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1 MOTORS LINE JULY 2014 (George Bernard Shaw) You are the window through which you must see the world. VOL.179 JULY 2014 HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP MONTHLY MAGAZINE Hyundai Motor Group Motors Line CopyrightHyundai Motor Group All Rights Reserved
2 Premium Sensitivity of the Family Car
3 July What was the best moment of your life? July is a month of festivities with a great many people leaving the city for their vacations. The beaches and lush green forests bustle with people enjoying starry nights and bright sunshine. This year, vacations can be made more fun with the All New Carnival which is full of great new features that can make your vacation more enjoyable than ever. An unforgettable moment of greeting his first child to the world Seeing his first child with his own eyes was the best moment in his life. Just as all fathers say, Deok-Soo Lim could see himself in his daughter who had just come into the world. Many years have passed since his daughter was born, and he has enjoyed every moment with her. A true family guy, Deok-Soo Lim is also an experienced seat design engineer who has worked on seats for vans and SUVs including the Kia Carens and Venga. He was heavily involved in the development of a Pop-up Sinking Seat from the very early stage which found its first application in the All New Carnival. My first step into small but comfortable house It has been 27 years since Nam-Shik Im began working as a member of the Quality Management Group at the Sohari 1 Plant. He now works as an inspector of the All New Carnival, the K9 and the All New Pride. He bought his first house 9 years ago and has since moved into a larger house so that his mother could move in with him. He feels thankful about everything every day because every member of his family gets along well and is happy with the way things are. The day when I was meeting my child Suk-Woo Hong had a life changing experience on March 10, His wife gave birth to her first child on that day. He says it was agonizing to see his wife experiencing so much pain during the labor but the joy of seeing their first child was overwhelming. Responsible for developing special steel for combustion engines, he felt the great joy of achievement last year when they succeeded in producing a crankshaft for the first time which is now used in the All New Carnival. This year is the best year of my life Sung-Min Kim managed the development of the 4 th generation navigation system for domestically sold cars and 2 nd generation navigation for luxury models. He says this year is the best year of his life because he finally became a home owner and is expecting the arrival of his second child in the near future. He hopes the 4 th generation navigation system installed on the All New Carnival serves the drivers well which would make this year even better. Premium Family Minivan ALL NEW CARNIVAL Seat Quality Steel Project Hyundai Kia _ Deok-Soo Lim, Researcher, Seat System Design Team Kia Motors_ Nam-Shik Im, Group Leader, Quality Management Sohari 1 Plant Hyundai Steel _ Suk-Woo Hong, Manager, Special Steel Development Team Hyundai Mnsoft _ Sung-Min Kim, Senior Researcher, Project Management Team 006
