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1 E06 (Exception)
2 1 (Report) : { $I- } { I/O } Assign(InFile, InputName); Reset(InFile); { $I+ } { I/O } if IOResult <> 0 then { }; (Exception) 2
3 2 (Settling State) Post OnValidate BeforePost Post Settling State AfterPost Settling State, OnValidate BeforePost AfterPost settling state 3
4 Settling State OnValidate Raises an exception BeforePost Post AfterPost Settling State (BeforePost, Post, AfterPost) settling state ( ) 4
5 finally finally <statement>; <statement>; finally <statement>; <statement>; finally finally finally finally finally end end finally finally, finally finally, finally 5
6 (memory, graphics handles ),,, (leak),, graphics handle handle, graphics handle finally About About : procedure TfrmMainmntmAboutClick(Sender: TObject); frmabout := TfrmAboutcreate( Application ); frmaboutshowmodal; frmaboutfree;, Free (, graphics ) : procedure TfrmOrderEnMainmntmAboutClick(Sender: TObject); frmabout := TfrmAboutcreate( Application ); frmaboutshowmodal; finally frmaboutfree; 6
7 //finally, finally Assign( TextFile, TextFileName ); reset( TextFile ); readln( TextFile, buf ); finally { } CloseFile( TextFile ); {finally} finally cleanup 32 except except : < statement >; < statement >; except on ExceptionType1 do <statement(s)>; 7
8 on ExceptionType2 do {except} <statement(s)>; except : result := x/y; except on EZeroDivide do MessageDlg( Division by zero, mterror, [mbok], 0 ); on Eunderflow do MessageBeep( 0 ); MessageDlg( Numbers too small for valid results, {on Eunderflow} mterror, [mbok], 0 ); finally, except end, except (Exception) T E " " except except except, except 8
9 : function GetRatio( x, y : integer ) : Double; Result := x/y; except on EZeroDivide do Result := 00; ShowMessage( Cannot divide by zero ); {EZeroDivide} on EUnderFlow do Result := 00; ShowMessage( Difference is too great ); {EUnderFlow} on EMathError do Result := 00; ShowMessage( General math error ); {EMathError} {except} {procedure} y 0 ( ) math Project Browser : 9
10 Zero Dvide UnderFlow MathError 2 (math error), except EMathError 2 Exception 10
11 4 Propagation Propagating ' ' call stack Application call stack propagation Application GetRatio OutOfMemory, 5 Raise raise Raise 2 raise, propagation raise 0, propagation Raise propagation function GetAverage( Sum : integer; NumItems : word ) : Double; result := sum / NumItems; except 11
12 on EDivByZero do result := 00; // raise; {EDivByZero} {except} // Raise Simulation, EdivByZero, : raise EDivByZerocreate( 0 ); Raise raise 6 finally except finally except : function GetAverageFromFile( FileName : string ) : Double; var inputfile : Text; buf : string; sum, numitems : integer; sum := 0; numitems := 0; assignfile( inputfile, FileName ); reset( inputfile ); 12
13 while ( not eof( inputfile ) ) do readln( inputfile, buf ); sum := StrToInt( buf ); inc( numitems ); result := sum / numitems; except on EDivByZero do result := 00; raise; {EDivByZero} {except} finally CloseFile( inputfile ); {finally} numitems 0, 00 propagation finally finally 7 71 Exception : type EInvalidBalance = class( Exception ); 13
14 Raise EInvalidBalancecreate(! ); 72 Instance : except on E : EInvalidBalance do ShowMessage( Error message: + Emessage );, E scoping 14
15 propagation, out of scope 73 (Silent Exception) (silent exception) propagation EAbort EAbort : raise EAbortcreate( Invisible message ); Abort EAbort EAbort Abort : if not customerisvalidbalance( -50 ) then Abort; 15
16 8 Application Application propagation Application Application HandleException Application propagation HandleException ShowException ShowException HandleException OnException Application OnException Application Object Inspector,, 2 TObject Sender E Application : procedure TfrmAppExcepCustomExceptionHandler( Sender : TObject; E : Exception ); if E is EInvalidBalance then ShowMessage( 'Handling Invalid Balance exception' ) else applicationshowexception( E ); procedure TfrmAppExcepFormCreate(Sender: TObject); applicationonexception := CustomExceptionHandler; 16
17 (ShowException ) 17
18 9 91 EDatabaseError EDa tabaseerror EDatabaseError EDatabaseError EDatabaseError Cancel : repeat // Cancel tblconntestactive:= True; // tblconntest Break; // except on EDatabaseError do // OK if MessageDlg('Could not open table', mterror, [mbok, mbcancel], 0) <> mrok then raise; // Cancel // except until False; EDatabaseError BDE DBEngine 92 OnPostError, OnEditError, OnDeleteError OnPostError, OnEditError, OnDeleteError TTable, TQuerie, TStoredProcedure : 18
