Mathcad Training Table of Contents. Introdudtion. Solve Function Mathcad Toolbars Navigating the Resource Center Working with Mathcad Regions. Express
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1 Mathcad Training Book
2 Mathcad Training Table of Contents. Introdudtion. Solve Function Mathcad Toolbars Navigating the Resource Center Working with Mathcad Regions. Expressions & Variables Defining Variables Defining Functions Defining Vectors and Matrices Solving Quadratics Solving an Equation in a Single Unknown Solving a Linear System of Equations Solving a Nonlinear System of Equations Solving Each of a Family of Equations Solve Blocks with Inequality Constraints. Graph Linear Programming Creating Graphs Vectors and Matrices Array Algebra Operations on a Square Matrix Joining Matrices Defining Nested Arrays 5. UNITS Using Units Data Import & Export Handling Data Files Displaying Nested Arrays 6. Animation Vectorizing an Expression Array Size and Scope Animating a Graph Animations Component & MathML Components in Mathcad Using the Excel Component Using the SmartSketch Component Developing MathML Web Sites
3 Mathcad Toolbars The Main Menu math, graphics, symbolic functions. The Standard Toolbar opening and file saving spell checking Resource Center Electronic Books print and print preview built-in functions and units. QuickSheets The Formatting Toolbar View->Tool Bar->Formatting The Status Toolbar View->Status Bar status alerts, tips, keyboard shortcuts, Caps Lock, Num Lock page number. The Resource Center Navigational Controls Resource Center or other Mathcad Electronics Books Browsing. Navigating the Resource Center The Math Toolbar View->Tool Bar->Math Tool Main Menu. Calculator toolbar Graph toolbar Matrix toolbar Evaluation toolbar Calculus toolbar Boolean toolbar Programming toolbar Greek toolbar Symbolic toolbar
4 Navigating the Resource Center Navigating the Resource Center Resource Center home page Web Toolbar. (.).. Prints the current document..
5 Working with Mathcad Regions Mathcad equation, text paragraph, plot region. region math text. Text region : Text.. ["]... Mathcad Format menu. Formatting Math and Text. Edit menu Copy, Cut, Paste, Find, Replace, Check Spelling A math region x : A text region The assignment at left was created by typing x: Moving Regions region drag-select? cursor..? H cursor.? Hold. Hint: If you want to grab a group of regions, but want to deselect one of them, just [shift] [click] on individual regions or use [shift][click] to select regions one by one. Moving Regions from the Resource Center Window Deleting and Pasting Regions Aligning Regions Resource Center Electronic Book wokrsheet EDIT Copy Paste Copy : Ctrl+C, Paste : Ctrl+V EDIT Cut. Cut : Del. Format menu Align Regions paragraph. Align
6 Defining Variables Entering Math Type See on screen + Keystroke Button Example Keystroke Button Example + + /.5 - * ^ Building Expressions Type See on screen f(x):x+6[spacebar]*(x^[spacebar]-). The first time you pressed [Spacebar], you selected. [Spacebar].. [Spacebar]. Type See on screen x^[spacebar] +[Spacebar] /5[Enter] + [Spacebar].
7 Defining Variables :,,, Data... abc,, a, abc,... Type See on screen x: x : abc : : a : abc : :. Type See on screen x:; x :.. x :.. 5 fx ( ) ( x 5) [;]semicolon (.. ) [x ] x. : + 5 x x fx ( ) :.. Type See on screen x:,.; x :,... Type See on screen x:,.;.8 x :,....8 data:-,-8; data :, 8.. n:,9; n :, 9.. Here the range goes down! x data n
8 Defining Functions : fx (): a x.. x a. Type f(x):x^ x : See on screen fx ( ) : x fx ( ) f ( ) x : fx () 9. 9 a :.. fa () 9 f(x) x argument. Insert menu -> Function Trig and Logs ln( 6).58 csc( 5 deg) Matrix Functions identity( ) cols( identity( 6) ) 6
9 Defining Vectors and Matrices vector? Type v:? [Ctrl] m Toolbar Matrix..? rows column v :.? Click on Insert or OK. 8?. Vector : subscript operatorng ( [ ) or Calculator toolbar. < > Type See on screen v[ v. v[ v. v[ range variable Type v 8 See on screen i:; i :.. v[i v i. -. Type See on screen i:;5 i :.. 5 wrong[i: wrong i : wrong wrong T ( ) Mathcad th st. Mathcad.