4 HMG ALIVE BOUNDLESS HMG TIMELESS HMG Choice of July 040 HMG View 064 Eco HMG Talk 068 Food 018 Open the window 046 HMG Scent 070 Insurance HMG Sound HMG s Way Photo Essay 074 MOTORS LINE HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP MONTHLY MAGAZINE 07 Beyond the Horizon 1 Beyond the Horizon 2 Intermezzo Map Interview HMG Touch HMG Thinking 088 Publisher Director Publication ( ) M News Mail Box & Quiz MotorsLine@hyundai.com Planning & Design DEZIGN Print Cover Illust CopyrightHyundai Motor Group All Right Reserved
5 Editor s Letter JULY
6 HMG ALIVE 016 Choice of July Eco 018 Choice of July Food 020 Choice of July Insurance 022 HMGs Way 028 Beyond the Horizon Beyond the Horizon Intermezzo 014
7 Eco HMG Alive / Choice of July River flows in nature Info Tip
8 Food HMG Alive / Choice of July Tip A bowl of sweet snowy flake Info Info Info
9 Insurance HMG Alive / Choice of July Guide for the traveler s insurance Tip
13 Denmark Finland A TOUR OF NORTHERN EUROPE IN SEARCH OF GREAT DESIGNS <Kamome Diner> is a film about a Japanese restaurant in Helsinki. The film introduced the charms of Northern European design elements to an Asian audience from the seaside views, the clothing and more. The movie prompted many people to travel to Northern Europe. I was no exception and finally took off to experience it for myself. Sweden Norway
14 01 02 ö Two cities full of features uniquely on their own Helsinki, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden I took a morning flight and arrived at Helsinki at 1:30 in the afternoon on the same day. The weather was superb. I went straight to the Akateeminen book store, designed by Alvar Aalto, one of the most famous Finnish architects. The building is famous for its Opened book shaped windows. I then went to Marimekko, which is the dominant Finnish brand for clothes, bags, pottery and even boxes for postal services. Marimekko recently introduced a new design with floral patterns on brightly colored textiles. My next destination was Gustavsberg, a Swedish village not far from Stockholm. It is most famous for its pottery. The name of the village has become a brand for the pottery produced in the village. The village has a museum, ateliers and outlets full of Gustavsberg branded pottery. The village museum has pottery and artifacts of the most talented potters such as Stig Lindberg and Lisa Lason
15 01 02 Denmark and Norway the designs of two Nordic countries The Danish capital, Copenhagen is a city with a great mix of the modern and classical architecture. The Tivoli amusement park in the city center is the first amusement park created. In fact, Walt Disney benchmarked Tivoli before he built the Disney Lands. More than 80 percent of Norway s landscape consists of forests, lakes and rivers. Norway also has some unique natural features including white nights, auroras and fjords. The country is full of beautiful landscapes. The Geiranger Fjord is unique and exceptionally beautiful which is why this fjord landscape is included on UNESCO s World Heritage List. Skono is a Norwegian brand well-known for its use of simplistic colors that resonates with Nordic sentiment. It began as a shoe company and has expanded its product line to bags. City Clock Magazine ø