19 procedure TfrmAppExceptblNamePostError(DataSet: TDataSet; E: EDatabaseError; var Action: TDataAction); : DataSet TDataSet E EDatabaseError Action TDataAction 3 : dafail, daabort, dare Action dafail EDatabaseError daabort EDatabaseError dare Action dafail daabort 93 EDBEngineError EDBEngineError EDatabaseError Errors ErrorCount BDE, BDE 3 BDE 3 Errors ErrorCount BDE Errors TDBError TDBError : ErrorCode Category BDE ( ) ErrorCode 19
20 SubCode NativeError Message 0, BDE BDE 94 BDE BDE DCU Delphi5 DOC BDEINT BDE BDE 16 : ERRBASE_NONE = 0; { No error } ERRBASE_SYSTEM = $2100; { System related (Fatal Error) } ERRBASE_NOTFOUND = $2200; { Object of interest Not Found } ERRBASE_DATACORRUPT = $2300; { Physical Data Corruption } offset : ERRCODE_SYSFILEOPEN = 1; { Cannot open a system file } ERRCODE_SYSFILEIO = 2; { I/O error on a system file } ERRCODE_SYSCORRUPT = 3; { Data structure corruption } ERRCODE_NOCONFIGFILE = 4; { Cannot find config file } offset : DBIERR_SYSFILEOPEN = (ERRBASE_SYSTEM + ERRCODE_SYSFILEOPEN); DBIERR_SYSFILEIO = (ERRBASE_SYSTEM + ERRCODE_SYSFILEIO); DBIERR_SYSCORRUPT = (ERRBASE_SYSTEM + ERRCODE_SYSCORRUPT); DBIERR_NOCONFIGFILE = (ERRBASE_SYSTEM + ERRCODE_NOCONFIGFILE); 20
21 DBIERR_ BDE BDE BDE BDE : tblconnectactive := true; except on E : EDBEngineError do MessageDlg( 'Can''t find table', mterror, [mbok], 0 );? BDE : tblconnectactive := true; except on E : EDBEngineError do case Eerrors[0]errorCode of DBIERR_OSENOPATH : MessageDlg( 'Invalid Path', mterror, [mbok], 0 ); DBIERR_OSENOENT : MessageDlg( 'File not Found', mterror, [mbok], 0 ); else raise; //case BDE BDE BDE 21
(Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory :
#2 (RAD STUDIO) In www.devgear.co.kr 2016.05.18 (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory : hskim@embarcadero.kr 3! 1 - RAD, 2-3 - 4
E08 MDI SDI(Single Document Interface) MDI(Multiple Document Interface) MDI (Client Window) (Child) MDI 1 MDI MDI MDI - File New Other Projects MDI Application - MDI - OK [ 1] MDI MDI MDI MDI Child MDI
9 Hello!! C printf() scanf() getchar() putchar() gets() puts() fopen() fclose() fprintf() fscant() fgetc() fputs() fgets() gputs() fread() fwrite() fseek() ftell() I/O 2 (stream) C (text stream) : `/n'
1 1....6 1.1...6 2. Java Architecture...7 2.1 2SDK(Software Development Kit)...8 2.2 JRE(Java Runtime Environment)...9 2.3 (Java Virtual Machine, JVM)...10 2.4 JVM...11 2.5 (runtime)jvm...12 2.5.1 2.5.2
PowerPoint ํ๋ ์ ํ ์ด์
@ Lesson 3 if, if else, if else if, switch case for, while, do while break, continue : System.in, args, JOptionPane for (,, ) @ vs. logic data method variable Data Data Flow (Type), ( ) @ Member field
OCaml 2009.. (khheo@ropas.snu.ac.kr) 1 ML 2 ML OCaml INRIA, France SML Bell lab. & Princeton, USA nml SNU/KAIST, KOREA 3 4 (let) (* ex1.ml *) let a = 10 let add x y = x + y (* ex2.ml *) let sumofsquare
11 (String).. java.lang.stringbuffer. s String s = "abcd"; s = s + "e"; a b c d e a b c d e ,., "910359,, " "910359" " " " " (token) (token),, (delimiter). java.util.stringtokenizer String s = "910359,,
03แแ กแผ.แแ ณแแ ขแจ.key
---------------- DATA STRUCTURES USING C ---------------- 03CHAPTER 1 ? (stack): (LIFO:Last-In First-Out) 2 : top : ( index -1 ),,, 3 : ( ) ( ) -> ->. ->.... 4 Stack ADT : (LIFO) : init():. is_empty():
JQuery jquery part1 JavaScript : e-mail:leseraphina@naver.com http://www.webhard.co.kr I.? 2 ......,,. : : html5 ; ; .
i ii iii iv v vi 1 2 3 4 ๊ฐ์๋ํ ์์คํ
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02 C h a p t e r Java
02 C h a p t e r Java Bioinformatics in J a va,, 2 1,,,, C++, Python, (Java),,, (http://wwwbiojavaorg),, 13, 3D GUI,,, (Java programming language) (Sun Microsystems) 1995 1990 (green project) TV 22 CHAPTER
1994 1992 2001 2008 2002 Semantics Engineering with PLT Redex Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler and Matthew Flatt 2009 Text David A. Schmidt EXPRESSION E ::= N ( E1 O E2 ) OPERATOR O ::=
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Tel: 02-824-5768 E-mail: hhcho@selabsoongsilackr? OOP (Object) (Encapsulation) (Message) (Class) (Inheritance) (Polymorphism) (Abstract Class) (Interface) 2 1 + = (Dependency)
Push... 2 Push... 4 Push... 5 Push... 13 Push... 15 1 FORCS Co., LTD A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution Push (Daemon ), Push Push Observer. Push., Observer. Session. Thread Thread. Observer ID.
