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1 wz (010), 40«1y J. Kor. Pharm. Sci., Vol. 40, No. 1, 1-7 (010) 생물학적동등성시험을위한통계처리프로그램 (BioEquiv) 의개발 z 1 Áyù Á 3 Á 4 Á 1 1 û w m w, w wx, 3 û w w w, 4 û w w w ( Á Á ) Developmet of BioEquiv, a Computer Program for the Aalysis of Bioequivalece Saghoo Yoo 1, Na a Hwag, Yougchai Lim 3, YogBok Lee 4 ad Jeogsoo Park 1 1 Departmet of Statistics, Choam Natioal Uiversity Team of Uiversity-Idustry Cooperatio Program, Natioal Research Foudatio of Korea 3 Departmet of Pharmacology, Choam Natioal Uiversity Medical School 4 College of Pharmacy, Choam Natioal Uiversity (Received November 0, 009ÁRevised December 11, 009ÁAccepted Jauary 6, 010) ABSTRACT K-BEtest is a well kow program for bioequivalece test usig a desig. Lee et al.(1998) ad Park et al.(1999) suggested a 3 3 ad 3 desig, ad also discussed their beefits. We developed a computer program, called BioEquiv, which ca aalyze some complex experimetal desigs such as, 3 3 desig ad 3 desig icludig a stadard desig. This program is a user-friedly oe ad overcomes the disadvatages of K-BEtest. The detailed statistical formula ad structure of BioEquiv are preseted with some examples. The compariso betwee K-BEtest ad BioEquiv are give with actual data aalysis. BioEquiv is able to preset a table of ANOVA test over some complex experimetal desigs. Moreover K-BEtest ad BioEquiv draw the same result whe data cosists of desig. Key words Bioeqivalece, Computer program, Desig of experimets, Statistical test t (iovator drug) t(geeric drug).» t z xƒ š w w, t z swwš px yƒ z q t. 1) ƒ t xƒ t z w» w w x(bioequivalece test) w wš. w x» w x w w ü x z ùkü yx m w w w» w x., w e z w w w x š w ³ z sƒ w ƒ. 1-3) w, q w w m w Tel : 06) , jspark@ju.ac.kr DOI : /KPS w ful v v w. SAS, SPSS, R m v w m w ù w x m w œ m v. w yw w v K-BEtest w. v 4) K-BEtest 00, K-BEtest 007,, x wš, ü š. ù K-BEtest 007 š., Fm y (p-value) w ƒ š, w ƒ wš, m w ü wwš w w.» v w w ƒ w ey w v BioEquiv w (v vp ). K-BEtest 007 ƒ w v w y w. BioEquiv m 1

2 w x w m v (BioEquiv) wš w wš w. š, w m t» ³. š w x 5) z (carryover effect)ƒ x k w. 생물학적동등성시험설계와분산분석 w w x w x (crossover desig) w. x vx ù R wš x T ù w 1 ( 1 ), x T wš R ù w ( ) w w (Table I). t w Table II. t w mw w. 4) x ijk d, k» i j vx (j=1,,) w d. Table II w (sum of ) œ. SS T = x ijk CF, CF = x ijk i = 1j = 1k = 1 1 SS S = -- x ijk i = 1j = 1 k = 1 i = 1j = 1k = 1 1 SS G = G i CF, G i = x ijk i = 1 1 SS P = W k CF, W k = x ijk k = 1 CF j = 1k = 1 1 SS D = ( T r + T t ) CF, T r = ( x 1j1 + x j ), T t = x 1j + x j1 j = 1 ( ) i = 1j = 1 j = 1 4 Table I Crossover Desig Collectig subjects() w x ƒ ƒ. w q» r sƒ w e yw s³e ƒ w w w. ƒ yw s³e (logµ T logµ R ) w ƒ. 1) H 0 : H 0 : Radom allocatio ( logµ T logµ R ) δ L or ( logµ T logµ R ) δ U δ L < ( logµ T logµ R ) <δ U Group Phase 1 Washout period RT ( 1 ) TR ( ) Ref. (µ R1 ) Test (µ T1 ) Phase Test (µ T ) Ref. (µ R )» µ T x s³, µ R s³ ùkü. δ L δ U w ww ùkü ³ q l AUC Cmax ww log 0.8, w 1.5 w. (logµ T logµ R ) 90% w w ww w ƒ kwš w zw š w. 3 3 w w x w z ƒ ƒw 3ƒ w x v š. wù 3 3 mw w z». 3 3 ww» Table II ANOVA Table for Crossover Desig Source of variatio Degree of freedom Sum of Mea F Iter subjects Sequece df G 1 SS G MS G =SS G /df G F G =MS G /MS S/G Subject/group df S/G (-1) SS S/G = SS S SS G MS S/G =SS S/G /df S/G F S/G =MS S/G /MS R Itra subjects Period df P 1 SS P MS P =SS P /df P F P =MS P /MS R Drugs df D 1 SS D MS D =SS D /df D F D =MS D /MS R Residual df R (-1) SS R =SS T SS S SS D SS P MS R =SS R /df R Total df T 4-1 SS T J. Kor. Pharm. Sci., Vol. 40, No. 1(010)

