한국우주과학회 회장 : 김용하 ( 충남대, , 부회장 : 손영종 ( 연세대, , 오승준 (( 주 ) 에스이랩,

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1 ISSN 한국우주과학회보 Bulletin of The Korean Space Science Society 제 27 권 1 호 2018 년 5 월 사단법인한국우주과학회 The Korean Space Science Society

2 한국우주과학회 회장 : 김용하 ( 충남대, , 부회장 : 손영종 ( 연세대, , 오승준 (( 주 ) 에스이랩, 최기혁 ( 항우연, , 총무이사 : 곽영실 ( 천문연, , 학술이사 : 이유 ( 충남대, , 재무이사 : 김관혁 ( 경희대, , 이사김해동 ( 항우연, , 박상영 ( 연세대, , 박장현 ( 천문연, , 박종욱 ( 천문연, , 용상순 ( 항우연, , 유광선 ( 과기원, , 이대영 ( 충북대, , 이동훈 ( 경희대, 이병선 ( 전자연, , 이재진 ( 천문연, , 이주희 ( 항우연, , 임조령 ( 항우연, , 정종균 ( 천문연, , 조중현 ( 천문연, , 지건화 ( 극지연, 진호 ( 경희대, , 채종철 ( 서울대, , 최영준 ( 천문연, , 감사김갑성 ( 경희대, , 한원용 ( 천문연, , 편집위원회위원장이유 ( 충남대, , 부위원장이은상 ( 경희대, , 편집실장김숙경 ( 학회, , 위원김방엽 ( 항우연, , 나자경 ( 천문연, , 박찬덕 ( 연세대, , 이기원 ( 대가대, , 이대희 ( 천문연, , 이병선 ( 전자연, , 이수창 ( 충남대, , 이재진 ( 천문연, , 이주희 ( 항우연, , 지건화 ( 극지연, , 최영준 ( 천문연, , Chung Yue Hui (Chungnam National University, Daejeon Korea) Xinlin Li (University of Colorado, Boulder USA) Tapas Kumar Das (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Calcutta India) Edward F. Guinan (Villanova University, Pennsylvania USA) Boonrucksar Soonthornthum (Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai Thailand) Paul A. Evenson (University of Delaware, Newark USA) David Ruffolo (Mahidol University, Bangkok Thailand) Jeongwoo Lee (New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark USA) Eunhwa Kim (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton USA) Ivan L. Andronov (Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine) Lee-Anne Mckinnell (South African National Space Agency, South Africa) Lin-Ni Hau (National Central Univeristy, Taiwan (R.O.C.)) Vitaly P. Kim (Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN), Russia) Jiuhou Lei (University of Science and Technology of China, China) Charles Lin (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)) Huixin Liu (Kyushu University, Japan) Valery Nakariakov (University of Warwick, United Kingdom) Yuichi Otsuka (Nagoya, University) Ilya Usoskin (University of Oulu, Finland) Chao Xiong (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany) Sungpil Yoon (NOAA, NOS, MD USA) 포상위원회위원장손영종 ( 연세대, , 위원곽영실 ( 천문연, , 이유 ( 충남대, , 진호 ( 경희대, , 채종철 ( 서울대, , 학술대회준비위원회위원장이대영 ( 충북대, , 위원김연한 ( 천문연, , 이주희 ( 항우연, , 정종균 ( 천문연, , 진호 ( 경희대, , 황정아 ( 천문연, , JASS 발전위원회위원장김관혁 ( 경희대, , 위원곽영실 ( 천문연, 김은혁 ( 항우연, , 오수연 ( 전남대, , 이대영 ( 충북대, , 이유 ( 충남대, , 조중현 ( 천문연, , 지건화 ( 극지연, , 최정림 ( 충북대, , 황정아 ( 천문연, , 대외협력위원회위원장문홍규 ( 천문연, , 사무국사무국장 : 고미희 ( 학회, , 대전광역시유성구대덕대로 776 한국천문연구원내 Tel: (042) Homepage: 이발표논문집은 2018 년도정부재원 ( 과학기술진흥기금및복권기금 ) 으로한국과학기술단체총연합회의지원을받아발간되었음

3 ISSN 한국우주과학회보 Bulletin of The Korean Space Science Society 제 27 권 1 호 2018 년 5 월 사단법인한국우주과학회 The Korean Space Science Society


5 차 례 등록및교통안내 년봄학술대회일정표요약 (CONFERENCE PROGRAM) 9 구두발표논문제목및시간표 (PAPER PROGRAM) 13 포스터발표논문제목및시간표 (POSTER TITLES) 20 구두발표논문초록 (ABSTRACTS) 27 포스터발표논문초록 (ABSTRACTS-POSTER) 45 프로시딩 (PROCEEDINGS) 67 학회및관련기관소식 83 연구홍보 / 광고 119 < 사단법인한국우주과학회입회안내 > 사단법인한국우주과학회는천문 우주과학및관련분야에종사하는여러분의입회를환영합니다. 우리학회에입회를희망하시는분은입회원서양식에인적사항을기재하시어학회로보내주시거나홈페이지에서가입하시고입회비와연회비는학회은행계좌로송금하시기바랍니다. 보낼곳 : 한국우주과학회 대전광역시유성구대덕대로 776 한국천문연구원내전화 팩스 은행계좌 : 국민은행 우리은행 예금주한국우주과학회 회비납부안내 회원구분 입회비 연회비 회원의구분은정관제6조에의거하며, 변 학생회원 ( 학부생 ) 10,000원 - 경된연회비는학회운영에대한규정제2조 정회원 10,000원 50,000원 에의거한사항입니다. 회장, 부회장, - 100,000원 이사, 감사 - 100,000원 뒷면의입회원서를복사하여사용해주십시오. [ 표지사진설명 ] SNIPE(Small-scale magnetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiments) 한국천문연구원은 4기의나노위성 (<10 kg) 으로구성된저궤도우주환경관측위성을개발하여 2020년에발사할예정이다. 이들위성들에는자력계, 입자검출기, 랑뮈어탐침으로구성된동일한 관측장비가탑재되며, 위성간거리를변화시키는편대비행을이용하여과학임무를수행하게된다. SNIPE 미션은근지구우주 ( 전리권및자기권 ) 플라즈마의미세구조에대한시간적공간적변화를동 시에관측함으로써다양한스케일을갖는플라즈마구조의발생기작을밝힐것이다.

6 입회원서 성명한글성별남여생년월일년월일영문 자택주소우편번호전화 직장주소우편번호전화 직장명직위 이동전화 학위명입학년도학위취득일학교명전공 학 력 경 력 연구업적 위본인은귀학회의설립목적과취지에찬동하여이에회원가입을신청합니다. 년월일 신청인 : ( 인 ) 위사람을귀학회의회원으로추천합니다 ( 참고 : 정관 7 조 1 항에따라추천인은우리학회정회원이면누구나가능합니다 ). 추천인 : 직장및직위성명 ( 인 ) 추천인 : 직장및직위성명 ( 인 ) 사단법인한국우주과학회귀중

7 한국우주과학회 2018년봄학술대회일정표 일시 : ( 수 ) 13:00-11.( 금 ) 12:00 장소 : 홍천비발디파크발표논문 : 초청강연 1편, 구두발표 67편, 포스터발표 87편총 155편 ( 태양계탐사연합세션구두발표 3편, 포스터발표 6편총 9편 ) 발표시간 : 초청강연 (30분), 연구발표 (15분 ~20분 ) 3세션동시진행포스터집중발표 : ( 수 ) 15:20-16:20 사단법인한국우주과학회

8 등록및교통안내 1. 등록 정회원의등록비는 80,000 원이며, 학생회원과정회원중석. 박사과정 ( 전일제 ) 학생은 40,000 원입니다. 사전등록을하신회원은등록자명부에서명후학회보, 명찰, 등록비영수증 ( 계산서 ) 을수령하시기바랍니다. 2. 회원가입회원가입을원하시는분은학회홈페이지에서회원가입신청후입회원서를인쇄하여추천인 (2인) 서명을받아학회사무국으로송부하여주시고입회비와연회비는학회계좌로송금하여주시기바랍니다. 입회비 : 10,000 원, 연회비 : 50,000 원 ( 학부학생회원은입회비 10,000원, 연회비면제 ) 입니다. 학회계좌 : 국민은행 우리은행 예금주한국우주과학회 3. 발표자료준비구두발표 : 발표자료는파워포인트파일로준비하시기바랍니다. 포스터발표 : 회원들이시간적여유를가지고포스터를관람할수있도록 5월 9일 ( 수 ) 13시까지지정된장소에게시하여주시고, 11일 ( 금 ) 10시까지수거하여주시기바랍니다. 집중발표시간에발표자는자신의포스터앞에서회원들의질문에답할수있도록준비해주시기바랍니다. 포스터를부착하지않거나학회종료후수거하지않은회원은추후학회발표가제한될수있습니다 (2006년 3차이사회결정 ). 5. 교통가. 주소강원도홍천군서면한치골길 262 T 나. 찾아오시는길 자가용이용 - 서울 : 약 1 시간소요 - 대전 : 약 2 시간 30 분소요 시외, 고속버스이용 - 동서울 <-> 홍천터미널 (1 시간소요 ) - 대전복합터미널 <-> 홍천터미널 (3 시간 30 분소요 ) 홍천시내버스이용 - 홍천터미널 -> 비발디파크 : 1 시간 30 분소요 홍천택시이용 - 홍천터미널 -> 비발디파크 : 40 분소요 ( 원 ) 셔틀버스예약 발표장 발표형식구분분과명 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 태양우주환경 I, II( 국제세션 ), 자기권, 전리권 구두발표 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 우주기술, SNIPE 미션 ( 특별세션 ) 달과학 I, II( 특별세션 ) 포스터발표 3 발표장 ( 사파이어 ) 에메랄드 우주감시 I, II, 태양 우주기술, 우주응용, 우주천문, 태양및우주환경, 태양계및우주탐사, 기타 8 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

9 일정표요약 2018 년봄학술대회일정표 세션별발표장 발표일구분시간 5월 9일 ( 수 ) 5월 10일 ( 목 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 초청강연 Ⅰ 13:10~13:40 IS-1 세션 Ⅰ 13:50~15:20 세션 Ⅱ 16:20~17:50 Space Weather I (Int l session) Space Weather II (Int l session) 제 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 우주기술 SNIPE 미션 ( 특별세션 ) 제3발표장 ( 사파이어 ) 우주감시 I 우주감시 II 세션 Ⅲ 09:00~10:30 자기권달과학 I ( 특별세션 ) 태양 세션 Ⅳ 10:45~12:30 전리권달과학 II ( 특별세션 ) 연합세션 13:15~14:45 태양계탐사 포럼 15:00~16:00 JASS 발전위원회 ST 분야여성과학기술인특별세션 포스터발표장 ( 에메랄드 ) 집중발표 15:20~16:20 구두발표첫째날 5월 9일 ( 수요일 ) 시간 구분 11:30~ 등록 메이플동 2층로비 13:00~13:10 개회식 제1발표장 ( 코럴 ) 13:10~13:40 초청강연 I 장소 : 제1발표장 ( 코럴 ) 좌장 : 최은정 ( 천문연 ) 박장현 (KASI) / 우주위험과우주물체감시 13:40~13:50 휴식 제1발표장 제2발표장 제3발표장 ( 코럴 ) ( 토파즈 ) ( 사파이어 ) Space Weather I (Int l session) 좌장 : 박재흥 ( 천문연 ) 우주기술좌장 : 김주현 ( 항우연 ) 우주감시 I 좌장 : 노경민 ( 천문연 ) 13:50~14:05 I-1-1 Y. Otsuka I-2-1 오대현 I-3-1 박장현 14:05~14:20 I-1-2 Hyosub Kil I-2-2 문봉곤 I-3-2 노동구 14:20~14:35 I-1-3 N. Ssessanga I-2-3 봉수찬 I-3-3 이은지 14:35~14:50 I-1-4 S. Eswaraiah I-2-4 김영록 I-3-4 최진 14:50~15:05 I-1-5 홍준석 I-2-5 강호철 I-3-5 이병선 15:05~15:20 I-1-6 양태용 I-2-6 이종원 I-3-6 김시우 15:20~16:20 단체사진촬영 / 포스터집중발표 Space Weather II (Int l session) 좌장 : 박경선 ( 충북대 ) SNIPE 미션 ( 특별세션 ) 좌장 : 양태용 ( 천문연 ) 우주감시 II 좌장 : 안재명 ( 과기원 ) 16:20~16:35 Ⅱ-1-1 Y. Miyashita Ⅱ-2-1 이재진 Ⅱ-3-1 구원회 16:35~16:50 Ⅱ-1-2 채종철 Ⅱ-2-2 곽영실 Ⅱ-3-2 문현욱 16:50~17:05 Ⅱ-1-3 문용재 Ⅱ-2-3 박재흥 Ⅱ-3-3 이종현 17:05~17:20 Ⅱ-1-4 김관혁 Ⅱ-2-4 황정아 Ⅱ-3-4 정옥철 17:20~17:35 Ⅱ-1-5 이상윤 Ⅱ-2-5 이은상 Ⅱ-3-5 최은정 17:35~17:50 Ⅱ-1-6 V. I. Sotnikov Ⅱ-2-6 손종대 Ⅱ-3-6 조중현 18:00~ 태양우주환경분과정기총회 우주관측기기분과정기총회 우주감시분과정기총회 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 9

10 일정표요약 둘째날 5 월 10 일 ( 목요일 ) 시간 제1발표장 제2발표장 제3발표장 ( 코럴 ) ( 토파즈 ) ( 사파이어 ) 자기권좌장 : 황정아 ( 천문연 ) 달과학 I ( 특별세션 ) 좌장 : 정민섭 ( 천문연 ) 태양좌장 : 문용재 ( 경희대 ) 09:00~09:15 III-1-1 최정림 III-2-1 김진규 III-3-1 김태영 09:15~09:30 III-1-2 박경선 III-2-2 심채경 III-3-2 이하림 09:30~09:45 III-1-3 김기정 III-2-3 이응석 III-3-3 서민주 09:45~10:00 III-1-4 김희은 III-2-4 백슬민 III-3-4 성숙경 10:00~10:15 III-1-5 이강우 III-2-5 강태윤 III-3-5 양희수 10:15~10:30 III-1-6 이종길 III-2-6 류동영1 III-3-6 유대중 10:30~10:45 휴식 전리권좌장 : 정종균 ( 천문연 ) 달과학 II ( 특별세션 ) 좌장 : 심채경 ( 경희대 ) ST분야여성과학기술인특별세션좌장 : 이우경 ( 천문연 ) 10:45~11:00 Ⅳ-1-1 김정헌 Ⅳ-2-1 정민섭 11:00~11:15 Ⅳ-1-2 박사라 Ⅳ-2-2 이정규 11:15~11:30 Ⅳ-1-3 최종민 Ⅳ-2-3 이승아 11:30~11:45 Ⅳ-1-4 이재욱 Ⅳ-2-4 이만규 11:45~12:00 Ⅳ-1-5 감호식 Ⅳ-2-5 최영준 12:00~12:15 Ⅳ-1-6 함영배 Ⅳ-2-6 김경자 12:15~12:30 Ⅳ-2-7 류동영2 1. 환영사 ( 대한여성과학기술인회 ) 2. 초청강연 - 한선화 ( 한국과학기술정보연구원 ) - 하경자 ( 부산대학교 ) - 안영숙 ( 한국천문연구원 ) 3. 토의 ( 여성과학기술인을위한연구환경조성 ) 12:30~13:15 점심식사 태양계탐사 ( 연합세션 ) 장소 : 제1발표장 ( 코럴 ) 좌장 : 문홍규 ( 천문연 ) 13:15~14:45 1. 김상준 ( 경희대 ) / 행성탐사선과지상관측에의한목성, 토성, 타이탄분광탐사 2. 최변각 ( 서울대 ) / 암석과광물에저장된태양계탄생과초기진화의기록 3. 박상영 ( 연세대 ) / Space Missions to Asteroids 14:45~15:00 휴식 15:00~16:00 JASS 발전위원회포럼 / 장소 : 제1발표장 ( 코럴 ) 16:40~17:40 전체 Plenary session / 장소 : 메이플동 3층다이아몬드1 1. 이기화 ( 서울대학교명예교수 ) 2. 이형목 ( 한국천문연구원원장 ) 3. 홍성유 ( 한국형수치예보모델개발사업단 ) 17:50~18:20 한국지구과학연합회연합학술대회개회식 / 메이플동 3 층다이아몬드 1 18:20~20:30 한국지구과학연합회만찬 / 메이플동 3 층다이아몬드 1 10 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

11 일정표요약 포스터발표집중발표시간 : ( 수 ) 15:20~16:20 번호분야발표자소속번호분야발표자소속 P-1 우주기술강우용항우연 P-27 우주기술조승원항우연 P-2 우주기술김영윤항우연 P-28 우주기술조창권항우연 P-3 우주기술김형완항우연 P-29 우주기술천이진항우연 P-4 우주기술김희경항우연 P-30 우주기술최정수항우연 P-5 우주기술박근주항우연 P-31 우주기술허윤구항우연 P-6 우주기술박봉규항우연 P-32 우주기술허행팔항우연 P-7 우주기술박성우 1 항우연 P-33 우주응용명환춘 1 항우연 P-8 우주기술박성우 2 항우연 P-34 우주응용명환춘 2 항우연 P-9 우주기술박응식항우연 P-35 우주응용박종억 1 항우연 P-10 우주기술박종석항우연 P-36 우주응용박종억 2 항우연 P-11 우주기술박종오 1 항우연 P-37 우주응용신상윤항우연 P-12 우주기술박종오 2 항우연 P-38 우주응용연정흠 1 항우연 P-13 우주기술박주호항우연 P-39 우주응용연정흠 2 항우연 P-14 우주기술신현규항우연 P-40 우주응용이도경항우연 P-15 우주기술양승은항우연 P-41 우주응용이종태항우연 P-16 우주기술윤영수항우연 P-42 우주응용이주희항우연 P-17 우주기술신재성항우연 P-43 우주천문강용우천문연 P-18 우주기술이동희 국가기상위성센터 P-44 우주천문김영수천문연 P-19 우주기술이상록항우연 P-45 우주천문김천휘충북대 P-20 우주기술이선호항우연 P-46 우주천문송민규천문연 P-21 우주기술이원범항우연 P-47 우주천문 Alexander Yushchenko 어린이천문대연구소 P-22 우주기술임정흠항우연 P-48 우주천문이대희천문연 P-23 우주기술임현수 1 항우연 P-49 우주천문이성재충북대 P-24 우주기술임현수 2 항우연 P-50 우주천문정민지충북대 P-25 우주기술장성수항우연 P-51 태양및우주환경김도현인스페이스 P-26 우주기술전현진항우연 P-52 태양및우주환경김은솔충남대 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 11

12 일정표요약 번호분야발표자소속번호분야발표자소속 P-53 태양및우주환경김향표천문연 P-71 태양및우주환경이원석충남대 P-54 태양및우주환경나고운경희대 P-72 태양및우주환경임다예경희대 P-55 태양및우주환경문수인충남대 P-73 태양및우주환경정세헌충남대 P-56 태양및우주환경박근찬천문연 P-74 태양및우주환경조규현서울대 P-57 태양및우주환경박우연천문연 P-75 태양계및우주탐사김연규항우연 P-58 태양및우주환경손종대천문연 P-76 태양계및우주탐사김일훈경희대 P-59 태양및우주환경이승욱충북대 P-77 태양계및우주탐사김주현 1 항우연 P-60 태양및우주환경이원형 국가기상위성센터 P-78 태양계및우주탐사김주현 2 항우연 P-61 태양및우주환경이재옥천문연 P-79 태양계및우주탐사배종희항우연 P-62 태양및우주환경조은별충남대 P-80 태양계및우주탐사송영주항우연 P-63 태양및우주환경최경은충북대 P-81 태양계및우주탐사이주희항우연 P-64 태양및우주환경최창대경희대 P-82 태양계및우주탐사이훈희항우연 P-65 태양및우주환경김수인천문연 P-83 태양계및우주탐사조은진천문연 P-66 태양및우주환경박은수경희대 P-84 기타강철항우연 P-67 태양및우주환경백지혜천문연 P-85 기타방수완항우연 P-68 태양및우주환경신경인경희대 P-86 기타신재성항우연 P-69 태양및우주환경신슬기경희대 P-87 기타우창호과기원 P-70 태양및우주환경이영숙충남대 연합세션포스터발표 번호 분야 발표자 소속 번호 분야 발표자 소속 연1-P01 태양계탐사 김상준 경희대 연1-P04 태양계탐사 이재용1 University of Tokyo 연1-P02 태양계탐사 박윤수 서울대 연1-P05 태양계탐사 이재용2 University of Tokyo 연 1-P03 태양계탐사이동욱경희대연 1-P06 태양계탐사진선호서울대 12 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

13 구두발표논문제목및시간표 구두발표논문제목및시간표 5 월 9 일 ( 수 ) 초청강연 I 좌장 : 최은정 ( 천문연 ) 13:10 [IS-I] 우주위험과우주물체감시 박장현 한국천문연구원, 우주위험감시센터 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea. 2 Centre for Space, Oceanic, and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Bath, UK 14:50 [I-1-5] Climatology of total electron contents (TEC) and rate of TEC index (ROTI) over Chuuk station located at geomagnetic equator (geo: 7.45 N, W, mag: 0.37 S) during ascending phase of solar cycle 24 ( ) Junseok Hong 1, Yong Ha Kim 1, Jong-Kyun Chung 2 1 Chungnam National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute I-1 Space Weather I (Int l session) 좌장 : 박재흥 ( 천문연 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 13:50 [I-1-1] GPS Observations of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Y. Otsuka 1, A. Shinbori 1, T. Takuya 2, M. Nishioka 2 1 ISEE, Nagoya Univ., Japan 2 NICT, Japan 14:05 [I-1-2] Proton Aurora Observations by the KOPRI All-sky Imager at Longyearbyen Hyosub Kil 1, Geonhwa Jee 2, Jeong-Han Kim 2, Jieun Kim 2, Kan Liou 1, and Frank Morgan 1 1 Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory 2 Korea Polar Research Institute 14:20 [I-1-3] A tomographic Investigation of mid-latitude nighttime ionospheric E-F coupling Nicholas Ssessanga, Yong Ha Kim Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea 14:35 [I-1-4] Signatures of low latitude high latitude coupling in the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere (MLT) during sudden stratospheric warmings: Some new insights S. Eswaraiah 1, Yongha Kim 1, Jaewook Lee 1, Neil Hindley 2, N.J. Mitchell 2 1 Department of Astronomy, Space Science, and Geology, 15:05 [I-1-6] Characteristics of midlatitude GPS amplitude scintillations observed at Gangneung and Icheon Tae-Yong Yang 1, Young-Sil Kwak 1,2, Ho-Sung Choi 3, Jaeheung Park 1,2, Byung-Kyu Choi 1, Jongyoun Yun 4, Jong-Min Choi 1, JaeJin Lee 1, Seonghwan Choi 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Republic of Korea Air Force 4 Space Environment Laboratory, Inc. I-2 우주기술 좌장 : 김주현 ( 항우연 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 13:50 [I-2-1] Satellite-based in-situ monitoring of space weather: KSEM Mission and Data Application Daehyeon Oh, Jiyoung Kim, Hyesook Lee, and Kuenil Jang National Meteorological Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Administration 14:05 [I-2-2] 차세대소형위성 2 호과학탑재체 LEO-DOS 구조체기본설계 문봉곤 1, 남욱원 1, 박원기 1, 표정현 1, 황정아 1, 이재진 1, 손종대 1, 김성환 2, 류동민 3, Justin Malimban 3, 예성준 한국천문연구원, 청주대학교방사선학과, 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원방사선의학물리연구실 14:20 [I-2-3] Balloon-borne Investigation of Temperature and Speed of Electrons in the corona (BITSE) 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 13

14 구두발표논문제목및시간표 Su-Chan Bong 1,2, Kyung-Suk Cho 1,2, Yeon-Han Kim 1,2, Natchimuthuk Gopalswamy 3, Jeffrey S. Newmark 3, Seonghwan Choi 1, Jihun Kim 1, Heesu Yang 1, Jongyeob Park 1, Ji-Hye Baek 1, Qian Gong 3, Mel Donahoo 3, Len Seals 3, Hanson Nguyen 3, Joseph-Paul Swinski 3, Nelson L. Reginald 3, Young-Deuk Park 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA 14:35 [I-2-4] Effect of Observation Arc Length on Lunar Orbiter Orbit Determination Using Sequential Estimation Technique Young-Rok Kim, Young-Joo Song, Jonghee Bae, Bang-Yeop Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute 14:50 [I-2-5] CANYVAL-C 임무를위한큐브위성의자세결정및제어시스템예비설계 강호철, 강대은, 김극남, 박상영 연세대학교천문우주학과우주비행제어연구실 15:05 [I-2-6] 마이크로중력환경에서의냉염현상 이종원, 김연규, 이주희 한국항공우주연구원융합기술연구센터항공우주응용재료팀 14:20 [I-3-3] Post-Processing of Least Squares Solutions with Short Arc Optical Measurement for Improving Orbit Prediction Accuracy Eunji Lee and Sang-Young Park Astrodynamics and Control Lab., Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University 14:35 [I-3-4] OWL-Net 을이용한인공위성관측결과검보정및궤도결정결과 최진 1,2, 조중현 1,2, 임홍서 1, 최은정 1, 김명진 1, 노동구 1, 김수영 1, 조성기 1, 박장현 1 1 한국천문연구원, 2 과학기술연합대학원대학교 14:50 [I-3-5] Regression and Prediction of the Satellite Tracking Data using Machine Learning Byoung-Sun Lee 1,4, Won-Gil Kim 2, Junho Lee 3, Yoola Hwang 1, Dae-Won Kim 1 1 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 2 SOLETOP 3 Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd. 4 University of Science and Technology 15:05 [I-3-6] 우주물체의낙하점및분산영역예측프레임워크연구 김시우 1, 조병운 1, 최은정 2, 조성기 2, 안재명 1 1 한국과학기술원항공우주공학과 I-3 우주감시 I 좌장 : 노경민 ( 천문연 ) 제 3 발표장 ( 사파이어 ) 13:50 [I-3-1] OWL-Net : A Global Network of Robotic Telescopes for Satellite Observation Jang-Hyun Park 1, Hong-Suh Yim 1, Young-Jun Choi 1,2, Jung Hyun Jo 1.2, Hong-Kyu Moon 1, Young-Sik Park 1, Dong-Goo Roh 1, Sungki Cho 1, Eun-Jung Choi 1, Myung-Jin Kim 1, Soo-Young Kim 1, Jin Choi 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 14:05 [I-3-2] Photometric Variations of GEO Satellites using OWL-Net Dong-Goo Roh, Jin Choi, Hong-Suh Yim, Jung-Hyun Jo Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 한국천문연구원우주위험감시센터 15:20 16:20 단체사진촬영 / 포스터집중발표 II-1 Space Weather II (Int l session) 좌장 : 박경선 ( 충북대 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 16:20 [II-1-1] Periodic Enhancements of Magnetic Field, Energetic Particle Fluxes, and High-Frequency Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere during Substorm Dipolarization: ERG Observations Yukinaga Miyashita 1, Yoshizumi Miyoshi 2, Ayako Matsuoka 3, Yoshiya Kasahara 4, Satoshi Kasahara 5, Shoichiro Yokota 6, Kazushi Asamura 3, and Shiang-Yu Wang 7 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 14 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

15 구두발표논문제목및시간표 2 Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University 3 Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 4 Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University 5 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, School of Science, The University of Tokyo 6 Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University 7 Academia Sinica, Taiwan 16:35 [II-1-2] Measurement of Nonlinearity Parameters of Three-minute Oscillations at Different Levels of the Sunspot Atmosphere Jongchul Chae 1, Kyuhyoun Cho 1, Donguk Song 2, and Yuri E. Litvinenko 3 1 Seoul National University 2 NAOJ, Japan 3 University of Waikato, New Zealand 16:50 [II-1-3] Image-to-image translation of solar images by deep learning. Ⅰ. Introduction Yong-Jae Moon, Eunsu Park, Harim Lee, Daye Lim, Kimoon Kim, and Taeyoung Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 17:05 [II-1-4] Statistical study of EMIC Pc1-Pc2 waves observed at subauroral latitudes Khan-Hyuk Kim and Jong-Woo Kwon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 17:20 [II-1-5] Electrostatic instability driven by scattered electrons in the development of electron firehose instability Sang-Yun Lee 1, Ensang Lee 1, and Peter H. Yoon 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA 17:35 [II-1-6] Parametric Interaction of VLF and ELF Waves and Impact on Energetic Electrons in a Radiation Belt Vladimir I. Sotnikov 1, and Tony C. Kim 2 1 Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Air Force Office of Scientific Research, AOARD-IOA II-2 SNIPE 미션 ( 특별세션 ) 좌장 : 양태용 ( 천문연 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 16:20 [II-2-1] SNIPE Science Target; Electron Microbursts Jaejin Lee, Young-Sil Kwak, Junga Hwang, Jaeheung Park, Jongdae Sohn Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 16:35 [II-2-2] Expected results on the high-latitude ionospheric irregularities from the SNIPE mission Young-Sil Kwak 1,2, Jaeheung Park 1,2, Jae-Jin Lee 1,2, and Su-In Kim 1,3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 2 University of Science and Technology, Korea 3 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 16:50 [II-2-3] 국제우주정거장에서측정된전리권전자밀도및온도의특성 박재흥, 곽영실 한국천문연구원 17:05 [II-2-4] Limitations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Observations in Low Earth Orbit Junga Hwang, Hang-Pyo Kim, Jaeheung Park and Jaejin Lee Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korea University of Science and Technology 17:20 [II-2-5] Properties of magnetic field disturbances over the auroral region observed by the Cluster spacecraft Ensang Lee 1, Youra Shin 1, Jaejin Lee 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 17:35 [II-2-6] Progress of the Engineering Model (EM) for Small scale magnetospheric Ionospheric Plasma Experiments (SNIPE) payloads Jongdae Sohn, Jaejin Lee, Junga Hwang, Young-Sil Kwak, Jaeheung Park, Uk-Won Nam, and Won-Kee Park Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 15

16 구두발표논문제목및시간표 II-3 우주감시 II 좌장 : 안재명 ( 과기원 ) 제 3 발표장 ( 사파이어 ) 16:20 [II-3-1] 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발개념및체계설계 구원회 1, 정대원 1,2, 오태봉 2 1 과학기술연합대학원대학교, 2 한국항공우주연구원 16:35 [II-3-2] 대기굴절에의한우주감시레이다오차특성연구 문현욱 1, 최은정 2, 이종현 1, 염재명 1, 조성기 2, 조중현 2 1 LIG 넥스원 ( 주 ) 감시정찰연구센터 2 한국천문연구원우주위험감시센터 16:50 [II-3-3] 우주감시레이더를위한소형고속표적탐지능력향상기법 이종현 1, 염재명 2, 최은정 3, 문현욱 2, 조성기 3, 조중현 3 1 알에프코어 ( 주 ), 2 LIG 넥스원 ( 주 ) 3 한국천문연구원우주위험감시센터 17:05 [II-3-4] 국제우주파편조정위원회및지구재진입캠페인 정옥철, 성재동, 김해동, 정대원 한국항공우주연구원 17:20 [II-3-5] 톈궁 1 호추락예측및결과분석 최은정한국천문연구원우주위험감시센터 17:35 [II-3-6] The Vision and the Mission of National Space Situational Awareness Organization Jung Hyun Jo 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 5 월 10 일 ( 목 ) III-1 자기권 좌장 : 황정아 ( 천문연 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 09:00 [III-1-1] Particle diffusion by obliquely propagating broadband kinetic Alfvén wave Cheong Rim Choi 1, Min Ho Woo 2, Dae Young Lee 1, Kyung Sun Park 1, and Peter H Yoon 3,4 1 Chung Buk National University, 2 National Fusion Research Institute, 3 Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, 4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 09:15 [III-1-2] Can Geomagnetic Substorms be Triggered by Northward Magnetic Field of SMFR and MFR? Kyung Sun Park 1, Dae-Young Lee 1, Rok Soon Kim 2,3, and Kyungsuk Cho 2,3 1 Dep. Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 3 University of Science and Technology 09:30 [III-1-3] Spectral characteristics of EMIC waves in the outer magnetosphere observed at THEMIS probes Gi-Jeong Kim and Khan-Hyuk Kim Kyung Hee University 09:45 [III-1-4] Heating of Ions at the Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shocks Hee-Eun Kim 1, Ensang Lee 1, George K. Parks 2, Naiguo Lin 2, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Dong-Hun Lee 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, South Korea 2 Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA 10:00 [III-1-5] Statistical analysis of energetic particle flux effects in spacecraft anomalies at different orbits and different solar activity Kang-Woo Yi and Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea, 16 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

17 구두발표논문제목및시간표 10:15 [III-1-6] Space Weather Operation at KASI with Van Allen Probes Beacon Signals Jongkil Lee 1,2, Kyung-Chan Kim 3, Romeo Giuseppe 4, Sasha Ukhorskiy 4, David Sibeck 5, Ramona Kessel 6, Barry Mauk 4 4, Barbara Giles 5, Bon-Jun Gu 7, Hyesook Lee 8, Young-Deuk Park 1, Jaejin Lee 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea 2 University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea, 3 Daegu University, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk, South Korea 4 4Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland, USA 5 5NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA 6 NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC, USA 7 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea 8 National Meteorological Satellite Centre, Korea Meteorological Administration, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea III-2 달과학 I ( 특별세션 ) 좌장 : 정민섭 ( 천문연 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 10:00 [III-2-5] 달모사토개발현황및향후연구방향 강태윤 1,2, 김경자 2, 이유 1 1 충남내학교대학원우주지질학과국지질자원 2 연구원국토지질연구본부지질연구센터 10:15 [III-2-6] 시험용달궤도선 : 참여과학자프로그램 류동영, 김은혁, 최석원 한국항공우주연구원 III-3 태양 좌장 : 문용재 ( 경희대 ) 제 3 발표장 ( 사파이어 ) 09:00 [III-3-1] AnoGAN 을이용한비지도태양플레어이벤트감지 김태영 1, 양승범 1, 김도현 1, 최명진 1, 박은수 2, 이강우 2, 문용재 2 1 ( 주 ) 인스페이스, 2 경희대학교우주탐사학과 09:00 [III-2-1] 경사면의경향성과지형요철의공간분포에기반한달표면자동크레이터검출알고리즘개발 김진규, 심채경, 김성수, 진호 경희대학교우주탐사학과 09:15 [III-2-2] 반사율 - 색공간을활용한달크레이터표면의분광특성정량화 심채경, 김성수 경희대학교우주탐사학과 09:30 [III-2-3] 분광및지형분석을이용한달착륙후보지역조사 이응석 1,2, 김경자 2, 김용하 1 1 충남대학교우주지질학과우주과학실험실 2 한국지질자원연구원국토지질연구본부지질연구센터 09:45 [III-2-4] A study of paleomagnetic pole position: Implication for the history of the lunar dynamo Seul-Min Baek 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, and Ian Garrick-Bethell 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Earth and Planetary Science, UC Santa Cruz 09:15 [III-3-2] Image-to-image translation of solar images by deep learning. III. from the Carrington sunspot to AI-generated magnetogram Harim Lee 1, Y.-J. Moon 1, Daye Lim 1, Eunsu Park 1, and Taeyoung Kim 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin-si 17104, Korea 2 Department of Research and Development, InSpace Co., Ltd., South Korea 09:30 [III-3-3] Analysis of the Ellerman Bomb Spectra Observed by the FISS Minju Seo 1, Jongchul Chae 1, Jeongwoo Lee 2 1 Seoul National University 2 New Jersey Institute of Technology 09:45 [III-3-4] Comparison of solar and interplanetary magnetic field orientations using 101 CME-ICME pairs Suk-Kyung Sung 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1,2, Jin-Yi Lee 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Space Science, Kyung Hee University 10:00 [III-3-5] Observation of Vortex-Formations and 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 17

18 구두발표논문제목및시간표 its-associated Ejections in a Sunspot Light bridge Heesu Yang 1, Eun-Kyung Lim 1, Sujin Kim 1,2, Yeon-Han Kim 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 10:15 [III-3-6] Effect of the radial contraction and extension of the coronal loop on the loop oscillations Dae Jung Yu, Dong-Hun Lee School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University IV-1 전리권 좌장 : 정종균 ( 천문연 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 10:45 [IV-1-1] Developing a data-assimilated SAMI2-CNU model using Korean ionosonde data JeongHeon Kim 1, YongHa Kim 1, SeHeon Jeong 1, SangWoo Lee 1, YoungSil Kwak 2, JinWook Han 3 1 Chungnam National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute 3 Korea Space Weather Center (KSWC), Jeju, Korea 11:00 [IV-1-2] Statistical study of the middle-latitude ionization trough morphology Sarah Park 1, Hyosub Kil 2, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA 11:15 [IV-1-3] Statistical analysis of the distribution of broad plasma depletions in the equatorial F region observed by the C/NOFS satellite Jong-Min Choi 1, Young-Sil Kwak 1, Hyosub Kil 2, Jaeheung Park 1, Woo Kyoung Lee 1, Yong Ha Kim 3, and Jae-Jin Lee 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea 2 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel Maryland, USA 3 Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea 11:30 [IV-1-4] Evidence for non-linear wave-wave interactions in mesospheric winds measured by a meteor radar at King Sejong station, Antarctica Jaewook Lee, Yong Ha Kim, S. Eswaraiah Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea. 11:45 [IV-1-5] Propagation characteristics of mesospheric gravity waves over King Sejong Station, Antarctic Peninsula, using OH and OI-557.7nm airglow imager. Hosik Kam 1, Yong Ha Kim 1, Takuji Nakamura 2,3, Masaki Tsutsumi 2,3, Yoshihiro Tomikawa 2,3, Masaru Kogure 3,2, Septi Perwitasari 2, Jeong-Han Kim 4 1 Department of Astronomy, Space, and Geology, Chungnam National University, Deajeon, South Korea 2 National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, Japan 3 Department of Polar Science, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Tachikawa, Japan 4 Division of Polar Climate Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, South Korea 12:00 [IV-1-6] Comparison of neutral winds and ion drifts observed at Jang Bogo station, Antarctica Young-bae Ham 1,2, Geonhwa. Jee 1,2 Changsup Lee 1, Hyuck-Jin Kwon 1, Eunsol Kim 1,5, Jeong-Han Kim 1, Nikolay Zabotin 3, Terence Bullett 3, and Qian Wu 4 1 Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, R. of Korea 2 University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, R. of Korea 3 University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA 4 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA 5 Chungnam National University, Daejeon, R. of Korea IV-2 달과학 II ( 특별세션 ) 좌장 : 심채경 ( 경희대 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 10:45 [IV-2-1] Interplanetary Dust Particles as the Space Weathering Agent for the Moon Minsup Jeong 1, Young-Jun Choi 1,2, Hongu Yang 1, Sungsoo S. Kim 3, Il-Hoon Kim 3, Yuriy G. Shkuratov 4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Kyung Hee University 4 Astronomical Institute of Kharkov V.N Karazin National University 11:00 [IV-2-2] Octopus 자기이상지역과 Reiner Gamma 자기이상지역의형성관계연구 이정규 1, Rachel Maxwell 2, 진호 1, 백슬민 1, Elliot Ghassemi 2, Megan Kelley 2, 이효정 1, 김관혁 1, 이성환 1,3, 18 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

19 구두발표논문제목및시간표 Ian Garrick-Bethell 1,2 한국항공우주연구원 1 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 2 Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Santa Cruz, 3 인투룰 ( 주 ) 11:15 [IV-2-3] 우주탐사용서치코일자력계시험모델연구 이승아 1, 전다솜 2, 신재혁 1, 진호 1,2 1 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 2 경희대학교우주과학과 11:30 [IV-2-4] 달궤도자기장측정기엔지니어링모델의궤도열해석과열환경시험 이만규 1, 이덕행 2,3 이성환 1,4, 진호 1,5 1 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 2 York University. 3 한국천문연구원. 4 인투룰. 5 경희대학교우주과학과 태양계탐사 ( 연합세션 ) 좌장 : 문홍규 ( 천문연 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 13:15 김상준 ( 경희대 ) 행성탐사선과지상관측에의한목성, 토성, 타이탄분광탐사 13:45 최변각 ( 서울대 ) 암석과광물에저장된태양계탄생과초기진화의기록 14:15 박상영 ( 연세대 ) Space Missions to Asteroids 11:45 [IV-2-5] Performance tests of core instruments for the future Korea lunar exploration Young-Jun Choi 1,2, Mihyun Kim 1, Kyeong Ja Kim 3, Seung Kwan Kim 4, Seong Je Park 5, Geon-Hee Kim 6, Kyungin Kang 7 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 4 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science 5 Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials 6 Korea Basic Science Institute 7 Satellite Technology Research Center, KAIST 제1발표장 ( 코럴 ) 15:00 16:00 JASS발전위원회포럼다이아몬드1 16:40 17:40 전체 Plenary session 세션다이아몬드1 17:50 18:20 연합학술대회개회식 12:00 [IV-2-6] Development on a gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer suite for prospective planetary surface investigation 다이아몬드 1 18:20 20:30 한국지구과학연합회만찬 Kyeong Ja Kim 1,2, Junghun Park 1, Yire Choi 1,2, Eung Seok Yi 1,3, Chang Wan Sun 1,2, Sungsoon Lee 1, Young-Kwang Yeon 1, K. B. Lee 4, Nobuyuki Hasebe 5, Won-Kee Park 6, Bongkon Moon 6, Kyungin Kang 7, Young-Jun Choi 6 1 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Chungnam National University 4 Korea Institute of Standards and Science 5 Waseda University 6 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 7 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 12:15 [IV-2-7] 달탐사 2 단계착륙후보지지형정보확보를위한 KPLO/LUTI 촬영요구지역도출방안 류동영, 이주희, 김은혁, 최석원 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 19

20 포스터발표논문제목및시간표 포스터발표논문제목 집중발표시간 : 5 월 9 일 ( 수 ) 15:20~16:20 우주기술 [P-1] 광학적신호모사장치를이용한별추적기시험결과분석 강우용 한국항공우주연구원 [P-2] Verification of the advanced equipment of the power interface check between avionics of satellite Young-Yun Kim 1, Dong-Chul Choi 1, Gyeong-Seop Shin 2, Sang-Hoon Lee 1 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute, 2 IMT [P-3] 프로세스모델링을통한프로젝트관리 김형완, 최정수, 박종석 한국항공우주연구원 [P-4] 달착륙선의태양전지판면적에관한연구 김희경 1,2, 류동영 1 1 한국항공우주연구원 (KARI), 2 과학기술연합대학원대학교 (UST) [P-5] GEO Satellite In-Orbit Flight Operation Procedure Validation Keun Joo Park, Young Ho Cho and Yee-Jin Cheon Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-6] 정지궤도복합위성액체원지점엔진분리및벤팅 (Venting) 시점연구 박봉규, 최재동 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성체계팀 [P-7] Review on the Power Start-up Anomaly of Power Control Unit Sung-Woo Park, Hee-Sung Park, Jeong-Hwan Yang, Jeong-Eon Park, Kyu-Dong Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-8] Review on the Solar Array Regulator Design for LEO Satellite Applications Sung-Woo Park, Hee-Sung Park, Jeong-Hwan Yang, Jeong-Eon Park, Kyu-Dong Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-9] 정지궤도위성궤도전이추진제오차분석 박응식 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성사업단 [P-10] 정지궤도복합위성발사체기계접속설계 박종석 1, 최정수 1, 이호형 1, 최재동 1, 이상률 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성체계팀, 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성사업단 [P-11] 차세대중형위성시험인증모델전력접속시험 박종오 1, 전현진 1, 김보성 2, 배진곤 2 1 한국항공우주연구원위성연구본부차세대중형위성체계팀, 2 한국항공우주산업위성시스템팀 [P-12] 차세대중형위성시험인증모델접속시험방안 박종오 1, 전현진 1, 김보성 2, 배진곤 2 1 한국항공우주연구원위성연구본부차세대중형위성체계팀, 2 한국항공우주산업위성시스템팀 [P-13] Central Time Synchronization with Initial Condition Adjustment for Ground Test System Joo-Ho Park, Dong-Chul Chae, Young-Yun Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-14] A novel method for development and simulation of thermal control software Hyun-Kyu Shin Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-15] Design of the 1553B Interface for CMG Operation Seung-Eun Yang Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-16] Electrical System Design for LEO Satellite Young-Su Youn 1, Jong-Jin Jang 2, Jae-Nam Yu 2, Jin-Hyuk Kim 1 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Korea Aerospace Industries [P-17] 우주방사선노출에의한국산용복합재의압축특성연구 신재성, 윤용식, 최익현 한국항공우주연구원 (KARI) 항공우주응용재료팀 20 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

21 포스터발표논문제목및시간표 [P-18] 우주기상으로인한위성아노말리연구 : 국내외예측기술현황및정책적시사점 이동희 1,2, 이진하 1, 김지영 1, 장근일 1 1 국가기상위성센터, 2 충북대학교천문우주학과 [P-19] 태양전지판구동기를포함하는위성의태양전지판접지방안 이상록, 임성빈 한국항공우주연구원달탐사체계팀 [P-20] MatLab Runtime 기반인공위성동역학가시화툴연구 이선호 한국항공우주연구원 [P-21] 신소재기반광구조체지상검증모델성능시험 이원범 1, 연정흠 1, 최종국 1, 임채형 2, 이덕규 1, 이승훈 1 1 한국항공우주연구원 2 DACC Aerospace Co.,LTD [P-22] Structural Thermal Model Jitter Test for the Medium-sized Low Earth Orbit Satellite Jeong-Heum Im 1, Jae-Hyuk Lim 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chonbuk National University [P-23] 정지궤도위성지상시스템시험방법 임현수, 복준영, 박진형 지상체계개발팀, 국가위성정보활용지원센터, 한국항공우주연구원 [P-24] 정지궤도위성운영을위한임무계획자동화 임현수, 복준영 지상체계개발팀, 국가위성정보활용지원센터, 한국항공우주연구원 [P-25] 정지궤도위성용리튬이온배터리전지의모델링개발 장성수, 최재동, 이상률 한국항공우주연구원 [P-26] 인공위성의소프트웨어기반재설정유닛과비행소프트웨어의동시통신 Master 회피방안 전현진, 박종오 한국항공우주연구원 [P-27] 전기지상지원장비의전원분배장치설계 조승원, 채동철, 방수완, 김영윤, 허윤구 한국항공우주연구원 [P-28] 정지궤도복합위성의초기운영을위한시험방안소개 조창권, 박봉규, 조영호, 박근주 한국항공우주연구원 [P-29] A Study on Software Defined Architectural Design in Aerospace Applications Yee-Jin Cheon Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-30] 정지궤도복합위성 2A 호최초정렬측정및보정 최정수 1, 김형완 1, 박종석 1, 김인걸 2, 1 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성체계팀, 2 충남대학교항공우주공학과 [P-31] 저궤도위성용통합시험및운영시스템 (ITOS: Integrated Test and Operation System) 설계및현황 허윤구, 방수완 한국항공우주연구원 [P-32] Signal to Noise Ratio Performance of the Camera System for the Lunar Orbiter Haeng-Pal Heo, Gm-Sil Kang, Sang-Soon Yong, Seok-Weon Choi Korea Aerospace Research Institute, 우주응용 [P-33] 정지궤도기상탑재체의 2017 년기술동향 명환춘, 최재동, 이상률 한국항공우주연구원 [P-34] 일본의조기경보탑재체개발및추진현황 명환춘, 최재동, 이상률 한국항공우주연구원 [P-35] The Detail Design Analysis of the Electronic Module for the High Resolution GEO-Satellite Electro-Optic Camera System Jong-Euk Park 1,2, SeungHoon Lee 1, Kijun Lee 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering [P-36] The Critical Design Analysis of the Lunar 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 21

22 포스터발표논문제목및시간표 Exploration Electro-Optic Payload Camera Electronic Module Jong-Euk Park 1,2, Haeng-Pal Heo 1, Kijun Lee 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering [P-37] The study of high gain antenna assembly operation for the lunar exploration Sangyoun SHIN 1,2, Haeng-Pal Heo 1, Hyoungho Ko 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering [P-38] 해양탑재체구동부의동적섭동분석 연정흠 1, 용상순 2, 이덕규 1, 이승훈 3 1 한국항공우주연구원탑재체광학팀 2 한국항공우주연구원탑재체전자팀 3 한국항공우주연구원위성탑재체연구단 [P-39] 차세대중형위성태양광차단구조물설계연정흠 1, 이원범 1, 최종국 1, 이덕규 1 2, 임채형3, 이승훈 1 한국항공우주연구원탑재체광학팀 2 한국항공우주연구원위성탑재체연구단 3 데크항공기술연구소 [P-40] Failure Mechanism investigation of memory for development of MCS Do Kyoung Lee, Jong Tae Lee, Sang Gyu Lee, Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-41] Flash Based Memory System Design for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Jong-Tae Lee 1, Sang-Gyu Lee 1, Ki-Jun Lee 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chungnam National University [P-42] 국제우주정거장용공기및물환경제어시스템분석 이주희, 김연규, 이종원 한국항공우주연구원항공우주응용재료팀 우주천문 [P-43] Current Status of the digital sampler development for radio observation Yong-Woo Kang, Min-Gyu Song Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute [P-44] Stray Light Analysis of the Entoto Observatory Telescopes in Ethiopia Young-Soo Kim 1,2, Yong-Ik Byun 3, Jeong Gyun Jang 1, Solomon Belay Tessema 4, Leonid Berdnikov 4, Etsegenet Getachew 4, & Alemiye Mamo Yacob 4 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute 2 Chung Buk National University 3 Yonsei University 4 Ethiopian Space Science & Technology Institute [P-45] 우리은하내이심궤도를가진식쌍성의새로운카타로그제작 김천휘 1,2, J. M. Kreiner 3, B. Zakrzewski 3, W. Ogloza 3, 김현우 1,4, 정민지 1 1 충북대학교천문우주학과 2 충북대학교천문대 3 Mt. Suhora Observatory, Poland 4 한국천문연구원 [P-46] Current Status of Advanced Network based e-kvn and plan for the High Speed Data Processing Min-Gyu Song 1, Hyo-Ryung Kim 1, Yong-Woo Kang 1, Seog-Oh Wi 1, Sung-Mo Lee 1, Jong-Soo Kim 1, Tae-Hyun Jung 1, Do-Young Byun 1, Hyun-Goo Kim 1, Duk-Gyoo Roh 1, Se-Jin Oh 1, Jae-Hwan Yeom 1, Do-Heung Je 1, Bu-Seung Cho 2, Min-Ki Noh 2 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute 2 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information [P-47] The signs of accretion from interstellar medium in the atmospheres of F-M stars Alexander Yushchenko 1, Yeuncheol Jeong 2, Dmitry Doikov 3, Svetlana Vasil eva 4, Jinhee Yu 1, Eunseok Lee 1, Hyunyoung Lee 1 1 Astrocamp Contents Research Institute, Goyang, 10329, Korea 2 Daeyang Humanity College, Sejong University, Seoul, 05006, Korea 3 Odessa National Maritime University, 65001, Odessa, Ukraine 4 Astronomical observatory, Odessa National University named I.I. Mechnikov, Odessa, 65014, Ukraine Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, 03722, Korea [P-48] Improvements of the PLD (Pulsed Laser Deposition) method for fabricating photocathodes in ICMOS (Intensified CMOS) sensors Dae-Hee Lee 1,2, Youngsik Park 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Yong-Woo Kang 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Seoung-Chul Bang 1, HyeunSeok Choi 3, So-Jeong Na 3, Sung-Bok Kang 3, Nikolay Vedenkin 4, Alexander Malyshev 4, and Yang-Soo Kim 4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 22 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

23 포스터발표논문제목및시간표 4 Satbyul Corporation Ltd. [P-49] Geometrical Structure of the Symbiotic Star AG Peg Seong-Jae Lee, Siek Hyung Chungbuk National University [P-50] 역동적인광도변화를보이는열개의 W UMa 형 Kepler 쌍성의측광학적성질 정민지 1, 김천휘 1,2, 김혜영 1 1 충북대학교천문우주학과, 2 충북대학교천문대진천관측소 Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea [P-56] The prediction of relativistic electron flux at geostationary orbit based on neural network Keunchan Park 1,2, Jaejin Lee 2, Kyungchan Kim 3, Yu Yi 1 BonJun Ku 4, Hyesook Lee 5 1 Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University 2 Korea Astronomy & Space science Institute 3 Division of Science education, College of Education, Daegu University 4 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 5 korean meteorological administration 태양및우주환경 [P-51] Grad-Cam 을이용한딥러닝기반의태양플레어이벤트분류모델분석방법연구 김도현 1, 김태영 1, 양승범 1,, 강소연 1, 최명진 1,, 박은수 2, 이강우 2, 문용재 2 1 ( 주 ) 인스페이스, 2 경희대학교우주탐사학과 [P-52] Characteristics of electron density profiles in the polar ionosphere using long-term incoherent scatter radar observations Eunsol Kim 1,2, Geonhwa Jee 2, Yong Ha Kim 1, Eun-Young Ji 2, Young-Sil Kwak 3 1 Chungnam National University 2 Korea Polar Research Institute 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute [P-57] 정지궤도자기장자료를이용한경험식모델과인공신경망을결합한지자기지수예측알고리즘개발 박우연 1,2, 이재진 1, 김경찬 3, 이유 2, 구본준 4, 이혜숙 5 1 한국천문연구원, 2 충남대학교, 3 대구대학교, 4 한국전자통신연구원, 5 국가기상위성센터 [P-58] Mechanical Design of Engineering Model (EM) for Small scale magnetospheric Ionospheric Plasma Experiments (SNIPE) mission Jongdae Sohn 1, Gyeongbok Jo 1,2, Jaejin Lee 1,3, Junga Hwang 1,3, Young-Sil Kwak 1,3, Jaeheung Park 1,3, Uk-Won Nam 1,3 and Won-Kee Park 1, Yu Yi 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 Chungnam National University 3 Korea University of Science and Technology [P-53] Large scale EMIC waves observed by Swarm satellites: Long-stretched and long lasting Hyangpyo Kim 1,2, Junga Hwang 1,2, Jaeheung Park 1,2 and Jaejin Lee 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute [P-59] 우주과학연구를위한고정밀도 3 축 Fluxgate 형자력계개발진행사항 이승욱 1, 노성준 1, 김주형 1, 최정림 1, 강경인 2, 류기홍 3, 김준성 1, 최두영 1, 이현화 1, 이대영 1 1 충북대학교, 2 한국과학기술원인공위성센터, 3 ( 주 ) 알에프엔진 2 University of Science and Technology [P-54] Operation of the Instruments for the Study of Stable/Storm-time Space (ISSS) Instruments for the Study of Space Go Woon Na 1, Jongho Seon 1, Kyoung-Wook Min 2, Jongdae Sohn 3, Kyung-In Kang 4, Goo-Hwan Shin 4 1 Kyung Hee University 2 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 4 Satellite Technology Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology [P-55] Predicting fof2 over Jeju Station using Artificial Neural Networks Suin Moon and Yong Ha Kim [P-60] Comparison of planetary and local geomagnetic disturbance indices: operational implications Wonhyeong Yi, Jiyoung Kim, Kum-Il Jang National Meteorological Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Adminstration [P-61] Investigation of coronal transverse wave energy fluxes by Coronal Multi Channel Polarimeter (CoMP) Jae-Ok Lee, Kyung-Suk Cho, and Jung-Joon Seough Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea [P-62] An investigation of relation between 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 23