PowerPoint ํ๋ ์ ํ ์ด์
@ Lesson 2... ( ). ( ). @ vs. logic data method variable behavior attribute method field Flow (Type), ( ) member @ () : C program Method A ( ) Method B ( ) Method C () program : Java, C++, C# data @ Program
1 ๊ฐ์ ์ฌ์ ํ๊ฒฝ์ํฅํ๊ฐ์ ๋๊ฐ ํ๊ฒฝ์ ์ฑ ๊ธฐ๋ณธ๋ฒ ์ ๋ฐ๋ฅธ ์ฌ์ ํ๊ฒฝ์ฑ๊ฒํ ์, ํ๊ฒฝ์ํฅํ๊ฐ๋ฒ ์ ๋ฐ๋ฅธ ํ๊ฒฝ์ํฅํ๊ฐ๋ก ์ด์ํ -์ ์ฌ ๋ชฉ์ ์ ํ๊ฐ์ ๋๊ฐ ๊ฐ๊ฐ ๋ค๋ฅธ ๋ฒ๋ฅ ์ ๊ท์ ๋์ด ํ๊ฐ์ ์ฐจ๊ฐ ๋ณต์กํ๊ณ ํ๊ฒฝํ๊ฐ์ ์ผ๊ด์ฑ ์ฐ๊ณ์ฑ์ด ๋ถ์กฑ *์ฌ์ ํ๊ฒฝ๊ฒฝ์ฑ๊ฒํ ๋ ํ์ ๊ณํ๊ณผ ๊ฐ๋ฐ์ฌ์ ๊ณํ ์๋ฆฝ
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๊ณํ ์๋ฆฝ๋จ๊ณ์์,ํ๊ฒฝ์ํฅํ๊ฐ๋
Modern Javascript
ES6 - Arrow Function Class Template String Destructuring Default, Rest, Spread let, const for..of Promises Module System Map, Set * Generator * Symbol * * https://babeljs.io/ Babel is a JavaScript compiler.
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12 : Pro*C/C++ 1 2 Embeded SQL 3 PRO *C 31 C/C++ PRO *C NOT! NOT AND && AND OR OR EQUAL == = SQL,,, Embeded SQL SQL 32 Pro*C C SQL Pro*C C, C Pro*C, C C 321, C char : char[n] : n int, short, long : float
๋ชฉ์ฐจ BUG offline replicator ์์์ ํจํ์ง์์๋ก๊ทธ๋ฅผ์ฝ์๊ฒฝ์ฐ๋น์ ์์ข ๋ฃํ ์์๋ค... 3 BUG ๊ฐ partition ์ด์๋ก๋ค๋ฅธ tablespace ๋ฅผ๊ฐ์ง๊ณ , column type ์ด CLOB ์ด๋ฉฐ, ํด๋น table ์ truncate
ALTIBASE HDB Patch Notes ๋ชฉ์ฐจ BUG-39240 offline replicator ์์์ ํจํ์ง์์๋ก๊ทธ๋ฅผ์ฝ์๊ฒฝ์ฐ๋น์ ์์ข
๋ฃํ ์์๋ค... 3 BUG-41443 ๊ฐ partition ์ด์๋ก๋ค๋ฅธ tablespace ๋ฅผ๊ฐ์ง๊ณ , column type ์ด CLOB ์ด๋ฉฐ, ํด๋น table ์ truncate ํ๋ค, hash partition
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๋ชฉ์ฐจ BUG DEQUEUE ์ WAIT TIME ์ด 1 ์ด๋ฏธ๋ง์ธ๊ฒฝ์ฐ, ์ค์ ํ์๊ฐ๋งํผ๋๊ธฐํ์ง์๋๋ฌธ์ ๊ฐ์์ต๋๋ค... 3 BUG [qp-select-pvo] group by ํํ์์์๋์ปฌ๋ผ์์ฐธ์กฐํ๋์งํฉ์ฐ์ฐ์ด์กด์ฌํ์ง์์ผ๋ฉด๊ฒฐ๊ด๊ฐ์ค๋ฅ๊ฐ๋ฐ์ํ ์์์ต๋๋ค... 4
ALTIBASE HDB Patch Notes ๋ชฉ์ฐจ BUG-46183 DEQUEUE ์ WAIT TIME ์ด 1 ์ด๋ฏธ๋ง์ธ๊ฒฝ์ฐ, ์ค์ ํ์๊ฐ๋งํผ๋๊ธฐํ์ง์๋๋ฌธ์ ๊ฐ์์ต๋๋ค... 3 BUG-46249 [qp-select-pvo] group by ํํ์์์๋์ปฌ๋ผ์์ฐธ์กฐํ๋์งํฉ์ฐ์ฐ์ด์กด์ฌํ์ง์์ผ๋ฉด๊ฒฐ๊ด๊ฐ์ค๋ฅ๊ฐ๋ฐ์ํ ์์์ต๋๋ค... 4 BUG-46266 [sm]
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135-080 679-4 13 02-3430-1200 1 2 11 2 12 2 2 8 21 Connection 8 22 UniSQLConnection 8 23 8 24 / / 9 3 UniSQL 11 31 OID 11 311 11 312 14 313 16 314 17 32 SET 19 321 20 322 23 323 24 33 GLO 26 331 GLO 26
5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 6 7 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 OK 46 47 OK 48 OK 49 50 51 OK OK 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
๋ชฉ์ฐจ BUG ๋ฌธ๋ฒ์๋ง์ง์๋์ง์๋ฌธ์ํ์, ์๋ฌ๋ฉ์์ง์์ง์๋ฌธ์์ผ๋ถ๋ง๋ณด์ฌ์ฃผ๋๋ฌธ์ ๋ฅผ์์ ํฉ๋๋ค... 3 BUG ROUND, TRUNC ํจ์์์ DATE ํฌ๋งท IW ๋ฅผ์ถ๊ฐ์ง์ํฉ๋๋ค... 5 BUG ROLLUP/CUBE ์ ์ํฌํจํ๋์ง์๋ SUBQUE
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แแ ฑแฏแแ ฆแแ ตแแ ก3 ver0.4
andromeda@sparcs:/$ ls -al dev/sda* brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 2014-06-09 18:43 dev/sda brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 2014-06-09 18:43 dev/sda1 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 2014-06-09 18:43 dev/sda2 andromeda@sparcs:/$
PRO1_02E [์ฝ๊ธฐ ์ ์ฉ]
Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_02E1 Information and 2 STEP 7 3 4 5 6 STEP 7 7 / 8 9 10 S7 11 IS7 12 STEP 7 13 STEP 7 14 15 : 16 : S7 17 : S7 18 : CPU 19 1 OB1 FB21 I10 I11 Q40 Siemens AG
Semantic Consistency in Information Exchange
