course offerings (2).xlsx
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1 CC511 확률및통계학 (3) 대체, 공통필수로 Spring 1.Mandatory MGT503 E 경영통계분석 Management Statistical Analysis 3 이윤신 English Mon,Wed 13:00~14: 인정 TMBA와녹색공동수강 Spring 2.Elective MGT515 E 전략경제학 Economics of Strategy 3 이기은 English Mon,Wed 10:30~11: Spring 2.Elective MGT 국제경영 International Business 3 이지환 Thu 19:00~21: Code Share PMB Spring 1.Mandatory MGT520 A 마케팅 Marketing 3 윤여선 Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Code Share SMB520A Spring 1.Mandatory MGT520 E 마케팅 Marketing 3 김민기 English Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Code Share SMB520E, IM513E Spring 2.Elective MGT 브랜드관리 Brand Management 3 현용진 Mon,Wed 14:30~15: Spring 2.Elective MGT 전자상거래와 e비즈니스 Electronic Commerce and ebusiness 3 강영식 Wed 19:00~21: Spring 1.Mandatory MGT542 E 경영정보시스템 Management Information System 3 이희석 English Tue 19:00~21: Code Share MGT542E, SMB541E Spring 2.Elective MGT 블록체인및전사데이터관리 Blockchain and Enterprise Data Management 3 문송천 Tue,Thu 10:30~11: Spring 1.Mandatory MGT560 A 재무회계 Financial Accounting 3 한인구 Mon,Wed 09:00~10: Code Share MGT560A, SMB560A Spring 1.Mandatory MGT560 E 재무회계 Financial Accounting 3 류충렬 English Mon,Wed 09:00~10: Code Share MGT560E, SMB560E Spring 2.Elective MGT 투자분석 Investment Analysis 3 현정순 Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Spring 2.Elective MGT 금융기관론 Management of Financial Institutions 3 김주훈 Mon,Wed 17:30~18: 격년개설 Spring 2.Elective MGT 선물및옵션 Futures and Options 3 조훈 Tue,Thu 14:30~15: Spring 2.Elective MGT577 E 거시경제분석 Macroeconomic Analysis 3 김성민 English Tue,Thu 16:00~17: Spring 2.Elective MGT 중국투자법규 Laws on Investment in China 3 변웅재 Sat 09:00~11: Spring 2.Elective MGT689 A 테크노경영특수논제II< 부제 : 린런치패드 > <Lean Launchpad> 3 이도준 Thu 19:00~21: 추가개설특수논제수강은재학기간중 3회까지만인정 테크노경영특수논제II< Spring 2.Elective MGT689 E 부제 : 혁신경영 : 아시아적접 근 > Spring 1.Mandatory MGT696 E 사내기업가정신과신사업개발 Corporate Entrepreneurship and New Business Development 3 배종태 English Mon,Wed 14:30~15: 학번선택, 19학번부터전공필수로인정 Spring 1.Mandatory MGT697 E 벤처성장관리 Managing Venture Growth 3 진병채 English Tue,Thu 14:30~15: 학번선택, 19학번부터전공필수로인정 Spring 3.Research MGT900 E 한국의비즈니스와문화 Korean Business and Culture 3 베티정 English Tue,Thu 17:30~18: 외국인학생, 교환학생만수강가능 Spring 3.Research MGT 세미나 ( 석사 )< 경력개발 > Seminar for Graduate Students(Career Development) 1 이기은 Thu 17:30~18: (10.IMMBA ) Spring 1.Mandatory IM561 E 비즈니스애날리틱스 Business Analytics 3 이윤신 English Mon,Wed 16:00~17: Spring 1.Mandatory PMB510 A A1.510 리더십과조직관리 Leadership and Management of Organizations 3 이은석 Mon,Wed 14:30~15: TMBA와 SEMBA 공동수강 Summer 1.Mandatory MGT591 E 테크노경영국제화실습 Global Immersion Practice 3 