compete for nutrients and calories have gotten to it before we did. that the fungi and bacteriahave gotten with which ~ calories did got to it The more processed a food is, the longer the shelf life is, and the less nutritious it typically is. The the... 2 Now, suppose what would happen if you were on a high mountain and could throw a ball as fast as you wanted. if... That s why satellites don t fall to the ground. That s why ~ why That s because ~ because 3 But unless you can afford to hire a private chef to prepare meals for you, letting other people cook for you means losing control over your eating life. unless you ~ for you letting ~ for you means losing ~ life means letting ~ / losing ~ ~ research suggests that people who cook are more likely to eat a more healthy diet. that suggests that who cook people are 4 8
9 One study found that the breed of a dog and the oiliness of the dog s skin both made a significant difference in how much allergen was produced by the dog, but that the length of the hair had nothing to do with it. found that but Interestingly, the breed with the most significant amount of allergen production was the Poodle, a breed typically thought to be less allergenic. with ~ production the breed a breed ~ allergenicthe Poodle a breed typically be make up for undertake solid astronomical violence mass surface B process enclose disagree significant protest suppose guarantee simultaneous C burn hysteria infected approve Vocabulary Review 본문 23 쪽 process 2 suppose 3 guaranteed 4 significant (a) bacteria (b) remove A
10 본문 24쪽 본문 26~28 쪽 where to start looking 1 The requirements for the branch manager position you mentioned describe almost perfectly my own background. The requirements describeyou mentioned the branch manager position I have [two years of experience in domestic reservations], [one year of experience working with corporate international travel operations], and [a thorough understanding of international tariffs]. have 3 A, B, and C 2 Our technical schools are second to none, with excellent teacher to student ratios and top-shelf equipment and facilities, which means you ll get the best education possible. which and it which 10
11 So why not find out more information about learning a trade with us? Why not + 3 The collection of contributions towards gifts for employees personal-life events is becoming a little troubling. The collection is Not only are the collected-from growing uncomfortable, but ~ of where to start looking ~ start where to start looking Whether you are a first-time job seeker or are wanting to change your current occupation, the 2010 Job Guide can help you. whether A or BA B It gives you the opportunity to identify your personal talents and abilities, explore career options, and relate them to your interests. to identify, (to) explore, (to) relate the opportunity 4 11
12 Vocabulary Review 본문 29 쪽 1 identify 2 thorough 3 employees 4 contributions (a) confirm (b) responsible 본문 30 쪽 A product by size symptom advertising researcher B physical examination employer lay off lack order distribution shelter C (A) themselves (B) carry out effectively (C) the chemical reactions become 본문 32~34 쪽 confine conform recital responsive expense confirm permission responsible respectable repair 1 12
13 (A) monitor, check, study You (B) be (C) consumers desire is products The more wheat you grow, the higher your income will be. the the Does this discovery make you better off or worse off than you were before? better off worse off than 2 (A) (B) asked (C) explain to ~ that... A lady was annoyed by the way Picasso painted people and asked him: Can t you paint a person as he or she appears to us? was annoyed by asked A lady Looking at her with astonishment, Picasso asked her what she meant by that. asked 4 her what she meant 3 (A) to the impact of the blow lessen (B) elevated (C) What Luckily, the driver saw Jeff in time to put on his brakes and lessen the impact of the blow. saw Jeff in time to ~ Jeff put lessento What could have been a serious accident ended with Jeff up and about in a few days. What ~ accident ended could have been ~ 13
14 4 Vocabulary Review 본문 35 쪽 (A) resort toto (B) asked (C) everyone was an operation In an operation in Corunna, Michigan, in 1990, a large-scale drug dealer named Danny Brown invited guests to his wedding to Debbie Leno, the daughter of crime boss Fast Eddie Leno. a large-scale drug dealer named Danny Brown Debbie Leno the daughter of crime boss Fast Eddie Leno At the door a sign asked guests to check their guns and leave them outside. ask to check leaveto pronounce 2 recovery 3 defect 1 prolong 2 A motion favorable illustrative refrigerator level stale puncture operation consciousness surgery employment B announce pronounce practice recovery discovery defect defeat transmission C flea market guess intend to prolong shorten be surrounded by 14
15 본문 36쪽 frustratingfrustrating Sissi frustrated play let play hersher soccer ball that all kinds of objects destroyingkeep + + from + -ing 본문 38~40 쪽 (1) generator (2) charger 1 raised led to to raising to createbe to have collected Since fillingand my books filled ~ onesbooks But that did not necessarily add to my knowledge. not necessarily Since then I have not added a book unless I selected one to give away. unless if not 2 usingthe fact used 15
16 thatin that that made his third to crowd to was seen it Nabucco His first opera was a modest success, his second a failure but his third, Nabucco, made him famous throughout Italy. his second was a failure was ~ the painters and machinists were so moved by the music they heard that they left their tasks to crowd round the orchestra pit. so... that ~ they heardthe music 3 their being spherical its scientifica rather than BB A A B aesthetic scientific reflected light including coming light Pythagoras, in all probability, was the first to think the earth spherical, ~ think A (to be) BA B spherical to be The sun was supposed to shine by light coming from the central fire. be supposed to do 4 giving give and where the other the other that a tiny generator to implementbe to (1) (2) ~ these flashlights come in two basic varieties: one that you shake and the other with a hand crank you can turn. 16
17 one the other Shaking or cranking for one minute gives you something like a half-hour s worth of light. A or B Shaking cranking gives moment abandon ideal search for circumstance injustice cruelty Vocabulary Review 본문 41 쪽 contemporary 2 assistance 3 emergence 1 reflect 2 A order translate humble fund put off carry out classify extend battle investment turn down leave out B impress rebuild campaign figure temporary resistance confirm C 17
18 본문 42 쪽 (A) they (B) wanted ~ (C) far better than (A) be used to (B) are arranged alphabetically (C) It that 본문 44~46 쪽 a hill that overlooks Hollywood 1 It is far better to be flexible enough to sacrifice ~ far even, still, a lot, much very many 2 observesthat this slight increase can observes to observe lookingspend + a fraction of a second+ -ing looking our being decreasing decrease come Good opportunities ~ that the average time we spend looking at things has been steadily decreasing during the 18
19 last 50 years. that we spend looking at things the average time has 3 (A) a diet reduces (B) is what that (C) far ~ since plant foods are typically less energy dense than the other things you eat. since he wrote himself a check (B) that young actor was earning that a hill that There was the time his family was forced from their home and had to live out of a camper van. the time his family when Vocabulary Review conflict 2 sacrifice 3 consume 4 perceive (a) average (b) prove A 본문 47 쪽 4 (A) Jim Carrey apparent illustration B conflict conformity sacrifice subscribe consume resume deceive perceive C 19
20 archer refer coverage confess compute prove 본문 48쪽 본문 50~52 쪽 drained 1 20