24 포스터발표논문제목및시간표 sporadic E layer and vertical ion drift convergence using ionosonde data in Korea Eun-Byeol Jo and Yong Ha Kim Dpt. Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea [P-63] Periodic properties of interplanetary magnetic field Bz measured near the Earth during solar cycle 23 and 24. Kyung-Eun Choi 1, Dae-Young Lee 1, Kyung Sun Park 1, Kyung-Chan Kim 2, Kyu-Cheol Choi 3, Jae-Hun Kim 4 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University 2 Department of Earth Science Education, Daegu University 3 SELab. Inc. 4 Korean Space Weather Center, RRA [P-64] Derivation of Kinetic and Inertial Alfvén Wave Dispersion Relation from Two Fluid Theory Changdae-Choi 1, Peter H. Yoon 1,2,3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Gyeonggi, South Korea, 2 Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea [P-65] Classification of ionospheric mid- and high-latitude troughs under different geomagnetic conditions using Swarm observations Su-In Kim 1,2, Young-Sil Kwak 2,3, Jaeheung Park 2,3, Hyosub Kil 4, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, and Jae-Jin Lee 2,3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 3 University of Science and Technology, Korea 4 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA [P-66] Image-to-image translation of solar images by deep learning. II. from magnetograms to AI-generated EUV images Eunsu Park 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1, Harim Lee 1, Daye Lim 1, Taeyoung Kim 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Research and Devopment, InSpace, Co., Ltd. [P-67] Space Weather Data System at KASI Ji-Hye Baek 1, Seonghwan Choi 1, Jongyeob Park 1, Sujin Kim 1,2, Jihun Kim 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology images by deep learning. IV. From Ca II images to AI-generated magnetograms Gyungin Shin 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1, Eunsu Park 1, Taeyoung Kim 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Research and Development, InSpace Co., Ltd. [P-69] Daily solar flare probability model using convolution neural networks and previous day flare occurrences Seulki Shin 1, Hyoungseok Chu 2, Yong-Jae Moon 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Software Policy & Research Institute [P-70] Observation of strong winds and shears in the summer polar mesosphere associated with high-speed solar wind streams Young-Sook Lee 1, Yongha Kim 1, Sheila Kirkwood 2 1 Chungnam National University 2 Swedish Institute of Space Physics [P-71] A first comparison of meteor radar and Fabry-Perot Interferometer winds at King Sejong Station Wonseok Lee 1, Yong Ha Kim 1, Changsup Lee 2, Qian Wu 3 1 Chungnam National University 2 Korea Polar Research Institute 3 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA. [P-72] A Hourly Forecast Model of Daily Major Flare Probability Based on Magnetic Parameters from SDO/HMI Data Daye Lim 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1,2, Jongyeob Lee 3, Kangjin Lee 1,4, and Jin-Yi Lee 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 4 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute [P-73] Manually scaling one year ionograms measured by Jeju ionosonde in 2012 Seheon Jeong, Yong Ha Kim Chungnam National University [P-74] Observational Evidence for Origin of Three-minute Oscillations in the Sunspot Kyuhyoun Cho, Jongchul Chae Seoul National University [P-68] Image-to-image translation of solar 24 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

25 포스터발표논문제목및시간표 태양계및우주탐사 [P-75] 우주극한환경에서의달표면탐사시스템의상위수준시스템설계및시스템아키텍처연구 김연규, 이주희, 이종원 한국항공우주연구원융합기술연구센터항공우주응용재료팀 [P-76] KPLO/PolCam 임무분석에따른달모의표토편광실험 김일훈 1, 김성수 2, 심채경 2, 백길호 2, 정민섭 3, 최영준 3 1 경희대학교우주과학과, 2 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 3 한국천문연구원 [P-77] 달탐사과학자료공개를위한 KPDS 의개발개요 김주현 한국항공우주연구원달탐사항행운영팀 [P-78] The Science Data Management and Archive Plan for Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter Joo Hyeon Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-79] Contingency Trajectory Design For a Failure of the First Lunar Orbit Insertion Maneuver Jonghee Bae, Young-Joo Song, Young-Rok Kim, and Bangyeop Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-80] Functional Differences of Flight Dynamics Subsystem: the Earth vs Moon Mission Young-Joo Song, Young-Rok Kim, Jonghee Bae, Bang-Yeop Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-81] 해외달탐사후보지역정보 DB 화및분석 이주희 1, 김연규 1, 이종원 1, 류동영 한국항공우주연구원항공우주응용재료팀, 한국항공우주연구원달탐사선행임무팀 [P-82] How to Prepare Lunar Images for Training Convolutional Neural Network based Detector Hoonhee Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-83] Hydroxyl distribution with the solar incident angle on the surface of Martian moon, Phobos Eunjin Cho 1,2, Mingyeong Lee 1,2, Young-Jun Choi 1,2 1 University of Science and Technology 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 기타 [P-84] 인공위성형상관리를위한형상통제에관한연구 강철 한국항공우주연구원 [P-85] 저궤도위성용전력계전기지상지원장비 (PCTS & SAS) 기술소개및현황 방수완, 채동철, 허윤구, 조승원 한국항공우주연구원 [P-86] 우주극한환경용국산복합재의온도별인장특성 신재성, 윤용식, 최익현 한국항공우주연구원 (KARI) 항공우주응용재료팀 [P-87] Study of parallel propagating electromagnetic waves in degenerate magnetized electron plasmas Chang-Ho Woo 1, Kyoung-Wook Min 1, Min ho Woo 2, Cheongrim Choi 3 1 Department of Physics, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea 2 National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea 3 Chungbuk National University 태양계탐사연합세션 [ 연합 1-1] Excitation Processes of the CH4 Aurorae of Jupiter and Saturn Sang Joon Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea [ 연합 1-2] Experimental Apparatus for Opposition Effect at Seoul National University Yoonsoo P. Bach, Masateru Ishiguro, and Jin-Guk Seo Department of Astronomy and Physics, Seoul National University ( 서울대학교 ), Seoul, South Korea [ 연합 1-3] Simulations of the Lunar Exosphere: Effects of Multiple Sodium Sources on Coma and Tail Dong Wook Lee and Sang Joon Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 25

26 포스터발표논문제목및시간표 [ 연합 1-4] Terrain surveying for gully in Svalbard using UAV and comparison with Mars Jaeyong LEE 1, Takashi OGUCHI 2 1 Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2 Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo [ 연합 1-5] Impact deformation of Feldspar in Achondrite: NWA 2727, NWA 3117, NWA 856 Meteorite Jaeyong LEE 1, Timothy J. FAGAN 2 1 Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2 Dept. of Earth Sciences, Waseda University [ 연합 1-6] Regional Variations in Spectra of (25143) Itokawa taken with Hayabusa/AMICA Sunho Jin, Masateru Ishiguro Seoul National University 26 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

27 구두발표논문초록 구두발표논문초록 5 월 9 일 ( 수 ) 초청강연 I 좌장 : 최은정 ( 천문연 ) 13:10 [IS-I] 우주위험과우주물체감시 박장현 한국천문연구원, 우주위험감시센터 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 지구주변우주공간에는다양한종류의우주물체가존재한다. 소행성, 혜성과같은자연적으로생성된우주물체와인간의활동영역이우주공간으로확대되면서발생한인공위성, 발사체폐기물등다양한종류의인공우주물체가우주공간에분포하고있다. 이러한우주물체는우주공간을떠돌거나지상으로낙하면서인류활동에주요한위험요인으로작용하고있다. 이발표에서는우주위험의종류, 위험을야기시키는요인, 우주위험의실례등과우주위험을경감하거나사전에예측하기위한방법을살펴보기로한다. 또한각국가별우주물체감시를위한활동과특히우리나라에서우주위험에대응하기위한활동을자세히살펴볼예정이다. I-1 태양우주환경 I 좌장 : 박재흥 ( 천문연 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 13:50 [I-1-1] GPS Observations of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Y. Otsuka 1, A. Shinbori 1, T. Takuya 2, M. Nishioka 2 1 ISEE, Nagoya Univ., Japan 2 NICT, Japan Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance (MSTID) is a phenomenon of the plasma density perturbations in the F region. Using total electron content (TEC) data obtained from a GPS receiver network in Japan, two-dimensional structures of MSTIDs have been revealed in the maps of TEC perturbations obtained by subtracting 1-hour running average from the original TEC data for each satellite and receiver pair. We have found that characteristics of the MSTID in Japan are different between daytime and nighttime. The daytime MSTIDs frequently appear in winter, and most of them propagate southward or south-southeastward. These characteristics are consistent with an idea that the daytime MSTIDs are caused by atmospheric gravity waves. On the other hand, the nighttime MSTIDs frequently appear in summer, and most of them propagate southwestward. From these characteristics of the MSITDs, the nighttime MSTIDs are considered to be caused by the Perkins instability. In this study, we have analyzed the TEC data obtained from 1997 and 2017, and investigated MSTID activity, defined as di/i, where di is standard deviation of the TEC perturbations in an area within an area of 33.75o-37.80o N and o o E within an hour, and I is 1-hour averaged TEC. We have found that the MSITD activity during nighttime increases with decreasing solar activity. This feature is consistent with solar activity dependence of the growth rate of the Perkins instability. The MSTID activity during daytime also show anti-correlation with the solar activity although difference of the daytime MSTID activity between solar minimum and maximum is smaller than that of the nighttime MSTID activity. This result indicates that amplitude of neutral wind oscillation caused by gravity waves propagating from below into the thermosphere increases with decreasing solar activity because neutral density decreases with decreasing solar activity. In this presentation, we will investigate long-term variation of propagation velocity of MSTIDs as well as the MSTID activities to discuss mechanisms causing the MSTIDs. 14:05 [I-1-2] Proton Aurora Observations by the KOPRI All-sky Imager at Longyearbyen Hyosub Kil 1, Geonhwa Jee 2, Jeong-Han Kim 2, Jieun Kim 2, Kan Liou 1, and Frank Morgan 1 1 Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory 2 Korea Polar Research Institute Korea Polar Research Institute KOPRI has been operating an all-sky imager at Longyearbyen (78 13'N 'N E) since November 2017 for the detection of proton auroras at the cusp (dayside) and polar cap (nightside) using the H β (656.3 nm) filter. The imager uses a new technique, tilting filter, to determine the line profile and from which we can derive the Doppler velocity and energy of precipitating protons. This study presents the preliminary results derived from the observations in November 2017 February The DMSP/SSUSI far ultraviolet images are used for the global view of auroras, and information of electron auroras is obtained from the OI nm images provided by other all-sky imager. We evaluate the physical meaning of the proton aurora data by comparing with those simultaneous observation data 14:20 [I-1-3] A tomographic Investigation of mid-latitude nighttime ionospheric E-F coupling Nicholas Ssessanga, Yong Ha Kim Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea In this paper, an algorithm of time dependent computerized ionospheric tomography (CIT) technique (in four dimension, 4-D) is utilized to examine the theoretically proposed coupling process between E-F regions during nighttime irregularities. To solve the ill-conditioned inverse problem, we use data from a dense network (Geonet) of more than 1000 ground based GPS 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 27

28 구두발표논문초록 (Global Positioning System) receivers, and a multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique (MART). Results show an existence of field aligned structures in both E and F regions, with wave fronts aligned NE-SW. This is in agreement with previous theory and simulation studies. Furthermore, in most cases irregularities were first noticed in the E-region and later in the F-region. 14:35 [I-1-4] Signatures of low latitude high latitude coupling in the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere (MLT) during sudden stratospheric warmings: Some new insights S. Eswaraiah 1, Yongha Kim 1, Jaewook Lee 1, Neil Hindley 2, N.J. Mitchell 2 1 Department of Astronomy, Space Science, and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea. 2 Centre for Space, Oceanic, and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Bath, UK Using the simultaneous ground-based, space born, and re-analysis datasets, we have investigated the possible low latitude high latitude coupling in the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere (MLT) during sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) over the Southern Hemispheric (SH). The Planetary Waves (PWs) are believed to play a significant role in generating the SSW over polar region during winter. However, the origin, characteristics, and evolution of these waves and their effects on MLT are still speculative. SSWs in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) are relatively rare compared to the Northern Hemisphere. No comprehensive study has so far investigated on SH SSW events and their impacts on the different regions of the atmosphere. Here, we analyse the two SH SSW events in the years 2002 and 2010 using the re-analysis data, satellite measurements, and MLT radar wind observations both at Ascension Island (8 S, 14 W) and King Sejong Station (62.22 S, W) at the low and high latitude regions, respectively. We find a possible tropical connection to the polar SSW through the intensification of the 16-day PW in both the stratosphere and mesosphere. Our analysis shows that; (i) the zero-wind line in the stratosphere appeared over the tropics 90 days prior to 2002 SSW and progressed towards the pole, (ii) an enhanced 16-day PW activity, along with the zero-wind line, was clear in its propagation from the equator to the pole, (iii) an enhancement of Tropical Mesospheric Temperature (TMT) occurred prior to the SSW and (iv) strong anti-correlation was eminent between the polar and tropical temperatures in both the stratosphere and mesosphere. In addition, the radar observed mesosphere winds at both tropical and polar regions have shown significant variations. This is the first observational study of SH that reveals some novel features of global mean circulation changes during SSW winter. 14:50 [I-1-5] Climatology of total electron contents (TEC) and rate of TEC index (ROTI) over Chuuk station located at geomagnetic equator (geo: 7.45 N, W, mag: 0.37 S) during ascending phase of solar cycle 24 ( ) Junseok Hong 1, Yong Ha Kim 1, Jong-Kyun Chung 2 1 Chungnam National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) is the enhancement of ionospheric densities around the low latitude regions of 10-20deg, induced by upward drift of plasma at equatorial region. There have been numerous studies about the ionospheric irregularities in the EIA region, but relatively fewer in the equatorial region. To investigate the characteristics of ionospheric irregularities in the geomagnetic equatorial region, we analyzed total electron contents (TEC) and rate of TEC index (ROTI) over Chuuk station, which is located at near geomagnetic equator (geo: 7.45 N E, mag: 0.37 S) during ascending phase of solar cycle 24 ( ). Vertical TEC (VTEC) shows clear daily variation and its daytime values follows 27-day variation due to solar rotation. VTEC increases with ascending solar cycle, whereas ROTI does not seem to show solar flux dependence, including the 27-day variation. There is an increase of VTEC after sunset time until midnight and the increase is strong in equinox months and weak in solstice months. A clear increase of ROTI also starts around sunset and lasts until midnight, similar variations to the pre-midnight increase of VTEC. Intensified upward plasma drift due to pre-reversal enhancement (PRE) at equatorial region in post sunset time seems to cause not only the increase of VTEC but also ionospheric irregularities as indicated in ROTI. However, no pre-midnight increase of ROTI is seen in December solstice. It may imply that PRE is not in effect during winter in the geomagnetic equator region. 15:05 [I-1-6] Characteristics of midlatitude GPS amplitude scintillations observed at Gangneung and Icheon Tae-Yong Yang 1, Young-Sil Kwak 1,2, Ho-Sung Choi 3, Jaeheung Park 1,2, Byung-Kyu Choi 1, Jongyoun Yun 4, Jong-Min Choi 1, JaeJin Lee 1, Seonghwan Choi 3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Republic of Korea Air Force 4 Space Environment Laboratory, Inc. We report continuous observations of GPS amplitude scintillation (S4 index) over Korea peninsular from January 2014 to December These scintillations can degrade or disrupt communication and navigation systems relying on transionospheric radio wave propagation. In this work dual frequency (f1=1.5 GHz, f2=1.2 GHz) GPS data recorded at midlatitude station Gangneung (N37.85, E ) and Icheon (N37.14, E ) have been analyzed to monitor the S4 index during declining phase of solar cycle 24. These analyzed data are used to compare the annual and seasonal variability of field-aligned irregularities (FAIs) at midlatitude observed by Daejeon VHF coherent scatter radar. Generally, the midlatitude ionosphere is regarded as a less active scintillation condition, so there is a lack of explanation for the relationship between scintillation and field-aligned irregularities. In our analysis, however, midlatitude scintillation has characteristics of weak to severe according to Kp and F10.7. Therefore, we analyzed the occurrence relationship between scintillation and field-aligned irregularities at midlatitude, and we will show 28 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

29 구두발표논문초록 the result in this presentation. I-2 우주기술 좌장 : 김주현 ( 항우연 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 13:50 [I-2-1] Satellite-based in-situ monitoring of space weather: KSEM Mission and Data Application Daehyeon Oh, Jiyoung Kim, Hyesook Lee, and Kuenil Jang National Meteorological Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Administration As many of recent satellites have long mission periods over 10 years, in-situ and local space weather monitoring now become more important ever. In this presentation, we describe the KSEM (Korea Space weather Monitor), a payload of space weather instruments that will be on the GK-2A (GeoKomp-2A) GEO satellite. The KSEM payload includes energetic particle detectors, magnetometers, and satellite charging monitor. KSEM will provide a high accuracy measurements on energetic particle flux (100 kev to 2 MeV with ΔE/E < 0.3 and t_res=0.33 sec) and 3-axis magnetic field (-300 nt to 350 nt with < 1 nt of accuracy and t_res=0.1 sec), which are the most essential elements of space weather events. The longitude of GK-2A is E, while those of GOES satellite series are 75 W and 135 W. Multi-satellite measurements on this wide distribution on GEO can be a new chance of developing, improving and verifying space weather forecasting models. As KSEM also uses an advanced magnetometer technique to correct magnetic disturbances from the satellite in real-time with a very short boom (1m), successful KSEM mission will show an accurate satellite-based magnetometer could be a simple set of equipment that is different from before. The GK-2A will be launched and get on the orbit at the end of :05 [I-2-2] 차세대소형위성 2 호과학탑재체 LEO-DOS 구조체기본설계 문봉곤 1, 남욱원 1, 박원기 1, 표정현 1, 황정아 1, 이재진 1, 손종대 1, 김성환 2, 류동민 3, Justin Malimban 3, 예성준 한국천문연구원, 청주대학교방사선학과, 서울대학교융합과학기술대학원방사선의학물리연구실 한국천문연구원은 2020 년무렵에발사예정인차세대소형위성 2 호의과학탑재체 LEO-DOS (Low Earth Orbit space radiation DOSimeter) 를 2017 년 8 월부터개발하고있다. LEO-DOS 의과학임무는근지구궤도에서하전입자및중성자등가선량의전지구지도를작성하고, 그데이터를바탕으로하는우주방사선환경연구, 태양활동극소기의우주방사선변화연구, 우주방사선중에서중성자에대한에너지영역대별인체영향가중치검증연구이다. LEO-DOS 의모든구조물과검출기는국내기술로개발되고있다. 차세대소형위성이요구하는진동및열진공환경을모두만족시키기위한 LEO-DOS 구조체의기본설계를수행하였으며, 관련부품재료들도우주인증에문제없도록결정하였 다. LEO-DOS 의기본설계및구조해석결과, 구조체의고유진동수가 200Hz 이상이고, 발사진동환경에서경험하는구조적스트레스도안전계수를 2 이상충분히만족하고있다. 하드웨어 Redundancy 를함께고려하여 2 개의검출기가설치되는 LEO-DOS 구조물의전체질량은 1.2 kg 이하이고, 전체소모전력은 3W 이하이다. 또한, LEO-DOS 구조물은차세대소형위성 2 호본체와기계적, 전기적인터페이스형상을기본적으로고려하여설계하였다. 이발표에서는 LEO-DOS 구조체의기본설계결과를제시하고, 개발향후일정을소개하고자한다. 14:20 [I-2-3] Balloon-borne Investigation of Temperature and Speed of Electrons in the corona (BITSE) Su-Chan Bong 1,2, Kyung-Suk Cho 1,2, Yeon-Han Kim 1,2, Natchimuthuk Gopalswamy 3, Jeffrey S. Newmark 3, Seonghwan Choi 1, Jihun Kim 1, Heesu Yang 1, Jongyeob Park 1, Ji-Hye Baek 1, Qian Gong 3, Mel Donahoo 3, Len Seals 3, Hanson Nguyen 3, Joseph-Paul Swinski 3, Nelson L. Reginald 3, Young-Deuk Park 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA Balloon-born Investigation of Temperature and Speed of Electrons in the corona (BITSE) is a technology demonstration balloon flight mission for the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and the NASA to develop a compact coronagraph in collaboration. The BITSE coronagraph will utilize spectral information to simultaneously measure electron density, temperature, and velocity. It will measure the total brightness of the corona from 3 13, and the polarized brightness from 3 8 Rs, at 5 wavelengths (393.5, 398.7, 405.0, 423.4, nm) for at least 6 hours above at least 36 km altitude. We expect we can derive temperature and flow speed maps of the corona over 3 6 Rs from filter ratio maps. KASI will develop filter wheel assembly, focal plane assembly, electronics box, and flight and ground softwares. BITSE successfully passed the preliminary design review (PDR), and is scheduled to be launched in September After the BITSE, we plan to develop a coronagraph with similar design (Coronal Diagnostic Experiment, CODEX) and install on the Intenational Space Station (ISS) in :35 [I-2-4] Effect of Observation Arc Length on Lunar Orbiter Orbit Determination Using Sequential Estimation Technique Young-Rok Kim, Young-Joo Song, Jonghee Bae, Bang-Yeop Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute The choice of observation arc length affects the performance of lunar orbiter orbit determination (OD). Data processing time, mission operation procedure, and maneuver schedules such as station-keeping or wheel-off loading have to be considered to find optimal arc length for OD. From a practical viewpoint, selection strategy of 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 29

30 구두발표논문초록 tracking arc length is an important tuning parameter to improve the accuracy of orbit solution. In this study, the effect of observation arc length on lunar orbiter OD using sequential estimation algorithm is investigated. For mission operation phase of Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), the lunar polar orbit which has 100 km altitude and 90 deg inclination is considered to generate true orbit. For measurement simulation, three ground stations including Deep Space Network and Korea Deep Space Antenna are utilized. AGI s STK version 11 and ODTK version 6 are utilized for OD analysis and performance validation. Various OD solutions with different arc length such as 12h, 24h, 48h, and 60h were obtained. For orbit quality evaluation, position uncertainty using error covariance and orbit overlaps precision are used. Additionally, orbit prediction accuracy by position differences between estimated orbits and true orbits is assessed. This study suggests the guideline for the selection of arc length of KPLO OD for mission operation phase. 14:50 [I-2-5] CANYVAL-C 임무를위한큐브위성의자세결정및제어시스템예비설계 강호철, 강대은, 김극남, 박상영 연세대학교천문우주학과우주비행제어연구실 CANYVAL-C 임무는분리형우주망원경의핵심기술인관성정렬기술을활용하여태양의코로나를촬영하는과학검증을목표로한다. CANYVAL-C 임무의시스템은코로나촬영을위해태양광을가리는위성 (2U) 과광학카메라를탑재하여코로나를촬영하는위성 (1U) 으로구성된다. 태양광을가리기위한태양광차폐막전개에따른대기항력, 태양복사압등의외란을분석한다. 그결과를바탕으로자세결정및제어시스템을구성한다. 자세결정에는정밀 / 비정밀태양센서와자기장측정센서를사용하여 TRIAD 방법과확장칼만필터알고리즘을적용한다. 자세제어에는자기장토커를사용하여 B-dot 제어, 슬라이딩모드제어를적용하고, 2U 큐브위성에는추가로모멘텀휠을사용하여 PD 제어를적용한다. 센서와구동기의성능을반영한소프트웨어시뮬레이션을통해자세결정및제어시스템이임무요구조건을만족하는지확인한다. 시뮬레이션결과, 두큐브위성의자세결정및제어는 CANYVAL-C 임무요구조건을각각만족하는것을확인하였다. 15:05 [I-2-6] 마이크로중력환경에서의냉염현상 이종원, 김연규, 이주희 한국항공우주연구원융합기술연구센터항공우주응용재료팀 지난 50 년동안많은연구자들은마이크로중력환경에서의액적 (droplet) 연료의연소현상에관하여연구를수행해왔다. 특히, 국제우주정거장에서는 8 년간 CIR(Combustion Integrated Rack) 을이용한 FLEX(Flame Extinguishment Experiment) 실험을통해다양한연료의연소및소화특성을조사하였다 년에는 Vedha Nayagam 외 4 명에의해이실험을통해관찰된냉염 (cool flame) 이라는새로운현상을보고하여많은연소과학자들의호기심을자극하 였다. 일반적으로불이꺼질때, 연료액적의증발은거의멈출것이고, 액적은줄어드는것이멈출것이라는, 즉, 가시적인화염이없으면, 연료의소비도없을것이다. 라는생각을한다. 그러나화염이사라졌을때에도액적연료는화염이보일때와거의동일하게지속적으로증발한다는것을발견하였으며, 이를냉염이라고정의하였다. 본논문에서는마이크로중력환경에서발생하는액적연료의이현상에대해소개하고이를이해하기위한 NASA와의협력과 CFI(Cool Flames Investigation) 실험데이터분석현황및향후실험계획에대해서소개하고자한다. I-3 우주감시 I 좌장 : 노경민 ( 천문연 ) 제 3 발표장 ( 사파이어 ) 13:50 [I-3-1] OWL-Net : A Global Network of Robotic Telescopes for Satellite Observation Jang-Hyun Park 1, Hong-Suh Yim 1, Young-Jun Choi 1,2, Jung Hyun Jo 1.2, Hong-Kyu Moon 1, Young-Sik Park 1, Dong-Goo Roh 1, Sungki Cho 1, Eun-Jung Choi 1, Myung-Jin Kim 1, Soo-Young Kim 1, Jin Choi 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea The OWL-Net is composed of five 0.5m wide-field optical telescopes spread over the globe. All the observing stations are identical, operated in a fully robotic style, and controlled by the headquarters located in Daejeon, Korea. The main objective of the OWL-Net is to get orbital information of Korean LEO and GEO satellites using purely optical means and to maintain their orbital elements. The test phase operation of the whole system started early 2017 although test runs for individual sites started from We are going to present the configuration of the OWL-Net and the system performance. Some early results and their implications are also presented. 14:05 [I-3-2] Photometric Variations of GEO Satellites using OWL-Net Dong-Goo Roh, Jin Choi, Hong-Suh Yim, Jung-Hyun Jo Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute The photometric observation has been performed to determine the physical characteristics of space objects including the satellites. Above all, photometric variation or light curve of the space objects can be implemented to estimate their information about phase angle, range, shape and so on. Range effect can be diminished to influence the photometric variation of the Geostationary Orbit Satellites (GEOs). Since OWL-Net has the monitoring mission for GEO area, we can obtain many GEO images for a long time. In this paper, we report the preliminary results for the optical brightness variations of the several US-owned GEOs using OWL-Net. 30 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

31 구두발표논문초록 14:20 [I-3-3] Post-Processing of Least Squares Solutions with Short Arc Optical Measurement for Improving Orbit Prediction Accuracy Eunji Lee and Sang-Young Park Astrodynamics and Control Lab., Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University The optical tracking system measures the topocentric angles of an object without the limitation of the range to the object, so it has been employed for the surveillance of space objects. The orbit prediction accuracy of least squares solution from the optical tracking data, however, is not precise even though it is especially significant in the optical tracking system because of the constraints on the field of view, weather, and sunlight condition. In this research, a post-process composed of the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and the smoother, is employed to improve the orbit prediction accuracy. The post-process takes the several least squares solutions and yields mean orbital elements. As a result of the post-processing, the uncertainty of the prediction is within 20 km for a week, which means that the object is inside the 2 degrees of field of view with a probability of 99.7%. 14:35 [I-3-4] OWL-Net 을이용한인공위성관측결과검보정및궤도결정결과 최진 1,2, 조중현 1,2, 임홍서 1, 최은정 1, 김명진 1, 노동구 1, 김수영 1, 조성기 1, 박장현 1 1 한국천문연구원, 2 과학기술연합대학원대학교 자국저궤도위성추적및정지궤도영역모니터링을위해개발된우주물체전자광학감시체계 (OWL-Net, Optical Wide-field patrol-network) 의저궤도및정지궤도우주물체관측검, 보정연구를수행하였다. 관측대상은 CPF (Consolidated Prediction Format) 을제공하는 Cryosat-2, KOMPSAT-5 및자국정지궤도위성인천리안위성을선정하였다. CPF 자료와광학추적시스템의관측모델을이용하여생성된시뮬레이션자료와실제관측자료를비교하여정밀도를비교하였다. 또한 AGI (Analytic Graphics Inc) 사의시퀀셜필터인 ODTK (Orbit Determination Tool Kit) 을이용한궤도결정처리프로세스및궤도결정결과를발표하고자한다. 시험기간동안관측된자료를이용하여, 일주일단위의저궤도위성궤도결정전략에따라결정된궤도를위성추적을위해 JSpOC (Joint Space Operation Center) 에서배포하는 TLE (Two Line Elements) 와비교하였다. 14:50 [I-3-5] Regression and Prediction of the Satellite Tracking Data using Machine Learning Byoung-Sun Lee 1,4, Won-Gil Kim 2, Junho Lee 3, Yoola Hwang 1, Dae-Won Kim 1 1 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 2 SOLETOP 3 Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd. 4 University of Science and Technology Preliminary orbit determination of unknown satellite is possible when range and range rate sets from three ground stations are available. However, if there is only one actual ground station available, it is possible to define two virtual stations within the same satellite coverage and simulate the satellite tracking data in virtual ground stations based on the actual ground station data using machine learning. Then three tracking data sets are available for preliminary orbit determination. This method generates a large amount of tracking data sets where satellites pass over three ground stations. We then use the generated tracking data sets to train a regression model using machine learning. When the satellite pass through the actual ground station, we apply the trained model to predict satellite tracking data from two virtual stations. In this paper, we present regression model trained using machine learning and satellite tracking data set. We also demonstrate its prediction results for preliminary orbit determination when the number of ground stations is insufficient. 15:05 [I-3-6] 우주물체의낙하점및분산영역예측프레임워크연구 김시우 1, 조병운 1, 최은정 2, 조성기 2, 안재명 1 1 한국과학기술원항공우주공학과 2 한국천문연구원우주위험감시센터 본연구에서는파편화과정에서의불확실성을고려하여재진입우주물체의낙하점및분산영역을산정하는프레임워크를제시하였다. 우주물체의재진입궤적은초기위치와속도로부터 3 자유도시뮬레이션을통해생성된다. 이때재진입과정에서발생하는높은열과압력으로인한파편화과정을고려할필요가있으며, 이과정에서의불확실성을반영하기위해질량, 유효면적을비롯한파편들의물성치를확률모델로표현하였다. 파편화이후새로운입력값들을이용하여지표면까지의궤적을시뮬레이션함으로서파편들의낙하점과분산영역을산정하였다. 본방법론은향후정보가불충분한재진입우주물체에대한낙하점을예측하는데적용할수있을것으로예상된다. 15:20 16:20 단체사진촬영 / 포스터집중발표 II-1 태양우주환경 II ( 국제세션 ) 좌장 : 박경선 ( 충북대 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 16:20 [II-1-1] Periodic Enhancements of Magnetic Field, Energetic Particle Fluxes, and High-Frequency Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere during Substorm Dipolarization: ERG Observations Yukinaga Miyashita 1, Yoshizumi Miyoshi 2, Ayako 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 31

32 구두발표논문초록 Matsuoka 3, Yoshiya Kasahara 4, Satoshi Kasahara 5, Shoichiro Yokota 6, Kazushi Asamura 3, and Shiang-Yu Wang 7 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University 3 Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency 4 Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University 5 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, School of Science, The University of Tokyo 6 Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University 7 Academia Sinica, Taiwan Dipolarization is one of the important processes in the magnetosphere for understanding of substorm onset and development. Using ERG (Arase) spacecraft data, we studied periodic enhancements of magnetic field, energetic particle fluxes, and high-frequency waves deep in the inner magnetosphere during substorm dipolarization. The magnetic field oscillated at a period of 1 to 2 min during dipolarization. When it enhanced, both energetic ion and electron fluxes with a few tens to hundred kev were enhanced, accompanied by broadband electromagnetic waves and high-frequency electrostatic waves from below to above the electron cyclotron frequency. The electrostatic waves were seen in the inner plasma sheet, while they were weak or were not seen away from the inner plasma sheet. We will discuss the role of the periodic enhancements of particles and waves in dipolarization and substorm development. 16:35 [II-1-2] Measurement of Nonlinearity Parameters of Three-minute Oscillations at Different Levels of the Sunspot Atmosphere Jongchul Chae 1, Kyuhyoun Cho 1, Donguk Song 2, and Yuri E. Litvinenko 3 1 Seoul National University 2 NAOJ, Japan 3 University of Waikato, New Zealand Recent theoretical studies suggest that the nonlinearity of three-minute velocity oscillations at each atmospheric level can be quantified by the two independent parameters the steepening parameter and the velocity amplitude parameter. For the first time, we measured these two parameters at different atmospheric levels by analyzing a set of spectral lines formed at different heights of sunspots ranging from the temperature minimum to the transition region. The spectral data were taken by the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph of the Goode Solar Telescope, and by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. As a result, from the wavelet power spectra of the velocity oscillations at different heights, we clearly identified the growth of the second harmonic oscillations associated with the steepening of the velocity oscillation, indicating that higher-frequency oscillations of periods of 1.2 to 1.5 minutes originate from the nonlinearity of the three-minute oscillations in the upper chromosphere. We also found that the variation of the measured nonlinearity parameters is consistent with the theoretical expectation that the nonlinearity of the three-minute oscillations increases with height, and shock waves form in the upper chromosphere. There are, however, discrepancies as well between theory and observations, suggesting the need to improve both theory and the measurement technique. 16:50 [II-1-3] Image-to-image translation of solar images by deep learning. Ⅰ. Introduction Yong-Jae Moon, Eunsu Park, Harim Lee, Daye Lim, Kimoon Kim, and Taeyoung Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University Multi-wavelength observations become very popular in astronomy and geophysics. Even though there are some correlations among different sensor images, it is not easy to translate from one to the other one. In this talk, we apply a deep learning method for image-to-image translation, based on conditional generative adversarial networks (cgans), to solar and geophysical images. To examine the validity of the method for scientific data, we consider several different types of pairs: (1) AI-generated magnetograms from solar SDO/AIA images, (2) AI-generated EUV images from SDO/HMI solar magnetograms, (3) AI-generated magnetograms from historical sunspot drawings such as Carrington events, and (4) AI-generated IR images from visual weather images. It is very impressive that AI-generated ones are quite consistent with actual ones. We will discuss several applications of this methodology for scientific research. 17:05 [II-1-4] Statistical study of EMIC Pc1-Pc2 waves observed at subauroral latitudes Khan-Hyuk Kim and Jong-Woo Kwon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University We have statistically analyzed the magnetic field data obtained at subauroral-latitude Athabasca (ATH) station, Canada (magnetic latitude: ~62, and L ~ 4.5) for the interval of We observed that most frequencies of the Pc1-Pc2 waves at ATH appear to be in the He-band. Their median frequencies are higher in the postmidnight-to-dawn sector and lower in the late afternoon sector. The occurrence rate of Pc1-Pc2 waves has a peak in the prenoon sector at LT under quiet geomagnetic conditions (Kp 1), but is peaked in the afternoon sector under moderate and disturbed geomagnetic conditions (Kp 2). The waves are composed of left-hand, right-hand, and linearly polarized waves. By comparing previous studies with our observations, we suggest that the subauroral-latitude Pc1-Pc2 waves are associated with EMIC waves generated near the plasmapause and discuss the EMIC wave properties in a region of cold and dense plasmas containing heavy ions in the inner magnetosphere. 17:20 [II-1-5] Electrostatic instability driven by scattered electrons in the development of electron firehose instability 32 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

33 구두발표논문초록 Sang-Yun Lee 1, Ensang Lee 1, and Peter H. Yoon 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA In the solar wind and the magnetosphere the plasma condition that parallel electron temperature exceeds the perpendicular temperature is observed. This condition can generate the electron firehose instability. To investigate the wave-particle interaction during the development of the electron firehose instability we conducted one-dimensional Particle-In-Cell simulations by introducing an anisotropic electron distribution (Tper/Tpar<1) with high plasma beta and stationary isotropic ions. The electron firehose instability excites electromagnetic waves near the ion gyro-frequency. The waves scatter the electrons with large parallel speed. The scattered electrons form a beam-like structure and a positive slope in the velocity distribution. A new feature we found is that the scattered electrons excite an electrostatic electron beam instability. The beam instability generates parallel electric fields which enhance the parallel temperature. In this process, especially, the electrons scatted by the electromagnetic waves in the perpendicular direction thermalize and become more isotropic. 17:35 [II-1-6] Parametric Interaction of VLF and ELF Waves and Impact on Energetic Electrons in a Radiation Belt Vladimir I. Sotnikov 1, and Tony C. Kim 2 1 Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Air Force Office of Scientific Research, AOARD-IOA Different sources for Very Low Frequency (VLF) whistler wave generation including parametric mechanisms of excitation with involvement of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves, Ion Acoustic (IA) waves as well as conventional loop antennas will be analyzed. Whistler waves interact with Radiation Belt (RB) electrons via cyclotron resonance. This interaction leads to enhanced pitch angle diffusion and shifting energetic electrons towards the loss cone. In order for this interaction to be efficient it is necessary to create certain level of finite amplitude VLF electromagnetic whistler waves in the interaction region. In the case of conventional sources a great deal of the source power is radiated not as a whistler wave but as a quasi-electrostatic Low Oblique Resonance (LOR) mode which does not propagate on great distances from the source region. Only a small percentage of the power ~ (3 5)% is radiated as the electromagnetic whistler wave. We present new results on parametric interaction of LOR waves with IA waves and ELF waves to demonstrate the possibility to overcome this difficulty. It will be shown that interaction of LOR waves with low frequency waves gives rise to electromagnetic whistler waves on combination frequencies. It is shown in this work that the amplitude of these waves can considerably exceed the amplitude of whistler waves directly excited by a loop source. Additionally, particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, which demonstrate the excitation and spatial structure of VLF waves excited by conventional and parametric sources will be presented. (*) Approved for public release: 88ABW II-2 SNIPE 미션 ( 특별세션 ) 좌장 : 양태용 ( 천문연 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 16:20 [II-2-1] SNIPE Science Target; Electron Microbursts Jaejin Lee, Young-Sil Kwak, Junga Hwang, Jaeheung Park, Jongdae Sohn Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Electron microburst is an energetic electron precipitation phenomena having a short duration less than 1 second. The SNIPE mission consisted of 4 nanosatellites will discover new things of low altitude microscale plasma structures with new instrumentation and formation flying algorithm. Two solid-state detectors installed on the SNIPE mission has a capability of measurement of kev electron with 10 msec time resolution. The spacecraft attitude control system will align one detector parallel to the geomagnetic field. This performance enables us to measure energy dispersion that might give us information where the electron microbursts are generated. SNIPE mission s four spacecraft will do an ambitious mission, formation flying changing each satellite distance from 10 km to several hundred km. With such unique operation, we can measure the spatial and temporal variation of electron precipitations at the same time and answer the spatial scale of microbursts for the first time. 16:35 [II-2-2] Expected results on the high-latitude ionospheric irregularities from the SNIPE mission Young-Sil Kwak 1,2, Jaeheung Park 1,2, Jae-Jin Lee 1,2, and Su-In Kim 1,3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 2 University of Science and Technology, Korea 3 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea The significant phenomena to be studied in the high-latitude ionospheric irregularities are the mid-latitude plasma troughs (or sub-auroral troughs) and polar-cap patches. Mid-latitude plasma troughs are persistent large-scale F-region electron density depletion structures located at the interface between the mid-latitude ionosphere and the high-latitude auroral region, and typically extend from the post afternoon sector to the dawn sector. Polar-cap patches are identified as enhanced plasma densities 2-10 times higher than the background density in the polar-cap ionosphere produced by either solar EUV radiation or low energy (or auroral) electron precipitation. So far, although single satellites (e.g., DMSP, STSAT1), radio occultation (e.g., COSMIC), and 3-multiple satellites (e.g., SWARM) have observed structures of the trough and variations of the polar-cap patch, the small-scale (10 km 50 km, less than 1 s) morphology of the trough and temporal and spatial variations of the polar-cap patch have not yet been comprehensively investigated. The SNIPE (Small scale 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 33

34 구두발표논문초록 magnetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiments mission) which consists of 4 nano-satellites in a Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO), will be launched in Two pairs of satellites will be deployed on orbit and the distances between each satellite will be from 10 km to 100 km controlled by a formation flying algorithm. The SNIPE mission will observe microscale plasma structures of the phenomena in geospace. In this presentation, we address expected results from the SNIPE mission on the high-latitude ionospheric irregularities such as the mid-latitude plasma troughs and the polar-cap patches. 16:50 [II-2-3] 국제우주정거장에서측정된전리권전자밀도및온도의특성 박재흥, 곽영실 한국천문연구원 본발표의주제는, 국제우주정거장에서측정된전리권전자밀도및온도자료에관한개략적소개이다. 현재국제우주정거장에서는 Floating Potential Measurement Unit (FPMU) 이라는이름의전자밀도 / 온도탐침이운용되고있는데, 해당자료는관측후약수개월이경과된뒤에미항공우주국의홈페이지 ( 를통하여일반에공개된다. 본발표에서는상기의자료를이용하여지상약 400 km 상공전리권의전자밀도 / 온도가갖는통계적특성에관해기술할것이다. 또한, 국제우주정거장에서의전리권관측이향후 SNIPE 위성군의임무수행에공헌할수있는점또한논하게될것이다. 17:05 [II-2-4] Limitations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Observations in Low Earth Orbit Junga Hwang, Hang-Pyo Kim, Jaeheung Park and Jaejin Lee Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korea University of Science and Technology Pc1 pulsations are geomagnetic fluctuations in the frequency range of 0.2 to 5 Hz. There have been several observations of Pc1 pulsations in low earth orbit by MAGSAT, DE-2, Viking, Freja, CHAMP, and SWARM satellites. However, there has been a clear limitation in resolving the spatial and temporal variations of the pulsation by using a single-point observation by a single satellite. To overcome such limitations of previous observations, a new space mission was recently initiated, using the concept of multi-satellites, named the Small scale magnetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiments (SNIPE). The SNIPE mission consists of four nanosatellites (~10 kg), which will be launched into a polar orbit at an altitude of 600 km (TBD) in Four satellites will be deployed in orbit, and the distances between each satellite will be controlled from 10 to 1,000 km by a high-end formation-flying algorithm. One of the possible science targets of the SNIPE mission is observing electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves. In this paper, we report on examples of observations, showing the limitations of previous EMIC observations in low earth orbit, and suggest possibilities to overcome those limitations through a new mission. 17:20 [II-2-5] Properties of magnetic field disturbances over the auroral region observed by the Cluster spacecraft Ensang Lee 1, Youra Shin 1, Jaejin Lee 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Magnetic field disturbances associated with field-aligned currents are often observed in the high-altitude region above the auroral region. Using multi-point observations from the Cluster spacecraft we investigated the properties of the magnetic field disturbances. The magnetic field disturbances in the nightside region occur along with the outflowing ions from the ionosphere. Sometimes the magnitude of the disturbance is more than 50 nt, which is ~15 % of the total undisturbed magnetic field. On the other hand, large disturbances in the dayside region are mostly related with the particle injection into the cusp region. This work can be used in the analysis of the observations from the future SNIPE mission. 17:35 [II-2-6] Progress of the Engineering Model (EM) for Small scale magnetospheric Ionospheric Plasma Experiments (SNIPE) payloads Jongdae Sohn, Jaejin Lee, Junga Hwang, Young-Sil Kwak, Jaeheung Park, Uk-Won Nam, and Won-Kee Park Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute In this time, we report the progress of the Engineering Model (EM) for Small scale magnetospheric Ionospheric Plasma Experiments (SNIPE) payloads onboard The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute satellite-1 (KASISat-1). The KASISat-1, which consist of four [TBD] nanosatellites, is planned to be launched in the second half of 2020 for the SNIPE mission to understand the science objectives. They have a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of km [TBD]. The SNIPE mission is equipped with scientific payloads to measure the geophysical phenomena such as polar-cap patches, field-aligned currents in the auroral oval, hundreds kev electron precipitation event with a temporal variation less than 1 s, subauroral plasma density trough, low-latitude plasma irregularities. The SNIPE payload is comprised of three instruments: the Solid State Telescopes (SST), the Langmuir Probe (LP), the 3 Axis Fluxgate Magnetometer (MAG). The SST will measure electrons in the range of 100 kev kev [TBD] in parallel and perpendicular directions to the earth s magnetic field. The LP will measure the density from 2x103/cm3 to 5x106/cm3 [TBD] for ionospheric thermal electrons. The MAG will measure Magnetic field of ± 50,000 nt [TBD]. II-3 우주감시 II 좌장 : 안재명 ( 과기원 ) 제 3 발표장 ( 사파이어 ) 16:20 [II-3-1] 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발개념및체계설계 34 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

35 구두발표논문초록 구원회 1, 정대원 1,2, 오태봉 2 1 과학기술연합대학원대학교, 2 한국항공우주연구원 한국항공우주연구원은우주잔해물증가에따른우주자산충돌및파손위험을인지하고기관주요사업으로서우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발사업을 2016 년 7 월부터진행했다. 대규모예산투입이예상되는우주감시시스템구축에선행하여레이더체계설계와성능분석을수행하는시뮬레이터의개발이본사업의목표이다. 시뮬레이터개발을위한 2 차년도 (2017 년 ) 연구가진행되었으며, 시뮬레이터예비설계및상세설계를수행하고일부모듈이구현되었다. 본논문에서는시뮬레이터개발을위한동작모드설정, 표적시나리오데이터생성및시뮬레이터시험평가방안등에대해서소개하고자한다. 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터는 2018 년하반기까지개발을완료하고시험평가를진행할계획이다. 16:35 [II-3-2] 대기굴절에의한우주감시레이다오차특성연구 문현욱 1, 최은정 2, 이종현 1, 염재명 1, 조성기 2, 조중현 2 1 LIG 넥스원 ( 주 ) 감시정찰연구센터, 2 한국천문연구원우주위험감시센터 우주감시레이다가우주감시임무를수행하기위해서는전파를지구대기권을통해송수신해야한다. 이때대기권의고도에따른전파굴절률의변화로인해전파굴절이발생하며, 이는우주감시레이다에있어표적의고도오차를발생시킨다. 본논문에서는한국기상관측소의 6 년간측정된고층기상데이터를이용하여대기권의전파굴절률변화를모델링하고광선추적법 (Ray Tracing) 을이용하여우주감시레이다에서발생하는고도오차특성에대해도출함으로써지역별 / 계절별오차특성및레이다고각에따른오차특성을분석하였다. 이를통해대기권이우주감시레이다에미치는영향을분석하고우주감시레이다사이트선정및조향범위등우주감시레이다설계시고려사항에대해소개하고자한다. 16:50 [II-3-3] 우주감시레이더를위한소형고속표적탐지능력향상기법 이종현 1, 염재명 2, 최은정 3, 문현욱 2, 조성기 3, 조중현 3 1 알에프코어 ( 주 ), 2 LIG 넥스원 ( 주 ) 3 한국천문연구원우주위험감시센터 레이더시스템은우주감시를위한중요한센서중하나이다. 특히위협이되는우주물체가가지고있는특성으로인해표적탐지가쉽지않다. 우주물체는지표와의거리가멀고, 물체의속도가매우빠르며, 레이더반사면적이작다. 이러한특성은표적이거리셀에머물러있는시간이짧기때문에, 펄스누적 (Integration) 방법으로신호대잡음비를향상시키기가매우어렵다. 본논문에서는시간에따라거리셀이이동하는거리이동 (Range migration) 환경에서도신호대잡음비를향상시킬수있는방법중 Hough 방법을소개하고이방법을우주감시레이더문제에적용하여신호대잡음비향상이가능함을보이고자한다. 17:05 [II-3-4] 국제우주파편조정위원회및지구재진입캠페인 정옥철, 성재동, 김해동, 정대원 한국항공우주연구원 인류의지속적인우주개발및활용으로궤도상인공우주물체의수가급증함에따라, 세계각국의우주기관에서는우주물체환경, 관측, 위험완화등에대한연구협력의일환으로국제우주파편조정위원회 (IADC, Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, 1993 년설립 ) 활동을수행하고있다. 한국항공우주연구원은 2014 년, 13 번째회원기관으로가입하여조정그룹 (Steering Group), 위험완화그룹 (Mitigation Group) 등에참여하고있다. 국제우주파편조정위원회에서는매년 1-2 회관심우주물체를선정하여약 2 주간지구재진입캠페인 (Re-entry Campaign) 을실시하는데, 각국우주기관에서는재진입하는물체에대한관측자료나재진입시점예측자료를웹페이지를통해서로공유하여연구결과를상호비교 검증한다. 한국항공우주연구원에서도 2015 년부터지구재진입캠페인에참여하여예측자료를공유하고, 예측모델의정밀도를높이기위한방안을연구하고있다. 본논문에서는국제우주파편조정위원회의구성및역할을소개하였고, 최근까지수행된지구재진입캠페인의수행결과와주요활동내역을정리하였다. 또한, 2018 년지구재진입캠페인의대상물체인중국텐궁 1 호 (Tiangong-1, NORAD ID 37820) 의각기관별관측자료및예측자료의공유현황을분석하였고, 기준값 ( 최종확인된값 ) 대비예측값의시간별오차특성등을살펴보았다. 17:20 [II-3-5] 톈궁 1 호추락예측및결과분석 최은정한국천문연구원우주위험감시센터 일반적으로저궤도우주물체의경우, 고도 250km 까지떨어지는시점까지는평균궤도를통해생명주기예측 (Lifetime Prediction) 을수행한다. 그러나, 고도 250km 이내에서의우주물체가대기권으로진입하는시간과위치를예측하기위해서는정밀한궤도예측이수행되어야한다. 본연구에서는저궤도우주물체의고도변화에따른 drag scale factor 추정방법을제시하고, 지구중력장모델및대기모델, 태양플럭스를적용한 Runge-Kutta 7-8 계수치적분방법의고정밀궤도예측프로그램을통해고도 100km 이내까지의우주물체의추락예측을수행하였다. 본연구에서제시된방법은이미추락된 GOCE 및 Grace-1 위성에적용하여정밀도를검증하였고, 이를통해, 톈궁 1 호의추락예측에사용되었다. 톈궁 1 호는 2011 년 9 월발사된중국최초의우주정거장으로, 고도 340km 고도에서임무를수행한이후 2016 년 3 월통제불능상태가되었고, 2018 년 3 월말과 4 월초추락이예상되었다. 이에톈궁 1 호의추락시점까지의실시간추락예측을수행하고, 미 JSpOC 에서제공하는 TIP(Tracking and Impact Prediction) 와비교함으로써본연구의추락예측정밀도분석을수행하였다. 17:35 [II-3-6] The Vision and the Mission of National Space 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 35

36 구두발표논문초록 Situational Awareness Organization Jung Hyun Jo 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology The Korean government enacted a Basic plan for space hazards in 2014 and assigned Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) as a National Space Situational Awareness Organization (NSSAO) in It was to expand the national capability to response the various space hazards. KASI has the responsibility of monitoring and reporting the space situation, developing the new technologies related to space situational awareness, developing and maintaining the observation facilities of SSA. In this talk, author will present the vision and the mission of NSSAO. 4 월 28 일 ( 금 ) III-1 자기권 좌장 : 황정아 ( 천문연 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 09:00 [III-1-1] Particle diffusion by obliquely propagating broadband kinetic Alfvén wave Cheong Rim Choi 1, Min Ho Woo 2, Dae Young Lee 1, Kyung Sun Park 1, and Peter H Yoon 3,4 1 Chung Buk National University, 2 National Fusion Research Institute, 3 Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, 4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Many researchers have studied the temperature anisotropy of ion particles in solar wind plasma. In this study, the diffusion of plasma particles by the broadband kinetic Alfven wave, which propagates obliquely with the constant background magnetic field, is studied. The diffusion coefficient of particles by the broadband kinetic Alfven wave was calculated numerically. 09:15 [III-1-2] Can Geomagnetic Substorms be Triggered by Northward Magnetic Field of SMFR and MFR? Kyung Sun Park 1, Dae-Young Lee 1, Rok Soon Kim 2,3, and Kyungsuk Cho 2,3 1 Dep. Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 3 University of Science and Technology We have studied the response of the Earth s magnetosphere and ionosphere to northward magnetic field SMFR and MFR in solar wind by using a three-dimensional global MHD simulation. Both SMFR and MFR magnetic field rotate from dawnward to duskward BywithanorthwardcorefieldBz. The magnetic field strength of SMFR changes from 4 through 7 to 4 nt during 3 hours (e.g. size ~ 678 RE). Also, MFR magnetic strength increase 5 to 10 and it decrease to 5 nt during 15 hours (e.g. size ~ 3387 RE). From the simulation results, we see that the dayside reconnection site splits into two high-latitude in northern dawn and southern dusk hemispheres, moves closer to Z-axis and finally switches to the site in the northern dusk and southern dawn hemispheres during the passage of SMFR and MFR. The bow shock and magnetopause on subsolar point are located at X = 14 RE and 10.6 RE in MFR while the bow shock and magnetopause move to sunward about X = 15 RE and 12 RE in SMFR, respectively. The open-closed boundary in ionosphere extends closed to ~69.4 (70 ) near midnight for MFR and SMFR. Also, the peak values of cross polar reaches about 25 kv for SMFR and 35 kv for MFR, suggesting that is possible supported the growth phase condition for substrom triggering even under northward magnetic field. 09:30 [III-1-3] Spectral characteristics of EMIC waves in the outer magnetosphere observed at THEMIS probes Gi-Jeong Kim and Khan-Hyuk Kim Kyung Hee University We have statistically examined the properties of EMIC waves observed by THEMIS probes in the outer magnetosphere (L = 6~12) for The wave events were identified in 3-min intervals through a semiautomated wave selection procedure. Using Fourier spectral analysis for each 3-min segments, we determine the ellipticity, the azimuth orientation angle of the polarization ellipse, and wave normal angle between the wave propagation vector orientation and background field direction. Unlike previous studies, spectral properties are examined for wave events showing high coherence (> 0.7) between two transverse (δbx: radial and δby: eastward) components (i.e., phase-coherent sinusoidal wave events) because wave polarization characteristics obtained from the spectral analysis are meaningful only in the case of a plane wave. We found that only ~10% of EMIC waves show high coherence. This indicates that most of EMIC waves in the outer magnetosphere are phase-incoherent waves. In this study we compare previous observations and our statistical results. 09:45 [III-1-4] Heating of Ions at the Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shocks Hee-Eun Kim 1, Ensang Lee 1, George K. Parks 2, Naiguo Lin 2, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Dong-Hun Lee 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, South Korea 2 Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA The Earth s bow shock is well-known as a collisionless shock. It has been studied that the incident solar wind ions are specularly reflected by up to 30 % at the quasi-perpendicular shock boundary and suggested that the reflected ions play a significant role on ion heating in the downstream. We have investigated heating of ions at 36 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