staff English Summer 2.Elective MGT617 E 경영자문 : China-Korea-Japan Field Study Business Consulting: China-Korea-Japan Field Study 3 한인구 English MGT591 테크노경영국제화실습 (3) 대체 Summer 3.Research MGT 기업경영실습 ( 국내인턴십 ) Internship Program 1 staff Summer 3.Research MGT 국제경영실습 ( 해외인턴십 ) International Internship 1 staff Fall 1.Mandatory PMB510 E A1.510 리더십과조직관리 Leadership and Management of Organizations 3 김태현 English Mon,Wed 14:30~15: TMBA와 SEMBA 공동수강 Fall 1.Mandatory MGT511 A 전략경영 Strategic Management 3 백윤석 Tue,Thu 09:00~10: Code Share SMB511A 1/5
2 Fall 1.Mandatory MGT511 E 전략경영 Strategic Management 3 백윤석 English Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Code Share MGT511E, SMB511E Fall 1.Mandatory MGT514 A 경영경제학 Principles of Managerial Economics 3 이기은 Mon,Wed 10:30~11: Code Share MGT514A, SMB564A Fall 1.Mandatory MGT514 E 경영경제학 Principles of Managerial Economics 3 인영환 English Mon,Wed 09:00~10: Code Share SMB564E Fall 1.Mandatory MGT532 KorE 기술경영및전략 Strategic Management of Technology 3 배종태 KorE Tue,Thu 10:30~11: 학번선택, 19학번부터전공필수로인정 Fall 2.Elective MGT 기업과사회 Business in Society 3 장대철 Tue,Thu 16:00~17: Fall 2.Elective MGT 블록체인및전사데이터관리 Blockchain and Enterprise Data Management 3 문송천 Tue,Thu 10:30~11: Fall 2.Elective MGT 정보윤리및보안 Information Ethics and Security 3 staff Mon,Wed 10:30~11: 개설시기조정 (2019봄-> 2019가을 ) Fall 1.Mandatory MGT561 E 기업재무정책 Corporate Financial Policy 3 박광우 English Tue,Thu 14:30~15: Code Share MGT561E, SMB561E, FMB501E Fall 2.Elective MGT572 E 재무제표분석 Financial Statement Analysis 3 류충렬 English Mon,Wed 10:30~11: Fall 1.Mandatory MGT593 E 공급사슬관리 Supply Chain Management 3 신임교원 English Mon,Wed 13:00~14: TMBA SEMBA 공동수강 Fall 2.Elective MGT 중국체제분석 Analysis of Chinese Political Economy 3 유승현 Mon,Wed 14:30~15: Fall 2.Elective MGT 중국협상전략 Negotiation in China 3 변웅재 Sat 09:00~11: Fall 2.Elective MGT 하이테크경영 High Tech Management 3 안재현 Tue,Thu 14:30~15: Code Share MGT614, MiM551B Fall 2.Elective MGT 마케팅모형론 Quantitative Models for Marketing Decisions 3 김민기 Tue,Thu 14:30~15: Code Share MGT621, BA Fall 2.Elective MGT 촉진관리 Promotion Management 3 윤여선 Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Fall 2.Elective MGT 소비자행동론 Consumer Behavior 3 이찬진 Mon,Wed 13:00~14: Fall 2.Elective MGT 유통론 Marketing Channels Management 3 현용진 Mon,Wed 16:00~17: Code Share MGT626, BA Fall 1.Mandatory MGT627 E 기업가정신과기업가 Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneur 3 백용욱 English Mon,Wed 14:30~15: Fall 1.Mandatory MGT633 E 벤처기업과벤처캐피탈 Venture Capital 3 백용욱 English Mon,Wed 10:30~11: 학번선택, 19학번부터전공필수로인정 Fall 2.Elective MGT644 E 고급회계 Advanced Accounting 3 staff English Mon,Wed 14:30~15: TMBA, FMBA 공동수강 Fall 2.Elective