특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 혹은 , 5551) 로문의바랍니다.
- 희본 한
- 5 years ago
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1 특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 (expresscargo@korea.kr 혹은 , 5551) 로문의바랍니다. 1 LIV-A-LITTLES CHICKEN (2.2 OZ) Freeze-dried chicken breast HALO 2 Liv-a-Littles Beef (2.75 oz) Freeze-dried beef HALO 3 Liv-a-Little Healthsome dog biscuits with real chicken (8 oz) Chicken, Chicken Liver 등 HALO 4 Liv-a-Littles Healthsome dog biscuits with beef and liver (8 oz) Beef, BeefLiver, ChickenLiver 등 HALO 5 Healthsome Well-B eing treatswithchick en&cheese(6oz) Chicken, Cheese 등 HALO - 1 -
2 6 Spot'sChew Natural EdibleDentalTreatfor DogsSm/Med-MintFl avor(7.2oz) Gelatin HALO 7 Spot'sChew Natural EdibleDentalTreatfor DogsSm/Med-Pump kinflavor(7.2oz) Gelatin HALO 8 DinnerPartyChicken(2 oz) Freeze-driedChicken HALO 9 Healthsome cattrea tswithrealchicken(3oz ) Chicken, ChickenFat HALO 10 HEALTHSOME cattr eatsselectseafoodco mbo(3oz) ChickenFat HALO - 2 -
3 11 ADULTDOGWholeso mechicken(4lb) Chicken,Eggs 등 HALO 12 ADULTDOGWildSalm on(4lb) Eggs, ChickenFat 등 HALO 13 ADULTDOGWholeso melamb(4lb) Lamb, Eggs, Chicken Liver 등 HALO 14 SmallBreedDogChick en(4lb) Chicken, Eggs, Chicken Fat, Chicken Liver 등 HALO 15 PUPPYWholesomeCh icken(3lb) Chicken, Eggs, Chicken Fat, Chicken Liver 등 HALO - 3 -
4 16 PUPPYWholesomeCh icken(3lb) Chicken,Eggs,ChickenFat 등 HALO 17 PUPPYWildSalmon(3l b) Eggs, chicken Fat, ChickenLiver 등 HALO 18 Spot'sStew fordogs WholesomeChickenR ecipe(5.5ozcans) ChickenBroth,Chicken,C hickenliver 등 HALO 19 Spot'sStew fordogs SucculentSalmonReci pe5.5ozcans Chicken Broth, Chicken Liver, turkey 등 HALO 20 Spot'sStew fordogs WholesomeBeefReci pe(5.5ozcans) Beef,BeefLiver,BeefBroth 등 HALO - 4 -
5 21 Spot'sStew fordogs WholesomeLambReci pe(5.5ozcans) Lamb, Chicken Broth, Beef Liver 등 HALO 22 INDOORCAT-Wholes omechicken(3lb) Chicken, Eggs, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols and citric acid), Chicken Liver 등 HALO 23 INDOORCAT WildSal mon(3lb) Eggs,ChickenLiver, Chicken 등 HALO 24 SENSITIVECAT-Whol esometurkey(3lb) Turkey,Eggs, ChickenFat, TurkeyLiver 등 HALO 25 SENSITIVECAT-Seafo odmedley(3lb) Eggs,ChickenFat,Chicken Liver 등 HALO - 5 -
6 26 Spot'sStewDry-CatGr ain-freechickenrecip e(3lb) Chicken, Eggs, Chicken Fat, Chicken Liver 등 HALO 27 Spot'sStew forcats WholesomeChickenR ecipe3ozcans Chicken,ChickenBroth,C hickenliver, Turkey, 등 HALO 28 Spot'sStew forcatss ucculentsalmonrecip e3ozcans Chicken Broth, ChickenLiver, Turkey 등 HALO 29 Spot'sStew forcats WholesomeTurkeyRe cipe3ozcans Turkey,TurkeyBroth,Chic kenliver 등 HALO 30 Spot'sStew forcats WholesomeLambReci pe(3ozcans) Lamb,ChickenBroth,Beef Liver 등 HALO - 6 -
7 31 Spot'sStew forcats WholesomeChicken &BeefRecipe(3ozCan s) Chicken,chickenliver,chic kenbroth 등 HALO 32 Spot'sStew forcatc hicken,shrimp&crab Recipe(3ozcans) Chicken, chicken broth, chicken liver 등 HALO 33 DailyGreens-100Tabs liver 등 HALO 34 SHORTDATED-NEWLi v-a-littles 100%Fre eze-driedleanbeefpr oteintreats(1.2oz) Freeze-dried beef HALO 35 JointMAX/DoubleStr ength,animal Liver Meal 등 JointMax - 7 -
8 36 JointMAX/CATGRAN ULES Whey 등 JointMax 37 JointMAX SprinkleC apsforcats Fish meal concentrate 등 JointMax 38 Vita-Tabs Liver 등 JointMax 39 Vita-Tabs Silver Liver 등 JointMax 40 Nixit Chicken Liver Powder 등 JointMax - 8 -
9 41 UriGreen & UriGreen ES DicalciumPhosphate,Por cineliverpowder 등 JointMax 42 Syner-G Lactose 등 JointMax 43 Caniox-R Porcine Liver Powder 등 JointMax 44 Daily-Dog' Air-Dried Cuisine Venison Venison-Meat, Venison-Liver, Lung, Tripe,HeartandKidney 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK 45 Daily-Dog'Air-DriedC uisine Venison & Fish Venison-Meat, venison-liver, Lung,Tripe,HeartandKid ney 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK - 9 -
10 46 Daily-Dog Moist Cuisine Lamb Lamb-Meat,Liver,Tripe,H eartandkidney 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK 47 Daily-Dog MoistCuisi ne Rabbit & Lamb Rabbit-Meat,Lamb-Meat,Liver,Lung 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK 48 Daily-Dog Moist Cuisine Venison Venison-Meat,Liver,Trip e,heartandkidney,green -lippedmussel 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK 49 Daily-Dog MoistCuisi ne Venison & Fish VenisonMeat,Venison-Li ver,tripe,heartandkidne y 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK 50 Daily-Cat' Moist Cuisine Rabbit & Lamb Rabbit-Meat,Lamb-Meat,Liver,Lung 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK
11 51 Daily-Cat' Moist Cuisine Venison Venison-Meat,Liver,Trip e,kidney 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK 52 Daily-Cat'Moist Cuisine Venison&Fish Venison-Meat,Venison- Meat,Liver 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK 53 Paw Lickin' Chicken With Chicken in Gravy Chicken(Boneless,Skinles s,whitebreast) DicalciumPhosphate 등 54 Daily-Dog MoistCuisi ne Tripe, Lamb & Venison LambTripe,LambMeat,V enisonmeat-venisontrip e 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK 55 Daily-Cat' Moist Cuisine Lamb Lamb-Meat,Liver,Tripe,H eart,kidney 등 / 뉴질랜드 ZiwiPEAK