37 구두발표논문초록 the quasi-perpendicular bow shocks observed by the Cluster spacecraft. The observations show that the solar wind ions are not fully thermalized, but consist of two distinguished components in the downstream. One is the core component that is directly transmitted solar wind ions and the other is the hot component that comes from the dispersed ions observed at the shock ramp. We quantitatively analyzed the thermal properties of the two components separately. As a result, we found that the core component is only slightly heated by compression of the magnetic field and the magnetic moment is almost preserved across the bow shock. On the other hand, the hot component is heated non-adiabatically in the downstream. Also, the relative density of the hot component is up to 50 % of the total ions in the downstream. Our results clearly show that the core and hot components experience different heating processes across the bow shock to the downstream and the thermalization of the two ion components in the downstream takes very long time. 10:00 [III-1-5] Statistical analysis of energetic particle flux effects in spacecraft anomalies at different orbits and different solar activity Kang-Woo Yi and Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea In this study, we have investigated the dependence of spacecraft anomalies on energetic particle flux. For this we use GOES electron and proton flux data and the 199 spacecraft malfunction data from 1998(2 years after 23 solar cycle beginning) to 2010(2 years after 24 solar cycle beginning) in Satellite News Digest(SND), a web archive for spacecraft failures. The spacecraft are classified into four orbit groups according to its own altitude and inclination. We focus two groups, High altitude and low inclination(hl) and Low altitude and high inclination(lh). We investigate spacecraft anomaly depending on solar activity and its launch year. In order to minimize non-environmental effects, we additionally examine multiple anomaly events(>2 events in 2 days) in more detail. We investigate similarities and differences between our study and previous ones. Main results from this study are as follows. First, electron flux has noticeable enhancement at 2-14 days before the anomaly, which may be associated with internal charging and discharging. Second, proton flux has noticeable enhancement either at the anomaly day, which may be associated with single event upsets, or several days before the anomaly, which may be associated with internal charging and discharging. In addition, multiple spacecraft anomalies show that enhanced proton fluxes make longer delays between particle flux enhancements and anomaly times. Third, spacecraft launch time do not have a significant influence on the relationship between malfunction and energetic particle flux. From this study, we suggest a model to explain different energetic particle flux effects in different solar activities. 10:15 [III-1-6] Space Weather Operation at KASI with Van Allen Probes Beacon Signals Jongkil Lee 1,2, Kyung-Chan Kim 3, Romeo Giuseppe 4, Sasha Ukhorskiy 4, David Sibeck 5, Ramona Kessel 6, Barry Mauk 4 4, Barbara Giles 5, Bon-Jun Gu 7, Hyesook Lee 8, Young-Deuk Park 1, Jaejin Lee 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea 2 University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea, 3 Daegu University, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk, South Korea 4 4Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland, USA 5 5NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA 6 NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC, USA 7 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea 8 National Meteorological Satellite Centre, Korea Meteorological Administration, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea The Van Allen Probes (VAPs) are the only modern NASA spacecraft broadcasting real-time data on the Earth s radiation belts for space weather operations. Since 2012, the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) has contributed to the receipt of this data via a 7-m satellite tracking antenna and used these data for space weather operations. An approximately 15-min period is required from measurement to acquisition of Level-1 data. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of VAP data for monitoring space weather conditions at geostationary orbit (GEO) by highlighting the Saint Patrick s Day storm of During that storm, Probe-A observed a significant increase in the relativistic electron flux at 3 RE. Those electrons diffused outward resulting in a large increase of the electron flux > 2 MeV at GEO, which potentially threatened satellite operations. Based on this study, we conclude that the combination of VAP data and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (NOAA-GOES) data can provide improved space environment information to geostationary satellite operators. In addition, the findings obtained indicate that more data-receiving sites would be necessary and data connections improved if this or a similar system were to be used as an operational data service. III-2 달과학 I ( 특별세션 ) 좌장 : 정민섭 ( 천문연 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 09:00 [III-2-1] 경사면의경향성과지형요철의공간분포에기반한달표면자동크레이터검출알고리즘개발 김진규, 심채경, 김성수, 진호 경희대학교우주탐사학과 본연구팀에서는달표면의지형정보를기반으로크레이터의위치와크기를특정해내는자동크레이터검출알고리즘을개발하고있다. 먼저 2 차원배열형태의지표고도정보를기반으로등고선이원형에가깝고주변부보다고도가낮은구역을크레이터후보군으로정한다. 다음으로각위치에서의경사면방향의경향성과지형요철의공간분포를매개변수로나타내어크레이터여부를판정하고있다. 위알고리즘의성능과정확도를평가하기위해, 달의바다, 고 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 37

38 구두발표논문초록 원그리고이둘이혼재된영역에서각각 6 6 의영역을선정하였다. 현재제공되고있는달지형정보중공간해상도가가장높은 SELENE/LRO Digital Elevation Model (SLDEM, Haruyama et al. 2014) 을활용하여, 선정된영역내에서약 5000 개가량의크레이터를검출하고, 그결과의정확성여부를분석하였다. 본발표에서는개발중인크레이터검출알고리즘의원리와수행절차를소개하고, 선정된영역에서의알고리즘수행결과와그분석결과를서술한다. 09:15 [III-2-2] 반사율 - 색공간을활용한달크레이터표면의분광특성정량화 심채경, 김성수 경희대학교우주탐사학과 달크레이터의겉흙이갖는분광학적특성을반사율 - 색공간상에서알아보고, 크레이터의풍화정도에따른변화를정량적으로분석한다. 달의표면흙은우주풍화현상에의해밝기가어두워지고색이붉어지며, 입자는바스러진다. 그러나이러한변화의양상은해당지역의조성비와지형에따라다르므로월면의다양한지역에관한비교연구는제한적으로이뤄져왔다. 본연구에서는 SELENE/MI 관측자료를이용하여, 달표면중충돌크레이터영역만을대상으로함으로써우주공간에노출되어온누적시간에따라월면의분광특성이어떻게변하는지분석한다. 반사율 - 색공간상에서특정크레이터의분포를길이 (L), 회전각 (θ), 비대칭도 (s) 로정량화하면, 표토의성숙도또는벽면기울기가감소할수록길이는줄어들고, 회전각과비대칭도는증가한다. 이들중비대칭도는고원과바다의크레이터에서같은변화양상을보이므로, 크레이터의나이를추정하는데에유용하게쓰일수있는파라미터인것으로생각된다. 본발표에서는, 이들파라미터를소개하고, 기존의지형확산모델과비교분석한결과를보인다. 09:30 [III-2-3] 분광및지형분석을이용한달착륙후보지역조사 이응석 1,2, 김경자 2, 김용하 1 1 충남대학교우주지질학과우주과학실험실 2 한국지질자원연구원국토지질연구본부지질연구센터 달착륙후보지역을선정하기위해서는다양한조건을고려해야한다. 특히, 가시광선및근적외선파장영역에서의반사도를이용한분광분석 ( 광물분포 ) 과지형의높낮이를이용한지형분석 ( 안전한자원채취및착륙지지형조사 ) 은달착륙후보지역을평가, 선정하는데있어유용한분석도구이며이를통해미래의인류거주지역을선정하고, 주변에위치한광물, 원소분포를제시할수있다. 본연구에서는달의바다중상대적으로 FeO 및 TiO 2 가풍부한폭풍의대양 (Oceanus Procellarum) 과고요의바다 (Mare Tranquillitatis) 를조사하였다. 달착륙후보지역조사및평가를위해분광분석에서는 SELENE LISM MI (Multi-band Imager) 데이터를이용하였고, 지형분석에서는 SLDEM (SELENE/LRO Digital Elevation Model) 데이터를사용하여각후보지역을연구하였다. 본연구를통 하여얻은결과를이용하여향후달탐사후보지역에대한선정연구를진행하기에앞서예비연구결과를발표하고한다. 09:45 [III-2-4] A study of paleomagnetic pole position: Implication for the history of the lunar dynamo Seul-Min Baek 1, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, and Ian Garrick-Bethell 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, 2 Earth and Planetary Science, UC Santa Cruz Analysis of magnetic field observed by the Lunar Prospector magnetometer (LP-MAG) have been yielded information on the distribution and nature of lunar crustal magnetization. Global magnetic field maps have shown that magnetic anomalies on the Moon are widely distributed across the highlands, maria, and inside basin. Such anomalies show magnetic field perturbations, which can be expected from a dipole source. In this study, we identify several isolated magnetic anomalies on the Moon and use a dipole model to determine the magnetization direction and depth of the source for each isolated anomaly. Assuming that the moment vectors are magnetized by core dynamo field, the paleopole position can be estimated with the inferred dipole parameters and source locations. We will use the paleopole positions and depths of each anomaly to constrain the orientation of the lunar dynamo. 10:00 [III-2-5] 달모사토개발현황및향후연구방향 강태윤 1,2, 김경자 2, 이유 1 1 충남내학교대학원우주지질학과국지질자원 2 연구원국토지질연구본부지질연구센터 1969 년 Apollo 미션을통해달토양샘플을채취하여지구로가져온후달토양에대한많은연구가진행되었다. 하지만당시달토양의특성에대한이해가부족하여 Apollo 우주비행사들은미션수행과정에서여러어려움을겪었다. 이를계기로지구에달유사환경을조성하여실제로수행할미션들을점검해보는것이중요하다는인식을가지게되었다. Apollo 미션을통해달에서가져온시료는총약 380kg 으로달귀환시료를사용하기엔그양이부족하며비용또한높았기때문에달토양과유사한성질을가진모사토개발이이루어지기시작하였다. 현재까지미국, 일본, 중국그리고캐나다등 4 개의국가들이달모사토개발을주도하고있으며한국, 터기등의나라들도달복제토를개발하고있다. 본연구에서는현재까지개발된달모사토들의물리적, 화학적성질, 개발방법및적용사례를소개하고자하며이를통해향후연구계획을말하고자한다. 10:15 [III-2-6] 시험용달궤도선 : 참여과학자프로그램 류동영, 김은혁, 최석원 한국항공우주연구원 38 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

39 구두발표논문초록 2016 년시작된시험용달궤도선 (Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter, KPLO) 개발사업은이제개발 3 년차에들어서며 2017 년예비설계검토회의를완료했고 2018 년상세설계검토회의를계획중이다. 1) 한국최초의우주탐사실현, 2) 심우주탐사를위한핵심우주기술개발및검증, 3) 달의새로운과학적발견및기존연구심화의목적으로수행되고있는 KPLO 개발사업에서항우연과 NASA 는한 - 미양국과학자들의상호협력및연구진작을위하여 KPLO 과학탑재체 1 기당별도의공동과학팀 (Joint Science Team) 을구성 / 운영하기로합의하였다. NASA 는현재한국개발의과학탑재체 4 기 (LUTI, PolCam, KMAG, KGRS) 공동과학팀에참여할과학자를선정하기위한일을추진하고있으며항우연은 NASA 개발의달영구음영지역촬영을목적으로하고있는탑재체 (ShadowCam) 에참여할한국과학자를선정할예정이다. KPLO 미션의과학임무, 공동과학팀의구성 / 운영에관한내용, ShadowCam 의과학목표및 ShadowCam 공동과학팀참여과학자선정에관한내용을간단히소개할예정이다. III-3 태양 좌장 : 문용재 ( 경희대 ) 제 3 발표장 ( 사파이어 ) 09:00 [III-3-1] AnoGAN 을이용한비지도태양플레어이벤트감지 김태영 1, 양승범 1, 김도현 1, 최명진 1, 박은수 2, 이강우 2, 문용재 2 1 ( 주 ) 인스페이스, 2 경희대학교우주탐사학과 높은강도의태양플레어이벤트를감지하는것은태양활동관측및예보에서중요하다. 최근인공기술의기술의발전으로다양한우주환경예보들이딥러닝기반으로연구되고있지만분류및감지하고자하는대상이발생빈도가적어데이터가부족하거나클래스간분포불균형이존재하는경우에는일반적인딥러닝기법을적용하기에는어려움이있다. 높은태양플레어이벤트감지문제또한발생빈도가높지않으므로데이터가충분히확보할수없다. 이러한문제를해결하기위해본논문에서는낮은태양플레어이벤트의 SOHO/MDI 이미지를 AnoGAN(Anomaly Detection Generative Adversarial Networks) 에학습시켜, 높은태양플레어이벤트의이미지가입력될경우이상징후를감지하는간단한모델을구성하였다. 낮은이벤트인 B 등급의 3167 장으로만학습한모델로비정상점수를테스트한결과, B 등급 , M 등급은 , X 등급은 으로나와평균적으로높은등급의이벤트의비정상점수가낮은등급의비정상점수보다 2 배이상높았다. 본연구결과는태양활동중발생빈도가낮은이벤트를검출하는문제에딥러닝기술을적용하고자할때활용할수있을것으로기대된다. 09:15 [III-3-2] Image-to-image translation of solar images by deep learning. III. from the Carrington sunspot to AI-generated magnetogram Harim Lee 1, Y.-J. Moon 1, Daye Lim 1, Eunsu Park 1, and Taeyoung Kim 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin-si 17104, Korea 2 Department of Research and Development, InSpace Co., Ltd., South Korea We apply an image-to-image translation model, which is a popular deep learning method based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cgans), to the generation from sunspot drawings to the corresponding magnetograms. For this, we train the model using pairs of sunspot drawing from Mount Wilson Observatory (MWO) and their corresponding SDO/HMI line-of-sight magnetogram from 2012 to We test the model by comparing pairs of actual SDO/HMI magnetogram and the corresponding AI-generated one in Our results show that bipolar structures of the AI-generated magnetograms are consistent with those of the original ones and their unsigned magnetic fluxes are well correlated with those of the original ones with a good correlation coefficient of Using this model with the Carrington and the Galileo sunspot drawings, we successfully produce AI-generated magnetograms and estimate unsigned magnetic fluxes. Using several empirical relationships (magnetic flux vs. CME speed, CME speed vs. ICME speed, and ICME speed vs. Dst) in 23 and 24th solar cycle, we conjecture the Dst value of the Carrington event, about -1,700 nt, which is consistent with Tsurutani et al. (2002). 09:30 [III-3-3] Analysis of the Ellerman Bomb Spectra Observed by the FISS Minju Seo 1, Jongchul Chae 1, Jeongwoo Lee 2 1 Seoul National University 2 New Jersey Institute of Technology We study the changes on the solar atmospheres caused by the Ellerman bombs (EBs). We compare the observed EB line profiles with the synthetic profiles obtained from the radiative transfer computation of solar model atmospheres. For this research, we use the observational data of the Hα and the Ca II 8542A lines from the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) installed on the 1.6m Goode Solar Telescope (GST) in Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO). We make our model atmospheres which mimic the effects of the EBs by adding a temperature enhancement in a form of Moffat function to the solar quiet region's atmosphere. Then, we make a grid of models with varying the height where EBs occurred (h), maximum temperature (ΔT) and width (Δh) of the function and perform the non-lte radiative transfer computation for them. As a result, we find a model atmosphere which has a very narrow width (~100km) of temperature enhancement function than the previous studies of EBs. Our model atmosphere successfully describes the observed Hα lines as the previous wide width enhancement model does, and it also makes synthetic profiles of the Ca II lines which fit well with the observed profiles. 09:45 [III-3-4] Comparison of solar and interplanetary magnetic field orientations using 101 CME-ICME pairs 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 39

40 구두발표논문초록 Suk-Kyung Sung 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1,2, Jin-Yi Lee 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Space Science, Kyung Hee University The interplanetary magnetic field(imf) direction is thought to control the geomagnetic disturbances. In this study, we compare all possible magnetic field directions (northward and southward) of solar source regions and near Earth environment. Based on the Richardson & Cane s interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) list, we consider 101 CME-ICME pairs from 1996 to 2014, which have source region data (X-ray and magnetogram images) and magnetic cloud (MC) data. We determine three possible magnetic field directions near the source regions: (1) coronal flux ropes based on the coronal flux rope model (CFR) using X-ray and filament sigmoid data, (2) overlying fields on active regions according to the potential field model using full-disk magnetograms, and (3) solar dipole fields based on polar magnetic polarities using full-disk magnetograms. Three magnetic field directions in the near Earth environment are also considered. (1) the magnetic cloud leading field, (2) the sheath field between IMF shock and magnetic cloud, and (3) the upstream field for 3-hours before the shock. We investigate the consistency among all field directions. Among all possible pairs, we find two meaningful consistency: (1) the magnetic field orientations of coronal flux ropes are consistent with those of overlying fields and solar dipole fields with the accuracies of 0.64 and 0.7, respectively, (2) the MC leading field directions are mainly determined by the coronal flux rope configurations of the solar source regions with the accuracy of 0.67, by the solar dipole field with the accuracy of 0.64, and by the sheath field directions with the accuracy of :00 [III-3-5] Observation of Vortex-Formations and its-associated Ejections in a Sunspot Light bridge Heesu Yang 1, Eun-Kyung Lim 1, Sujin Kim 1,2, Yeon-Han Kim 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology Dynamical turbulence in the sun is important mechanism to drive the energy transmission and the conversion. Due to the dynamical scale smaller than 1 arcsec, there is no report in the low atmosphere. Here we report the successive formation of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices with strong transverse shear flows at the boundary of a light bridge. The observation was done using the Goode Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory, California. The vortices of size of smaller than 1 arc seconds were formed at the end of the elongated granule-like features in the photosphere. The fast-moving elongated-like features were likely associated with the emerging fluxes. We observed bright blobs moving upward with a speed of 4km/s right above the vortices in the H alpha images. At the beginning of the vortex formation, we also observed a vortex-associated ejection of the H alpha cool plasma with a short time interval. After then a consistent downflowing plume was observed for about 20 min. Sometimes the plume was longer than 10,000km. The cool plasma ejection and downflowing plume appeared to be extended from the vortex in the photosphere to the chromosphere. In this presentation, The implications of these results in the context of the magneto-convection and Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability caused by the strong velocity shear are discussed. 10:15 [III-3-6] Effect of the radial contraction and extension of the coronal loop on the loop oscillations Dae Jung Yu, Dong-Hun Lee School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University There are some observations on the contraction of the coronal loops and related loop oscillations. To understand this phenomenon, Russell et al. (2015) suggested that the loss of magnetic energy may cause the loop oscillations. They also proposed a driven (forced) harmonic oscillator for the loop oscillation as a phenomenological model. But its connection to basic MHD equations are unclear. In this study we consider the effect of radial contraction or expansion of the loop on the loop oscillations by assuming a long straight cylindrical flux tube with a constant magnetic field in the longitudinal direction, where the background medium satisfies the equilibrium condition with time variation. From ideal MHD with these conditions, we derive an inhomogeneous differential equation for the loop oscillations, which has the form of a driven harmonic oscillator. The analysis of this equation draws us to a finding that the background density motion may induce damping or enhancing of the wave amplitude. We also found that the motion of the background pressure plays the role of an external force to the loop oscillations, which can execute diverse loop oscillation patterns including the features in Russell et al. (2015). IV-1 전리권 좌장 : 정종균 ( 천문연 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 10:45 [IV-1-1] Developing a data-assimilated SAMI2-CNU model using Korean ionosonde data JeongHeon Kim 1, YongHa Kim 1, SeHeon Jeong 1, SangWoo Lee 1, YoungSil Kwak 2, JinWook Han 3 1 Chungnam National University 2 Korea Astronomy and Space science Institute 3 Korea Space Weather Center (KSWC), Jeju, Korea In order to develop a data assimilation model based on the ionospheric data measured in Korean peninsula, we have been studying data-assimilation algorithms using the SAMI2-CNU [Kim et al., 2016]. Although the SAMI2-CNU model as a first principle physics model calculates the ionospheric E-layer reasonably well by adding measured solar X-rays, it does not practically reproduce the F2 layer measured by ionosondes due to lack of information on thermospheric composition and winds. To overcome this obstacle, we devise a method to estimate effective winds and composition from the peak height (hmf2) and peak density (NmF2) of F2 layer measured by ionosondes. The effective winds and O density scale factors were first computed from measured hmf2 and 40 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

41 구두발표논문초록 NmF2 in conjuction with the SAMI2-CNU model. The estimated wind and scale factor from the previous time step are then input to the SAMI2-CNU model for next time step. In this way, we are able to reproduce the F2 peak density and height reasonably close to measured values. As a test, we will present NmF2 and hmf2 values computed from the assimilated SAMI2-CNU model in comparison with ionosonde measurements at Jeju for a typical day in four seasons. 11:00 [IV-1-2] Statistical study of the middle-latitude ionization trough morphology Sarah Park 1, Hyosub Kil 2, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA The middle-latitude ionization trough, the plasma density depletion in the subauroral region, is a typical feature of the nightside ionosphere. Until now, there are many studies to understand how and where middle-latitude trough is generated. However, the trough morphology has not been investigated in terms of spatial density gradient equatorward and poleward. In this study, we investigate the variability of the morphology and location of the trough under different geomagnetic conditions using the DMSP F15 data acquired from February 2000 to January :15 [IV-1-3] Statistical analysis of the distribution of broad plasma depletions in the equatorial F region observed by the C/NOFS satellite Jong-Min Choi 1, Young-Sil Kwak 1, Hyosub Kil 2, Jaeheung Park 1, Woo Kyoung Lee 1, Yong Ha Kim 3, and Jae-Jin Lee 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea 2 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel Maryland, USA 3 Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea The broad plasma depletions (BPDs) is an ionospheric phenomenon that occurs over a wide spatial region in the equatorial F region. We analyzed the measurements of the plasma density on board the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System satellite during to investigate the statistical distribution of broad plasma depletions. The BPDs occurred mainly after midnight, and occurred more frequently around the geomagnetic equator. The BPDs occurrence rate increased as Kp increased and peaked at the lower altitudes. The BPDs occurred mainly in the solar minimum than in solar maximum, and seasonally they are observed in the June solstice. To identify the differences in BPDs characteristics over local time, we divided the BPDs into two groups before and after midnight. Post-midnight BPDs were mainly observed in the solar minimum and June solstice, whereas pre-midnight BPDs were detected frequently in solar maximum, equinox and December solstice. The occurrence rates of post-midnight BPDs are positively correlated with AE index and are inversely correlated with 10.7 cm solar radio flux. Low solar activity creates favorable conditions for generating BPDs by thinning the F region thickness. At the solar minimum, the density of the F region bottomside changes significantly even with slight altitude shifts, which can be recognized as a BPDs. When a geomagnetic disturbance occurs, the eastward electric field can be enhanced at the equatorial F region and the entire F layer can move upward. 11:30 [IV-1-4] Evidence for non-linear wave-wave interactions in mesospheric winds measured by a meteor radar at King Sejong station, Antarctica Jaewook Lee, Yong Ha Kim, S. Eswaraiah Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea. King Sejong Station (62.22 S, W, KSS) is located near the tip of Antarctic Peninsula, where strong activity of atmospheric waves is known. Atmospheric waves are prominently observed in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region. We have analyzed tidal waves and planetary waves (PWs) using MLT wind data observed by a meteor radar at KSS from 2010 to We noticed that the semidiurnal tidal wave is more dominant than the diurnal tidal wave, and the semidiurnal tidal wave is stronger in austral summer than that in austral winter. PWs with periods of 8-, 16-, and 27-day were found to be active in austral winter. Through bi-spectral analysis we found evidence that nonlinear interaction occurred between the semidiurnal tidal wave and PWs. The interaction seems to generate a family of secondary waves with periods corresponding to sum and difference of those of the semidiurnal tide and PWs. We also noted amplitude variations of the semidiurnal tide with periods of PWs as consequence of the nonlinear interaction. Such nonlinear wave interaction may contribute significantly to dynamics of the MLT region over Antarctica. 11:45 [IV-1-5] Propagation characteristics of mesospheric gravity waves over King Sejong Station, Antarctic Peninsula, using OH and OI-557.7nm airglow imager. Hosik Kam 1, Yong Ha Kim 1, Takuji Nakamura 2,3, Masaki Tsutsumi 2,3, Yoshihiro Tomikawa 2,3, Masaru Kogure 3,2, Septi Perwitasari 2, Jeong-Han Kim 4 1 Department of Astronomy, Space, and Geology, Chungnam National University, Deajeon, South Korea 2 National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, Japan 3 Department of Polar Science, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Tachikawa, Japan 4 Division of Polar Climate Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, South Korea We analyzed mesospheric gravity waves in OH and OI557.7 nm airglow images which were observed by an All-Sky Camera in 2013 at King Sejong Station (62 S, 58 W), Antarctic Peninsula. Adopting a new method developed by Matsuda et al. (2014) we obtained power spectra in the horizontal phase velocity domain from airglow images sequence in unit of relative emission 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 41

42 구두발표논문초록 intensity. Mesospheric gravity wave activities are compared vertically between OH and OI nm layers and show seasonal variation from March to October. For selected events that concurrent gravity waves have different behavior between the two layers, we analyzed background conditions such as background winds from a meteor radar and temperatures from satellites. We found events in which filtering of waves by background winds had indeed occurred between the two layers. Furthermore, we compared our results with those of Antarctic Gravity Wave Imaging/Instrument Network (ANGWIN) data (Syowa (69 S,40 E), Halley (76oS, 26 E), Davis (69 S,78 E), and McMurdo (78 S, 167 E)) to understand mesospheric gravity wave activity over Antarctica. 12:00 [IV-1-6] Comparison of neutral winds and ion drifts observed at Jang Bogo station, Antarctica Young-bae Ham 1,2, Geonhwa. Jee 1,2, Changsup Lee 1, Hyuck-Jin Kwon 1, Eunsol Kim 1,5, Jeong-Han Kim 1, Nikolay Zabotin 3, Terence Bullett 3 and Qian Wu 4 1 Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, R. of Korea 2 University of Science and Technology, Daejeon, R. of Korea 3 University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA 4 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA 5 Chungnam National University, Daejeon, R. of Korea A distinct feature of the high latitude ionosphere is its convective motion which is generally antisunward over the polar cap and sunward in the auroral region. It is well known that this ionospheric plasma convection results in neutral wind patterns that resembles to the plasma convection pattern via ion-neutral collisions. At Jang Bogo station which is located inside the polar cap, Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) and Vertical Incidence Pulsed Ionospheric Radar (VIPIR) have been simultaneously operated to observe neutral winds and ion drifts, respectively, and the data from these two instruments allow us to compare neutral winds and ion drifts to investigate their couplings. The results of this comparison show that there exist noticeable similarities in their diurnal variations within the polar cap. Comparing the vectors of neutral winds and ion drifts, however, the neutral wind vectors do not precisely coincide with the ion drift vectors, but the two vectors are consistently deviated each other. In this study, we present the preliminary results of the simultaneous observations of neutral winds and ion drifts during 2017 at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica. IV-2 달과학 II ( 특별세션 ) 좌장 : 심채경 ( 경희대 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 토파즈 ) 10:45 [IV-2-1] Interplanetary Dust Particles as the Space Weathering Agent for the Moon Minsup Jeong 1, Young-Jun Choi 1,2, Hongu Yang 1, Sungsoo S. Kim 3, Il-Hoon Kim 3, Yuriy G. Shkuratov 4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Kyung Hee University 4 Astronomical Institute of Kharkov V.N Karazin National University Lunar regolith has been evolved by micro impacts and solar wind. The micro impacts the major cause of particle size decrease on the lunar surface, which is called as the space weathering. However, there is no information what the greatest influence on space weathering is. We find a lunar regolith has been evolved on the track in the parameter space between an average grain size and larger particle content in the regolith. We find that this evolutionary track depends on FeO content and selenographic latitude. We suggest that the latitude trend of the evolutionary track is from the orbital behavior of the weathering agents, which is the parallel motion to the ecliptic plane. In addition, we will present preliminary results of computer simulations which are micro impact simulations of the Interplanetary dust particles on the lunar surface. 11:00 [IV-2-2] Octopus 자기이상지역과 Reiner Gamma 자기이상지역의형성관계연구 이정규 1, Rachel Maxwell 2, 진호 1, 백슬민 1, Elliot Ghassemi 2, Megan Kelley 2, 이효정 1, 김관혁 1, 이성환 1,3, Ian Garrick-Bethell 1,2 1 2 경희대학교우주탐사학과, Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Santa Cruz, 3 인투룰 ( 주 ) 달은현재다이나모는존재하지않지만, 표면에는많은지역에서자기이상현상이관측되었다. 이러한지질학적현상의기원은 Reiner Gamma지역을포함하여아직알려진바가없다. Octopus (1.0 S, E) 지역은 Oceanus Procellarum의남서쪽에위치하며표면에는자기이상현상과알베도이상현상이같이나타난다. Octopus지역은다른 swirl 지역에비해분포면적이좁아서, 0.2 Hz sampling rate로수집된 Lunar Prospector의자력계자료를활용하기가어렵다. 그리하여본연구에서는 9 Hz로수집된고분해능자료를사용하여자기이상현상을연구하였다. 또한 2개의자기이상모델을활용하여값을도출하였으며, 그결과 Octopus지역은 Reiner Gamma지역과같은자화방향을가지는것을확인하였다. 이는 ejecta가식어가는동안에존재하던다이나모필드에의해 ejecta deposit의자화방향이결정되는이론을뒷받침한다. 11:15 [IV-2-3] 우주탐사용서치코일자력계시험모델연구 이승아 1, 전다솜 2, 신재혁 1, 진호 1,2 1 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 2 경희대학교우주과학과 우주용서치코일자력계 (Search-coil Magnetometer) 는플럭스게이트센서와달리시간에따른자기장변화만을관측하는기기이다. DC 성분을주로관측하는플럭스게이트센서와다르게, 서치코일자력계는자기장의미세변화량을빠르게측정할수있는 AC 성분자기장측정기이다. 경희 42 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

43 구두발표논문초록 대학교는 1m 크기의지상용 2 축서치코일자력계를개발하여현재남극에서운용중이다. 본연구에서는기존의지상용을우주임무에서사용하기위해, 소형서치코일자력계개발을위한시험모델을연구하였다. 시험모델은 1 축서치코일자력계와이를구동하기위한전자보드로구성되어있다. 서치코일길이는 17cm 이며내부에는높은투자율을가지는뮤메탈물질을사용하였다. 전자보드는센서의신호를수집하여증폭및필터링하는기능을수행한다. 본논문에서는소형화된시험용서치코일자력계에관한이론적예상성능과실험실에서수행한센서의성능시험을비교분석하였다. 향후, 본연구는우주관측에서요구되는우주용서치코일자력계를개발하는기반연구로활용할예정이다. 11:30 [IV-2-4] 달궤도자기장측정기엔지니어링모델의궤도열해석과열환경시험 이만규 1, 이덕행 2,3 이성환 1,4, 진호 1,5 1 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 2 York University. 3 한국천문연구원. 4 인투룰. 5 경희대학교우주과학과 한국형달탐사사업으로 2020 년발사예정인시험용달궤도선 (KPLO, Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter) 의탑재체인달궤도자기장측정기 (KMAG, Kplo MAGnetometer) 는 3 축플럭스게이트자기장측정기를활용하여달궤도및표면의자기장정보를획득하는것이과학적임무이다. 이를목표로 KMAG 엔지니어링모델 (EM) 을개발했다. KMAG 은플럭스게이트자기장측정기가포함된 MAG(MAGnetometer) unit 과전장박스인 FCE (Fluxgate Control Electronics) unit 으로구성되어있다. MAG unit 은 KPLO 위성체외벽에탑재되어임무를수행하기때문에위성외부와유사한열환경에노출된다. 이에위성외부환경에서플럭스게이트자기장측정기의정상임무수행을고려하여요구조건을수립하였다. FCE unit 은위성체내부에위치하기때문에위성체내부온도요구조건을따른다. KMAG 이위성체궤도내에서열요구조건을만족하고정상적인임무수행이가능한지에대한검증은열해석과열환경시험을통해진행한다. 열해석은 NX Space System 을활용하여달천이궤도와주임무궤도의열환경내에서열요구조건을만족하는것을확인하였으며, 열진공챔버를활용한열진공환경시험을통해제작된 KMAG 의정상임무수행가능을검증하였다. 본문에서는 KMAG 의열요구조건과설계를기술하고, 궤도열해석과열환경시험의결과를공유한다. 11:45 [IV-2-5] Performance tests of core instruments for the future Korea lunar exploration Young-Jun Choi 1,2, Mihyun Kim 1, Kyeong Ja Kim 3, Seung Kwan Kim 4, Seong Je Park 5, Geon-Hee Kim 6, Kyungin Kang 7, 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 4 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science 5 Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials 6 Korea Basic Science Institute 7 Satellite Technology Research Center, KAIST Lunar Infrared Spectrometer(LIRS), Gamma-ray Spectrometer(GRS) and Neutron Spectrometer(NS) are candidates for future Korean planetary exploration missions, such as, Moon and asteroids. As a space-core technology project, seven national funded research institutes have been developing the 3 instruments. Scientific goals of them are to detect hydroxyl and/or water ice on lunar surface, to detect element distribution and to fast/thermal/epithermal neutron distribution from subsurface of the Moon, respectively. We completed the preliminary design and assembled all components for them. We will present results of performance tests and considerations of environment test of them. 12:00 [IV-2-6] Development on a gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer suite for prospective planetary surface investigation Kyeong Ja Kim 1,2, Junghun Park 1, Yire Choi 1,2, Eung Seok Yi 1,3, Chang Wan Sun 1,2, Sungsoon Lee 1, Young-Kwang Yeon 1, K. B. Lee 4, Nobuyuki Hasebe 5, Won-Kee Park 6, Bongkon Moon 6, Kyungin Kang 7, Young-Jun Choi 6 1 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Chungnam National University 4 Korea Institute of Standards and Science 5 Waseda University 6 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 7 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Asian countries started their lunar missions in late 2000s. Chinese, Japan, and India are planning their future landing missions in late 2010s or early 2020s. Considering the fact that the Moon contains a significant amount of water at the polar regions while other regions on the Moon also have an insignificant amount of water. Not only utilization of water on the Moon but also detailed investigations of mineral resources are important for human to establish lunar bases on the Moon. To achieve these challenging goals, development of a nuclear payload suite with a gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) and a neutron spectrometer (NS) can be attactive either from the orbit or surface of the Moon. A GRS measures the elemental abundance of major constituents of the lunar surface and natural radioactive elements as well as any minor elements that can be measurable. Results of a GRS on the lunar surface will be used to unravel geological surface evolution and elemental distributions of potential lunar resources. A NS measures the water presence of lunar surface soils using epithermal neutron flux variations. This presentation introduces both the current development status and preliminary data analysis of these payloads. 12:15 [IV-2-7] 달탐사 2 단계착륙후보지지형정보확보를위한 KPLO/LUTI 촬영요구지역도출방안 류동영, 이주희, 김은혁, 최석원 한국항공우주연구원 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 43

44 구두발표논문초록 한국의달탐사에서 1 단계로개발진행중인시험용달궤도선 2020 년발사될예정이다. 시험용달궤도선에는고해상도달영상카메라 (LUTI) 가탑재되어 2 단계달탐사의착륙후보지등에대한상세영상정보를획득할계획이다. 시험용달궤도선의임무기간, 궤도당촬영가능시간, 지구국으로의데이터전송속도등을고려하면고해상도카메라를이용한촬영가능범위는달일부지역으로제한되어임무기간촬영지역을선별하기위한절차가필요하다. 달착륙지는착륙선의과학임무목적에따라요구착륙지가다를수있기때문에다양한착륙지에대한요구가제기될것으로예상된다. 본논문에서는시험용달궤도선의고해상도카메라의촬영지역을선정하기위한방안을제시하고향후계획을소개한다. 태양계탐사 ( 연합세션 ) 좌장 : 문홍규 ( 천문연 ) 제 1 발표장 ( 코럴 ) 13:15 행성탐사선과지상관측에의한목성, 토성, 타이탄분광탐사 김상준 경희대학교우주탐사학과 천문학자들에게분광관측은천체를연구하는데가장강력한방법이다. 태양계바깥쪽에위치한목성, 토성, 타이탄연구도분광관측은행성천문학자들에게매우유용하여대형지상망원경을사용한분광관측과더불어행성탐사선들에장착된분광기를사용하여새롭고유용한과학적정보를얻어왔다. 본발표에서는 20 세기말에시작된탐사선을이용한외행성계탐사와지상관측결과를리뷰하고얼마전토성탐사를마친카시니탐사선, 현재목성에서활약하고있는주노탐사선, 이들과병행하여수행되었고, 수행되고있는지상분광관측결과를소개한다. 목성, 토성, 타이탄탐사는미국과서구유럽에의해주도적으로수행되어왔는데, 지금까지의탐사선들과지상관측으로축적된자료들에대한정밀분석과비판적검토를수행하면우리나라우주개발중장기계획에포함되어있는행성탐사계획의최적화된방향결정에도도움이될것이다. 13:45 암석과광물에저장된태양계탄생과초기진화의기록 최변각 서울대학교지구과학교육과 태양계질량의대부분은플라즈마, 기체, 또는액체상태로존재하며, 극히일부만이고체즉암석과광물로존재한다. 하지만, 반응특히혼합 (mixing) 이일어나는속도가매우느린고체의특성상태양계의탄생과진화과정의기록은고체태양계물질에더잘보관되어있다. 지구를제외한고체태양계물질을확보하기위해서는지구로낙하한암석인운석 (meteorites) 을발견하거나, 우주로나가시료를가져와야한다. 아폴로미션 (Apollo mission) 에의한월석 (lunar rocks) 채취 (Papike et al., 1998), 하야부사미션 (Hayabusa mission) 에의한소행성 (asteroid) 시료채취 (Nakamura et al., 2011), 스타더스트미션 (Stardust mission) 에의한혜성시료채취 (Zolensky et al., 2006) 등이후자에속한다. 능동적으로가져온시료는아직까지는그종류와양에서운석에비해매우부족하므로현재까지우리가알고있는고체태양계에관한대부분은운석연구를통해얻어졌다. 운석은크게미분화운석즉콘드라이트 (chondrites) 와분화운석 (differentiated meteorites) 으로구분한다. 분화운석중일부는달운석 (lunar meteorites) 또는화성운석 (martian meteorites) 이며, 나머지분화운석과콘드라이트는암석 - 지구화학적특징과성인적연관성에의해다양한그룹으로세분되는데각그룹은하나의, 또는둘이상의매우유사한, 소행성에서유래한것으로해석된다 (Krot et al., 2014; 최변각 2009). 다양한종류의운석과구성광물에포함된기록으로는 (1) 태양계이전존재한항성의대기에서생성된광물, 즉선태양계광물 (presolar grains), (2) 태양계성운탄생과각진화단계의정확한시기, (3) 태양계성운의화학조성 - 동위원소조성, 온도 - 압력조건등을포함한물리 - 화학적특징, (4) 가스 - 먼지로부터미행성, 소행성, 행성으로의진화과정, (5) 행성진화의열원, (6) 소행성핵의생성과정등이있다. 강연에서는이들을간략히살펴보고자한다. 운석연구등을통해태양계생성과진화과정에관한다양한정보가축적되었지만, 앞으로연구할것들이더많다. 또한태양계물질중에는운석의형태로지구로들어왔거나앞으로들어올수있는것도있지만그렇지않은것도있다. 가스나기체의경우가그러할것이며, 고체지만결합이약해일부라도원형을유지한채대기권을통과할수없는것도있을것이다. 또공전궤도나중력등물리적이유로지구권진입이불가능한것도있다. 이러한태양계구성원에는우리가아직까지얻지못한정보들이다량보존되어있을것이다. 미래의태양계탐사가기대되는이유중하나이다. 14:15 Space Missions to Asteroids Sang-Young Park Department of Astromomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Asteroids represent a significant resource for space exploration and scientific research. Various scientific missions have already performed and planned to investigate and understand the characteristics of asteroids. This talk introduces many space missions to asteroids. Representing missions to asteroids are the NASA s NEAR, Deep Space-1, Dawn, OSIRIS-Rex, SCOUT, DART, and ESA s Rosetta, and JAXA s Hayabusa 1 and 2, and DESTINY+ missions, and others. Although it is a very rare event, the possibility of Earth-crossing asteroids (ECAs) colliding with the Earth can never also be ignored. Numerous mitigation concepts also have been proposed to deflect ECAs in preparing for the disasters which might occur in future days. In the early studies for mitigation schemes, most of analyses were centered on to deflect ECAs with impacting the energy to the object to change its orbit. This talk also introduces many methods to deflect the orbit of ECAs, and shows spacecraft trajectories to asteroids. 44 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

45 포스터발표논문초록 포스터발표논문초록 집중발표시간 : 5 월 9 일 ( 수 ) 15:20~16:20 우주기술 [P-1] 광학적신호모사장치를이용한별추적기시험결과분석 강우용 한국항공우주연구원 별추적기 (STA-Star tracker Assembly) 는위성의자세를결정하는센서로서자이로와함께위성자세제어시스템의핵심구성요소이다. 별추적기는고장및성능저하는위성의안전성에큰영향을미친다. 별추적기의성능확인을위해서별추적기지상시험장비 (GSE-Ground Support Equipment) 를이용하여다양한시험을수행한다. 특히, 광학적신호모사장치 (OGSE : Optical Groud Supprot Equipment) 는특정한별패턴을모사한신호를별추적기의광학부에인가한다. 이를통하여별추적기의광학부부터데이터를처리하는전자부까지모든구성요소에대한성능을확인할수있다. 그러므로본논문에서는별추적기지상시험장비중하나인별추적기광학적신호모사장치의시험구성및이를이용한시험결과를기술한다. [P-2] Verification of the advanced equipment of the power interface check between avionics of satellite Young-Yun Kim 1, Dong-Chul Choi 1, Gyeong-Seop Shin 2, Sang-Hoon Lee 1 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute, 2 IMT KARI(Korea Aerospace Research Institute)have been developing the advanced equipment for the power interface check between avionics of satellite to enhance the test reliability and minimize the time consumption of satellite development and the cost. The equipment was integrated after critical design review and tested for the acceptance tess. The test was mainly for the verification of functions and the user interface check. The verification check was conducted with two part. The first part is for the self-validation of the equipment. the self-validation is to check the health status of the equipment. line continuity and isolation, operation commands, operation telemetry and its protection function were verified. On the second part the real functions were checked comprehensively using ETB. Power measurement, measurement reporting via ethernet line, data logging function, etc. were check. We successfully verified the advanced equipment and found some updated points. [P-3] 프로세스모델링을통한프로젝트관리 김형완, 최정수, 박종석 한국항공우주연구원 PERT/CPM 과같은네트워크에기초한모델에서프로젝트 네트워크는작업들사이의선행관계를확인하여구축된다. 하지만이러한방법은많은수의작업들이복잡한방버법으로연관된엔지니어링프로젝트를위해적용할수없다. 게다가반복적인작업을표현할수없다. 이러한약점을보완하기위해각업무들의정보흐름과반복적인루프를확인하기위해 DSM 이개발되었다. DSM 은반복의대한이해도를증가시켜서사람들사이에의사소통을촉진시킨다. 이를통해정확한정보를정확한시점에정확한위치에서사용가능하게될것이다. 또한한작업의지연에대한영향은작업으로부터의정보흐름을추적함으로써쉽게확인할수있게된다. 높은중요성을가지거나적은여유시간을가진작업들은프로젝트가예정된시간을초과하는기회를줄이기위해특별한관리가필요하다. DSM 을이용하여프로젝트모델링을개발하면일정리스크를정량적으로확인할수있고그것의평가는상황을앞서주도하는리스크관리노력을가속화할수있다. 모델링의입력물들은프로젝트가진행됨에따라현재정보를포함하기위해쉽게업데이트될것이다. [P-4] 달착륙선의태양전지판면적에관한연구 김희경 1,2, 류동영 1 1 한국항공우주연구원 (KARI), 2 과학기술연합대학원대학교 (UST) 달착륙선의태양전지판은지구궤도상의위성의태양전지판과동일하게달궤도까지의도달과착륙이후임무수행을위한전력의주공급원역할은한다. 위성의태양전지판형상은구동장치에장착되어본체와별도로회전하며태양을수직으로지향하거나위성본체에고정되어태양전지면방향이태양을지향하도록위성의자세를유지하도록하는것이대표적이다. 이러한위성은궤도상에서자세를바꾸어임무를수행하는일정한구간을제외하고태양전지면에태양광이수직으로입사하게되므로, 이러한조건에서위성운영에필요한전력요구량을생산할수있는태양전지판면적을확보도록구체적인세부설계를하게된다. 하지만, 달착륙선은달표면에착륙한상태에서태양의일주운동에따른태양광의입사방향변화에대하여전력을생산해야하므로, 기존위성의태양전지판형상설계와필요한면적의크기에큰차이점이있다. 본연구의달착륙선은본체패널면에태양전지를부착하는형상을가지고있다. 지표에고정된착륙자세에서각방향에서태양광이입사할때, 착륙선패널면에부착된태양전지에서전력요구량을생산할수있는수직인유효면적을확보해야하기때문에구동장치로회전하며태양을수직으로지향하거나궤도상에서본체자체가태양을지향하도록자세를유지하는위성에비하여훨씬많은면적을필요로하게된다. 본연구에서는본체부착형태양전지판설계형상을가진달착륙선에서태양전지판면적설계의특징을분석하고, 이와함께필요한전력량을만족할수있는면적을계산하였다. [P-5] GEO Satellite In-Orbit Flight Operation Procedure Validation Keun Joo Park, Young Ho Cho and Yee-Jin Cheon 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 45

46 포스터발표논문초록 Korea Aerospace Research Institute COMS2 satellite being developed by KARI is currently under environmental test and will be launched this year. Several flight submodes are designed and validate respectively. To perform its mission in orbit successfully, mode transitions among submodes need to be validated, too. Thus, in orbit flight operation procedures are being prepared and validated through ETB test. In this paper, the design and development process will be presented. [P-6] 정지궤도복합위성액체원지점엔진분리및벤팅 (Venting) 시점연구 박봉규, 최재동 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성체계팀 2018 년말과 2019 년초에발사될정지궤도복합위성 2A 와 2B 는발사후전이궤도 (Transfer Orbit) 상에서 5 회혹은 6 회의원지점엔진분사를통해표류궤도 (Drift Orbit) 에진입하게된다. 표류궤도진입후위성은동경 119 도를시작으로하루 1.8 도씩목표경도인동경 도를향해이동하게된다. 표류궤도진입후에는액체원지점엔진분리와더불어배관내에있는연료및산화제를외부로배출하는 Venting 작업이수행된다. 액체원지점엔진분리및 Venting 작업이후에는액체원지점엔진을다시사용할수없기때문에마지막원지점분사가적절히수행되어충분히근지점의고도및궤도경사각이획득되었는지확인하는과정이필요하다. 만일충분히근지점고도가확보되지않은상태에서액체원지점엔진을분리시키게되면그후에는액체원지점엔진에비해비교적효율이낮은소형엔진인 RCT 를이용해근지점고도상승을유도해야한다. 이경우상대적으로많은시간과연료가필요하게되어위성의수명에영향을주게된다. 액체원지점엔진이적절히분사되었는지확인하는작업은수집된레인징데이터를바탕으로궤도결정을수행하고그결과를분석함으로써이루어진다. 정밀한궤도결정결과를얻기위해서는정지궤도위성의경우하루이상의레인징데이터를수집하는것이필요하지만하루 1.8 도씩동쪽방향으로위성이이동하고있는상황이어서동경 도를지나가지않도록조속히궤도획득작업을시작해야하는시간적제약사항이있다. 따라서최소한의레인징데이터만으로액체원지점엔진의분리가능여부를체크해야한다. 또한 Venting 이수행되는시점도중요하다 Venting 이수행되면추진제와산화제가밖으로배출되면서화학반응을통해추력이생성되고이는위성의궤도를변경하는요인이된다. 따라서가장적은궤도변경이이루어지는시점을결정하는작업이필요하다. 본연구에서는시뮬레이션을바탕으로표류궤도의진입여부를판단하기위해필요한최소한의레인징기간을판단하고최소한의궤도변화를일으키는 Venting 시점을분석하는작업을수행하였다. [P-7] Review on the Power Start-up Anomaly of Power Control Unit Sung-Woo Park, Hee-Sung Park, Jeong-Hwan Yang, Jeong-Eon Park, Kyu-Dong Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute The Power Control Unit(PCU) is inputted first of all from the EGSE supply power via it s LV interface terminal. During the power start-up of Satellite, the PCU has to set the initial power on configurations in the LVC module and PCU and PDU must be safe against the main bus DNEL (Disconnect Non-Essential Load) and UV(Under-Voltage) anomalies. For these kinds of sequence and operation, the start-up slope and profile of the EGSE power source must be trimmed well considering parasitic characteristics of the interface cables, EGSE power supply s slew-rate capacity, and internal protection scheme of the LVC module in the PCU. In this paper, several anomalies occurred during power start-up sequences are shown and remedies for each cases are also presented. [P-8] Review on the Solar Array Regulator Design for LEO Satellite Applications Sung-Woo Park, Hee-Sung Park, Jeong-Hwan Yang, Jeong-Eon Park, Kyu-Dong Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute The Solar Array Regulator (SAR) used for LEO satellites applications controls the solar array panel s output power by placing the operation point of the solar array to the proper position depending the bus voltage and battery charging status. And, the topology selection and major design parameter decision of the SAR is critically related with those of solar array panel design and battery design. Some satellites requires large payload power may need high bus voltage to minimize the voltage drop from bus to payload system. For this kind of satellite application, the possible SAR topology is only limited as boost or buck-boost because of the limitation on the increasing of the solar array output voltage. In this paper, general considerations regarding SAR design is presented and summarized. [P-9] 정지궤도위성궤도전이추진제오차분석 박응식 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성사업단 정지궤도위성은발사체로부터분리된이후전이궤도로부터목표궤도인정지궤도진입하기위해액체원지점엔진 (LAE) 을사용하는궤도전이과정이있다. 정지궤도위성은이러한궤도전이과정에서통상적으로전체추진제의 60% 이상을사용하고있으며이러한많은양의추진제를사용하기때문에궤도전이에사용되는추진제의양의오차를분석하는것은매우중요하다. 본논문에서는몬테카를로시뮬레이션을통하여특정한정지궤도위성의궤도전이과정에서발생하는오차를분석하고이를바탕으로하여궤도전이에소요되는추진제의오차를분석하였다. 이는향후분석될전체추진제오차분석을위한기초데이터가될것으로기대한다. [P-10] 정지궤도복합위성발사체기계접속설계 박종석 1, 최정수 1, 이호형 1, 최재동 1, 이상률 2 1 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성체계팀, 2 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성사업단위성은발사체상에서상부의페어링내에위치하며탑재어댑터를통한직접적인연결이이뤄진다. 46 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

47 포스터발표논문초록 발사체접속설계는위성이발사체와성공적으로접속할수있도록하기위해발사체가제한하는페어링내의위성의외곽볼륨이나어댑터형상등의기하학적요건과발사질량, 질량중심위치등의물리적요건등이위성체기계설계에적절하게반영될수있도록한다. 정지궤도복합위성의발사를위해아리안스페이스사의아리안 5 ECA 가선정되었으며, 이후아리안 5 ECA 의제한요건이정지궤도복합위성의설계에성공적으로적용되었다. 이후시험이나접속부확인작업을통해접속부설계에대한적합성이검증된다. 본논문에서는정지궤도복합위성발사체접속과정에서고려되었던접속요구사항을종합하고이것이반영된발사체접속부설계내용을설명하고자한다. [P-11] 차세대중형위성시험인증모델전력접속시험 박종오 1, 전현진 1, 김보성 2, 배진곤 2 1 한국항공우주연구원위성연구본부차세대중형위성체계팀, 2 한국항공우주산업위성시스템팀 본논문에서국가재난재해및국토관측을목적으로개발되는 500kg 급차세대중형위성은개발하고있으며, 다수의탑재체요구조건을만족하는표준플랫폼개발을목표로하고있다. 표준플랫폼이란기본구성의설계변경없이복제가능한플랫폼또는최소한의변경만으로활용가능한플랫폼을의미한다. 본논문에서는차세대중형위성표준플랫폼의시험인증모델 (EQM, Engineering & Qualification Model) 의전력접속시험결과를소개하고자한다. [P-12] 차세대중형위성시험인증모델접속시험방안 박종오 1, 전현진 1, 김보성 2, 배진곤 2 1 한국항공우주연구원위성연구본부차세대중형위성체계팀, 2 한국항공우주산업위성시스템팀 본논문에서국가재난재해및국토관측을목적으로개발되는 500kg 급차세대중형위성은개발하고있으며, 다수의탑재체요구조건을만족하는표준플랫폼개발을목표로하고있다. 표준플랫폼이란기본구성의설계변경없이복제가능한플랫폼또는최소한의변경만으로활용가능한플랫폼을의미한다. 본논문에서는차세대중형위성표준플랫폼의시험인증모델 (EQM, Engineering & Qualification Model) 의접속시험방안을소개하고자한다. [P-13] Central Time Synchronization with Initial Condition Adjustment for Ground Test System Joo-Ho Park, Dong-Chul Chae, Young-Yun Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute For the ground test in space program, there are many test systems called Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE). Each system has own time and they are slightly different from each other. All test systems need to have absolutely the same time because it s necessary condition to figure out the cause when some problems happen. To eliminate the time gap between them, the reference time is required. GPS receiver produces and distributes it to each ground system. In previous method, Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) is disseminated. Then, each test system which receives the UTC modifies it to meet Korea time. However, this method has a disadvantage that each test system should fulfill the adjustment locally and individually. To overcome it and increase the efficiency, This paper proposes central time synchronization with initial condition adjustment. [P-14] A novel method for development and simulation of thermal control software Hyun-Kyu Shin Korea Aerospace Research Institute The space environment satellites operate is very severe. To endure this difficulty and perform missions, thermal control system is very essential to satellite system. Although a large part of the thermal control system is conducted by hardware such as heat pipes and heaters, a fine control is performed by software. In general, thermal control software reads lots of thermal sensors, processing regulation temperatures and controls many heaters. During development and verification software developers should pay particular attention to the actual hardware information of sensors and heaters. Even a very small mistake on these mappings can cause a tragic result. But it is very prone to make an error due to complex correlation between sensors and heaters. This paper introduces a novel method for development and simulation of thermal control software. Using thermal control software simulator interworking with flight software simulator, development, verification and simulation can be conducted in a consistent way. This approach eliminates human errors on mapping hardware information so it can enhance safety of overall thermal control system. [P-15] Design of the 1553B Interface for CMG Operation Seung-Eun Yang Korea Aerospace Research Institute Thruster or reaction-wheel is used for satellite orbit control. When those two actuators do not satisfy the required high maneuver performance, CMG (Control Moment Gyroscope) is a good candidate. In this paper, the design of MIL-STD-1553B interface is described for Honeywell Aerospace CMG operation. MIL-STD- 1553B is a military standard published by the United States Department of Defense that describes serial data bus. CMG is composed of primary, redundant unit and managed as hot redundant because it is a critical unit for satellite orbit control. When a problem occurs for primary CMG that is operated as main mode, immediate switching to redundant should be executed. Also, 1553B command and telemetry transaction slot should be assigned to both CMG primary and redundant. With respect to the operation concept, the 1553B interface design is described. [P-16] Electrical System Design for LEO Satellite Young-Su Youn 1, Jong-Jin Jang 2, Jae-Nam Yu 2, Jin-Hyuk Kim 1 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Korea Aerospace Industries The electrical energy is generated using a triple junction 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 47

