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1 : 방사성폐기물분과 , 서울교육문화회관 IAEA 방사성폐기물신분류기준개발현황 최경우한국원자력안전기술원 발표순서 머리말 국내방사성폐기물분류체계 국외방사성폐기물분류체계 IAEA 방사성폐기물분류기준개정 방사성폐기물분류기준재정립의영향 - 1 -

2 머리말 방사성폐기물 (RW) 관리의지속가능한발전 원자력르네상스, 경주처분장건설, 방사선이용확대 방사성폐기물리스크저감과안전성확보 : 사회적요구증대 국내, 고준위와중 저준위방사성폐기물로단순분류 IAEA 중심의리스크기반단계적접근방법 (Graded Approach) 을통한 RW 분류체계개정중 RW안전원칙, Joint Convention RW 분류체계와처분방식연계 RW 분류기준재정립에따른영향분석 국내방사성폐기물분류체계현황 방사성폐기물분류 방사능준위 고준위.vs. 중 저준위 물리적상태 고체, 액체, 기체 방사성폐기물의정의 ( 원자력법제2조제18호 ) 방사성물질에의하여오염된물질 폐기대상 사용후핵연료포함 원자력법시행령제 2 조 ( 정의 ) 제 1 호 고준위방사성폐기물 (HLW) : 방사능농도와열발생률이교육과학기술부장관이정하는값이상인폐기물 국내에서는사용후핵연료가유일함. 중 저준위방사성폐기물 (LILW) : HLW 이외의폐기물 - 3 -

3 국내방사성폐기물분류체계현황 ( 계속 ) 방사선방호등에관한기준 교육과학기술부고시제 호 방사능농도 열발생률 반감기 20 년이상의 알파선을방출하는핵종으로 2 kw/m 3 4,000 Bq/g 방사성폐기물의자체처분 선량기준 : 개인에대한연간선량 10μSv 미만이고, 집단에대한총선량1 man-sv미만 핵종별농도기준 : 교육과학기술부고시제 호별표 중 저준위방사성폐기물안전관리체계 - 5 -

4 사용후핵연료안전관리체계 국외현황 : 미국 Government Sector Waste Commercial Sector Waste Waste Class Description Disposal Method Waste Class Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Transuranic (TRU) Waste Description Radioactive waste that is not HLW, spent fuel, TRU waste, or byproduct material Contains >100 nci/gram (> 3,700 becquerels/gram) of alpha emitting transuranic isotopes with half-lives greater than 20 years Disposal Method Near-Surface (e.g., trenches, vaults) Deep geologic repository Class A LLRW Class B LLRW Class C LLRW Least hazardous LLRW short and long-lived waste that will not endanger inadvertent human intruder beyond 100 years Most hazardous LLRW shortlived wastes that will not endanger inadvertent intruder beyond 100 years More hazardous short and long-lived wastes will not endanger inadvertent intruder beyond 500 years Near surface Near surface with 300 year waste stability Near surface with 300 year waste stability and greater depth or 500 year intruder barrier High Level Waste (HLW) Highly radioactive waste resulting from reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel Proposed deep geologic repository Greater- Than-Class C LLRW Most hazardous LLRW dangerous to inadvertent intruder beyond 500 years To be determined by ongoing analysis; regulations presume deep geologic disposal Dashed lines show equivalent waste under DOE and Commercial sector waste classifications High-Level Waste Highly radioactive waste resulting from reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel Proposed deep geologic repository - 7 -

5 국외현황 : 미국 리스크기반폐기물분류원칙제시 (NCRP-139, 2002) 규제면제폐기물포함한 RW 위험도정량적평가 위험도지표 (Risk Index) 개념도입 처분개념적용 ( 예 ; 원전해체폐기물적용 ) RI i < 1 ( risk from disposal) i RIi = Fi i ( allowable risk) i Risk index 를이용한위험도기반의폐기물분류과정 Risk-based radioactive waste classification (recommended by the NCRP, 2002) 국외현황 : 일본 Classification of Radioactive Waste in Japan - 9 -