12 56 Grandma's Chicken Soup With Chicken & Veggies Chicken (Boneless, Skinless White Breast), Chicken Broth, Dicalcium Phosphat 등 57 Funky Chunky Chicken Soup Chicken Soup With Pumpkin Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Dicalcium Phosphate 등 58 AmazonLiver WithChickenandChi ckenliverinpumpkins oup Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Dicalcium Phosphate 등 59 GreenEggsandChicke n WithChicken,Eggan dgreensingravy Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Dried Egg, Dicalcium Phosphate 등 60 Peking Ducken With Chicken and Duck in Gravy Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Duck, Dicalcium Phosphate 등
13 61 Wok the Dog With Chicken, Beef and Pumpkin in Gravy Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Beef, Dicalcium Phosphate 등 62 SteakFrites WithBeef,Pumpkina ndsweetpotatoesingr av Beef, Dicalcium Phosphate 등 63 BedandBreakfast WithChicken,Egg,Pu mpkinandhamingrav y Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Dicalcium Phosphate 등 64 Jammin' Salmon Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Dicalcium Phosphate 등 65 CirqueDeLaMer Availablein14oz,DicalciumPhosphate 등
14 66 PawLickin'Chicken W ithchickeningravy Availablein3.0oz,5.5o zand10oz Chicken(Boneless,Skinles s,whitebreast),dicalcium Phosphate 등 67 Grandma'sChickenSo up WithChickenandP umpkin Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Chicken Broth, Dicalcium phosphate 등 68 FunkyChunkyChicken Soup ChickenSoupWithPu mpkin Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Dicalcium Phosphate 등 69 NineLiver WithChick enandchickenliverin Gravy Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Chicken Liver, Dicalcium Phosphate 등 70 GreenEggsandChicke n WithChicken,Eggan dgreensingravy Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Egg, Dicalcium Phosphate 등
15 71 PekingDucken WithC hickenandduckingra vy Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Duck, Dicalcium Phosphate 등 72 OntheCatWok WithC hickenandbeefinpum pkinsoup Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Chicken (Boneless, Skinless, White Breast), Beef, Dicalcium Phosphate 등 73 SteakFrites WithBeef andpumpkiningravy Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Beef, Dicalcium Phosphate 등 74 OutbackGrill WithTre vallyandbarramundi Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz DicalciumPhosphate 등 75 MarbellaPaella With MackerelandShrimp Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Dicalcium Phosphate 등
16 76 AsianFusion WithTun aandshirasu Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Dicalcium Phosphate 등 77 MackandJack WithM ackerelandgrilledskip jack Availablein3.0oz,5.5o zand10oz Dicalcium Phosphate 등 78 PolynesianBBQ With GrilledRedBigeye Availablein3.0oz,5.5o zand10oz Dicalcium Phosphate 등 79 MeowLuau WithMac kerelandpumpkin Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Dicalcium Phosphate 등 80 MediterranianHarves t WithTunaandVeggi esingravey Availablein3.0ozand5.5oz Dicalcium Phosphate 등
17 81 MideastFeast WithGr illedtilapiaingravey Availablein3.0oz,5.5o zand10oz Dicalcium Phosphate 등 82 1IfByLand,2IfBySea -Tuna,Beef&Salmoni ngravyrecipe Availablein3.0oz Beef 등 83 ChickMagnet-Chicke n&mackerelingravyr ecipe Availablein3.0oz Chicken 등 84 LoveMeTender-Chick en&duckingravyreci pe Availablein3.0oz Chicken,Duck 등 85 PumpkinLickin'Chicke n -ChickeninPumpkinS ouprecipe Availablein3.0oz Chicken 등
18 86 KobeMaster-Beefwit hwagyubeef Availablein13oz Kobe Beef, Beef Broth, Beef Liver 등 87 KobeYume-WagyuBe ef,organicchicken,or ganicturkey Availablein13oz Beef, Organic Chicken, Organic Turkey, Beef Broth 등 88 KobeGyro-Lamband WagyuBeef Availablein13oz Lamb, Beef, Beef Broth 등 89 KurobutaPagoda-Or ganicchickenandkur obutapork Availablein13oz Chicken, Organic Chicken Broth, Pork 등 90 KurobutaHero-Organ icturkeyandkurobuta Pork Availablein13oz Turkey, Organic Turkey Broth, Pork 등
19 91 Tuna & Chicken 4EVA Recipe (in Gravy) Chicken 등 / 태국 b.f.f 92 Tuna & Chicken Chuckles Recipe (in Aspic Chicken 등 / 태국 b.f.f 93 GREENIES Canine Dental Chews Gelatin 등 Greenies 94 GREENIES LITE Canine Dental Chews gelatin, dicalcium phosphate 등 Greenies 95 GREENIES SENIOR Canine Dental Chews gelatin, dried chicken cartilage (source of glucosamine and chondroitin), dicalcium phosphate 등 Greenies
20 96 GREENIES JOINTCARECanine Treats ChickenMeal, Gelatin, ChickenCartilage 등 미 Greenies 국 97 GREENIES PILL POCKETS Canine Treats - Real Beef : Chicken,beef 등 - Real Chicken : Chicken 등 Greenies 98 GREENIES PILLPOC KETS Allergy FormulaTreats - Roasted Duckand Pea : Duck 등 Greenies 99 FELINEGREENIES De ntaltreats SUCCULENTBEEFFLA VOR Chickenmeal,poultryfat(preservedwit hmixedtocopherols), driedchicken 등 Greenies 100 FELINEGREENIES De ntaltreats OCEANFISHFLAVOR Chickenmeal, poultryfat(preservedwith mixedtocopherols),fishm eal 등 Greenies
21 101 FELINEGREENIES De ntaltreats OVENROASTEDCHIC KENFLAVOR Chickenmeal,poultryfat( preservedwithmixedtoco pherols 등 Greenies 102 FELINEGREENIES De ntaltreats SAVORYSALMONFLA VOR Chickenmeal, poultryfat(preservedwith mixedtocopherols),salm onmeal 등 Greenies 103 FELINEGREENIES De ntaltreats TEMPTINGTUNAFLA VOR :Chickenmeal, poultryfat 등 Greenies 104 FELINEGREENIES PI LLPOCKETS Treats - Natural salmonflavor : Chicken,,salmonmeal 등 - Realchicken : Chicken,,chickenlivermeal 등 Greenies 105 FELINEGREENIES PI LLPOCKETS AllergyFormulaTrea ts Roasted Duck and Pea: Duck 등 Greenies