48 포스터발표논문초록 GaAs solar array which is accommodated on 3 deployable panels and the electrical energy is stored using Li-Ion battery for low earth orbit satellite. The power control unit has solar array power regulator with hot redundant direct energy transfer and peak power tracking control. The battery clamps unregulated primary power bus for the bus and payload heaters and hot redundant regulated primary power bus for the bus and payload electronics. The LEON2 based on-board computer is for the on-board data handling and MIL-STD-1553B bus architecture provides communication between the on-board computer and the other spacecraft electronics including the payload. The UART serial interface provides communication between the on-board computer and power distribution unit. The fiberlink interface provides for image data between the visible sensor unit and data handing unit. The flight software is operation in 16Hz. [P-17] 우주방사선노출에의한국산용복합재의압축특성연구 신재성, 윤용식, 최익현 한국항공우주연구원 (KARI) 항공우주응용재료팀 최근화성및달탐사등우주에대한관심이높아지고있다. 하지만, 우주환경은극심한온도변화 (-120 ~12 0 ), 고진공 (High Vacuum), 우주파편충돌 (Space Debris Impact), 우주방사선 (Space Radiation) 등과같은해로운환경요소가존재하므로, 우주환경에서의비행체 (ex) 인공위성, 탐사선 ) 등이생존하기위해서는이러한요소가구조물에미치는영향에대하여확인이되어야한다. 따라서, 본연구에서는해로운우주환경요소중하나인우주방사선 ( 양성자, 감마선, 자외선 ) 을 [0] 20T, [90] 20T, [90/0/90] 7T 세가지종류의시편에조사하여우주방사선이우주비행체구조물에사용될복합재에미치는압축물성영향에대하여연구를수행하였다. [P-18] 우주기상으로인한위성아노말리연구 : 국내외예측기술현황및정책적시사점 이동희 1, 2, 이진하 1, 김지영 1, 장근일 1 1 국가기상위성센터, 2 충북대학교천문우주학과 위성운용이증가함에따라근지구우주기상에의한위성피해대비가중요해지고있다. 본연구는국내외위성아노말리예측기술에대한조사를수행하였다. 우주기상에의한위성아노말리의원인은내부대전, 표면대전, Single Event Effect(SEE), 방사선피폭등이대표적이다. 국외에서는이러한원인에대해 SPACECAST, SPACESTORM, Rad-Sat 프로젝트및 Spacecraft Environmental Anomalies Expert System(SEAES) 등을통해위성아노말리예측정보를제공하고있다. 영국의 SPACECAST 프로젝트는위성보호를위해입자및방사선량예측모델을개발하였으며, SPACESTORM 프로젝트를통해궤도별준실시간위험등급을웹표출하고있다. SPACESTORM 의후속프로젝트 Rad-Sat 은파동의영향을고려한입자예측모델개발을목적으로현재수행중이다. 한편미국의 SEAES 는 1990 년대처음으로개발된전문가시스템으로정지궤도위성아노말리의원인별가능성을추정할수있으며, 현재 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) 에서준실시간으로위험지수를공개서비스하고있다. 국내에서는위성아노말리예측을하고있지는않다. 최호성등 (2011) 은정지궤도위성아노말리의시공간적특성을밝히는연구를수행한바있으며, 기상청은위성아노말리의사례조사및우주기상과의상관성을확인하는연구를지속하고있다. 본연구의결과는통계적혹은물리적접근방법을통하여우주기상변화에따른위성아노말리를평가하고예측하기위한기반연구에활용될것이다. [P-19] 태양전지판구동기를포함하는위성의태양전지판접지방안 이상록, 임성빈 한국항공우주연구원달탐사체계팀 인공위성을구성하는모든전도성을가지는부품들은위성체의구조물 (Structure) 에접지되어야한다. 이는궤도운용중발생가능한전하충전에의한 Differential Potential 형성에의한방전 (Arcing) 을방지하기위해서이다. 대다수의구성품은특별한조치없이기계적인결합을통해서접지가된다. 그러나위성외부에위치하는태양전지판은우주파편혹은다른이유에의한기판 (Substrate) 과태양전지판셀 (Solar Cell) 간도통 (Short) 발생시에도큰성능저하없이태양전지판을사용하기위해 Bleed Resistor 를사용한다. 일반적으로 Bleed Resistor 는태양전지판에위치하나, 위성의임무특성상발생하는환경조건 ( 온도 ) 에의해외부적용이어려운경우위성내부적용방안을도입해야한다. 고정된태양전지판을사용하는경우 Bleed Resistor 의적용만으로접지관련조치가종료되나, 태양전지판구동기 (Solar Array Drive Assembly, SADA) 를탑재하는위성의경우문제가한층복잡해진다. 이는태양전지판구동기는회전하는특성을가지며, 태양전지판과구조체사이에위치하기때문이다. 따라서인공위성의설계단계에서적절한접지를위한방안에대한검토가필요하다. 본논문에서는인공위성의환경조건에의해 Bleed Resistor 를외부에적용하기어렵고, 태양전지판구동기를포함하는인공위성의접지방안에대해다룬다. [P-20] MatLab Runtime 기반인공위성동역학가시화툴연구 이선호 한국항공우주연구원 인공위성을개발하기위해서궤도및동역학시뮬레이션을통한위성의위치및자세에대한요구사항분석및성능해석이중요하다. 이를위해위성개발자및지상국운영자는전문엔지니어링 SW 을이용하여위성시스템의모델링, 시뮬레이션, 성능해석, 운영등을수행한다. 하지만이러한상용 SW 는고기능, 고사양을갖추고있기때문에초기구매비용이적지않을뿐아니라유지관리를위한추가비용이지속적으로요구하는경우가많다. 최근관심도가높아지는규브샛 (CubeSat) 과캔샛 (CanSat) 경우, 위성설계및검증비용을절감을위해서용도에최적화된저비용의인공위성동역학가시화툴 (Tool) 가요구된다. 이에본연구는궤도상위성의위치와자세를가시화할수있는 MatLab 기반툴을설계내용을소개한다. 본가시화툴은 MatLab 48 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

49 포스터발표논문초록 Runtime 프리웨어 (Freeware) 를통해서구동되며지상성능해석시뮬레이터또는궤도상실제원격측정데이터로부터획득된위성동역학데이터를입력받는다. 또한궤도상위성의거동을 3 차원으로가시화하며 MatLab 에서기본적으로제공되는다양한기능을함께사용할수있다. [P-21] 신소재기반광구조체지상검증모델성능시험 이원범 1, 연정흠 1, 최종국 1, 임채형 2, 이덕규 1, 이승훈 1 1 한국항공우주연구원 2 DACC Aerospace Co.,LTD 기존소재를이용한대구경광학카메라는반사경의무게가무거워지므로이를줄이기위해열팽창계수는상대적으로크기만다른금속들에비하여작고, 밀도는비슷하지만, 비강성이훨씬좋은신소재를사용하여미러를제작하고있으며, 이를지지하기위한고안정광구조체도같은소재를사용하여전체적으로동일한열팽창계수로온도변화하에서같이팽창, 수축이되도록설계하였다. 고안정광구조체는반사경및영상검출기등을지지하고발사시야기되는동력학적하중및우주궤도상에서운용시극한의반복적열하중하에서도수마이크로범위내로치수안정성을유지하여광학계의성능을보존하는핵심부품이다. 본논문에서는신소재를이용한광구조체의지상검증모델을제작하고, 인증모델수준의성능시험결과에대해기술한다. [P-22] Structural Thermal Model Jitter Test for the Medium-sized Low Earth Orbit Satellite Jeong-Heum Im 1, Jae-Hyuk Lim 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chonbuk National University KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Instititute) is developing a 500kg class medium-sized low earth orbit satellite. It is equiped with an electro-optical camera payload and it will provide 0.5m resolution panchromatic earth images. Satellite image performance is affected by several factors. For the electro-optical camera, the degradation comes from optics, detector, satellite motion as like drift and jitter, signal processing, atmospheric effect and so on. This paper focuses on the satellit motion effect, especially on jitter. The satellite has two major jitter sources. The one is reaction wheels which is used for its attitude control and the other is X-band gimbal antenna which is used for image data transmittion to the ground. Flight model of satellite has not been developed yet, however structural thermal model of satellite, engineering model of reaction wheel and qualificaiton model of X-band gimbal antenna are avaiable for the test. This paper describes test configuration, sensor location to measure the forces transfered from the vibration sources and opeation profile of reaction wheel and X-band antenna. Test result will be shown by comparing the waterfall plot and frequency response envlope between the analysis and test. [P-23] 정지궤도위성지상시스템시험방법 임현수, 복준영, 박진형 지상체계개발팀, 국가위성정보활용지원센터, 한국항공우주연구원 본논문은정지궤도위성을위한지상시스템의시험을위한 시험절차와시험체계를포함한전반적인시험방법에대해논한다. 지상시스템은위성관제시스템과영상전처리시스템, 그리고모든지상시스템의운영현황을중앙에서감시하고관리하는운영지원시스템으로크게구성된다. 위성관제시스템은위성상태를연속적으로감시하고주기적으로운영에필요한위성명령을위성으로보내어정상적으로위성미션이수행될수있도록한다. 이를위해위성명령생성, 위성상태정보처리, 임무계획, 위성궤도결정 / 예측등의기능이수행된다. 영상전처리시스템은탑재체가관측한원시영상의에러를처리하여 L2, L3 등의후처리시스템에서이용할수있는영상물을만드는것이다. 정지궤도기상위성의경우에는전처리영상물이위성을통해실시간배포되기도한다. 시험결과의관리를위한이슈관리및소프트웨어 / 하드웨어버전관리가필요하며일부코드의수정이전체코드에끼치는영향을반복시험하기위해소프트웨어시험자동화시스템을이용하기도한다. [P-24] 정지궤도위성운영을위한임무계획자동화 임현수, 복준영 지상체계개발팀, 국가위성정보활용지원센터, 한국항공우주연구원 본논문에서제안하는정지궤도위성을위한임무계획자동화운영은정지궤도위성과탑재체운영에필요한임무계획을운영자개입없이도자동적으로정해진절차대로수행하고, 임무계획결과를위성명령시스템과관련지상시스템으로자동전달하는것을의미한다. 임무계획의자동화는 2018 년발사예정인정지궤도복합위성 -2A 를위한임무계획부시스템부터적용되는기술로현재한국항공우주연구원에설치및검증시험을완료한상태이다. 이러한임무계획자동화는자동화설정, 실행대기, 자동화실행, 및실행결과확인의일련의과정으로진행된다. 즉, 자동화업무는사전에정의된작업조건과설정방법에따라실행대기에서자동화실행되며, 실행현황과결과는메인화면을통해운영자가실시간또는추후확인가능하게한다. 본논문의정지궤도위성운영을위한임무계획부시스템의자동화업무는한정된운영인력으로도생산적인위성운영이가능하게할것이다. [P-25] 정지궤도위성용리튬이온배터리전지의모델링개발 장성수, 최재동, 이상률 한국항공우주연구원 본논문에서는정지궤도위성용리튬이온배터리전지 (Battery Cell) 의모델링개발에대하여요약하였다. 정지궤도위성에사용하는리튬이온배터리전지의모델링개발을위하여, 산업체의상용리튬이온배터리전지와국내인공위성에사용된리튬이온배터리전지의전기화학적특성을분석하였다. 그리고 ALTIUM 시뮬레이션툴을이용하여상용리튬이온배터리전지의모델링을분석하였고, 상용리튬이온배터리전지의부분적인실험을통해리튬이온배터리전지의모델링을비교 / 검증하였다. 정지궤도위성에사용된리튬이온배터리전지의시험데이터를충분히확보하는데제한이있어, 위성용리튬이온배터리전지의모델링검증에어려움이있다. 따라서상용리튬이온배터리전지의부분적인실험을통해서검증된모델링을바탕으로정지 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 49

50 포스터발표논문초록 궤도위성용리튬이온배터리전지의모델링을간접적으로구현하고검증하였다. 따라서본논문은정지궤도위성용배터리전지의모델링개발을위해수행한모델링파라미터분석및부분적인시험내용, 상용리튬이온배터리전지의모델링시뮬레이션분석결과, 그리고정지궤도위성용배터리전지의모델링결과를포함하고있다. [P-26] 인공위성의소프트웨어기반재설정유닛과비행소프트웨어의동시통신 Master 회피방안 전현진, 박종오 한국항공우주연구원 인공위성의재설정유닛은 Flexibility 를위해소프트웨어기반으로구현하는방법에대해관심이모이고있다. 그런데, 만약소프트웨어기반재설정유닛과비행소프트웨어가동일한통신버스를사용한다고했을때한쪽은 Master 로동작하고한쪽은 Slave 로동작해야한다. 즉, 비행소프트웨어가정상동작하고있을때에는재설정유닛은 Slave 로동작하고비행소프트웨어가 Wake-up 하기전에는재설정유닛이 Master 로동작해야한다. 다시말하면, 재설정유닛이 Master 로동작하다가비행소프트웨어가 wake-up 하고있다는것을인지하면바로 Slave 로전환해서비행소프트웨어가요구하는통신에반응을해줘야한다. 이를위해서어떤상황에서도, 즉, 비행소프트웨어와재설정유닛이약간의시차또는동시에 booting 하고있는상황에서도동시에통신 Master 가되지않도록서로회피하는기술이요구된다. 특히, 재설정유닛이비행소프트웨어와동시 booting 하거나약간먼저 booting 하는상황은비행소프트웨어의 wake-up 상황을인지하기쉽지않으며, 또한, 재설정유닛이비행소프트웨어보다약간늦게 booting 하는상황에는재설정유닛이비행소프트웨어의 booting 신호를제대로인지하기위한정교한방법이요구된다. 본논문은모든상황에서소프트웨어기반재설정유닛과비행소프트웨어가동시에통신 Master 가되지않도록하는방안에대해논하였다. 본논문은향후소프트웨어기반재설정유닛구현을위한적절한가이드라인이될수있을것으로판단된다. [P-27] 전기지상지원장비의전원분배장치설계 조승원, 채동철, 방수완, 김영윤, 허윤구 한국항공우주연구원 저궤도위성및정지궤도위성은 AI&T (Assembly Integration & Test) 기간동안시험을통해기능및성능이검증된다. 위성의전기기능및성능시험을하기위해서는위성에전원을인가하거나통신을수행하며다양한시험인터페이스를갖춘전기지상지원장비가요구된다. 시험기간동안위성에불필요한영향을주지않도록전기지상지원장비는시험수행기간동안안정적인전원을공급하여야한다. 전기지상지원장비의전원분배장치는시설전원으로부터전력을공급받아이를전기지상지원장비가요구하는전원의형태로전환하여공급하는역할을한다. 이러한전원분배장치는일반적인싱글베이랙형태의전기지상지원장비에장착가능하도록해야되며 3 상전원및단상전원으로공급가능하도록설계해야한다. 또한비상시긴급전 원차단이가능해야하며안전을위하여누설전류차단기또는서지보호기등을갖춰야한다. 본논문에서는전기지상지원장비의전원분배장치설계내용을간략히기술한다. [P-28] 정지궤도복합위성의초기운영을위한시험방안소개 조창권, 박봉규, 조영호, 박근주 한국항공우주연구원 정지궤도복합위성 2A 호는 2018 년발사를목표로기상탑재체 (AMI) 와우주기상탑재체 (KSEM) 를포함하여위성의모든부품의전기적성능및기능검증시험과진동및충격과같은발사환경시험이성공적으로수행되었다. 현재열진공시험을앞두고있고시험완료후, 전자파시험과위성과지상국간의종단시험 (End-to-End) 을수행하게되면위성체개발은종료된다. 그이후위성은발사장으로이동하여발사체에장착되어발사준비를수행하게된다. 위와같은남은시험이진행되는동안위성체는발사체에서분리되어우주에서수행해야할초기운영들을준비해야한다. 그러나우주에서의운동을똑같이모사할수있는시뮬레이터가없는상황에서전기적기능벤치 (ETB) 에장착되어있는하드웨어와궤도를일부모사할수있는위성동역학시뮬레이터 (SDS) 를이용하여정지궤도복합위성 2A 호의초기운영을위한시험을수행하였다. 이시험에서수행되었던시험의형상과일련의시험설계및과정에대해소개하고자한다. [P-29] A Study on Software Defined Architectural Design in Aerospace Applications Yee-Jin Cheon Korea Aerospace Research Institute Increasingly, most of the infrastructure components that we know of will be developed and deployed in software. Even more importantly, the commissioning of aerospace mission which covers space and ground segments is entirely done by software. In addition, Software Defined Everything (SDE) or software-defined anything, is also known as SDx, has become a buzzword in the IT (Information and Technology) world moving towards a software defined future. It is a movement toward promoting a greater role for software systems in controlling different kinds of hardware - more specifically, making software more "in command" of multi-piece, multi-purpose, or complex hardware systems and allowing for software control of a greater range of devices. In such an environment, an intelligent software could control, manage and automate the entire infrastructure or systems. The umbrella term incorporates a number of software defined technologies such as Software Defined Networking (SDN), Software Defined Storage (SDS), and Software Defined Data Center (SDDC). In this study, the software defined architectural design for aerospace applications is explored. This study will focus on a virtualized aerospace systems, more specifically satellite systems, which can be delivered as a service and provide aerospace systems with flexibility, scalability, and reusability. 50 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

51 포스터발표논문초록 [P-30] 정지궤도복합위성 2A 호최초정렬측정및보정 최정수 1, 김형완 1, 박종석 1, 김인걸 2, 1 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성체계팀, 2 충남대학교항공우주공학과 정지궤도복합위성 2A 호는천리안위성의후속기상관측위성으로천리안위성에비해크게향상된성능의기상관측탑재체 (AMI) 와우주환경모니터링을할수있는우주기상탑재체 (KSEM) 가장착되어있다. 한국항공우주연구원에서는올해말발사를목표로정지궤도복합위성 2A 호를개발하고있으며, 발사후지구적도면 36,500kg 상공의정지궤도에서지구자전과동일한속도로회전하면서 24 시간주어진임무를수행할예정이다. 임무기간동안기상관측및우주환경관측을정확하게수행하기위해서정지궤도복합위성에는별추적기 (STA), 관성센서 (GRA), 태양센서 (SSA), 반작용휠 (WDE), 추력기 (RCT) 와같은자세제어용센서및구동기가정확하게정렬이되어야하며관측자료송수신및배포에사용되는 S 밴드, L 밴드및 X 밴드안테나들도설계요구조건에맞게정확하게장착및조립이되어야한다. 본연구에서는정지궤도복합위성 2A 호의조립이완료된이후레이저추적기와데오드라이트를사용해초기정렬측정을수행하고요구조건을만족시키기위해보정하는과정을소개하고최종정렬을준비하고자한다. [P-31] 저궤도위성용통합시험및운영시스템 (ITOS: Integrated Test and Operation System) 설계및현황 허윤구, 방수완 한국항공우주연구원 현재한국항공우주연구원에서개발중인다수의위성사업에서발사전지상에서위성체총조립및시험 (AIT - Assembly, Integration & Test) 단계에서이용될뿐만아니라발사이후에도지상국의위성운영에도현재사용되고있거나앞으로사용될예정인통합시험및운영시스템 (ITOS: Integrated Test and Operation System) 은저궤도, 정지궤도, 시험용달궤도선등다양한위성임무별특이사항들을지속적으로반영하여설계및구현중에있다. 특히한국항공우주연구원에서주관및참여하고있는다수의저궤도위성개발에통합시험및운영시스템이지속적으로사용중이거나사용될계획으로효율성, 신뢰성, 사용자편리성등을최대한반영하고있다. 이러한통합시험및운영시스템에서현재구현되어있는여러가지기능들에대한개요및해당기능에대한상세설계에대해서간략히알아보고앞으로개발계획및현황에대해서도함께살펴보고자한다. [P-32] Signal to Noise Ratio Performance of the Camera System for the Lunar Orbiter Haeng-Pal Heo, Gm-Sil Kang, Sang-Soon Yong, Seok-Weon Choi Korea Aerospace Research Institute An electro-optical camera system is being developed to be mounted on a satellite for lunar orbiter. The camera continues to be operated for one year in the lunar polar orbit with 100 km altitude. The camera is equipped with a linear CCD and operated in a push-broom manner. Because the lunar surface does not shows Lambertian reflective characteristics, input radiance of the camera system varies much depends on the angle between the sun and the camera, known as the phase angle. Signal to noise ratio performance is highly dependent on the intensity of the radiance which is a function of the phase angle. However, the satellite can maneuver to take images of the target on the lunar surface. In this presentation, analysis results of the signal to noise ratio performance of the camera system when it collects the images from the target in many different latitudes will be presented. 우주응용 [P-33] 정지궤도기상탑재체의 2017 년기술동향 명환춘, 최재동, 이상률 한국항공우주연구원 유럽과미국, 아시아에서는 2014 년을시작으로다채널 / 고해상도를특징으로하는차세대기상탑재체를장착한기상위성의발사가계속해서이어져왔거나앞으로예정되어있다 년의 Himawari-8 위성을시작으로 2016 년의 Himawari-9, GOES-16 에서는 ABI 계열의기상탑재체를성공적으로운영하고있는중이며, 2018 년후반에는동일한 ABI 계열의기상탑재체를장착한우리나라의 GK-2A 위성과미국의 GOES-S 위성이궤도로발사될예정이다. 또한, 유럽의차세대기상위성인 MTG 위성은 FCI 기상탑재체를장착하고 2021 년발사를목표로개발이진행되고있다. FCI 기상탑재체는가장늦게개발이진행되고있으며, 관련부분품들의설계및시험결과들이최근에도계속해서공개되고있다. 본논문에서는 2016~2017 년에공개된 FCI 기상탑재체기술논문들중에서검출기의방사선시험결과와반사경및망원부의설계와정렬, 광학보정을위한시험장비등의내용들을요약및정리하여소개한다 년에발사되어대부분의초기운영시험이성공적으로종료된 Himawari-8 의 AHI 기상탑재체의경우에는, 운영궤도상에서달의표면을이용하여탑재체의 MTF 성능을확인한시험결과를최근에공개하였으며, 이전에이미공개되었던 stray light 의추가적인분석도함께제시하였고, 이와관련된요약된내용들이본논문에포함되었다 년에발사되어초기운영이거의종료된 ABI 기상탑재체는최근에궤도운영시험의결과들이관련된기술논문들을통하여조금씩공개되고있는상황이며, 본논문에서는탑재체의광학보정성능과기하보정성능을중심으로관련시험결과들의내용을간략히설명한다. [P-34] 일본의조기경보탑재체개발및추진현황 명환춘, 최재동, 이상률 한국항공우주연구원 2008 년우주기본법성립이전까지일본은위성의개발에있어서활용범위를일반적인목적으로한정하여우주개발을진행해왔다. 그러나우주기본법이제정된이후, 일본은국제협약과헌법이허용하는범위에서다양한목적의우주개 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 51

52 포스터발표논문초록 발을위한법적근거를가질수있게되었고, 이러한배경을바탕으로일본방위성은 2009 년 우주개발이용에관한기본방침 을확정하여본격적인우주개발검토에착수하였다. 특히, 탄도미사일방어시스템구축이라는관점에서그동안미국의조기경보시스템에의존해왔던일본은독자적인조기경보시스템개발을위하여 2013 년에일본의방위성, 문부과학성, JAXA 등이연구협력협정등을체결하고관련개발을진행하기시작하였다 년부터일본의방위장비청을중심으로조기경보탑재체전용의 2 파장적외선검출기개발에착수하였는데, 두개의중적외선과원적외선검출기들을하나의검출기로융합한다는점에서새로운기술적시도라고할수있다. 2 파장적외선검출기는현재 2019 년까지위성용적외선탑재체의형태로개발을완료할예정이며, 2020 년에는첨단광학위성으로위성명이변경된기존의 ALOS3 에추가적으로탑재하여우주실증실험을수행함으로써 2 파장적외선검출기의기술적검증을완료하는것으로계획되어있다. 본논문에서는이러한일본의조기경보탑재체개발과관련한일련의배경설명과함께, 세계최초로개발중인 2 파장적외선검출기의기능과성능에대하여간략히소개하고, 실증용조기경보탑재체가실제로장착될첨단광학위성에대하여 ALOS3 위성과의차이점및기능과특징을설명한다. [P-35] The Detail Design Analysis of the Electronic Module for the High Resolution GEO-Satellite Electro-Optic Camera System Jong-Euk Park 1,2, SeungHoon Lee 1, Kijun Lee 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering A prior study of the futuristic electronic optical camera aimed at gaining high-resolution images on the GEO(Geostationary Orbit) is required, and prior to this general planning program, a preceding research is performed through the manufacture of key elements techniques before performing it. Large view optic system is required to obtain high-resolution images from the GEO, convert the image information collected by the optics into electronic signals, and perform overall electronic camera control. The opto-electronic system serves to obtain images (image sensor control, image acquisition, processing, image transmission) and perform the electro-optic camera system controls for operation in the optics. In the GEO orbit, obtaining large high-resolution images requires the large focal plan with multiple sensors. Although relatively more available than low-orbit satellites for transmission of power and imaging information, further efforts are needed to obtain and process large amounts of high resolution data. The High resolution electro-optic payload system on GEO(Geostationary Orbit) shall be developed with aqusition of the advance information. [P-36] The Critical Design Analysis of the Lunar Exploration Electro-Optic Payload Camera Electronic Module Jong-Euk Park 1,2, Haeng-Pal Heo 1, Kijun Lee 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering The high resolution camera for the lunar exploration payload is in the process of finishing the detailed design beyond the conceptual design and the preliminary design. In the case of a lunar-use camera, it operates in a much worse environment than a LEO(Low Earth Orbit) satellite of the earth, but the overall mission performance and duty cycle are reflected in the design as a better condition than the LEO. Although the size, weight, and budget are relatively limited in the design of the camera, it plays a role of performing all functions from image acquisition to processing and compression transmission. Unlike the earth orbit, there are restrictions on communication with the earth. Therefore, the concept of command design and operation must be simple, and compression of acquired images is required. And additional functions such as high reliability design and self restoration function considering operation in a moon orbit environment such as solar radiation are required. In this paper, we describe the detailed design analysis of the electro-optic camera for lunar exploration payload, verify the function of this model to be fully developed, analyze additional information necessary for the development of the QM(Qualification Model) and FM(flight model), and summarize the necessary requirements [P-37] The study of high gain antenna assembly operation for the lunar exploration Sangyoun SHIN 1,2, Haeng-Pal Heo 1, Hyoungho Ko 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering In the paper, the high gain antenna operation for the lunar exploration is studied. The lunar orbit satellite has several payloads to take and measure the information from the moon and they should be transferred to the ground system of the earth using the high gain antenna system. But because of the many environmental restrictions, the high gain antenna system is different hardware design and operation with the general antenna system to complete the mission. Therefore, in this paper, the high gain antenna system and the electrical design is introduced and compared with the earth orbit antenna system. Then, the high gain antenna operation for the lunar mission is studied. [P-38] 해양탑재체구동부의동적섭동분석 연정흠 1, 용상순 2, 이덕규 1, 이승훈 3 1 한국항공우주연구원탑재체광학팀 2 한국항공우주연구원탑재체전자팀 3 한국항공우주연구원위성탑재체연구단 정지궤도복합위성해야탑재체 (GOCI-II) 는 2019 년발사예정으로통신해양기상위성해양탑재체의임무를승계하며, 향상된공간해상도및채널정보로해색을관찰하는임무를가지고있다. 해양탑재체는넓은관측영역과다채널측정및궤도상보정기능을구현하기위하여다양한구동부를장착하고있다. 스텝 / 스테어방식으로관측영역을변경할수있는이축의지향구동부를가지고있으며채널을순차적으로변경할수있는필터휠구동부, 보정장치구동을위한보정휠구동부를가지고있다. 구동부작동에따라해양탑 52 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

53 포스터발표논문초록 재체에서발생한동적섭동이위성체로전달된다. 이를분석하기위하여각구동부에대한동력학적모델링이수행되었고, 작동시나리오별로동적섭동이계산되었다. 계산결과는위성체자세제어시스템에전달되어영향분석및자세제어알고리즘설정에활용된다. [P-39] 차세대중형위성태양광차단구조물설계 연정흠 1, 이원범 1, 최종국 1, 이덕규 1, 이승훈 2, 임채형 3 1 한국항공우주연구원탑재체광학팀 2 한국항공우주연구원위성탑재체연구단 3 데크항공기술연구소 차세대중형위성광학탑재체는중형급위성플랫폼에맞게개발되는고해상도카메라로국토자원관리, 재해재난대응, 국가공간정보활용을위한정밀지상관측영상제공의임무를가지고있다. 태양광차단구조물은광학탑재체전단부에장착되어카메라로직사태양광이들어가지않게하는배플역할을한다. 카메라의반사경들이태양광에직접적으로장시간노출되면반사율저하가발생하며이로인하여광학탑재체의성능저하를유발시킬수있다. 이를억제하기위하여태양광차단구조물의형상은카메라의관측영역 (FOV) 을방해하지않는범위에서태양광차단효과가크도록설계되어야한다. 본연구에서는차세대중형위성에장착되는태양광차단구조물의설계에대해기술한다. 태양광차단구조물은광학탑재체전단부에장착되어작은질량으로도큰관성모멘트를발생시키므로질량이최소화되도록설계해야한다. 또한외부로노출되는부분이므로다층박막단열재로쓰워진다하더라도가혹한열환경조건에있게된다. 이러한요구조건들을고려하여태양광차단구조물의설계를수행하였다. [P-40] Failure Mechanism investigation of memory for development of MCS Do Kyoung Lee, Jong Tae Lee, Sang Gyu Lee, Korea Aerospace Research Institute MCS(Multi-Channel Synthetic Aperture Radar) has been developed as EQM (Engineering Qualification Model) for small Radar satellite and critical radar payload technology development. Storage unit development has been planned in Flight Hardware in MCS system. Due to the size, power, and so on, flash memory shall be considered. Flash reliability has four types of error, Bad Blocks, Data Retention, Endurance, Disturb. And Failure mechanism consist of intrinsic and extrinsic failure. Extrinsic failure mechanisms are caused by workmanship, environment, and variability in manufacturing process. Intrinsic failure mechanisms are unrelated to workmanship and are inherent to the technology or materials used to create the product. The four technology of NAND flash is that : Scaled CMOS, Plastic packaging, Floating gate memory cell, and device architecture. This paper show the analysis of failure mechanism for NAND flash memory. [P-41] Flash Based Memory System Design for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Jong-Tae Lee 1, Sang-Gyu Lee 1, Ki-Jun Lee 2 1 Korea Aerospace Research Institute 2 Chungnam National University Most earth observation low earth orbit (LEO) satellite need mass memory system to store instrument data until the satellite reaches an area where the communication with ground station can be made. Previously SRAM based and SDRAM based memory systems had been used for the on-board mass memory. Due to its weight and power consumption, it s trending to use Flash based memory system recently. This paper describes the difference between SDRAM based and Flash based memory system and introduces a Flash based mass memory system with mitigation measures to overcome the disadvantages of using Flash device for an electro-optical LEO satellite. [P-42] 국제우주정거장용공기및물환경제어시스템분석 이주희, 김연규, 이종원 한국항공우주연구원항공우주응용재료팀 2030 년대유인화성탐사를준비하는미국 NASA 에서는국제우주정거장 (ISS; International Space Station) 의환경제어및생명유지시스템 (ECLSS; Environment Control & Life Support System) 의주요핵심장치인공기재생및관리, 물재활용및오수관리등에대한기술격차를정의하고이를 2020 년대초까지해결하고자국제우주정거장실험플랫폼을활용하여검증해나가고있다. 향후유인화성탐사분야에서도국제우주정거장에서와같은국제협력을추진할수있는바, 이를대비하여우리도우주실험및우주인이거주하고실험하는실험모듈및우주구조물에대한핵심적인환경제어시스템개발연구가필요할것으로판단되며, 이에대한시발점으로국제우주정거장과같은우주플랫폼의생명유지시스템에대한연구가필요하다고본다. 특히우주인들의생명유지에필수적인공기와물의생산및재활용시스템핵심기술을확보하여국제협력을대비하고향후우주탐사뿐만아니라산업적활용도고려해보고자한다. 우주천문 [P-43] Current Status of the digital sampler development for radio observation Yong-Woo Kang, Min-Gyu Song Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute We are developing the digital sampler with VDIF format for radio observational data analysis. The sampler has a dual sampling frequencies of 1GHz and 4GHz with 2bits per sample. In this sampler, The data output max. speed is 8Gbps at 2bit samples. Thus, we designed VDIF output hardware using 10G TCP/IP specification. I will introduce the current status of the high speed sampler development. [P-44] Stray Light Analysis of the Entoto Observatory Telescopes in Ethiopia 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 53

54 포스터발표논문초록 Young-Soo Kim 1,2, Yong-Ik Byun 3, Jeong Gyun Jang 1, Solomon Belay Tessema 4, Leonid Berdnikov 4, Etsegenet Getachew 4, & Alemiye Mamo Yacob 4 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute 2 Chung Buk National University 3 Yonsei University 4 Ethiopian Space Science & Technology Institute Entoto Observatory and Research Center in Ethiopian Space Science & Technology Institute established two 1-m telescopes on the Entoto mountain at the north of Addis Ababa. The mountain is about 3,200 m high. The telescopes were made by Astelco, Germany and was repaired in Optics. Unusual patterns on the flat images dragged us to analyze stray light and on-site investigations. In this paper, basic characteristics of the telescopes are explained, and analysis results of the light paths and suggestions are described. [P-45] 우리은하내이심궤도를가진식쌍성의새로운카타로그제작 김천휘 1,2, J. M. Kreiner 3, B. Zakrzewski 3, W. Ogloza 3, 김현우 1,4, 정민지 1 1 충북대학교천문우주학과 2 충북대학교천문대 3 Mt. Suhora Observatory, Poland 4 한국천문연구원 우리은하에있는 623 개이심궤도식쌍성의카타로그를제작하였다. 그이심식쌍성들은우리의극심시각 database 에수록된, 또는여러전천탐사자료에서수집된측광자료로부터새롭게결정된, 또는우리가직접관측하여얻은약 13 만개의극심시각자료의식시각도분석을통하여편집된것이다. 그이심궤도식쌍성중에서근성점운동을보이는시스템은모두 170 개이며, 이중에서 31 개의쌍성이근성점운동과광시간효과가동시에일어난다. 근성점운동을보이는별들의근성점운동변수들을일관된방식으로산출하여카타로그에수록하였다. 우리가작성한카타로그는기존카타로그에비해양과내용에있어가장방대하다. 우리은하근성점운동쌍성들과소마제란성운과대마젤란성운에서발견된근성점운동쌍성들을모아근성점운동변수들의통계적분포들이제시된다. [P-46] Current Status of Advanced Network based e-kvn and plan for the High Speed Data Processing Min-Gyu Song 1, Hyo-Ryung Kim 1, Yong-Woo Kang 1, Seog-Oh Wi 1, Sung-Mo Lee 1, Jong-Soo Kim 1, Tae-Hyun Jung 1, Do-Young Byun 1, Hyun-Goo Kim 1, Duk-Gyoo Roh 1, Se-Jin Oh 1, Jae-Hwan Yeom 1, Do-Heung Je 1, Bu-Seung Cho 2, Min-Ki Noh 2 1 Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute 2 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information As the first facility of VLBI(Very Long Baseline Interferometry) observation, KVN(Korean VLBI Network) consists of three radio observatories, which sites are KVN Yonsei, KVN Ulsan and KVN Tamna. In each observatory, more than ten terabytes of data are produced during VLBI observation. But the capacity of observation data is now growing bigger rapidly and 8Gbps VLBI observation is not operating. In this situation, e-vlbi technology which transfers massive VLBI data from each radio observatory to correlation center over the high speed network becomes increasingly crucial, we have been using KREONET(Korea Research Environment Open NETwork) as the backbone for the reliable connection between three KVN sites and KJCC(Korea Japan Correlation Center). In this poster, we first introduce system architecture and network status of e-kvn. Furthermore, our plan for the high speed data processing is also discussed [P-47] The signs of accretion from interstellar medium in the atmospheres of F-M stars Alexander Yushchenko 1, Yeuncheol Jeong 2, Dmitry Doikov 3, Svetlana Vasil eva 4, Jinhee Yu 1, Eunseok Lee 1, Hyunyoung Lee 1 1 Astrocamp Contents Research Institute, Goyang, 10329, Korea 2 Daeyang Humanity College, Sejong University, Seoul, 05006, Korea 3 Odessa National Maritime University, 65001, Odessa, Ukraine 4 Astronomical observatory, Odessa National University named I.I. Mechnikov, Odessa, 65014, Ukraine Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, 03722, Korea The dependencies of relative abundances of chemical elements on the second ionization potentials of these elements were investigated using the stellar abundance patterns published for more than one thousand F-M giant stars. The correlations between the relative abundances of chemical elements and their second ionization potentials are found for stars with effective temperatures between 3,800 and 7,700 K. One of the possible explanations of these correlations can be the accretion of hydrogen and helium from interstellar medium to stellar atmospheres. [P-48] Improvements of the PLD (Pulsed Laser Deposition) method for fabricating photocathodes in ICMOS (Intensified CMOS) sensors Dae-Hee Lee 1,2, Youngsik Park 1, Bongkon Moon 1, Yong-Woo Kang 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Seoung-Chul Bang 1, HyeunSeok Choi 3, So-Jeong Na 3, Sung-Bok Kang 3, Nikolay Vedenkin 4, Alexander Malyshev 4, and Yang-Soo Kim 4 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 4 Satbyul Corporation Ltd. We introduce new technologies improving the PLD (Pulsed Laser Deposition) method to fabricate visible (370 ~ 600 nm) and NUV (Near Ultraviolet, 185 ~ 320 nm) photocathodes for ICMOS (Intensified CMOS) sensors. First, we have improved the PLD VC (Vacuum Chamber) by utilizing optical window viewports and a couple of internal carousels, so that we can do cleaning, deposition various alkalis, measurement of the QE (Quantum Efficiency) in-situ, for multiple photocathode targets in a single process. Second, we have designed a 54 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

55 포스터발표논문초록 Load/Degassing/Assembly (LDA) VC to prepare, load, degas, and assemble the alkali targets and photocathode substrates. Finally, we have connected the PLD VC with the LDA VC through a vacuum gate to prevent the photocathodes from oxidation and water contamination during the process. In this paper, we describe detail procedures of our new technologies and discuss about the design results of ICMOS products. [P-49] Geometrical Structure of the Symbiotic Star AG Peg Seong-Jae Lee, Siek Hyung Chungbuk National University The HI emission lines of the symbiotic star AG Peg, observed in 1998 and 2001 were investigated to analyze the geometry of the orbital system. The Hα and Hβ line profiles showed three kinds of components: relatively narrow blue-shifted and red-shifted lines with an additional broad line component, while the other HI, HeI, and HeII lines showed only two kinds of components: narrow blueand red-shifted components. The most recent study showed that the broad line components are attributed to the Raman scattered components of the Lymanα and γ in the high density neutral hydrogen region near the blue and red shifted emission line zone around the hot white dwarf. For an analysis of the geometry responsible for the physical condition of the emission lines, we examined three possible geometrical structures: (1) giant star (GS) extended atmosphere + white dwarf (WD) accretion disk in a close binary system; (2) GS extended atmosphere + WD accretion disk in a detached binary system; and (3) bipolar conic shells around WD in a semi-detached binary system. Among them, the latter bipolar conic shells are most likely to be responsible for the observed line profiles. We present the predicted line profiles to accommodate the observed double line profiles. [P-50] 역동적인광도변화를보이는열개의 W UMa 형 Kepler 쌍성의측광학적성질 정민지 1, 김천휘 1,2, 김혜영 1 1 충북대학교천문우주학과, 2 충북대학교천문대진천관측소 케플러위성이약 5 년간연속적으로정밀한관측을수행한덕분에, 우리는 W UMa 형시스템에서일어나는역동적이면서연속적인광도변화패턴에대해연구할수있게되었다. 우리는개기식과광도변화를동시에보이는 10 개의 Kepler W UMa 형쌍성계의시계열광도곡선을분석하였다. 선택한시스템들은공통적으로광도곡선과식시각도에서역동적이면서준주기적인광도곡선의변화를보여준다. 우리는이특성들의모델링을수행한뒤각시스템에서대칭형태의광도곡선을선정하여, 그광도곡선들의해를구하였다. 산출한측광해들은 10 개의 Kepler 쌍성들이현재까지알려진 W UMa 형접촉쌍성들과크게다르지않음을보여준다. 태양및우주환경 [P-51] Grad-Cam 을이용한딥러닝기반의태양플레어이벤트분류모델분석방법연구 김도현 1, 김태영 1, 양승범 1,, 강소연 1, 최명진 1,, 박은수 2, 이강우 2, 문용재 2 1 ( 주 ) 인스페이스, 2 경희대학교우주탐사학과 우주환경에서관측된다형다종, 다종의데이터는시계열적특성을가지며이러한자료의특성에따라다양한딥러닝모델이적용되어활용하거나연구하는사례가많아지고있다. 태양활동에대한예측및분류를수행하는딥러닝모델은우주전파환경에서가장쉽게접할수있는모델중에하나이다. 단순히딥러닝을통해얻어진결과로정확도를판단하거나과학적근거또는이론을적용하기에는어려운것이사실이다. Grad-CAM 기법은딥러닝모델이입력자료에대하여예측하거나분류할때입력자료의어떤특성을추출하여결과를출력하였는지알수있도록가시화해주는기법으로최근이미지를입력자료로활용하는딥러닝모델에대한정확도산출및딥러닝모델의특성을파악하고분석하는데널리활용되고있다. 본논문에서는 SOHO MDI Magnetogram 1996~2006년기간내 N, A, B, C, M, X 클래스 260장을이용하여이진분류 (Positive / Negative) 형태의간단한 CNN 모델을구성하고 Grad CAM을적용하여 CNN 모델이입력영상의어떤특징을추출하여분류했는지확인하는방법과분류모델의정확도산출방법등의전반적인과정에대하여기술하고자한다. [P-52] Characteristics of electron density profiles in the polar ionosphere using long-term incoherent scatter radar observations Eunsol Kim 1,2, Geonhwa Jee 2, Yong Ha Kim 1, Eun-Young Ji 2, Young-Sil Kwak 3 1 Chungnam National University 2 Korea Polar Research Institute 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Using long-term incoherent scatter radar observations, we investigated characteristics of electron density profiles in the auroral and polar cap regions in comparison with the mid-latitude ionosphere. The electron density profiles from 100 to 450 km are compared among the three radar stations (Millstone Hill, Tromso, Svalbard) during equinox, summer and winter for different solar and geomagnetic activity conditions. The diurnal and seasonal variations of F-region density are mainly controlled by solar zenith angle also in the polar ionosphere. However, in winter when the solar radiation disappears, there are two peaks in the polar cap/cusp region, especially during high solar activity. The first peak is caused by soft electron precipitation near magnetic local noon in the cusp region and the second peak is produced by plasma transportation from dayside lower latitudes to nightside polar cap. Since occurrence and strength of polar cap patches decrease with reduced solar activity, the second peak diminishes during low solar activity. Other noticeable features are in the E-region ionosphere. Even though the E-region completely disappears in the mid-latitude and also in the polar cap at night, the E-region density is significantly enhanced by auroral particle precipitation in the auroral region even during low solar activity or geomagnetically quiet conditions. We also found E-region density enhancement in the polar cap/cusp region during daytime in winter, which is caused by energetic proton precipitation. In addition, our results show the variations 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 55

56 포스터발표논문초록 of the E- and F-region peak heights. The diurnal variations of hmf2 are smaller in the polar ionosphere particularly for solstices, while the peak height increases gradually with time from day to midnight in the mid-latitude ionosphere. The mean hme is around 120 km in the auroral region during nighttime and about 130 km in the polar cap/cusp region during daytime, while it is approximately 110 km for the other cases. [P-53] Large scale EMIC waves observed by Swarm satellites: Long-stretched and long lasting Hyangpyo Kim 1,2, Junga Hwang 1,2, Jaeheung Park 1,2 and Jaejin Lee 1,2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology We analyzed two large scale EMIC waves observed by Swarm satellites on 25 June and 3 September These extraordinary large scale waves were distributed with latitudinal size of ~120 (extending from southern trough to northern trough) and had unexpected long duration (~3.5 hours). The 25 June pulsation was observed during huge geomagnetic storm s recovery phase (Dst minimum = -200 nt) with two separated frequency bands on both dayside and nightside. The wave properties in two regions are somewhat different. Pulsations in dayside show that the wave normal angle rise with descending latitude and the ellipticity mixed at high latitude, and linear with descending latitude. On the other hand, nightside waves, normal angle rise with descending latitude on Southern hemisphere, but mixed on entire Northern hemisphere. The polarization shows mixed at all latitude. The second Pc1 pulsation on 3 September was observed on the dawn sector and lasted for ~4 hours. Contrary to the first event, this second event was independent on the geomagnetic disturbance, and the wave properties are not changed. [P-54] Operation of the Instruments for the Study of Stable/Storm-time Space (ISSS) Instruments for the Study of Space Go Woon Na 1, Jongho Seon 1, Kyoung-Wook Min 2, Jongdae Sohn 3, Kyung-In Kang 4, Goo-Hwan Shin 4 1 Kyung Hee University 2 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 4 Satellite Technology Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology The Instruments for the Study of Stable/Storm-time Space (ISSS) developed for observation and studying of the space environment was practically delivered to Satellite Technology Research Center last year. And it has been finally tested on board next generation small satellite-1 (NEXTSat-1) for the launch in Q3/Q The ISSS prepared 10 kinds of operation modes to simplify and to stabilize the communication between the ground station, the satellite, and the ISSS. The 10 operation modes mainly considered on the scientific purpose of each subunit such as radiation detectors (High Energy Particle Detector and Medium Energy Particle Detector) and plasma detectors (Langmuir Probe, Retarding Potential Analyzer, and Ion Drift Meter), subunit s parameters, and the orbit of the satellite. The command transmission speed and the data type are also considered. These 10 operation modes consist of a combination of 8 operation methods and 4 parameter groups. This research presents the operation concept of the ISSS and introduces 10 operation modes and these components. [P-55] Predicting fof2 over Jeju Station using Artificial Neural Networks Suin Moon and Yong Ha Kim Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea The multi-layer perceptron (MLP), which is multi-layer feedforward neural network having one or more hidden layers, has the advantage of solving nonlinear problem. Prediction for ionospheric F2 layer s critical frequency, fof2, is attempted using the MLP model. The data used for training the MLP model are from measurements of Jeju ionsonde ( E, N) operated by Korean Space Weather Center (KSWC) for 8 years of The input elements in the model include date, hour, solar activity index, and geomagnetic activity index. As the geomagnetic index, the Aj index was adopted, which is converted in similar manner to Ap index from Kj index that is an equivalent of K index for Jeju location. (The Kj index is published by KSWC). The model networks are constructed to calculate the target output, fof2 values at input time and after 1 hour to 4 hours, and thus the model can be regarded as both nowcasting and forecasting of fof2. Through the error back propagation algorithm, the networks modify their weights by training with the data. To make better results, we attempted various sets of network elements, such as combination of input parameters, learning rate, number of hidden nodes, and number of hidden layers. As performance measures, root mean square error (RMSE) and correlation coefficient are computed with the test data of The best performed model parameters so far found consists of 8 inputs, 27 hidden nodes and 5 output nodes, resulting in RMSE of MHz and correlation coefficient of The current model has slightly better performance than IRI-2016 model for test year, [P-56] The prediction of relativistic electron flux at geostationary orbit based on neural network Keunchan Park 1,2, Jaejin Lee 2, Kyungchan Kim 3, Yu Yi 1 BonJun Ku 4, Hyesook Lee 5 1 Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University 2 Korea Astronomy & Space science Institute 3 Division of Science education, College of Education, Daegu University 4 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 5 korean meteorological administration The outer radiation belt consisting mainly of electrons that are trapped in Earth s magnetosphere is changed rapidly by solar wind condition and these particles have a bad effect on satellites. To protect the various risk, researches of the electron flux prediction are important and have been progressed constantly. We have designed the electron flux prediction algorithm using artificial neural network (ANN) since We modified the ANN to solve the problem called overfitting, time shift and tried to improve the model performance. Input parameters are 1, 56 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

57 포스터발표논문초록 2, 3 days ago data of solar wind (density, speed, IMF By and Bz), geomagnetic index (Dst, Kp) and electron flux data. The model is trained from 2014 to 2016, the test period is The outputs of ANN are 24 hour ahead relativistic electron flux for each LT and we performed some correction for output. As a result of the model, to some extent, we confirmed that time shift disappeared for every prediction time. However, there is some difference between observed and predicted values because we have not found optimal weights and biases yet. So, our goal is to find the optimal values of weight and bias to develop an algorithm with high accuracy. [P-57] 정지궤도자기장자료를이용한경험식모델과인공신경망을결합한지자기지수예측알고리즘개발 박우연 1,2, 이재진 1, 김경찬 3, 이유 2, 구본준 4, 이혜숙 5 1 한국천문연구원, 2 충남대학교, 3 대구대학교, 4 한국전자통신연구원, 5 국가기상위성센터 지구자기장은태양풍의상태에따라변화를겪는다. 지자기의교란이심해져지자기폭풍이발생하면인공위성을비롯해여러손실을초래한다. 지자기의변화를수치화한지수로 Dst지수와 Kp 지수를쓰고있고이지수들의예측을통해지자기폭풍에대비한다. 본연구에서소개할예측알고리즘은경험식모델과인공신경망기술을결합하였고입력자료로다른연구들에서많이쓰이는태양풍자료에정지궤도의자기장자료를쓴다. 1시간후부터 24시간후까지의 Dst지수와 Kp지수를예측한다. 그결과각각 5시간, 3시간까지의예측에서관측값과상관관계가 0.8 이상의예측효율을보인다. 기상청에서 2020년 GK-2A 정지궤도기상위성을발사예정이다. GK-2A위성이임무를시작하면위성의우주기상탑재체 (KSEM) 의자기장자료를함께이용할예정이다. [P-58] Mechanical Design of Engineering Model (EM) for Small scale magnetospheric Ionospheric Plasma Experiments (SNIPE) mission Jongdae Sohn 1, Gyeongbok Jo 1,2, Jaejin Lee 1,3, Junga Hwang 1,3, Young-Sil Kwak 1,3, Jaeheung Park 1,3, Uk-Won Nam 1,3 and Won-Kee Park 1, Yu Yi 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 Chungnam National University 3 Korea University of Science and Technology The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute satellite-1 (KASISat-1) consisting of four [TBD] nanosatellites is planned to be launched in the latter half of 2020 for the Small scale magnetospheric Ionospheric Plasma Experiments (SNIPE) mission. The KASISat-1 will have a normal altitude of km [TBD] with a sun-synchronous orbit. They have scientific payloads to understand high-latitude irregularities such as polar-cap patches, field-aligned currents in the auroral oval, hundreds kev electron precipitations. The SNIPE payload is composed of three instruments for the science objectives: the Langmuir Probe (LP) measuring the density in the range of /cm /cm3 [TBD] and the temperature in the range of 1000 K K [TBD] for ionospheric thermal electrons, the 3 Axis Fluxgate Magnetometer (MAG) measuring Magnetic field of± 50,000 nt [TBD]. the Solid State Telescopes (SST) measuring electrons from 100 kev to 400 kev[tbd] in parallel and perpendicular directions to the earth s magnetic field. we are developing science payloads the Engineering Model (EM) for SNIPE mission. In this presentation, we report the mechanical design of the EM for the SNIPE payloads. [P-59] 우주과학연구를위한고정밀도 3 축 Fluxgate 형자력계개발진행사항 이승욱 1, 노성준 1, 김주형 1, 최정림 1, 강경인 2, 류기홍 3, 김준성 1, 최두영 1, 이현화 1, 이대영 1 1 충북대학교, 2 한국과학기술원인공위성센터, 3 ( 주 ) 알에프엔진 충북대학교에서개발중인 Fluxgate 형자력계는근지구우주공간탐사및고급수준의우주과학연구를위해개발중이다. 앞선연구에서비정질물질인 Metglas 2714A 를이용해 1 축센서코어개발과센서신호처리를위해 ADC 를제외한아날로그전자회로를제작했었다. 본연구 2 차연도산출물로써앞서제작한 1 축센서를소형화해 3 축센서를제작하였다. 센서신호처리를위한전자회로는노이즈의영향을배제하기위해 Preamp 를따로제작하였고, 동축케이블을이용해아날로그신호처리보드와연결하였다. 또한데이터로그를위한디지털보드를완성하였다. 완성된 Fluxgate 형자력계성능평가를위해 Noise, 선형성, Stability, Offset 테스트를완료하였다. [P-60] Comparison of planetary and local geomagnetic disturbance indices: operational implications Wonhyeong Yi, Jiyoung Kim, Kum-Il Jang National Meteorological Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Adminstration Geomagnetic storms can disrupt social infrastructure on Earth; thus, accurate and timely monitoring is required to reduce their future socioeconomic impact. In this study, we compares the planetary geomagnetic disturbance index (K P ) with local indices at Fredericksburg (FRD) and Kakioka (KAK) stations. Local K indices at KAK and Cheongyang (CYG) are estimated and validated using indices observed at both stations. We found similar correlations between the K P index and the local K indices at FRD and KAK; however, their details differ. The results show that, even when planetary geomagnetic storms are observed, the local K can be smaller than the observed K P. This result implies that both K P and local K should be simultaneously monitored. Real-time estimation of local K shows that the estimated K at KAK and CYG correlates well with the observed K. The estimation probability at KAK and CYG, with an error range of ±1, is greater than 98% when the local K is greater than 3. This suggests that the estimation approach used in this study can be operationally applied for timely monitoring of local geomagnetic disturbances. [P-61] Investigation of coronal transverse wave energy fluxes by Coronal Multi Channel Polarimeter (CoMP) Jae-Ok Lee, Kyung-Suk Cho, and Jung-Joon Seough 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 57