18 BOUNDLESS HMG 040 / 042 / 046 / 050 / 052 / 056 / 058 / 060 / You are the window through which you must see the world
19 (Casa Mila) ( th Avenue) (St. Vitus Cathedral Rose Window)
20 042
22 01 PERFUME Info
24 Info
27 # 02 # 01 #
28 # 03 # 04 # 05 # 06 # 01 # 02
29 You are the windo through which you must see the wo George Bernard Shaw
30 TIMELESS HMG 064 HMG View 068 HMG Talk 070 HMG Scent 074 HMG Sound HMG Sound HMG Sound HMG Touch HMG Thinking M News 062
31 Let s Go
33 Moving forward together for a better future On June, the Hyundai Motor Group(HMG) launched a new official blog along with a major overhaul of its official website. Three keywords, Smart, Technology and Creative served as the guideline in creation of the new website which communicates strength of the HMG using high quality images. One of the objectives in creation of the new HMG website and official blog is to make them an active communication channel for its affiliate companies and customers which in turn will contribute to the realization of the HMG s vision of Together for a Better Future. HMG also uses SNS channels including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, and Kakao Story in order to reach out to the online community hyundaimotorgroup tumblr.com hyundaimotorgroup com com
35 <PARIS IN THE 1920s> <A CENTURY OF SEA TRAVEL> <WORLD TOUR> Info. 12:00~21:00 11:00~18:
39 :-); 8%0/ 7')28 세상의 중심에서 7392( 839', 8,-2/-2+ 현대자동차그룹의 뜨거운 심장부, 강남. 완성차는 물론 부품, 물류, IT, 중기, 광고 등 우리 생활과 산업의 기반이 되는 포괄적 서비스를 제공하는 자원순환형 그룹의 면면이 그곳에 있다. 새로운 가치를 창출하고 있는 강남에서 현대자동차그룹 사우들은 어떤 표정을 짓고 있을까? 8I\X ҁ 4LSXS धনѿ ॽ 함께 외치는 그 이름 한국에서 철도차량을 제작할 수 있는 기술을 보유한 유일무이한 기업, 현대로템. 김성원 과장은 해외 시장에 현대로템의 제품을 판매하는 일을 하고 있다. 현대로템은 지난 10년간 동남아 위주로 시장을 확장했고, 이제는 홍콩, 싱가포르와 같은 고부가가치 시장을 넘어 미국으로까지 진출했다. 더 나아가 철도의 본고장인 유럽 진출을 목표로 박차를 가하고 있다. 현대로템이 국내에서는 유일하고 독보적인 업체지만 해외 시장에서는 여전히 노력해야 하는 부분이 많아요. 그 속에서 저희의 경쟁력이라고 하면 다른 기업에 비해서 고객만족에 현대자동차그룹의 심장, 강남을 가다 비중을 둔다는 겁니다. 대부분의 해외 업체들은 자기들이 3 고객을 위한 모던 프리미엄, 그 완벽한 해답을 찾다 올해 11월이면 현대차 카마스터로 일한 지 만 20년이 된다는 만들어 놓은 제품을 판매하는데 집중하지만 우리는 소비자의 신건 영업차장. 그가 근무하는 현대차 도산대로지점은 요구를 적극 반영하려 노력해요. 고객의 니즈를 1순위로 두는 수입차들의 격전지, 강남 한복판에 자리잡고 있다. 단순한 것이 현대로템의 강점이죠. 전시장이 아니라 현대차 최초의 브랜드 체험관을 표방하는 김성원 과장은 현대로템에서 독자 개발한 지하철 전장품을 현대모터스튜디오 6층에 터를 잡고 있는 만큼 모던 프리미엄 을 직접 경험하고 누리기에 이보다 더 좋은 공간은 없다며 신건 영업차장은 자부심을 드러낸다. 감각적인 건물 외관부터 모던 프리미엄을 그대로 투영하고 있고, 층마다 브랜드 방향성을 세련되게 전달하는 아이디어가 그의 길은 세계로 통한다 장치다. 처음으로 중국에 판매했던 경험을 가장 인상 깊었던 일로 꼽는다. 전장품이란 자동차에 비유하면 엔진에 해당하는 중국은 비즈니스를 하기에는 상당히 어려운 곳입니다. 사람들끼리는 흔히 되는 것도 없고 안 되는 것도 없는 신건 영업차장 녹아 있기 때문에 방문하시는 고객들은 감탄과 만족을 김성원 과장 곳 이라고 하는데 사람 사이의 관계, 즉 시(关系) 가 업무를 현대차 도산대로지점 나타내시죠. 하지만, 가장 만족을 주어야 할 것은 결국 자동차 현대로템 해외영업2팀 해결하는 중요한 키(Key)이기 때문에 직접 부딪치며 경험하고 그 자체입니다. 저희 지점이 가장 꼭대기층에 있는 이유가 같이 일을 해봐야 신뢰가 쌓이고 일 하기도 수월해지죠. 여기 있습니다. 단순한 럭셔리가 아닌 새로운 가치와 경험을 그는 이제 영업 트렌드도 바뀌고 있다고 귀띔한다. 과거에는 선사하고 선사 하고자 하고 자 하는 는 모던 프리 프리미엄 미엄의 미엄 의 본질 본 은 결국 국 고객에 객 게 완제품만 품만 만 판매하 매하면 면 됐지만, 이제는 는 소비자 비자들이 들 시스템 들이 스템은 은 물론 론, 감동 동을 주는 는 차로 귀결 귀 이 되고 되고,, 현대 현대차는 대차는 차 충분히 그 역할을 건설과 과 파이 파이낸싱 낸싱에 싱에 대한 컨설팅 팅까지 요구하 구하고 고 있는 는 만큼 해내고 해내 고 있으 으니까 까요. 요 다방면에 에 지식을 가지고 트렌드를 를 파악 파악해야 해야 야 하기 때문 때 이란 이란다. 다 다. 현 차 현대 차에 에 대한 자긍심과 자긍 긍심과 열정으 정 로보 보낸 낸 20년 0년.. 아 아는 만큼 그래 래서 늘 긴장을 을 늦출 수 없는 것은 은 물론이 론이고 고 한발 발 더 먼저 보이고, 보이 고, 보이는 만큼 느끼 고, 끼고, 느끼는 만큼 사랑 랑한다 한다 는 는 는 <논어 논 >의 > 움직여야 움직 여야 한다고 고 말하는 하 김성원 원 과장. 