6 국외현황 : 프랑스 Radioactive Waste Disposal Classification Activity Half-life Very short lived waste (< 100 days) Short lived waste ( 31 years) Long lived waste (> 31 years) Very low level (VLL) Centre de Morvilliers (waste from dismantling operations) Low level (LL) Intermediate level (IL) Management by radioactive decay Centre Aube (operating waste from NPPs ) + Centre MANCHE Operational 2019 (graphite, radium bearing) High level (HL) Waste from reprocessing plants Research stage 1991 and 2006 acts Disposal site to be commissioned in 국외현황 : 기타 독일 열발생율에따라각각의처분방식을결정 Heat generating waste.vs. waste with negligible heat generation 처분장이송전장기저장 : long-term surface interim storage 영국 열발생률과방사능을고려하여분류 HLW : 저장 / 처분시방사능농동에따른열발생율을반드시고려 ILW : 저장 / 처분단계에서열발생율을고려하지않음. LLW : not exceeding 4GBq/ton of alpha(α) or 12 GBq/ton of beta(β)/gamma(γ) VLLW : 용량 (low or high volume) 에따라총방사능량및핵종 (C-14 or H-3) 농도제한치규정

7 국외현황 : 기타 핀란드 원자력법과방사선법에따라폐기물과처분방식규정 스웨덴 핀란드와유사함 IAEA 방사성폐기물분류기준개정 현체계 : Safety Series. 111-G-1.1, 1994 HLW LILW EW

8 IAEA 방사성폐기물분류기준개정 ( 계속 ) 개정배경 저준위폐기물관리관련 IAEA 회의결과 (Spain, 2004) 극저준위 (VLLW), 저준위 (LAW) 및 NORM 폐기물에대한정의 ( 범위 ) 처분시설에대한각국의다양한관리 Generic Design / Solution Clearance 장주기저준위폐기물에대한관리 NORM 폐기물 Management/Optimization/Regulation Developing waste management strategies Communication Operational Radiation Protection Transport Security IAEA 방사성폐기물분류기준개정 ( 계속 ) 목적 다양한폐기물형태와처분을포용하는폐기물분류체계수립 Joint Convention에부합하는폐기물전략의개발및이행 의사소통 (Communication) 과정보교환의용이함 폐기물간의경계를명확히하고정량적인지침제공 특별한안전성평가방법이요구되는특정폐기물의처분에대해서는규정화하지않음 Harmonization!!! Common Framework Draft Safety Guide 작성 : DS390 WASSC 검토중 (2008) Classification of Radioactive Waste DS

9 IAEA Common Framework Factors Radioactivity total activity half-life emitted radiation type, etc. Quantities generated Physical & chemical form Timeframe of generation Etc. WASTE TYPES SAFETY PRINCIPLES AND REQUIREMENTS REGULATORY ASPECTS TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS ECONOMICS SOCIETAL ISSUES MANAGEMENT OPTIONS TREATMENT & DISPOSAL IAEA RW Classification System Activity content HLW high level waste (deep geologic disposal) ILW intermediate level waste LLW low level waste (near surface disposal) VSLW very short lived waste (decay storage) VLLW very low level waste (landfill disposal) EW exempt waste (exemption / clearance) half-life

10 IAEA RW Classification System Continue 규제면제폐기물, Exempt Waste (EW) Criteria from BSS Safety Guide RS-G-1.7 적용 Application of the concepts of Exclusion, Exemption and Clearance 극저준위폐기물, Very Low Level Waste (VLLW) Clearance 보다 100배이상 Containment & Isolation : 단순매립 (near surface landfill type) 대상 : 해체폐기물 (soil, rubble 등 ) 극단반감기폐기물, Very Short-Lived Waste (VSLW) 반감기 100일이하대상폐기물 임시저장후자체처분 대상 : 의료및연구용동위원소폐기물 IAEA RW Classification System Continue 저준위폐기물, Low Level Waste (LLW) 수백년동안격리가필요한폐기물 VLLW 보다강화된 Containment & Isolation 30m 이하천층처분, 200~300 년동안의제도적관리기간 차폐가필요한고방사능폐기물과방사능은상대적으로낮은장반감기폐기물 400Bq/g 이하의장주기폐기물 중준위폐기물, Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) LLW 보다장주기 & 고방사능폐기물 LLW 천층처분보다강화된처분 : 30~50m 처분 취급 / 운반 / 처분의 heat dissipation에대한규정은거의필요치않음. 고준위폐기물, High Level Waste (HLW) 열발생율이매우중요, 방사능 (5x10 4 ~ 5x10 5 TBq/m 3 ) 심층처분