58 포스터발표논문초록 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea It is generally thought that coronal transverse waves generated by convective motions play an important role in coronal heating and acceleration of the solar wind. To check the possibility of transverse wave heating processes, we estimate transverse wave energy fluxes in the solar active, quiet Sun, and coronal hole regions. For this, we use Coronal Multi Channel Polarimeter (CoMP) data observed during total solar eclipse of 2017 Aug 21 to determine transverse velocity fluctuations and their propagations. We will present how to calculate wave energy fluxes and dependences of the wave energy fluxes on three different coronal regions. [P-62] An investigation of relation between sporadic E layer and vertical ion drift convergence using ionosonde data in Korea Eun-Byeol Jo and Yong Ha Kim Dpt. Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea We investigated seasonal and local time variations of occurrence rate, critical frequency and height of sporadic E (Es) layer using data from ionosondes at Icheon ( E, N) and Jeju ( E, N) during The ionosonde data were obtained with an auto-scaling program, Automatic Real-Time Ionogram Scaling with True Analysis 5 (ARTIST5). The occurrence rates and critical frequencies of Es show a maximum in summer, while the Es layer tends to be higher in spring and autumn equinox months than in other months. This tendency is due to greater occurrence rate of Es over an altitude of 120 km in the late afternoon. The critical frequency of Es maximizes around local noon time. The occurrence rate and height of the Es display semidiurnal variations from spring to autumn (March November), but diurnal variation during winter (December February). We also examined relation between Es occurrence and vertical ion drift calculated from Horizontal Wind Model (HWM) 14. We found that the Es height roughly matches with the altitude at which the direction changes in vertical ion drift velocity, implying convergence of ions. We discuss how the seasonal and local time variations of Es occurrence rate are related to vertical ion drift convergence. [P-63] Periodic properties of interplanetary magnetic field Bz measured near the Earth during solar cycle 23 and 24. Kyung-Eun Choi 1, Dae-Young Lee 1, Kyung Sun Park 1, Kyung-Chan Kim 2, Kyu-Cheol Choi 3, Jae-Hun Kim 4 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University 2 Department of Earth Science Education, Daegu University 3 SELab. Inc. 4 Korean Space Weather Center, RRA Variations in solar wind parameters are caused mainly by solar activities and may be also due to fluctuations in the solar wind. In this work, we examine periodic properties in the solar wind speed, interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) magnitude and components near the Earth using the observations from 1996 to We pay a particular attention to IMF Bz. For this examination, we perform the Continuous Wavelet Transform and FFT power spectrum analyses focusing on short term period less then 1000 hour. We identify the times when IMF Bz exhibits periodic changes with a period of the solar rotation and its harmonics. This is seen in GSM coordinates and clearer during spring and fall seasons than the other two seasons. We attribute this result to a combined effect between the Russell-McPherron effect and IMF sector structure. We will discuss how the IMF sector structure is in turn related to the magnetic sector structure near the solar surface and fast coronal hole streams. [P-64] Derivation of Kinetic and Inertial Alfvén Wave Dispersion Relation from Two Fluid Theory Changdae-Choi 1, Peter H. Yoon 1,2,3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Gyeonggi, South Korea, 2 Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA, 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon, South Korea The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the kinetic and inertial Alfvén wave dispersion relation can be obtained on the basis of two fluid approach. Kinetic and inertial Alfvén waves are important in the context of solar wind research in that these waves are thought to be play significant roles in the dissipation process of solar wind turbulence. The dissipation of ubiquitous turbulence in the kinetic scale is thought to be responsible for heating the corona and accelerating the wind. The solar coronal heating and solar wind acceleration are mutually couple outstanding problem. By adopting a two fluid theory rather the customary one-fluid (or MHD) theory, and by making appropriate approximations, it is shown that the desired dispersion relations for kinetic and inertial Alfvén waves can be derived. By understanding the linear wave properties of these waves in the context of two fluid theory can be important for further study on nonlinear behavior of these waves. [P-65] Classification of ionospheric mid- and high-latitude troughs under different geomagnetic conditions using Swarm observations Su-In Kim 1,2, Young-Sil Kwak 2,3, Jaeheung Park 2,3, Hyosub Kil 4, Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, and Jae-Jin Lee 2,3 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea 3 University of Science and Technology, Korea 4 The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA We classified the ionospheric mid- and high-latitude troughs and examined the characteristics of the ionospheric troughs under different geomagnetic conditions. Mid- and high-latitude troughs are found in similar latitudes and local time regions, so it is hard to define the trough using just latitude information. Mid-latitude troughs develop from the result of a stagnation in plasma flow in a non-sunlit region of the ionosphere and are detected just equatorward of the aurora oval. High-latitude troughs develop where there is a strong frictional interaction between the ionized plasma and the neutral air and are detected in the aurora oval. 58 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

59 포스터발표논문초록 So, it s hard to differentiate mid- and high-latitude troughs using GPS-TEC or radar instrument. To classify the midand high-latitude troughs effectively, we used electron density, electron/ion temperature, calculated field-aligned current and ion drift velocity data obtained from SWARM. In our presentation, we will introduce how to classify the mid- and high-latitude troughs and their characteristics using SWARM observations. [P-66] Image-to-image translation of solar images by deep learning. II. from magnetograms to AI-generated EUV images Eunsu Park 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1, Harim Lee 1, Daye Lim 1, Taeyoung Kim 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Research and Devopment, InSpace, Co., Ltd. In astronomy and geophysics, multi-wavelength observations become very popular. Recently, several deep learning methods, one part of Artificial Intelligence (AI), for image-to-image translations have been suggested and are successful for different types of transformation such as labels to street scene, labels to facade, black and white images to color ones, aerial to map, day to night, and sketch images to pictures. For the first time we apply an image-to-image translation model, based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cgans), to construct solar EUV images using solar magnetograms. For this, we train the model using pairs of SDO/AIA EUV image and their corresponding SDO/HMI line-of-sight magnetogram for all AIA wavelengths from 2011 to 2017 except for September and October. We test the model by comparing pairs of actual SDO/AIA EUV images and corresponding AI-generated ones in September and October. We find that both real and AI-generated images are quite consistent with each other in that it is difficult for one to distinguish solar EUV images from AI-generated ones. The average correlation between actual image and AI-generated one for all test samples ranges has a maximum value (0.82) for 1600 and 1700 data sets whose structures are quite consistent with those of corresponding magnetograms. Using this model, we construct solar EUV images with Kitt peak magnetograms since This methodology can be applicable to many scientific fields that use several different filter images. [P-67] Space Weather Data System at KASI Ji-Hye Baek 1, Seonghwan Choi 1, Jongyeob Park 1, Sujin Kim 1,2, Jihun Kim 1 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 University of Science and Technology Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is a representative scientific data center for space weather in Korea. We constructed Space Weather Prediction Center since 2007, and we have developed and scaled up Space Weather Data System (SWDS). It collects and archives various space weather data from international and domestic observatories. They are over 10 sites, and we handle about 50 different data types using scientific computing, numerical analysis, format converting, image processing and visualization methods. We implemented data pipeline, file systems and data processing software for diverse data. In the beginning, it provided simple data services like HTTP and FTP. Recently we have extended search engine and prediction model services. We have established Korean Data Center for Solar Dynamics Observatory collaborated with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Stanford University, and are installing KASI geomagnetic storm forecast model at Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) in NASA. We are extending space weather data modeling and prediction system by using more complicated techniques like deep learning to handle big data. It can play important roles in data center for space weather researches and applications. [P-68] Image-to-image translation of solar images by deep learning. IV. From Ca II images to AI-generated magnetograms Gyungin Shin 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1, Eunsu Park 1, Taeyoung Kim 1,2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Research and Development, InSpace Co., Ltd. Deep learning has shown state-of-the-art performances on translating images from one to another kind as well as classifying various kinds of images. In the present work, we successfully translate Ca II images into HMI-like magnetograms using a deep learning model based on conditional generative adversarial networks (cgan), which is also called pix2pix, one of the best performance methods for image translation. We train the model with 623 pairs of NSO(National Solar Observatory) Ca II 854.2nm wing intensity images and corresponding SDO(Solar Dynamic Observatory) HMI line-of-sight magnetograms from May 2012 to December To test the model, we use 217 pairs of Ca II images and HMII magnetograms in As a result, we successfully obtain AI-generated magnetograms whose bipolar structures are well consistent with those of real HMI magnetograms. Their total unsigned magnetic fluxes are well correlated with those of the real ones with a high correlation coefficient of We have a plan to extend this application to historic Ca II images observed by Mount Wilson Observatory(since 1915) and Kodaikanal Solar Observatory(since 1907). [P-69] Daily solar flare probability model using convolution neural networks and previous day flare occurrences Seulki Shin 1, Hyoungseok Chu 2, Yong-Jae Moon 1 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Software Policy & Research Institute As the application of deep-learning methods has been succeeded in various fields, they have a high potential to be applied to space weather forecasting. Convolutional neural network (ConvNet), one of deep learning methods, is specialized in image recognition. In this study, we apply the AlexNet and ResNet architecture, which is a winner of ILSVRC 2012 and 2015 respectively, to the forecast of solar flares. Our inputs are SDO/HMI longitudinal magnetograms from May 2010 to December 2017, and output ones are yes or no of flare occurrence. We select the training dataset from January 2010 to December 2013 and the testing dataset is chosen from January 2014 to December As a result, we find that True Skill Statsitics (TSS) of this model is In order to improve our forecasting model, we additionally 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 59

60 포스터발표논문초록 use a flare occurrence of the previous day as input data. The second model greatly improve the TSS value (0.69). Our model can immediately be applied to an automatic forecasting service when magnetogram data and the flare occurrence of the previous day are available. [P-70] Observation of strong winds and shears in the summer polar mesosphere associated with high-speed solar wind streams Young-Sook Lee 1, Yongha Kim 1, Sheila Kirkwood 2 1 Chungnam National University 2 Swedish Institute of Space Physics For the first time we observed intense occurrences of strong wind shear (Ri<0.25) in capable of generating Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) in the polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE) layer (80-90 km) during high-speed solar wind stream passages. It is believed that wind shift and strong shear are produced under the effects of geomagnetic disturbances and energetic electron precipitation. Although from the viewpoint of weather system wind shift usually occurs behind warm or cold front passage, rapid transition of wind shift and strong shear as resolved in 6-15 min is hardly explained with atmospheric dynamics. KHI-inducing strong shear ( 42 m/s/km) occupies 47% out of all the observed shears, and strong shears of 100 m/s/km take up 26% out of the KHI-inducing shears. Electric field profiles estimated from horizontal velocities for extremely strong shear are depicted, reaching up to ~50 V/m for ~800 m/s at km. This study suggests that strong shear can play an essential role in producing plasma irregularity detected as PMSE under the geomagnetic disturbances since turbulence is generated by KHI. Extremely strong shear formed in systematic wind profile supports the possibility that supersonic velocity can be produced in super-cooled and ionized summer polar mesosphere. [P-71] A first comparison of meteor radar and Fabry-Perot Interferometer winds at King Sejong Station Wonseok Lee 1, Yong Ha Kim 1, Changsup Lee 2, Qian Wu 3 1 Chungnam National University 2 Korea Polar Research Institute 3 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA. In 2017, Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) was installed at King Sejong Station in Antarctica. For an initial validation of the FPI wind, we compare FPI winds with winds derived from the co-located Meteor Radar (MR) during the first observational season (297 days) of The overall characteristics of FPI and MR winds are well correlated, showing consistent local time variations for both OH nm and OI nm airglow layers (87 and 97 km, respectively). However, large discrepancies appear 13 days. A correlation analysis indicates that correlation coefficients of zonal winds at 87 and 97 km are 0.28 and 0.54, respectively, and those of meridional wind are 0.36 and Since the FPI wind is derived from the finite height range of the airglow emission layer, we calculated the weighted mean wind from the meteor radar wind profile assuming that the distribution of the airglow intensity has a form of Gaussian function. By adjusting the peak height and the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of the Gaussian distribution for the airglow layer, we investigated how the correlation between the two data varies. The correlation is the best with the peak height of 86 km and 97~98 km for the OH and OI airglows, respectively, with better correlation at OI airglow layer. Overall correlations are lower than those published in other studies. In the future, we will investigate thoroughly sources of these discrepancies between FPI and meteor winds as more observational data are accumulated. [P-72] A Hourly Forecast Model of Daily Major Flare Probability Based on Magnetic Parameters from SDO/HMI Data Daye Lim 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1,2, Jongyeob Lee 3, Kangjin Lee 1,4, and Jin-Yi Lee 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Department of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University 3 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 4 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute We develop a hourly forecast model of daily probability of major flares (M- and X-class) based on magnetic parameters from May 2010 to April 2017 by characterizing distribution and non-potentiality such as the total unsigned current helicity, the total photospheric magnetic free energy density, the total unsigned vertical current, the absolute value of the net current helicity, the sum of the net current emanating from each polarity, and the total unsigned magnetic flux. We divide the data into two sets chronologically: 70% for training a model and 30% for testing it. All values of each parameter are divided into 100 groups to estimate corresponding flare occurrence rates. Flare identifications are determined by using GOES X-ray flare locations. Major results are as follows. First, major flare occurrence rates are well correlated with six parameters. Second, logarithmic values of flaring rates are well approximated by two linear equations with different slopes: steeper one at lower values and flatter one at higher values. Third, the total photospheric magnetic free energy density gives the minimum root mean square error between observed flare rates and predicted ones. Fourth, the total unsigned current helicity and the total unsigned vertical current have the best true skill statistic (TSS) values (0.86), which are much better than those of the previous probabilistic forecasting models. These results demonstrate an importance of non-potential magnetic properties for flare forecasting. [P-73] Manually scaling one year ionograms measured by Jeju ionosonde in 2012 Seheon Jeong, Yong Ha Kim Chungnam National University The ionosphere has been monitored for more than five decades by ionosondes in Korea. An ionosonde usually produce an ionogram that displays radio echoes in the frequency-range plane. The trace of echoes in this plane can be read either manually or automatically to produce useful ionospheric parameters such as fof2 (peak frequency of the F2 layer), hmf2 (peak height of the F2 layer), etc. Since monitoring of the ionosphere has to be carried out routinely in a given time cadence, automatic 60 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

61 포스터발표논문초록 scaling the ionogram is usually executed to obtain the ionospheric parameters. However, automatic scaling may generate undesirable results that mis-represent the ionosphere drastically. To check the degree of mis-representation by an automatic scaling program, we scaled manually 35,136 ionograms in the entire year 2012 measured at Jeju (33.43 N, E). We compare our manually scaled results with automatically scaled results that were obtained by ARTIST4 program (developed by Lowell University). For this comparison, we present fof2 and hmf2 s from both methods. The comparison shows that average differences of fof2 and hmf2 between two methods are ~0.03 MHz (±0.10) and ~4.68 km (±9.76), respectively. Overall, 54% of autoscaled results differ significantly from manually scaled results. Therefore researchers should be warned about the quality of autoscaled parameters by ARTIST 4, and manually scaled parameters if available are recommended for any serious applications. [P-74] Observational Evidence for Origin of Three-minute Oscillations in the Sunspot Kyuhyoun Cho, Jongchul Chae Seoul National University The 3 minute oscillations are easily observed phenomena in sunspot chromophere. We investigated characteristics of 3 minute velocity oscillations and estimated the locations of their origins. The 3 minute velocity oscillations were examined in the upper photosphere and the temperature minimum region of the sunspot umbra with the Ni I 5436 A, and Fe I 5435 A spectral lines taken by the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph of the 1.6 m Goode Solar Telescope at the Big Bear Solar Observatory. Using the wavelet analysis, the power of 3 minute oscillations was calculated at each height and the phase difference of velocities. As a result, we found well-defined 6 acoustic events that transport wave energy upward near the umbral-penumbral boundary. Their FWHM size ranges from km, lifetime from seconds, and total energy from erg. Moreover, the sources of events were Mm deep beneath the photosphere. Considering their positions, depths and recent sunspot simulation result, we conclude that the magnetoconvective motion under the umbral-penumbral boundary may generate the 3 minute oscillations. 태양계및우주탐사 [P-75] 우주극한환경에서의달표면탐사시스템의상위수준시스템설계및시스템아키텍처연구 김연규, 이주희, 이종원 한국항공우주연구원융합기술연구센터항공우주응용재료팀 본연구에서는달과같은우주극한환경 ( 극저온 / 고온, 고진공, 우주방사선등 ) 에서달표면탐사를위한로버 (Rover) 시스템의서브시스템 ( 전력시스템, 주행시스템, 통신시스템, GNC 시스템, 열제어시스템, 메인제어시스템, 탑재체등 ) 간의전력과무게및주행성능등을분석하기위한상위수준의시스템설계를수행하였다. 이와더불어이연구는향후달표면탐사임무에따른로버시스템최적화연구를 위한설계파라미터값을도출하고이를임무및로버시스템최적화에적용하고자하였다. 현재까지달탐사무인로버는 Lunokhod( 구소련 ), Yutu( 중국 ) 가있었고향후에는 Chandrayaan2( 인도 ), 일본등에서로버를이용한탐사임무를수행할계획에있고, 화성탐사에서는 Sojourner, MER, Curiosity( 미국 ) 가임무를수행하였다. 서브시스템의모델링을수행함에있어서지금까지임무수행한로버의사양과재원뿐만아니라최신기술 / 시스템사양등을적용하였다. 본연구는향후로버를활용한달표면탐사의임무를기획하고설계하는단계에서주어진재원내에최적의임무와로버성능을도출하는데활용할것이다. [P-76] KPLO/PolCam 임무분석에따른달모의표토편광실험 김일훈 1, 김성수 2, 심채경 2, 백길호 2, 정민섭 3, 최영준 3 1 경희대학교우주과학과, 2 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 3 한국천문연구원 한국형달탐사시험용궤도선 (KPLO) 에탑재될광시야편광카메라 (PolCam) 의임무분석을통해 PolCam 이달궤도에서가질수있는모든위상각을계산하였다. 이후실험실에서의편광실험을통해각각의위상각에서 on-plane 과 off-plane 의편광도를비교 분석하였고, 편광도는위상각에따라달라진다는것을확인하였다. On-plane 은달표면으로입사하는태양빛이형성하는입사평면 (plane of incidence) 과달표면에서관측자에게반사되는빛이형성하는반사평면 (plane of reflectance) 이이루는각이 0 도 ( 또는 180 도 ) 인것을말한다. On-plane 일때위상각은입사각과반사각의합과같으며, 지상에서달을관측하는경우는 on-plane 인경우가된다. Off-plane 은입사평면과반사평면이이루는각이 0 도보다크거나 180 도보다작은경우를말하며, PolCam 의경우는달궤도에서관측을수행하기때문에 off-plane 관측에해당하게된다. [P-77] 달탐사과학자료공개를위한 KPDS 의개발개요 김주현 한국항공우주연구원달탐사항행운영팀 시험용달궤도선 KPLO(Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter) 에는국내연구기관과대학에서개발한고해상도카메라, 감마선분광기, 광시야편광카메라, 자기장측정기와미국국립항공우주국 (NASA) 의지원을받아미국내대학에서개발중인극지역음영촬영카메라가각각의임무를수행하기위하여탑재될예정이다. 이들과학장비가획득한과학자료는많은연구자들에의해서가급적높은연구성과를낼수있도록과학자료관리및저장계획에따라일반에게공개될것이다. 이들공개되는과학자료는세계각국의연구자들이처리와연구에상호호환성을갖고다양한우주탐사과학임무에대응할수있도록개발하고있다. 이를위하여 NASA 에서개발하여많은우주탐사선진국에서표준으로사용하는 PDS4(Planetary Data System 4) 의표준을준수할수있도록개발되고있다. 이와같이 KPLO 의과학자료를호환성높은자료로써관리, 저장, 사용할수있도록 PDS4 표준의검증과일반공개를위한검색서비스를제공하기위해서 NASA 의 PDS(Planetary Data System), 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 61

62 포스터발표논문초록 ESA(European Space Agency) 등을벤치마킹하여한국항공우주연구원에서는 KPDS(KARI Planetary Data System) 라는이름으로우주탐사과학자료관리및공개를위한시스템을개발하고있다. KPDS 는 KPLO 뿐만아니라향후미래에수행될우주탐사과학임무에서획득되는과학자료도동일한목적과방법으로관리하고공개할수있도록개발되고있다. 본논문에서는 KPDS 의주요역할인과학자료의공개와 PDS4 표준을검증하기위한과정과과학자료의관리및검색기능에대한현재까지의설계와주요세부기능에대해서기술하고있다. [P-78] The Science Data Management and Archive Plan for Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter Joo Hyeon Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute The Science Data Management and Archive Plan (SDMAP) for the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter(KPLO) describes the roles and responsibilities of the KPLO Science Data Management Subsystem (SDMS) including the KARI Planetary Data System (KPDS), including the relationships between the subsystem and the related entities of KPLO Deep-space Ground System (KDGS) and science instrument developers, with regard to measurement and support data flow. The SDMAP describes the relationship of the KPLO Deep-space Ground System (KDGS) to the SDMS and to Korean domestic science instrument developers. It addresses measurement and support data flow between the KDGS, SDMS, KPDS and External data providers and External users. It does NOT address the technical means by which the data flows, data management within the SDMS which are documented in their individual Science Instrument Data Management Plan, nor data flow from the flight instruments to other elements of the KPLO ground system. [P-79] Contingency Trajectory Design For a Failure of the First Lunar Orbit Insertion Maneuver Jonghee Bae, Young-Joo Song, Young-Rok Kim, and Bangyeop Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute In this study, the contingency trajectory is investigated to prepare a failure of the first lunar orbit insertion (LOI) maneuver of the lunar orbiter. There are critical maneuvers to fly to the Moon, which are the trans-lunar injection (TLI), the midcourse correction (MCC), and the LOI maneuvers. Among them, the first LOI maneuver is the most important for the lunar mission. In the cis-lunar trajectory, the lunar orbiter has a chance to compensate a failure of the maneuver including the MCC maneuver before arriving at the Moon. However, if the lunar orbiter does not execute the desired first LOI maneuver due to the failure of the propulsion system, the delayed burn, and so on, it cannot insert into the planned lunar orbit. Compared to other maneuvers, moreover, the delta-v of the LOI maneuver is significantly large using the on-board propulsion system of the lunar orbiter. Then, the small delta-v error of the LOI maneuver will occur the huge deviation from the desired trajectory. In the worst case, we can miss the lunar orbiter after the first LOI maneuver. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the contingency trajectory considering the failure of the first LOI maneuver. In this study, the contingency trajectory is designed according to the burn epoch after the first LOI maneuver with the failure of the propulsion system of the lunar orbiter. When the main thruster partially performs at the first LOI maneuver, the delta-v of the recovery maneuver is calculated at the variable burn epoch from 1 to 30 days after the first LOI maneuver. This result and analysis provide the trend of the recovery maneuver delta-v according to the burn epoch for the contingency trajectory design. [P-80] Functional Differences of Flight Dynamics Subsystem: the Earth vs Moon Mission Young-Joo Song, Young-Rok Kim, Jonghee Bae, Bang-Yeop Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute For the successful flight operation of the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) mission, planned to be launched in 2020, Flight Dynamics Subsystem (FDS) for KPLO mission is now under development by Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). KARI has been successfully launched more than 10 earth satellites, including Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Geostationary Orbit (GEO), and successfully operated FDS for each satellites. Although KARI has both the FDS development and operation heritages on LEO and GEO missions, preparing successful operation of KPLO FDS still has challenging aspects. In this work, main functionalities of KPLO FDS is firstly introduced and the functional differences of FDS between the Earth (LEO & GEO) and the KPLO mission is compared. There are several functional modules nested inside of the KPLO FDS to cover different functional roles, including system management, maneuver planning, orbit determination, fuel accounting, etc. Every new functions implemented into each module of KPLO FDS is also listed in detail, which were not covered by the FDS for the Earth mission. [P-81] 해외달탐사후보지역정보 DB 화및분석 이주희 1, 김연규 1, 이종원 1, 류동영 한국항공우주연구원항공우주응용재료팀, 한국항공우주연구원달탐사선행임무팀 착륙선과로버를활용한달표면착륙탐사연구를위한착륙지역선정은탐사임무의성격과목표를정하는데있어매우중요하다. 착륙지역선정은달표면의특성뿐만아니라착륙선의기술적접근가능성과도연결되어있다. 본연구에서는해외에서지금까지수행된달탐사지역및연구를통해제시한다양한후보지역자료를데이터베이스 (DB) 화하고각지역의과학적특성을분석해보았다. 아직시기적으로이른감이있다고생각할수도있지만착륙지역선정연구에상당한시간이소요되는점을감안한다면지금부터다양한지역에대한세부적인연구분석을시작해야할것이다. 본연구를통해향후달탐사 2 단계를통해추진하게될착륙지역선정에기여하고자착륙후보지역선정에참고할수있는내용을정리분석하고소개하고자한다. [P-82] How to Prepare Lunar Images for Training Convolutional Neural Network based 62 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

63 포스터발표논문초록 Detector Hoonhee Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute KARI is developing Korea s first lunar probe, KPLO(Korea Lunar Pathfinder Orbiter). The lunar images acquired on this probe will be useful for future missions such as moon landing. In order to detect the current direction and risk quickly through image processing, a method that can be utilized by using a high performance frame such as CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) is being studied. Such a CNN-based image processor can be used for recognition of a reference point for navigation and various applications in an image. This paper introduces the preparation for CNN training using artificial images in the lunar environment, which is different from the earth and lacks images captured under various conditions. [P-83] Hydroxyl distribution with the solar incident angle on the surface of Martian moon, Phobos Eunjin Cho 1,2, Mingyeong Lee 1,2, Young-Jun Choi 1,2 1 University of Science and Technology 2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute It is important to study the properties of the implantation on the objects closed to the sun because one of the supposed origins of hydroxyl is the implantation of protons by the solar wind. Although it was thought that the surface temperature of the inner solar system objects is too high to hold water, it is revealed that the Earth's moon and some near-earth object possess some hydroxyl and/or water (Pieters et al., 2009; Wigton, 2015). For this reason, we investigated the relationship between solar irradiation and the absorption feature of hydroxyl in order to recognize whether the hydroxyl could be formed on the surface of inner solar system object, in particular on C-type asteroids. We selected a Martian moon, Phobos instead of C-type asteroids because its spectral characteristics are similar to C- or D-type or T-type asteroid (Murchie and Erard, 1996; Rivkin et al., 2002; Fraeman et al., 2012; Fraeman et al., 2014). We derived the correlation of the solar incident angle with the amount of hydroxyl of Phobos with NAIF/SPICE toolkit for Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), the shape model from Mars Express mission, and the spectral data obtained from Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) of MRO. We will present the result of the correlation between the solar incidence angle and the absorption feature of hydroxyl/water. If the hydroxyl is formed by solar wind, the results have a correlation. Otherwise, there may be another factor which affects the origin and the distribution of hydroxyl of the inner solar system object. 기타 [P-84] 인공위성형상관리를위한형상통제에관한연구 강철 한국항공우주연구원 형상기준및식별이승인된후형상변경의필요성에따라이에대한승인기각및승인된변경사항의이행등의형상관리활동을형상통제라한다. 형상통제는형상변경통제, 형상항목추적통제및버전통제등의활동으로구분되어질수있다. 형상변경통제를위해형상항목의등급정의, 형상관리위원회구성및, 형상변경절차가수림되어야한다. 다목적실용위성과정지궤도복합위성개발에서정의된내용을기준으로위성형상통제에대하여알아보고, 새로운위성개발에적용해야할형상통제방법을제시하고자한다. [P-85] 저궤도위성용전력계전기지상지원장비 (PCTS & SAS) 기술소개및현황 방수완, 채동철, 허윤구, 조승원 한국항공우주연구원 현재한국항공우주연구원에서개발중인다수의위성사업에서발사이전에지상에서위성체총조립및시험 (AIT - Assembly, Integration & Test) 단계에서이용되는 PCTS(Power Control Test Set) & SAS(Sola Array Simulator) 는시험중위성에전력을공급하고나아가발사환경에서도위성의최초전력을공급하는장비이다. 이러한 EGSE(Electrical Ground Support Equipment) 는크게위성과의 Command와 Telemetry를처리하고 User Interface를제공해주는 ITOS(Integrated Test of System), 기저대역과 S-BAND RF link를통해시험 / 검증하는 BBTS(Baseband Test Set)&RFTS(Radio Frequency Test Set), 끝으로위성전력공급및발사환경을제공하는하는 PCTS& SAS가있다. 이중 PCTS는 PLTS(Power & Load Test Set) 와 CMTS(Control & Monitoring Test Set) 로나뉘는데 PLTS는위성전력공급과위성신호의모니터링에쓰이고 CMTS는위성발사환경에서쓰이는장비로 CMTS를활용하여실제발사환경시험을수행하고또실제발사환경에서발사체와의인터페이스를제공하며발사전위성의전력을공급하기위해사용되게된다. 또 SAS는위성의태양전지판의전력공급을모사하여우주환경에서의시험을모사하기위해사용된다. 본논문에는이러한 PCTS & SAS의간략한구조및방법에대해서간략히제시한다. [P-86] 우주극한환경용국산복합재의온도별인장특성 신재성, 윤용식, 최익현 한국항공우주연구원 (KARI) 항공우주응용재료팀 경량화가중요한항공우주분야에서는복합재가널리사용되고있다. 하지만, 복합재료의활용범위가인공위성및탐사선과같이우주환경에사용될구조물로확대되고있는현상황때문에복합재료의물성개선이요구되며, 나아가우주환경이복합재에미치는영향에대한연구가수행되어야한다. 따라서, 본연구에서는우주극한환경요소중하나인극심한온도환경 (-120 ~120 ) 이국산복합재에미치는인장물성에대해서연구를수행하였고, 현재우주환경용재료로널리사용되는 T800 급복합재와비교를해봄으로써물성개선방향에대해서고찰해보았다. 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 63

64 포스터발표논문초록 [P-87] Study of parallel propagating electromagnetic waves in degenerate magnetized electron plasmas Chang-Ho Woo 1, Kyoung-Wook Min 1, Min ho Woo 2, Cheongrim Choi 3 1 Department of Physics, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea 2 National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea 3 Chungbuk National University In the present paper, we focus on the quantum effect on the waves in degenerate magnetized plasmas. For unmagnetized plasmas, it is shown that Langmuir wave propagates even in zero thermal temperature. Electromagnetic wave is also influenced by the quantum effect but the effect is very small compared to the electrostatic wave because of its high frequency. For magnetized plasmas, the lower branch of L wave appears since the cutoff shift occurs in quantum plasmas. On the other hand, it is shown that the lower branch of R wave, which is called whistler branch in classical plasmas, becomes losing its whistle property in degenerate plasmas. 태양계탐사연합세션 [ 연 1-P01] Excitation Processes of the CH4 Aurorae of Jupiter and Saturn Sang Joon Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea Recently, an analysis of 3-micron spectra of CH4 line emission from our Gemini/GNIRS observations of Jupiter s polar regions yielded an unexpected result: The homopause (~1 microbar pressure level) located directly above the long-lasting 8-micron CH4 north-polar hot spot (Great 8-micron Hot Spot: GHS) is cool compared with the temperatures of nearby auroral regions (Kim et al. 2017). Most of the 8-micron emission of the GHS originates from CH4 at the ~1 mbar level (i.e., deeper in the stratosphere, where cooling time is several years), much longer than at the altitude of the homopause. We propose a mechanism to explain the temperature difference: locally-fixed and transient, but energetic auroral particles, which can penetrate to the 1 mbar level and deposit energy there creating and maintaining the GHS. For Saturn, thus far we have not detected distinctive 8-micron nor 3-micron CH4 hot spots in the polar regions. We will present a possible implication for this difference between Jupiter and Saturn. [ 연 1-P02] Experimental Apparatus for Opposition Effect at Seoul National University Yoonsoo P. Bach, Masateru Ishiguro, and Jin-Guk Seo Department of Astronomy and Physics, Seoul National University ( 서울대학교 ), Seoul, South Korea The Opposition Effect (OE) is an enhancement of the brightness of a reflecting light as the phase angle (the Sun-target-observer angle) approaches zero. The mechanisms have been studied both theoretically and experimentally and nowadays recognized that there are two major mechanisms, namely, coherent backscattering OE (CBOE) and shadow hiding OE (SHOE). From data analyses of an S-type asteroid Itokawa taken with the Hayabusa spacecraft onboard camera, it is suggested that the CBOE would be dominant at phase angle smaller than ~ 1.4 deg, while SHOE dominates at larger phase angles (M. Lee & M. Ishiguro, under review). The study on the physical parameters which affect the OE, such as size and composition, will lead us to find a way to disentangle each of them from observation. The experiments in lab, however, faces two major difficulties: (a) the detector blocks the incident light if phase angle is nearly zero and (b) incident and emission angles must be controlled with high angular resolution to prevent blurring of OEs at different phase angles in one measurement. In this presentation, we introduce a new apparatus which has been installed at Seoul National University to investigate the OE in our lab, and summarize the initial results. It will be a valuable starting point to establish infrastructure in Korea, and will shed light on the investigation of OE physics using laboratory simulants. [ 연 1-P03] Simulations of the Lunar Exosphere: Effects of Multiple Sodium Sources on Coma and Tail Dong Wook Lee and Sang Joon Kim School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea Since there are two-different observational constraints for the lunar exosphere data, it is interesting to find the best exospheric model that can account for the observed characteristics of the lunar coma and tail simultaneously (Lee & Kim, 2017).The characteristics of the lunar exosphere can be constrained by comparing simulated models with observational data of the coma and tail. In this work, considering effects of triple sodium sources (two dayside sources: a low- and a high-velocity component; and an Isotropic source component), we present time-dependent simulations showing initial conditions around the lunar coma and the final stage of the lunar tail. Based on an updated 3-D lunar exosphere model (Lee & Kim, 2017), we are presenting the simulated images of the lunar sodium coma and its correlation with lunar tail s physical parameters. [ 연 1-P04] Terrain surveying for gully in Svalbard using UAV and comparison with Mars Jaeyong LEE 1, Takashi OGUCHI 2 1 Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2 Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo 북극스발바르의사면지형에는걸리가발달되어있다. 이러한걸리는, 그성인에는여러의견이있으나, 화성에도중고위도를중심으로다수분포한다. 화성의걸리는 2000 년대에들어비로소본격적으로규명되고있으나, 지형적특성으로인한탐사의한계로지구에분포하는유사지형을통한비교연구가일반적이다 (Costard, et al 등 ). 이연구에서는스발바르의주도롱이어비엔에서 UAV 을이용하여획득한 DEM 으로스발바르걸리를측량하고, 이를화성중위도의테라사이메리아, 테라시레넘, 노아키스테라에분포하는걸리와비교하였다. Longyearbreen 빙하전방에위치한사면을 UAV 로촬영하고, 이를 64 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

65 포스터발표논문초록 SfM-MVS(Structure from Motion & MultiView Stereo) 기법으로 3 차원점군모델과고해상도 DEM 을제작하여분석하였다. 화성의경우 MRO 궤도탐사선이촬영한 HiRise DTM 을이용하여분석하였다. 두걸리는기후와지질조건에차이가있음에도불구하고유사한패턴을보였다. 특히테라사이메리아에위치한걸리와롱이어비엔북사면의걸리는기준거리, 단면적, 폭, 경사, 제방두께등에서상당한정량적유사관계가있었다. 이는두행성의걸리가유사한성인및형성프로세스를거쳤을가능성을시사한다. 측량기법과 UAV 의안정성을개선시키면지형모델의품질향상및극지에서의 UAV 운용이용이해질것으로기대된다. 또한스발바르의기후요소및물리량적용은향후화성지형연구에도응용할수있을것으로사료된다. scattered light components severely degrade the Asteroid Multiband Imaging Camera (AMICA) images, especially at the wavelengths >0.86 μm. Our team came up with a technique for subtracting the scattered light components (Ishiguro 2014). Here, we upgraded the technique by applying simplex algorism to correct the artifacts for all AMICA bands. This new technique enables to apply for the longest channel (i.e., zs-band at 1.01 μm ) images, which was not studied so far. With the AMICA all bands data, we estimated the surface ages at the different location to be Myr. Based on this data together with the geological information (e.g. gravitational potentials and local). we will discuss about the evolution of surface materials on the asteroid. [ 연 1-P05] Impact deformation of Feldspar in Achondrite: NWA 2727, NWA 3117, NWA 856 Meteorite Jaeyong LEE 1, Timothy J. FAGAN 2 1 Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 2 Dept. of Earth Sciences, Waseda University We investigated shock history of three achondrite meteorites: NWA 3117, a howardite from asteroid Vesta, NWA 2727, a breccia from the Moon, and NWA 856, a shergottite from Mars. Shock histories were evaluated from deformation of plagioclase feldspars. Feldspar grains were classified based on observations in cross-polarized light as undulatory, mosaic, mosaic-recrystallized or maskelynite. This sequence represents increasing deformation of original feldspar crystals. Undulatory crystals have wavy extinction, mosaic crystals have patchy extinction, and mosaic-recrystallized grains appear as if they were originally coarse-grained and have recrystallized to mosaics of small equant crystals. Maskelynite grains are isotropic, indicating transformation to glass. Based on feldspar deformation, the degrees of impact processing are NWA 856 > NWA 3117 > NWA The high deformation of NWA 856 is expected because this sample is from Mars, which is a large parent body and requires a powerful impact to accelerate a rock to escape velocity. In contrast, the parent body of NWA 3117 (Vesta) is smaller than that of NWA 2727 (the Moon), yet NWA 3117 appears more highly deformed than NWA One possible explanation is that NWA 2727 is from a relatively young part of the Moon, which has not been exposed to impacts as long as the surface of Vesta. [ 연합 1-6] Regional Variations in Spectra of (25143) Itokawa taken with Hayabusa/AMICA Sunho Jin, Masateru Ishiguro Seoul National University The Hayabusa remote-sensing images of near-earth asteroid (25143) Itokawa exhibited large diversity in spectral properties. The evidence suggests a various degrees of space weathering on the surface. It is known that the space weathering changes the spectra of S-type asteroids redder and reduces the depths of absorption around 1 μm. It is therefore possible to determine the surface ages through the investigation of the degree of space weathering. It is, however, reported that the 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 65


67 Vol.27 No.1 The Proceedings of The Korean Space Science Society 2018 Spring Meeting Editor in Chief Yu Yi (Chungnam National University) Editorial Staff Mi-Hee Ko (KSSS) May 9-11, 2018


69 차 례 The signs of accretion from interstellar medium in the atmospheres of F-M stars 70 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발개념및체계설계 77

70 PROCEEDINGS F-M 형항성대기에나타나는성간물질로부터의강착흔적 1 Alexander Yushchenko, 2 정연철, 3 Dmitry Doikov, 4 Svetlana Vasil eva, 1 유진희, 1 이은석, 1 이현영 1 아스트로켐프콘텐츠연구소, 고양, 10329, 대한민국 2 세종대학교대양휴머니티칼리지, 서울, 05006, 대한민국 3 Odessa National Maritime University, 65001, Odessa, Ukraine 4 Astronomical observatory, Odessa National University named I.I. Mechnikov, Odessa, 65014, Ukraine 연세대학교천문우주학과, 서울, 03722, 대한민국 The signs of accretion from interstellar medium in the atmospheres of F-M stars 1 Alexander Yushchenko, 2 Yeuncheol Jeong, 3 Dmitry Doikov, 4 Svetlana Vasil eva, 1 Jinhee Yu, 1 Eunseok Lee, 1 Hyunyoung L ee 1 Astrocamp Contents Research I nstitute, Goyang, 10329, Korea 2 Daeyang Humanity College, Sejong University, Seoul, 05006, Korea 3 Odessa National Maritime University, 65001, Odessa, Ukraine 4 Astronomical ob servatory, Odessa National University named I.I. Mechnikov, Odessa, 65014, Ukraine Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University, Seoul, 03722, Korea 요약 1천여개이상의 F-M형항성에대한연구에서알려진원소들의성분분포패턴을활용하여, 화학원소들의상대적분포비율이그원소들의 2차이온화에너지에관련됨을조사하였다. 이로부터, 유효온도 3,800K와 7,700K 사이에서, 원소들의상대분포비율과그원소들의 2차이온화에너지간의상관관계들이얻어졌다. 이런상관관계들에대한한가지가능한설명은주변성간물질로부터항성대기속으로수소나헬륨원자가강착되었다는것이다. Abstract The dependencies of relative abundances of chemical elements on the second ionization potentials of these elements were investigated using the stellar abundance patterns published for more than one thousand F-M giant stars. The correlations between the relative abundances of chemical elements and their second ionization potentials are found for stars with effective temperatures between 3,800 and 7,700 K. One of the possible explanations of these correlations can be the accretion of hydrogen and helium from interstellar medium to stellar atmospheres. Keywords: accretion, circumstellar matter, stellar abundances, stars chemically peculiar 1. Introduction In accordance with the stellar evolution theory (Burbidge et al. 1957) chemical elements with 70 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

71 PROCEEDINGS atomic numbers Z>30 were synthesized mostly in rapid and slow nuclear processes (r-& s-processes) in stars. The slow process takes place in the interiors of red giant stars at the last stages of their evolution. The astrophysical sites for r-process are still under discussion. The most reliable places are supernova explosions and similar quick high-energy events. But later it was realized that only internal physical processes in stars are not able to explain the variety of observed abundance patterns, especially for B-F type stars. Many types of stars with non-solar chemical composition were discovered in the second half of the former century. One of the first attempts to explain the surface abundances in stars with radiative atmospheres was the theory of radiative diffusion (Michaud 1970). It is also necessary to point the explanation of l Boo type stars by accretion and radiative pressure in the gas / dust envelope (Venn & Lambert 1990, 2003). It was proposed that the accretion from interstellar and circumstellar environment should strongly influence the observed surface abundances. As an example it is possible to mention that Fowler et al. (1965) and Proffitt & Michaud (1989) pointed the importance of mass transfer from evolved binary companions; Drobyshevski (1975) and Cowley (1977) - the accretion of asteroids and planets. But the accretion of hydrogen and helium on the surfaces of normal stars is still under investigation. Yushchenko et al. (2015) investigated the possible signs of accretion of interstellar hydrogen and helium on the atmospheres of ρ Pup (δ Sct type star) and several hundred other B-F type stars. Note that the possibility of this type accretion was discussed earlier by Greenstein (1949), Havnes (1971), and Bohm-Vitense (2006). Greenstein (1949) found that the relative abundances of chemical elements in the atmospheres of stars with radiative atmospheres and the second ionization potentials of these chemical elements are dependent. The lowest relative abundances were observed for the chemical elements with second ionization potentials close to the ionization potential of hydrogen (13.6 ev). Later Bohm-Vitense (2006) confirmed this result and found the decrease of relative abundances also for chemical elements with second ionization potentials close to the ionization potential of helium (24.6 ev). It was explained as a result of charge-exchange reactions between the first ions in stellar atmospheres and hydrogen and helium nuclei. If these particles fall from interstellar medium it can be accelerated by stellar magnetic field. As a result part of the first ions with second ionization potentials close to 13.6 and 24.6 ev can leave the atmosphere of the star. This mechanism was described by Havnes (1971) and Havnes & Conti (1971). In these publications it was found that the accretion of hydrogen from the interstellar medium can be the reason of braking the rotation of magnetic stars from several hundred kilometers per second to very low values. It was pointed that this mechanism is able to explain the low energy spectrum of galactic cosmic rays (E<200 MeV/nucleon). The total energy of these cosmic rays is equal to the rotational energy of magnetic peculiar stars in the Galaxy. 2. Analysis of F-M type stars abundances Here after we will use Luck (2015) survey of more than one thousand F, G and K type stars of luminosity class III in the Local region. We tried to repeat Yushchenko et al. (2015) investigation of B-F type stars in the region of lower temperatures. Yushchenko et al. (2015) used the abundance patterns of B-F type stars published by Erspamer & North (2003) & Niemczura et al. (2009) to find the correlations between the relative abundances, projected rotational velocities and second ionization potentials. In the case of lower temperature stars it is difficult to select the proper broadening mechanism for spectral lines. It can be the rotation or the macroturbulence or the superposition of these effects. Only one of these scenarios was supposed to be valid in Luck (2015) stars. That is why here we should omit the 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 71

72 PROCEEDINGS investigation of rotational velocities and will investigate only the dependencies between the relative abundances and the second ionization potentials. Figures 1 & 2 show the dependencies of mean relative abundances of chemical elements as a function of second ionization potentials of these elements for twelve groups of stars with different effective temperatures. The figures are similar to Fig. 7 from Yushchenko et al. (2015) paper. In each panel of Figures 6 & 7 one can find the range of effective temperatures, the number of stars and the correlation coefficients calculated for mean relative abundances of chemical elements vs the second ionization potentials for two groups of elements. The first group includes the elements with second ionization potentials 12.5 ev < χ < 20 ev, the second one - χ > 20 ev. The top and bottom panels of Fig. 3 show these correlation coefficients as a function of effective temperatures. The middle panel of this figure exhibits the ratios of radiative acceleration to total one at the bottom of atmosphere for Castelli & Kurucz (2003) grid of stellar atmosphere models. The upper two panels can prove that for atmospheres with high radiative acceleration fraction (with respond to total one) the correlation of mean relative abundances vs second ionization potential is positive. It means that the effect of lower relative abundance of elements with second ionization potentials close to 13.6 ev, first described by Greenstein (1949), takes place in these atmospheres. The stars with effective temperatures in the range from 5500 K to 7000 K have a low fraction of radiative acceleration in the total one. Convection plays important role in the energy transport in these stars and (maybe) forces the above described correlation coefficients to negative values. The stars with the highest effective temperatures, namely higher than K, show the correlations close to zero values. Maybe it can be explained by very various abundance patterns for stars with these effective temperatures. The correlation coefficients of relative abundances vs second ionization potentials for elements with the values of these potentials higher than 20 ev are mainly positive for all groups of stars except for the coolest groups. It can reflect the importance of accretion of interstellar helium on the atmospheres of these stars. 3. Conclusion It is necessary to mention that the theory of hydrogen and helium accretion from interstellar medium was not developed in details. The observational results published by Bohm-Vitense (2006); Yushchenko et al. (2015) for groups of stars, by Kim et al. (2012); Kang et al. (2012, 2013) for individual stars and this investigation suppose that the accretion of interstellar gas can be important for stars in the wide range of effective temperatures. Havnes (1971) and Havnes & Conti (1971) described the case of metallic line stars with strong magnetic fields. The detection of similar effects for other types of stars requires the existence of magnetic field to collect the interstellar gas from wide region around the star. Recently Neiner et al. (2017) found the weak magnetic field for ρ Pup. It is necessary to investigate the stars of other types located in the solar vicinity, in other regions of the Galaxy and in other galaxies to confirm or to reject the importance of accretion of hydrogen and helium from interstellar medium to stellar atmospheres and to develop the theory of this effect. References Burbidge EM, Burbidge GR, Fowler WA, Hoyle F, Synthesis of the Elements in Stars, Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 29, Issue 4, pp (1957) Bohm-Vitense E, The Puzzle of the Metallic Line Stars, The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 118, Issue 841, (2006) Castelli F, Kurucz RL, New Grids of ATLAS9 Model Atmospheres, Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres, Poster Contributions. IAU 72 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

73 PROCEEDINGS Symp. 210, p.a20 (2003) Cowley CR, An examination of the planetesimal impact hypothesis of the formation of CP stars, Astrophysics and Space Science, 51, no. 2, (1977) Drobyshevski EM, Peculiar A-stars and planetary systems, Astrophysics and Space Science, 35, (1975) Erspamer D, North P, Automated spectroscopic abundances of A and F-type stars using echelle spectrographs. II. Abundances of 140 A-F stars from ELODIE, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.398, p (2003) Fowler W, Burbidge EM, Burbidge GR, Hoyle F, The Synthesis and Destruction of Elements in Peculiar Stars of Types A and B, Astrophysical Journal, 142, , (1965) Greenstein JL, Analysis of the Metallic-Line Stars. II. Astrophysical Journal, 109, (1949) Havnes O, Magnetic stars as generators of cosmic rays, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 13, p (1971) Havnes O, Conti PS, Magnetic accretion processes in peculiar A stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 14, p (1971) Kang YW, Yushchenko A, Hong K, Kim S, Yushchenko V, Chemical Composition of the Components of Eclipsing Binary Star ZZ Bootis, The Astronomical Journal, 144, A35 (2012) Kang YW, Yushchenko AV, Hong, K, Guinan EF, Gopka VF, Signs of Accretion in the Abundance Patterns of the Components of the RS CVn-type Eclipsing Binary Star LX Persei, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 145, Issue 6, A167 (2013) Kim C, Yushchenko AV, Kim SL, Jeon YB, Kim CH, Chemical Composition and Photometry of BE Lyncis, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 124, Issue 915, pp. 401 (2012) Luck RE, Abundances in the Local Region. I. G and K Giants, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 150, Issue 3, article id. 88, 23 pp. (2015) Neiner C, Wade GA, Sikora J, Discovery of a magnetic field in the δ Scuti F2m star ρ Pup, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 468, Issue 1, p. L46-L49 (2017) Niemczura E, Morel T, Aerts C, Abundance analysis of prime B-type targets for asteroseismology. II. B6-B9.5 stars in the field of view of the CoRoT satellite, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 506, Issue 1, 2009, pp (2003) Michaud G, Diffusion Processes in Peculiar A Stars, Astrophysical Journal, 160, (1970) Proffitt CR, Michaud G. Abundance anomalies in A and B stars and the accretion of nuclear-processed material from supernovae and evolved giants. The Astrophysical Journal, 345, (1989) Venn KA, Lambert DL, The chemical composition of three Lambda Bootis stars, The Astrophysical Journal, 363, (1990) Venn KA, Lambert DL, Could the Ultra-Metal-Poor Stars be Chemically Peculiar and Not Related to the First Stars, The Astrophysical Journal, 677, (2008) Yushchenko AV, Gopka VF, Kang YW, Kim C, Lee BC, et al., The Chemical Composition of ρ Puppis and the Signs of Accretion in the Atmospheres of B-F-Type Stars, The Astronomical Journal, 149, A59 (2015) 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 73

74 PROCEEDINGS Fig. 1. Plots of mean relative abundances of chemical elements as a function of second ionization potentials in the atmospheres of 943 stars from Luck (2015) paper with effective temperatures lower than 5000 K. The panels represent the groups of stars with different effective temperature. The range of temperatures and the number of stars in each group are pointed in the bottom right corners of the panels. The ionizations energies of hydrogen and helium are marked by vertical dotted lines. The atomic numbers of the elements are pointed out near the corresponding points. The correlation coefficients of mean relative abundances vs second ionization potentials are shown. These coefficients were calculated for chemical elements with second ionization potentials in the ranges 12.5 ev< χ <20 ev and χ >20 ev. These ranges of χ are marked in the panels as well as the correlations coefficients. 74 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

75 PROCEEDINGS Fig. 2. Similar to previous figure, but for 206 stars from Luck (2015) paper with effective temperatures higher than 5000 K. 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 75

76 PROCEEDINGS Fig. 3. Top panel. Correlation coefficients of mean abundances vs second ionization potentials (χ) for chemical elements with 12.5 ev< χ <20 ev calculated for group of stars with different effective temperatures. Open circles this paper. Dashed squares Yushchenko et al. (2015). Middle panel. The ratios of radiative acceleration to total acceleration at the bottom of atmosphere for Castelli & Kurucz (2003) atmosphere models. The ratios were calculated for zero metallicity models with effective temperatures and surface gravities similar to those of the groups of stars at the top panel. Bottom panel. Similar to top panel but for chemical elements with χ >20 ev. 76 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

77 PROCEEDINGS 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발개념및체계설계 1 구원회, 1.2 정대원, 2 오태봉 1 과학기술연합대학원대학교 2 한국항공연구원 D evelopment Concept and System D esign of Space O b j ects Surveillance Sensor Simulator 1 Wonhoe Ku, 1,2 Daewon Chung, 2 Taeb ong O h 1 Department of A erospace System E ngineering, Korea University of Science and Technology, Daejeon Korea 2 Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Daejeon, , Korea 요약 한국항공우주연구원은우주잔해물증가에따른우주자산충돌및파손위험을대비하기위해기관주요사업으로서우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발사업을 2016 년 7 월부터진행했다. 대규모예산투입이예상되는우주감시시스템구축에선행하여레이더체계설계와성능분석을수행하는시뮬레이터의개발이본사업의목표이다. 시뮬레이터개발을위한 2 차년도 (2017 년 ) 연구가진행되었으며, 시뮬레이터예비설계및상세설계를수행하고일부모듈이구현되었다. 본논문에서는시뮬레이터개발을위한체계설계, 동작방식구분, 시뮬레이터시험평가방안등에대해서소개하고자한다 년하반기까지우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발을완료하고시험평가를진행할계획이다. Abstract KARI(Korea Aerospace Research Institute) has been developing 'Space Object Surveillance Sensor Simulator' which shall include functions to support space surveillance radar system design and performance assessment. We performed preliminary and detailed design during In this paper, we described system design of the simulator, operation mode configuration and performance assessment method. The result of the second year will be introduced to a implementation phase and final results will be verified until the second-half of Keywords: Space Objects, Space Situational Awareness, Radar 1. 서론세계각국의활발한우주진출과정에서발생한수명이다한인공위성, 발사체부산물, 위성간충돌로인해발생한우주파편등의우주잔해물은우주공간에서임무를수행하는우주자산에잠재적인위협이되고있다. 우주잔해물의수는꾸준히증가하고있으며, 이러한위협으로부터우주자산을보호하기위해서우주상황인식 (SSA, Space Situational Awareness) 은필수적이다. 우주선진국들은우주상황인식을위한우주감시시스템을구축하고, 관측한물체의정밀한궤도정보를이용하여상세한충돌위험분석및회피기동계획을수립하여운영하고있다. 우주물체감시및추적을위해사용되는 센서는관측을하는위치에따라지상기반센서와우주기반센서로나뉘며센서의종류에따라레이더와광학시스템으로나뉜다. 이중지상기반레이더는지상에서전파를송신하여물체에서반사되어오는전파를수신하여지상의레이더와물체간의거리및각도정보를획득하는시스템으로, 각도정보만얻을수있는광학시스템에비해활용도가높으며, 날씨의영향을받지않고주야간등관측시기에따른제한을받지않는장점이있다. 한국항공우주연구원은다수의다목적실용위성및천리안위성을운영중이지만우주파편의정밀한궤도정보를획득하기위한우주감시레이더는전무하다. 본논문에서는대규모예산투입이예상되는우주물체감시시 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 77

78 PROCEEDINGS 스템구축에선행하여한국항공우주연구원이개발중인우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터의개발개념, 체계설계, 동작방식구성. 시험평가및환경구축방안등을서술하였다. 2. 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발개념 2.1 시뮬레이터개발목적우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터의개발목적은다음과같다. 충돌위험이높은우주물체가증가하고있는상황에서우주자산의운영을위한감시역량확보 우주물체감시에따른우주자산충돌위험대응역량향상 전천후주야간충돌위험감시가가능한레이더장비의체계설계및성능분석역량확보 2.2 우주물체감시센서주요기능및제원시뮬레이터를통해구현하려는레이더의구분과각레이더의주요기능및제원은표1에서정리했다. 표 1. 우주물체감시레이더주요기능및제원 체계 CSCI 전시 CSCI 알고리즘 CSCI 표 2. 시뮬레이터 CSCI 별기능소개 기능 - 사용자가 GUI를통해시뮬레이션제어 - TLE 등의우주물체정보데이터베이스관리 - 시뮬레이션결과의데이터베이스관리 - 체계구성요소간연동을위한통신관리 - 결과그래프등의 2차원전시 - 우주환경가시화를위한 3차원전시 - 레이더송수신동작과우주물체신호반사를모사하여레이더수신신호를생성 - 레이더수신신호를처리하여상태벡터생성 - 우주물체의궤도결정및카탈로그생성 3.1 체계 CSCI 시뮬레이터체계 CSCI는사용자제어 CSC, 체계통신 CSC, 데이터관리 CSC로구성하였다 사용자제어 CSC 사용자 CSC는사용자의시뮬레이터제어와시스팀체계관리를위한사용자인증, 시뮬레이션시나리오관리, 우주물체데이터베이스관리기능을제공한다. 표 3 은사용자 CSC를구성하는 CSU를정의하고기능을소개했다. 정밀추적레이더광역감시레이더주요기능 주요기능및제원 -운영주파수: X대역 -안테나구조 : 대형반사판안테나구조 -운영모드 : 탐지, 추적, ISAR -탐지성능 : 직경 30 cm 1500 km -탐지거리분해능 : < 5m -탐지각도분해능 : <0.01(deg) -ISAR 해상도 : 0.1m -운영주파수 : L대역 -안테나구조: 능동전자식위상배열, 전자식빔조향 -안테나조향범위 : 방위각 ±60, 고각 20(deg) -운영모드 : 탐지, 추적 -탐지성능 : 직경 30 cm 2000 km -탐지거리분해능 : < 10m -광역상시감시 -임무계획자동화 -충돌위험분석기능 -해외인공우주물체카탈로그연동 -체계성능분석 표3. 사용자 CSC의 CSU 단위기능 CSU 기능 인증된사용자만사용할수있도록로그 사용자인증 인및로그아웃기능을제공한다. 인증사용자를등록및관리할수있도록관리자 권한의사용자편집기능도제공한다. 시뮬레이션시나리오 레이더체계, 환경및시뮬레이션엔진의파라미터를편집하는기능을제공한다. 시뮬레이션의재생, 일시정지등의기능시뮬레이션과이를위한초기화및재시작등의기반통제기능을제공한다. 시스템관리 체계구성장치들의관리및모니터링기능을수행한다. 우주물체 TLE 파일을 import/export 하고우주 관리 물체데이터를편집하는기능을제공한다. 프로젝트관리 프로젝트를생성, 저장, 불러오기등을통해프로젝트를관리하는기능을제공한다. 결과분석 충돌위험분석, 카탈로그분석, 보고서생성등의기능을제공한다. 3. 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터체계설계우주감시센서시뮬레이터소프트웨어는체계, 전시, 알고리즘 CSCI(Computer Software Configuration Item) 으로구성했다. 표 2에서시뮬레이터를구성하는각 CSCI 기능을정리했다 데이터관리 CSC 시뮬레이터소프트웨어의데이터베이스를관리하는기능을수행한다. 표 4에서데이터관리 CSC를구성하는각 CSU를정의하고기능을정의했다. 78 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

