Systematic Reviews/Evidence-Based Medicine
- 연우 선우
- 5 years ago
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1 1 EBM/SRs 논문작성 EMBASE 검색완전정복 SR 논문작성을위한 EMBASE 검색족집게정보 Presented By 김혜령, 엘스비어코리아
2 2 목차 지금 PUBMED 를검색하고있는데, EMBASE 를꼭검색해야할까요? EMBASE VS PUBMED (MEDLINE) Part I. 정보검색전략수립 1. 선행연구조사, 연구주제탐색, 검색전략수립 2. 연구주제 PICO Question 설계예시 3. EMTREE 를이용해서연구주제어정의 / 검색동의어확장하기 4. 최종검색전략 PICO 수립 Part 2. EMBASE 검색 & 필수개념!! 1. 검색범위 ( 관련성넓고많은문헌 VS 관련성깊고적은문헌 ) 2. 필수검색연산자 Part 3. 결과관리기능 1. 검색식저장관리 / 편집 / 최신정보업데이트설정 2. 검색결과반출하기 3. 원문보기 Part 4. 검색초보자 / 전문가를위한 5 분완성 PICO 기능 EMBASE 만의 EBM/SRs 문헌검색기능
3 지금 PUBMED 를검색하고있는데, EMBASE 를꼭검색해야할까요? EMBASE VS PUBMED (MEDLINE) The Cochrane Handbook 에서는 High-Quality Systematic Review 를위해 MEDLINE 과 EMBASE 모두검색할것을권장합니다. 1. 컨테츠양및검색결과양 ( content coverage) 2. 색인통제어휘 (Browsing Thesaurus)
4 4 PubMed 컨텐츠 미국국립의학도서관 (NLM) 에서구축한의학논문서지 DB 로 MEDLINE 무료검색도구 MEDLINE : 1879 년도부터 NLM 에서권위있는의학학술지를선정하여논문을색인한후 DB 로구축 1946 년부터현재까지 2,500 만건이상의 Citation 포함 PubMed 25,000,000 건 PubMed 에서 MEDLINE 비율 약 91% MEDLINE 21,300,000 PMC 3,700,000 건 PMC : PubMed Central 생의학분야무료아카이브
5 5 EMBASE 컨텐츠 Over 8,500 Journals/31 Million Records! Embase 2,800 journals not available on MEDLINE MEDLINE 91% of PUBMED PMC 3,700,000 건 Embase Much more coverage of non-english content and RCTs/ controlled clinical trials Cochrane reviews and meta-analyses Q: PMC 저널을 EMBASE 에서바로확인가능한가요? Embase Unique 5.9m records 2800 journals over 2+M conference abstracts from +5,500 conferences Since 2009 In Press (unpublished) Embase & Medline 11.8M 3,000 Medline on Embase 8.3M 2,500 Embase is Internationally Recognized and Recommended
6 6 MEDLINE 의 MeSH Medical Subject Headings 의약어로, 미국국립의학도서관 (NLM) 에서만든통제어휘시소러스 색인전문가들이통일성있는용어로논문주제를색인함으로써, 저자마다다양하게표현하지만동일한개념을누락없이검색 하나의논문에는평균 8-15 개의 MeSH 용어가주어지며, 그중그논문의내용을대표하는용어는 * 로표시 학술지에논문투고시국제의학학술지편집인협의회 (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: ICMJE) 에서도논문저자키워드를 MeSH 에의해작성하도록규정
7 7 EMBASE- Emtree 1. Life Science 분야의통제어휘시소러스 2. 75,488 개이상의우선어 (+31,000 개약물우선어 ) 와 310,000 개이상의동의어 (186,000 약물동의어포함 ) - Medline (ca. 27,000 개우선어 /8,800 약물우선어 ) 3. 모든 MeSH 용어포함및 23,000 개이상의 CAS registry number 4. 모든약물 (31,000 개이상의 generic drugs, 화학명, 상품명포함 ) 및화학물질정보는 Emtree 에포함 (FDA, EMEA and WHO) 5. 3,000 이상의일반및의료장비용어와 (e.g. endoscopes, catheters, prostheses) medical procedures 와연관된수천가지용어 (e.g. endoscopy, catheterization) 6. 최신약물, 질병, organisms and procedures 는 Medline 과비교해연간 3 배이상추가색인됩니다. (with back-posting of older records). 7. 신약용어는 Emtree 에먼저업데이트됩니다. 8. 모든약물, 제너릭네임포함 (described by FDA and EMA, all International Non- Proprietary Names (INNs) described by WHO from 2000) Medline 보다훨씬많은약물우선어, 동의어포함 PubMed 대비평균 74% 더많은 reference 정보 PubMed 만을이용시 25% 이상의 Clinical Trial Data missing
8 8 MeSH 검색 VS. 자연어검색 매핑된 MeSH Term 으로검색결과 2,113 건으로 ( 자연어검색시 3,947 건 ) 좀더주제에맞는논문이검색되는것을확인!!
