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1 Jour. Petrol. Soc. Korea Vol. 18, No., p. ~6, 009 제주도현무암에포획된 Type II 포획암 : 성인과조직적특성 p p pm np w y lw, Ÿ Textural and Genetic Implications of Type II Xenoliths Enclosed in Basaltic Rocks from Jeju Island Jae-eun Yu, Kyounghee Yang, Byoung-Hoon Hwang and Jinseop Kim Division of Earth Environmental System, Pusan National University, Busan, , Korea û» sz, Type I Type II. Type I s z Mg Ÿ (mg#=89-91) r k p w.» sz w Type I psz w. Type II sz Mg, Ni, Cr ûš Fe, Ti, {, { (mg#=77-8). Type II sz p- { - l p- l p, Ti t w { ƒ p. Type II sz s k pw ùkü ³ p p. Type II sz ùkù kj, Type II s z w» xw w. { { (š x { ), { ( x { ) p w yw sx w. { ƒ { eywš { y (enrichment) û w. Type I psz, sz, x ü w Type II sz Type I psz w x w sz x w. w p Type II sz x x w x w w (cumulates)» w. w, Type II» sz, j p, y, yw sx Abstract: Ultramafic xenoliths from southeastern part of Jeju Island can be grouped into two types: Type I and Type II. Type I xenoliths are magnesian and olivine-rich peridotite (mg#=89-91), which are commonly found at the outcrop. Most previous works have been focused on Type I xenoliths. Type II xenoliths, consisting of olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene with higher Fe and Ti components (mg#=77-8) and lower Mg, Ni, Cr, are reported in this study. They are less common with a more extensive compositional range. The studied Type II xenoliths are wehrlite, olivine-clinopyroxenite, olivine websterite, and websterite. They sometimes show ophitic textures in outcrops indicating cumulate natures. The textural characteristics, such as kink banding and more straight grain boundaries with triple junctions, are interpreted as the result of recrystallization and annealing. Large pyroxene grains have exsolution textures and show almost the same major compositions as small exsolution-free pyroxenes. Although the exsolution texture indicates a previous high-temperature history, all mineral phases are completely reequilibrated to some lower temperature. rthopyroxenes replacing clinopyroxene margin or olivine indicate an orthopyroxene enrichment event. Mineral phases of Type II are compared with Type I xenoliths, *Corresponding author Tel:
2 4 Á Áy zá½ gabbroic xenoliths, and the host basalts. Those from Type II xenoliths show a distinct discontinuity with those from Type I mantle xenoliths, whereas they show a continuous or overlapping relation with those from gabbroic xenoliths and the host basalts. ur petrographic and geochemical results suggest that the studied type II xenoliths appear to be cumulates derived from the host magma-related system, being formed by early fractional crystallization, although these xenoliths may not be directly linked to the host basalt. Key words: Jeju Island, Type II ultramafic xenoliths, cumulate, enrichment, chemical re-equilibration 서 언 t» sz, v x (Alpine-type) r k p, v p(ophiolites) r k p, k p(kimberite) p yw / w (rheological) k ƒ š yw œwš (Xu et al., 1998; Hidas et al., 007). e x sz psz y x, sz (xenoliths) ƒ t ww w ü w wš w w š yw š w (Wilson, 1989; Irving, 1974; Kovacs et al., 00). qü(continental intra-plate) x 4» y yw qü» x p (, 1999; Tatsumi et al., 005). w w ƒ š (, 1994; Kim et al., 00; š», 004)» ƒ ew ƒ x (Andean-type) y ej- e (calc-akaline) y xw x š. x w q(amurian continental plate) ü ew w q ks q v vq q w y ƒ¾ œ (Hamdy et al., 004). w w p q y (constructive)/ (destructive), y (anorogenic)/ (orogenic) y œ œ w y w y ùküš. w w p/w ƒ, p (mantle wedge) w yw, w (geodynamic) k q y wš pw œwš. sw x w «w sz sz. w sz w «wš š š y sx š w ùküš. sw x sz sz, Ti t w {, { Type II sz wš. Type II sz w» mw Type II sz p «(metasomatism) w šw. 지 질 - û w 74 km, -ûû w km k x w d d ƒ w, ûd d ùkü š y x ùküš (Fig. 1). ƒ k x xk w, y y w» w w š (y w, 00). ƒ w»ƒ, w» w 10 m û š (»y, 004). w wš s ¾ w w 40( )~140 m( ), s³ ~5 m Ì 1~60 ƒ sw (š», 004). w» s³ 00 m sd, d w y y J. Petrol. Soc. Korea
