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3 용도 (Purpose) 촉매탑 (catalyst columm) 및정제탑 (Purification) 등의 Columm 외부가열용 Heater Jacket 으로최고온도 600 C ( 연속 ) 까지사용가능한제품 특징 (Feature) - 본 Heater Jacket은여러형태의 Columm에 1:1 맞춤제작이가능하며, 안정된열분포도와효율을가지도록설계되었으며 cover형태의 Heater에비해가벼워취급이용이합니다. - 내외부에안정성높은고온자재를사용하여안정성이확보되었으며 High Temp Velcro, Hook, Belt 등을적용하여외부로의열차단과기밀성을확보하도록설계되었습니다. Power Source 200~230VAC 50/60HZ 1Phase, 380VAC 3Phase 440V(Order model) Temperature Range RT+5 C+600 C max.(continuous) with Temperature controller Temperature Sensor CA K Pt / 100Ω Material (Inside/Outside) Silica cloth for High Temp Material 1200 C max - Insulation : Ceramic fiber & Silica fiber Size In the 50A to 600A (Ø60.5 to Ø914.4 / 2inch to 40inch) Length At least 200m/m up to 2000m/m/ea (10inch up to 80inch)
4 용도 (Purpose) 각종 Gas Cylinder 의외부 Heating 및잔가스제거용 Heater Jacket 특징 (Feature) Power Source Power Consumption Temperature Range Size Material (Inside/Outside) Temperature Sensor Length - Gas Cylinder(bomb) 전용제품으로서가벼우며, 다루기편한제품 - 열분포와효율이안정적으로설계되었으며, 표준구격의제품생산이가능함 - 사용자의편의성을고려한외부디자인으로구성되었음 TABLE 47L Ø L Full type 1500watt Ø L Half type 700watt 20L Ø L ㅡ 150watt 10L Ø L ㅡ 300watt 220VAC 1ph / 380VAC 3ph 50/60HZ 1Phase Application-specific standard -20 C~200 C See the below table Silica fiber for High Temperature cloth #Insulation : Ceramic fiber & Silica fiber CA K Typle / Pt 100Ω changeable open close
5 용도 (Purpose) BSGS (Bulk Specialty Gas System) 전용 Heater Jacket 으로특화된제품입니다. 특징 (Feature) - BSGS 전용히터자켓으로서저온 (-40 C) 환경에적합한재질로구성되었으며, Tank 에탈부착이편하도록설계된 Heater Jacket - 외부구성부품으로 Belt 와 Power & Sensor Cable 의고정력을높인 Cable grand 등이함께제공 Power Source Power Consumption Temperature Sensor Material (Inside/Outside Cover) Temperature Range 200~230VAC 50/60HZ 6.0kw/Y / 8.0kw/TON Pt 100Ω dual sensor 내장 Teflon coated on glass fiber cloth Silicon coated on glass fiber cloth -40 C to 60 C operating. 120 C max Pictures Inside Left Front Outside Right
6 용도 (Purpose) Steel drum (30 to 220 liters) 의외부에장착하여가열하는 Heater Jacket 으로, 50 C~200 C 범위의온도영역을커버합니다. - Plastic drum 과 Steel drum 에공통으로적용할수있또록구성된 Heater Jacket - 열분포도와열안전성을높인 Heater cable pattern 설계적용 - Temperature controller 와 Heater Jacket 이일체형으로구성되어사용편의성높임 - 사용온도에맞춘 Bimetal Switch 를내장시켜과온안전성확보 30L steel drums 60L steel drums 120L steel drums L steel drums A Total length B Heated length C Width min. drum circumference Max. drum circumference 단위 (unit) : mm Power 380 W 450 W 700 W W Weight Power source 특징 (Feature) 220VAC 1phase / 380V 3phase Drawing Data