22 106 Natural Purrz savory salmon 3-oz gelatin, whey Zuke's 107 Natural Purrz tender chicken 3-oz chicken, gelatin Zuke's 108 Natural Purrz tasty tuna 3-oz gelatin Zuke's Zuke's 109 Mini naturals wild rabbit 6-oz rabbit, gelatin Zuke's 110 Mini naturals fresh peanut butter 6-oz gelatin Zuke's
23 111 Hip Action roasted beef beef, gelatin Zuke's 112 Hip Action fresh peanut butter gelatin Zuke's 113 Lil's Links pork and apple pork, gelatin Zuke's 114 PetNaturals Hip+Joint whey PetNaturals 115 NaturVet All-In-One Soft Chews Dicalcium Phosphate NaturVet
24 116 Life Essentials Freeze Dried Chicken Treats CHICKEN CAT MAN DOO 117 Sheba Duo CHICKEN MEAL, PORK 일본 SHEBA 118 Sheba Duo CHICKEN MEAL, PORK 일본 SHEBA 119 MonPetit Crispy Kiss CHICKEN MEAL, BEEF TALLOW 일본 PURINA 120 MonPetit Crispy Kiss CHICKEN MEAL, BEEF TALLOW 일본 PURINA
25 121 CIAO ちゅ ~ る take white meat tuna flavor CHICKEN 일본 CIAO 122 CIAO ちゅ ~ る take white meat and NABE taste CHICKEN 일본 CIAO 123 CIAO ちゅ ~ るとりささみ海鮮ミックス味 CHICKEN 일본 CIAO 124 MILK BONE BONE MEAL MILK BONE 125 PET TABS PORK LIVER MEAL PET TABS
27 132 Crunch training treats with 70% salmon SALMON MEAL, PORCINE GELATIN GRIZZLY PET PRODUCTS,LLC 133 Virbac C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygine Chews for Dogs BEEFHIDE, POULTRY DIGEST Virbac 134 Virbac C.E.T. HEXTRA Premium Chews for Dogs BEEFHIDE, POULTRY LIVER Virbac 135 Pet Botanics Healthy Omega Treats-CHICKEN CHICKEN Pet Botanics 136 Pet Botanics Healthy Omega Treats-DUCK DUCK Pet Botanics
28 137 Pet Botanics Training Reward (CHICKEN,BACON, BEEF FLAVOR) PORK LIVER, CHICKEN,BEEF 138 Natural balance dental chews L.I.T Sweet Potato&Chicken Meal CHICKEN MEAL Natural balance 139 Natural balance dental chews L.I.T with Duck Meal DUCK MEAL Natural balance 140 Wilderness Trail Toppers Wild Cuts(Chunky Salmon-Beef-Duck- Chicken) BEEF,CHICKEN,DUCK, CHICKEN BROTH BLUE BUFFALO
29 141 KONG Wild Split Elk Antler Dog Chew Elk Antler KONG 142 KONG Stuff'N Snacks, Liver CHICKEN LIVER, CHICKEN MEAL KONG 143 KONG Stuff'N Snacks, Bacon&Cheese CHICKEN MEAL KONG 144 Bully Sticks BEEF PATRIOT 145 BestBully STICKS BEEF PIZZLE BEST BULLY STICKS
30 146 Wellness Healthy Indulgence CHICKEN,DUCK,TURKEY, EGG WHITE WELLNESS 147 Wellness Complete Health TURKEY, CHICKEN WELLNESS 148 Wellness Pure Rewards CHICKEN, LAMB WELLNESS 149 Wellness WellBites LAMB WELLNESS 150 Wellness Petite Entrees BEEF,CHICKEN.LAMB, DUCK,TURKEY WELLNESS
31 151 PEGETABLES Nature's Dog Chews - Sweet Potato, Carrot & Pea Flavor Gelatin Indigenous 152 PROFLORA Chicken liver, Dicalcium phosphate PHS 153 Bright Bites Daily Dental Dog Treats, Fresh Spearmint Gelatin Bright Bites 154 Bright Bites Daily Dental Dog Treats, Tasty Cinnamon Gelatin Bright Bites 155 Bright Bites, Daily Dental Dog Treats, Cool Peppermint Gelatin Bright Bites
32 156 Vitakraft Dog Beef Sticks Beef, Lamb, Turkey, Tripe, Duck 등 Vitakraft 157 Twistix Dental Chew Treat Gelatin Twistix 158 Pro Plan Focus Sensitive Skin & Stomach Salmon & Rice Formula Dry Dog Food fish meal, animal fat PURINA 159 Purina Pro Plan Focus Sensitive Skin & Stomach Lamb & Oat Meal Formula Dry Dog Food lamb PURINA
33 160 Blue Buffalo Kitchen Cravings Beef, Chicken Blue Buffalo 161 Purebites Chicken Breast Dog Treats Chicken breast PureBites 162 PureBites Beef Liver Dog Treats Beef liver PureBites 163 Dog Breath Dental Chews Gelatin Herbsmith 164 Smiling dog freez dried chicken chicken Herbsmith
34 165 Puppy Teething ring Gelatin N-BONE 166 stella's super beef beef stella&chewys 167 chewy's chicken chicken stella&chewys 168 duck duck goose duck, turkey stella&chewys
35 169 dandy lamb lamb stella&chewys 170 phenomenal pheasant pheasant stella&chewys 171 Absolutely rabbit rabbit stella&chewys 172 surf n turf beef stella&chewys 173 simply venison venison stella&chewys
36 174 glucosamine ds plus dicalcium phosphate naturvet 175 RAW boost mixers beef nature's variety 176 instinct Beef beef nature's variety 177 Natural duck duck plato
37 178 Neutricks soft chews chicken Neutricks 179 Yumove Dicalcium phophate lintbells 180 Organix chicken flavored dog cookies chicken castor & pollux 181 Organix chicken&brown rice recipe chicken castor & pollux 182 Natural ultramix adult dry dog food chicken castor & pollux
38 183 Appalanchian ranch beef, lamb, pork ACANA 184 Grasslands lamb, egg, duck ACANA 185 Meadowland turkey, chicken ACANA 186 Pro Plan Savor Adult Shredded Blend Chicken & Rice Formula Dog Food chicken, poultry meal PURINA
39 187 Dentees chew gelatin DECHRA 188 Wag Haus French Gourmet Organic Dog Jerky duck breast WAG HAUS 189 Daily multi for cat fish meal pet naturals 190 hip and joint for cat fish meal pet naturals
40 191 I'd rather be with my dog venison recipe venison USA soft&chewy 192 I'd rather be with my dog turkey and pumpkin recipe turkey USA soft&chewy 193 I and Love and You Poultry paloonza recipe Turkey, chicken meal, turkey meal, chicken fat USA I and love and you 194 I and Love and You redmeat medley recipe pork, lamb meal USA I and love and you
41 195 I and Love and You simply sea recipe menhaden meal USA I and love and you 196 Pedigress healthy weight adult dry dog food chicken USA Pedigree 197 Rachaelray nutrish beef USA Rachaelray 198 Wilderness blue baffalo high protein dry adlut dog chicken USA BLUE BUFFALO