21 detaching his brain from the inside of his skull. by -ing temporarily detaching What you resist, you re stuck with. Locating yourself in space and time provides a reference for motion. Locating yourself in space and time provides 2 (contact sports) Unlike soccer, skiing or swimming, in which there may be some incidental injuries from accidents, in contact sports injuries result from the central activity of the sport. in which soccerskiing or swimming There may be some incidental injuries from accidents in soccer, skiing or swimming. The whole point of boxing is to knock one s opponent unconscious by temporarily 3 We must understand what is meant by a medicine working. what understand (what is ~ working ) what The only useful evaluation of a proposed medicine is by comparing its effects with those of a placebo. effects those 4 21
22 Once you ve got angry, you might as well release it as effectively as you can. as ~ as one can The bottom line is to make sure that you don t let your anger escape in the presence of others. make sure that ~ let escape Vocabulary Review 본문 53 쪽 work global warming selectivity omit glue mention B toxic undergo moderation atmosphere extensive sandpaper C genetic engineering pose risk barely soybean variety withdraw gene reaction resist ripen insert alter frost 1 critical 2 contact 3 feature 1 releasing 2 contagious 3 modification 4 Rub (a) withdrawn (b) resist A
23 본문 54쪽 본문 56~58 쪽 cliché 1 Though they look like two different entities, they are two sides of the same coin and can never be separated from each other. Though ~ entities are can never be separated they You ask her if you could replace the beans with extra fries. ask ~ if... replace A with BA B 2 23
24 The graphite has to be mined by miners in South America. has to be mined by have to To succeed as leaders, therefore, we need to recognize the necessity of having others of like mind working alongside us, sharing our vision and working toward a common goal. others of like mind working ~sharing ~, working ~ 3 Brun Many people are unhappily doing work for which they have no passion. which work for passion passion for ~ He enjoys what he does at work, and he flies high in the clouds when he provides businesses with advice on information management solutions. what what enjoys provide ~ with... 4 c cliché Have you ever heard something that sounds right but does not feel right? that something sounds does not feel 24
25 that The boss rules by fear and looks over your shoulder constantly. The boss rules looks put ~ into practice rock stream blow beat friction foundation Vocabulary Review 본문 59 쪽 poverty 2 successive 3 desert 1 2 foundation A fit rough desirable diverse even reliable investment decisive B economic wealth successive dessert absolute poverty desert C 25
26 본문 60 쪽 (A) However (B) As a result (A) Instead(B) Therefore 본문 62~64 쪽 should not be eaten with others 1 We re not going to let Yellowstone be damaged by this. be damaged by ~ ~ it was decided that all fires would be actively fought thereafter. it that 2 (A) Makarios For example (B) Makarios Nelson Mandela in contrast In leading South Africa, he refused to indulge in the bitter past and moved his divided nation toward reconciliation. refused moved he 26
27 Similarly, Yakubu Gowon in Nigeria worked hard not to punish the Ibo after the Biafran rebellion was crushed in the late 1960s, preventing bloodshed. not to to preventing 3 (A) That is to say (B) For example ~ it transforms into sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and other gases that then spread into space. that sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and other gases spread ~, yet we can never burn that piece of coal again and get useful work out of it. burn getcan never 4 (A) However (B) As a result Now it is a law of chemistry that two contrary mediums (acid and alkali) cannot work at the same time. it that Undigested food becomes soil for bacteria, giving rise to digestive disorders and gas. giving Vocabulary Review 1 content 2 digest 3 check[check] 1 assess 2 revolved 3 policy 1 2 adapts 본문 65 쪽 A
28 3 pay attention to rarely variety pause check container crack leak B guidebook assess excess revolve policy politics reveal C 본문 66쪽 ~ also known to prey on small animals 1 2 본문 68~70 쪽 blacksmith untrained adapt expectation continuity steel blow intensity regularity 3 4 Performing 1 28
29 They inhabit all levels of the forest, searching for food during the day. searching for food during the day and (they) search for food during the day Being relatively small monkeys, they are able to reach food at the end of the flimsiest of branches, beyond the reach of larger species. Being ~ monkeys As they are relatively ~ 2 Audrey Hepburn Marni Nixon Audrey Hepburn. Her voice was then dubbed ~. 3 The larvae stay close to the bottom of the pool ~ The larvae stay close to the bottom of the pool, which keeps them out of the way of the adults. which (The larvae ~ pool) A larva will change into the adult form once it reaches 4 cm long. once 4 Opening on Broadway in 1956, it also paid attention to the familiar theme of a classic: ~ Opening ~ 1956 Opening it The part went to Audrey Hepburn, whose voice was then dubbed by the same Marni Nixon who had sung for Natalie Wood in the movie version of West Side Story. whose Audrey Hepburn The part went to 29
30 Goodman Performing At age 12, appearing on stage in a talent contest, he did an imitation of the prevailing clarinet favorite, Ted Lewis. appearing ~ contest he One of Goodman s most significant contributions to American culture was his bringing black and white musicians together in his performing and recording groups. One ~ culture was his bringing B conform contribute atmospheric observation revise perform distribute prevent popularity reissue C mammal species risk exhausted mysterious spice extinct invasive Vocabulary Review 본문 71 쪽 performed 2 distribute 3 prevent 4 revised 1 species 2 A occupy inhabit flood tribe remote transform 30
31 본문 72쪽 Tahina 본문 74~76 쪽 Scott 1 Their black bodies are covered in bead-like scales with bright spots or bands of orange or yellow, which probably warn other animals to stay away. which that Gilas spend about 95 percent of their time underground and emerge only to hunt for food or to take a sun bath. spend emerge 2 31
32 Augustus Augustus While Mount Augustus is heavily eroded, Uluru s hard coating of sandstone has enabled it to better withstand the ravages of time. while Gradual rust occurring within Uluru s coating is responsible for its reddish color, which is famous for seeming to shift with the time of day. occurring ~ coating Gradual rust which occurs within Uluru s coating 3 Guanacos are related to camels, as are llamas and alpacas. as as llamas and alpacas are (related to camels) related to camels They try to bite each other s front legs, twisting their necks together in the process. twisting ~ 4 Robert Scott Robert Scott Only when his ship was well on its way did he tell his crew of their true destination. only only The dogs enabled him to travel faster and carry more supplies than Scott could. 32
33 enable to to travel (to) carry Vocabulary Review 본문 77 쪽 continuity wisdom spirit morality emerge authority conservation stability insight generation contemporary merge respect of itself reservation destination 2 distributed 3 intercepted 4 pale (a) emerged (b) conservation A install alternately treatment equipment rough B distinction demonstrator leaflet interpret haunted midday attribute passerby hale C 33
34 본문 78쪽 Rain had fallen in the night, sufficient to lay the dust, turn the roads brown, and make the leaves and grass green. sufficient to ~ layturnmakesufficient to make A light breeze stirred the trees softly and swept over the corn fields, bending the heavy ears of wheat and gently shaking the graceful barley. A light breeze stirred swept bending ~ and gently shaking ~ 본문 80~82 쪽 1 2 David noticed that the little bit of light he saw 34