7 용도 (Purpose) M2, CO2, H2 등의 Gas 촉매탑 (catalyst) 및정제 (Purification) 재생 (regemeration) 탑의 외부가열용 Mold Heater 로서최고사용온도 1,200 C (Continuous) 까지사용한다. 특징 (Feature) - 본제품은고온용 Heater 로서높은열효율과열안정성을지니며, 탈 / 부착시취급에용이하도록 Handle과 Bracket이함께제공 - 외부 Cover는소비자의용도에맞추어소재선정과원형형태또는팔각형태의 Cover를소비자가선정할수있으며, 기본형은팔각형임 Power Source Temperature Range Temperature Sensor Material (Inside/Outside Cover) Size Length 200~230VAC 1P / 380VAC 3P RT+5 C to 1,200 C max. 1,500 max(siliconit type) CA K Type Ceramic fiber Mold / Aluminium, Steel Plate on Poweler coating In the 50A to 900A (2inch to 40inch) At least 200m/m up to 1000m/m (8inch up to 40inch) Pictures
8 용도 (Purpose) - 각종 Gas 이송배관내의 Scale 제거용 - 생산및연구용 Material Activation 용 - 기타높은온도의 N2및 Air를필요로하는설비용 사양 (Specification) - Flow Range : 5~500 LPM / Standard - Pressure Range : 10kg/cm2 max - Temperature Range : RT + 10 C to 500 C - Material : sus 304 / sus 316L / Inconnel, Alloy, etc - Power Source : 220VAC 1phase / 380VAC 3phase Drawing Data Flange Type NW Flange Type HOT N2 For Flange Type Power (unit : watt) Pressure (unit : psi) Model Number NW Flange Type 30 l pm 100 l pm 250 l pm 500 l pm A B A B A B A B Ø48 150L (Module only) Ø L Ø L Ø L 450 1,200 ~ 2,000 3,000 ~ 5,500 6,000~9, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1,000 DAEHN2-30LST DAEHN2-100LST DAEHN2-250LST 50 l pm NW40 ~ NW watt DAEHN2 50LNW DAEHN2 500LST
9 용도 (Purpose) - 각종반도체장비및 Process line Heating - 각종저장용기 (drum, CAN, Bottle etc.) Heating - 동결방지및점도유지제어용 - 컨베이어롤러, 실린더, 인클로저 Heating - IBC Tank Heating 특징 (Feature) - 균일한열분포 - 높은내화학성과내습성 - 뛰어난내구성 - 표준크기및다양한형태와크기의제작 - 넓은환경분야에적용 - 복잡한형태의히터적용 Pictures
11 용도 (Purpose) 방폭지역 Exe Ⅱc Gb 에사용할수있는 Heater Jacket 40 C ~ 400 C 이하의사용온도영역외형에제한없이사용자환경에맞추어제작국내방폭인증 (KCS) 완료제품 Ex. Heater Jacket Applications GAS (BSGS) 47L Gas Bomb 20L Gas Bomb 10L Gas Bomb Y Cylinder TON Cylinder Chemical Steel drum 30L, 60L, 120L, 200L Plastic drum 30L, 60L, 120L, 200L IBC (International Bulk Container) Others Semiconductor Equipment Catalyst Columm Purifying columm 사양 (Specification) 비방폭히터사양과동일함 Power Source Temperature Range Temperature Sensor Material (Inside/Outside) Size Length 200~230VAC 50/60HZ 1Phase, 380VAC 3Phase 440V(Order model) RT+5 C+600 C max.(continuous) with Temperature controller CA K Pt / 100Ω Silica cloth for High Temp Material 1200 C max - Insulation : Ceramic fiber & Silica fiber In the 50A to 600A (Ø60.5 to Ø914.4 / 2inch to 40inch) At least 200m/m up to 2000m/m/ea (10inch up to 80inch) 인증 (Certification) IECEx Eps U Exe IIC Gb EPS 14 ATEX u II 2G Ex e Iic Gb KCS 15 - KB2BO 0093u