9 9 EMBASE 검색, Emtree VS. 자연어검색 매핑된 Emtree Term 으로검색결과 4,891 건으로 ( 자연어검색시 7,446 건 ) 좀더주제에맞는논문이검색되는것을확인!!
10 10 MORE 약물정보 MORE COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE IN EMBASE VS PUBMED Product name Search term Emtree Preferred term MeSH Preferred term or Substance name Records (2007 March 2014) MEDLINE Embase Lipitor Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 6,220 24,410 Plavix Clopidogrel Clopidogrel 9,059 35,946 Advair Fluticasone propionate plus salmeterol Fluticasone, salmeterol drug combination 322 2,300 Oxycontin Oxycodone Oxycodone 2,041 10,289 Abilify Aripiprazole Aripiprazole 2,397 8,649 Singulair Montelukast Montelukast 1,760 6,382 Seroquel Quetiapine Quetiapine 3,426 15,570 Crestor Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 2,106 8,201 Cymbalta Duloxetine Duloxetine 1,652 6,426 Online study conducted on 12 March 2014, on Embase ( and MEDLINE (via PubMed). 10
11 11 MORE 비영어 (non-englsih) 컨텐츠포함 : SRs Language Embase (per year) * MEDLINE (per year) * Unique in Embase English ** 877,186 (90%) 664,207 (92%) 213,000 Chinese 27,861 (2.9%) 11,523 (2.2%) 16,300 German 17,051 (1.7%) 7,421 (1.0%) 9,600 French 13,491 8,469 5,000 Spanish 12,582 6,839 5,700 Japanese 7,762 5,761 2,000 Russian 6,275 6, Portuguese 4,918 3,560 1,400 Polish 3,479 1,791 1,700 Turkish 3, ,700 Italian 2,880 1,522 1,400 Dutch 2, ,700 Czech 1,557 (0.16%) 585 (0.08%) 1,000
12 12 MORE 무작위대조군연구보고서 (RCTs) Embase 는 SRs 에서중요한연구 SR 에대한중요한연구유형인무작위대조군연구보고서 RCTs 를 MEDLINE 보다많이제공하며, 특히영어이외의언어로자료를제공합니다. Language Embase on Elsevier MEDLINE on Ovid Embase Advantage Percent Turkish % Korean % Portuguese % Dutch % Chinese % Polish % Spanish % French % German %
13 Part I. 정보검색전략수립 1. 선행연구조사, 연구주제탐색, 검색전략수립 - 선행연구에서검색방법및검색툴참고하기 - 선행연구에서검색식조합및연구주제어참고하기 2. 연구주제 PICO Question 설계예시 3. EMTREE 를이용해서연구주제어정의 / 검색동의어확장하기 4. 최종검색전략 PICO 수립
14 14 검색전략수립 특이도검색 부적절한문헌을배제할가능성 지식을위한문헌검색 특정문제에대한중요논문포함 주된용도 - Focused Searching - 근거중심진료를위한검색 민감도검색 적절한문헌을찾을가능성 연구를위한문헌검색 해당연구논문모두포함 주된용도 - 체계적고찰 - 논문쓰기 - 연구계획서쓰기 - 임상진료지침개발 철저한검색을원하거나실제검색에서원하는내용을찾지못했다면민감도검색, 많은검색결과없이몇개의좋은논문을찾고자한다면특이도검색을수행한다 14
15 15 특정임상문제에대한중요논문검색 검색예 : Stroke( 뇌졸중 ) 환자의재발을방지하기위해사용되는항응고제 Warfarin 의약물부작용
16 16 1. 선행연구검색 선행연구에대한개요빠른검색 특정 Cochrane review or systematic review 에서연구전략참고 검색예 : 제 2 형당뇨환자 (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients) 의생활습관개선 (Drug therapy) 에따른당화혈색소 (HbA1c, glucose level) 조절결과
17 선행연구참고하기 17