์ 6 ์ฅ์ ์ด (Control) 6.1 ๊ตฌ์กฐ์ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ (Structured Programming) 6.2 ์์ธ (Exceptions) Reading Chap. 7 ์๋์ฐฝ๋ณ๋ชจ 1 6.1 ๊ตฌ์กฐ์ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ ์๋์ฐฝ๋ณ๋ชจ 2 Fortran ์ ์ด๊ตฌ์กฐ 10 IF (X.GT. 0.000001) GO TO 20 11 X = -X IF (X.LT. 0.000001) GO TO
Mobile Service > IAP > Android SDK [ ] IAP SDK TOAST SDK. IAP SDK. Android Studio IDE Android SDK Version (API Level 10). Name Reference V
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Computer Programming gdb and awk 12 th Lecture ๊นํ์ฒ ์ปดํจํฐ๊ณตํ๋ถ์์ธ๋ํ๊ต ์์ C Compiler and Linker ๋ณด์ถฉ Static vs Shared Libraries ( ๊ณ์ ) gdb awk Q&A Shared vs Static Libraries ( ๊ณ์ ) Advantage of Using Libraries Reduced
EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory :
#1 RAD (RAD STUDIO) In www.devgear.co.kr 2016.05.16 EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory : hskim@embarcadero.kr
4. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { functiona(); } void functiona() { printf("hihi\n"); } warning: conflicting types for functiona
์ด๋ฆ : ํ๋ฒ : A. True or False: ๊ฐ๊ฐํญ๋ชฉ๋ง๋ค True ์ธ์ง False ์ธ์ง์ ์ผ์ธ์. 1. (Python:) randint ํจ์๋ฅผ์ฌ์ฉํ๋ ค๋ฉด, random ๋ชจ๋์ import ํด์ผํ๋ค. 2. (Python:) '' (single quote) ๋ํ๊ธ์๋ฅผํํํ ๋, (double quote) ๋๋ฌธ์์ด์ํํํ ๋์ฌ์ฉํ๋ค. B. ๋ค์์๋ฌ๋ฅผ์์ ํ๋๋ฐฉ๋ฒ์์ ์ผ์ธ์.
C C++. (preprocessor directives), C C++ C/C++... C++, C. C++ C. C C++. C,, C++, C++., C++.,.. #define #elif #else #error #if #itdef #ifndef #include #line #pragma #undef #.,.,. #include #include
Microsoft PowerPoint - PL_03-04.pptx
Copyright, 2011 H. Y. Kwak, Jeju National University. Kwak, Ho-Young http://cybertec.cheju.ac.kr Contents 1 ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ ์ธ์ด ์๊ฐ 2 ์ธ์ด์ ๋ณ์ฒ 3 ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ ์ธ์ด ์ค๊ณ 4 ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ ์ธ์ด์ ๊ตฌ๋ฌธ๊ณผ ๊ตฌํ ๊ธฐ๋ฒ 5 6 7 ์ปดํ์ผ๋ฌ ๊ฐ์ ๋ณ์, ๋ฐ์ธ๋ฉ, ์ ๋ฐ ์ ์ด๋ฌธ ์๋ฃํ 8
์ฌ๋ผ์ด๋ 1
Pairwise Tool & Pairwise Test NuSRS 200511305 ๊น์ฑ๊ท 200511306 ๊น์ฑํ 200614164 ๊นํจ์ 200611124 ์ ์ฑ๋ฐฐ 200518036 ๊ณก์งํ 2 PICT Pairwise Tool - PICT Microsoft ์ Command-line ๊ธฐ๋ฐ์ Free Software www.pairwise.org ์์๋ค์ด๋ก๋ํ์ค์น
{ } "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "polly:synthesizespeech", "dynamodb:query", "dynamodb:scan", "dynamodb:putitem", "dynamodb:updateitem", "sns:publish", "s3:putobject",
6, Process concept A program in execution Program code PCB (process control block) Program counter, registers, etc. Stack Heap Data section => global variable Process in memory Process state New Running
ํ์ต๋ชฉํ ํจ์ํ๋ก์์ , ์๋ธํ๋ก์์ ์์๋ฏธ๋ฅผ์๋ค. ๋งค๊ฐ๋ณ์์ ๋ฌ๋ฐฉ์์ํ์ตํ๋ค. ํจ์๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐํ๋ค. 2
ํ์ต๋ชฉํ ํจ์ํ๋ก์์ , ์๋ธํ๋ก์์ ์์๋ฏธ๋ฅผ์๋ค. ๋งค๊ฐ๋ณ์์ ๋ฌ๋ฐฉ์์ํ์ตํ๋ค. ํจ์๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐํ๋ค. 2 6.1 ํจ์ํ๋ก์์ 6.2 ์๋ธํ๋ก์์ 6.3 ๋งค๊ฐ๋ณ์์์ ๋ฌ๋ฐฉ์ 6.4 ํจ์๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ 3 ํ๋ก์์ (Procedure) ํ๋ก์์ (Procedure) ๋๋ฌด์์ธ๊ฐ? ๋
ผ๋ฆฌ์ ์ผ๋ก๋ฌถ์ฌ์๋ํ๋์์ฒ๋ฆฌ๋จ์ ๋ด์ฅํ๋ก์์ ์ด๋ฒคํธํ๋ก์์ , ์์ฑํ๋ก์์ , ๋ฉ์๋, ๋น์ฃผ์ผ๋ฒ ์ด์ง๋ด์ฅํจ์๋ฑ
Introduction to UML Team. 5 2014/03/14 ์์คํ 200611494 ๊น์ฑ์ 200810047 ํํ๊ฒฝ 200811466 - Index - 1. UML์ด๋? - 3 2. UML Diagram - 4 3. UML ํ๊ธฐ๋ฒ - 17 4. GRAPPLE์ ๋ฐ๋ฅธ UML ์์ฑ ๊ณผ์ - 21 5. UML Tool Star UML - 32 6. ์ฐธ์กฐ๋ฌธํ
Solution Package Volume II DATABASE MIGRATION 2010. 1. 9. U.Tu System 1 U.Tu System SeeMAGMA SYSTEM ์ฐจ ๋ก 1. INPUT & OUTPUT DATABASE LAYOUT...2 2. IPO ์ค VB DATA DEFINE ์๋์์ฑ...4 3. DATABASE UNLOAD...6 4.