3 x sz Type II sz : p 5 Fig. 1. Geological map of Jeju Island showing the sampling site for the type II xenoliths(after Lee, 198).» y z sw y, w w û wû- w (, 1994; Kim et al., 00). y d w sd l, ù y y wù y y š š, 4 (Lee, 198; š», 004).» x» 1» sd n œ w y y x w w s w x l ¾ x w» x y w 40 Ar- 9 Ar 1.7~0.5 Ma š. g -{ x y x, d š.» 0.6~0.4 Ma x w sw - x s sw» x».» 0.~0. Ma w x w» x w w w. 4» 0.15 Ma z l y y w, w w x» p (Fig. 1). sw Si ƒ 46-6 wt%, Mg 9-1 wt% x ¾ Ÿ w ùkü (, 004). w, û Mg Ni w ùk ü x p w» xw. w e p, ƒ x p» w w -r k p p ƒ x w š ( «k, 1996; z, 00). w Type II psz szwš x e w z,»œ 5-15 vol% wš x t w { ƒ š w. x Si wt%, Na +K wt% e w Mg# ùküš (, 007).» t w ùkùš, e x p (McBirney, 199). x r k p, { sz { szwš. Type II 포획암 / k type II sz p q w» w rÿx mw» m r r w w. 0 t 7 ƒ x w» w k (Table 1). yw p q w» w Type II wš Ÿ (, {, { ) w w œ x CAMECA SX100 x» mw. ƒ 15 kv, v 0 na, 1µm ƒ 10 w. w t v. ±1%, y ±0.%. wù ü BSE w ƒ w w ù yw ƒ ³ w. w x y { š Type I psz, sz wš, {, { w (Table ). Vol. 18, No., 009
4 6 Á Áy zá½ Table 1. Major element composition (wt%) of the rock forming minerals from the Type II xenoliths livine SS1- (n=9)* SS1 (n=5) SS1-1 (n=10) 06SS (n=4) 07SS1 n=6 09SS1 (n=4) Sample Type IIb Type IIc Type IIa (livineclinopyroxenite) -websterite) (olivine (wehrlite) (Wehrlite) (Wehrlite) (Wehrlite) Si Fe a Mn Mg Ca Ni Total Mg# b Sample SS1-1 SS1 SS1- SS1-09SS1 09SS1 Inclusion in cpx Host baslt Si Fe a Mn Mg Ca Ni Total Mg# b a All Fe given as Fe. b mg# = 100 [Mg/(Mg + Fe t )]in atomic ratio. n=number of analysis Table 1. Continued rthopyroxene SS1- n=6 SS1 n=4 SS1-1 n=9 06SS n= 07SS1 n=6 09SS1 n=11 09SS n=5 Type IIa Type IIb Type IIc Si Ti Al Fe a Mn Mg Ca Na Cr Ni Total Mg# b W EN FS J. Petrol. Soc. Korea
5 x sz Type II sz : p 7 Table 1. Continued Sample SS1 SS1-1 09SS1 09SS1 Exsolution lamella in cpx Si Ti Al Fe a Mn Mg Ca Na Cr Ni Total Mg# b W EN FS » p Type II sz -10 cm j», xk x, ¼ w x, ³e w x w (Fig. ). x w,»œ w. Type I Type II sz w ƒ p Type II Ti ƒ t w { š, Type I Cr t w {. w Type I, r y. Type II. w Type II sz p(wehrlite), { (olivine clinopyroxenite), l p(olivine websterite), l p(websterite), ù» (Fig. ). Type IIa vol%, { 5-10 vol%, { 15-0 vol% p (Fig. a). j» SS1- n=6 SS1 n=11 SS1-1 n=4 Table 1. Continued Clinopyroxene 06SS n=5 07SS1 n=6 09SS1 n=14 09SS n=10 Sample SS1 Type IIa Type IIb Type IIc Host Si Ti Al Fe a Mn Mg Ca Na Cr Ni Total Mg# b W EN FS Ac 4 Vol. 18, No., 009
6 8 Á Áy zá½ Table. The range of major element composition of the rock forming minerals in Type I, Type II. gabbroic xenoliths and the host basalt livine Sample Phenocryst in the host Type I xenolith* Type II xenolith Gabbroic xenolith** basalt*** Si Not Found Fe a Mn Mg Ca Ni , Total Mg# b Sample rthopyroxene Type I xenolith Type II xenolith Gabbroic xenolith Phenocryst in the host basalt Si Not Found Ti Al Fe a Mn Mg Ca Ni Cr Total Mg# b Sample Clinopyroxene Type I xenolith Type II xenolith Gabbroic xenolith Phenocryst in the host basalt Si Ti Al Fe a Mn Mg Ca Na Ni Cr Total Mg# b * data from Yang et al.(009); ** data from Um et al.(007); *** data from this study plus from Yang and Hwang(005). (5 mm) ¾ rp š, ³ew ù f x x (triple junction) (annealing) p ùkü (Fig. ). j»ƒ ƒwš kj (kink band) q J. Petrol. Soc. Korea