18 18 선행연구참고 검색된이미출판된 Cochrane review or systematic review 에서검색전략을참고합니다. 검색전략에서 적용을위해연관성을평가합니다. 필요하면, 검색식을해석참고합니다. 사용된색인용어 (indexed terms), 자유어 ( free-text terms) 를참고합니다. 주제어변경등
19 19 PICO 검색전략 PICO 는문헌검색에서특정의학적인문제에대해더많은사례 ( 증거 ) 를기반으로판단할수있도록사례 ( 증거 ) 문헌을수집하는검색전략입니다. P = Patient AND I = Intervention AND C = Comparison/control AND O = Outcome 문제에대해 4 가지요소의조합결과 The PICO Framework (Sackett et al, 1997) Study hedge 는무작위대조실험 (RCTs), 체계적인리뷰및메타분석등다양한검색유형에서진단, 예방, 예후및치료등과같은임상개념을검색합니다.
20 20 2. 연구주제 PICO Question 설계예시 Question Type Treatment (Therapy) 치료 Patient or Problem Intervention Comparison Outcome 환자의질병 (disease) 이나상태 (condition) (e.g., diabetes mellitus, constipation or meningitis) 치료방법 (e.g., drug, surgery or lifestyle modification) 대체치료방법혹은 placebo ( 표준치료 ) 예 ) 사망 (mortality) 생산성 (productivity), 통증 (pain), 장애 (disability) 혹은고용 (employment) Prevention 예방 환자위험요인또는전반적인건강상태 예방법 (e.g., drug or lifestyle modification) May not be applicable 예 ) 병상태 (morbidity), 사망 (mortality), 통증 (pain), 장애 (disability) Diagnosis 진단 대상질환또는상태 진단검사나절차 문제에대한현재의기준 / 표준시험 검사유용성의측정 (e.g., sensitivity, specificity or odds ratio) Prognosis (natural history) 예후 Etiology or harm (causation) 위험요인 예후 (Prognosis) Usually time, sometimes 임상문제의심각도 (severity) expressed as 및지속시간 (duration) watchful waiting 환자위험요인, 현재질병상태, 전반적인건강상태 위험인자의강도 ( 도즈 ) 의 indication 과노출기간을포함하여인자개입 Usually not applicable. watchful waiting 의경우표준치료식별 May not be applicable 예 : 생존율, 사망률이나질병의진행속도 예 ) 질병발병율, 질병의진행속도, 혹은사망율 Adapted from
21 3. EMTREE 를이용해서연구주제어정의 / 검색동의어확장하기 21
22 22 4. 최종검색전략 PICO 수립 검색예 : 제 2 형당뇨환자의생활습관개선에따른당화혈색소 (HbA1c) 조절결과 Population Intervention Comparator Outcome Type / Methods 진료환경 (Healthcare setting) 외래 제 2 형당뇨병환자 당뇨병치료제처방 생활습관개선 당화혈색소조절목표도달 RCT, Meta-analysis, Systematic review, Cohort, Prospective Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients - Diabetes/ Glucosuria/Glycosuria - Insulin dependent diabetes - Non- insulin dependent diabetes Drug therapy - Medication therapy management - Prescription drug* - Performance enhancing substance* - Controlled substance* Modified Life style lifestyle modification/ Diabetic diet/diet restriction/ exe rcise therapy HbA1c Control - blood glucose level, blood sugar lowering, - Glycated hemoglobin - Improved management of glucose levels - managing diabetes /antidiabetic effect/ - clinical effectiveness/ Comparative effect/therapy effect RCT, Meta-analysis, Systematic review, Cohort, Prospective Ambulatory