35 through the filthy glass came in at an almost horizontal angle. that ~ noticed the little bit of light that came the little bit of light he saw ~ filthy glass He did not like the smell of the mold and the cold coming from those thick, solid walls that made him feel as if he were in a cave. the smell the cold like 3 Here, virtually any space is viewed as usable space, no matter how ugly or small. be viewed as ~ ugly smallno matter how no matter how This is a city where a publicly designated Recreational Sitting-out Area may be little more than a sad and lonely bench situated in a gap between two buildings. where a city situated ~ a sad and lonely bench 4 (noisy and joyful) The British civilians ~ through their villages. When we joined the mass movement to the ports, the roads were clogged with every sort of vehicle imaginable, from bicycles and motorbikes, to huge trucks pulling trailers of supplies and equipment. When we ~ the ports the roads from ~ to... huge trucks pulling ~ Soldiers in the back of the trucks threw chocolate bars and gum to kids running alongside. Soldiersthrew kids running alongside 35
36 Vocabulary Review 본문 83 쪽 1 basement 2 trailer 3 vibrant 1 2 appetite 본문 84 쪽 A pub court mold fungus preserve wildlife B workshop basis basement pickup truck tailor trailer tolerant vibrant C depression aspect overwhelming aptitude disturbed suicide affect symptom appetite result in self-esteem 2008 MENA 5 % GDP 7.5 % less than half more than half 본문 86~88 쪽 wheat, barley 1 36
37 The graph shows how five countries in the European Union manage their waste. how shows The most widely used way of handling waste in those five countries is to bury their waste in the land. The most widely used way is to bury be to The course is very thorough, yet specially prepared to be easy to all regardless of lack of previous training. preparedthe course is all If you send $1.00, we ll send our textbook, ~ The amount of exports in 2005 was about 120 billion dollars, which was more than three times as much as that in which 120 billion dollars that the amount of exports The productions of wheat and oats were much larger than those of barley and corn from 1905 to The productions were thosethe productions Barley production increased rapidly from 1955, reached a peak in 1985, and then declined sharply ~. increasedreacheddeclined Barley production 37
38 Vocabulary Review 1 adopt 2 manage 3 decline 본문 89 쪽 1 ranging 2 handle 1 exceed 2 본문 90 쪽 A court flexible approach offender difficult popularity regret invitation owing to prior engagement B 1 2 audience arrange destruction rainforest unless urgent take a step accelerate C customer diminish perceive identical progressive manager expectation insufficient steady (A)challenge (B) understand 본문 92~94 쪽 Napster 1 38
39 ~ when trying to get people to give you a hand via , do not copy your message to an entire group. + be when (you are) trying ~ you are ~ everyone thinks that it is everyone else s business to respond. everyone it to respond 2 Menominee Menominee ~ it does not count how many species of birds the forest may harbor, or how its slopes stay stable, or what resources it can continue to provide to future generations. how many ~, how its slopes ~, what resources ~ count 3 count However, the Menominee tribe of Wisconsin often cut only the weaker trees, leaving the strong mother trees for squirrels and other arboreal animals to continuously inhabit. leaving and the Menominee tribe of Wisconsin left ~ 3 39
40 a company closedit bred Some researchers, who were interested in exploring ways to make the employee-bonus scheme more effective, conducted an experiment. make effective Workers would think of the conditional pay raise as theirs, and work harder to prevent it from being taken away. think work Workers prevent A from -inga it the conditional pay raise 4 a company Vocabulary Review 1 translation 2 context 3 bystander 4 operation 5 tribe 1 contained 2 count 3 objectives 1 explore 2 본문 95 쪽 A phrase involve damaged custom statement process race particular Napster NapsterNapster Napster it Napster And it s pretty unlikely that you re still using one of the first Internet search engines ~ it that Not long after, a company it bred closed its doors. B contain obtain razor soap account addition subtraction specific performance objection C 40
41 feel obliged to do by all means wander alleyway alter extend simplify 본문 96 쪽 본문 98~100 쪽 had the words crossed his lips than 1 41
42 Marty told me not to worry, but I did. to to not At home I stood immobile in front of the mirror. stood immobile 2 For a long time they stayed that way, Brian holding his breath waiting to be sprayed, and the skunk aiming at him. Brian holding ~ sprayedthe skunk aiming at him they Brian the skunk Slowly Brian reached to his right, where the meat was stored back in the corner, and took a piece of the meat. reached took 3 advisory The flip side of this aggressiveness is, unfortunately, a certain abrasive attitude that has been reported by several customers lately. has been reported a certain abrasive attitude has I can give you some idea of how people are responding to you and why it s a problem over the long-term if not the short-term. of how people ~ to you why 42
43 ~ over the longterm 4 Max 3 anxious concerned No sooner ~ if we go eighty, we ll make it just in time for the two o clock start! No sooner had the words crossed his lips than steam began billowing up from under the car s hood. No soorner had + + p.p. ~ + than Hardly had + + p.p. ~ + when[before] +... As soon as Hardly had the words crossed his lips before steam began billowing up from under the car s hood. = As soon as the words crossed his lips, steam began billowing up from under the car s hood. Vocabulary Review insistent 2 reflection 3 respond 4 distorted 1 announce 2 A rough basement ignorant edge hostile dumb 본문 101 쪽 B indistinct contract rejection correspond criticism announcement deserted C 43
44 thanks to pour purchase manufacture denounce order bulk raw material announce enclosed 본문 102쪽 being irresponsible he was being responsible about being irresponsible 본문 104~106 쪽 the Middle East[the Arab, Persian Gulf] 1 44
45 bill Bill Bill Jones The goods were shipped immediately and reached home before he did. The goods were shipped reached did reached home A neighbor, hearing the screams, rushed to her assistance and asked what was the matter. A neighborrushed asked hearing ~ after he/she heard the screams At a dinner party that was given recently, the subject of regular hours and plain diet was discussed. a dinner party that was given recently the subject was discussed What were you in prison for? What for for 3 The car was crowded, mostly by women, who were bent on shopping. be crowded by ~ who women When all had been seated, the three or four men who indulged in the luxury of seats looked at one another as though to say, We are next to get up. the three or four men looked the three or four men who indulged ~ of seats 4 45
46 The high concentration of petroleum in a handful of major producing areas means that the global availability of oil is closely tied to political and socioeconomic conditions within a relatively small group of countries. The high concentration of petroleum means that ~ means be tied to ~ When war or political turmoil erupts in these countries and the global flow of oil is subsequently disrupted, the rest of the world is likely to experience significant economic hardship. When war ~ subsequently disrupted the rest of the world ~ Vocabulary Review produce 2 minor 3 permitted 1 2 rear 본문 107 쪽 A bill note beak advertisement discussion subject capital punishment abolishment identify B consume side effect on the whole minor disagreement prohibit C everlasting notion midnight disturb party rare rear shed greet apparently 46