MGT 데이터마이닝 Data Mining 3 staff Mon,Wed 17:30~18: Fall 2.Elective MGT661 E 기업인수합병 Mergers and Acquisitions 3 디어커 English Tue,Thu 09:00~10: Fall 2.Elective MGT 채권론 Strategic Fixed - income Securities 3 김성민 Mon,Wed 16:00~17: Fall 2.Elective MGT678 E 관리회계 Management Accounting 3 김용태 English Tue,Thu 14:30~15: TMBA, FMBA 공동수강 추가개설 Fall 2.Elective MGT688 A 테크노경영특수논제I< 부제 : 창업방법론 > Management I <Tools for Startup Process> 1.5 이도준 Mon,Wed 16:00~17:20 1~8 특수논제수강은재학기간중 3회까지만인정 테크노특수논제 II Fall 2.Elective MGT689 E < 부제 : 혁신경영 : 아시아적 접근 > Fall 2.Elective MGT694 E MBA생산경영 Operations Management for MBA 3 신임교원 English Mon,Wed 16:00~17: Fall 3.Research MGT900 E 한국의비즈니스와문화 Korean Business and Culture 3 베티정 English Tue,Thu 16:00~17: 외국인학생, 교환학생만수강가능 Fall 3.Research MGT966 E 세미나 ( 석사 )< 리더십개발 > Seminar for Graduate Students(Leadership Development) 1 베티정 English Thu 17:30~18: Winter 3.Research MGT 기업경영실습 ( 국내인턴십 ) Internship Program 1 책임교수 2/5
3 Winter 3.Research MGT 국제경영실습 ( 해외인턴십 ) International Internship 1 책임교수 Spring 1.Mandatory MGT503 E 경영통계분석 Management Statistical Analysis 3 이윤신 English Tue,Thu 10:30~11: CC511 확률및통계학 (3) 대체, 공통필수로인정 TMBA와녹색공동수강 Spring 2.Elective MGT515 E 전략경제학 Economics of Strategy 3 이기은 English Mon,Wed 10:30~11: Spring 2.Elective MGT 국제경영 International Business 3 이지환 Thu 19:00~21: Code Share PMB Spring 1.Mandatory MGT520 E 마케팅 Marketing 3 김민기 English Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Code Share MGT520E, SMB520E, IM513E Spring 1.Mandatory MGT520 A 마케팅 Marketing 3 윤여선 Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Code Share MGT520A, SMB520A Spring 2.Elective MGT521 E 마케팅조사론 Marketing Research 3 강문영 English Mon,Wed 13:00~14: Spring 2.Elective MGT 브랜드관리 Brand Management 3 현용진 Mon,Wed 16:00~17: Spring 2.Elective MGT 전자상거래와 e비즈니스 Electronic Commerce and ebusiness 3 staff Mon,Wed 16:00~17: Spring 1.Mandatory MGT542 E 경영정보시스템 Management Information System 3 이희석 English Tue 19:00~21: Code Share SMB541E, MGT542E SEMBA 학생만수강가능 Spring 2.Elective MGT 블록체인및전사데이터관리 Blockchain and Enterprise Data Management 3 문송천 Tue,Thu 10:30~11: Spring 1.Mandatory MGT560 E 재무회계 Financial Accounting 3 류충렬 English Mon,Wed 10:30~11: Code Share MGT560E, SMB560E Spring 1.Mandatory MGT560 A 재무회계 Financial Accounting 3 한인구 Mon,Wed 10:30~11: Code Share MGT560A, SMB560A SE MBA 학생만수강가능 Spring 2.Elective MGT 투자분석 Investment Analysis 3 현정순 Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Spring 2.Elective MGT 한국경제론 Economic Development of Korea 3 이창양 Tue,Thu 14:30~15: Spring 2.Elective MGT 선물및옵션 Futures and Options 3 조훈 Tue,Thu 14:30~15: Spring 2.Elective MGT577 E 거시경제분석 Macroeconomic Analysis 3 staff English