23 Part 2. EMBASE 검색 & 필수개념!! 1. 검색범위 ( 관련성넓고많은문헌 VS 관련성깊고적은문헌 ) 2. 필수검색연산자 3. Embase 검색식 = Medline 검색식 4. 검색예데모시연 5. 알아두면유용한검색필터기능들 특정언어문헌 / 특정소스문헌
24 24 1. 검색범위지정 검색예 )
25 25 Embase 검색범위 ( 검색용어의범위 ) Embase 검색옵션설명 PubMed 검색옵션 Map to preferred term in Emtree Search also as free text in all fields Explode using narrower Emtree terms Search as broadly as possible Limit to terms indexed in article as major focus 우선어와동의어를입력시자동으로인식되어우선어동의어동시검색예 ): myocardial infarction, heart attack 은 heart infarction 로매핑검색 검색범위를지정하지않을경우자유어로 all fields 로검색이진행됨 검색어가모든필드에서자유어 (free text search) 로검색되어짐 title, abstract, Key words, idex terms, 소속등. Emtree 하위용어까지확장검색 최대한넓게검색 / 위모든조건들모두포함하며검색어를 AND 연산자로분리하여검색, 검색어들간에 OR 검색실행예 ) heart attack -> 'heart'/exp OR heart AND attack 논문중에서가장중요한 main topic 을 Indexer 가부여이옵션을선택하면용어색인이있지만아이클에서주요주제어로간주되지않는모든기록은제외되며, 이옵션을해제하면, 검색은아티클내에서주요주제어가아닐지라도검색어로인덱스된레코드가검색이됩니다. Automatic term mapping All fields 검색 Mesh explode Automatic term mapping Mesh major topic
26 자주이용하는 EMBASE 검색범위 field 26
27 PUBMED 검색 field 27
28 28 2. 다양한검색연산자 - Search tips 부울린연산자 Boolean operators AND depression AND tricyclic 단어나구를모두레코드에있는경우 OR elderly OR geriatric OR aged 적어도하나의단어나문장은레코드에있는경우 NOT depression NOT tricyclic NOT 전에단어문구가레코드에있고 NOT 뒤에단어나구문은제외 복잡한단일검색에서괄호를사용하고여러연산자를결합하여사용 (aged OR elderly OR geriatic) AND (depression OR insomnia) 인접검색 Proximity operators NEAR/n drug* NEAR/2 adverse n 개의단어내에있어야합니다 NEXT/n adverse NEXT/2 reaction* 동일한순서로 n 개의단어내에있어야합니다 근접및부울연산자를결합하여보다복잡한단일검색을만들기위해괄호를사용 clinical NEXT/2 (application* OR trial) NEAR/10 biomarker* NEAR/10 (treatment OR disease) (adverse OR side OR undesirable) NEXT/2 (effect* OR reaction* OR event* OR outcome*)
29 29 2. 다양한검색연산자 - Search tips 구문검색 (Phrase search) 'heart attack' "heart attack" heart-attack 구문에서단어를따옴표또는하이픈으로연결하지않으면, Emtree term 혹은자유어 ( free text) 로인식하여각단어를 AND 로검색진행예 ) heart attack 'heart'/exp OR heart AND attack. 예 ) 'heart infarction' AND clinical NEXT/2 (trial OR study) 절단자 Truncation/Wildcards * 하나이상의문자를대체? 단일문자절단 sul*ur 'heart attack*' sulf?nyl catheter? 결과 : sulfur, sulphur 결과 heart attack, heart attacks 결과 'sulfonyl' and 'sulfinyl 와같은단어포함 결과 'catheters 검색 'catheter' or 'catheterization 검색안됨 Note: * 로절단하기전에적어도세개의문자를입력 Wildcard + field 조합 : 예 ) sul*ur:ti:ab? + field 조합은지원하지않음 ( 예 : sulf?nyl:ab:ti) 구문내에서절단문자 ( 와일드카드 ) 를사용 : heart infarct* or "metabol* disorder*" Wildcard * 2 단어미만이문자로사용할수없음 : 예 ) "m* disorder" or "metabol* d*"