Microsoft PowerPoint - 04-UDP Programming.ppt
Chapter 4. UDP Dongwon Jeong djeong@kunsan.ac.kr http://ist.kunsan.ac.kr/ Dept. of Informatics & Statistics ๋ชฉ์ฐจ UDP 1 1 UDP ๊ฐ๋
์๋ฐ UDP ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ์์ฑ ํด๋ผ์ด์ธํธ์์๋ฒ๋ชจ๋ DatagramSocket ํด๋์ค๋ก์์ฑ ์ํธ๊ฐํต์ ์ DatagramPacket ํด๋์ค๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ์ฌ
PowerPoint ํ๋ ์ ํ ์ด์
Reasons for Poor Performance Programs 60% Design 20% System 2.5% Database 17.5% Source: ORACLE Performance Tuning 1 SMS TOOL DBA Monitoring TOOL Administration TOOL Performance Insight Backup SQL TUNING
ๆญฏ์์ ๋ชจ๋ธ๋ง
I II II III III I VBA Understanding Excel VBA - 'VB & VBA In a Nutshell' by Paul Lomax, October,1998 To enter code: Tools/Macro/visual basic editor At editor: Insert/Module Type code, then compile by:
Web Windows NT/2000 Server DP&NM Lab 1 Contents 2 Windows NT Service Provider Management Application Web UI 3 . PC,, Client/Server Network 4 (1),,, PC Mainframe PC Backbone Server TCP/IP DCS PLC Network
9 Chapter CHAPTER GOALS B I G J A V A 436 CHAPTER CONTENTS 9.1 436 Syntax 9.1 441 Syntax 9.2 442 Common Error 9.1 442 9.2 443 Syntax 9.3 445 Advanced Topic 9.1 445 9.3 446 9.4 448 Syntax 9.4 454 Advanced
MAX+plus II Getting Started - ๋ฌด์์ ๋ฐ๋ผํ๊ธฐ
๋ฌด์์ ๋ฐ๋ผํ๊ธฐ 2001 10 4 / Version 20-2 0 MAX+plus II Digital, Schematic Capture MAX+plus II, IC, CPLD FPGA (Logic) ALTERA PLD FLEX10K Series EPF10K10QC208-4 MAX+plus II Project, Schematic, Design Compilation,
Ext JS รยฅยพรรรยธยฎรรรรยผรยฐยณยนร-ยณยนรรฅ.PDF
CHAPTER 2 (interaction) Ext JS., HTML, onready, MessageBox get.. Ext JS HTML CSS Ext JS.1. Ext JS. Ext.Msg: : Ext Ext.get: DOM 22 CHAPTER 2 (config). Ext JS.... var test = new TestFunction( 'three', 'fixed',
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CHP 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns-r91557ds ? (stack): (LIFO:Last-In First-Out):. D C B C B C B C B (element) C (top) B (bottom) (DT) : n element : create() ::=. is_empty(s) ::=. is_full(s) ::=.
( Design and Implementation of a Generalized Management Information Repository Service for Network and System Management ) ssp@nile nile.postech.ac..ac.kr DPE Lab. 1997 12 16 GMIRS GMIRS GMIRS prototype
User s Manual 100% ) ( x b a a + 1 RX+ TX+ DTR GND TX+ RX+ DTR GND RX+ TX+ DTR GND DSR RX+ TX+ DTR GND DSR [ DCE TYPE ] [ DCE TYPE ] RS232 Format Baud 1 T100MD+
K&R2 Reference Manual ๋ฒ์ญ๋ณธ
typewriter structunion struct union if-else if if else if if else if if if if else else ; auto register static extern typedef void char short int long float double signed unsigned const volatile { } struct
CONTENTS 2000 2000 006 007 017 027 037 047 057 067 077 2012 2013 087 097 107 117 127 135 145 155 165 6 about COMPANY Case 01 8 9 Case 01 10 11 Case 01 12 13 Case 01 14 15 Case 01 16 about COMPANY Case
Eclipse ์ Firefox ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ Javascript ๊ฐ๋ฐ ๋ฐํ์ : ๋ฌธ๊ฒฝ๋ 11 ๋ 10 ์ 26 ์ผ์์์ผ
Eclipse ์ Firefox ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ Javascript ๊ฐ๋ฐ ๋ฐํ์ : ๋ฌธ๊ฒฝ๋ Introduce Me!!! Job Jeju National University Student Ubuntu Korean Jeju Community Owner E-Mail: ned3y2k@hanmail.net Blog: http://ned3y2k.wo.tc Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gyeongdae
Deok9_Exploit Technique
Exploit Technique CodeEngn Co-Administrator!!! and Team Sur3x5F Member Nick : Deok9 E-mail : DDeok9@gmail.com HomePage : http://deok9.sur3x5f.org Twitter :@DDeok9 > 1. Shell Code 2. Security
C h a p t e r 03 C++ 3 1 9 4 3 break continue 2 110 if if else if else switch 1 if if if 3 1 1 if 2 2 3 if if 1 2 111 01 #include 02 using namespace std; 03 void main( ) 04 { 05 int x; 06 07