47 Whether you like her or not is a separate matter from whether she has good advice or not. whether from 1 2 본문 108~109 쪽 1 (a) (b)(e) Tina 2 rent run into issue evict expert credibility landlady tenant force attack separate bias ~ if I were you, I wouldn t take Tina s advice about housing issues. if 1 2 (1) grasp (2) receptive 3 4 본문 110~113 쪽 (1) distributed (2) confined 1~2 1 47
48 2 (1) (2) This young man had the greatest grasp of the things he played with. he played withthe things Then I showed him how to read and spell words by giving him the same feeling about reading and spelling that he had about surfing. thatthe same feeling had 3~4 3 4 (1) distribute distributed (2) confine the dog confined She certainly could have focused on a lot of things she could no longer do. could have focused She also helped those beyond our borders, beginning a program to distribute used wheelchairs to people in developing countries. those(=people) beyond our borders beginning as she began ~ 48
49 1 2 본문 114~115 쪽 1 a message from heaven Ruth 2 Ruth Ruth institution handicapped burden disabled counselor unshed purpose coincidence immeasurably 1 2 All I have to do 3 4 erasing 1~2 be better off flip on lean over innocence miraculous enrich 1 When it was time for another handicapped child to be born, ~ for another handicapped child to 2 ~ my wife Edna leaned over and turned off the radio, her eyes shining with unshed tears. her eyes shining with unshed tears 본문 116~119 쪽 49
50 1 Don 2 all I have to do But I never see what I consider progress in organization going on. what see consider All I have to do is go in there every day and throw away one thing. do be to to 3~4 3 Jessica 4 spend -ing I thought about her seeing these terrible things written about her and how bad it would make her feel. her ~ her how ~ feel about her seeing 50
51 I know I should have said something, but at the time, I was intimidated. should + have + p.p. Review Test (a) to install (b) to decide 5 6 Add two triangles at the bottom, each connected to the body with two straight lines. 7 8 This Is What True Love Is All About 9 10(a) exams (b) students coral reef, grassy meadow, lush jungle blurry Anonymity, responsibility 17 18to help combat malaria abundant element crust mass lifeform emission global threaten sustainability the planet contribute to take steps output 51
52 offset efficient renewable Nevertheless, the emission of this is a global problem in that it threatens the sustainability of the planet, contributing to climate change. in that + + that in Planting trees, switching to renewable energy sources, and using energy efficient light bulbs are small steps most families can take. Planting ~, switching ~, using ~ and are to install (b) requirerequire + +to to decide resource unlimited shortage temporary permanent raw material component part labor reaction publicize consumption utility company install insulation mass transit allocate objective volume 3 4 (a) encourageencourage + +to Oil companies publicize tips for consumers on how to cut gasoline consumption ~ + to how to cut gasoline consumption on Shortages may require marketers to decide whether to spread limited supplies over all customers or limit purchases by some customers so that the firm can completely satisfy others. spread limit decide whether + to
53 smoothed wrinkled 6 4 goose curve slanted beak outline feather oval make sure square bottom underside Here is a simple way to draw a goose spreading his wings. spreading his wings a goose which is Add two triangles at the bottom, each connected to the body with two straight lines. each connected ~ two triangles each 7 (A stitches removed (B) told that (C) she doesn t know 8 approximately stitch thumb state wound engage in nursing home inquire as to victim recognize While taking care of his wound, we began to engage in conversation. while while He told me that she was a victim of Alzheimer s Disease and that she had not recognized him in five years now. told 2 that 9 10 (a) exams (b)students cram despite necessarily flexible involved on target review consistently creativity principle on the whole 53
54 employment prospects to a degree It is well known that some students are much better at cramming and reviewing than others and so do better at exams, despite performing less consistently during the course of a year s study. despite performing ~ despite It is therefore possible for students to idle for a year and then learn the course in a few days, ~ It to idle ~ for students to idle ~ extreme coral reef meadow microbe put up with nasty bother to grassy lush compete predator organism Living there means competing with all those neighbors for food, water, space, and light, and putting up with predators that try to eat you. Living there competing ~ putting ~ The nasty conditions that keep other organisms out offer extreme organisms just what they need. keep The nasty conditions blurry visual disorder blurry take part in sled exhausting wilderness halfway 54
55 Her visual disorder prevents her from taking part in some sports, like tennis and baseball. prevent + + from + -ing However, it has not stopped her competing in other activities like running and sled dog racing. stop her competing to monitor responsibility distasteful shield persecution license with no regard for set out mischief identity rely on But with anonymity comes a certain lack of responsibility that I find distasteful. with anonymity Even people who don t set out to cause mischief might say hurtful things in chat rooms that they d never say out in the real world. in chat rooms hurtful things that they d never say out ~ 17 (A) heroes. villain (B) triggers hinder (C) confirmed conform 18 to help to help combat malaria suck vaccine for free modify saliva deadly immunize genetically species sore 55
56 fatal bite transgenic antibody immunity A new study shows real promise for turning the blamed insects into heroes by genetically modifying them to make them flying vaccinators. by -ing by The researchers have already genetically modified a mosquito species so that its saliva contains a protein ~ so that ~ (D)(C)(B) 20 (B) ahead hold onto string attach for sure unexpected predetermine frustrated fascinated beat gust work feel like -ing respond all of a sudden brace oneself for scream skyward gleefully A short distance ahead of me were a mom and her three-year-old daughter. A short distance ahead of me werea mom and her three-year-old daughter So the next time you experience one of life s unexpected gusts, remember that little girl ~. the next time the next time 19 (A) (D) (C) (D) (B) (A) 56
57 Review Test to place a white-painted bicycle at the spot hawk 5 6 larger 7 8 to discharge 9 10 digestion Limestone May Be a Solution to Oceans Acidification asked make air move faster than the speed of sound were created: that ~ created the powerful reaction created runa fellow cyclist run which had started who blog-posted ~ blog-posted followedfollow suit followed motorist incident prompt inspire reaction frightening sculpture recruit slogan follow suit ~ which was perhaps inspired by the San Francisco artist, Jo Slota who blog-posted photographs of the broken bike frames he had started to plant around his own home city. who Jo Slota he had ~ city plant the broken bike frames 3 4 hawk hawk prey be aware of presence in time furious fuss utter brood cock wary 57