Tue,Thu 16:00~17: Spring 2.Elective MGT 중국투자법규 Laws on Investment in China 3 변웅재 Sat 09:00~11: Spring 2.Elective MGT689 E < 부제 : 혁신경영 : 아시아적접근 > 3 박성주 English Tue,Thu 16:00~17: Spring 2.Elective MGT689 A < 부제 : 기술및산업분석 > <Technology and Industry Analysis> 3 staff Mon,Wed 14:30~15: Spring 2.Elective MGT689 B < 부제 : 경영분석및자문 > <Business Analysis and Consulting> 3 staff Mon,Wed 17:30~18: Spring 1.Mandatory MGT696 E 사내기업가정신과신사업개발 Corporate Entrepreneurship and New Business Development 3 배종태 English Tue,Thu 09:00~10: Spring 1.Mandatory MGT697 E 벤처성장관리 Managing Venture Growth 3 진병채 English Mon,Wed 14:30~15: Spring 3.Research MGT900 E 한국의비즈니스와문화 Korean Business and Culture 3 베티정 English Tue,Thu 16:00~17: 외국인학생, 교환학생만수강가능 Spring 3.Research MGT 세미나 ( 석사 )< 경력개발 > Seminar for Graduate Students(Career Development) 1 staff Tue,Thu 17:30~18: (10.IMMBA ) Spring 1.Mandatory IM561 E 비즈니스애날리틱스 Business Analytics 3 이윤신 English Tue,Thu 14:30~15: TMBA only 3/5
4 개설전공연도학기과목구분과목번호분반코드번호과목명 ( 국문 ) 과목명 ( 영문 ) 학점담당교수강의언어강의요일강의시간강의학기참고사항 Spring 1.Mandatory PMB510 A A1.510 리더십과조직관리 Leadership and Management of Organizations 3 김태현 Mon,Wed 09:00~10: TMBA와 SEMBA 공동수강 Spring 1.Mandatory PMB510 E A1.510 리더십과조직관리 Leadership and Management of Organizations 3 김태현 English Mon,Wed 13:00~14: TMBA와 SEMBA 공동수강 5.PMBA) Summer 1.Mandatory MGT591 E 테크노경영국제화실습 Global Immersion Practice 3 staff English Summer 2.Elective MGT617 E 경영자문 : China-Korea-Japan Field Study Business Consulting: China-Korea-Japan Field Study 3 한인구 English Summer 2.Elective MGT 테크노경영특수논제 I < 부제 : 기업가역량개발 > Management I <Entrepreneurship Competence 1.5 staff Summer 3.Research MGT 기업경영실습 ( 국내인턴십 ) Internship Program 1 staff Summer 3.Research MGT 국제경영실습 ( 해외인턴십 ) International Internship 1 staff Fall 1.Mandatory MGT511 A 전략경영 Strategic Management 3 백윤석 Tue,Thu 09:00~10: Code Share SMB511A Fall 1.Mandatory MGT511 E 전략경영 Strategic Management 3 백윤석 English Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Code Share MGT511E, SMB511E Fall 1.Mandatory MGT514 A 경영경제학 Principles of Managerial Economics 3 이창양 Mon,Wed 17:30~18: Code Share MGT514A, SMB564A Fall 1.Mandatory MGT514 E 경영경제학 Principles of Managerial Economics 3 인영환 English Tue,Thu 14:30~15: Code Share MGT514E, SMB564E Fall 1.Mandatory MGT532 E 기술경영및전략 Strategic Management of Technology 3 배종태 English Tue,Thu 10:30~11: Fall 2.Elective MGT 기업과사회 Business in Society 3 장대철 Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Fall 2.Elective MGT 블록체인및전사데이터관리 Blockchain and Enterprise Data Management 3 문송천 Tue,Thu 10:30~11: Fall 2.Elective MGT 정보윤리및보안 Information Ethics and Security 3 staff Mon,Wed 16:00~17: Fall 1.Mandatory