42 199 Meow mix original choice dry cat food chicken, turkey USA Meow mix 200 Hills science indoor diet cat dry cat food chicken USA Hills science 201 Cesar Club variety cube dog food beef USA Cesar 202 American jorney beef and sweet potato recipe beef USA American jorney
43 203 Nature recipe grain free chicken recipe chicken USA Nature s recipe 204 Purina proplan savor adult classic & rice recipe chicken USA Purina 205 Blue stew s adult dog food Chicken, chicken stew, egg USA Blue Buffalo 206 Digestive Care Low Fat Dog Food Pork liver, Turkey liver USA Hills Prescription Diet
44 207 Authority Senior Dog Food Lamb, Lamb Broth, Chicken, Lamb Liver USA Authority 208 Large Breed Adult Dog Chicken, Chicken by-proudct USA Bil-jack 209 Hills science diet wet dog food adult chicken & beef USA Hills 210 Purina Smratblend classic groud wet dog food Chicken USA Purina
45 211 Nature s Recipe wet dog food Chicken USA Nature s Recipe 212 Nutro wild frontier wet dog food Chicken & Turkey USA Nutro 213 Rachael Ray Nutrish Super premium dog food Beef & Chicken meal USA Rachael Ray Nutrish 214 Purina Beyond Natural Grain Free white meat chicken & egg recipe dry dog food Chicken & Egg USA Purina Beyond
46 215 Racael Ray Nutrish Zero Grain Natural Dry Dog Food Turkey USA Racael Ray Nutrish 216 Eagle Pack Natural Dry Dog Food Chicken USA Eagle Pack Natural 217 Rocco & Roxie Supply Co. Chicken USA Rocco & Roxie Gourmet Jerky Dog Tteats 218 Jack & Pup Premium Grade Odor Free Mini Bully Sticks Dog Treats Beef USA Jack & Pup
47 219 Maxmeat Holistic Grain-free Air dried Dog food Chicken New Zealand Only Natural Pet 220 Air Dried Grain-Free Natural Dry Dog Food Turkey, Chicken, Gelatine USA Wellness Core 221 Canidae Life Stages Dry Dog Food Chicken meal, Turkey meal, Lamb meal USA Canidae 222 Nutro wholesome Essentials Senior Dry Dog Food Chicken USA Nutro
48 223 The Missing Link Ultimate Hip&Joint balanced omega 3&6 plus glucosamine Beef liver, Ground beef bone USA The Missing Link 224 The Missing Link Ultimate Skin&Coat balanced omega 3&6 Beef liver, Ground beef bone USA The Missing Link 225 The Missing Link Once Daily Hips, Joints, and Teeth Pork gelatine, Poultry liver USA The Missing Link 226 The Missing Link Once Daily Skin, Coat, and Teeth Pork gelatine, Poultry liver USA The Missing Link
49 227 Vita Bully Vitamins for Bully Breeds Chicken liver hydrolysate Muscle Bully 228 Muscle Protein for Bullies Beef bone broth Muscle Bully 229 Muscle Bully Creatine for Dogs, Bully Beast Beef bone broth Muscle Bully
50 230 Cheezie Chew, Teenie Cheese Knot Chicken meal GlobalONE Pets 231 Purina Beneful Orignals Adult Dry Dog Food Beef Purina Beneful 232 Spot Farms Antibioitics Ever Chicken Apple Sausage Recipe Chicken CH Spot Farms 233 IAMS Proactive Health Original Adult Dry Cat Food Chicken Iams
51 234 Wag Dry Dog Dood, No Added Grain, Beef and Lentil Recipe with Wild Boar Beef WAG 235 Pedigree Chunk Ground Dinner Adult Wet Dog Food Beef Pedigree 236 Fifi & Fido Glutein-Free Beef Jerky Chew Sticks for Dog Beef Fifi & Fido 237 Full Moon Organic Human Grade Training Treats for Dogs Chicken Full Moon
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 혹은 , 2627) 로문의바랍니다. 번호제품
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 (nvrqsi04@korea.kr 혹은 032-740-2624, 2627) 로문의바랍니다. 1 LIV-A-LITTLES CHICKEN (2.2 OZ) Freeze-dried chicken breast
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 혹은 , 2627) 로문의바랍니다. 번호제품
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 (nvrqsi04@korea.kr 혹은 032-740-2625, 2627) 로문의바랍니다. 1 LIV-A-LITTLES CHICKEN (2.2 OZ) Freeze-dried chicken breast
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 혹은 , 2627) 로문의바랍니다. 번호제품
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 (nvrqsi04@korea.kr 혹은 032-740-2624, 2627) 로문의바랍니다. 1 LIV-A-LITTLES CHICKEN (2.2 OZ) Freeze-dried chicken breast
특송으로 반입되는 애완동물사료 목록
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 (nvrqsi04@korea.kr 혹은 032-744-5550, 5551) 로문의바랍니다. 1 LIV-A-LITTLES CHICKEN (2.2 OZ) Freeze-dried chicken breast
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 혹은 , 5551) 로문의바랍니다. 번호제품
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 (nvrqsi04@korea.kr 혹은 032-744-5550, 5551) 로문의바랍니다. 1 LIV-A-LITTLES CHICKEN (2.2 OZ) Freeze-dried chicken breast
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 혹은 , 5551) 로문의바랍니다.
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 (expresscargo@korea.kr 혹은 032-744-5550, 5551) 로문의바랍니다. 1 LIV-A-LITTLES CHICKEN (2.2 OZ) Freeze-dried chicken
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 혹은 , 5551) 로문의바랍니다.
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 (expresscargo@korea.kr 혹은 032-744-5550, 5551) 로문의바랍니다. 1 LIV-A-LITTLES CHICKEN (2.2 OZ) Freeze-dried chicken
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 혹은 , 5551) 로문의바랍니다.
특송으로반입되는검역대상애완동물사료 * 아래의목록은대표적인검역대상애완동물사료로서검역증명서나관련증명서없이는반입이불가합니다. 여기에게시되지않은제품의경우인천공항지역본부화물검역과 (expresscargo@korea.kr 혹은 032-744-5550, 5551) 로문의바랍니다. 1 LIV-A-LITTLES CHICKEN (2.2 OZ) Freeze-dried chicken
BREAKFAST I 07:00~11:00 I MORNING BUFFET Adult 29,800 (07:00~10:00) Child 22,000 AMERICAN BREAKFAST 23,000 A Choice of Chilled Juice(Orange, Tomato, Pineapple) Two Eggs with Choice of Side Dish(Ham, Bacon,
Fresh Meat Fresh Meat Yukhwawon s fresh meat division conducts the whole process of preparing all kinds of chicken meats. This process includes fat removing, deboning, and preparing the chicken cut meat.