장 그는 앞으 앞으로도 로도 고객의 의 문 처럼 문구 럼 신건 영업 업차장 차장은 고객 고객과 과 현대 대차를 차를 알기 위해 해 공부를 를 목소리를 리를 를 듣기 위해 귀를 쫑긋 세우고 우고 밖으로 나아가 아가는 는 게을 을리하 리하지 지 않았 않았다. 았다. 다 뿐만 아니 아니라 고객 고객을 을 이해 이해하고 해하고 하 고객이 객 꼭 발걸음을 발걸 음을 재촉할 것이다 이. 필요로 필요 로 하는 것을 제대 제대로 로 파악 악하기 기 위해 고객 고객의 객의 목소 목소리에 리에 귀를 기울였다 기울 였. 일단 였다 단 고객을 만나면 나 그들의 들의 이야기 야기에 집중 집중했고 했고 했 고, 고객 입장에 장에서 서 직업 직업,, 결혼 결혼과 과 자녀 녀 여부, 출퇴 퇴근 근 거리 등을 을 고려 고려한 려한 다양 다양한 한 선택 선택안을 안을 제안했 안했다. 다 그런 프로 근성 성과 노력 덕분에 에 지난 20 20년간 년간 간 신건 영업 영업차장 차장 차장이 장이 판매한 판매 한 차량 대수는 는 자그마 그마치 치 1, 1, 대 0대.. 일 년에 년에 70~ 0~ 대 판매 매라는 수치도 도 놀랍지 랍지만, 만, 더 눈길이 길 가는 부분 부분은 은 년 년 처음 음 차를 를 판매한 이후 단 한 번도 도 전년에 에 비해 실적 실 이 떨어 떨 진 적이 적 없다는 없다 는 점이 이다. 다 꾸준히 히 상승곡 승 선만 만 그렸다 다는 이 성실 성실한 한 실적 적 그래프가 그래 프가 가 있기에 그는 어제 어 보다 더 나은 오늘 오 을 살아 아야 발전 발전이 있다고 있다 고 자신 자 있게 말한 말 다. 다 평범한 한 일상에 상에서 프리 프리미엄 미엄한 미엄 한 내일 내일을 을 발견 견하는 하 그의 앞날 앞날이 이 기대 기대된다 된다.. 된다
44 For more information, please visit our website. ( HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP MONTHLY MAGAZINE 07 VOL.179 JULY 2014 HYUNDAI MOTOR KIA MOTORS TO TOP OF INITIAL QUALITY SURVEY Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors achieved stronger than ever results on the JD Power Initial Quality Survey announced on June 18. Hyundai Motor received the highest number of segment honors for any marque while Kia Motors received the third-highest number of segment honors among non-luxury brands. HYUNDAI MOTOR HMMR WINS RUSSIAN QUALITY AWARD Recognized for its supremacy in quality management in its Russian operation, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Russia (HMMR) has won the Quality Award from the Russia Federation Government. HMMR also scored highly on management philosophy and site assessment. This made Hyundai The Hyundai Motor Genesis, Accent, and Motor the first non-russian company to win Elantra won segment honors for mid-size the award from the Russian government and premium car, small car, and compact car the award is expected to have a positive categories respectively. The Kia Motors impact on sales of Hyundai Motor s models KOREAN Sportage R and the Cadenza won segment in East Europe. honors in the small SUV and large car categories respectively. ENGLISH
45 KIA MOTORS SOUL WINS WARDS 10 BEST INTERIORS AWARDS Wards Auto announced the Kia Soul as one KIA MOTORS KIDS AUTO PARK LAUNCHED IN CHINA Kia Motors launched a children s traffic HYUNDAI STEEL INCHEON STEEL MILL TO HIT 100 MILLION TON MILESTONE The Incheon Steel Mill became the first of the winners of the Wards 10 Best safety education center which was electric arc furnace operated in Korea to hit Interiors Awards. The newly designed established through collaboration with the the 100 million ton milestone. This is largely interior of Kia Soul is practical and loaded Yancheng City government. The center will due to increased production capacity with with great convenience features while be used to provide traffic safety training to the addition of a 90-ton and a 120-ton maintaining the unique charm of its 35,000 students per year. Named the Kids electric arc furnace. The 100 million tons of predecessor. The ring shaped speaker grille Auto Park, the center provides a steel is enough to build 500 Incheon bridges is unique and the door handle