58 predator frustrate pay cultivate seize accurate belly sensation saying ~ the old hen turns her body toward him and cocks a wary eye without moving from her children even though she is violently attacked. the old henturns cocks even though She is too big to be a target and the chicks are too safe to be seized so he flies away. too ~ to... and Most of us allow external, and usually visual, cues to determine how much we eat. allow to ~ it pays to cultivate the other senses, which often provide more useful and accurate information. whichthe other senses 5 6 the + the +... external cue container visual portion pour 7 grow diminish 8 allowallow to familiarize fire extinguisher critical invaluable get used to release mechanism discharge aim put out squeeze agent operate Familiarizing yourself with a fire extinguisher is 58
59 critical. Familiarizing ~ extinguisher is The first thing you have to do is pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher. do be to pull to 9 10 digestion nutrition ensure digestive make use of fluid thin organ interfere absorption sip content Drink your fluids in between meals so that you do not make the digestive fluid in the stomach thinner. so that ~ that Consuming beverages during a meal weakens the teamwork of the digestive organs, and interferes with the organs function of proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. Consuming beverages weakens interferes 11 (A) selected (B) to distribute ~ it (C) crushed limestone it 12 reverse limestone carbonate current unload acidification dissolve skeleton crushed estimated When limestone dissolves it releases carbonate ions, which animals can use to build up their shells and skeletons. When ~ dissolves it releaseswhich carbonate ions 59
60 13 14 ask they The participants asked when asked they were subject associate specific nap phase task Researchers at Northwestern University taught 12 subjects to associate 50 images with specific positions on a computer screen. teach to On waking, the subjects were asked to perform the same image-matching task. On waking As soon as they woke 15(A) (B) (D) (C) 16 (D) injury excessive exposure contribute factor precaution absolutely earplugs specialist custom-made For example, earplugs can protect your hearing from being damaged by loud movies or concerts. being damaged 17 (A) sinking (B) smaller (C) 60
61 escapes 18 (make) + (air) + (move) flat connect exist hourglass carve out soar pressure blast In a recent study, researchers showed that as a rock falls into a flat surface of water, it carves out a tiny tube of air. that as ~ water itcarves out These tiny jets of air can blast faster than the speed of sound, the scientists found. the scientists found These ~ sound relief poison janitor medication consume ultimately vulture figure out affect veterinarian The birds big meals mean that farmers don t have to figure out how to deal with the bodies of dead animals. that ~ animals mean how ~ animals figure out In their experiment, the scientists found that vultures died after being given ketoprofen directly, or after eating the body of an animal that recently had been given the pain medication. died after being ~ after eating ~ 61
62 Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. - Sir Winston Churchill
63 성공은열정을잃지않고실패에서실패로나아가는능력이다. - 윈스턴처칠
64 Memo
2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.
스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave
Stage 2 First Phonics
ORT Stage 2 First Phonics The Big Egg What could the big egg be? What are the characters doing? What do you think the story will be about? (큰 달걀은 무엇일까요? 등장인물들은 지금 무엇을 하고 있는 걸까요? 책은 어떤 내용일 것 같나요?) 대해 칭찬해
Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh
Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,
Page 1 of 5 Learn Korean Ep. 4: To be and To exist Of course to be and to exist are different verbs, but they re often confused by beginning students when learning Korean. In English we sometimes use the
I&IRC5 TG_08권
I N T E R E S T I N G A N D I N F O R M A T I V E R E A D I N G C L U B The Greatest Physicist of Our Time Written by Denny Sargent Michael Wyatt I&I Reading Club 103 본문 해석 설명하기 위해 근래의 어떤 과학자보다도 더 많은 노력을
가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에
chapter 08 Subjunctive Mood Subjunctive Mood 가 정 법 UNIT 39 가정법 과거 UNIT 40 가정법 과거완료, 혼합 가정법 UNIT 41 I wish[as if, It s time] + 가정법 UNIT 42 주의해야 할 가정법 가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해
1_2•• pdf(••••).pdf
65% 41% 97% 48% 51% 88% 42% 45% 50% 31% 74% 46% I have been working for Samsung Engineering for almost six years now since I graduated from university. So, although I was acquainted with the
Life Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Food Pets Camping Travel Unit 1 Food Before You Read Pre-reading Questions 1. Do you know what you should or shouldn t do at a traditional Chinese dinner? 2. Do you think
49-9분동안 표지 3.3
In the ocean, humans create many noises. These noises disturb the waters. People do not know that manmade sound harms the creatures living in the sea. In the end, disturbing the ocean affects each one
Think Twice, Think Green 1 도와드릴까요? Listen and Speak 1 (I / you / may / help) 130,131 15 이 빨간 것은 어때요? (this / how / red / about / one) 16 오, 저는 그것이 좋아요. (I / it / oh / like) 2 저는 야구 모자를 찾고 있는데요. (a / looking
Ⅱ 논술 지도의 방법과 실제 2. 읽기에서 논술까지 의 개발 배경 읽기에서 논술까지 자료집 개발의 본래 목적은 초 중 고교 학교 평가에서 서술형 평가 비중이 2005 학년도 30%, 2006학년도 40%, 2007학년도 50%로 확대 되고, 2008학년도부터 대학 입시에서 논술 비중이 커지면서 논술 교육은 학교가 책임진다. 는 풍토 조성으로 공교육의 신뢰성과
MIDME LOGISTICS Trusted Solutions for 02 CEO MESSAGE MIDME LOGISTICS CO., LTD. 01 Ceo Message We, MIDME LOGISTICS CO., LTD. has established to create aduance logistics service. Try to give confidence to
퇴좈저널36호-4차-T.ps, page 2 @ Preflight (2)
Think Big, Act Big! Character People Literature Beautiful Life History Carcere Mamertino World Special Interview Special Writing Math English Quarts I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming
- 2 -
- 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - - 21 - - 22 - - 23 - - 24 - - 25 - - 26 - - 27 - - 28 - - 29 - - 30 -
` Companies need to play various roles as the network of supply chain gradually expands. Companies are required to form a supply chain with outsourcing or partnerships since a company can not
2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을
제68호 다문화가족신문 발행 편집 인쇄인 : 매일신문사 사장 여창환 발 행 처 : 대구광역시 중구 서성로 20 매일신문사 무지개세상 편집팀 TEL(053)251-1422~3 FAX (053)256-4537 http://rainbow.imaeil.com 등 록 : 2008년 9월 2일 대구라01212호 구독문의 : (053)251-1422~3 무료로 보내드립니다
서론 34 2
34 2 Journal of the Korean Society of Health Information and Health Statistics Volume 34, Number 2, 2009, pp. 165 176 165 진은희 A Study on Health related Action Rates of Dietary Guidelines and Pattern of
기계항공시스템학부, 항공우주공학전공 School of Mechanical, Aerospace & System Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering Contents http://ae.kaist.ac.kr 학과행사 >> School of Mechanical, Aerospace & System Engineering,
4 5 4. Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이
1 2 On-air 3 1. 이베이코리아 G마켓 용평리조트 슈퍼브랜드딜 편 2. 아모레퍼시픽 헤라 루즈 홀릭 리퀴드 편 인쇄 광고 올해도 겨울이 왔어요. 당신에게 꼭 해주고 싶은 말이 있어요. G마켓에선 용평리조트 스페셜 패키지가 2만 6900원! 역시 G마켓이죠? G마켓과 함께하는 용평리조트 스페셜 패키지. G마켓의 슈퍼브랜드딜은 계속된다. 모바일 쇼핑 히어로
Microsoft PowerPoint - Freebairn, John_ppt
Tax Mix Change John Freebairn Outline General idea of a tax mix change Some detailed policy options Importance of casting assessment in the context of a small open economy Economic effects of a tax mix
오용록의 작품세계 윤 혜 진 1) * 이 논문은 생전( 生 前 )에 학자로 주로 활동하였던 오용록(1955~2012)이 작곡한 작품들을 살펴보고 그의 작품세계를 파악하고자 하는 것이다. 한국음악이론이 원 래 작곡과 이론을 포함하였던 초기 작곡이론전공의 형태를 염두에 둔다면 그의 연 구에서 기존연구의 방법론을 넘어서 창의적인 분석 개념과 체계를 적용하려는
하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을
새벽이슬 2 0 1 3 a u g u s t 내가 이스라엘에게 이슬과 같으리니 그가 백합화같이 피 겠고 레바논 백향목같이 뿌리가 박힐것이라. Vol 5 Number 3 호세아 14:5 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한
여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장
제1 회 실전 모의고사 p.10-13 1. 4 2. 4 3. 1 4. 5 5. 4 6. 2 7. 3 8. 2 9. 5 10. 3 11. 3 12. 3 13. 2 14. 5 15. 4 16. 1 17. 3 1. 4 ::::::::::::::::::::: 여: 어머! 이 아이들 너무 귀엽다! 너희 가족이니? 남: 응. 그 사진은 내가 겨우 6살 때 찍었던 거야.