79 PROCEEDINGS 표 4. 데이터관리 CSC 의 CSU 단위기능 CSU 기능 통제서버 사용자가원격으로체계구성요소를제어하는기능을제공한다. 통신서버 체계구성요소간통신기능을제공한다. 통제서버와통신서버에서수집한체계구성 관리서버 요소들의정보및시뮬레이션상태정보등을 통합하고관리하는기능을제공한다. 레이더전시 알고리즘 CSCI에서모사한레이더의빔정보를전시한다. 체계및알고리즘 CSCI에서전달 한충 분석전시 돌예상정보및우주물체의 정보등을 출력한다. 3D GIS 전시 지구중심관성좌표계를기준으로탐지된우주물체를전시한다. 표7. 2차원전시 CSC의 CSU 단위기능 체계통신 CSC 시뮬레이터내의형상항목간통신기능을수행한다. 표 5에서체계통신 CSC를구성하는세부 CSU의기능을정리했다. 표 5. 체계통신 CSC의 CSU 단위기능 CSU 영상전시문자기반전시그래프전시 기능 - 레이더 수신 신호 처리 결과 및 ISAR 영상을전시한다. - 레이더가 감지한 특정 우주물 체의관련카탈로그를출력한다. - 탐지된우주물체의위치좌표등을 그래프형태로출력한다. CSU DBMS DB 편집 DB 관리 기능시뮬레이션을위한데이터를효율적으로관리할수있는기능을제공한다. 데이터베이스의내용을확인및편집하기위한기능을제공한다. 데이터베이스의복원및관리하기위한기능을제공한다 차원전시 CSC 3차원전시기에표시하기힘든정보를전시한다. 레이더관측결과, 추적한우주물체의위치정보등을영상, 문자, 그래프등으로표시한다. 표 7에서 2차원전시 CSC를구성하는 CSU의기능을정의했다. 3.2 전시 CSCI 시뮬레이터전시 CSCI는레이더기능모사및우주물체탐지및추적성능을사용자에게효과적으로제공하기위하여영상및그래프등의전시기능을수행한다. 기본적인 2차원전시기능과우주공간에서레이더운영및우주물체의운동을보다상세하기제시하기위해 3차원전시기능을제공한다. 그림 aa는시뮬레이터전시 CSCI의계층도를나타낸다. 전시 CSCI는 2차원전시 CSC와 3차원전시 CSC로구성했다. 3.3 알고리즘 CSCI 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터의핵심기능인정밀추적레이더 / 광역감시레이더모델링을수행하며, 레이더신호처리를통해물체탐지및추적기능을수행하는등향후우주물체감시레이더구축시성능분석에필요한핵심기술에해당하는중요한기능을수행한다. 알고리즘 CSCI는모의모델 CSC, 신호처리 CSC, 시뮬레이션엔진 CSC, 데이터처리 CSC로구성했다 차원전시 CSC 체계및알고리즘 CSCI에서수행한연산결과를 3차원으로전시한다. 전시설정을통해우주물체, 레이더, 분석결과등의출력여부를선택할수있다. 표 6에서 3차원 CSC를구성하는세부 CSU를정의하고각기능을소개했다. 표6. 3차원전시 CSC의 CSU 단위기능 CSU 기능보기설정과세부설정으로나뉜다. 보기설정에서는각객체의전시여부를결정한전시설정다. 세부설정에서는레이더빔우주물체등의색상을설정하는기능을제공한다. 특정우주물체의 TLE를 SGP4 전파기우주물체전시로전파한궤도를출력한다 모의모델 CSC 시뮬레이터의레이더운영, 송수신기능및우주물체의신호반사과정을모사함으로써레이더수신신호를생성한다. 표 8에서모의모델 CSC의 CSU 단위기능을정의했다. 표 8. 모의모델 CSC의 CSU 단위기능 CSU 기능정밀추적레이더의파형생성, 송신부, 수정밀추적신부, 구동부및안테나빔패턴등의레이레이더모델링더주요기능과특성을모사한다. 광역감시레이더의파형생성, 송신부, 수광역감시신부, 안테나빔패턴및탐지패턴등을레이더모델링포함한레이더의주요기능과특성을모사한다. 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 79

80 PROCEEDINGS 빔운용 표적모델링 환경모델링 레이더의운영방식과빔운용기능에따른파라미터를관리한다. TLE 기반의실궤도정보로부터레이더송신빔에의한우주물체의신호반사과정으로인한레이더의수신신호를모사한다. 레이더가설치되는위치와환경에따른전 자파영향성을분석한다. CSU 상관처리 궤도추정 표 11. 상관처리 CSC 의 CSU 단위기능 기능 상관처리 (correlation) 는레이더관측으로생성한상태벡터와기존의카탈로그자료를비교하여관측된표적과카탈로그를연관시킨다. 상관처리된결과로부터상태벡터를생성하여, 우주물체의궤도카탈로그정보를갱신한다. 표9. 신호처리 CSC의 CSU 단위기능 CSU 기능레이더의수신신호로부터우주물체탐지탐지처리여부를판단하고관련정보를가시화한다. 탐지된물체의상태벡터를생성하는기능추적처리을수행한다. 사전에데이터베이스에저장한우주물체에 ISAR 처리대한레이더수신신호를 IFFT 기법을적용해 ISAR 영상을생성한다. 레이더신호처리를통해시뮬레이터가생성신호처리관리한상태벡터로부터탐지된우주물체의궤도를추정하고카탈로그자료를생성한다 신호처리 CSC 레이더가수신한신호로부터신호처리과정을통해, 우주물체탐지, 추적및 ISAR 등의기능을수행한다. 표 9에서신호처리 CSC를구성하는 CSU의기능을정리했다. 4. 시뮬레이터동작방식구성시뮬레이터의동작방식은성능평가모드, 일반동작모드, 시연모드 3가지로구분했다. 성능평가모드에서는시뮬레이터성능평가를위해사전에생성한시험용궤도데이터와시뮬레이터가레이더수신신호처리결과를바탕으로생성한궤도와비교함으로써시뮬레이터의성능을평가한다. 일반동작모드에서는시뮬레이터를동작만시키고, 성능평가는수행하지않는다. 시연모드에서는사전에시뮬레이터에서수행하고저장한시나리오를재생한다. 동작순서는그림 1과같다 시뮬레이션엔진 CSC 시뮬레이션에필요한파라미터를체계 CSCI로부터수신하여레이더모의모델과데이터처리등에필요한정보를제공하고, 계산결과를다시체계 CSCI로전달하는기능을수행한다. 표 10에서신호처리 CSC의 CSU 단위기능을정의했다. 표 10. 시뮬레이션엔진 CSC 의 CSU 단위기능 CSU 기능 모델포팅 시뮬레이션시나리오와궤도정보를불러오고시뮬레이션결과를데이터베이스제저장한다. 체계연동 체계 CSCI의구성요소와통신을수행한다. 스케쥴러 시뮬레이터의시나리오재싱속도를조절하는기능을제공한다 데이터처리 CSC 데이터처리 CSC는레이더신호처리를통해생성한상태벡터로부터상관처리와궤도추정을수행하고카탈로그자료를생성하는기능을수행한다. 표 11에서상관처리및궤도추정 CSU 단위의기능을정의했다. 그림 1. 시뮬레이터동작순서 5. 시뮬레이터시험평가및환경구축시험평가를위한절차는단위시험및통합시험계획에따라수행된다. 단위시험은컴포넌트별기능이상여부를확인하며, 통합시험은컴포넌트단위가아닌완성된시스템을통한기능시험을수행한다. 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터는입력받은자료로부터최대 20000개의우주물체에대한표적정보를생성하고, 시간에따른각물체의위치를 ECI 좌표에생성하는기능달성여부를확인하는가시화시험을시행할계획이다. 시험방법은지구, 달의자전및공전모형생성, 탐지된우주자산의위치및속도를생성하는것을기본으로한다. 시험환경은요구규격에맞추어그림2와같이정했다. 80 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

81 PROCEEDINGS Sciences, Volume. 44, (2016) 그림 2. 시뮬레이터하드웨어구성도 Moon, Byoung-jin, Song, Ha-Ryong, Kim, Hae-Dong, Survey of Tracking & Imaging Radar Systems for Space Debris, Current Industrial and Technological Trends in Aerospace, 12(1), (2014) 6. 결론 본논문에서는한국항공우주연구원의우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발사업이진행되면서시뮬레이터예비설계및상세설계과정에서정의된내용을바탕으로시뮬레이터의체계설계, 동작방식구성, 시험평가방안및환경구축등을소개했다. 시뮬레이터의개발은 2018 년하반기에완료될예정이다. 우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터는향후정밀추적레이더혹은광역감시레이더개발시체계설계및성능분석장비로활용할계획이다. 감사의글 본논문은우주물체감시센서시뮬레이터개발사업의일환으로, 한국항공우주연구원의지원으로수행되었습니다. 참고문헌 Ki-Young Yu, Dae-Won Chung, Tracking and Orbit Determination of International Space Station using Radar, Journal of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 81


83 학회및관련기관소식 한국우주과학회 84 경북대학교천문대기과학과 85 경희대학교우주과학과및우주탐사학과 85 극지연구소우주환경그룹 90 서울대학교물리 천문학부천문학전공 90 세종대학교천문우주학과 99 연세대학교천문우주학과 103 충남대학교천문우주과학과 108 충북대학교천문대 109 충북대학교천문우주학과 111 한국천문연구원 113

84 학회및관련기관소식 한국우주과학회 1. 학회지발간 2017 년학술지발간실적은 34 권 1 호 8 편, 2 호 11 편, 3 호 5 편, 4 호 11 편으로총 35 편의논문이발행되었으며, 과총의국제학술지지원금을받아발행되었다. 학회에서는계속적인학술지국제화를위한노력을하고있으며 2017 년도에도 SCIE 등재를목표로하고있다. 2. 학술대회개최 2017 년도봄학술대회는 2017 년 4 월 27 일 ( 목 )~28( 금 ) 까지변산대명리조트에서개최하였다. 등록인원은 203 명이며논문발표는구두발표 66 편, 포스터발표 88 편총 154 편을발표하였다. 가을학술대회는 10 월 28 일 ( 수 )~27 일 ( 금 ) 까지부산코모도호텔에서개최하였다. 등록인원은 310 명이며논문발표는구두발표 79 편, 포스터발표 153 편총 232 편을발표하였다. 3. 회의개최 - 이사회 2017 년도이사회 1 차회의는변산대명리조트 ( ), 2 차회의는부산코모도호텔 ( ) 에서개최하였다. 1 차회의에서는신입회원승인, 포상위원회운영에관한규정변경승인, 제 1 회 KGU 연합학술대회개최, 명예회원승인등이결의되었다. 2 차회의에서는 2017 년결산안승인, 2018 년예산안승인, 신입회원인준, 2018 년사업계획 ( 안 ) 승인등이결의되었다. - 정기총회제 35 차정기총회가 2017 년 10 월 25 일 ( 수 ) 17:30 에부산코모도호텔에서개최되었다. 보고사항으로는사업보고, 학술대회준비위원회보고, 학술보고, 포상위원회보고, 감사보고가있었으며안건으로는 2017 년결산심의, 2018 년도예산심의, 명예회원추대가결의되었다. 제 18 대회장으로김용하 ( 충남대 ) 회원이선출되었고, 감사로는김갑성 ( 경희대 ), 한원용 ( 천문연 ) 회원이선출되었다 년수상 - 에스이랩상 2017 년봄, 김현우회원 ( 충북대 ) 2017 년가을, 김가은회원 ( 충남대 ) - 한국우주과학회학술상 2017 년학술상이용삼회원 ( 충북대 ) - 두진우주과학자상최병규회원 ( 천문연 ) - 신진우주과학자상김영록회원 ( 항우연 ) - 한국과학기술단체총연합회제 27 회과학기술우수논문상조중현회원 ( 천문연 ) 5. 위원회 - 편집위원회 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences(JASS) 편집위원회는편집위원장으로이유 ( 충남대 ), 부편집위원장으로이은상 ( 경희대 ), 위원으로는 Ivan L. Andronov, Tapas Kumar Das, Paul A. Evenson, Edward F.Guinan, Lin-Ni Hau, Vitaly P. Kim, Juhou Lei, Xinlin Li, Charles Lin, Huixin Liu, Lee - Anne Mckinnell, Valery Nakariakov, Yuichi Otsuka, David Ruffolo, Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, Ilya Usoskin, Chao Xiong, Sungpil Yoon, Eun-Hwa Kim, Jeong woo Lee, 김방엽 ( 항우연 ), 나자경 ( 천문연 ), 박찬덕 ( 연세대 ), 이기원 ( 가톨릭대 ), 이대희 ( 천문연 ), 이병선 ( 전자연 ), 이수창 ( 충남대 ), 이재진 ( 천문연 ), 이주희 ( 항우연 ), 지건화 ( 극지연 ), 최영준 ( 천문연 ), 허종우 ( 충남대 ) 회원으로구성되었다. - 포상위원회포상위원회는위원장으로손영종 ( 연세대 ), 위원으로는곽영실 ( 천문연 ), 이유 ( 충남대 ), 진호 ( 경희대 ), 채종철 ( 서울대 ) 회원으로구성되었다. - 학술대회준비위원회학술대회준비위원회는위원장으로이대영 ( 충북대 ), 위원으로김연한 ( 천문연 ), 이주희 ( 항우연 ), 정종균 ( 천문연 ), 진호 ( 경희대 ), 황정아 ( 천문연 ) 회원으로구성되었다. - JASS 발전위원회 JASS 발전위원회위원장으로는김관혁 ( 경희대 ), 위원으로이대영 ( 충북대 ), 이유 ( 충남대 ), 김은혁 ( 항우연 ), 최정림 ( 충북대 ), 조중현 ( 천문연 ), 오수연 ( 전남대 ), 지건화 ( 극지연 ), 황정아 ( 천문연 ), 곽영실 ( 천문연 ) 6. 회원현황 2017 년신입회원인준현황은정회원 56 명, 학생회원 2 명이승인되었다. 정관제 6 조에따라연회비 3 년미납자 94 명은준회원으로회원등급을조정하였다 년 12 월 31 일현재회원수는 1457 명 ( 정회원 737 명, 3 년이상비활동및해외체류회원 699 명, 명예회원 16 명이며기관회원수는 5 곳 ) 이다. 7. 학회사무국 대표메일 : 홈페이지 : 대전사무국 : 대전시유성구대덕대로 776 한국천문연구원내 Tel: , Fax: / 사무국장고미희 84 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

85 학회및관련기관소식 경북대학교천문대기과학과 1. 인적사항 본학과의천문학전공교수는박명구, 윤태석, 장헌영, 황재찬회원네명이다. 동교사범대학지구과학교육과의심현진회원도대학원생논문지도를맡고있다. 본학과학부과정은지구시스템학부소속천문대기과학전공이며대학원과정은천문대기과학과천문학전공이다 년 3 월에는 90 명의신입생이수시및정시모집으로지구시스템과학부에입학하였고, 25 명의학생들이 2 학년으로올라가며천문대기과학전공을선택하였으며, 1 명이 3 학년으로학사편입하였다. 천문대기과학전공학생은천문학과대기과학을자유롭게선택하여공부할수있다. 대학원에는 2017 년 9 월에 2 명의석사과정학생과 2 명의박사과정학생, 2018 년 3 월에 3 명의석사과정학생과 2 명의박사과정학생이입학하여현재 12 명의석사과정학생과 6 명의박사과정학생이재학중이다. 2. 연구및학술활동 박명구회원은박사과정방태양회원및천문연구원의외계행성연구팀과거성및쌍성주위의외계행성탐색연구, 박사과정한두환회원과는블랙홀의부착현상, 박사과정이윤희회원및부산대학교안홍배회원과는막대은하에대한연구를수행하고있다. 석사과정강원기회원과는은하, 양희창, 황현모회원과는블랙홀및블랙홀성장에관한연구를수행하고있다. 장헌영회원은태양흑점의위도별공간분포에대한연구를수행하여태양자기장생성에관한관측적연구를계속수행하고있고, 태양진동학을기반으로하는우주기상예보모형을개발중이다. 최철성회원 ( 천문연구원 ) 과 Zhibin Zhang( 중국, Guizhou 대학 ) 교수와는확장된방사를갖는감마선폭발체에대한연구를한중공동연구의형태로진행하고있다. 황재찬회원은우주구조의상대론적비선형진화과정과우주거대구조의균일등방성여부를연구하고있다 년 3 월이후학과세미나에연사로오신분은임홍서박사 ( 한국천문연구원 ), 조일현박사 ( 경희대 ), 박찬경교수 ( 전북대 ), 이영선교수 ( 충남대 ), 이상성박사 ( 한국천문연구원 ), 지명국교수 ( 연세대학교 ) 이다. 본학과는시민과학생들을위해학기마다 4 차례일반인을위한공개관측과공개강연행사인 밤하늘이야기 를열고있다. 3. 연구시설 본학과는계산및관측자료처리를위해 Intel server/cluster 및다수의워크스테이션과고성능 PC 를운용하고있다. 천체관 측실습을위한 31-cm 뉴턴식반사망원경 ( 본교기초과학연구소보유 ) 이있다. 그밖에 Coronado SolarMax 70, Coronado Personal Solar Telescope CaK 등다수의소형반사및굴절망원경그리고 Fujinon , 2.5 대형쌍안경등을, 천체교육용으로이동식천체투영시스템을보유하고있다. 경희대학교우주과학과및우주탐사학과 1. 인적사항및주요동향 1985 년에창립되어 2018 년이 33 주년이되는경희대학교우주과학과는현재응용과학대학에소속되어있고학사과정과함께대학원에석사, 박사, 석박사통합과정을두고있다 년 WCU( 세계수준의연구중심대학 ) 사업의일환으로대학원에신설된우주탐사학과는석사, 박사, 석박사통합과정을두고있다. 경희대학교우주과학과와우주탐사학과에는 2018 년 4 월현재총 15 명의교수 ( 김갑성, 이동훈, 김상준, 장민환, 김성수, 박수종, 최광선, 문용재, 김관혁, 선종호, 진호, Tetsuya Magara, 이은상, 이정은, 최윤영 ) 교수가강의와연구를수행하고있다. 아울러독일막스플랑크연구소의 Sami K. Solanki, 미국메릴랜드대학의 Peter H. Yoon, 미국 UC Santa Cruz 의 Ian Garrick-Bethell 교수그리고영국 Warwick 대학의 Valery M. Nakariakov 교수가 International Scholar 로서연구와교육에힘을보태고있다. 현재우주과학과장은선종호회원이며, 우주탐사학과장은이은상회원이맡고있다. 우주과학과는경희천문대와함께매년다수의공개관측회를개최하여본교학생들뿐만아니라일반인들에게도천문현상을접할수있는기회를제공하고있다. 매년하계방학중, 우주과학과학생회는학과및천문대의지원으로중고생을위한우주과학캠프를개최하여청소년들에게천문학및우주과학에대한체험의기회를부여하고있다. 우주과학과학부는올해 40 명의신입생을맞이했으며약 159 명이재학중에있다. 대학원우주탐사학과에는총 28 명의대학원생 ( 석사 15 명, 석박통합 7 명, 박사 6 명 ) 이재학하고있다. 양과대학원에서 2016 년 8 월이후학위를받은학생은다음과같다. * 석사졸업 2 명 - 박성민 (18 년 2 월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수선종호 ) 논문제목 : GK2A KSEM PD 에대한전방위 Geant4 모의실험 - 전성경 (18 년 2 월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수문용재 ) 논문제목 : Statistical study on the kinematic classification of coronal mass ejections from 4 to 30 solar radii * 박사졸업 - 2 명. 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 85

86 학회및관련기관소식 - 김재영 (17 년 8 월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수박수종 ) 논문제목 : Near-IR Polarization of the Northeastern Region of the Large Magellanic Cloud - 장수정 (18 년 2 월, 우주탐사학과, 지도교수문용재 ) 논문제목 :Study on Three-Dimensional Parameters of Halo Coronal Mass Ejections and Their Propagation to the Earth 2. 연구및학술활동 BK21 플러스사업 우주탐사학과가주도하는 달 - 지구우주탐사 사업 ( 연구책임자 : 문용재회원 ) 이교육부에서시행하는 BK( 두뇌한국 )21 플러스사업글로벌인재양성형에선정되어 2013 년 9 월이후부터 2020 년 8 년 8 월 31 일까지매년 9.1 억원, 총약 60 억원의연구비지원을받고있다 학년도 2 학기에우주탐사학과가대학원에신설되어현재총 39 명 ( 박사과정 11 명, 석박통합 20 명, 석사과정 8 명 ) 의대학원생 ( 재학 / 수료 ) 이 BK21 플러스사업에참여하고있다. BK21 플러스사업의수행을위해현재 Sanjay Kumar, Navin Chandra Joshi, 홍석범박사가학술연구교수로, 홍진희, 나고운, 최윤희박사가연구박사로재직하고있다. 과거 달궤도우주탐사 WCU 사업을통해수행된연구들을이어받아, 본 BK21 플러스사업단에서수행하는연구는천문우주연구뿐만아니라달및근지구공간에서우리가개발한초소형위성을이용하여우주탐사에활용하는계획을가지고있다. 또한한국형달탐사시험용궤도선사업에달과학탑재체 2 개과제를수행하고있다. 본사업에서추진하는달탐사임무는과학기술적측면에서획기적인의미와결과가기대되며이러한활동이학문적발전뿐만아니라대한민국우주개발에서모범적인연구개발사례로남게될것으로기대한다. 태양물리연구실 김갑성회원이이끌고있는태양물리연구실은크게태양물리, 천체역학, 태양관측시스템그리고우주기상예보분야의연구를수행하고있다. 태양물리부분에서는이진이, 김일훈, 이청우회원이태양활동영역의구조, 진화에대한이론적연구및관측으로부터얻어진자료의분석을통한연구를진행하고있다. 본연구실의김일훈회원은 SDO(Solar Dynamic Observatory) 의 AIA 데이터를이용하여 EUV 코로나젯의형태에따른물리적특징을분석하고있으며이청우회원은 Big Bear 관측소의 Hα 관측데이터를이용하여필라멘트형성에대한연구를수행하고있다. 김현남회원은 Hinode SOT 로관측된흑점의물리량을 Spectropolarimery 라는도구를이용하여자기장구조와속도분포를연구하고있다. 태양관측시스템연구를위해교내에태양 H-alpha 관측시스 템과태양분광관측시스템을운영하고있으며이관측시스템은네트워크를통한원격관측이가능하도록구축되어있다. 또한 Heliostat 과 grating 을이용하여분광관측시스템을구축하여관측을수행하고있다. 본태양관측시스템은학부생들의태양관측실습에활용되고있다. 마지막으로우주기상예보연구에서는국내외의우주환경사이트의관련데이터를수집하고모니터하기위한근실시간모니터링시스템을구축하였다. 본연구에서는 SDIP(Solar Data Image Processing) 소프트웨어를자체적으로개발하여운영하고있다. SDIP 소프트웨어는 Borland C++ 를이용해서개발되었으며, 모니터링시스템은 SDIP 를이용해서각각의 FTP 사이트에서근실시간으로태양데이터를획득하고, 모니터링하기위한것이다. 행성천문연구실 김상준회원이지도하고있는행성천문연구실은 Keck, Gemini Observatory 등의분광관측자료와 Cassini, JUNO 탐사선의관측자료를분석하여목성, 토성, 타이탄등의대기및혜성등의각종라디칼및분자선의생성, 그리고이들천체의대기조성과광화학적반응에관한모델연구를수행하고있다. 김상준, 심채경회원은 Gemini 관측소의고분산분광자료를사용하여목성극지방고층대기에서나오는 3-마이크론메탄 emission을분석한결과수십년동안목성북극지방에서움직이지않고빛나는 10-마이크론거대반점의원인을일시적이지만초고에너지오로라일가능성을제의한논문을 Icarus 에 2017년발표하였다. 현재김상준회원은파리천문대 Courtin 박사와 Leicester 대학 Stallard 박사와공동연구로 Cassini데이터를사용한토성극지방적외선오로라와연무의진화과정을연구하고있다. 박재균학생은 2017년여름 2달을 Leicester 대학에서 Stallard 박사지도하에토성극지방적외선오로라를관측한 Cassini데이터를분석하였다. 김상준, 심채경회원은천문연구원선광일박사와함께거행성과타이탄상층대기중에나타나는연무를대기분자성분과조합하여새롭게표현한복사방정식을정립하였고, 이결과를복사방정식전문지인 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 에 2018 년게재하였다. 한편이동욱, 김상준회원은 Monte-Carlo 시뮬레이션을이용한달대기모델을계속업그레이드하고있다. 이와병행하여 NASA Goddard 센터의 Killen 박사와공동연구로애리조나에있는 Robotic 달 coronagraph 을사용하여많은데이터를중장기적으로입수하고있다. 이 coronagraph 는현재달주위를돌면서관측하고있는 LADEE 탐사를지원하기위해최근설립된기기로서 LADEE 에서관측되는국지적관측결과와이 coronagraph 에서관측되는달전체의대기현상을융합하여일관된과학적결과를도출해내는것을그주된목적으로하고있다. 박재균학생은김상준회원의달대기연구일환으로 2018 년초 2 달간 Goddard Space Flight Center/NASA 를방문 86 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

87 학회및관련기관소식 하여 Killen 박사지도하에오래된아폴로데이터를분석한결과강력한태양 CME 에영향으로달대기중여러원소들이갑자기증가하는현상을발견하였다. 천체물리연구실 김성수회원이이끄는천체물리연구실에서는은하중심부에서의별생성, 은하중심부로의개스물질유입, 우주론시뮬레이션을이용한구상성단계및왜소위성은하계의생성및진화연구등의분야에서다양한연구를진행중에있다. 김성수회원은 2013년 7월부터는다파장편광관측을통한달표토층입자의크기와성질을연구하는과제를수행중에있으며, 2014년 12월부터는우주론시뮬레이션을이용한은하형성기본단위의생성과정을연구하는과제도수행중에있다. 이지원회원은천문연구원의손봉원회원과이상성회원의지도아래 KVN을이용한연구에참여하고있다. 김은빈회원은 SDSS 자료를이용하여은하중심팽대부의비축대칭적모양과은하핵에서의별탄생사이의관계를통계학적으로연구하고있다. 천경원회원은고등과학원의신지혜, 김주한회원과함께우주거대구조진화수치실험으로부터은하형성기본단위를생성하는수치실험기법을개발하였고이를이용하여왜소위성은하들의특성을연하고있다. 김민배회원은최윤영회원의지도아래 SDSS 자료를이용하여별탄생은하와활동성은하핵의특성에대한통계적연구를수행중에있다. 이주원회원은우리은하중앙팽대부에있는 HI 원반을유체역학수치실험을통해연구하고있으며, 박소명회원은영국 Sheffield 대학의 Simon Goodwin 교수와함께프랙탈구조의초기분포를이용하여성단의생성및초기진화를연구하고있다. Hannah Morgan 회원은우리은하중심부의 200pc 영역에서 5pc 영역으로개스물질이떨어지는현상을수치적으로연구하고있으며, 김일훈, 백길호, 김진규회원은달표면의편광특성과충돌분화구의특성에대해연구하고있다. 연구교수인심채경박사는우주풍화가달표면성숙도에미치는영향을연구중에있으며, 최근홍석범박사가달표면연구에합류하였다. 적외선실험실 박수종회원이지도하는적외선실험실은광학 / 적외선천문기기의제작과천체관측연구를한다 년 8 월에는김재영회원이 Near-IR Polarization of the Northeastern Region of the Large Magellanic Cloud 연구로박사학위를받았다. 김재영회원은 2017 년 9 월부터경희대 BK21 플러스사업단에서이정은교수님의지도로박사후과정을시작했다. 현재적외선실험실박사과정에는이혜인, 박우진, 지태근회원이있고, 석사과정에는 2015 년 3 월에입학한김현종회원, 2018 년 3 월에입학한이선우회원이있다. 그리고우주과학과학부 4 학년변서연회원이학부연구생으로실험과연구를보조하고있다. 본적외선실험실은미국텍사스주립대학교, 한국천문연구원과공동으로 GMT 의제 1 세대관측기기로고분산적외선분광기 GMTNIRS 의개발에참여하고있다. 이에앞서비슷한구조의고분산적외선분광기 IGRINS 의소프트웨어개발연구를한국천문연구원의산학연위탁연구로 2010 년부터 2014 년 3 월까지수행하였다. 그리고미국텍사스 A&M 대학과공동으로 GMT 의제 1 세대관측기기인 GMACS 프로젝트에참여하여소프트웨어개발을담당학고있다. GMACS 의개념설계 (Conceptual Design Review) 연구는 2017 년 3 월 13 일에 kickoff meeting 을하고본격적인연구를시작하여 2019 년에개념설계연구보고서를제출할계획이다. 그리고서울대학교초기우주천체연구단과 20 개의필터를장착하여천체의 SED 를측정할수있는 SQUEAN (SED camera for QUasars in EArly universe) 을제작을완료하여정기관측을수행중이고, 했다 년 2 월에는맥도날드천문대 0.8m 망원경에구경 0.25m 의 Takahashi CCA250 망원경을장착하여반자동관측을위한소프트웨어를개발했다 년 7 월부터는미래창조과학부의우주핵심기술개발사업으로 우주적외선관측을위한알루미늄비축반사망원경의시험모델개발 연구를시작하였다. 본연구는 2017 년 5 월에 1 단계연구를마무리하고, 2019 년 6 월까지 2 단계연구를수행중이다. 본 2 단계연구에서는자유곡면알루미늄반사경 3 장으로선형비점수차가제거된비축반사망원경의시험모델을개발할계획이다 년부터는스웨덴과학기술위성 MATS (Mesosphere Airglow/Aerosol Tomography Spectroscopy) 개발연구에참여하여자유곡면알루미늄반사경 3 장으로선형비점수차가제거된비축반사망원경을설계하고, 스웨덴연구진과조립테스트를수행하고있다. MATS 위성은 2019 년에발사하여지구대기의중간권관측연구를계획하고있다. 태양권플라즈마연구실 최광선회원이이끄는태양권플라즈마연구실 (Heliospheric Plasma Physics Laboratory) 은태양으로부터태양권계면 (heliopause) 까지이르는전태양권공간에존재하는플라즈마의전자기적, 역학적성질을탐구하기위해설립되었다. 수년전부터는태양권밖의천체에서일어나는플라즈마물리과정으로연구영역을확대하였다. 이연구실에서다루는주제들은태양물리연구실과공간물리연구실의연구주제들과밀접한관련이있기때문에이들연구실과연구협력이이루어지고있다. 본연구실에서는플라즈마의거시적기술인자기유체역학으로부터미시적기술인입자운동론적기술 (kinetic theory) 까지다양한방법을사용하고있다. 입자운동론적연구에있어서는 University of Maryland 의 Peter H. Yoon 교수와긴밀한협력이이루어지고있으며자기유체역학적연구에있어서는 Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research 의 Joerg Buechner 교수및 Sami Solanki 교수와협력하고있다. 본연구실의이시백회원 ( 석박 12 기 ) 은자기유체역학적시뮬 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 87

88 학회및관련기관소식 레이션을통하여 total magnetic helicity 에비해 twist number 가큰구조가나타나는과정에대해연구하고있다. 이중기회원 ( 석박수료 ) 은다차원 (2, 3 차원 ) 플라즈마입자시뮬레이션코드를독자적으로개발하였으며, 이를 collisionless magnetic reconnection 에적용하여 microscopic scale 에서만나타날수있는 dynamo 현상을연구중이다. 이중기회원은현재한국천문연구원의전문연구요원으로근무중이다. 석사 5 기인송인혁회원은천체의 shear flow 와연계된 thermal instability 를해석적방법으로연구중이다. 쎄트렉아이에재직중인박근석회원 ( 박사수료 ) 은달과같은자기장이없는천체와태양풍의상호작용을 3 차원자기유체역학적시뮬레이션을통해연구중이다. 전홍달회원 ( 박사수료 ) 은태양과자기권등에서발생하는 ballooning instability 에대한연구를수행중이다. 최창대회원 ( 석사 1 기 ) 은 Peter H. Yoon 교수와협력하여 nonlinear kinetic Alfven wave 의생성및전파에대한이론적연구를수행하고있다. 태양우주기상연구실 문용재회원이이끄는태양우주기상연구실 (Sun and Space Weather Laboratory) 은태양활동에대한관측적인연구및이들이지구주변에미치는영향을연구하고있다. 2018년 2월에장수정회원이박사학위를취득하였으며, 전성경회원이석사학위를취득하였다. 2018년 3월현재연구교수 4인 ( 신준호박사, 이진이박사, 성숙경박사, 이정우박사 ), 박사후 4인 ( 박진혜박사, 조일현박사, 강지혜박사, 장수정박사 ), 박사과정 12인 ( 박종엽, 나현옥, 이강진, 이어진, 신슬기, 이하림, 김태현, 임다예, 이강우, 박은수, 김진현, 전성경 ) 및석사과정 4인 ( 김기문, 정현진, 신경인, Sumiaya) 이연구를함께하고있다. 신준호회원은 우주기상예보시스템개발연구, 이진이회원은 태양분출플라즈마의질량및에너지연구, 성숙경회원은 태양과행성간공간의자기장비교연구, 이정우회원은 태양활동영역연구, 박진혜회원은 태양고에너지입자의특성및예보에관한연구, 조일현회원은 태양풍속도결정연구, 강지혜회원은 관측기반시뮬레이션모델을통한플레어 /CME 기작연구, 장수정회원은 고속 CME를방출하는활동영역연구, 박종엽회원은 우주기상예보평가방법에대한연구, 나현옥회원은 CME 콘모형의관측적검증연구, 이강진회원은 플레어 /CME 예보모델의검증연구, 이어진회원은 태양활동영역의인자와플레어관련성연구, 임다예회원은 활동지역의벡터자기장자료를활용한태양활동예보연구, 이하림회원은 CME 3차원진동특성연구, 신슬기회원, 이강우회원, 박은수회원은 딥러닝을활용한태양활동예보연구, 김진현회원은 태양코로나그래프광학설계및검증연구 수행중에있다. 그리고문용재회원은현재 (1) 태양분출현상에대한관측연구, (2) 딥러닝기법을활용한우주기상예보모델연구를여러공동연구자들과함께수행하고있으며, BK 1유형과제책임자를담당하고있다. 우주과학탑재체연구실 선종호회원이지도하고있는우주과학탑재체연구실 (Space Science Instruments Laboratory) 은근지구및우주기상을관측하고연구하기위해인공위성탑재체를개발하고있다 년 2 월에박성민회원이석사학위를취득하였다 년 3 월현재연구교수 2 인 ( 채규성박사, 나고운박사 ) 과박사과정 1 인 ( 서용명 ), 석박통합과정 3 인 ( 신유철, 우주, 이찬행 ), 석사과정 5 인 ( 이훈, 설우형, 이채안, 이현상, 신승혁 ) 이연구를함께하고있다. 근지구우주환경탐사를목적으로한 Trio-CINEMA mission 의두번째, 세번째큐브셋인 KHUSAT-01, KHUSAT-02 를경희대천문우주관측기기연구실, U. C Berkeley 의 Space Science Laboratory, Imperial college of London 과함께공동개발하였으며 2014 년발사되어임무를수행하였다. 차세대소형위성인 NEXTSat-1 의우주폭풍탑재체 (ISSS) 중하나인 MEPD 는근지구우주방사선을측정하기위해개발하였으며현재비행모델환경시험이완료되어 2018 년후반기발사대기중에있다. 정지궤도복합위성 2A 의우주기상탑재체 (KSEM) 은 U. C Berkeley 의 Space Science Laboratory, European Space Agency, 쎄트렉아이와함께공동으로개발하였으며, 정지궤도에서 10 년동안우주방사선측정및지구자기장계측, 위성대전감시를할예정이다 년후반기발사예정에있으며현재비행모델환경시험단계에있다. 본연구실의채규성회원은 전파통신및검출기전단부아날로그회로설계, 나고운회원은 검출기 VHDL 개발, 탑재체운용, 서용명회원은 플라즈마검출기개발 을수행중에있으며, 신유철회원은 몬테 - 카를로방법을이용한입자검출기시뮬레이션 연구, 우주회원은 검출기구조, 열설계 / 해석, 환경시험, 이훈회원은 검출기구조설계 / 해석, 환경시험, 설우형회원은 검출기전단부아날로그회로설계, 이채안회원은 검출기 VHDL 개발, 검교정, 시험, 이찬행회원은 검출기검교정및데이터분석, 운용, 이현상회원은 몬테 - 카를로방법을이용한검출기시뮬레이션, 신승혁회원은 검출기구조설계 / 해석 을수행중에있다. Solar Dynamics Laboratory Group We aim to reveal the dynamical nature of the Sun showing various kinds of active phenomena, such as solar activity cycles, active regions producing solar flares, solar winds and coronal mass ejections. We investigate these phenomena by combining numerical modeling based on computer simulation and ground-based and/or space observations. The members of our group are Dr. Tetsuya Magara (leader), Jun Mo An, and Hwanhee Lee (MS-PhD combined course). Currently we put our focus on the recycling process of magnetic fields in the interior of the Sun, the transporting process of magnetic fields through the solar convection zone to the solar atmosphere, the 88 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

89 학회및관련기관소식 dissipating process of magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere, and the erupting process of a magnetized coronal plasma toward the interplanetary space. We also collaborate with the space weather group at NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) in Japan in order to develop a state-of-art three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation model with unstructured grids that is used to investigate the Sun-Earth system. 별탄생연구실 이정은회원이이끄는별탄생연구실은현재 3 명의박사후연구원, 2 명의박사과정학생과 5 명의석박통합학생, 별생성영역들에대한물리적화학적상태에대한다양한연구를진행중에있다. 이정은회원은 ALMA Cycle 2 관측결과를바탕으로 turbulent fragmentation 에의해 wide binary formation 이일어나는과정을포착하여 Nature Astronomy 에출판하였다. ALMA Cycle 3, Cycle 4, Cycle 5 시간도확보하여관측을수행하였고, 분석중에있다. Cycle 5 에서관측된폭발중인원시성인 V883 Ori 의후속관측을위해 Cycle 6 제안서를제출하였다. 이정은회원은충남대학교유현주학생과함께 JCMT Large Program 을통해한 Class I 원시성 EC53 의폭발을포착하여그분석결과를 ApJ 에출판하였다. EC53 에대한 Gemini-South, ALMA, SMA 와 JCMT 후속관측이수행되었거나수행중이다. 이석호회원은통합적인원시행성계원반의모델코드를구축하고있다. 이와함께, ALMA Cycle 3 에서관측된원시행성계원반을분석하고있으며, 원시쌍성의가능성을확인하기위해 Cycle 6 제안서를제출하였다. 최윤희회원은 L1251B 의 Spitzer/IRS, Herschel/PACS, SPIRE, HIFI 관측데이터를분석하고있다. 김재영회원은 AKARI/IRS 을이용하여원시성과배경별을통해관측된성간얼음분자들의흡수선밴드를분석하여별탄생과정에서의역학적기작과화학적변이를연구하고있다. 박선경회원은 IGRINS legacy program 인 Spectral Library 에관한논문을제출하여심사중이며, 다양한폭발원시성인 FUOrs 를 BOES 와 IGRINS 를이용하여관측하고분석하고있다. 윤성용회원은원시행성계원반을연구하는또다른 IGRINS legacy program 에서다양한진화단계의원시행성계원반천체들의스펙트럼을분석, 연구하고있다. 이중, 한 Class I 천체에서일어난폭발현상의증거를 NIR spectrum 에서발견하고, 후속연구를위해 ALMA Cycle 6 에제안서를제출하였다. 이희원회원은 JCMT Large program 에참여하여, Orion 영역에있는 Planck Galactic Cold Clumps 를 SCUBA2 로관측하고분석하여논문을제출하여심사중이고, 후속으로 KVN, SMA, ALMA 관측을수행하여별의형성과주변환경의관계를연구하고있다. 윤형식회원은 TRAO 의 Key Science Program 을통하여, Orion 과 Ophiuchus 영역을다양한분자선으로관측하고있으며, 이를바탕으로두영역에서의난류의성격을연구하고있다. 백기선회원은매우초기단계에있는원시성인 L1527-IRS 의 Herschel/PACS 연속스펙트럼을설명하는 envelope 밀도구조 를 continuum radiative transfer modeling 을통해연구하여논문을작성하고있으며, 두개의 massive prototostar 의 ALMA 분자선관측결과를분석하여화학적상태를비교하는연구를수행하고있다. 특히최근폭발현상을일으킨 massive protostar 와현재연구중인 hot core 에서 complex organic molecules 의화학적차이를연구하기위하여 ALMA Cycle 6 제안서를제출하였다. 이용희회원은 JCMT/SCUBA2 연속파지도와 TRAO 분자선지도를이용하여 Orion A 분자운에서 column density probability distribution function (N-PDF) 를연구하고있으며, 강인회원은 IGRINS 로관측된 massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) 을분석하고있으며, 그중한 MYSO 의 He I 방출선과, Br series 방출선들, 특히 Br γ 방출선에서원반회전에의한 double-peak feature 를발견하였고, MYSO 주위의원반을확인하고연구하기위하여, ALMA Cycle 6 제안서를제출하였다. 우주플라즈마물리연구실 이은상회원이이끄는우주플라즈마물리연구실은현재 1 명의박사과정학생과 2 명의석박통합학생, 2 명의석사과정학생들이위성관측데이터분석과시뮬레이션을이용하여우주플라즈마에서발생하는다양한물리현상을연구중에있다. 이준현회원은 Van Allen Probes 위성데이터를분석하여 plasmapause 근처에서수십 ev 에서수 kev 에이르는에너지를갖는이온의특성을연구하고있다. 김희은회원은 Cluster 위성데이터를분석하여이온이지구 bow shock 을통과할때발생하는 heating 과정에대해연구하고있다. 신유라회원은 Cluster 위성데이터를분석하여오로라지역상공근처에서 field-aligned current 와관련된자기장교란의특성에대해연구하고있다. 이상윤회원은 particle-in-cell 기법을이용한다차원플라즈마시뮬레이션코드를개발하여방사선대와태양풍등에서발생하는플라즈마불안정성에대해연구하고있다. 강준석회원은 test particle 시뮬레이션을이용하여지구 bow shock 을통과하는이온의궤적특성에대해연구하고있다. 3. 연구시설 경희천문대 경희대학교천문대는 1992 년 10 월돔형건물의완공과 76cm 반사망원경의설치를기점으로개관하여 1995 년 9 월민영기교수가초대천문대장으로부임하였다 년 1 월에김상준교수가제 2 대천문대장으로부임한후, 2001 년 3 월에인공위성추적관측을위한관측소를설치하였다 년 2 월에장민환교수가제 3 대천문대장으로부임하였고, 2010 년 3 월부터는박수종교수가제 4 대천문대장직을수행하였다 년 3 월에진호교수가제 5 대천문대장직에부임한후, 2013 년 10 월에공식명칭을 우주과학교육관 에서 경희대학교천문대 로변경하였고, 새롭게홈페이지를개선하였다 년 2 월부터는최광선교수가제 6 대천문대장직을수행하였고 2017 년 3 월부터김관혁교 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 89

90 학회및관련기관소식 수가제 7 대천문대장직을수행하고있다. 경희대학교천문대는연구및교육활동외에천문우주과학대중화사업을적극적으로진행해오고있다. 행정직원으로는전홍달회원이행정및연구실장으로근무하고있다. 본천문대는 2009 년에리모델링공사를통하여각종연구시설을정비하였고, 76cm 반사망원경의 TCS 를교체하여보다효율적이고정확한관측이가능하도록하였다. 또한 2010 년에는 Meade 사의 16 인치리치크레티앙식망원경과 Paramount ME 마운트를도입하여위성추적및천체관측실습용으로사용중에있으며, 2011 년과 2012 년에는 FLI 4K CCD 와 FLI 1K CCD 를각각도입하여관측에활용하고있다 년에는대구경쌍안경을도입하여과학문화대중화에활용하고있다 년 4 월에는기존의전시장공간에연구실을신설하는공사와영상실조성공사가완료되었다 년 2 월과 2016 년 2 월에는천체관측지원을위하여주망원경돔을보수하였다 년 10 월에는일반인및경희가족을대상으로한공개관측회가개최되었다. 다양한체험학습프로그램과과학문화대중화를위한, 천문및우주과학을주제로하는교육프로그램을상시진행하고있다. 초중고학생들및일반인을대상으로하는교육프로그램은주 4 회씩진행되고있다. 이를통해천문 우주과학에대한일반의관심을향상시키고, 중고생들에게전공진로방향을제시하는등, 경희대학교천문대는지역사회및일반천문동호인들에게중요한교육및체험현장으로서새로운위상을정립하고있다. 경희대학교천문대에는천문우주과학관측기기및인공위성의개발과관련된다수의실험실들이설치되어있다. 실험시설로는전자장비개발및시험시설, 기계구조부제작및시험시설, 청정실등이있으며, 경희대학교인공위성지상국도현재천문대에설치되어운용되고있다. 극지연구소우주환경연구그룹 극지연구소는남 북극지에서운영중인과학기지에서의연구활동을바탕으로다양한기초과학분야를연구하고있는국내유일의극지전문정부출연연구기관으로, 남북극특수환경에서수행가능한거의모든자연과학분야의연구를활발히수행하고있다 년, 한국해양연구원 ( 현한국해양과학기술원 ) 의한연구실에서시작된극지연구소는 2004 년부설화이후질적 / 양적으로비약적인성장을이루어왔다 년남극세종과학기지, 2002 년북극다산과학기지, 2009 년쇄빙연구선아라온, 2013 년인천송도독립청사준공, 2014 년남극장보고과학기지준공등지속적인극지인프라구축이진행되어왔고, 앞으로도제 2 쇄빙연구선건조, 남극내륙기지건설과같은다양한극지연구시설확보를계획하고있다. 극지연구소우주환경연구그룹은국내외대학및연구기관과공동협력을통해, 남북극기지에서주로지상관측장비를이용하여고층대기중간권및열권하부 (Mesosphere and lower thermosphere: MLT region), 전리권 (Ionosphere), 열권 (Thermosphere) 등의영역을관측하고있으며, 또한자기권, 우주선 / 고에너지입자, 오로라등의관측도동시에수행하고있다. 현재극지연구소의우주과학연구인력은지건화회원 ( 전리권, 열권, 플라즈마권, 오로라 ), 김정한회원 (MLT, 대기중력파 ), 이창섭회원 (MLT, 열권, 오로라 ) 이관측및수치모델연구를수행하고있고, 박사후연구원으로지은영회원 ( 우주환경 ), 김지은회원 ( 고층대기광학관측 ), 송인선회원 ( 고층대기 / 대기중력파수치모델 ), 권혁진회원 ( 자기권, 오로라 ), 그리고석 박사과정연구원 3 명이함께연구를수행하고있다. 국내공동연구기관으로충남대학교, 경희대학교, 전남대학교, 한국천문연구원등과활발한공동연구를수행하고있으며, 미국 NCAR/HAO, University of Colorado(Boulder), Utah State University, 뉴저지공과대학 (NJIT), NASA/GSFC, 일본극지연구소 (NIPR), 중국극지연구소 (PRIC), 유럽전리권레이더연합 (EISCAT) 등국외연구기관과도관측기기운영및자료분석등을위해공동연구를수행하고있다 ( 극지연구소관련연구사업 : 우주환경과저층대기에의한극지고층대기변화규명 - PE18020). 서울대학교물리 천문학부천문학전공 1. 인적사항 서울대학교물리 천문학부천문학전공에서는구본철, 이형목, 이명균, 박용선, 채종철, 임명신, 김웅태, 이정훈, 우종학, Masateru Ishiguro, 윤성철, Sascha Trippe 등 12 명의교수가교육과연구를담당하고있다. 미국 Alabama 대학에서온 James Irwin 교수는 2016 년 9 월부터올해 5 월까지객원부교수로부임하여연구년을지내고돌아갔다. 나고야대학으로자리를옮겼던이정우교수는브레인풀우수과학자로선정되어 2017 년 4 월부터객원교수로부임하였고, Nobuo Arimoto 교수도수바루천문대장퇴임후 2017 년 5 월부터브레인풀우수과학자로선정되어객원교수로부임하였다 년 1 학기에는채종철, 우종학, 윤성철교수, 2 학기에는이명균, 윤성철교수가연구년을보냈으며, 윤성철교수는 1 년간호주, Monash Univ 로파견근무를다녀왔다. 천문전공주임은 3 월부터박용선교수가새로맡게되었으며, 임명신교수는창의연구초기천체우주연구단단장, 우종학교수는 BK21 운영위원을계속해서맡고있다. 이명균교수는 12 월 31 일자로지난 2 년간의한국천문학회장임기를마쳤다. 박사후연구원으로는 Rongxin Luo, Suvendu Rakshit, Juan-Carlos Algaba, 이정애, 이용현박사가신규임용되었으며, 천상현, 김민규, 오희영박사가근무를마쳤다. 90 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

91 학회및관련기관소식 2017 년 1 학기에는석박통합과정 8 명, 2 학기에는석박통합과정 3 명, 박사과정 1 명이입학하였다 년 1 학기에는박사 4 명, 석사 4 명을배출하였으며, 2 학기에는박사 2 명, 석사 2 명, 학사 3 명을배출하였다. 학위를받은학생은아래와같다 년 8 월학위취득 박사고유경 ( 지도교수 : 이명균 ) The Globular Cluster Systems in Virgo and M85 박금숙 ( 지도교수 : 구본철 ) Study of Galactic HI Shells/Supershells using the I-GALFA Survey Data 이광호 ( 지도교수 : 이명균 ) A Multi-wavelength Study of Galaxy Transition in Different Environments 이용현 ( 지도교수 : 구본철 ) Near-infrared Study of Galactic Supernova Remnants 석사구한울 ( 지도교수 : 이정훈 ) OInvestigating the Effect of Galaxy Interaction on the Evolution of Spin Alignments 롬미리디아 ( 지도교수 : 구본철 ) A multi-wavelength study of N63A: A supernova remnant within a H II region in the Large Magellanic Cloud 이민경 ( 지도교수 : Masateru Ishiguro) Opposition Effect of Asteroid (25143) Itokawa 이상윤 ( 지도교수 : 임명신 ) NIR Spectroscopy of Early Afterglow of Ultra-Long GRB A 학사없음 2018 년 2 월학위취득 박사김도형 ( 지도교수 : 임명신 ) Unveiling intrinsic properties of dusty red AGNs 양홍규 ( 지도교수 : Masateru Ishiguro) Origins and evolution of Interplanetary Dust Particles 석사박관호 ( 지도교수 : 이형목 ) Numerical Integration of Neutron Star Binaries in Eccentric Orbits 이나원 ( 지도교수 : 이명균 ) M81 은하군구상성단의분광학적연구 학사김동국, 이수빈, 진선호 2. 학술및연구활동 구본철회원은공동연구자및지도학생들과함께초신성및초신성잔해, 질량이큰항성의생성및최종진화, 우리은하의 구조등에관한연구를수행하고있다. 4 월에는프린스톤대학에서개최된젊은초신성잔해카시오페이아 A 에관한집중적워크샵에참석하여근적외선연구결과를발표했으며, 9 월에는우리은하바깥쪽의자세한나선구조를보여주는 HI 지도를학술지에발표하였다. 지도학생동정으로는 8 월에박금숙회원이 Study of Galactic HI Shells/Supershells using the I-GALFA Survey Data 라는제목으로, 이용현회원이 Near-infrared Study of Galactic Supernova Remnants 라는제목으로각각박사학위를수여하였다. 그리고정부초청장학생롬미리디아는 A multi-wavelength study of N63A: A supernova remnant within a H II region in the Large Magellanic Cloud 라는제목으로석사학위를수여하고박사과정에진입하였다. 이형목회원은한국중력파연구진인 KGWG 의대표역할을수행하고있으며자료처리분야의다양한연구를수행하고있다. KGWG 는 LIGO Scientific Collaboration(LSC) 의공식회원으로서울대, 한양대, 부산대, 인제대, 국가수리과학연구소 (NIMS), 한국과학기술정보연구원 (KISTI) 등이참여하고있다 년 11 월부터 2017 년 8 월말까지진행된 LIGO 와 Virgo 의 2 차관측가동에서는두개의블랙홀쌍성충돌현상과. 특히 2017 년 8 월 17 일에발견된중력파는앞서발견된여러경우와달리중력파형분석결과질량이중성자별인것으로추정되었고거의동시에감마선폭발체가보고되어다양한파장의전자기파망원경이곧바로추적관측을시작한결과타원은하인 NGC 4993 에서새롭게보이는변광천체가발견되었다. 이러한정보는중력파연구협력단과초신성과같은변광천체, 감마선폭발천체의후속관측등에관한연구를수행하고있는임명신교수에게도전달되어한국천문연구원과서울대학교가남반구에보유하고망원경들을이용한추적관측이 20 일정도지속되었다이들결과는다수의 LSC 공동논문으로발표되었다. 이형목회원을비롯한 KGWG 에속한 14 명이이들논문저자로참여하였다. 이형목은박다우 ( 박사과정 ), 김정리 ( 천문연구원 ) 과공동으로구상성단에서역학적과정을거쳐블랙홀쌍성이생성되는확률과이들의관측적특성을연구한논문을발표하였다. 이형목은졸업생인배영복 ( 천문연구원 ) 회원과두개의블랙홀이접근하면서만들어지는쌍성의포획단면적을수치상대론적계산을통해구하였다. 이형목은다수의국제연구그룹과중력파검출기만으로블랙홀쌍성의모은하를동정할수있는가능성에대한연구를수행하였다. 이형목은적외선분야의연구도계속추진하여 2017 년부터 JCMT/SCUBA-2 를이용한황도북극영역에대한 850 μm 탐사관측프로그램 Large Program 제안서를제출하여 400 시간관측시간을배정받았다 년 2 월현재약 8% 정도의관측이진행되었다. 이형목은 2017 년 5 월 일에타이페이에서열린 The Third International Workshop on KAGRA, 6 월 25 일 -30 일에프랑스파리에서열린 XXXIIIth international colloquium of the IAP, 7 월 3 일 -7 일사이에이화여대에서열린 International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics and Cosmology, 10 월 16 일 20 일사이에스페인바르셀로나에서열린 Astro-GR 9, 11 월 일사이에호주 University of Western Australia (UWA) 에서열린 Australian 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 91