YEONGGWANG BEOPSEONGPO SALTED YELLOW CORVINA Exquisite taste, Interweaving of Water Wind Sunshine Salt And time By human
MISuNG fishery association corporation delivers taste of time from endeavors to follow the traditional methods for three generations. We have the patented skill of making Gul-bi marinated with herb & lotus
LUNCH & DINNER I I KOREAN TABLE D'HOTE Beef Bone & Vegetable soup with Rice 20,000 and 4Kinds of side dish Boiled Ox-Tail Soup with Steamed Rice 24,000 Sliced and Marinated Beef Ribeye Barbecued on a Bulgogi
2 3
20 recipies pot line Stir Fried Glass Noodles and Bean Sprouts Wild Sesame and Mushroom Soup Mille-Feuille Nabe Seafood Risotto with Cream Sauce Braised Pork Rib with Aged Kimchi Stir Fried Noodle with
FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE WINTER 2013 20 FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE 2013 Winter CONTENTS Wellness Beauty Living CONTENTS 2013 Winter FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE One for One Hyper Store [ 2074 ] 10-0394K
Safety Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety tip to your local electric cooperative (address found on Page 3). If your poster is must include your name, age, mailing address and the names of
서론 34 2
34 2 Journal of the Korean Society of Health Information and Health Statistics Volume 34, Number 2, 2009, pp. 165 176 165 진은희 A Study on Health related Action Rates of Dietary Guidelines and Pattern of
Mixed veggie salad w/ avocado Korean prime beef Tartare Braised Korean prime beef short ribs Char-grilled Korean styled burger steak made with Korean prime beef Chopped small octopus / small octopus &
CHINESE BISTRO LUNCH COURSE (11:00 ~ 15:00 靑 33,000 Mushroom & Crab Meat Soup Cantonese-style Stir-Fried Seafood Deep-Fried Prawn with Spicy Chili Sauce Stir-Fried Shredded Green Bell Pepper & Beef Choice
- 울산시 반려동물 문화센터 건립 - 기본계획수립 및 입지선정 2015. 8. 10. 제 출 문 울산시장 귀하 본 보고서를 반려동물 문화센터 건립 기본계획 수립 및 입지선정 연구 용역 의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2015. 8. 10. 사 단 법 인 한국사회경제연구원 이 사 장 박 찬 혁 참 여 연 구 진 책 임 연 구 위 원 연 구 위 원 연 구 위 원
키사라 강남 메뉴판_룸 최종
MIZU Course Appetizer Grilled Chicken Salad Sashimi Prawn & Vegetable Tempura Sushi & Roll Hot or Cold Noodles 50,000 10% tax has been added. TSUKI Course Appetizer Three kinds of Seafood Salad Sashimi
House salad topped w/ tomatoes and ricotta cheese Mixed veggie salad w/ avocado Korean prime beef Tartare Char-grilled Korean styled burger steak made with Korean prime beef Braised Korean prime beef short
현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~ 두 갑 두 갑 이상 5. Ho
Name: Preliminary Medical Examination (Female) 문진표(여성) 1. Have you ever suffered from or been treated for below diseases for more than 3 months? 과거에 다음과 같은 질병으로 3개월 이상 앓았거나 진단(치료)을 받은 적이 있습니까? 1 diabetes
SET A Marinated beef rib set $75 (for 2-3 People) Marinated Beef Rib with Bone (Angus Beef) 양념소갈비 800 gram SET B premium beef set $89 (for 2-3 People)
Oriental Spoon Charcoal BBQ HOW TO ENJOY KOREAN BBQ STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 Put a lettuce in your palm and add a piece of meat on it Add a dollop of Ssamjang (Dipping sauce) Add whatever you want (Garlic,
vol.267 April 2014 Personal Advisor For A Better Life vol.264 January 2014 Personal Advisor For A Better ter Life Contents April 2014 06 38 54 April* 02 INTRO 04 LIST Beauty* 38 FACE 42 MAKE-UP Amway*
Seafood cuisine 해물 요리 海 鮮 海 鲜 Japanese seerfish 삼치 燕 魚 燕 鱼 Japanese sardinella 밴댕이 瑪 瑪 卡 利 ( 青 鱗 魚 ) 玛 玛 卡 利 ( 青 鳞 鱼 ) Sashimi (sliced raw fish) 생선회 生 魚 片 生 鱼 片 tuna 다랑어 鮪 魚 金 枪 鱼 bonito 가다랭이 鰹 魚 / 松 魚
2012 Winter FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE 16 CONTENTS Wellness 006 Best of Nature, Best of Science 008 010 Nutrition Supplement 014 Double X 016 Vitamin Mineral Supplement 019 Herb Functional Supplement 028
FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE CONTENTS 2014 AUTUMN FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE One for One [ 2074 ] 10-0394K Gift Set Business Support Tools sabn Telecom Amway TV s BEST OF NATURE. BEST OF
싱카이 역삼점 메뉴내지_단품음주류
XINGKAI Set Chin Set Today s Soup, Shredded Sea Cucumber and Shrimp with Beef, Fried Prawn in Chili Sauce, Fried Rice or Noodles, Dessert Myung Set Today s Soup, Fried Chicken in Garlic and Soy Sauce,
FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE SUMMER 2014 26 CONTENTS 2014 SUMMER FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE One for One [ 2074 ] 10-0394K Gift Set Business Support Tools sabn Telecom Amway TV TM EXACT FI T PRESSED
참고자료 2: 실용교과서 모형 및 시범단원 - 577 - - 579 - Get Ready Study Points Self-check Listen In Into the Conversation Communication Task Before You Read Read and Talk After You Read Questions for Further Reading
Safety Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety tip to your local electric cooperative (address found on Page receive a prize. All entries must include your name, age, mailing address and the
B WAGYU & ANGUS BEEF SET Wagyu Oyster Blade 150g 와규 부채살 150g Angus Beef Scotch Fillet 180g 앵거스 등심 180g Wagyu Beef Short Rib 150g 와규 갈비살 150g C M
CHARCOAL BBQ SET MENU PREMIUM SET Marinated Beef Rib 250g 양념소갈비 250g Wagyu Beef Brisket 150g 와규 우삼겹 150g Chili Chicken Fillet 200g 고추장 치킨 200g Plain Pork Belly 180g 삼겹살 180g Wagyu Beef Short Rib 150g 갈비살
Safety Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety tip to your local electric cooperative (address found on Page 3). If Reader 1 (3.4 oz.) box white chocolate instant pudding 1 (3.4 oz.) box cheesecake
Safety Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety tip to your local electric cooperative (address found on Page receive a prize. All entries must include your name, age, mailing address and the
14. 우동 Udon Udon noodle soup with fish cakes and vegetables 15. 김치 볶음밥 Kim-chi Fried Rice Fried rice with Kim-chi, bacon and vegetables with a fried e
식사류 Rich Dishes * 기호에 따라 매운맛을 더하거나 빼고 싶으시면 주문시 말씀해 주세요. * Let us know if you like to make your dish more or less spicy than regular. Pork Bone Soup 1. 비지 찌개 Kim-chi Pork Bean-Curd Stew A casserole of bean-curd
Unit 2. Spring Is Here Spring Is Here Spring is (here / in). The snow is melting. Spring is here. The (flowers / bees) are blooming. Spring is here. T
Unit 1. I Like the Rain I Like the Rain It is raining. It is (boring / scary). Oh, I have an (apple / idea)! I put on my shirt. I put on my (socks / gloves). I put on my raincoat. I put on my boots, too.