30 30 PubMed, Cochrane 검색식 = EMBASE 검색식 Database Thesaurus Search Result EMBASE Emtree 'digoxin'/exp AND 'anti bacterial agents'/exp 10,103 PubMed MeSH (Digoxin[MeSH Terms]) AND ("Anti-Infective Agents"[Mesh] OR "Anti- Infective Agents" [Pharmacological Action]) 417 ((exercise* or fitness) adj3 (treatment or intervent* or program*)).tiab. ((exercise* OR fitness) NEAR/3 (treatment OR intervent* OR program*)):ab,ti adj3= NEXT/3 or NEAR/3 로, tiab = title / abstract
31 31 검색예 : 'heart infarction' AND clinical NEXT/2 (trial OR study) clinical NEXT/2 (application* OR trial) NEAR/10 biomarker* NEAR/10 (treatment OR disease) (adverse OR side OR undesirable) NEXT/2 (effect* OR reaction* OR event* OR outcome*) ((exercise* or fitness) adj3 (treatment or intervent* or program*)).tw ((exercise* OR fitness) NEAR/3 (treatment OR intervent* OR program*)):ab,ti adj3= NEXT/3 or NEAR/3 로, tiab = title / abstract
32 32 EMBASE 고급검색 검색범위지정및검색연산자결합하기 검색예 : 아토피피부염환자에게면역치료와국소치료 / 스테로이드의결과비교
33 33 PubMed Advanced Search 특정필드검색및결합하기 AND, OR, NOT 연산자선택 여러필드를조합하여검색식만들기 특정필드에있는키워드만검색
34 34 34 다양한검색연산자사용비교 1. 다양한관련용어를사용한검색 Emtree / 연구자의전문지식 / 경험에서용어의이해와선택 2. 검색범위지정 넓은검색부터좁은검색 3. 다양한 truncation (*), phrase 구성, AND/ NEAR/ OR/ NEXT 조합구성 4. 연구자의 Try/ Error 를통한검색결과비교수정반복
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49 49 49 PICO search form: 검색결과 # 의표시 EMBASE 는자동으로개별 PICO 요소내에용어들사이를 OR ( 부울연산자 ) 로추가합니다. 다른 PICO 들요소사이 'AND' 연산자로검색어 / 전략들을결합합니다. ❶ PICO 검색어들의입력을통해검색이진행하는동안실시간으로 EMBASE 결과의개수를계산하고, 페이지의아래쪽오른쪽코너에결과개수를표시합니다. ❷ Show # results 선택해서검색수행및결과를봅니다. ❶❷ More information is available in the Help file:
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52 52 Question components P Patient or Population Describe the most important characteristics of the patient (e.g.-age, disease/condition, gender) I- Intervention Prognostic factor, Exposure Describe the main intervention (e.g.-drug or other treatment, diagnostic/screening test) Your question Neoplasm Staging Breast Neoplasms Mastectomy, Modified Radical C-Comparison (if appropriate) Describe the main alternative being considered (e.g. placebo, standard therapy, no treatment, the gold standard) Mastectomy, Segmental O-Outcome Describe what you re trying to accomplish, measure improve, affect. (e.g.- reduced mortality or morbidity, improved memory, accurate and timely diagnosis) Survival Analysis Survival Rate Disease-Free Survival Mortality The well-built clinical question: 조기유방암에서변형근치적절제술과보존술은장기생존률에차이가있는가?