Java http://cafedaumnet/pway Chapter 1 1 public static String format4(int targetnum){ String strnum = new String(IntegertoString(targetNum)); StringBuffer resultstr = new StringBuffer(); for(int i = strnumlength();
EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory :
#3 (RAD STUDIO) In www.devgear.co.kr 2016.05.23 EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory : hskim@embarcadero.kr
๊ธฐ๋ณธ์๋ฃํ๋ง์ผ๋ก์ด๋ฃจ์ด์ง์ธ์๋ฅผ๋ฐ์์ํจ์๋ฅผ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๊ฐ์ผ๋ก๋ฐํํ๋๊ณ ์ฐจํจ์ ๊ธฐ๋ณธ์๋ฃํ๊ณผํจ์๋ฅผ์ธ์์๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๊ฐ์๋ชจ๋์ด์ฉํ๋๊ณ ์ฐจํจ์ ๋ค์์ ์์๋์ฌ๋ฌ๊ฐ์ง์๋ฅผํตํด์๊ณ ์ฐจํจ์๊ฐ์ด๋ค๊ฒฝ์ฐ์์ ์ฉํ์ง๋ฅผ์ค๋ช ํ๋ค. 2 ๊ณ ์ฐจํจ์์ ์??์ฅ์์๋์์ฒด๋ง๋ฐ๋๊ณ ์ค๊ฐ๊ณผ์ ์๋์ผํ๊ณ์ฐ์ด๋ฐ๋ณต๋ ๋ํจ์๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ๋ฉด์ ์ฒด์ฐ์ฐ์์๊ฐ ๋จ
EECS-101 ์ ์๊ณ์ฐ์
๋ฌธ ๊ณ ์ฐจํจ์ ๋ฐ์ฑ์ฐ 2008๋
5์ 29์ผ ์ง๊ธ๊น์ง์ ์๋๋ถ๋์์์๊ฐ์๊ธฐ๋ณธ์ ์ธ์๋ฃํ์์กฐํฉ์์ธ์๋ก๋ฐ๊ณ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๊ฐ์ผ๋ก๋ฐํํ๋ ํจ์์๋ํด์๋ฐฐ์ ๋ค. ์ด๋ฒ๊ฐ์์์๋ํจ์์์ฒด๋ฅผ๋ค๋ฅธํจ์์์ธ์๋ก์ด์ฉํ๊ฑฐ๋๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๊ฐ์ผ๋ก ์ด์ฉํ๋ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ์ ๋ฐฐ์ด๋ค. 1 ๊ณ ์ฐจํจ์์ ์๋ฏธ ๊ณ์ฐ์๋ฌด์์์ด๋ป๊ฒ์ฒ๋ฆฌํ์ฌ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๊ฐ์์ป๋์ง์ค๋ช
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Program P ::= CL CommandList CL ::= C C ; CL Command C ::= L = E while E : CL end print L Expression E ::= N ( E + E ) L &L LefthandSide L ::= I *L Variable I ::= Numeral N ::=
์์ 1.1 ( ๊ด๊ณ์ฐ์ฐ์ ) >> A=1:9, B=9-A A = B = >> tf = A>4 % 4 ๋ณด๋คํฐ A ์์์๋ค์์ฐพ์๊ฒฝ์ฐ tf = >> tf = (A==B) % A
์์ 1.1 ( ๊ด๊ณ์ฐ์ฐ์ ) >> A=1:9, B=9-A A = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B = 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 >> tf = A>4 % 4 ๋ณด๋คํฐ A ์์์๋ค์์ฐพ์๊ฒฝ์ฐ tf = 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 >> tf = (A==B) % A ์์์์ B ์์์๊ฐ๋๊ฐ์๊ฒฝ์ฐ๋ฅผ์ฐพ์๋ tf = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >> tf
Week 05 Iterators, More Methods and Classes Hash, Regex, File I/O Joonhwan Lee human-computer interaction + design lab. Iterators Writing Methods Classes & Objects Hash File I/O Quiz 4 1. Iterators Array
5 : 2 (method) (public) (private) (interface) 5.1 (Method), (public method) (private method) (constructor), 3 4 5.2 (client). (receiver)., System.out.println("Hello"); (client object) (receiver object)
9 Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record 1 Record getkey(): Key * Record Key Database.? Key equals(key y): boolean Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record * Database OK 1
Unity Localize Script Service, Page 1 Unity Localize Script Service Introduction Application Game. Unity. Google Drive Unity.. Application Game. -? ( ) -? -?.. ์ค๋น์ฌํญ Google Drive. Google Drive.,.. - Google
Tcl์ ๋ฌธ๋ฒ
์, 01/28/2008-20:50 admin ์ ์๋นํ ๋จ์ํ๊ณ , ์ปค๋งจ๋์ ์ธ์๋ฅผ ์คํ์ด์ค(๊ณต๋ฐฑ)๋ก ๋จ๋ฝ์ ์ง๊ณ ๋์ดํ๋ ์ ๋์
๋๋ค. command arg1 arg2 arg3... ํํ์ ์ฌ๋ฌ๊ฐ์ ์ปค๋งจ๋๋ฅผ ๋์ดํ ๋๋, ์ธ๋ฏธ์ฝ๋ก ( ; )์ผ๋ก ๊ตฌ๋ถ์ ์ง์ต๋๋ค. command arg1 arg2 arg3... ; command arg1 arg2 arg3... ํํ์ด
Cluster management software
์๋ฐ๋คํธ์ํฌํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ (OCJP ๊ตญ์ ๊ณต์ธ์๊ฒฉ์ทจ๋์ค์ฌ ) ์ถฉ๋ถ๋ํ๊ต ์ต๋ฏผ ๊ธฐ๋ณธ์์ ์์ธํด๋์ค๋ฅผ์ ์ํ๊ณ ์ฌ์ฉํ๋์์ class NewException extends Exception { public class ExceptionTest { static void methoda() throws NewException { System.out.println("NewException
0x07. Return Oriented Programming ROP? , (DEP, ASLR). ROP (Return Oriented Programming) (excutable memory) rop. plt, got got overwrite RTL RTL Chain DEP, ASLR gadget Basic knowledge plt, got call function
Smart Power Scope Release Informations.pages