sugar cane 계분 (%) a ATCC : American type Culture Collection, b IFO : Institute for fermentation, osaka, c MPNU : Mycological lab. Pusan National University d Mycelial
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
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AMERICAN BREAKFAST 37,000 Fruit or vegetable Juice: Freshly squeezed orange, or apple, grapefruit, carrot, tomato, Fresh milk, Low-fat milk Two eggs,
AMERICAN BREAKFAST 37,000 Fruit or vegetable Juice: Freshly squeezed orange, or apple, grapefruit, carrot, tomato, Fresh milk, Low-fat milk Two eggs, any style, with your choice of : Fried, scrambled,
choice VOL31-<1111><1167><11AF><110E><1175><11B7><1106><1167><11AB> <1100><1169><1112><116A><110C><1175><11AF>.pdf
FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE AUTUMN 2015 31 CONTENTS Wellness Beauty 2015 AUTUMN FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE Living www.abnkorea.co.kr ABN 080-080-4949 sabn www.m.abnkorea.co.kr 080-080-4950 080-080-4949
Safety Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety tip to your local electric cooperative (address found on Page 3). If your poster is entries must include your name, age, mailing address and the
Safety Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety tip to your local electric cooperative (address found on Page 3). If your poster is entries must include your name, age, mailing address and the
CONTENTS 2013 Autumn FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE One for One [ 2074 ] 10-0394K Gift Set Business Support Tools sabn Telecom 630 TIP BEST OF NATURE. BEST OF SCIENCE. BEST OF NATURE BEST OF
1967년 비틀즈는 ‘Sergeant Pepper
경쟁과 영향, 60년대 대중 음악사를 중심으로 1. 1964년 2월 7일 1시 35분, 비틀즈를 태운 비행기가 케네디 공항에 도착하는 것으로 영 국 대중음악의 미국 침공이 시작된다. 재기발랄하고(기자 회견장에서 노래를 청하자 존 레 논은 돈을 먼저 달라고 대꾸했다) 기상천외하며(베토벤을 어떻게 생각하느냐는 질문에 링고 스타는 대단히 멋진 분이며 특히 그 분의
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일본 (Japan) 검역품목 No. 참고사진품목명비고 1 Canned meat product ( 햄 ) 육가공품을제외한품목만 EMS 프리미엄으로발송가능하며반드시무게는 10kg 미만으로발송해야하며반드시한글로제품명을기표지에표기해야하며가공된타입을 Invoice 에반드시표기예제 ) Canned Tuna ( 참치캔 ) 2 Coffee beans ( 원두커피 ) 가공된제품에한하여
National Action Plan for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights 20075 2007-2011 National Action Plan for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights 20075 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 19 20 21 22
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홀독저널 의건조사료제조자목록 2008 검증된식품 건조개사료 홀독저널 의건조사료선정기준 처음으로, 홀독저널은과거에 검증된개건조사료 목록에올린제품의사료회사들에대하여제대로된정보를출판하기위하여, 제조처에대한정보를각사료회사에요구했다. 9 개회사는제조자에대한정보제공을거젃하거나대답이없었다. 이런 9 개회사들의사료는이검증된식품명단에서삭제했다. 검증된식품명단에서삭제된건조사료
닭곰탕 & 당면사리 쌀밥 해물완자전 파래김구이 & 양념장쑥갓나물깍두기 중화비빔밥 계란후라이미역국잡채꼬들단무지무침포기김치 한식 돼지고기두부김치찌개 흑미밥 계란찜고구마맛탕배추들깨나물열무김치 새우튀김우동참치마요스쿱밥 옛날소시지전 (Pork: Korea, Chicken: Korea / 돼지 : 국산, 닭 : 국산 ) 부추레몬깨소스생채단무지배추김치 뚝배기소불고기 (Beef:
3 2011 Winter/ FOR YOUR PREMIUM LIFESTYLE Vol.14 CONTENTS Wellness 004 006 Best of Nature, Best of Science 008 010 Nutrition Supplement 012 Double X 014 Vitamin Mineral Supplement 017 025 Herb Functional
PowerPoint Presentation
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October 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.8 울긋불긋 가을이야기 목차 From Editor 앉아서 떠나는 여행 Guidance 그림책 읽어주는 기술 Homeschool 다양한 세계문화 알아보기 Study Trip 올 가을!풍요로운 낭만축
October 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.8 BROWN MAGAZINE Webzine vol.8 October 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.8 울긋불긋 가을이야기 목차 From Editor 앉아서 떠나는 여행 Guidance 그림책 읽어주는 기술 Homeschool 다양한 세계문화 알아보기 Study
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1 01 [ 01-02 ] 01. 02. 9 01 01 02 02 [ 01-05 ] 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 10 plus 002
1 01 [ 01-02 ] 01. 02. 9 01 01 02 02 [ 01-05 ] 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 10 plus 002 01 01 02 02 03 04 03 04 003 05 05 [ 06-10 ] 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11 plus 004 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 09 10 10 005 [ 11-15 ] 11.