53 편리한 PICO 검색어입력및검색수식조합 53
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EMBASE 를활용한 EBM 정보검색가이드 엘스비어한국지사김혜령과장 customer consultant, Life Science solution 2 Preparing a Systematic Review Cochrane Handbook outlines: SRs 연구일반적인 8 단계 ❶ 리뷰진행할의학적질문정의및연구를위한기준검토 ❷ 의학적질문리뷰를위한연구계획수립
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Treatment and Role of Hormaonal Replaement Therapy
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Disability & Employment 55 Disability & Employment 56 57 Disability & Employment 58 59 Disability & Employment 60 61 Disability & Employment 62 63 Disability & Employment 64 65 Disability & Employment
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
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CINAHL MEDLINE Plus with Complete Full Text 이용이용안내안내 의학분야해외학술데이터베이스 1 미국국립의학도서관 (National Library of Medicine) 에서제공하는 세계최대의의학분야데이터베이스인 MEDLINE 의모든색인 정보를포함한원문 (Full-text) 제공버전 MeSH(Medical Subject Headings)*
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - 1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 - 요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -
PubMed 이용교육 (2014 학부 ) 고문정 2582 /mail.
PubMed 이용교육 (2014 학부 ) 2014. 03. 13. 고문정 2582 /mail. 순서 1. PubMed 개요및구성 2. MEDLINE / PMC 3. PubMed 검색및다양한기능이용하기 4. My NCBI 개인화기능이용하기 5. 실습 1. PubMed 의개요및구성 q 미국국립의학도서관 NLM(National Library
The Cochrane Library on Wiley InterScience User Guide Evidence-Based medicine (EBM) 는객관적인연구결과로얻은, 보다중요한환자중심의 evidence를수집, 해석, 통합한 health care로다가서기위한하나의시도입니다. 환자의상황과선호도를고려한최고의 evidence가임상평가의질을향상시키는데적용됩니다.
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비인강암의방사선치료결과및생존율에관한예후인자분석 2005 2 1 2005 3 28. :, Tel: 053)250-7665, Fax: 053)250-7984 E-mail: 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 Carcinoma of the nasopharynx treated by radiotherapy
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp DOI: * A Research Trend
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp.295-318 DOI: * A Research Trend on the Studies related to Parents of Adults with Disabilities
27(2), 2007, 96-121 S ij k i POP j a i SEXR j i AGER j i BEDDAT j ij i j S ij S ij POP j SEXR j AGER j BEDDAT j k i a i i i L ij = S ij - S ij ---------- S ij S ij = k i POP j a i SEXR j i AGER j i BEDDAT
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Comparison of Laparoscopy and Exploration in the Distal Pancreatectomy BACKGROUND: To determine the benefits of laparoscopic surgery compared with exploration, the clinical outcomes of open and laparoscopic
Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
슬라이드 제목 없음 Last Update : Feb. 2013 EBSCO KOREA 출판사소개 1478 년부터출판을시작한오랜역사를가진세계에서가장큰대학출판부 아시아 - 태평양지역상위 100 개대학중 80%, 상위 20 개대학중 90% 가 OUP 의 Journals Collection 을구독 원문제공년도 : 1996 년 ~ 현재
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2007 년전자자원이용현황 ( 기간 : 2007 년 1 월 1 일 - 2007 년 12 월 31 일 ) 담당주임도서관장 1. Database 이용현황 (2008년 1월 25일작성 ) Database명 제공방식 구독업체 구독기간 접속건수 검색횟수 월평균접속건수 2006년접속건수 전년도대비 MD Consult 1) Web 신원데이터넷 2001-03,2006-1,578-132
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전립선암발생률추정과관련요인분석 : The Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (KCPS-II) 전립선암발생률추정과관련요인분석 : The Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (KCPS-II) - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - vii - - viii - - ix - -
Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie
Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
Expression of bcl-2 and Apoptosis and Its Relationship to Clinicopathological Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer - A Study with Long Term Follow-up correlated with the survival rate.(journal of Korean
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Clinical Correlation of HER-2/neu Overexpression in Patients with Breast Cancer Sung Yong Kim, Tae Yoon Kim, Jae Jun Kim, Chang Ho Kim, Ok Pyung Song, Min Hyuk Lee, Eui Han Kim 1, and Moo Sik Cho Departments
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200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
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