11 Logic to Use the Classification Potential radioactive waste Is the waste or process excluded? Conventional waste disposal Is the waste or process exempt? Storage for decay Does the Waste need storage For decay? Can the waste be cleared be cleared? Is the waste high volume NORM waste? Very Low Level Waste waste meet safety requirements for public in a landfill waste meet safety requirements for intrusion in a landfill LANDFILL DISPOSAL waste meet safety requirements for intrusion in a landfill waste meet safety requirements for public in a landfill Very Low Level NORM Waste NEAR SURFACE Low Level Waste waste meet safety waste meet safety LOW LEVEL waste meet safety waste meet safety requirements for public requirements for intrusion DISPOSAL requirements for intrusion requirements for public in a low level in a low level in a tailings in a tailings Low Level NORM Waste Intermediate Level Waste waste meet safety requirements for public in an intermediate INTERMEDIATE DISPOSAL Intermediate Level NORM Waste High Level Waste GEOLOGICAL DISPOSAL IAEA 현안 : 쟁점사안들 처분부지의특성 NORM 폐기물처분 : 선행핵주기소유국 폐기밀봉선원및 mixed waste의분류및처분 각경계영역에대한정량적수치규정 고준위폐기물열발생량에대한고려 원자력시설규모가작은국가들에서의수용 중준위폐기물의정의 (define) 및처분

12 폐기밀봉선원및 NORM 폐기물분류 (IAEA) WASTE TYPE HALF LIFE ACTIVITY VOLUME EXAMPLE i <100d 100 MBq Small Y-90, Au-198 (brachytherapy) ii 5 TBq Small Ir 192 (brachytherapy) iii < 15 y < 10 MBq Small Co-60, H-3 (tritium targets), Kr-85 iv < 100 TBq Small Co-60 (irradiators) v < 30 y < MBq Small Cs-137 (brachytherapy, moisture density detectors) vi < PBq Small Cs-137 (irradiators) Sr-90 (thickness gauges, thermal irradiators) vii > 30 y < 40 MBq Small, but may be large numbers Pu, Am, Ra (smoke detectors, static eliminators) vii < 10 GBq Am-241, Ra-226 (gauges) 방사성폐기물분류기준재정립의영향 현국내분류체계평가 IAEA 기준 (Safety Series. 111-G-1.1) 적용 작업자에대한잠재적인방사학적영향위주로개발 일반대중에투명성제공의어려움 규제면제가능수준의극미량방사성물질을결정하기위한원칙적인규제체계미흡 경제적이용가능한물질의이용가능성차단 예 ; 해체폐기물재활용등 새로운형태의폐기물에대한논리적, 방호적관리수단부재 중 저준위폐기물분류체계에처분관리측면이충분히반영되지못함

13 방사성폐기물 분류기준 재정립의 영향 (계속) 국내 방사성폐기물 관리체계에 미치는 영향 IAEA 신분류체계는 방사성폐기물의 안전관리와 처분방식에 대 한 안전지침을 제공 : 국제적으로 통일된 지침 ¾ Risk-based Graded Approach ¾ 폐기물 특성에 따른 천층처분, 동굴처분 및 단순매립에 대한 근거 제공 ¾ 방사성페기물 관리에 대한 지속가능한 발전 : Sustainability 제2단계 경주 처분시설 처분방식 선정 참조(guideline) 원전 해체폐기물 (VLLW) 처분에 대한 안전지침 제공 ¾ 비용, 처분방식 등 현 경주 처분장의 인수기준을 만족하지 못하는 폐기물 ¾ 특이 방사성폐기물 (예; 원전 폐수지 등) ¾ Solution : 중간층 처분 (???) 제8회 방사선안전 심포지움 감 사 합 니 다 제8회 방사선안전 심포지움


192 에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 11, Number 2, September 2012: pp. 191~219 원자력의경제성 : 쟁점검토와해결과제 * 191 192 193 194 [ 그림 1] 주요발전원별평준화발전원가비교 할인율 5% 의경우 할인율 10% 경우 195 196 197 198 199 200 < 표 2>

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