7 x sz Type II sz : p 9 Fig.. Type II xenoliths from Jeju Island. (a1, a) A yellowish wehrlite xenolith consisting mainly of olivine with a minor amount of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene(sample SS1-). (b1, b) A olivine clinopyroxenite xenolith consisting of mainly black clinopyroxene and yellowish olivine(07ss1). (c1, c) A websterite xenolith consisting of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene(09ss). Photos a, b and c are enlarged polished sections of a1, b1 and c1, respectively. The scale bar in c is also applied to photos a and b. Each photo also shows the greenish Type I mantle xenolith nearby. Fig.. Photomicrographs of textural features of Type IIa xenoliths(wehrlite) from the Jeju Island(sample SS1-). Photos a1 and b1 were taken under plain-polarized light and a and b under cross-polarized light for the same spot as a1 and a. (a1, a) Irregular orthopyroxene is crosscutting or replacing olivines. (b1, b) Sieve-textured clinopyroxene containing olivine in a melt pocket surrounded by olivine. ol=olivine, opx=orthopyroxene, and cpx=clinopyroxene. Vol. 18, No., 009
8 0 Á Áy zá½ Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of textural features of Type IIb xenoliths(olivine clinopyroxenite). (a, b) Polished sections showing cumulate textures from samples 07SS1 and SS1-1, respectively. Photos c1 and d1 were taken under plain-polarized light and c and d under cross-polarized light. (c1, c) Large clinopyroxene with orthopyroxene exsolution lamella surrounded by fine-grained olivine grains(ss1-1). Note a olivine inclusion in the lamella-free marginal area indicating GBM (grain boundary migration) recrystallization. rthopyroxene occurs as replacement product along the margin of cpx. (d1, d) Large clinopyroxene with exsolution lamella in the center and exsolutionfree margin(07ss1). rthopyroxene occurs as replacement product. ol=olivine, opx=orthopyroxene, and cpx= clinopyroxene. Ÿ ùkù, w. sz ùkù k j x sz» š k w. { w, e w ƒ ù (Fig. a1 and a). { p sf(melt pocket) ü (sieve) (Fig. b1 and b). { psfx v r. psf û w wš, psf, y. psf ü { š, n Ÿ š. Type IIb { J. Petrol. Soc. Korea
9 x sz Type II sz : p 1 p- { { 5vol% (Fig. b). p { w w ù w w w wù. x w p w r w vp(ophitic) (Fig. 4a, b). Ÿ type IIa wù, ùkù kj q Ÿ w w. Type IIa psf, { Type IIa x w wù w ƒ (Fig. 4). { ƒ, š x( { ƒ ) x( ƒ ) ù, x { š x { ƒ, y x (Fig. 4c, d). ƒ { ƒ s (Fig. 4c1, c) { x w (GBM: grin boundary migration) û w. { Type IIa { w w š, w { ƒ eywš (Fig. 4c, d). Type IIc 0-10 vol%, { 5-5%, { vol% l p- l p (Fig. c). ƒ j {, j» ¾ rp š Type IIa IIb w y/ y w (Fig. 5). { Type IIb ƒ š ù, q y ƒ j» { { s ƒƒ w (Fig. 5). Type IIa, IIb j kj Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of textural features of Type IIc xenoliths(websterite). Photos a1 and b1 were taken under plain-polarized light and a ans b under cross-polarized light. (a1, a) livine websterite showing large clinopyroxene grain containing orthopyroxene along the fracture and smaller orthopyroxene showing light-brownish pleochroism(09ss1). (b1, b) Websterite showing relatively equigranular fine-grained texture(09ss). ol=olivine, opx=orthopyroxene, and cpx=clinopyroxene. Vol. 18, No., 009