feels just comprehensive set of traffic safety which is kilometers long and required right, said Wards Auto. Three different Kia education program modules including approximately 200,000 tons of steel. Gearing models including the Optima, Forte and educational animation videos, auto up to be a global steel producer, Hyundai Soul have won the Wards Best Interior accident simulation, how to wear a safety Steel is expanding steel production capacity Awards between 2011 and belt properly, safety instruction on at its Pohang, Dangjin and Suncheon plants crossroad use, and accident prevention in which produce a wide variety of products areas with blind spots. including reinforcing bar, H-beam, and steel plate for automotive applications
46 HYUNDAI MOBIS CAMPAIGNING FOR GREENER AND SAFER DRIVING Hyundai Mobis has launched a national HYUNDAI E&C MASTER PLAN FOR IMPROVING COLOMBIA S SEWER SYSTEM Hyundai E&C held a meeting in Bogota, the HYUNDAI ROTEM PARTICIPATING IN THE DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION Hyundai Rotem presented its most campaign for greener and safer driving with capital of Columbia, on June 16 to publish a advanced products at the Korea Defense use of authentic parts in partnership with the final version of the master plan developed Technology Exhibition and shed light on the Transportation Safety Corporation. for the past 16 months to improve a sewer future of the defense industry. As a leading This campaign will be rolled out at 58 vehicle system in the country. The project, manufacturer of ground weapon systems, inspection centers throughout Korea. supported by the ministry of environment the Hyundai Rotem exhibited an 8 8 A booklet with safe and green driving tips and the Korea Environment Industry & amphibious-wheeled armored vehicle, a and a vehicle operation log book will be Technology Institute (KEITI), will be carried wheeled drivetrain, and a mock K2 tank. made available at the centers for visitors. out by a Hyundai E&C-led consortium The 8 8 amphibious-wheeled armored Hyundai Mobis is also sponsoring free car including Hyundai Engineering and Dong vehicles received a great deal of attention inspections at 150 repair shops designated Myeong Engineering Consultants & from high-level military officials which led to for the Minimum 10 year Vehicle Ownership Architecture. The KEITI will invest 730 million an impromptu demonstration event. Many campaign center until the end of November. KRW in the project. VIPs visited the Hyundai Rotem booth and Hyundai E&C formulated a plan for the encouraged Hyundai Rotem to continue construction of sewage treatment facilities supplying advanced defense products. and sewer pipe maintenance in three cities
49 Mail Box Gift HMG Alive Boundless HMG Timeless HMG HMG Alive Boundless HMG Winners of Quiz Quiz 017 Tra ravel HMG Al Alive / Choice of June Bongpyeong Market Project ct by by Hyunda dai CardHyunda ndai Capital Tip
50 Reporters ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 102
맛있는 한국으로의 초대 - 중화권 음식에서 한국 음식의 관광 상품화 모색하기 - 소속학교 : 한국외국어대학교 지도교수 : 오승렬 교수님 ( 중국어과) 팀 이 름 : 飮 食 男 女 ( 음식남녀) 팀 원 : 이승덕 ( 중국어과 4) 정진우 ( 중국어과 4) 조정훈 ( 중국어과 4) 이민정 ( 중국어과 3) 탐방목적 1. 한국 음식이 가지고 있는 장점과 경제적 가치에도
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