6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관
아바타를 중심으로 본 3D 영화산업의 기술동향과 발전방향에 관한 연구 5 연구논문 연구논문 아바타를 중심으로 본 3D 영화산업의 기술동향과 발전방향에 관한 연구 진 승 현 동명대학교 미디어영상전공 교수 I. 서론 얼마 전 제 15회 신지식인 인증 및 시상식에서 대한민국의 대표 신지식인 대상을 영화 의 주경중 감독이 수상했다. 대한민국 3D 영화 제작의
May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil
May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 BROWN MAGAZINE Webzine vol.3 May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool
204 205
-Road Traffic Crime and Emergency Evacuation - 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Abstract Road Traffic Crime
004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik
V O C A B U L A R Y DAY 001 014 동사 중심 표현 001 come from ~출신이다; ~에서 오다 Joe comes from Canada. Joe는 캐나다 출신이다. Hamburger came from Hamburg, a city in Germany. 햄버거는 독일의 도시인 함부르크에서 유래했다. 유의어 be from ~ 출신이다;
200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - 1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 - 요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -
.. IMF.. IMF % (79,895 ). IMF , , % (, 2012;, 2013) %, %, %
*.. 8. Colaizzi 131, 40, 11.,,,.... * (2014). (Corresponding Author): / / 76 Tel: 041-550-2903 / E-mail: limkt3013@naver.com .. IMF.. IMF 1996 1.7% (79,895 ). IMF 1999 118,000 1980 5 2004 138,900 11 12.
Output file
240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 An Application for Calculation and Visualization of Narrative Relevance of Films Using Keyword Tags Choi Jin-Won (KAIST) Film making
2017.09 Vol.255 C O N T E N T S 02 06 26 58 63 78 99 104 116 120 122 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2017.9 3 4 2017.9 6 2017.9 7 8 2017.9 13 0 13 1,007 3 1,004 (100.0) (0.0) (100.0)
2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 2005523003 안 재 승
2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 알리, 보마예 (Ali, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 A 間 ) 원 사 3 승 극 문 연 전 재 E 숨 } 닮 런 예 m 안 합 과 ; 조 O 자 숨 그, 예 시 국 하 2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye)
2013 May CONTENTS 04 06 20 23 24 28 40 44 48 49 50 52 54 56 Ideas that Move 6 SPECIAL CHEIL MAY 2013 7 Special 1 8 CHEIL MAY 2013 9 Special 2 10 CHEIL MAY 2013 11 12 CHEIL MAY 2013 13 Special 3 14 CHEIL
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
Mary Beth Tatham Norbert Sternat 1:00 PM Al Weyer 4:00 PM Christine Buerger MASS PARTICIPATION: Families are encouraged to participate during the break as well. Altar Servers are needed! Please contact
2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628
2011 Guide for U.S. Graduate School Admissions Table of Contents 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 13 15 21 LEADERS UHAK INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SERVICE www.leadersuhak.com Leaders Uhak International Students
2 동북아역사논총 50호 구권협정으로 해결됐다 는 일본 정부의 주장에 대해, 일본군 위안부 문제는 일 본 정부 군 등 국가권력이 관여한 반인도적 불법행위이므로 한일청구권협정 에 의해 해결된 것으로 볼 수 없다 는 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 또한 2011년 8월 헌 법재판소는
일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 1 일본군 위안부 피해자 구제에 관한 일고( 一 考 ) 김관원 / 동북아역사재단 연구위원 Ⅰ. 머리말 일본군 위안부 문제가 한일 간 현안으로 불거지기 시작한 것은 일본군 위안부 피해를 공개 증언한 김학순 할머니 등이 일본에서 희생자 보상청구 소송을 제 기한 1991년부터다. 이때 일본 정부는 일본군이 위안부
중학영어듣기 1학년
PART A Part A Part A 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 1 How do you do? Nice to meet you. Good to meet you. Pleased to meet you. Glad to meet you. How do you do? Nice to meet you, too. Good to meet you, too.
제조 중소기업의 고용창출 성과 및 과제 조덕희 양현봉 우리 경제에서 일자리 창출은 가장 중요한 정책과제입니다. 근래 들어 우리 사회에서 점차 심각성을 더해 가고 있는 청년 실업 문제에 대처하고, 사회적 소득 양극화 문제에 대응하기 위해서도 일자리 창 출은 무엇보다도 중요한 정책과제일 것입니다. 고용창출에서는 중소기업의 역할이 대기업보다 크다는 것이 일반적
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어법성 판단 문제
일시 반명 이름 1. 1) Thus, if you had turned a light toward Mars that day, it [had reached / would have reached] Mars in 186 seconds. 8. 8) Had it not been for Washington's bravery and military strategy, the
7 1 ( 12 ) 1998. 1913 ( 1912 ) 4. 3) 1916 3 1918 4 1919. ( ) 1 3 1, 3 1. 1.. 1919 1920. 4) ( ), ( ),. 5) 1924 4 ( ) 1. 1925 1. 2). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).