10 Á Áy zá½ Fig. 6. Comparison diagram between Type II and Type I, gabbroic xenoliths and phenocryst in the host basalt. (a) mg# of olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene. (b) Ni and Mn contents in olivine. (c and d) Cr, and Ti contents in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, respectively. š, wš. Type II sz wš, {, { mg#[=100 Mg/ (Mg + Fe t )] w ( : 79-8; { : 77-8; { : 77-8)(Table 1). sz Type I psz, {, { mg# ùkü, sz, { 75-77, { (Table ). w x (? y?) mg#ƒ 67-85, { w Ÿ w. mg# Type II sz Type I p sz w š (Table ). : Type II Ni Mn ƒ ƒ wt%, wt%, Type IIa, IIb, IIc w (Table 1). l p(09ss1)ƒ ƒ û mg#(79) š, j q ù p (09SS1)ƒ ƒ mg#(8). { ü s j w. Type I psz x Ni ƒƒ wt% wt%, Mn ƒƒ wt% wt% Type II sz Ni Type I Ni w (Table, Fig. 6). x (? y?) w w m ù w ù w w. x (0.- J. Petrol. Soc. Korea
11 x sz Type II sz : p 0.5 mm) mg#ƒ 79-85, p ƒx x ( mm) mg#ƒ ùküš. j ( mm) q û mg# 67. { : Type II { Ti Cr ƒƒ wt%, wt% ƒ (Table 1). l p(09ss) mg#ƒ ƒ û ùkù. { { w. Type I psz sz wš { Ti ƒƒ wt% wt%, Cr ƒƒ wt%, wt%. Type II sz ü { Ti Cr Type I sz { ewš (Table, Fig. 6). { : Type II { Ti Cr ƒƒ wt%, wt% ƒ (Table 1). Type I psz, sz, x { Ti ƒƒ , , wt% ùkü, Cr ƒƒ , , (09SS) { mg#ƒ û ùkù. Type II sz Ti Cr Type I { ewš (Table, Fig. 6). 토 의 e x sz t» sz j, Type I II. Type I sz mg#ƒ {, j t w { psz y ƒ v (Frey and Prinz, 1978). Type II sz mg#ƒ û, Al Ti t w { w. Type I sz x, x w p szw, Type II w ³ w (Frey and Prinz, 1978; Kovacs et al., 00). Type II sz w» w ƒ w š. (1) ƒw q w x (Sachs and Hansteen, 000), () p x (Mukasa and Shervais, 1999), () x ƒ w x (segregations)(chen et al., 001), y (4) w ƒ qr (Allegre and Turcotte, 1986). wù Type I Type II t w ƒ Type I w Type II sz Ÿ w w wš. w.» sz w Type I psz (mg#=89-91) w ( z, 1998; Choi et al., 00; Lee and Walker, 006;, 009). š Type II sz p {, l p, l p w (Fig. ). p mw Type II sz» w šw. Type II sz (dynamic recrystallization)± (static recrystallization) xw wš. ù ƒ w ù y(equigranulation) w. Type II sz kj q Ÿ ƒ x p w r y w y w, r w ³ w, x x (Passchier and Trouw, 1996). w ƒ x j»ƒ ƒ w Type II sz š xw w (Fig., 4, 5). p psf. x œ ù, p/ (metasomatic melts/fluids)» w w. Vol. 18, No., 009
12 4 Á Áy zá½ p/w ƒsz w» xw, ù ƒ w w (Lloyd et al., 1997). ƒ py x óùš ùz w ú, p v «ù psz w w (Mercier and Nicolas, 1975; Vauchez and Garrido, 001, Xu et al., 00). Type II sz wš, {, { Type I psz w x w., sz x ü w ù eš. x ü ù» w. mg# Type II w Type I (Fig. 6a). Type II wš Ni { Cr Type I { w v, w x ü e (Fig. 6b, d). Ti w Type II { { Ti Type I (Fig. 6c, d). w Type I sz Type II y x w. š { REE ql Type I sz w ql š ( t l). Type II sz x w x w w j p(cumulates) w, e(batch) y -š ysz r ùküš. j p» y w ƒ w s k p(poikilitic) (Frey and Prinz, 1978; Winter, 001). x sz» sz sz t w q sz w. Type II sz, { š x r ùkù { s k p (Fig. 4a, b). w x w { yw (interlocking) x (Fig. 5). s k p wù j ü k { ƒ sw.» { y ù { y w š. ù wù j ü { sw x s k p r { ü s y j p ùküš (Fig. 4a, b). ³ p» w p- j q ù p w s k p w»ƒ š š ù s k p šw š (Frey and Prinz, 1978; Zoltan et al., 007). w w s k p w Type II sz p x š w» w (Frey and Prinz, 1978). Type II sz { { y (enrichment) xw ùkù. Type II sz wš { {. { e w ƒ ù, (Fig. a) y { ƒ eyw (Fig. 4c, d). { x 1 { yƒ û w. w { psfü ƒ (Fig. b) sz t w / y ƒ y. {. Si ƒ t w p w { yƒ û š. y { y(enrichment)ƒ ûš { y (Fig. 4)., { { y J. Petrol. Soc. Korea
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26ƒ 3D Á 2006 5œ pp. ~ ª y w qp yw k d Predictive Equation of Dynamic Modulus for Hot Mix Asphalt with Granite Aggregates yá½x Á Lee, Kwan-HoÁKim, Hyun-OÁJang, Min-Seok Abstract The presented work provided