Color Space 1 아련한 첫사랑의 추억, 영화 <건축학개론> 학교의 색다른 변신 제주 표선초등학교 우와~ 우리 학교 맞아? 정말 예쁘다~. 9월 1일 개학 날 등교하는 아이들의 눈이 휘둥그레졌다. 여름방학 사이에 밋밋했던 제주 표선초등학교의 외관이 색색의 팬톤페
www.noroopaint.com blog.noroo.co.kr 080-944-7777 2015 Autumn VOL.3 하우홈은 노루페인트의 아름답고 실용적인 가치를 담은 브랜드로 친환경 소재를 사용하여 더욱 즐겁고 편안한 생활 공간을 만들어드립니다. Color Space 아련한 첫사랑의 추억, 영화 학교의 색다른 변신 제주 표선초등학교 Hot
1.13 (cont.) Time (시간) today (오늘) yesterday (어제) tomorrow (내일) breakfast (아침밥) lunch (점심) dinner (저녁밥) week (주) month (달) year (해/년) clock (시계) before
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TFT 2015 04 02 03 3.57 3.98 3.36 3.68 4.06 5% 41% 3.45 3.26 0 1 2 3 4 5 47% 7.1% 13.6% 2.2% 29.3% 13.0% 10.9% 7% 0% 23.9% 24.3% 20.6% 7.5% 5.6% 23.4% 18.7% 15.8% 6.6% 7.7% 20.2% 18.6% 12.0% 19.2% 04 05
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한식당여수는 나그네여, 향수수입니다. 여행자들의마음입니다. Korean Restaurant 깔끔하고정갈한맛과고급스러운분위기를자랑하는 The Rotex Hotel & Condo 한식당 ' 여수 ' 에서고향의정취를느껴보시기바랍니다. 화학조미료를사용하지않는웰빙식사입니다. 화
한식당여수는 나그네여, 향수수입니다. 여행자들의마음입니다. Korean Restaurant 깔끔하고정갈한맛과고급스러운분위기를자랑하는 The Rotex Hotel & Condo 한식당 ' 여수 ' 에서고향의정취를느껴보시기바랍니다. 화학조미료를사용하지않는웰빙식사입니다. 아침 Breakfast 조식스페셜 Breakfast Special 아침정식 Breakfast
팔보채 (Octopus: Chile / 오징어 : 칠레 ) 기장밥 어묵국청포묵김가루무침콩나물무침배추김치 소불고기 (Beef: New Zealand / 소 : 뉴질랜드 ) 흑미밥 얼갈이된장국계란찜호박볶음열무김치 한식 마파두부덮밥 계란국탕수육 군만두 짜사이무침배추김치 설렁탕 (Beef: Australia/ 소 : 호주산 ) 쌀밥 김치전 멸치볶음미역초무침깍두기 MS/HS:
02 04 08 12 14 28 33 40 42 46 49 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Focus 10 11 Focus 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
02 04 06 09 12 27 30 36 38 43 46 56 2 3 4 5 6 7 Focus 8 9 Focus 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
SG프랜-한남점 지노영수정.QXP
REDESIGN YOUR BODY doterra - Healthy Life Guide Book 본 책자의 내용은 교육용 자료이며 일반적인 건강정보로 특정 제품과 직접적인 관련이 없습니다. 무단 복제, 임의변경 및 배포를 금지합니다 1. 나에게 가장 적정한 몸무게는 무엇일까요? 체중 측정을 통한 적정 체중의 판정방법 비만 지수 = 현재 체중 표준 체중 100
Absolute Blue 태양의 위세 앞에서도 당당한 여자의 자존 심을 닮은 컬러. 바람을 닮아 유연한, 물을 닮아 자유롭게, 거칠 것 없이 여름의 클라 이맥스에 올라서서 세상을 물들이는 소리 없는 지배자, 블루
뷰티 멘토링 북 Summer 2014 _VOL.12 태양의 열기, 블루 속에 녹아 들다 아스팔트마저 녹일 듯한 과잉된 열기가 피어오르는 여름이라는 무대 위 블루가 등장하는 순간, 여름은 제 2막으로 돌입한다. 바라보기만 해도 청량함 속으로 빠져드는 블루의 절대적 매력. 블루와 함께 여자는 이 여름의 주인공이 된다. 격이 다른 히로인의 컬러 BLUE Absolute
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2010. 09www.yakult.co.kr 08 04 07 Theme Special_ Great Work Place 08 10 12 13 13 14 16 18 20 22 20 24 26 28 30 31 24 06+07 08+09 Theme Advice Great Work Place 10+11 Theme Story Great Work Place 4 1 5 2
Personal Advisor For A Better Life vol. 276 January 2015 January 2015 Contents 08 20 06 INTRO 08 STYLE 16 DRINK 18 NUTRITION 20 FOOD 26 26 PROJECT 32 HOBBY 34 MIND 36 SKIN CARE 42 MAKE-UP 44 HAIR 46 BODY
-. BSE ( 3 ) BSE. ㆍㆍ ( 5 ). ( 6 ) 3., ( : , Fax : , : 8 177, : 39660).. ( ). ( ),. (
2018-231 ( 2017-4, 2017.1.25.) 46. 2018 7 00 ( ) 1., ㆍ ㆍ. 2.. ( 2 ) - - 1 - -. BSE ( 3 ) BSE. ㆍㆍ ( 5 ). ( 6 ) 3., 2018 9 00 ( : 054-912-0423, Fax : 054-912-0431, E-mail : ilsu@korea.kr, : 8 177, : 39660)..
0.09 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.03 0.07 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.02 0.001 0.08 0.15 0.09 0.18 0.30 0.42 0.53 0.63 0.69 0.72 0.75 0.81 0.87 0.96 0.03 0.10 0.21 0.34 0.47 0.58
1. 만화경 만들기 59 2. 물 속에서의 마술 71 3. 비누 탐험 84 4. 꽃보다 아름다운 결정 97 5. 거꾸로 올라가는 물 110 6. 내가 만든 기압계 123 7. 저녁 노을은 맑은 날씨? 136 8. 못생겨도 나는 꽃! 150 9. 단풍잎 색깔 추리 162 10. 고마워요! 지렁이 174 1. 날아라 열기구 188 2. 나 누구게? 198 3.
. - 199 - . 1. DB (IPC) 10938,,. KIPIRS, WIPS, KINIT I DB,,,,,,,,,,,,, IPC (A21, A23, A61, C12) 2450 2 1303.,, suplement food, health food, functional food, body control, biorhythm control, aging control
Column 엄마! 왜 빨리 왔어? 친구들이랑 더 놀고 싶어 이상선 제생병원어린이집 원장 2015년 영유아보육법 개정안을 보면, 2016년부터 일정 규 모 이상 사업장이 직장어린이집을 설치하지 않으면 1년에 2 회, 최대 1억원 범위에서 이행강제금이 부과된다고 한다.