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합격기원 2012년 12월 정기모의고사 해설.hwp
1 쪽 경찰학개론 -정답 및 해설- 본 문제의 소유권 및 판권은 윌비스경찰학원에 있습니다. 무단복사 판매시 저작권법에 의거 경고조치 없이 고발하여 민 형사상 책임을 지게 됩니다. 01. 3 3 경찰의 임무가 축소되면서 위생경찰, 건축경찰, 산림경찰 등처럼 다른 행정작용과 결합하여 특별한 사회적 이익의 보호를 목적으로 하면서 그 부수작용으로서 사회공공의 안녕과
01 달 모양의 해안을 따라, 월하성 012 달 모양의 해안을 따라, 월하성 013 달 빛 아 래 신 선 이 노 는, 월 하 성 마 을 1장 달 모양의 해안을 따라, 월하성 초승달을 닮은 바닷가마을 월하성( 月 河 城 )이 위치한 충청남도 서천군( 舒 川 郡 )은 육지로는 동쪽으로 부 여군( 扶 餘 郡 ), 북쪽으로 보령시( 保 寧 市 )와 접하고 남쪽은 금강(
야쿠르트2010 9월재출
2010. 09www.yakult.co.kr 08 04 07 Theme Special_ Great Work Place 08 10 12 13 13 14 16 18 20 22 20 24 26 28 30 31 24 06+07 08+09 Theme Advice Great Work Place 10+11 Theme Story Great Work Place 4 1 5 2
001 002 003 004 005 006 008 009 010 011 2010 013 I II III 014 IV V 2010 015 016 017 018 I. 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 III. 041 042 III. 043
야쿠르트2010 3월 - 최종
2010. 03www.yakult.co.kr 10 04 07 08 Theme Special_ Action 10 12 15 14 15 16 18 20 18 22 24 26 28 30 31 22 10+11 Theme Advice Action 12+13 Theme Story Action 14+15 Theme Reply Action Theme Letter Action
27 2, * ** 3, 3,. B ,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability
27 2, 71-90. 2009. 3 * ** 3, 3,. B 2003 4 2004 2.,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability Development) ** ( : heyjun@gmail.com) 72 한국교육문제연구제
Visang 1 110 0 30 0 0 10 3 01030 5 10 6 1 11 3 1 7 8 9 13 10 33 71 11 6 1 13 1 7\6+3=5 15 3 5\3+=17 8 9\8+=76 16 7 17 7 18 6 15 19 1 0 < 1 18 1 6\1+=76 6 < 76 6 16 1 7 \7+1=55 < 55 15 1 1 3 113 1 5? =60?6=10
Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M
2018.01 Vol.259 C O N T E N T S 02 06 28 61 69 99 104 120 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2018.1 3 4 2018.1 1) 2) 6 2018.1 3) 4) 7 5) 6) 7) 8) 8 2018.1 9 10 2018.1 11 2003.08 2005.08
step 1-1
Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 1 through 15 Action Verbs Table of Contents Unit 1 The Korean Alphabet, hangeul Unit 2 Korean Sentences with 15 Action Verbs Introduction Review Exercises
190 2016 JEL Classification Number J24, I21, J20 Key Words JILPT 2011 1 190 Empirical Evidence on the Determinants of Success in Full-Time Job-Search for Japanese University Students By Hiroko ARAKI and
(CIP) 3 2010 ISBN 978-7-5446-1918-9 I. II. III. IV. G634.413 CIP 2010 129070 09-2010-242 Copyright 2007 by Cengage Learning Australia, a part of Cengage Learning. Original edition published by Cengage
- iii - - i - - ii - - iii - 국문요약 종합병원남자간호사가지각하는조직공정성 사회정체성과 조직시민행동과의관계 - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - α α α α - 15 - α α α α α α
레이아웃 1
i g d e d mod, t d e d e d mod, t e,0 e, n s,0 e,n e,0 Division of Workers' Compensation (2009). Iowa workers' compensation manual. Gamber, E. N. & Sorensen, R. L. (1994). Are net discount rates stationary?:
Vol.257 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M
2017.11 Vol.257 C O N T E N T S 02 06 38 52 69 82 141 146 154 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2017.11 3 4 2017.11 6 2017.11 1) 7 2) 22.7 19.7 87 193.2 160.6 83 22.2 18.4 83 189.6 156.2
Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T
Unit 1. I Like the Rain I Like the Rain It is raining. It is (boring / scary). Oh, I have an (apple / idea)! I put on my shirt. I put on my (socks / gloves). I put on my raincoat. I put on my boots, too.
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Abstract Prospects of and Tasks Involving the Policy of Revitalization of Traditional Korean Performing Arts Yong-Shik, Lee National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts In the 21st century, the
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수능 CAT 2014-7 www.kice.re.kr www.suneung.re.kr
수능 CAT 2014-7 www.kice.re.kr www.suneung.re.kr 수능 CAT 2014-7 www.kice.re.kr www.suneung.re.kr 머 리 말 대수능력시험(이하 수능)은 입시를 준비하는 고등교뿐만 아니라 중교, 대교 교육 전반에 지대한 향을 미치고 있으며, 수험생을 비롯한 모든 국민의 관심 대상이 되어왔습니다. 2015년도
와 에 나타난 섬과 소통의 의미 * 1) 곽수경 국립목포대학교 도서문화연구원 HK연구교수 1. 영화와 섬 2. 물리적인 섬과 상징된 섬 3. 소통수단 4. 결론 목 차 국문초록 최근에는 섬이 해양영토로 인식되고 다양한 방송프로그램을 통해 자주 소 개되면서 다각도로 섬에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 하지만 그에 비해 섬을 배경으로 한 영화는
논문접수일 : 2014.12.20 심사일 : 2015.01.06 게재확정일 : 2015.01.27 청각 장애자들을 위한 보급형 휴대폰 액세서리 디자인 프로토타입 개발 Development Prototype of Low-end Mobile Phone Accessory Design for Hearing-impaired Person 주저자 : 윤수인 서경대학교 예술대학
,,,,,,, ,, 2 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (2001) 2
2004- - : 2004 5 11 :?,,,,,? Sen (human capability) 1?,, I 1 2 1 Sen A Why health equity? Health Econ 2002:11;659-666 2 1991 p 17 1 ,,,,,,, 20 1 2,, 2 3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 3 1 (2001) 2 1),, 2), 2),, 3),,,
광고학연구 : 제24권 5호(2013년) The Korean Journal of Advertising, Vol.24, No.5 (2013). pp.99 116 대학생 광고공모전이 광고업계 취업에 미치는 영향: 대학생과 실무자의 인식 비교를 중심으로 차 유 철 우석대학교 광고이벤트학과 교수, 언론학박사 이 희 복 상지대학교 언론광고학부 교수, 언론학박사* 신
CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior
01 Thursday I need to straighten my life out. I, to, my need, straighten, life, out 1 Tell me how to apply. 2 I don t know why should I do that. 1 2 Thursday 01 007 CD The new academic year is starting
Being friends with the face in the mirror
UNIT 04 Language in Life 삶 속의 언어 Mother Tongue 모국어 Paragraph 1 1 I am a writer and someone who has always loved language. 1 저는 작가입니다, 그리고 항상 언어를 사랑해온 누군가입니다. 2 I spend a great deal of my time thinking
Breathing problems Pa t i e n t: I have been having some breathing problems lately. I always seem to be out of breath no matter what I am d o i n g. ( Nurse : How long have you been experiencing this problem?