92 학회및관련기관소식 Conference on General Relativity 에서초청강연을하였다. 이명균회원은양유진, 김은총회원, You, Chang, Zabludoff, Ann, Smith, Paul 등과함꼐 Mapping the Polarization of the Radio-Loud Lyα Nebula B3 J 연구를수행했다. 김민규, 이형목, 정웅섭, 김성진회원등과함께 Low-Resolution Near-infrared Stellar Spectra Observed by the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER) 연구를수행했다. 고유경, 황호성, 박홍수, 임성순, 손주비, 장인성, 황나래, 박병곤회원과함께 To the Edge of M87 and Beyond: Spectroscopy of Intracluster Globular Clusters and Ultracompact Dwarfs in the Virgo Cluster 연구를수행했다. 이광호, 황호성, 손주비회원과함께 The Fastest Galaxy Evolution in an Unbiased Compact Group Sample with WISE 연구를수행했다. 장인성회원, Beaton, Rachael; Seibert, Mark; Bono, Giuseppe; Madore, Barry 와함께 The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program: Discovery of the Most Distant Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy in the Local Universe 연구를수행했다. 장인성회원과함께 TRGB 방법으로 Ia 형초신성이발견된은하들의거리를측정하고, 이를이용하여초신성의광도를표준화한후, 이를초신성목록에적용하여허블상수의값을 3-4% 의오차로정밀하게측정하는연구를수행했다. 장인성회원과함꼐 Resolving the Discrepancy of Distance to M60, a Giant Elliptical Galaxy in Virgo 연구를수행했다. 장인성회원, Beaton, R., Madore, B., Freedman, W. 등과함께허블우주망원경을이용하여 Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program 연구를수행했다. 김윤영, 이시구로회원과함께 New Observational Evidence of Active Asteroid P/2010 A2: Slow Rotation of the Largest Fragment 연구를수행했다. 강지수, 이정환, 장인성회원과함께 Detection of a Large Population of Ultradiffuse Galaxies in Massive Galaxy Clusters: Abell S1063 and Abell 2744 연구를수행했다. 구본철, 박금숙, 김웅태회원, Balser, Dana S.; Wenger, Trey V. 등과함께 Tracing the Spiral Structure of the Outer Milky Way with Dense Atomic Hydrogen Gas 연구를수행했다. 권유나, 이시구로회원등과함께목성계열혜성인 Optical and Near-infrared Polarimetry of Non-periodic Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) 연구를수행했다. 이명균회원은 년천문학회장의임기를마쳤다. 박용선회원은윤영주회원과함께 AGN 의흡수선분석을통하여우리은하분자운에서 10 AU 규모로분자들의분포가서로다를수있음을보였다. 유형준회원과는프레넬렌즈를대물렌즈로하여접었다펼칠수있는경량우주망원경의광학계연구를계속하고있다. 회절효과를고려하면서기하광학적으로광선을추적하여간편하게광학계를설계하는프로그램을개발하고있다. 서울전파천문대를정상화하기위해미국버클리대학에서 230GHz 대역수신기를도입하고냉각기도함께구매하였다. 230GHz 수신기는 CARMA 에서사용하던것으로서로직교하는편광을측정할수있는반면 DSB 모드로동작한다. 실험실에서 냉각성능을확인하였으며, 믹서바이어스, LNA 바이어스, 국부발진부제어, 듀어온도측정등여러인터페이스문제를해결하여 6 미터망원경을 2018 년가을부터가동할예정이다. 채종철회원이이끄는태양천문학그룹에는 2018년 3월현재 4인의박사과정회원 ( 조규현, 곽한나, 이겨레, 강주형 ) 과 2인의석사과정회원 ( 서민주, 김다나 ) 이있다. 2017년 3월에그룹에합류한이정우방문교수는 2017년 12월 10개월간의방문기간을종료했다. 태양천문학그룹이수행해온연구과제는크게두가지이다. 첫째, 미국빅베어태양천문대의 1.6미터태양망원경 (GST) 의고속영상태양분광기 (FISS) 를이용한관측수행, 자료분석및연관이론연구를수행했다. FISS는채종철회원이이끄는서울대태양천문학그룹과한국천문연구원태양우주환경그룹이공동제작한것이다. 2017년도에논문으로발표된주요연구결과는다음과같다. 1) 태양흑점의 3분속도진동을광구에서검출하였다. 그결과광구의 3분진동은위로전파하는느린자기음파이며, 그파동에너지플럭스는채층의 3 분속도진동을설명하기에충분했다. 강한 3분진동이빛다리나암부명점근처에서발견되는것으로보아, 3분진동은광구바로아래에서일어나는자기대류에의해발진되는것으로보인다. (Chae et al. 2017a). 2) 태양채층에서일어나는 3분진동의비선형적전파의해를발견하였으며, 비선현적전개와연관된 3 분진동의 2차조화진동을발견했다. (Litvinenko & Chae 2017; Chae et a. 2017b). 3) 태양흑점의빛다리에서생기는소규모채층플라스마방출이빛다리에서일어나는자기재연결에서발진된느린자기음파의충격파현상임을시사하는관측증거를발견했다. (Song et al. 2017) 둘째, 한국천문연구원이추진하는국제우주정거장용코로나그래프개발사업의위탁을받아연구를수행했다. 2017년도에얻은주요결과는다음과같다. 1) 후코로질량방출광선을따라나가는유출류가자기재연결에서나온것이라는관측증거를발견하였다 (Chae et al. 2017c). 2) 필터장착코로나그래로코로나질량방출의온도구조를결정할수있는가능성을검증하였다. 임명신회원은한국연구재단리더연구자사업 ( 창의적연구 ) 인초기우주천체연구단을이끌면서퀘이사, 원시은하단, 타원은하, 중력파천체, 감마선폭발, 초신성등다양한주제에대한연구를수행하였다. 연구단에서수행중인 Infrared Medium-deep Survey 자료를바탕으로김재우, 이성국, 현민희, 백인수회원등과함께원시은하단및초은하단후보들을, 김용정, 전이슬, 신수현회원과함께초기우주퀘이사후보들에대한선별및분광관측확인연구를진행하여어두운초기우주퀘이사를다수발견하는데성공하였다. 특히적색이동 6 에위치한희미한퀘이사의 accretion rate 이낮다는점을통해고적색이동퀘이사들은무거운 seed mass 로부터성장하였거나 super-eddington accretion 이라는매우급격한성장을겪었다는가능성을제시하였다. 그외에도김도형회원하고은하진화를규명하기위한고리역할을하는 red quasar 에대한연구를진행하여근적외선에서나타나는수소 Paschen line 을사용하여 red quasar 의 accretion rate 이보통퀘이사보다크다는점을알아냈음은물 92 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

93 학회및관련기관소식 론, line ratio 분석을통해 red quasar 의색깔은 dust extinction 때문이라는사실도밝혀냈다. 이는붉은 quasar 가보통 quasar 와별형성중인은하의징검다리를하는단계라는 scenario 를지지하는흥미로운결과이다. 또한윤용민회원과가까운우주에있는매우무거운타원은하의질량 - 크기관계가주변환경에의해영향받는다는사실을최초로규명하였는데, 이는그동안 LCDM 모델이예측한바를뒷받침하는결과이다. 김준호회원, Karouzos 회원과함께, KMTNet 을이용한 AGN 의시계열관측연구를, 이상윤, 백승학회원과함께 GRB 폭발직후의근적외선스펙트럼의변화를이용하여 GRB 의 afterglow 와 prompt emission 에대한연구를수행하고있다. 탁윤찬회원과함께중력렌즈천체에대한모델링연구를진행하고있으며, 황성용, 김준호회원과함께 medium-band reverberation mapping 연구도수행중이다. 경희대학교박수종회원등과함께고적색편이퀘이사관측을위한적외선관측기기인 SQUEAN 을사용하여 z=5 에있는희미한퀘이사들에대한저분산분광관측연구를수행중이다. 또한최창수회원, 임구회원, 김소피아회원, 백승학회원등과함께이상각망원경의 SNUCAM-II, 미국의 0.8m 망원경, 레몬산 1m 망원경, 우리나라소백산천문대 0.6m 망원경, 덕흥천문대 1m 망원경, 우즈베키스탄 1.5m 망원경등을이용하여가까운은하의 monitoring 관측연구을수행하였다. Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies (IMSNG) 라고명명된이연구는초신성폭발순간의 light curve 를확보하여초신성원형별의특성을규명하기위한연구이며, 2017 년도한해동안 monitoring 대상 60 개은하중 7 개은하에서초신성폭발이발생하였다. 현재이에대한분석연구를진행중이다. 임구회원과함께 IMSNG 자료를이용하여위성은하를연구하고있다. 임명신회원은또한 2017 년 8 월 17 일에나타는중성자별충돌로발생한중력파천체 GW 의국내광학관측을주도하여이것이 킬로노바 라는현상을일으켰다는사실과모은하의특성을규명하는연구결과를 Nature, ApJL 등에발표하였다. 이형목회원, 김승리회원, 이충욱회원과초기우주천체연구단연구원들과함께수행한이연구는 Multi-Messenger Astronomy 라는새로운연구분야를창출하는데크게기여하였고, 임명신회원은이연구와관련하여한국과학기자협회가선정한올해의과학자상을수여받기도하였다. 임명신회원은그외에도준공후약 40 년이지난서울대학교제 1 광학천문대의재건축위원회위원장으로천문대의재건축을성공적으로마무리지었으며, 2017 년동안 IAU membership 위원회의워원, 한국천문올림피아드위원, 2021 년 IAU general assembly 준비위원, JKAS 편집위원, 한국천문학회이사, K-GMT 과학백서준비위원, K-GMT 과학자문위원회위원, 서울대천문학과시설위원회위원장등을역임하였다. 김웅태회원은공동연구자들과함께원반은하에있는성간물질의역학적진화및항성원반의비축대칭구조물의형성에대한연구를계속하고있다. 김웅태회원은김정규회원 ( 박사과정 ) 과 Ostriker 교수 (Princeton) 와함께젊은별이방출하는자외선의복사전달을효율적으로풀수있는수치코드를개발하여성간운의별탄생에적용하였다. 이들은별을생성한성간운의파괴에는복사압보다광전리가더중요하며, 최종별탄생효율이 성간운의표면밀도에의존함을밝혔다. 김웅태회원은 Elmegreen 박사 (IBM) 와함께원반은하중심부핵나선의형성에대한연구를수행하여, 매우약한비축대칭섭동도강한핵나선을할수있으며생성된핵나선의세기와모습은배경속도엇갈림에의해결정됨을보였다. 김웅태회원은 Pei-Ying Hsieh 박사 (ASIAA) 등과함께우리은하중심부에존재하는핵주변원반 (circumnuclear disk) 으로의질량유입을연구하였으며, 구본철회원등과함께중성수소관측을통한우리은하의나선구조를연구하였다. 현재김웅태회원은김정규회원과함께별탄생영역에서방출되는원자외선의세기에대한연구를진행하고있으며, 서우영회원 ( 박사과정 ) 과함께막대와핵고리의형성및중심영역별형성에대한 3 차원연구를, 문상혁회원 ( 석박사통합과정 ) 과함께원통형좌계에서적용가능한자체중력해자를개발에대한연구를, 양승원회원 ( 석박사통합과정 ), 윤한결회원 ( 석박사통합과정 ) 과함께원시행성원반과행성의중력상호작용에대한연구를수행하고있다. 이정훈회원은 2017 년도에근거리우주론에대한연구를수행했다. 근거리우주에존재하는은하단 6 개의동력학적질량을배경우주론에대한선가정없이독립적으로측정하였고이를미국국천체물리저널에단독저자논문으로게재하였다. 이정훈회원은또한영국덜햄대학교의바우지우리박사와공동연구를수행하여은하군의회전반경의한계초과현상을이용하여중력법칙을제한하는방법을개발하고이를수치실험을통해검증하는연구성과를이루어그결과를담은논문을제 1 저자이자교신저자로미국천체물리저널에게재하였다. 구한울회원은이정훈회원의지도하에은하쌍의스핀정렬정도를최신관측자료를분석하여탐지하였고이연구성과를담은 Investigating the Effect of Galaxy Interaction on the Evolution of Spin Alignments" 제목의졸업논문으로 8 월에석사학위를수여받았다. Masateru Ishiguro 회원의연구그룹은태양계내에현존하는원시천체를통해태양계의기원과진화에대한연구를실시했다. 김윤영회원과 Masateru Ishiguro 회원은 2010 년에발견된 P/2010 A2 라는먼지꼬리를가진활동성소행성의관측자료로부터이먼지구름의형성기작을조사했다. K-GMT 프로그램의지원을받아총 7.5 시간의관측자료를얻어 P/2010 A2 잔해에현존하는가장큰파편의자전주기를 시간으로추정했다. 이관측자료로부터 P/2010 A2 먼지구름은 2009 년발생한충돌로형성되었다고결론내렸다. 이렇듯소행성대에서발생한충돌로인해소행성이산산조각나는현상이직접관측된것은처음으로, 이연구결과는제미니홈페이지에도소개되었다 (Kim, Ishiguro, et al. 2017a; Kim, Ishiguro, Lee 2017b). Masateru Ishiguro 회원과권유나회원은태양계소천체의편광관측에서총 2 편의논문을발표했다. 태양에 0.19 au 까지접근한소행성이카루스의표면에 100 마이크로미터크기미만의먼지입자가결여되어있고, 이는태양열에의한가열및복사압이원인이라고추정했다 (Ishiguro et al. 2017). 또한혜성 C/2013 US10 의편광관측으로부터혜성편광그룹에관한고찰을실시했다 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 93

94 학회및관련기관소식 (Kwon, Ishiguro et al. 2017). 한편본연구그룹은 DEEP-South 팀 ( 한국천문연구원 ) 과연계하여소행성연구를실시했다. DEEP-South 관측자료에서지구근접소행성이나혜성을추출하는알고리즘을개발하였다 (2017 년한국천문학회추계학술대회에서발표 ). 박윤수회원은열물리학적모델의계산코드를작성하고적외선천문위성 AKARI 가관측한혜성같은특성을가진두천체에적용하고논문으로발표했다 (Bach, Ishiguro, Usui 2017). 양홍규회원은 Masateru Ishiguro 회원의지도하에행성간티끌의궤도진화에관한이론적연구를실시하고 2018 년 2 월에학위를취득했다 (Yang & Ishiguro 2018; Yang, 2018 박사학위논문 ). 본연구그룹은소행성탐사 Hayabusa 2 에참여하고있으며, 탐사천체관측에서 2 편의논문을발표했다 (Mueller, Durech, Ishiguro et al. 2017, Perna, Barucci, Ishiguro et al. 2017). 우종학회원은 4 명의석박사학생과 5 명의박사후연구원과함께 (1) 캘리포니아대학과 MOU 를맺어 Lick 망원경을이용한 3 년장기관측프로그램을진행중이며미시간대학의 MDM 2.4 미터와 1.3 미터망원경및레몬산망원경과덕흥천문대의망원경을사용하여분광및측광으로빛의메아리효과를이용한블랙홀질량및우주론연구를진행중이다. (2) Gemini, VLT, Magellan 등에서관측한 IFU 자료와 AKARI 및 JCMT 등의자료를이용하여가스분출과별생성을분석하며 AGN 피드백에관한연구를진행중이다. (3) biconical outlfow 모델과 MC 시뮬레이션및 SDSS 자료를이용한통계적연구를진행중이다. 연구결과들은천체물리저널을비롯한국제저널들에 12 편의논문으로발표되었다. 윤성철회원은한국천문연구원주관한칠레협력사업의일환으로수행한 Ib 및 IIb 형초신성모체성의성질을쌍성계진화모델을통해규명하는연구를통해, 폭발직전의광도, 표면온도, 반경, delay time 등관측과직접적으로연결될수있는다양한성질을비롯하여 IIb 형초신성모체성내부에담겨있는수소함량의한계에관한중요한예측을하였다. 또한울프레이에별들의질량손실율을새롭게분석하였고 WN 단계와 WC 단계에서발견되는질량손실율의차이를올바르게고려할경우기존의모델을통해서는설명하기어려웠던 Ic 형초신성의모체성의성질을관측과일관성있는방식으로이해할수있음을보였다. 천상현회원과는적색초거성모델을이용하여우리은하, M31, 대 / 소마젤란은하에서관측된적색초거성의성질을분석하여중원소함량비에따라 mixing length 값이달라짐을보였고, 이를통해최초로 mixing length 값을관측을통해보정하였다. 계창우회원은 Pop III 별내부의대류가원소의생성에미치는영향에관한연구로석사학위를받아졸업하였다 년초까지서울대에서장기간방문연구원으로있었던독일본대학의 P. Neunteufel 은윤성철회원의지도하에헬륨성과백색왜성의쌍성계진화에관한연구를통해 10 월에박사학위를받았다. 또한일본, 러시아등지의전문가들과의국제협력을통하여기존의연구에서매우특이한형태의질량손실을고려해야만설명할수있었던 IIP 형초신성의초기광도곡선의양상을적색초거성 항성풍속도분포의현실적인적용을통해서자연스럽게설명할수있음을보였다. 현재박사과정학생인이헌철학생은종족 III 별의쌍성계진화가블랙홀병합으로이어지는과정을, 전원석학생은 Ib/Ic 형광도곡선을재현하는수치모의실험을, 장혜은학생은 GEMINI 의고분산관측기 GRACES 를이용해관측한화학적으로특이한별의함량비분석을, 양하늘학생은한국천문연의 KVN 팀의도움으로공생별의메이저의성질을, 김지훈학생은무거운별의 Case A 시스템쌍성계의진화과정을연구하고있다. Prof. Trippe's group at Seoul National University studies the properties of the jets of active galactic nuclei, especially blazars. The group currently comprises 7 graduate students and 1 postdoc. They perform radio astronomical observations using data from various radio telescopes and interferometers, including KVN, KaVA, VLBA, and ALMA. In 2017, they completed the first year of a KVN Key Science Project named "Plasma-physics of Active Galactic Nuclei" (PaGAN). In 480 hours of observing time with the KVN, they studied the core polarization of 14 AGN at 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz and constrained outflow geometries via Faraday rotation measurements. Prof. Trippe's group also began to operate an optical intensity interferometer in a laboratory on the SNU campus; this interferometer serves as a testbed for a future larger astronomical interferometer. The various group activities received financial support from the NRF and KASI and from the BK21+ program, and resulted in 3 peer-reviewed journal papers in 발표논문 Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L12, 59 pp. Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant, Nature, Volume 551, Issue 7678, pp Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, Estimating the Contribution of Dynamical Ejecta in the Kilonova Associated with GW170817, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. L39, 13 pp. Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, GW170608: Observation of a 19 Solar-mass Binary 94 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

95 학회및관련기관소식 Black Hole Coalescence, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 851, Issue 2, article id. L35, 11 pp. Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L12, 59 pp. Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2017, On the Progenitor of Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. L40, 18 pp. Bach, Yoonsoo P.; Ishiguro, Masateru; Usui, Fumihiko, 2017, Thermal Modeling of Comet-like Objects from AKARI Observation, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, Issue 5, article id. 202, 10 pp. Bae, Hyun-Jin; Woo, Jong-Hak; Karouzos, Marios; Gallo, Elena; Flohic, Helene; Shen, Yue; Yoon, Suk-Jin, 2017, The Limited Impact of Outflows: Integral-field Spectroscopy of 20 Local AGNs, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 837, Issue 1, article id. 91, 25 pp. Chae, Jongchul; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Kwon, Ryun-Young; Lim, Eun-Kyung, 2017, Evidence for a Magnetic Reconnection Origin of Plasma Outflows along Post-CME Rays, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 841, Issue 1, article id. 49, 6 pp. Chae, Jongchul; Kim, Yeon Han, 2017, Performance of the Autoregressive Method in Long-Term Prediction of Sunspot Number, Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 50, no. 2, pp Chae, Jongchul; Lee, Jeongwoo; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Song, Donguk; Cho, Kyungsuk; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl, 2017, Photospheric Origin of Three-minute Oscillations in a Sunspot, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 836, Issue 1, article id. 18, 8 pp. Chae, Jongchul; Litvinenko, Yuri E., 2017, Nonlinear Effects in Three-minute Oscillations of the Solar Chromosphere. I. An Analytical Nonlinear Solution and Detection of the Second Harmonic, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 844, Issue 2, article id. 129, 10 pp. Choi, Changsu; Im, Myungshin, 2017, Seoul National University Camera II (SNUCAM-II): The New SED Camera for the Lee Sang Gak Telescope (LSGT), Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 50, no. 3, pp Dessart, Luc; John Hillier, D.; Yoon, Sung-Chul; Waldman, Roni; Livne, Eli, 2017, Radiative-transfer models for explosions from rotating and non-rotating single WC stars. Implications for SN 1998bw and LGRB/SNe, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 603, id.a51, 11 pp. Eun, Da-in; Woo, Jong-Hak; Bae, Hyun-Jin, 2017, A Systematic Search for Hidden Type 1 AGNs: Gas Kinematics and Scaling Relations, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 842, Issue 1, article id. 5, 11 pp. Goto, Tomotsugu; Toba, Yoshiki; Utsumi, Yousuke; Oi, Nagisa; Takagi, Toshinobu; Malkan, Matt; Ohayma; Lee, Hyung Mok; Im, Myung; Kim, Seong Jin; at al., 2017, Hyper Suprime-Camera Survey of the Akari NEP Wide Field, Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 32, Issue 1, pp. 225 ~ 230 Hada, Kazuhiro; Park, Jong Ho; Kino, Motoki; Niinuma, Kotaro; Sohn, Bong Won; Ro, Hyun Wook; Jung, Taehyun; Algaba, Juan-Carlos; Zhao, Guang-Yao; Lee, Sang-Sung; Akiyama, Kazunori; Trippe, Sascha; Wajima, Kiyoaki; at al., 2017, Pilot KaVA monitoring on the M 87 jet: Confirming the inner jet structure and superluminal motions at sub-pc scales, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 69, Issue 4, id.71 Hatt, Dylan; Beaton, Rachael L.; Freedman, Wendy L.; Jang, In-Sung; Hoyt, Taylor J.; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Monson, Andrew J.; Rich, Jeffrey A.; Scowcroft, Victoria; Seibert, Mark; at al., 2017, The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program. II. The Distance to IC 1613: The Tip of the Red Giant Branch and RR Lyrae Period-luminosity Relations, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 845, Issue 2, pp. Huang, Kuiyun; Urata, Yuji; Takahashi, Satoko; Im, Myungshin; Yu, Po-Chieh; Choi, Changsu; Butler, Nathaniel; Watson, Alan M.; Kutyrev, Alexander; Lee, William H.; Klein, Chris; Fox, Ori D.; at al., 2017, ALMA and RATIR observations of GRB A, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 69, Issue 2, id.20 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 95

96 학회및관련기관소식 Im, Myungshin; Jun, Hyunsung; Kim, Dohyeong; Lee, Hyung Mok; Ohyama, Youichi; Ji, Hoon~Kim; Nakagawa, Takao; QSONG Team, 2017, AKARI Spectroscopy of Quasars at mum, Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 32, issue 1, pp Im, Myungshin; Yoon, Yongmin; Lee, Seong-Kook J.; Lee, Hyung Mok; Kim, Joonho; Lee, Chung-Uk; Kim, Seung-Lee; Troja, Eleonora; Choi, Changsu; Lim, Gu; Ko, Jongwan; Shim, Hyunjin, 2017, Distance and Properties of NGC 4993 as the Host Galaxy of the Gravitational-wave Source GW170817, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 849, Issue 1, article id. L16, 7 pp. Ishiguro, Masateru; Kuroda, Daisuke; Watanabe, Makoto; Bach, Yoonsoo P.; Kim, Jooyeon; Lee, Mingyeong; Sekiguchi, Tomohiko; Naito, Hiroyuki; Ohtsuka, Katsuhito; Hanayama, Hidekazu; and 6 coauthors, 2017, Polarimetric Study of Near-Earth Asteroid (1566) Icarus, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, Issue 5, article id. 180, 10 pp. Jang, In Sung; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, The Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distances to Typa Ia Supernova Host Galaxies. V. NGC 3021, NGC 3370, and NGC 1309 and the Value of the Hubble Constant, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 836, Issue 1, article id. 74, 13 pp. Jang, In Sung; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, The Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distances to Type Ia Supernova Host Galaxies. IV. Color Dependence and Zero-point Calibration, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 1, article id. 28, 17 pp. Jeon, Yiseul; Im, Myungshin; Kim, Dohyeong; Kim, Yongjung; Jun, Hyunsung David; Pak, Soojong; Taak, Yoon Chan; at al., 2017, The Infrared Medium-deep Survey. III. Survey of Luminous Quasars at 4.7 <= z <= 5.4, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 231, Issue 2, article id. 16, 16 pp. Jun, Hyunsung D.; Im, Myungshin; Kim, Dohyeong; Stern, Daniel, 2017, The Most Massive Active Galactic Nuclei at 1 less than or similar to z less than or similar to 2, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 838, Issue 1, article id. 41, 21 pp. Kang, Daeun; Woo, Jong-Hak; Bae, Hyun-Jin, 2017, Outflow Kinematics Manifested by the Halpha Line: Gas Outflows in Type 2 AGNs. IV., The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 845, Issue 2, article id. 131, 10 pp. Karouzos, Marios; Im, Myungshin; Trichas, Markos; Goto, Tomogotsu; Malkan, Matthew; Ruiz, Angel; Jeon, Yiseul; Kim, Ji Hoon; Lee, Hyung Mok; Kim, Seong Jin; Oi, Nagisa; at al., 2017, Galaxies on Diet: Feedback Signatures in Radio-Agn Host Galaxies, Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 32, issue 1, pp Kim, Min Gyu; Lee, Hyung Mok; Arai, Toshiaki; Bock, James; Cooray, Asantha; Jeong, Woong-Seob; Kim, Seong Jin; Korngut, Phillip; Lanz, Alicia; Lee, Dae Hee; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Matsumoto, Toshio; at al., 2017, Low-Resolution Near-infrared Stellar Spectra Observed by the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER), The Astronomical Journal, Volume 153, Issue 2, article id. 84, 19 pp. Kim, Minjin; Ho, Luis C.; Im, Myungshin, 2017, Ionized Gas Kinematics around an Ultra-luminous X-Ray Source in NGC 5252: Additional Evidence for an Off-nuclear AGN, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 844, Issue 2, article id. L21, 5 pp. Kim, Minjin; Ho, Luis C.; Peng, Chien Y.; Barth, Aaron J.; Im, Myungshin, 2017, Stellar Photometric Structures of the Host Galaxies of Nearby Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 232, Issue 2, article id. 21, 30 pp. Kim, Yoonyoung; Ishiguro, Masateru; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, New Observational Evidence of Active Asteroid P/2010 A2: Slow Rotation of the Largest Fragment, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 842, Issue 2, article id. L23, 5 pp. Kim, Yoonyoung; Ishiguro, Masateru; Michikami, Tatsuhiro; Nakamura, Akiko M., 2017, Anisotropic Ejection from Active Asteroid P/2010 A2: An Implication of Impact Shattering on an Asteroid, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 153, Issue 5, article id. 228, 11 pp. Kim, Dae-Won; Trippe, Sascha; Lee, Sang-Sung; Park, Jong-Ho; Kim, Jae-Young; Algaba, Juan-Carlos; Hodgson, Jeffrey A.; 96 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

97 학회및관련기관소식 Kino, Motoki; Zhao, Guang-Yao; Wajima, Kiyoaki; et al., 2017, The Millimeter-Radio Emission of BL Lacertae During Two γ-ray Outbursts, Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 50, no. 6, pp Ko, Youkyung; Hwang, Ho Seong; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Park, Hong Soo; Lim, Sungsoon; Sohn, Jubee; Jang, In Sung; Hwang, Narae; Park, Byeong-Gon, 2017, To the Edge of M87 and Beyond: Spectroscopy of Intracluster Globular Clusters and Ultracompact Dwarfs in the Virgo Cluster, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 212, 19 pp. Koo, Bon-Chul; Park, Geumsook; Kim, Woong-Tae; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Balser, Dana S.; Wenger, Trey V., 2017, Tracing the Spiral Structure of the Outer Milky Way with Dense Atomic Hydrogen Gas, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Volume 129, Issue 979, pp Kwon, Yuna Grace; Ishiguro, Masateru; Kuroda, Daisuke; Hanayama, Hidekazu; Kawabata, Koji S.; Akitaya, Hiroshi; Nakaoka, Tatsuya; at al., 2017, Optical and Near-infrared Polarimetry of Non-periodic Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina), The Astronomical Journal, Volume 154, Issue 4, article id. 173, 12 pp. Lee, Gwang-Ho; Hwang, Ho Seong; Sohn, Jubee; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, The Fastest Galaxy Evolution in an Unbiased Compact Group Sample with WISE, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 280, 17 pp. Lee, Jounghun, 2017, Independent Measurements of the Dynamical Masses of Six Galaxy Clusters in the Local Universe, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 839, Issue 1, article id. 29, 12 pp. Lee, Jounghun; Li, Baojiu, 2017, The Effect of Modified Gravity on the Odds of the Bound Violations of the Turn-around Radii, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 842, Issue 1, article id. 2, 8 pp. Lee, Myung Gyoon; Jang, In Sung, 2017, Resolving the Discrepancy of Distance to M60, a Giant Elliptical Galaxy in Virgo, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 841, Issue 1, article id. 23, 8 pp. Lee, Myung Gyoon; Jang, In Sung; Beaton, Rachael; Seibert, Mark; Bono, Giuseppe; Madore, Barry, 2017, The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program: Discovery of the Most Distant Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy in the Local Universe, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. L27, 6 pp. Lee, Myung Gyoon; Kang, Jisu; Lee, Jeong Hwan; Jang, In Sung, 2017, Detection of a Large Population of Ultradiffuse Galaxies in Massive Galaxy Clusters: Abell S1063 and Abell 2744, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 844, Issue 2, article id. 157, 17 pp. Lee, Myung Gyoon; Sohn, Jubee; Lee, Jong Hwan; Lim, Sungsoon; Jang, In Sung; Ko, Youkyung; Koo, Bon-Chul; Hwang, Narae; Kim, Sang Chul; Park, Byeong-Gon, 2017, Erratum: Optical Spectroscopy of Supernova Remnants in M81 AND M82 (2015, ApJ, 804, 63), The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 842, Issue 1, article id. 69, 14 pp. Lee, Yong-Hyun; Koo, Bon-Chul; Moon, Dae-Sik; Burton, Michael G.; Lee, Jae-Joon, 2017, Near-Infrared Knots and Dense Fe Ejecta in the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 837, Issue 2, article id. 118, 16 pp. Levan, A. J.; Lyman, J. D.; Tanvir, N. R.; Hjorth, J.; Mandel, I.; Stanway, E. R.; Steeghs, D.; Fruchter, A. S.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, The Environment of the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 848, Issue 2, article id. L28, 9 pp. Litvinenko, Yuri E.; Chae, Jongchul, 2017, Analytical description of nonlinear acoustic waves in the solar chromosphere Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 599, id.a15, 6 pp. Mathur, S.; Gupta, A.; Page, K.; Pogge, R. W.; Krongold, Y.; Goad, M. R.; Adams, S. M.; Anderson, M. D.; Arévalo, P.; Barth, A. J.; Im, M.; Woo, Jong Hak; at al., 2017, Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VII. Understanding the Ultraviolet Anomaly in NGC 5548 with X-Ray Spectroscopy, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 846, Issue 1, article id. 55, 9 pp. Matsuhara, H.; Wada, T.; Oi, N.; Takagi, T.; Nakagawa, T.; Murata, K.; Goto, T.; Oyabu, S.; Takeuchi, T. T.; Malek, K.; Solarz, A.; Ohyama, Y.; Miyaji, T.; Krumpe, 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 97

98 학회및관련기관소식 M.; Lee, H. M.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, Overview of North Ecliptic Pole Deep Multi-Wavelength Survey Nep-Deep, Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 321, Issue 1, pp. 213 ~ 217 Melandri, A.; Covino, S.; Zaninoni, E.; Campana, S.; Bolmer, J.; Cobb, B. E.; Gorosabel, J.; Kim, J.-W.; Kuin, P.; Kuroda, D.; Malesani, D.; Mundell, C. G.; Nappo, F.; Sbarufatti, B.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, Colour variations in the GRB A afterglow, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 607, id.a29, 5 pp. Moriya, Takashi J.; Yoon, Sung-Chul; Gräfener, Götz; Blinnikov, Sergei I., 2017, Immediate dense circumstellar environment of supernova progenitors caused by wind acceleration: its effect on supernova light curves, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 469, Issue 1, p.l108-l112 Müller, T. G.; Durech, J.; Ishiguro, M.; Mueller, M.; Krühler, T.; Yang, H.; Kim, M.-J.; O'Rourke, L.; et al., 2017, Hayabusa-2 mission target asteroid Ryugu (1999 JU3): Searching for the object's spin-axis orientation, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 599, id.a103, 25 pp. Neunteufel, P.; Yoon, S.-C.; Langer, N., 2017, Helium ignition in rotating magnetized CO white dwarfs leading to fast and faint rather than classical Type Ia supernovae, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 602, id.a55, 18 pp. Onoue, Masafusa; Kashikawa, Nobunari; Willott, Chris J.; Hibon, Pascale; Im, Myungshin; Furusawa, Hisanori; at al., 2017, Minor Contribution of Quasars to Ionizing Photon Budget at z similar to 6: Update on Quasar Luminosity Function at the Faint End with Subaru/Suprime-Cam, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 847, Issue 2, article id. L15, 6 pp. Park, Daeseong; Barth, Aaron J.; Woo, Jong-Hak; Malkan, Matthew A.; Treu, Tommaso; Bennert, Vardha N.; Assef, Roberto J.; Pancoast, Anna, 2017, Extending the Calibration of C IV-based Single-epoch Black Hole Mass Estimators for Active Galactic Nuclei, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 839, Issue 2, article id. 93, 21 pp. Park, Jongho; Trippe, Sascha, 2017, The Long-term Centimeter Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei: A New Relation between Variability Timescale and Accretion Rate, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 834, Issue 2, article id. 157, 22 pp. Park, Songyoun; Woo, Jong-Hak; Romero-Colmenero, Encarni; Crawford, Steven M.; Park, Dawoo; Cho, Hojin; Jeon, Yiseul; Choi, Changsu; Barth, Aaron J.; Pei, Liuyi; Hickox, Ryan C.; Sung, Hyun-Il; Im, Myungshin, 2017, Reverberation Mapping of PG with the Southern African Large Telescope, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 847, Issue 2, article id. 125, 12 pp. Pei, L.; Fausnaugh, M. M.; Barth, A. J.; Peterson, B. M.; Bentz, M. C.; De Rosa, G.; Denney, K. D.; Goad, M. R.; Kochanek, C. S.; Korista, K. T.; Kriss, G. A.; Pogge, R. W.; Bennert, V. N.; Brotherton, M.; Im, M.; et al., 2017, Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. V. Optical Spectroscopic Campaign and Emission-line Analysis for NGC 5548, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 837, Issue 2, article id. 131, 21 pp. Perna, D.; Barucci, M. A.; Ishiguro, M.; Alvarez-Candal, A.; Kuroda, D.; Yoshikawa, M.; Kim, M.-J.; Fornasier, S.; Hasegawa, S.; Roh, D.-G.; Müller, T. G.; Kim, Y., 2017, Spectral and rotational properties of near-earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu, target of the Hayabusa2 sample return mission, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 599, id.l1, 4 pp. Sanyal, D.; Langer, N.; Szécsi, D.; -C Yoon, S.; Grassitelli, L., 2017, Metallicity dependence of envelope inflation in massive stars, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 597, id.a71, 16 pp. Shin, Jaejin; nagao, Tohru; Woo, Jong-Hak, 2017, Outflow and Metallicity in the Broad-Line Region of Low-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 1, article id. 24, 13 pp. Song, Donguk; Chae, Jongchul; Yurchyshyn, Vasyl; Lim, Eun-Kyung; Cho, Kyung-Suk; Yang, Heesu; Cho, Kyuhyoun; Kwak, Hannah, 2017, Chromospheric Plasma Ejections in a Light Bridge of a Sunspot, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 2, article id. 240, 10 pp. 98 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

99 학회및관련기관소식 Starkey, D.; Horne, Keith; Fausnaugh, M. M.; Peterson, B. M.; Bentz, M. C.; Kochanek, C. S.; Denney, K. D.; Edelson, R.; Goad, M. R.; De Rosa, G.; Im, M.; at al., 2017, Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project.VI. Reverberating Disk Models for NGC 5548, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 835, Issue 1, article id. 65, 15 pp. Toba, Yoshiki; Bae, Hyun-Jin; Nagao, Tohru; Woo, Jong-Hak; Wang, Wei-Hao; Wagner, Alexander Y.; Sun, Ai-Lei; Chang, Yu-Yen, 2017, Ionized Gas Outflows in Infrared-bright Dust-obscured Galaxies Selected with WISE and SDSS, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 850, Issue 2, article id. 140, 16 pp. Troja, E.; Piro, L.; van Eerten, H.; Wollaeger, R. T.; Im, M.; Fox, O. D.; Butler, N. R.; Cenko, S. B.; Sakamoto, T.; Fryer, C. L.; Ricci, R.; Lien, A.; Ryan, R. E.; Korobkin, O.; Lee, S.-K.; at al., 2017, The X-ray counterpart to the gravitational-wave event GW170817, Nature, Volume 551, Issue 7678, pp Woo, Jong-Hak; Son, Donghoon; Bae, Hyun-Jin, 2017, Delayed or No Feedback? Gas Outflows in Type 2 AGNs. III., The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 839, Issue 2, article id. 120, 13 pp. Yoon, Sung-Chul, 2017, Towards a better understanding of the evolution of Wolf-Rayet stars and Type Ib/Ic supernova progenitors, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 470, Issue 4, p Yoon, Sung-Chul; Dessart, Luc; Clocchiatti, Alejandro, 2017, Type Ib and IIb Supernova Progenitors in Interacting Binary Systems, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 840, Issue 1, article id. 10, 14 pp. Yoon, Yongmin; Im, Myungshin; Kim, Jae-Woo, 2017, Massive Galaxies Are Larger in Dense Environments: Environmental Dependence of Mass-Size Relation of Early-type Galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 834, Issue 1, article id. 73, 23 pp. You, Chang; Zabludoff, Ann; Smith, Paul; Yang, Yujin; Kim, Eunchong; Jannuzi, Buell; Prescott, Moire K. M.; Matsuda, Yuichi; Lee, Myung Gyoon, 2017, Mapping the Polarization of the Radio-Loud Lyalpha Nebula B3 J , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 834, Issue 2, article id. 182, 10 pp. Zapartas, E.; de Mink, S. E.; Izzard, R. G.; Yoon, S.-C.; Badenes, C.; Götberg, Y.; de Koter, A.; Neijssel, C. J.; Renzo, M.; Schootemeijer, A.; Shrotriya, T. S., 2017, Delay-time distribution of core-collapse supernovae with late events resulting from binary interaction, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 601, id.a29, 22 pp. 세종대학교천문우주학과 1. 인적사항 세종대학교천문우주학과에는강영운, 이희원, 성환경, 이재우, 채규현, 김성은, M. van Putten, G. Rossi 총 8명의전임교원이재직하고있다. 천문우주학과와물리학과의통합으로 2015년도부터학부신입생의모집단위가천문우주학과에서물리천문학과로변경되어되었다. 2018년 2월까지천문우주학과와물리천문학과가함께존재하는 2원체제가유지되고있다. 2018년 2월에김형준, 조완수, 홍채린회원이석사학위를받았다. 박사과정에는 P. Rittipruk, 공인택, 윤소영, 이경민, 석 박통합과정에는허정은, 최두현, 장석준, 이영민, 석사과정에는김기용, 이소라, 이영배, 남승현이재학하고있다. 2. 연구및학술활동 강영운회원은대 소마젤란은하에있는식쌍성의물리량을연구하고있다. 측광자료를이용한마젤란은하내식쌍성의장축운동과분광자료를이용한쌍성의화학조성비를연구하고있다. 이희원회원은 2017 년 2 학기부터 2018 년 1 학기까지연구년을보내고있다. 이희원회원은공생별과어린행성상성운에서질량손실및질량이동과정과초기우주의라이먼알파방출천체와활동성은하핵에서복사전달을연구하고있다. 이희원회원은 2015 년 6 월부터칠레 University of La Serena 에재직중인 Rodolfo Angeloni 교수, Las Campanas Observatory 에재직중인 Francesco Di Mille 박사, National University of Cordoba 에재직중인 Tali Palma 교수와함께한국 - 칠레협력연구사업을추진하였으며 2018 년 1 월부터 2 기한 - 칠레협력연구를이어가고있다. 공생별과행성상성운의고분산분광및고속측광연구분야에서협력연구를수행중에있으며, 석박사통합과정에있는허정은회원, 장석준, 이영민회원과학부과정의최보은학생이연구활동에참여하고있다. 허정은회원과 D 형공생별 RR Tel 의 C II 와 OVI 라만산란선선윤곽분석을수행하여 wind accretion 과성간공간의 CII 에대하여연구하였다. 이영민회원과 AG Dra 라만산란선윤곽을분석하여 wind accretion 과 bipolar structure 를제안하였다. 장석준회원과초기우주의라이먼알파방출천체에서라이먼알파선의복사전달을한국천문연구원의양유진박사와함께연구하고있으며수소원자의정 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 99

100 학회및관련기관소식 확한산란단면적계산을적용하여초기우주의재이온화과정과관련된복사전달연구를수행하고있다. 학부생연구원최보은은어린행성상성운 IC5117 의라만산란된 He II 분광선을분석하고있으며, He II 방출선의선폭보다라만산란된분광선의선폭이더크게나타난다는사실을발견하였다. 이결과는행성상성운의방출선지역의 He II 의속도공간분포가비대칭적일뿐만아니라두꺼운중성수소는적도지역에쏠려서존재하고방출지역은적도면에대하여방위각성분의운동성분이추가되어있음을강하게시사한다. bipolar planetary nebula 가쌍성계와관련이깊다는제안에비추어매우흥미있는관측결과로해석된다. 성환경회원은 2009 년부터학회의이사로, 또 2016 년부터는광학분과위원장으로활동을하고있다 년에연구하였던카시오페이아자리에있는젊은산개성단 IC 1805 에대한논문은 ApJ Supp. Ser. 에게재를하였고, 한국연구재단의지원으로수행하고있는 남반구젊은산개성단의전천탐사관측 을위해 2017 년 4 월 22 일부터 6 일간 CTIO 0.9m 망원경을사용하여남반구젊은산개성단의탐사관측을수행하였다. 한국천문연구원및벨기에 Liege 대학교에서연구중인임범두박사와함께젊은산개성단 NGC 1893 에있는별및성운에대한 MMT/Hectochele 관측, IGRINS 관측및 BOES 관측을수행하여질량이큰별의 feedback 에의한질량이작은별의생성에대한관측적증거를얻어결과를투고하였다. 또학부생연구원인김슬기와함께오리온성원성단내원시행성계원반의측광학적특성을연구하여, 임시결과를가을학술대회에발표하였다. 재학중인대학원생은없으며, 학부생인김슬기가연구실에입실하여실험기자재관리및대학원진학을준비하고있다. 이재우회원은지난 10년간칠레의세로토롤로미국립천문대망원경을이용한남반구구상성단확장스트룀그렌협대역측광전천탐사관측을종료하였으며, 2017년 WIYN cosortium 의공식파트너로참가하여북반구구상성단에대한전천탐사관측을새로이시작하였다. 이재우회원의측광자료는 CaII H&K를측정하는확장스트룀그렌측광계이외에이재우회원이최로로고안한 CN38과 CH G band 흡수선세기를측정하기위한 JWL39와 JWL43 측광계를포함하는데, 구상성단의중금속함량과함께 CN, CH분자선을이용한질소와탄소의함량을동시에측정할수있다. 따라서이재우회원의새로운측광시스템은구상성단다중종족형성과정을해결하는데매우중요한역할을수행할것이다. 이재우회원의지도하에김형준, 조완수회원은 CTIO 4m Hydra Multi-fiber spectrograph를사용하여획득한구상성단 M22와 NGC104의적색거성의고분산분광자료를분석하였으며, 특이구상성단 M22 (NGC 6656) 에대한고분산분광연구 ( 김형준 ) 과 47 Tuc의원소함량연구 ( 조완수 ) 의주제로석사학위를받았다. 김성은회원은전파천문학및테라헤르츠천문학연구실연구원들과함께우주공간부피변화체험을위한 4 차원객체생성서버및방법에대해연구하였으며, 본연구실소속이었던조치 영회원은학연과정석사학위논문을제 1 저자로최상위국제학술지 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 에게재하였다. 또박사후연구원으로재직했던김관정박사는현재일본국립전파천문대에서근무하고있다. 모리스판푸텐 (M. van Putten) 회원의주요연구관심사는우주론, 중력및외계행성이며, 만기양자우주론과관성의기원, 감마선폭발체및핵붕괴초신성의중력파, 그리고고등생명체의존재가능성이있는외계행성 - 위성계의탐사등이다 년에는물리학및천문학의자료처리방법을다룬단행본 Introduction to Methods of Approximation in Physics and Astronomy 를 Springer-Verlag 에서출판하였으며, 이책은 Springer-Verlag 에서출판한 ebook 중에서 2017 년도내려받기상위 25% 에들었다. 또일본의검출장치인 KAGRA 중력파검출기프로젝트에참여하고있으며, 우주고에너지변광천체탐사프로젝트인 Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS) 의핵심과학연구자로도활동을하고있다. 싱가포르 NTU 에서개최된 Conference on Cosmology, Gravitational waves and Particles, 이탈리아나폴리에서개최된 Bright and Dark Universe Workshop 및 THESEUS 워크숍, 제 15 회한 - 이태리상대론적천체물리학심포지엄, 이화여자대학교, 아시아 - 태평양이론물리연구센터, 세종대학교에서우주론과은하역학에대한초청강연을했다. LIGO 자료를 GPU 가속을통한 butterfly filtering 기법으로초당백만번이상의상호관계를계산하여중력파를심층탐사할수있는새로운파이프라인을개발하였다. 이파이프라인은 24 개의최고급 GPU를갖춘 150 테라플롭의이기종계산전용플랫폼으로분석을수행한다. 이기법을쌍성중성자별병합체 GW 에적용하여 GRB170817A의중심엔진과관련된병합이후의신호를찾고있다. 또한우주지평선에대한초지평선규모의요동으로부터우주론적진공의스트레스-에너지텐서를, Rindler 지평선의연류엔트로피로부터관성이론을유도하였다. 첫째는 -장력의문제를풀고, 두번째는우주가속이 de Sitter 규모이하로감소된관성때문에 SPARC의 은하역학에대항하는 MUGS2의 CDM 은하모형에서새로운 장력을갖는은하역학에서자가유사성을확인한다. 석사과정의홍채린회원과함께케플러, TESS 및곧발사될 JWST와관련하여지적생명체가존재할수있는외계행성탐사를시작하였다. Rossby 수와 Gr/Re2 사이의비례관계에바탕을둔위성의조석작용에따른외계행성의자전속도감소로전반적기후온난화를정량화하는 -인자를도입하였다. M형별보다는태양과같은별의생명체서식가능지역에서지구나화성과같이 -인자가 1 근처를갖는곳이 찾는 (go-to) 곳이다. 이연구는 TESS와곧발사될 JWST에서외계행성탐사도구로사용될수있도록외계행성에대한다체수치모의실험을할수있도록확장을하고있다. 그라지아노로시 (Graziano Rossi) 회원은 2017 년부터중성미 100 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

101 학회및관련기관소식 자우주론, 은하및퀘이사클러스터링과고해상도우주론시뮬레이션제작 - SDSS에직접적용이가능하며향후있을 DESI 와 LSST 같은대규모우주론실험에도적용이가능 - 에중점을두고연구를진행하고있다. 특히 KISTI에할당된 KSC-2017-G2-0008을사용하여개발한새로운시뮬레이션세트를이용하여무거운중성미자와 dark radiation 이작은규모에서구조형성에미치는영향을특징짓고, 이들이 matter power spectra 와 flux power spectra를통하여 Ly forest에끼치는관측가능한영향에대해자세한연구를하고있다 (Rossi 2017, ApJS, 233, 12). 또한최종 SDSS DR12 자료공개논문 그동안의언론보도와엄청난공동연구의노력이집약된합동논문 (Alam et al. 2017) - 에많은기여를하였으며, 여러편의논문을성공적으로제출을하여최신 BOSS 데이터분석에큰공헌을하였다. 특히 SDSS-IV팀 (Blanton et al. 2017) 은 SDSS-IV에서계획한첫 2년간의관측 (2014년 7월 ~ 2016년 ) 으로축적한주요관측자료를발표하였다. 이는 eboss를통해얻은관측자료를최초로공개한것이다. 2017년 3월부터로시회원은단독으로 SDSS-IV eboss에속한시뮬레이션그룹의그룹장을맡고있다. 로시회원의주도로제출한제안서로 eboss 시뮬레이션그룹은미국 National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) 로부터상당한수준의계산시간을받았으며, 로시회원은 NERSC의공동연구를위한계산장비 (Cori와 Edison) 의관리를맡고있다. 또한로시회원은 Planck LFI CORE2팀에도합류하였다. 이루고자노력하고있다. 이전에구축하였던 40cm 반사망원경및부속시스템은노후화로인하여정상적인작동이어려웠으며, 아스트로캠프를통하여 40cm 망원경, 가대그리고부속장비를구매하였다. 현재관측실의리모델링을계획하고있으며, 완공후학부생들의관측실습및공개행사등에사용될예정이다. 세종대학교물리천문학과는외국의천문대공동운영에도참여하고있다. 이재우회원은 WIYN Consortium 의공식파트너로참여하여 WIYN 0.9m 천문대의공동운영및관측장비를이용한구상성단다중종족에대한연구를수행하고있다. 그리고 Rossi 회원은슬론디지털전천탐사 (SDSS) 의파트너로참여하여대규모관측자료를이용한우주론연구를수행하고있다. 학부학생들의관측실습은교내영실관옥탑의간이관측소에설치되어있는 11인치반사망원경및다수의소형굴절망원경을이용하고있다. 또 SRT 소형전파망원경으로사용하여전파관측실습을하고있다. 학생들의컴퓨터교육을위해천문계산실에총 18대의 PC를구비하고있으며, Linux/Windows 운영환경을제공하고있다. 학부생의취미및장래진로를위해학과내에천문관측동아리 AJA와컴퓨터프로그래밍동아리 ASC가학생들의자발적인활동으로활발하게유지 운영이되고있으며, 졸업생의취업에많은기여를하고있다. 4. 연구논문 2017 년동안로시회원의세종대우주론연구그룹에학생을추가로받아더욱확장하였고, 이탈리아의고등과학원격인 SISSA 와세종대간의 MOU 를체결하였다. 이 MOU 는한국기관과이탈리아교육기관사이의첫교류로, 현지및국제언론의많은보도가있었으며, 한국학생들에게중요한교류의장을연것이다. 이와더불어로시회원은 2017 년한국연구재단에서새로추진하는빅데이터챌린지의우주론적구조의모델링에대한연구비를수주하였다 년 1 월부터로시회원은연구결과들을국내외의다양한학회및미팅에서발표와초청콜로퀴움을진행하였다. 또한 2017 년멕시코 Punta Mita 에서열린국제적으로권위가있는 Cosmology on the Beach 2017 학교의전체초청강연자로초청되었다. 3. 연구및교육시설 세종대학교가보유하고있는가장중요한관측시설은 76cm 반사망원경이다. 소백산천문대에서곤지암노곡리세종대부지로이전 설치한 2012년이후망원경의구동부등에이상이있어사용하지못하였다. 76cm 반사망원경은학부생들의관측실습및공개행사등에사용할목적으로 에스엘랩에의뢰하여 2015년부터망원경의구동, 제어부와부경을수리하여정상화를달성하였다. 현재망원경이설치된건물의보강작업및난간설치를계획하고있다. 곤지암추곡리관측소에는 40cm 반사망원경이설치되어있지만지난수년간사용을하지못하였는데, 작동상태를면밀히검토하였으며수리계획을수립하여정상화를 Albareti, F.D., Allende Prieto C., Almeida, A.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, ApJS, 233, 25, The Thirteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey MApping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory SDSS Collaboration Alam, S., Ata, M., Bailey, S.,... Rossi, G., et al, 2017, MNRAS, Volume 470, Issue 3, p , The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmological analysis of the DR12 galaxy sample SDSS Collaboration An, D., Lee, Y. S., Jung, J. I., Rey, S.-C., Rhee, J., Lee, J.-W., Lee, Y.-W., Joe, Y. H., 2017, AJ, 154, 150, Medium-resolution Spectroscopy of Red Giant Branch Stars in ω Centraui Ata, M., Kitaura, F.-S., Chuang, C.-H.,... Rossi, G., 2017, MNRAS 467, Issue 4, p , The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmic flows and cosmic web from luminous red galaxies Blanton, M.R., Bershady, M.A., Abolfathi, A.,... Rossi, G., 2017, AJ, Volume 154, Issue 1, article id. 28, 35 pp., Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 101