12 제품설명 (Product description) 특징 (Feature) 편리한작업성과뛰어난내구성을바탕으로한안전성확보 방폭자켓히터는가스등의폭발위험지역으로분류된지역과방폭이필요한가스실린더등의가열에최적화된제품으로서제품의기능및독일인증기관 (B.V Germany) 와 KCS ( 국내전기안전인증 ) 의인증을완료하였으며, 방폭지역내의가스실린더를포함한가스용기와드럼배관전용히터이다. Picture front back side
13 제품설명 (Product description) - 액상 Ammonia Tank 를가열하는 Y Cylinder 전용 Heater 로서, -40 C~65 C 의온도영역을주로사용한다. - IECex 및 KCs 방폭인증을완료하였으며, Exe IIC 의적용지역에적합한제품이다. 특징 (Feature) - 독일 B.V Germany 방폭시험기관에서방폭인증 - KCS( 전기안전인증 ) 마크인증 - 공인된시험기관의인증을통한방폭안정성확보 - 사용자의탈착편의성을고려한제품디자인 - 반복되는탈착작업을위한내구성확보 - 안전을우선으로한외부 / 내부소재사용 - OVER-Heating 방지용으로 BI-Metal Switch 적용 - 작업자의안전을위한절연회로적용 Y-Cylinder Heater 장착사진 펼친사진 내피 / 외피 Glass Fiber + Teflon coating cloth ( 분진방지 ) 내열온도 ( 내피 / 외피 ) 단열재단열두께내열온도 Heating Cable 온도영역 270 C ~ 450 C Max. Silica Matt 6T ~ 50T 1,250 C Max. M.I Cable -40 C ~ 100 C (with Controller)
14 NO PART NAME DISCRIPTION a Interior Cover Glass fiber Silicone coating cloth(1 5 T) b Heating plate cloth Glass fiber (1.0T) c Heating Element Explosion proof MI heating cable d Temp sensor RTD(PT100Ω) 2ea e Insulation Lastan mat (3.0T) f Earting Aluminium foil plate (0.5T) g Ex Bimetal Thermostat Normal Close 80 C (Ex mb IIC Gb) h Cable Entry Fitting PF ¾ i Exterior Cover Glass fiber Silicone coating cloth(1.5t) Size : 880*1,130mm Thermocouple : Two Zone 적용 Power Cable : Teflon wire Belt and clip 적용 운반용 Handle 적용 사양및특징 모델 : DHJT-TEC-CL-Gb 방폭등급 : ii 2G Ex e IIC Gb 온도등급 : T2 ~ T6 히터용량 : 6.0kw (±10%) 입력전원 : 110VAC 1 안전장치 : 과온방지용 Bi-Metall Switch 적용 Farth Plate 적용
15 제품설명 (Product description) 액상 Ammonia Tank 를가열하는 TON Cylinder 전용 Heater 로서 -40 C ~65 C 의온도영역을주로사용한다. 특징 (Feature) - 독일 B.V Germany 방폭시험기관에서방폭인증 - KCS( 전기안전인증 ) 마크인증 - 공인된시험기관의인증을통한방폭안정성확보 - 사용자의탈착편의성을고려한제품디자인 - 반복되는탈착작업을위한내구성확보 - 안전을우선으로한외부 / 내부소재사용 - OVER-Heating 방지용으로 BI-Metal Switch 적용 - 작업자의안전을위한절연회로적용 내피 / 외피내열온도단열재내열온도 Heating Cable 온도영역 Glass Fiber + Teflon coating cloth ( 분진방지 ) 270 C ~ 450 C Max. Silica Mat 1,250 C M.I Cable - 40 C ~ 100 C (with Controller) Pictures 펼친사진
16 NO PART NAME DISCRIPTION a Interior Cover Glass fiber Silicone coating cloth(1 5 T) b Heating plate cloth Glass fiber (1.0T) c Heating Element Explosion proof MI heating cable d Temp sensor RTD(PT100Ω) 2ea e Insulation Lastan mat (3.0T) f Earting Aluminium foil plate (0.5T) g Ex Bimetal Thermostat Normal Close 80 C (Ex mb IIC Gb) h Cable Entry Fitting PF ¾ i Exterior Cover Glass fiber Silicone coating cloth(1.5t) 사양및특징 Size : 1,400*1,900mm Thermocouple : Two Zone 적용 Power Cable : Teflon wire Belt and clip 적용 운반용 Handle 적용 모델 : DHJT-TEC-CL-7000 방폭등급 : ll 2G Ex e IIC Gb 온도등급 : T2~T6 히터용량 : 7.4kw (±10%) 입력전원 : 220VAC 안전장치 : 과온방지용 Bi-Metal Switch 적용 Farth Plate 적용