한국문학논총 제70집(2015. 8) 333~360쪽 공선옥 소설 속 장소 의 의미 - 명랑한 밤길, 영란, 꽃같은 시절 을 중심으로 * 1)이 희 원 ** 1. 들어가며 - 장소의 인간 차 2. 주거지와 소유지 사이의 집/사람 3. 취약함의 나눔으로서의 장소 증여 례 4. 장소 소속감과 미의식의 가능성 5.
134 25, 135 3, (Aloysius Pieris) ( r e a l i t y ) ( P o v e r t y ) ( r e l i g i o s i t y ) 1 ) 21, 21, 1) Aloysius Pieris, An Asian Theology of Li
25 133162 ( ) I 21 134 25, 135 3, (Aloysius Pieris) ( r e a l i t y ) ( P o v e r t y ) ( r e l i g i o s i t y ) 1 ) 21, 21, 1) Aloysius Pieris, An Asian Theology of Liberation (New York: Orbis Books,
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The Career of Christian Counselor and the Management of Counseling Center Yeo Han Koo 1) 1 17 2011 29 2) 3) 30 4) 5) 6) 7) 2 3 1999 99 2006 23 45 2007 17 19 4 17 2011 95 148 5 100 2014 26 6 29 17 2004
언어이해력 1. 단어의 구조가 보기와 다른 것은? 4. 다음의 빈칸에 들어갈 적당한 말은? 선풍기 : 바람 = ( ) : ( ) 보리밥 은 재료+대상 의 의미 구조를 지 닌다. 따라서 보리로 만든 밥 이라는 뜻이 다. 1 발전소 : 전기 3 세탁기 : 옷 2 인쇄기 : 종이 4 자동차 : 기름 1 밀짚모자 2 유리창 3 꽃집 4 비단옷 2. 다음의 낱말 이어가기에서
2 3 Keeping promise with clients is all in all in the company. Believe me all in all. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 POS stands for Point of Sales. Don t you have your electronic dictionary with you? So much for all
_KF_Bulletin webcopy
1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 -, /,, /,, /, Pursuing Truth Responding in Worship Marked by Love Living the Gospel 20 20 Bible In A Year: Creation & God s Characters : Genesis 1:1-31 Pastor Ken Wytsma [ ] Discussion
274 한국문화 73
- 273 - 274 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 275 276 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 277 278 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 279 280 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 281 282 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 283 284
Journal of Fashion Business Vol. 5, No. 4. pp.158~175(2001) A Study on the Apparel Industry and the Clothing Culture of North Korea + Kyu Hwa Cho Prof., Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Ewha Womans University
2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직
대구경북 다문화가족신문 2010년 1월 15일 제17호 새해 복 많이 받으세요 2010년 새해가 밝았습니다. 한국에서는 새해가 시작되면 새해 복 많이 받으세요 라는 말로 새해 첫 인사를 나누며 서로의 행복을 기원합니다. 세계 어느 나라 사람이든 새로운 해를 맞이하는 설렘은 같습니다. 며칠 지났지만 아내의 나라 말로 다정하게 새해 인사를 건네보면 어떨까 요?
Week 09 Evaluation Methods 1: Think Aloud, Interview & Survey HCI 2016 Spring Human-Computer Interaction+Design Lab _ Joonhwan Lee Evaluation Methods 1 DECIDE Framework Think Aloud, Interview & Survey
Lesson 4 It was a great game, wasn t it? 부가의문문 p 8 내일 비가 올거야, 그렇지 않니? Ellen은 스키 타는 것을 좋아하죠, 그렇지 않나요? Mark와 Tina는 오늘밤 우릴 보러 올거야, 그렇지 않니? 매우 긴 여행이었어, 그렇지 않니? 응, 그래 피곤해 운전할 수 있지요, 그렇지 않나요? 아니요, 못해요 운전 면허증이
새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별 기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의
새천년복음화연구소 논문집 제 5 권 [특별기고] 說 敎 의 危 機 와 展 望 조재형 신부 한국천주교회의 새로운 복음화에 대한 小 考 정치우 복음화학교 설립자, 교장 [심포지엄] 한국 초기 교회와 순교영성 한반도 평화통일과 한국 교회의 과제 교황 방한의 메시지와 복음의 기쁨 에 나타난 한국 교회의 쇄신과 변화 복음의 기쁨 과 사회복음화 과제 새천년복음화연구소
Willstory(2015.12) 71.indd
2015년 12월 제71호 Contents 04 COVER STORY [능숙하고 재빠르게 경기침체의 늪을 넘어야 할 붉은 원숭이[적신( 赤 申 )]의 해] 도약을 카운트하고 희망을 간직한 청양( 靑 羊 )의 해라고 소개한 2015년의 마지막 달을 맞이하여 13 윌비스 원격평생교육원 현장평가 윌비스원격평생교육원은 지난 11일 10시부터 15시까 지 교육원 세미나실에서
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: : Researc
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp.251-273 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.27.2.201706.251 : 1997 2005 Research Trend Analysis on the Korean Alternative Education
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한국 록의 철학적 조건들 - 음악을 듣는 귀, 음악을 보는 눈 1) 허경 프랑스 스트라스부르 마르크 블로흐대학 0. 나는 너다(I is You). 이 글의 나 는 보편적 나, 즉 너 이다. 따라서 이 글의 나 는 이 글을 읽는 바로 당신, 즉 너 이다. 1. 동대문구 이문동의 어느 국민학생이... 1974년 8월의 어느 늦여름 저녁. 국민학교 4학년생인 나는
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육아지원연구 2008. 제 3권 1 호, 147-170 어린이집에서의 낮잠에 대한 교사와 부모의 인식 및 실제 이 슬 기(동작구 보육정보센터)* 1) 요 약 본 연구의 목적은 어린이집에서의 일과 중 낮잠 시간에 대한 교사와 부모의 인식 및 실제를 알아봄 으로써, 교사와 부모의 협력을 통해 바람직한 낮잠 시간을 모색해 보는 데 있었다. 연구 대상은 서울, 경기지역
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182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연
越 境 하는 화폐, 분열되는 제국 - 滿 洲 國 幣 의 조선 유입 실태를 중심으로 181 越 境 하는 화폐, 분열되는 제국 - 滿 洲 國 幣 의 조선 유입 실태를 중심으로 - 조명근 고려대학교 BK21+ 한국사학 미래인재 양성사업단 연구교수 Ⅰ. 머리말 근대 국민국가는 대내적으로는 특정하게 구획된 영토에 대한 배타적 지배와 대외적 자주성을 본질로 하는데, 그
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