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103 학회및관련기관소식 연세대학교천문우주학과 1. 인적사항 본학과는 2018 년 3 월현재, 교수진 12 명 ( 이영욱, 변용익, 김용철, 김석환, 박상영, 손영종, 이석영, 윤석진, 정애리, 박찬덕, 지명국, 김태선 ) 과명예교수진 3 명 ( 나일성, 천문석, 최규홍 ), 그리고연세 -KASI 학연협력객원교수진 3 명 ( 조세형, 손봉원, 변도영 ) 으로구성되어있다. 학과및천문대소속의박사후전문연구원 12 명, 대학원생 70 여명, 학부생 120 여명으로구성되어있다. 학부 1 학년신입생들은모두인천국제캠퍼스에서 1 년간기숙사생활을하면서 Residential College 교육을받고있다. 학과교수진의활동을요약하면다음과같다. 이석영회원은 2017 년 3 월부로 2 년임기의학과장직을수행하며학과를이끌고있다. 또한, 천문학회부회장, 천문학논총의편집위원으로활동하고있다. 이영욱회원은한국연구재단선도연구센터육성사업 (SRC) 의지원으로연세대교책연구소로설립된은하진화연구센터의센터장직을수행하고있다. 손영종회원은연세대학교교무처장, 광과학공학과주임교수와한국우주과학회포상위원으로활동하고있다. 윤석진회원은 2017 년 3 월부터연세대학교천문대장을수행하고있으며, 한국천문학회 IAU GA 2021 유치위원회위원을거쳐현재조직위원회위원으로활동하고있다. 정애리회원은한국천문학회학술위원회위원으로활동하고있다. 박찬덕회원은 2014 년 1 월부터한국우주과학회에서발행하는학술지 Journal of Astronomy and Space Science (JASS) 의편집위원으로활동하고있다. 본학과는역량있는천문우주학전공의박사들을배출해내는교육기관으로서의책임을다하고있으며, 2018 년 2 월에는배현진회원 ( 지도교수윤석진 ), 류동옥회원, 오은송회원 ( 지도교수김석환 ) 이박사학위를받았다. 또한, 본학과에는학과및천문대소속의 10 명의박사후연구원 ( 류동옥, 윤미진, 임동욱, 조혜전, Samyaday Choudhury, Emanuele Contini, Sanjaya Paudel, Cris Sabiu, Chandreyee Sengupta, Kewei Xia) 과 2 명의연구교수 ( 박기훈, 정철 ) 가활발한연구활동을펼치고있다. 2. 연구및학술활동 이영욱회원은우리은하벌지의 double red clump (drc) 현상으로부터은하벌지의구조와형성기원에대한새로운이론을제시하여국제학계에큰반향을일으키고있다. 정철, 주석주 ( 천문연 ) 회원과는 drc 현상의다중항성종족모델구축을, 임동욱, 홍승수회원과는우리은하벌지항성의 du Pont 2.5m 저해상도분광관측연구, 그리고장소희회원과는우리은하벌지및 Local Group 왜소은하들의 RR Lyrae 변광성을이용한다중항성종족연구를수행하고있다. 강이정, 김영로회원과는암흑에너지의발견에결정적역할을하는 Ia 형초신성의광도에은하내항성종족의진화가미치는영향을분석하기위해 du Pont 2.5m 및 MMT 6.5m 를이용한호스트은하의분광관측및광도곡선분석연구를계속수행하고있다. 또한김재연회원과는원시구상성단 과왜소은하의새로운화학적진화모델계산을통해오랜난제인 Na-O 역상관관계및헬륨함량증가의기원을조사하고있고, 한다니엘회원과는우리은하벌지에있다고주장된 X-shape 구조의진위조사및 3D 모델링을수행하고있다. 변용익회원은대만및미국의협력연구자들과함께, 카이퍼벨트천체들의분포를알아내기위한성식관측연구의 2 단계사업으로초고속대형카메라를장착한 1.3 미터광시야망원경 3 기를멕시코 SPM 관측소에건설중이다. 장서원회원과함께높은정밀도의시계열자료분석을통한저질량항성들의변광특성을연구하고있으며, 소행성및혜성체의광도변화와소행성종족분포에대한김명진및이한회원과의연구도지속하고있다. 또한한국천문연구원의우주감시센터와협력하여우주위협대응체계구축을위해노력하고있다. 김용철회원은생성초기항성의내부구조와활동성연구, 항성표면복사유체수치모사연구, 그리고등연령곡선제작등의 3 가지연구를진행하고있다. 항성에서관측되는활동성 (activity) 의관측자료와상세한내부구조의이론적모형을함께연구하여항성구조와항성자기활동성의인과관계를체계적으로이해하고자하는것이활동성연구의궁극적목표이다. 항성표면복사유체수치모사연구는복사와유체의상호작용을고려한항성표면수치모사를통해항성대기와분광스펙트럼합성을수행하고, 이로부터분광자료분석의이론적체계를정립하는것이연구의목표이다. 그리고등연령곡선연구는다양한개별원소의영향이성단색등급도에어떻게나타나는지를체계적으로설명하는연구와함께, 외계행성계의모항성에대한표준모형을구축하는연구가진행되고있다. 김석환회원이운용하는우주광학연구실은 University of Arizona(USA) 의교수및연구진들, 그리고국제적인광해석기업인 Breault Research Organization 과함께위성광학시스템및대구경광학시스템의성능해석, 가공제작, 조립, 정렬, 성능측정과 3 차원지구광학모델과통합적광선추적기법을사용한외계행성관측분야에서다양한공동연구들을수행중에있다. 그밖에도국내외여러대학및연구소와함께다양한기간산업분야에필요한핵심광학성능모델링기법과생산결합정렬기술들을개발하고있다. 이와같은국제적수준의연구활동을통해다수의졸업생들이해외유수대학으로유학, 국내외국책연구소및대기업연구소등으로활발히진출하여나가고있다. 박상영회원이지도하는우주비행제어연구실 (Astrodynamics and Control Lab) 은편대비행위성의궤도결정및제어, 자세결정및제어, 위성자세제어하드웨어시뮬레이터, 편대비행설계및최적화, 상대우주항법에관한연구를꾸준히수행하고있으며, 편대위성들의우주항법을검증하기위한하드웨어시스템도개발하고발전시키고있다. 특히, 차세대분리형우주망원경의기술검증을위하여두기의큐브위성 (CANYVAL-X) 을개발하여 2018 년 1 월에발사하였다. 또한차기우주미션 (CANYVAL-C) 으로태양의코로나를우주에서관측하는큐브위성을개발하고 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 103

104 학회및관련기관소식 있다. 국방광역감시센터의연구일환으로서레이저를이용하여위성간상대거리를정밀하게측정하는연구를수행중이며, 위성간도킹과랑데부등의근접운영알고리즘도개발하고있다. 광학망원경을이용한우주감시를위한궤도분석도하고있다. 또한한국형달탐사를위한지상국시스템에필요한소프트웨어를개발하였으며, 달탐사큐브위성의활용을위한임무설계를하였다. 손영종회원의관측천문학연구실 (YOAL) 에서는이소원회원, 장호우회원, 정두석회원, 천상현회원 ( 현재서울대학교 Post-doc) 과함께항성종족의측광학적특성으로부터은하내에서의별들의생성시기와은하의진화에대한연구를진행하고있다. 이연구를위한주자료는 UKIRT 망원경을이용해근적외선관측으로항성의분해가가능한근거리은하들과안드로메다은하시스템, 그리고 Leo Triplet 은하시스템내의항성종족에대한근적외선측광자료이다. 특히이은하들은과거병합을겪었거나현재병합을하고있는은하들로, 항성및항성종족의특성으로부터은하진화에병합의영향을추가적으로연구중이다. 또한 Dr. Samyaday Choudhury 회원과함께, 근거리은하들의중원소함량분포특성에관한연구및우리은하내성단들의자외선측광특성에관한연구를진행하고있다. 그리고한국천문연구원과함께 OWL-net(Optical Wide-Field Patrol) 의측광학적품질개선과저궤도위성관측의새로운알고리즘의개발에대한연구를진행하고있다. 또한한국천문연구원과 KMTnet(Korea Microlensing Telescope NETwork) 를이용해얻은소행성의측광학적정보를통해소행성표면의구성물질을분석하는연구를진행하고있다. 이석영회원이이끄는은하진화연구실 (GEM) 은 1 명의박사후연구원 (Contini) 와 7 명의대학원생으로구성되어있고, 은하의형성과진화에관한이론연구를수행하고있다. GEM 은고등과학원의이재현박사와함께준해석적은하형성이론코드 ysam 을개발하였고, 우주론적은하형성연구와, 은하단줌인계산을위해슈퍼컴퓨터를사용한모의실험을수행하고있다. 은하형성시뮬레이션을위해서는프랑스파리천체물리연구소와영국옥스퍼드대학교, 허트포드셔대학교연구팀과공조하고있다. 또한, 호주시드니대학교가주축이되어진행중인 SAMI IFU 프로젝트의공식멤버로서관측자료를해석하는일에참여하고있다. 윤석진회원은 (1) 김학섭회원, 김수영회원, 한상일회원, 이상윤회원, 정종훈회원과함께 Subaru 8.2m 및 CTIO 4m 망원경을이용한은하및성단의측광과분광관측연구를, (2) 정철회원, 이상윤회원과함께항성진화종족합성이론을이용한 Yonsei Evolutionary Population Synthesis (YEPS) 모델개발연구와외부은하성단계의 색분포양분이론 ' 을이용한초기우주은하형성연대기규명연구를, (3) 배현진회원, 문준성회원, 지웅배회원과함께 Redshift Survery 자료를이용한은하의 Recent Star Formation History 연구와이웃은하의영향에대한연구를, (4) Mario Pasquato 박사, 김현우회원과함께성단역학연구를, (5) 윤기윤회원, 나종삼회원, 안성호회원, 서성 우회원과함께 N-body 및 Hydro Simulation 을이용한은하군및은하단역학연구및 Disk Warp 현상에대한연구를, (6) Sanjaya Paudel 박사, 김진아회원, 서성우회원과함께은하들간의중력적상호작용이은하의 Star Formation Rate 과 Scaling Relations 에미치는영향에관한연구를, (7) 김동진회원, 김정욱회원, 류다솔회원과함께 KVN 전파관측자료를이용한만기형항성대기의성질과 Super-massive Black Hole 의 Binarism 에관한연구를, (8) 윤기윤회원, 나종삼회원, 문준성회원, 서성우회원, 김선의회원과함께우주론적다체및유체시뮬레이션을이용한초기우주은하형성기본단위의기원규명연구를수행하고있다. 정애리회원은전파관측자료를활용하여성간물질과은하진화의상관관계에대한다양한연구를수행중이다. 중성수소자료를활용하여그룹단위에서은하단까지, 여러밀도환경으로인한은하진화효과를연구하고있다. 또한, 다양한 molecular line 자료를이용하여고밀도환경이은하의성간가스성질및 star formation 의특성에미치는영향을연구중이다. 한편밀리미터연속파자료를활용하여, 은하중심의 AGN 이나 starburst 와같은강력한활동으로인한피드백의영향을관측적으로규명하기위한연구를수행하고있다. 박찬덕회원은우주비행체의궤도 / 자세와관련한동역학 / 항법 / 유도 / 제어분야의연구를수행하고있다. 현재국방광역감시특화연구센터에소속되어다수위성의재배치 / 대형유지, 우주비행체의자율도킹 / 충돌회피등의연구를수행하고있으며, 국방위성항법특화연구센터에소속되어한국형위성항법시스템의정밀궤도결정연구를수행하고있다. 또한, 비선형 / 강건제어기법을이용한우주비행체의정밀제어, 레이저관측을이용한정지궤도위성의정밀궤도결정, 소형 / 비대칭소행성탐사를위한궤적설계및항법 / 유도 / 제어기법개발등의연구를수행하고있다. 지명국회원은 Yonsei Observable UNiverse Group (YOUNG) 을운영하고있다. 현재 1. 암흑물질의정체를규명하기위한충돌은하단연구 ( 공동연구자 : 박사과정 Kyle Finner 회원, 통합과정이주헌회원, 통합과정이원기회원, 석사후연구원김민철회원, 박사후연구원조혜전회원 ), 2. 초기은하단의질량함수결정을위한중력렌즈연구 ( 공동연구자 : 박사과정김진협회원, 박사과정김서진회원 ), 3. 우주론파라미터를정밀하게결정하기위한 Cosmic Shear 연구 ( 공동연구자 : 박사후연구원윤미진회원, 박사후연구원 Cristiano Sabiu 회원 ), 4. Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) 의자료처리알고리즘연구 ( 공동연구자 : 박사과정김서진회원 ) 를수행하고있다. 김태선회원은유태화회원과함께복사유체수치실험을이용하여은하의진화와우주의재이온화에대한연구를진행하고있다. 무거운별로부터기인하는피드백과정을이해하여과거우주에서관측되는은하의동역학적특성을이해하는것이본연구팀의궁극적인목표이다. 정확한수치실험을수행하기위해복사장에따라달라지는중원소냉각률과자기장을고려한이론 104 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

105 학회및관련기관소식 모델을개발중이며, 구상성단의형성, 환경에따른램압력, 초기은하에서라이먼연속선의탈출률에관한연구를수행하고있다. 3. 교육및연구시설 천문우주학교육시설로서, 천문대소속의일산관측소 61cm 반사망원경, 교내관측소 40cm 반사망원경, 그리고 4 대의 10 인치미드망원경및다수의소형망원경들을확보하고있으며, 학생들의 CCD 측광실습에적극활용하고있다. 신촌캠퍼스내에설치되어있는 KVN 전파망원경은전문연구자들의관측뿐아니라, 학부및대학원학생들의교육에도크게기여하고있다. 한편, 우리학과는해외관측소공동운영을통해대형망원경을적극활용하고있다. 이영욱회원은가시광영역의측광및분광관측을위해카네기천문대의 du Pont 2.5m 망원경과 MMT 6.5m 망원경각각년 3 주및 3 일사용하였다. 윤석진회원은 MMT 6.5m 망원경 2 일을연구에활용하였다. 우주비행제어연구실은차세대분리형우주망원경의기술을우주공간에서직접실험 / 검증하기위한 2 기의큐브위성과우주비행체의편대비행을위한항법 / 제어기법을지상에서실험 / 검증하기위한실험장치를제작하고있다. 한국형위성항법시스템의궤도결정을모사하는시뮬레이터또한개발 / 활용중이다. 그리고, 우주광학연구실은광학시스템개발을위한다수의설계및해석 S/W, 정렬및조립성능평가를위한각종간섭계및광학측정장비를운영하며, 연구및프로젝트형교육기법에활용하고있다. 4. 국내외연구논문 (2017 년 3 월부터 2018 년 2 월까지 ) Le, Huynh Anh N.; Woo, Jong-Hak; Son, Donghoon; Karouzos, Marios; Chung, Aeree; Jung, Taehyun; Tremou, Evangelia;Hwang, Narae; Park, Byeong-Gon. 2017, ApJ, 851, 8: Ionized-gas Kinematics Along the Large-scale Radio Jets in Type-2 AGNs Kim, Jinhyub; Chung, Aeree; Wong, O. Ivy; Lee, Bumhyun; Sung, Eon-Chang; Staveley-Smith, Lister 2017, A&A, 605, 54: HI properties and star formation history of a fly-by pair of blue compact dwarf galaxies Chung, Eun Jung; Yun, Min S.; Verheijen, Marc A. W.; Chung, Aeree 2017, ApJ, 843, 50: 12CO(J=1->0) On-the-fly Mapping Survey of the Virgo Cluster Spirals. II. Molecular Gas Properties in Different Density Environments Yoon, Hyein; Chung, Aeree; Smith, Rory; Jaffé, Yara L. 2017, ApJ, 838, 81: A History of H I Stripping in Virgo: A Phase-space View of VIVA Galaxies Rajpurohit, K.; Hoeft, M.; van Weeren, R. J.; Rudnick, L.; Ro ttgering, H. J. A.; Forman, W. R.; Bruggen, M.; Crost on, J. H.; Andrade-Santos, F.; Dawson, W. A.; Intem a, H. T.; Kraft, R. P.; Jones, C.; Jee, M. James 2018, ApJ, 852, 65: Deep VLA Observations of the Cluster 1RXS J in the Frequency Range of 1 2 GHz Finner, Kyle; Jee, M. James; Golovich, Nathan; Wittman, David; Dawson, William; Gruen, Daniel; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Lemaux, Brian C.; Seitz, Stella 2017, ApJ, 851, 46: MC2: Subaru and Hubble Space Telescope Weak-lensing Analysis of the Double Radio Relic Galaxy Cluster PLCK G Jee, M. James; Ko, Jongwan; Perlmutter, Saul; Gonzalez, Anthony; Brodwin, Mark; Linder, Eric; Eisenhardt, Peter 2017, ApJ, 847, 117: First Weak-lensing Results from See Change : Quantifying Dark Matter in the Two z 1.5 High-redshift Galaxy Clusters SPT-CL J and IDCS J Benson, B.; Wittman, D. M.; Golovich, N.; Jee, M. James; van Weeren, R. J.; Dawson, W. A. 2017, ApJ, 841, 7: MC2: A Deeper Look at ZwCl with Bayesian Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing Analyses Golovich, Nathan; van Weeren, Reinout J.; Dawson, William A.; Jee, M. James; Wittman, David 2017, ApJ, 838, 110: MC2: Multiwavelength and Dynamical Analysis of the Merging Galaxy Cluster ZwCl : An Older and Less Massive Bullet Cluster Ryu, D.; Kim, S.-W.; & Breault, R. P. 2017, Optics Express, 25(5), 4926: New earth system model for optical performance evaluation of space instruments Rosdahl, J.; Schaye, J.; Dubois, Y.; Kimm, T.; Teyssier, R. 2017, MNRAS, 466, 1: Snap, crackle, pop: sub-grid supernova feedback in AMR simulations of disc galaxies Kimm, T.; Katz, H.; Haehnelt, M. G.; Rosdahl, J.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Slyz, A. 2017, 466, 4826: Feedback-regulated star formation and escape of LyC photons from mini-haloes during reionization 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 105

106 학회및관련기관소식 Kaviraj, S.; Laigle, C.; Kimm, T.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Dubois, Y.; Pichon, C.; Slyz, A.; Chisari, E.; Peirani, S. 2017, MNRAS, 467, 4739: The Horizon-AGN simulation: evolution of galaxy properties over cosmic time Katz, H.; Kimm, T.; Sijacki, D.; Haehnelt, M. G. 2017, MNRAS, 468, 4831: Interpreting ALMA observations of the ISM during the epoch of reionization Joo, Seok-Joo; Lee, Young-Wook; Chung, Chul 2017, ApJ, 840, 98: New Insight on the Origin of the Double Red Clump in the Milky Way Bulge Chung, Chul; Yoon, Suk-Jin; Lee, Young-Wook 2017, ApJ, 842, 91: Yonsei Evolutionary Population Synthesis (YEPS). II. Spectro-photometric Evolution of Helium-enhanced Stellar Populations Dongwook Lim; Seungsoo Hong; Young-Wook Lee 2017, ApJ, 844, 14: The CN CH Positive Correlation in the Globular Cluster NGC 5286 An, Deokkeun; Lee, Young Sun; Jung, Jae In; Rey, Soo-Chang; Rhee, Jaehyon; Lee, Jae-Woo; Lee, Young-Wook; Joe, Young Hoon 2017, AJ, 154, 150: Medium-resolution Spectroscopy of Red Giant Branch Stars in omega Centauri Young-Lo Kim; Mathew Smith; Mark Sullivan; Young-Wook Lee 2018, ApJ, 854, 24: Environmental Dependence of Type Ia Supernova Luminosities from a Sample without a Local-Global Difference in Host Star Formation Choi, J.; Oh, H.; Park, C.; and Park, S-Y. 2017, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 18(2), : Orbit Determination of Korea Regional Navigation Satellite System Using Inter-Satellite Links and Ground Observations Lee, K.; Park, C.; and Park, S-Y. 2017, Aerospace Science and Technology, 62, 65-74: Near-Optimal Continuous Control for Spacecraft Collision Avoidance Maneuvers via Generating Functions Oh, H.; Park, E.; Lim, H-C.; Lee, S-R.; Lee, J-D.; and Park, C. 2017, JASS 34(4), : Orbit Determination of High-Earth-Orbit Satellites by Satellite Laser Ranging Changzhu Wei; Sang-Young Park 2017, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 63, April 2017, : Dynamic Optimal Output Feedback Control of Satellite Formation Reconfiguration Based on an LMI Approach Eunji Lee; Youngkwang Kim; Minsik Kim; Sang-Young Park 2017, JASS, 34(3), : Development, Demonstration and Validation of the Deep Space Orbit Determination Software Using Lunar Prospector Tracking Data Jeong-Ah Lee; Sang-Young Park; Youngkwang Kim; Jonghee Bae; Donghun Lee; Gwanghyeok Ju 2017, JASS, 34(2), : Mission Orbit Design of CubeSat Impactor Measuring Lunar Local Magnetic Field Youngkwang Kim; Sang-Young Park; Eunji Lee; Minsik Kim 2017, JASS, 34(2), : A Deep Space Orbit Determination Software: Overview and Event Prediction Capability Eunji Lee; Sang-Young Park; Bumjoon Shin; Sungki Cho; Eun-Jung Choi; Junghyun Jo; Jang-Hyun Park 2017, JASS, 34(1), 19-30: Orbit Determination of KOMPSAT-1 and Cryosat-2 Satellites Using Optical Wide-field Patrol Network (OWL-Net) Data with Batch Least Squares Filter 김현정 ; 박상영 ; 김민식 ; 김영광 ; 이은지 2017, 항공우주학회지, 45 권 9 호, pp : 달탐사시험용궤도선을위한심우주추적망의관측값구현알고리즘개발 Han M.; Chun S. H.; Choudhury S.; Chiang H.; Lee S.; & S ohn Y. J. 2017, Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences, 34, 83: Spatial Configuration of Stars Around Three Metal poor Globular Clusters in the Galactic Bulge, NGC 6266, NGC 6273, and NGC 6681 : Surface Density Map Choi, H.; & Yi, S. K. 2017, ApJ, 837, 68: On the Evolution of Galaxy Spin in a Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulation of Galaxy Clusters Sheen, Y.-K..; Smith, R.; Jaffe, Y.; Kim, M.; Yi, S. K.; Duc, P.-A.; Nantais, J.; Candlish, G.; Demarco, R. & Treister, E. 2017, ApJ, 840, 7: Discovery of Ram-pressure Stripped Gas around an Elliptical Galaxy in Abell Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

107 학회및관련기관소식 Rhree, J.; Smith, Ro.; Choi, H.; Yi, S. K.; Jaffé, Y.; Candlish, G.; Sánchez-Jánssen, R. 2017, ApJ, 843, 128: Phase-space Analysis in the Group and Cluster Environment: Time Since Infall and Tidal Mass Loss Brough, S; Yi, S. K. et al. 2017, ApJ, 844, 59: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Mass as the Driver of the Kinematic Morphology-Density Relation in Clusters Lee, J. H.; Oh, S.; Jeong, H.; Yi, S. K.; Kyeong, J.; Park, B.-G. 2017, ApJ, 844, 81: Pixel Color-Magnitude Diagram Analysis of the Brightest Cluster Galaxies in Dynamically Young and Old Clusters Abell 1139 and Abell 2589 Pujol, A.; Yi, S. K. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 469, 749: nifty cosmology: the clustering consistency of galaxy formation models Park, J.; Smith, R., & Yi, S. K. 2017, ApJ, 845, 128: Star Formation of Merging Disk Galaxies with AGN Feedback Effects Khim, H.; & Yi, S. K. 2017, ApJ, 846, 155: On the Structure of the AGN Torus through the Fraction of Optically Selected Type 1 AGNs Contini, E.; Kang, X.; Romeo, A. D.; Xia, Q.; & Yi, S. K. 2017, ApJ, 849, 156: Constraints on the Evolution of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function. II. The Quenching Timescale of Galaxies and Its Implication for Their Star Formation Rates van de Sande, J.; Yi, S. K. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 472, 1272: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: revising the fraction of slow rotators in IFS galaxy surveys Scott, N.; Yi, S. K. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 472, 2833: The SAMI Galaxy Survey: global stellar populations on the size-mass plane Bae, Hyun-Jin; Woo, Jong-Hak; Karouzos, Marios; Gallo, Elena; Flohic, Helene; Shen, Yue; Yoon, Suk-Jin 2017, ApJ, 837, 91: The Limited Impact of Outflows: Integral-Field Spectroscopy of 20 Local AGNs Kim, Sooyoung; Yoon, Suk-Jin 2017, ApJ, 843, 43: Nonlinear Color-Metallicity Relations of Globular Clusters. VII. Nonlinear Absorption-line Index versus Metallicity Relations and Bimodal Index Distributions of NGC 5128 Globular Clusters Pasquato, Mario; Kim, Hyun-Woo; Yoon, Suk-Jin 2018, in press: Global Energy Divergence: a New Kinematic Signature of Core-collapse of Globular Clusters Pasquato, Mario; Miocchi, Paolo; Yoon, Suk-Jin 2018, in press: Blue Straggler Bimodality: a Brownian Motion Model Subramaniam, A.; Chung, C. et al. 2017, Astronomical Journ al, 154,233: The Horizontal Branch Population of NGC 1851 as Revealed by the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) Choudhury S.; Subramaniam A.; Cole A. A.; & Sohn Y. J , Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 475, 4279: Photometric metallicity map of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Contini, E.; Kang, X.; Romeo, A.D.; Xia, Q. 2017, Astrophysi cal Journal, 837, 27: Constraints on the Evolution of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function I: Role of Star Formation, Mergers and Stellar Stripping Meneghetti, M.; Natarajan, P.; Coe, D.; Contini, E. et al , MNRAS, 472, 3177: The Frontier Fields lens modeli ng comparison project Xia K.; Huo W. 2017, Nonlinear Dynamics, 88(4), : Disturbance observer based fault tolerant control for cooperative spacecraft rendezvous and docking with i nput saturation Zhu B.; Xia K.; Xia X. 2017, IET Control Theory & Applicatio ns, 11(13), : Game theoretic demand side management and closed loop control for a class of n etworked smart grid Xia K.; Huo W. 2017, the 2017 American Control Conference, Seattle, USA, : Adaptive fault tolerant con trol for cooperative spacecraft rendezvous and docking Xia K.; Zhu B. 2017, the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, : Energy efficient adaptive cont rol for cooperative spacecraft rendezvous and docking Şen, Ş.; Peletier, R. F.; Boselli, A.; den Brok, M.; 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 107

108 학회및관련기관소식 Falcón-Barroso, J.; Hensler, G.; Janz, J.; Laurikainen, E.; Lisker, T.; Mentz, J. J. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 3453: Abundance ratios in dwarf elliptical galaxies Scott, T. C.; Lagos, P.; Ramya, S.; Sengupta, C.; Paudel, S.; Sahu, D. K.; Misra, K.; Woo, J.-H.; Sohn, B. W. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 1148: Arp 202: a TDG formed in a parent's extended dark matter halo? Paudel, Sanjaya; Sengupta, C. 2017, ApJ, 849, 28: UGC 4703 Interacting Pair Near the Isolated Spiral Galaxy NGC 2718: A Milky Way Magellanic Cloud Analog Park, Songyoun; Sengupta, Chandreyee; Sohn, Bong Won; Paudel, Sanjaya 2017, JKAS, 50, 151: Low Frequency Observations of a Radio Loud Dwarf Galaxy Urich, Linda; Lisker, Thorsten; Janz, Joachim; van de Ven, Glenn; Leaman, Ryan; Boselli, Alessandro; Paudel, Sanjaya; Sybilska, Agnieszka; Peletier, Reynier F.; den Brok, Mark et aal. 2017, A&A, 606, 135: Young, metal-enriched cores in early-type dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster based on colour gradients Sengupta, Chandreyee; Scott, T. C.; Paudel, S.; Dwarakanath, K. S.; Saikia, D. J.; Sohn, B. W. 2017, MNRAS, 469, 3629: HI, star formation and tidal dwarf candidate in the Arp 305 system Li, X D., Park, C., Sabiu, C., Park, H., Cheng, C., Kim, J., Hong, S. 2017, ApJ, 844, 91: Cosmological Constraints from the Redshift Dependence of the Volume Effect Using he Galaxy 2 point Correlation Function across the Line of Sight 충남대학교천문우주과학과 1. 인적사항 본학과 ( 학과장김용하 ) 는현재 8 명의전임교수 ( 외국인전임교원 1 명포함 ), 및조교 1 인을중심으로교육과연구에임하고있다 년도에는학부과정에 33 명과대학원박사과정에 1 명, 석사과정에 4 명이입학하였다. 또한박사 1 명, 석사 1 명이배출되었다. 한편, 외국인 2 명포함박사후연구원 3 명이연구를수행하고있다 년현재학부약 160 명, 대학원석박사과정약 20 명으로지방국립대중최대규모의천문우주과학관련학과를운영하고교육과연구에전념하고있다. 한편, 2014 년에 BK21 플러스사업의일환으로대학원과정의경우천문우주과학과와지질환경과학과를통합한우주 지질학과를설립하여, 천문우주와지질학의융합교육및연구를꾀하고있다. 2. 연구및학술활동 김광태회원은충남대학교 e-learning 강좌로고천문학, 인간과우주, 우주의역사, 천문학의지혜교양과목들을성황리에운영하고있으며, 천문학의대중화를도모할수있는효과적인천문학강좌개발에관여하고있다. 고천문학연구에도진보를보여서지난 2015 년부터충남과학지에구석기시대천문학연구결과를발표하고있다. 오갑수회원은현재태양풍물리량의변화에따른지자기폭풍의세기를예측하는방법을연구하고있으며최근에는자기장의재결합에관한연구를하고있다. 김용하회원은과학재단특정기초연구과제의일환으로 2007 년 2 월남극세종기지에설치한유성레이다를지속운영중에있다 년이레이다의송출력을 12 kw 로증대하여현재일일평균약 개이상의유성을측정하고있으며, 이를이용해유성진입고도 km 구간의고층대기상태도측정하고있다. 또한극지연구소에서남북극지역모두 4 곳 ( 세종, 장보고, 다산, 키루나 ) 에설치한고층대기관측기기로부터고도 km 구간의바람속도에대한측정자료를확보하여이영역의우주과학연구를활발히수행하고있다. 이유회원은전남대오수연교수와함께 Neutron Monitor 관측소를현재표준연구원내에완성하여관측을시작하였고, 오는 2015 년 11 월부터두해겨울 ( 남반구여름 ) 기간에걸쳐남극대륙내의장보고기지에추가관측소건립중에있다. 이와더불어전세계관측소들의자료를사용하여관측되는우주선강도의감소현상 (Forbush Decrease) 을태양과지구간의행성간자기구름물리적변화로설명하려는연구를하고있다. 그리고향후달탐사를위한기초연구로서 LRO/CRaTER science team 에참여하여달궤도에서의우주선환경변화를연구하고있으며, 달에서인류가주거가능한전초기지가될수있는달의용암동굴을찾기위한연구를진행하고있다. 또한, 자연을연구하는과학자로서지구기후변화역사와원인에대한깊은관심을갖고연구중이다. 조정연회원은 MHD 난류의성질및천문학적인응용에대해연구하고있으며, 성간먼지의정렬현상및이에의해야기되는적외선편광에대해연구하고있다. 또한외부은하의내부소광과 CMB foregrounds 의효과적제거방법에대해연구하고있다. 현재관측을통한난류의물리량을구하는방법을연구하고있으며블랙홀이나중성자성의자기권에서발생하는난류에관한연구를하고있다. 이수창회원은 SDSS 자료를이용하여구축한 Virgo 은하단에 108 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

109 학회및관련기관소식 있는은하들의새로운목록인 Extended Virgo Cluster Catalog (EVCC) 를활용하여은하단및은하단내은하들의진화연구를환경효과와관련하여수행하고있다. 또한, SDSS 자료를이용하여 Virgo 은하단주위에존재하는 filament 및 sheet 구조를새롭게정의하고이구조에분포하는은하들의특성및진화연구를수행하고있다. 한편, 은하그룹, 필드 (field), 필라멘트등다양한환경에있는은하들의다파장특성에대한비교연구를수행하고있다. Virgo 은하단내과도기왜소은하에대한분광관측자료분석을통해조기형왜소은하의형성기작에대해연구하고있다. Prof. Hui conveys extensive studies of a wide range of high energy phenomena of compact objects and their environment. These astrophysical systems enable us to probe the laws of physics in the most extreme physical conditions which cannot be attained in any terrestrial laboratories. For multi-wavelength investigations, the state-of-art space and ground-based telescopes around the world, including XMM-Newton, Chandra, Suzaku, Swift, Gemini, Hubble Space Telescope, Australian Telescope Compact Array, VLA, Fermi Gamma-ray Space telescope, are utilized. Prof. Hui is also one of the founders of Fermi Asian Network (FAN) which leads a series of long-term internationally collaborative projects. Very recently, Prof. Hui has joined the project, which is led by the International Space Science Institute, for conceiving new approaches to investigate the active processes in the central regions of galaxies. 이영선회원은 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), SEGUE (Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration), BOSS (Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopy Survey), 그리고현재중국에서진행중인 LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) 등에서관측한별의스펙트럼을처리하여별들의온도, 중력, 금속함량비, 알파원소함량비와탄소함량비를결정하는일괄처리프로그램들을개발하는연구를수행하고있다. 일관처리프로그램을통하여결정된별의물리량과화학원소함량비를이용하여우리은하의원반 (disk) 과헤일로 (halo) 에있는별들의운동학적, 화학적특성과분포를조사하여원반과헤일로의기원과화학적진화에대하여연구도수행하고있다. 충남대천문우주과학과는지난 8 년간 2 단계 BK21 사업에이어지질환경과학과와공동으로 2013 년에 BK21 플러스의지구과학분야사업단에선정되어운영되고있다. 또한 2015 년중간평가를거쳐 5 차년도협약이확정되었다. 미래우주지질탐사사업단 ( 단장 - 김용하, 참여교수 - 이유, 이수창, 조정연, C. Y. Hui, 이영선 ) 은우주 / 지질분야에서다양한과학적현안들을해결하고미래성장에능동적으로기여할수있는핵심인재양성및관련분야에서국제적인수준의기초연구를수행하고있다. 또한 2016 년 9 월부터 3 년간지방대학특성화사업 (CK 사업 ) 의일환으로지질환경과학과, 해양환경과학과와함께지구 / 우주국가전략기술인재양성사업단에참여하여연간 4 억의사업비를지원받아창의적융복합인재를양성하고있다. 천문우주과학과는천문우주연구및우주탐사의세부분야를담당하고있다. 특히, 국제적수준의차세대우주탐사연구인력을양성하여, 정부의대형국책연구사업에필요한전문인력공급을목표로하여사업을운영하고있다. 천문우주탐사, 우주환경관측및시뮬레이션, 그리고우주현상시뮬레이션분야에서교육시스템및연구수준을국제적수준으로끌어올려국책연구소에서필요로하는양질의석박사를배출하는것을주요목표로하고있다. 3. 연구시설 연구시설로는다수의워크스테이션서버와고성능 PC 가갖추어진천문전산실, 광학실험장치, Photodensitometer, 인공위성추적시스템이갖추어져있는광학실험실이있다. 그리고천문대및 Planetarium 상영을위한천문전시실이있으며, 시뮬레이션실, 천문도서실등이학부학생들의교육을위한실험실습실로이용되고있다. 천문대에는 16 인치슈미트 - 카세그레인반사망원경이 4m 돔에설치되어있고, 14, 12, 10 인치슈미트 - 카세그레인망원경, 7 인치반사망원경, 6, 5 인치초저분산굴절망원경, 6 인치쌍안경, 분광기, 그리고다수의냉각 CCD 카메라가있다. 그리고대전시민천문대의 10 인치굴절망원경의원격제어시스템을완성해시민천문대가운영을마친 11 시이후에이를활용하여관측수업을진행중이다. 충북대학교천문대 충북대학교천문대는진천관측소가 2008 년개관이래약 10 년이지난현재까지천문관측을계속수행하고있으며, 천문대를건설하면서축적하였던다양한천문기술을국내천문대에보급하고있다. 천문대구성인원은대장 ( 김천휘교수 ) 과소장 ( 윤요라주무관 ), 그리고 5 명의관측요원으로이루어져있다. 보유장비는진천관측소에소재한국내대학최대구경인 1m RC 망원경, 인공위성추적감시망원경인 60cm 광시야망원경 (2010 년설치 ) 이있으며, 또한, 대학교내 35cm 와 40cm 망원경을운용하고있다. 이 4 대의망원경의관측대상은주로변광성이며, 때때로행성 transit 측광관측및한국천문연구원과의협력으로인공위성과소행성등을병행관측하고있다. 최근몇년동안진천관측소에서이루어진일은천문대의날씨상황, 관측진행상황, 그리고관측현황등을실시간으로알져주는시스템을개발하여 web 에공지하고있다 ( 이와더불어관측된변광성의위상에따른광도곡선도 web 상에보여줌으로서관측자에게편의를주고있다. 충북대학교천문우주학과가전국에산재되어있는각종천문기관이나시설 ( 과학관, 과학박물관, 시민천문대등 ) 에걸맞는 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 109

110 학회및관련기관소식 전문인력양성을목적으로 2008 년 3 월부터대학원에신설한 대중천문과학 전공을실질적으로활성화하고기술적으로뒷받침하기위하여천문대는다양한천문관측과실습프로그램을개발하여학생들에게관측실습의장을제공하고있다. 새롭게수정하는 S/W 를개발하였으며, 이와더불어이제까지관측된변광성들을정리하여논문화하는작업을수행되고있다. 최근에넓은시야를이용한외계행성탐사관측은매우높은관측정밀도를나타내고있으며, 지속적인관측으로국내학회지및 SCI 급논문이기대되고있다 년 10 월에는광시야 0.6m 망원경전용완전개폐형돔을설계제작하여기존슬라이딩돔철거와함께더욱쾌적한천문체험학교환경을조성하였으며, 새로개발한완전개폐형돔은관측시야가고도 15 이상확보되고망원경의구동에간섭이전혀없어광시야 0.6m 망원경의구동안전성을확보하였고, 9 시간연속시계열관측을할수있는환경을조성하였다. 그림1. 과학영재경기과학고등학교 0.6m 반사망원경. Antalece 년부터충북대학교천문대는대중천문보급및자구적예산확보차원에서천문을테마로한오토캠핑장을추진하고있다. 총 18 기의텐트사이트로 1 년에 1 억원이상의수익을목표로각종편의시설건물을신축했다. 천문대의넓은천연잔디운동장과망원경및천문학전공학생들의천문강의와체험학습을테마로천문오토캠프를진행하고있다. 오토캠핑장이활성화되면지역아동센터및다문화가정을위한무료천문캠프를진행해지역사회에대중천문을접할수있는기회의장을마련하고있다. 그림2. 충북대학교천문대 0.6미터광시야망원경완전개폐형돔. 지속적인천문기기개발을수행하고있는충북대학교천문대는다양한기술력으로국내망원경및관측기기수리용역을수행하고있다 년에는제주별빛누리공원의주망원경인 60cm 망원경의주경미러셀과스파이더부경미러셀을다시제작하는연구과제를수행완료하였고, 2015 년은국립부산과학관 350mm 굴절망원경구동시스템개발을완료하였으며, 이와더불어과학영재경기과학고등학교 0.6m 반사망원경, 대전동신과학고등학교 0.5m 반사망원경을메타스페이스와협력하여 Antalece 6.0 과 5.0 의새로운망원경을개발하여납품하였다. 또한충북대학교천문대에서운영중인 AWS 및구름모니터링시스템은다양한기관에서설치를의뢰하고있으며, 2014 년에국립과천과학관과과학영재한국영재학교에개발을완료해납품하였다. 그림 3. 국립부산과학관 350mm 굴절망원경 년 10 월한국천문연구원의 SLR(Satellite Laser Ranging) 그룹의거창감악산사이트에 8.5m 고속회전자동제어돔개발을완료하였으며, 이돔은최고속도 18 /sec, 지향정밀도 ±30arcsec 의정밀도를가지고있다 년시험관측을거쳐본격적인인공위성관측을시작할계획이다. 0.6m 광시야망원경은 넓은시야를가진 4K CCD 를사용함으로서한 CCD 화면에수많은별들이동정되고, 따라서새로운변광성들이많이발견되기때문에자료처리방식을 그림4. 한국천문연구원거창감악산 SLR 사이트 8.5미터자동제어돔. 110 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

111 학회및관련기관소식 충북대학교천문우주학과 1. 인적사항 충북대학교천문우주학과에는서경원, 김천휘, 김용기, 이대영, 하야사키키미타케, 안홍준회원등 6 명의전임교수가 194 명의학부생과 31 명의대학원생의교육과연구를맡고있다. 국내대학중유일한대학본부부속기관인충북대학교천문대는 2017 년 3 월부터김천휘교수가천문대장직을수행하고있으며윤요라회원이업무를담당하고있다. 학과행정업무는 2017 년부터이민희회원이조교로근무하고있다. 2. 연구및학습활동 서경원교수는진화된항성주변먼지층의특성과진화에대한연구를수행하고있다. 이를위하여진화된항성의목록을개선하고체계화하며관련된적외선및전파관측자료들을수집하여분석하고있다. 또한진화된항성의구조와진화에따른주변먼지입자의특성에대한이론적모형의개발과적용을위한연구도함께진행중이다. 김천휘교수는 2017 년부터천문대장직을맡고있으며, 근접쌍성계의측, 분광학적성질및주기변화를연구하고있다. 그일환으로지난수년간폴란드의크라코우교육대학의 J. M. Kreiner 교수와공동으로수행하였던근성점운동을하는근접쌍성계의카탈로그작성연구를마무리하였다. 그결과가 ApJS 에게재승인되어올상반기에출간예정이다. 이를기반으로그후속연구를수행하고있다. 김천휘교수의지도하에박장호, 송미화, 정민지, 임진선, 이희재, 김혜영회원이박사과정을이수하고있으며, 2017 년부터김재영회원이석사과정을진행하고있다. 김용기교수는대학원대중천문학과정을담당하고있다. 자기격변변광성의관측및관측자료처리에대한연구를하고있으며우크라니아 ONMU 대학의 Andronov 교수와자기격변변광성에대한공동연구를하고있다. 또한충북대학교망원경자동관측시스템을이용한자기격변변광성모니터링관측, 그리고망원경자동관측시스템을이용한과학대중화사업에의연계연구에도관심을갖고부산과학관, 경기과학고의망원경및관측시스템개발에참여한바있다. 김용기교수는한양대학교오준영교수와함께과학의본성을이용한대중천문교육에대한연구를하고있으며, 천문도서번역에도기여하였다. 현재김동흔, 한기영, 박은미회원이박사과정, 이상민, 이준구, 노지은, 유선아회원이석사과정을이수하고있으며, 설아침회원이통합과정에서김용기교수의지도를받고있다 년 1 월부터한국우주과학회부회장으로봉사하고있으며, 2014 년 1 월부터 2015 년 12 월까지한국천문학회교육홍보위원장을맡은바있다. 이대영교수는현재 8 명의 full-time 석 박사과정대학원생들과 2 인의연구교수로구성된우주물리 / 우주환경연구그룹을이끌고있다. 주로 space plasma instabilities, radiation belt electron dynamics, wave-particle interaction, interplanetary magnetic field 관련기초연구와우주자기장측정기개발에집중하고있다. 특히, 최근한국연구재단지원사업을통해극단적우주환경조건에서고성능으로운영이가능한자기장측정기 (fluxgate magnetometer) 를자체적으로개발중이며이를통해관련기반기술의국산화에주력하고있다. 또한, 우주환경교란의가장큰원인이되는 interplanetary magnetic field 변화예측에대한난제를해결하기위해매우도전적인 ( 중장기 ) 연구를최근시작하였다. 하야사키키마타케교수는 black hole 천문학및천체물리학에대한연구를수행하고있다. 현재 merging process of binary supermassive black holes in the context of disk-binary interaction 에관하여연구하고있다. 쌍성블랙홀병합중중력파검출 (GW ) 의최근발견은그어느때보다도이분야에많은동기를부여하고있다. 또한 the tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes 에대해연구하고있으며, 최근 tidal disruption events 가급격하게관측되면서관측과이론적관심이증가하고있는주제이다. 현재박관우학부생과함께연구그룹을이끌고있으며, black hole 천문학및천체물리학에새로운통찰력을제공하고자교육하고있다. 안홍준교수는현재국제협력연구단인 Fermi 연구단에참여하고있으며, X 선및감마선관측을통하여고에너지천체현상을연구하고있다. 고에너지방사는우리은하뿐만아니라외계은하에존재하는밀집성에서나타나는데, 주로중성자별및그성운, 거대블랙홀등이연구대상이다. 이런물체에서발생하는고에너지현상을통하여그물체들의특성을추정하는데, 중성자별연구는최종적으로그질량을추정하여현재의물리학적지식을기반으로유도한상태방정식을검증함으로써초고밀도하에존재하는물질의상태를추정하는것을목표로한다. 중성자별성운이나거대블랙홀주변에서입자들이초고에너지로가속되는현상이발생하여 X 선및감마선이방출되는것으로추정하는데, 관측및이론적모형화를통하여플라스마물질의가속현상들이해하는것을목표로하여연구하고있다. 현재네명의대학원생과함께연구를진행하고있다. 3. 연구시설 각교수의연구실및실험실에는최신 PC 및관련주변기기, 그리고워크스테이션이구비되어있으며, 또한교내 35cm 반자동천체망원경, 40cm 자동천체망원경및 3m 태양망원경, 5m 위성전파수신기, 그리고최근자체제작한 2.8Ghz 전파수신기등천문우주교육에필요한다수의장비를갖추고있다. 이와더불어대학본부부속기관인충북대학교천문대 ( 충북진천군소재 ) 가 2008 년 4 월개관이후시험관측을거쳐현재활발히천문관측을수행하고있다. 충북대학교천문대는국내대학규모로는최대인 1m 반사망원경을보유하고있고 60cm 광시야망원경을이용하여천문교육과연구에활용될뿐만아니라지역사회에개방되어천문지식보급에도크게기여하고있다. 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 111

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114 학회및관련기관소식 광학천문본부장선광일전파천문본부장김종수우주과학본부장최영준대형망원경사업단장박병곤정책부장김경호기획부장홍정유행정부장신용태우주위험감시센터장조중현중소기업협력센터장남욱원이론천문센터장송용선고천문연구센터장김상혁천문전산융합센터장복은경 나. 주요연구본부소개 1) 광학천문본부광학천문본부는은하진화그룹, 변광천체그룹, 보현산천문대, 소백산천문대의 4개그룹으로구성되어별과우주의시작과변화를과학적으로분석하고있다. 은하진화그룹은광학 / 적외선을비롯한다양한파장의자료를이용하여우리은하와외부은하의형성과진화를연구하고있으며, 변광천체그룹은고정밀측광및고분산분광관측자료를활용하여변광성과외계행성의물리적특성을연구하고있다. 이러한연구를위하여광학천문본부는보현산천문대, 소백산천문대, 레몬산천문대, 외계행성탐색시스템 (KMTNet) 등의관측시설을운영하고있다. 외계행성탐색시스템은 2015년 10월에칠레, 호주, 남아프리카공화국의남반구 3개관측소를완공하고, 광시야망원경과모자이크 CCD 카메라를사용하여외계행성, 변광성, 초신성, 소행성, 외부은하등본격적인연구관측을시작해성과를창출하고있다. 3) 우주과학본부우주과학본부는태양및근지구우주환경연구, 달및행성과학, 그리고레이저기술을이용한고정밀우주물체추적연구를통해우주에대한인류의지식확대및활동영역확장, 그리고자연재해, 우주폐기물문제등범지구적문제해결에기여하고있다. 또한우주측지기술을활용한지구변화정밀분석과태양활동에의한지구영향예측, 우주에서의관측천문연구에주력하고있으며대한민국공식역서를발간하고있다. 4) 우주위험감시센터우주위험감시센터는인공위성, 소행성등우주물체의지상추락과충돌과같은우주위험을감시하고분석하는연구와우주환경감시기관의기술정책및국제협력지원등의사무국업무를수행하고있다. 국가과학기술연구회국가현안해결형사업인우주물체전자광학감시시스템 (Optical Wide-field patrol; OWL-Net) 개발사업을통해지난해국내외 5 개곳에직경 0.5m 급우주물체추적광학망원경을설치완료했으며, 우리나라국적위성, 한반도정지궤도영역을독자적으로감시하고있다. 이네트워크는광시야광학망원경, 고속마운트, 효과적인스케줄링을채용하여빠르게움직이는인공위성이나소행성의추적감시가가능하며, 세계최초로관측계획부터데이터분석까지전과정을천문연구원에서무인원격으로관리할수있다. 2) 전파천문본부전파천문본부는전파천문연구그룹, 대덕전파천문대, 전파기술개발그룹, ALMA(Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) 그룹및 KVN(Korean VLBI Network, 한국우주전파관측망 ) 의 5 개그룹을운영하고있다. KVN 등의대형관측장비를활용하여별탄생영역과활동성은하영역에대한선진연구를수행하고, ALMA, KaVA(KVN and VERA Array) 등을통해국제공동관측프로그램을진행하고있다. 또핵심관측장비의성능향상을위한시스템개발을하며우수연구결과를창출하고있다. 5) 대형망원경사업단대형망원경사업단은대형광학망원경의국제공동건설및공동활용, 대형망원경용관측기기개발등의업무를수행하고있다. 주요사업으로는거대마젤란망원경 (GMT) 국제공동건설지분 10% 확보를골자로하는대형망원경개발사업과 8m 급중대형망원경국제공동활용, 광학및적외선관측기기개발, GMT 용관측기기및부경국제공동개발등을들수있다. 특히 GMT 시대를대비한연구역량의개발과인력양성을위하여천문학계를위한중대형망원경관측시간지원, 대학원생및박사후연수원을대상으로하는계절학교운영, 해외 GMT 참여기관과공동연구및펠로우십프로그램운영, 천문학분야국제공동연구참여등다양한업무를수행하고있다 년도에는총 7 개반사경중 5 번째반사경제작을시작했다. GMT 는 4 개의반사경만먼저장착해 2023 년께첫관측을시작할예정이며, 114 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

115 학회및관련기관소식 2026 년부터는정상가동을목표로하고있다. 하는천문우주빅데이터의저장 분석 공유와시스템을구축하는역할을한다. 기존의광학 전파 적외선파장별관측데이터를비롯해대규모수치모의실험을통한데이터, 우리나라의특장점인과거조선시대천문관측기록부터현재와미래에구축할최신인프라의데이터들까지망라할계획이다. 또국민들이직접연구에참여하고그성과를체감할수있는플랫폼을구축해나가고자한다. 2. 한국천문연구원주요연구및개발성과 6) 이론천문센터이론천문센터에는우주론, 천체물리분야의연구자들이참여하고있다. 우주론및천체물리분야는우주거대구조이론과관측연구를통해우주초기조건, 암흑물질및암흑에너지에관한연구를수행하고있으며, DESI 등주요국제관측사업에참여하고있다. 천체물리연구자들은시뮬레이션을통한천체물리연구및시뮬레이션코드개발등을수행하며, 한국과학기술정보연구원, 국가수리과학연구소와공동으로중력파융합연구도활발하게진행중이다. 7) 중소기업협력센터 2013년 4월새롭게출범한중소기업기술협력센터는그동안연구원의각부서별로분산운영되어왔던천문우주과학관련기술의산업체공유를위한협력업무를담당하고있다. 천문광학, 천문전파및천문우주분야별 12개의패밀리기업과함께, 기업의수요에부응하는원천기술확보및기술이전을추진하고있다. 이러한노력을통해기업수요형 R&D개발을통해원천기술확보및기술이전을추진하고, 실천적기술이전로드맵을통해적극적인기술사업화및육성사업확대를위해노력하고있다. 또한 KASI-테크노닥터와지속적인기업의애로기술해결과실질적인기술교류를통해한국천문연구원미래기술의원천기술확보및기업동반성장을위한상생협력을도모하고, 진정한오픈이노베이션 (open innovation) 을구현을위해노력하고있다. 8) 고천문연구센터천문학은고금을관통하는유일한과학의분야이며, 동시에인류의공통문명이다. 우리나라는삼국시대이래로 2 천년에이르는시간동안체계적인관측제도를바탕으로다양한천문관측기록을보유하고있다. 한국의천문유물과천문기록은인류의유산이며, 현대천문학연구의뿌리이기도하다. 고천문연구센터는한국의천문유산을계승하고지속하고자, 옛천문기기를복원하고, 역사적관측기록을수집 분석하며, 이러한자료가현대천문현상에활용될수있도록기여하는등다양한측면에서연구를수행하고있다. 우리센터는한국의천문과학문명이미래로향해나아가도록지속적으로매진할것이다. 9) 천문전산융합센터천문전산융합센터는빅데이터연구국민참여와세계적성과창출을목표로 2018 년 4 월새로구축됐다. 기하급수적으로증가 가. 천체에서오는중력파와감마선, X- 선, 가시광선등전자기파신호의동시관측최초성공한국천문연구원연구진을포함한국제공동연구팀은중력파와전자기파관측을동시수행하는데성공함으로써중성자별의충돌로부터일어나는일련의물리적과정을규명했다. 블랙홀충돌로부터나오는중력파발견에이어중성자별의충돌에의한중력파를라이고 (LIGO) 와비르고 (Virgo) 로처음으로검출함은물론감마선, X- 선, 가시광선에서도이중력파천체를포착하는데최초로성공한것이다. 특히한국천문연구원이운영하는 KMTNet 이 24 시간연속해서관측한자료가중요한역할을했다. 나. 미국개기일식코로나그래프시험관측성공 2017 년 8 월 21 일 ( 현지시각, 한국시각 22 일 ) 미국에서는미대륙을가로지르는개기일식이진행됐다. 이번개기일식에서한국천문연구원은 NASA 와공동개발중인코로나그래프 (coronagraph) 를활용해코로나관측에성공했다. 천문연은이를바탕으로미국 NASA 와함께국제우주정거장에설치할차세대코로나그래프를계속해서개발중이다. 다. KMTNet, NASA 스피처우주망원경과공동관측으로지구질량외계행성발견한국천문연구원은외계행성탐색시스템 ( 이하 KMTNet, Korea Microlensing Telescope Network) 을이용해지구질량외계행성을발견했다. 이외계행성은지구와비슷한질량이며, 중심별로부터의거리도태양에서부터지구까지의거리와비슷하다. 이연구에는미국항공우주국 (NASA) 에서운영하는스피처 (Spitzer) 우주망원경 한국우주과학회보제 27 권 1 호, 2018 년 5 월 115

116 학회및관련기관소식 도함께관측해행성까지의거리와질량을정밀하게알아낼수있었다. 이번에발견한행성은 2017 년 2 월말에발견돼화제가된트라피스트 -1 (TRAPPIST-1) 행성계와매우유사하며, 이는작고차가운별주위에도지구질량의행성이흔하다는것을의미한다. 라. 적외선고분산분광기 (IGRINS) 에대한호응한국천문연구원과미국텍사스대학교가공동으로개발한적외선고분산분광기 (IGRINS) 는 2014 년부터미국맥도날드천문대등에서과학연구운영중이며, 2018 년상반기에는칠레소재의구경 8.1m 제미니남측 (Gemini South) 천문대에서과학연구관측을수행할예정이다 년 9 월약한달간제미니남측망원경의관측기기를활용한관측제안서를전세계커뮤니티를대상으로접수한결과 IGRINS 가관측연구수요가가장높은기기로나타났다. 이러한현상은 2000 년도제미니남측천문대가개소한이래 GMOS 의수요를능가하는첫사례이며, IGRINS 의우수한성능을관련커뮤니티가인정하는것으로이해할수있다. 하고, 전파관측주파수영역의전파는통과시켜전파망원경이제기능을잘할수있도록보호하는역할을한다. 새단장한전파망원경은현재계속적으로운영되고있다. 사진원본일체 : 마. 대덕전파천문대레이돔 30년만에교체한국천문연구원대덕전파천문대는 2017년 2 월 14일기존노후화된레이돔을철거하고새로운돔으로교체작업을완료했다. 대덕전파천문대가보유한전파망원경은지난 1986년 10월설치돼시험관측이이뤄진후, 1988년부터연구관측을수행해오고있다. 이는우리나라최초이자아시아에서두번째로건설된전파망원경이다. 레이돔은외부의비와바람등을차단하여전파망원경을보호 116 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 27(1), May 2018

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