3 záyù Á Á Á 3 Table III 3 3 Crossover Desig Period Group Subjects Phase 1 Phase Phase Referece Test1 Test +1 Test Referece Test Test 1 Test Referece Table IV 3 Crossover Desig Period Group Subjects Phase 1 Phase 1 1 Referece Test1 +1 Test Referece Test 1 Test t ùkü Table III. w q» ƒ ƒƒ x s³ ù ƒ w w w. w ƒ t ù, ³ x š w. 6,9,10) 3 w w x 3 3 ³x (balaced complete crossover desig) š deƒ ¼ ³x (balaced icomplete block desig) 3 š. ù 7,8) 3 z ƒ š x z w š. z x y w» x w { z ƒ ùk ù xw k w. 3 ww» t ùkü Table IV. 3 t ³ x š w. 9,10) z m q w z w F m (F D ) y t v. w v BioEquiv Visual Basic 6.0 w. j w š v. 1 : v w Figure 1 x kw y ù.» v w x w. x kw k mw kw. : x kw v w w., j y, q mw. w x v w AUC, Cmax, Tmax k kw w. w j w v w w (Figure ). 3 : óù j w ù w p j w w Figure 1 Model structure optio of BioEquiv. 프로그램의개발및수행양식 r w w x w Figure The framework of BioEquiv. J. Kor. Pharm. Sci., Vol. 40, No. 1(010)

4 4 w x w m v (BioEquiv) Figure 3 A result of aalysis from BioEquiv. y w. Figure 3 š p mw l p q, w. w ƒ» p mw w w., Tmax ³ y w š w w w w. 사례를통한기존프로그램과비교 4 w x w, x w w xwš. e x k x w ƒ w z, x mw AUC w (Table V). 5) «w K-BEtest 007 BioEquiv v w. K- BEtest 007 ƒ w r. K-BEtest 007 l w z LogTras p j w Table V A Example Data for Aalysis of Crossover Desig Phase Subjects Referece Test Phase Subjects Test Referece 1 A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B J. Kor. Pharm. Sci., Vol. 40, No. 1(010)

5 záyù Á Á Á 5 AUC w k š w. l w š w l p q xk ƒ w. w mw w x m. Figure 4 The result of aalysis usig K-BEtest 007. Calculatio p (Figure 4) l p.»ws³ š x»ws³ , 1»»ws³ ,»»ws³ t Fm (F G ) 0.046, vx / Fm (F S/G ).879,» Fm (F P ) 0.6, Fm (F D ) 0.19 y w. w, w, y w š Fm ƒ Fm»ƒ w»ƒ Fm w w rw.»ws³ w 90% (0.8863, 1.074) KFDA w 90% t AUC w k š w. w š w l p wì q. BioEquiv w BioEquiv w w K-BEtest 007 ƒ x,, 1»,»»ws³ y w (Figure 3). w y z s³, t r y w. t, w, s³ w, Fm, y y w. K-BETest w. w vx,, vx /,»,,, w¾ w». y z 90% (log0.8) 0.314(log1.5) (-0.11, 0.07) w k š w. w K-BEtest 007 ƒ»ws³ w 90% (0.886, 1.074) KFDA w 90% t 3 3 3» 1 ƒ 1z w z x w 3 3 x w t Table VI Table VII. 6) BioEquiv mw w Table VIII Table VII w w s³ w w F m š. BioEquiv Table VII Table VIII w s³ w ƒ r» w SAS v w w w. SAS v BioEquiv w Table VI A Example Data for Aalysis of 3 3 Crossover Desig Group Subject Period A1 Ref Test Test A A A A A A B1 Test 1153 Ref Test B B B B B B C1 Test Test Ref C C C C C C J. Kor. Pharm. Sci., Vol. 40, No. 1(010)

6 6 w x w m v (BioEquiv) Table VII ANOVA Table for 3 3 Crossover Desig Give by Lee 6) Source of variatio Iter subjects Degree of freedom Sum of w. w s³ w ƒ ƒ. BioEquiv SAS v w w w š w. Table VII y w v. BioEquiv t m wì y w ƒ ƒ w j. 결과및고찰 Mea Sequece Subject/group * Itra subjects Period * Drugs Residual *: p<.05 Table VIII ANOVA Table for 3 3 Crossover Desig Usig BioEquiv Source of variatio Iter subjects Degree of freedom Sum of Mea Sequece Subject/group Itra subjects Period Drugs Residual sƒw w x ( x), z w w š. k w» y w, w m w w m sƒ w š. m q w F F P v w. w d w wì w j» w. 11),1) w x» w m x, w. w 3 3 w y k 3 3 w m x wš mw ful w w BioEquiv w. v w» w mw» ü v w w.» v K-BEtest 007 w BioEquiv š., x k ƒ w w, w x w., w t w, w, s³ w, F m y w w w ƒ w., v w x» ü w w. wz w w w w x» m, z, t T y g v y. 4, 4 4 w ƒ w v j v txw ƒ w v w. w, x k w vx ƒ ww d. š š, m w. wz d š w, d wš w d m wš w ù. ù ƒ w (populatio bioequivalece; PBE) w (idividual bioequivalece; IBE) w v jš w. 13,14) ü BioEquiv w w x w r w yw w ¼» w. 감사의말씀 008 û w w w. J. Kor. Pharm. Sci., Vol. 40, No. 1(010)

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