MGT561 E 기업재무정책 Corporate Financial Policy 3 박광우 English Mon,Wed 13:00~14: Code Share MGT561E, SMB561E, FMB501E Fall 2.Elective MGT572 E 재무제표분석 Financial Statement Analysis 3 류충렬 English Mon,Wed 10:30~11: Fall 1.Mandatory MGT593 E 공급사슬관리 Supply Chain Management 3 신임교원 English Mon,Wed 09:00~10: TMBA와 SEMBA 공동수강 Fall 2.Elective MGT 중국체제분석 Analysis of Chinese Political Economy 3 유승현 Mon,Wed 14:30~15: Fall 2.Elective MGT 중국협상전략 Negotiation in China 3 변웅재 Sat 09:00~11: Fall 2.Elective MGT 인사관리시스템과전략 Human Resource Management Systems and Strategy 3 이은석 Tue 19:00~21: Code Share: MGT604, PMB Fall 2.Elective MGT 하이테크경영 High Tech Management 3 안재현 Tue,Thu 14:30~15: Code Share MGT614, MiM551B Fall 2.Elective MGT 마케팅모형론 Quantitative Models for Marketing Decisions 3 김민기 Wed 09:00~11: Code Share BA Fall 2.Elective MGT 촉진관리 Promotion Management 3 윤여선 Tue,Thu 13:00~14: Fall 2.Elective MGT 소비자행동론 Consumer Behavior 3 이찬진 Mon,Wed 13:00~14: Fall 2.Elective MGT 유통론 Marketing Channels Management 3 현용진 Mon,Wed 16:00~17: Code Share MGT626, BA Fall 1.Mandatory MGT627 E 기업가정신과기업가 Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneur 3 백용욱 English Mon,Wed 10:30~11: Fall 1.Mandatory MGT633 E 벤처기업과벤처캐피탈 Venture Capital 3 백용욱 English Mon,Wed 14:30~15: Fall 2.Elective MGT644 E 고급회계 Advanced Accounting 3 곽병진 English Mon,Wed 14:30~15: TMBA, FMBA 공동수강 Fall 2.Elective MGT 데이터마이닝 Data Mining 3 staff Tue,Thu 16:00~17: Fall 2.Elective MGT661 E 기업인수합병 Mergers and Acquisitions 3 디어커 English Tue,Thu 09:00~10: /5
5 5/5 개설전공연도학기과목구분과목번호분반코드번호과목명 ( 국문 ) 과목명 ( 영문 ) 학점담당교수강의언어강의요일강의시간강의학기참고사항 Fall 2.Elective MGT 채권론 Strategic Fixed - income Securities 3 staff Thu 19:00~21: Code Share: MGT664, PMB Fall 2.Elective MGT678 E 관리회계 Management Accounting 3 김용태 English Tue,Thu 14:30~15: TMBA, FMBA 공동수강 Fall 2.Elective MGT689 A > < 부제 : 조직설계와전략실 <Organization design & strategy 행 > implementation) 3 박상찬 Mon,Wed 16:00~17: 특수논제수강은재학기간중 3회까지만인정 Fall 2.Elective MGT689 B < 부제 : 경제구조의변화를가져올최 <Disruptive Technologies of the fourth 3 이병태 Mon,Wed 17:30~18: 신기술트렌드와비즈니스혁신 > Industrial Revolution and Business Fall 2.Elective MGT689 E < 부제 : 혁신경영 : 아시아적 접근 > Fall 2.Elective MGT692 E 서비스경영 Service Management 3 이윤신 English Mon,Wed 13:00~14: Fall 3.Research MGT900 E 한국의비즈니스와문화 Korean Business and Culture 3 베티정 English Tue,Thu 16:00~17: 외국인학생, 교환학생만수강가능 Fall 3.Research MGT966 E 세미나 ( 석사 )< 리더십개발 > Seminar for Graduate Students(Leadership Development) 1 베티정 English Tue,Thu 17:30~18: Winter 3.Research MGT 기업경영실습 ( 국내인턴십 ) Internship Program 1 책임교수 Winter 3.Research MGT 국제경영실습 ( 해외인턴십 ) International Internship 1 책임교수
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