v2.3.7 (2017.09.07) 1. Galaxy S8 2. SS100, SS200 v2.7.6 (2017.09.07) 1. SS100, SS200 v1.0.7 (2017.09.07) [SHM-SS200 Firmware] 1. UART Command v1.3.9 (2017.09.07) [SHM-SS100 Firmware] 1. UART Command SH๋ชจ๋ฐ์ผ
Microsoft PowerPoint - lecture2.ppt
Overview s & osg::referenced Class & osg::ref_ptr Template Class ๊ฐ์ OSG OSG::Referenced Class OSG::ref_ptr Template Class 2008๋
์ฌ๋ฆ๋ฐ๊ฒฝ์ 2 ์ค๋งํธํฌ์ธํฐ () ๋ C++ class ์ด๋ค. syntax ์ semantics ์์ผ๋ฐํฌ์ธํฐ์๊ฐ๋ค. memory
T9 & AUTOMATA 2007. 3. 23 PLATFORM TEAM ์ ์ฉํ ์ฐจ๋ก T9 ๊ฐ์ ์๋ก์ด์ธ์ด (LDB) ์ถ๊ฐ T9 ์ฃผ์๊ตฌ์กฐ์ฒด / ์ฃผ์ํจ์ Automata ๊ฐ์ Automata ์ฃผ์ํจ์ ์ถํ์ธ๋ฏธ๋๊ณํ ์ง์์๋ต๋ฐํ ์ T9 ( 2 / 30 ) T9 ๊ฐ์ ์ผ๋ฐ์ ์ผ๋ก cat ์ด๋ผ๋๋จ์ด๋ฅผ์ธ๋ ค๋ฉด... ๊ธฐ์กด๋ชจ๋ (multitap) 2,2,2, 2,8 ( ์ด 6๋ฒ์์
๋ ฅ
example code are examined in this stage The low pressure pressurizer reactor trip module of the Plant Protection System was programmed as subject for
2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
1 : (resource),,, 2 (time complexity),,, (worst-case analysis) (average-case analysis) 3 (Asymptotic) n growth rate ฮ-, ฮ- ( ) 4 : n data, n/2. int sample( int data[], int n ) { int k = n/2 ; return data[k]
- -, (insert) (delete) - - (insert) (delete) (top ) - - (insert) (rear) (delete) (front) A A B top A B C top push(a) push(b) push(c) A B top pop() top A B D push(d) top #define MAX_STACK_SIZE 100 int
1 7 C 2 7.1 C (System Calls) Unix UNIX man Section 2 C. C (Library Functions) C 1975 Dennis Ritchie ANSI C Standard Library 3 (system call). 4 C?... 5 C (text file), C. (binary file). 6 C 1. : fopen( )
1 2 3 4 F3 5 F1 F6 F1 F2 F3 F4 TOOLS F5 F6 DESIGN F1 F1 F6 F3 F6 F1 F2 F3 F4 F4 F1 F1 F2 F1 F1 F2 F3 F1 FDD F2 USB F1 FDD F2 USB F1 SWF F2 T-CODE F2 T-CODE F2 F1 F3 F2 F1 F2 F1 F1 F1
์๋ก 34 2
34 2 Journal of the Korean Society of Health Information and Health Statistics Volume 34, Number 2, 2009, pp. 165 176 165 ์ง์ํฌ A Study on Health related Action Rates of Dietary Guidelines and Pattern of
PRO1_16E [์ฝ๊ธฐ ์ ์ฉ]
MPI PG 720 Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_16E1 Information and MPI 2 MPI 3 : 4 GD 5 : 6 : 7 GD 8 GD 9 GD 10 GD 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 SFC 60 SFC 61 15 NETPRO 16 SIMATIC 17 S7 18 1 MPI MPI S7-300
y 0.5 9, 644 e = 10, y = ln = 3.6(%) , May. 20, 2005
8 116, May. 20, 2005 y 0.5 9, 644 e = 10, 000 1 9644 y = ln = 3.6(%) 0.5 10000 9 116, May. 20, 2005 y 0.5 9, 644 e = 10, 000 1 9644 y = ln = 3.6(%) 0.5 10000 1 FV r T = ln T PV 10 116, May. 20, 2005 Public
์ด๋ณด์๋ฅผ ์ํ C++
C++. 24,,,,, C++ C++.,..,., ( ). /. ( 4 ) ( ).. C++., C++ C++. C++., 24 C++. C? C++ C C, C++ (Stroustrup) C++, C C++. C. C 24.,. C. C+ +?. X C++.. COBOL COBOL COBOL., C++. Java C# C++, C++. C++. Java C#
Study on the Improvement of Management System through Analysis of golf semi- market: Focus on Physical Education Facility Act Ji-Myung Jung 1, Ju-Ho Park 2 *, & Youngdae Lee 3 1 Korea Institute of Sport
ยฝร รรsr_ยฑยนยนยฎรรฎรยง
Contents 02 04 06 07 08 10 12 13 16 18 22 24 26 27 30 31 32 38 39 40 41 41 46 47 50 53 57 61 64 67 69 71 74 75 76 78 CARBON DISCLOSURE PROJECT CSR Highlights p.23 about this report p.47 p.50 http://snic.kr/49yb
ยฝร รรsr_ยฑยนยนยฎรรฎรยง
Contents 02 04 06 07 08 10 12 13 16 18 22 24 26 27 30 31 32 38 39 40 41 41 46 47 50 53 57 61 64 67 69 71 74 75 76 78 CARBON DISCLOSURE PROJECT CSR Highlights p.23 about this report p.47 p.50 http://snic.kr/49yb
Domino Designer Portal Development tools Rational Application Developer WebSphere Portlet Factory Workplace Designer Workplace Forms Designer
Domino, Portal & Workplace WPLC FTSS Domino Designer Portal Development tools Rational Application Developer WebSphere Portlet Factory Workplace Designer Workplace Forms Designer ? Lotus Notes Clients
2017 ๋ 6 ์ํ๊ตญ์ํํธ์จ์ด๊ฐ์ ํ๊ฐํํ๋ ผ๋ฌธ์ง์ 13 ๊ถ์ 1 ํธ Abstract