17 사양및특징 국내외방폭인증을통한안정성확보 85 ~450 의넓은온도대역 다양한제품형태로의제작이가능 수입제품대비빠른납기및유지관리 수입제품및타사대비경쟁력이확보된가격 기본모델외 1:1 현장맞춤이가능함 모델 : DHJT TEC-CL-7000 방폭등급 : ll 2G Ex e llc Gb (ATEX/IECEx) EX e IIC / 15-KB2BO-0093U (KCS) 온도범위 : 85 C ~ 450 C 히터용량 : 1.0kw ~7.4kw 입력전원 : 220V 1phase 안전장치 : Thermostate (0 to C 기본사양 ) Ex d e IIC T4/T5/T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T85 C/T100 C/T130 C Gb Pictures Front Back 내피 / 외피 Glass Fiber + Teflon coating cloth ( 분진방지 ) 내열온도단열재단열두께내열온도 Heating Cable 온도영역 270 C ~ 450 C Max. Silica Mat 6T ~ 50T 1,250 C Max. M.I Cable - 40 C ~ 400 C Max.
18 DHTC-D - 비례제어기능의 Digital Temperature Controller. - 가변저항 (Volume) 을이용하여더욱정밀한온도조절가능 - 다양한종류의 Heater 또는기기와병용하여사용가능 - 고급형온도조절기 DHTC-DP Model Control Method Thermocouple Heater Capacity Dimesions(W x D x H) mm Weight Power Supply - P.I.D 자동연산 (Auto Tuning) 기능의 Digital Temperature Controller - 가변저항 (Volume) 을이용하여더욱정밀한온도조절이가능함 - 다양한종류의 Heater 또는기기와병용하여사용가능 Model Control Method Thermocouple Timer Heater Capacity Dimesions(W x D x H) mm Weight Power Supply DHTC-D Digital(P.I.D) Control CA K or (Option : PT 100Ω 2.5kw 200 x 210 x 70mm 1.7kg AC 110~115V or AC 220~230V (50/60Hz) DH TC - DP DH : DaeHeung TC : Temperature Controller DP : D - Digital (P control) DP Digital (P.I.D Control) DHTC-DP Digital(P.I.D) Control CA K or (Option : PT 100Ω 99h 59m 2.5kw 200 x 210 x 70mm 1.7kg AC 110~115V or AC 220~230V (50/60Hz)
19 IECEX ATEX CE ISO KCS 상표등록증 특허증 벤처기업
20 본사 (OFFICE) 경기도안산시단원구신원로 314 ( 목내동 ) 1 층 314, Sinwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (Mongnae-dong) TEL : (031) FAX : (031) sales@daetex.com 공장 (FACTORY) 경기도안산시단원구신원로 314 ( 목내동 ) 2 층 314, Sinwon-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (Mongnae-dong) TEL : (031)
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controll
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controller의 장착 및 사용이 편리 Specification (사양) 적용유체 : 액체 (D.I or
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(c) Process Pressure Measurement 1 Process Pressure Measurement Flow, Level, Temperature Flow, Level, Temperature, 2, 1) ( ),, A F F/A 2), 3 (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) 1 (a) (ABSOLUTE PRESSURE), 10 kg/cm 2 abs
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(Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection)
SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
Continuous Distillation Column Design Jungho Cho Department of chemical engineering, Dongyang university 1. ( ).... 2. McCabe-Thiele Method K-value. (1) : :, K-value. (2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4).