Column 엄마! 왜 빨리 왔어? 친구들이랑 더 놀고 싶어 이상선 제생병원어린이집 원장 2015년 영유아보육법 개정안을 보면, 2016년부터 일정 규 모 이상 사업장이 직장어린이집을 설치하지 않으면 1년에 2 회, 최대 1억원 범위에서 이행강제금이 부과된다고 한다. 영 유아보육법에 따라 상시 여성근로자 300명 이상이거나 상 시 근로자 500명 이상인 사업장은
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Appetizers A1. Fried Dumplings... [5] sm 4.99 (Lightly fried pork & vegetable dumplings; served with seasoned soy sauce) [10] Lg 8.99 A2. 아기 두 Basket of mini Dumplings... 7.99 (A small basket filled with
안전을 위한 주의사항 제품을 올바르게 사용하여 위험이나 재산상의 피해를 미리 막기 위한 내용이므로 반드시 지켜 주시기 바랍니다. 2 경고 설치 관련 지시사항을 위반했을 때 심각한 상해가 발생하거나 사망에 이를 가능성이 있는 경우 설치하기 전에 반드시 본 기기의 전원을
Digital Video Recorder 간편설명서 XD3316 안전을 위한 주의사항 제품을 올바르게 사용하여 위험이나 재산상의 피해를 미리 막기 위한 내용이므로 반드시 지켜 주시기 바랍니다. 2 경고 설치 관련 지시사항을 위반했을 때 심각한 상해가 발생하거나 사망에 이를 가능성이 있는 경우 설치하기 전에 반드시 본 기기의 전원을 차단하고, 전원 플러그를 동시에
액티브 시니어를 위한 라이프스타일 february 2014 vol.22 senior.chosun.com Come Inside 여행에서 인생의 의미를 마주하다 아날로그 감성 LP의 귀환 inside vol.22 February 2014 액티브 시니어를 위한 라이프스타일, LS 06 Active Life 시니어모델 김성훈 18 Single Life
02 ORGA ORGANIC MILK ORGA LIFE 2014 5/ 6 글.한정혜 자유기고가 사진.Tone Studio 일러스트.박경연 제주의 맑은 바람과 물, 햇볕을 고스란히 품은 자연의 선물 올가 유기농우유 소의 건강과 소가 먹는 것이 우유의 질을 좌우합니다. 가
2014 Vol.6 제6호 로하스 정신을 실현하는 새로운 소비문화, 올가 라이프 Orga Life Magazine p.03 Special Things p.04 Whole Food p.05 Low Recipe p.06 Anniversary 봄나들이에 어울리는 올가 PB 보랏빛 슈퍼 히어로, 블루베리 맛은 높이고 지방은 낮췄다, 저지방 밥상 창업 33주년 특집
LCD Display
LCD Display SyncMaster 460DRn, 460DR VCR DVD DTV HDMI DVI to HDMI LAN USB (MDC: Multiple Display Control) PC. PC RS-232C. PC (Serial port) (Serial port) RS-232C.. > > Multiple Display
닥터 진의 미학(美學)
닥터 진의 미학( 美 學 ) 사랑 소개글 강남역 진성형외과 원장 닥터 진세훈의 성형, 주름살 이야기 목차 눈밑주름제거 4 주름 고민 끝~ 5 이마주름 6 기미,주근깨, 잡티 안녕~!! 7 뽀샤시 미백 관리~ 9 피부 재생관리~` 11 botox 란 ~~ 13 성형수술의 기원~ 14 성형수술전 꼭 알아두면 좋은 정보^^ 15 눈밑주름제거~ 17 이마와 목 주름
2 15 MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING IN HEALTH CARE 16 é 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Core Skills of Motivational Interviewing MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING IN HEALTH
LEVEL 1 UNIT 1 WORD TEST SHEET Class Date Name Score 단어 뜻 1 cold 2 outside 3 throw 4 snowball 5 hurt 6 break 7 make 8 hit 9 hard 10 shout 11 laugh 12
LEVEL 1 UNIT 1 WORD TEST SHEET Class Date Name Score 1 cold 2 outside 3 throw 4 snowball 5 hurt 6 break 7 make 8 hit 9 hard 10 shout 11 laugh 12 winter LEVEL 1 UNIT 1 WORD TEST SHEET ANSWER KEY 1 cold
오크우드 레스토랑 메뉴
Restaurant Menu Country of Origin 식자재 원산지 Beef Strip Loin Beef Rib-Eye Beef Tenderloin Beef Patty Beef Rib Meat Beef Short Rib Lamb Chop Veal Chop Chicken Chicken Bone Chicken Breast Bacon Sausage Beef
전통의맛을세심하고세련되게표현한한식당, 羅宴. 禮와格을갖추어차려낸최고의한식정찬을선보입니다. 전국에서가장훌륭한제철식재료를수급하여정통조리법을바탕으로현대적으로재해석한라연에서한식의정수를경험해보시기바랍니다. Expressing traditional Korean cuisine th
전통의맛을세심하고세련되게표현한한식당, 羅宴. 禮와格을갖추어차려낸최고의한식정찬을선보입니다. 전국에서가장훌륭한제철식재료를수급하여정통조리법을바탕으로현대적으로재해석한라연에서한식의정수를경험해보시기바랍니다. Expressing traditional Korean cuisine through delicate refinement, La Yeon serves elegant Korean
제20회 대한민국텍스타일디자인대전 DTP부문 심사결과(본상,기관장상) 순번 접수번호 이름 제목 비고 1 DTP-545 이시원 The Elegant Earth 국무총리상 2 DTP-557 권단아 아낌없이 주는 나무 지식경제부장관상 3 DTP-248 하은지 Nature Song 한국섬유산업연합회장상 4 DTP-678 김근배 향연 한국생산기술연구원장상 5 DTP-506
technology, economy, culture, human PROLOGUE 3 Ideas Changing The World 4 5 6 7 8 CONTENTS 11 13 17 21 25 28 33 37 43 46 51 57 59 64 69 76 78 81 83 88 93 98 104 109 111 115 119 124 129 131 137 141 144
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Senior Consultant Application Sales Consulting Oracle Korea - 1. S = (P + R) x E S= P= R= E= Source : Strategy Execution, By Daniel M. Beall 2001 1. Strategy Formulation Sound Flawed Missed Opportunity
3 Yes, I smoke. 현재도 피운다. (a) Half pack a day (b) half to one pack a day 반 갑 미만 반 갑 ~ 한 갑 (c) one to two packs a day (d) more than 2 packs a day 한 갑 ~
Name: Preliminary Medical Examination (Male) 문진표(남성) 1. Have you ever suffered from or been treated for the below diseases for more than 3 months? 과거에 다음과 같은 질병으로 3개월 이상 앓았거나 진단(치료)을 받은 적이 있습니까? 1 diabetes
슬라이드 1
LC-MS 단백질분석을위한 SDS-PAGE staining protocol 및주의할점 Proteomics Core Facility 2017.12.28 Contents LC-MS 분석의뢰용 protein SDS-PAGE staining 시주의할점 Coomassie Blue R-250 을이용한 gel staining (general protocol) Coomassie
대한지역사회영양학회지 21(1): 65~74, 2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.5720/kjcn.2016.21.1.65 ISSN 1226-0983 (print) / 2287-1624 (on-line) RESEARCH ARTICLE 노인복지시설 사용자 중심의 영양 식생활관리 프로그램 요구 분석 4) 이민준 1) 김정현 2) 박옥진 3) 이영미 1)
12¿ù 1~30
12월 31-49 2010.12.17 2:4 PM 페이지37 집중조명 집중조명 해외 초고층 오피스빌딩의 층별효용격차 사례분석 - 홍콩 일본 초고층 오피스빌딩 층별 임대료 조사내용을 중심으로 김 영 혁 전임연구원 한국감정원 부동산연구원 도시환경연구부 36 + 37 Real Estate Focus December 38+ 39 Real Estate Focus December
TODAY Korea Edition 2010 Vol.2 April + May Founder s Circle 뉴 파운더스 서클 멤버 엔리께 바렐라&그라시엘라 마이어 President s Team Story 뉴 인터내셔널 프레지던트팀 멤버 양순자&이찬영님 30주년 기념 리더쉽 서밋 & 베케이션 New Founder s Circle Enrique Varela &