2017 ๋
6 ์ํ๊ตญ์ํํธ์จ์ด๊ฐ์ ํ๊ฐํํ๋
ผ๋ฌธ์ง์ 13 ๊ถ์ 1 ํธ Abstract - 31 - ์์ค์ฝ๋์ ์ฌ๋์ธก์ ๋๊ตฌ์์ฑ๋ฅ์๊ดํ๋น๊ต์ฐ๊ตฌ 1. ์๋ก 1) Revulytics, Top 20 Countries for Software Piracy and Licence Misuse (2017), March 21, 2017. www.revulytics.com/blog/top-20-countries-software
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Development of Fashion CAD System 12. Custom Classes Sungmin Kim SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Topics Using Custom Classes Spline Curve ์ฌ์ฉํ๊ธฐ TBSpline Class Introduction DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) ๋ก์ ์ฅํ๊ธฐ
KEY EVENT & STATE ๊ตฌํ 2007. 1. 25 PLATFORM TEAM ์ ์ฉํ ์ฐจ๋ก Key Event HS TASK UI TASK LONG KEY STATE ๊ตฌํ ์์ค์ฝ๋๋ฐ์คํํ๋ฉด ์ง์์๋ต๋ฐํ ์ 2 KEY EVENT - HS TASK hs_task keypad_scan_keypad hs_init keypad_pass_key_code keypad_init
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Structure Chapter 10: Structures t and Macros Structure ๊ด๋ จ๋๋ณ์๋ค์๊ทธ๋ฃน์ผ๋ก์ด๋ฃจ์ด์ง์๋ฃ๊ตฌ์กฐ template, pattern field structure๋ฅผ๊ตฌ์ฑํ๋๋ณ์ (cf) C์ธ์ด์ struct ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ์ structure ์ ๊ทผ entire structure ๋๋ individual fields Structure๋
Index Process Specification Data Dictionary
Index Process Specification Data Dictionary File Card Tag T-Money Control I n p u t/o u t p u t Card Tag save D e s c r i p t i o n ๋ฆฌ๋๊ธฐ์์น, In/Out/No_Out. File Name customer file write/ company file write
DDX4038BT DDX4038BTM DDX4038 DDX4038M 2010 Kenwood Corporation All Rights Reserved. LVT A (MN)
DDX4038BT DDX4038BTM DDX4038 DDX4038M 2010 Kenwood Corporation All Rights Reserved. LVT2201-002A (MN) 2 3 [ ] CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT 4 1 2 Language AV Input R-CAM Interrupt Panel Color Preout
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Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_04E1 Information and S7-300 2 S7-400 3 EPROM / 4 5 6 HW Config 7 8 9 CPU 10 CPU : 11 CPU : 12 CPU : 13 CPU : / 14 CPU : 15 CPU : / 16 HW 17 HW PG 18 SIMATIC
HP-19037 1 EMP400 2 3 POWER EMP400 4 5 6 7 ALARM CN2 8 9 CN3 CN1 10 24V DC CN4 TB1 11 12 Copyright ORIENTAL MOTOR CO., LTD. 2001 2 1 2 3 4 5 1.1...1-2 1.2... 1-2 2.1... 2-2 2.2... 2-4 3.1... 3-2 3.2...
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(2001 3 ) from Yongwoo s Park Java Exception Handling Programming from Yongwoo s Park 1 Java Exception Handling Programming from Yongwoo s Park 2 1 4 11 4 4 try/catch 5 try/catch/finally 9 11 12 13 13
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@ Lesson 4 (Object) (Class) (Instance) (Method) (Constructor) Memory 1 UML 1 @ & 1 (Real World) (Software World) @ &.. () () @ & 2 (Real World) (Software World) OOA/ Modeling Abstraction Instantiation
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Verilog: Finite State Machines CSED311 Lab03 Joonsung Kim, joonsung90@postech.ac.kr Finite State Machines Digital system design ์๊ฐ์๋ฐฐ์ด๊ฒ๊ณผ๊ฐ์ต๋๋ค. Moore / Mealy machines Verilog ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํด์์ด๋ป๊ฒ๊ตฌํํ ๊น? 2 Finite State
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Copyright, 2001 Multimedia Lab., CH 3. COM object (In-process server) Eun-sung Lee twoss@mmlab.net Multimedia Lab. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng. University of Seoul Seoul, Korea 0. Contents 1.
Microsoft PowerPoint - ch03ysk2012.ppt [ํธํ ๋ชจ๋]
์ ์ํ๋ก Ch3 iode Models and Circuits ๊น์์ ์ถฉ๋ถ๋ํ๊ต์ ์์ ๋ณด๋ํ 2012.3.1 Email: kimys@cbu.ac.kr k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
SK IoT IoT SK IoT onem2m OIC IoT onem2m LG IoT SK IoT KAIST NCSoft Yo Studio tidev kr 5 SK IoT DMB SK IoT A M LG SDS 6 OS API 7 ios API API BaaS Backend as a Service IoT IoT ThingPlug SK IoT SK M2M M2M