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(specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements) 11 (location selection) 12 (storage bin) 12 (i
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1. Features IR-Compact non-contact infrared thermometer measures the infrared wavelength emitted from the target spot and converts it to standard curr
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ez-shv+ SDI to HDMI Converter with Display and Scaler Operation manual REVISION NUMBER: 1.0.0 DISTRIBUTION DATE: NOVEMBER. 2018 저작권 알림 Copyright 2006~2018 LUMANTEK Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 루먼텍 사에서
-시방서 목차- 1. 공 사 개 요 1 2. 총 칙 2 제 1 장. 가 설 공 사 8 제 2 장. 목 공 사 9 제 3 장. 수 장 공 사 10 제 4 장. 창 호 공 사 21 제 5 장. 유 리 공 사 27 제 6 장. 도 장 공 사 34 제 7 장. 철 거 공 사
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Preliminary spec(K93,K62_Chip_081118).xls
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<4E3A5CC0AFB1D9BFC15CBDC5C7D1C0DAB7E15C C4F47555C C532E2E2E>
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C 0.0.2 ma Cr 14.5~16.5 Co 2.5 max Iron 4~7 Mn 1 max Mo 15 ~ 17 Ni Balance P 0.03 max Si 0.08 max S 0.03 max W 3 ~ 4.5 V 0.35 max 8.89g/cm 3 Multipurpose corrosion resistance of NickelMolybdenumChrome.
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Shield Form Gasket (P/N: UKB10-LS10-190-5, UKB6-LN6-200-5, UKU13-3-150-8, URB10-R5-200-D, URB5-1.5-200-4, URB8-4-180-4, URB9-1-200-D, URU10-3-150-8) 1 Shield form gasket ( 주 ) 뉴티씨 ( NewTC ) 1-1 Description
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[Caution] Attention to red sentence 3-1. Disassembly and Reassembly R520/ 1 2 1 1. As shown in picture, adhere Knob to the end closely into the arrow direction(1), then push the battery up (2). 2. Picture
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KC CODE KCS 57 80 20 국가건설기준표준시방서 Korean Construction Specification KCS 57 80 20 : 2017 상수도공사 공기기계설비 2017 년 8 월일제정 http://www.kcsc.re.kr 국가건설기준 목차 KCS 57 80 20 상수도공사공기기계설비 1. 일반사항 1.1 적용범위,,,,,,, 1.2 참고기준
SSi Super Systems Inc 1 2 2 2 3-3 4 / 4 5 5 DP2000 11 RETURNING THE UNIT TO SSI 11 SPARE PARTS 12 APPENDIX A 13 APPENDIX B 14 Super System Inc DP2000
SSi Super Systems Inc Model DP 2000 : ( ) / / : -50 to +80 F (-47 to +27 C) : 0 to 120 F (-18 to +49 C) : 115/240 VAC 60Hz : LED Digital : +/- 1 F (+/- 01 C) : 4 20 ma ( ) : 12 V : 8 ( ): 11 x 10 x 7 :
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2.2, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 m 2 () m 2 m 2 ( ) m -1 s, Wm -2 K -1 Wsm -3 K -1, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 Jm -3 K -1 Wm -2 K -1 Jm -2 K -1 sm -1 Jkg -1 K -1
KS B ISO 9806-2 - 2 1. ( ) ( ),. 2. 2.1 (1) :, (2) :,. (3) :, CPC(Compound Parabolic Concentrator) (4) : (5). (6) () (7) :. (8) :. (9) () :,., CPC. (10) : 2.2, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 m 2 () m 2 m 2 (
6. Separate HDD by pulling in the arrow direction. * Cautions Avoid lifting HDD excessively, because Connector can be damaged ODD Remove
3-1. Disassembly and Reassembly R510 [Caution] Attention to red sentence. 2 2 1. Before disassembling, the AC adaptor and Battery must be separated. 2. AS mark No.1/2 put KNOB-Battery to end of each side,
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