10 argumen b : 5 a : fv ( ) : v 9 b v + a v : i :.. fv i ( ) Cross product [Ctrl]8 v w Determinant M Column [Ctrl]6 M. -.i. fx ( ) : x button on the Vector and Matrix toolbar. matrix operator v fv ( ) Operation Keystroke Button Display Dot product [Shift]8 v w M : Purpose Number of columns Number of rows Largest value in matrix Eigenvalues of a matrix Example cols( M) rows( M) max( M) 9 eigenvals( M)
11 Creating and Using Graphs Graph Graph Toolbar Graph X-Y Plot Insert [Enter]. sin( d) Graphing a Function Using Range Variables d fx ( ) : x + 8 x f(x):-x^[spacebar]+8*x- Independent variable x :.. x:; f( x) x Graphing Two or More Functions fx ( ) : sin( x) f(x):sin(x) gt (): t g(t):t^ x :, x:-,-9.9; t :,.9.. t:-,-.9;? in some blank space. f( x) gt () 5 5 x, t? In the middle placeholder on the horizontal axis, type x,t.? In the middle placeholder on the vertical axis, type f(x),g(t).? Type [Enter].
12 Graphing Vector Elements money_spent : ( ) T i :.. money_spent i i:; money_spent[i Graphing a Function of Vector Elements fx ( ) : x f(x):x^ x : ( ) T index variable i :.. i:; 6 fx ( i ) x i
13 Array Algebra Vector addition / scalar multiplication: Enter vectors: + v : w : v + 5 i 8 Results: v w i v + w i Negative: Transpose: v T ( 5 ) w 6 i 8 Complex conjugate: w 6 i 8 Dot product: v w.5 + 6i Cross product: v w 5 i i Magnitude: w 88.6 w w i Sum of components: v 6 Enter matrix: M : 5 Transpose: M T Determinant: M 5 Powers: 8 M
14 Inverse:. M M M M M Solve linear system Mx v with inverse: x : M v x M x 5 Enter array: α : v α : M α : w Results: α {,} {,} {,} α 5 α 5 α 6 + i 8
15 Operations on a Square Matrix Enter a square matrix with real values: M : Maximum and Minimum Values: max( M) 9 min( M) 5 Eigenvectors: eigenvecs( M) Eigenvalues: eigenvals( M) Joining Matrices This QuickSheet shows how to join matrices together with the stack and augment functions Input matrices: M : A : 9 B : 9 Use stack to place one matrix above another: stack( A, B) 9 9 Use augment to place one matrix beside another: augment( M, A)
16 Defining Nested Arrays This QuickSheet illustrates four ways to define nested arrays. Using range variables: m :.. n :.. M m, n : identity( m + ) M, ( ) M, M, Using the Matrix command under the Insert menu: u : v : ( ) V : u v V Defining element by element: B : B : identity( ) B : ( B v) V ( ) B B B ( {,} )
17 Vectorizing an Expression Input matrices: A : B : ( A B) A A B A B A Array Size and Scope This QuickSheet illustrates how to find information about a matrix or vector. Input matrix: M : 5 6 cols( M) rows( M) Returns number of rows and columns in M min( M) max( M) 6 Returns largest and smallest values in M Input vector: v : 5 length( v) last( v) Number of elements in v Index of last element in v
18 Solving Quadratics polyroots Quadratic polynomial f(x) ax + bx + c coefficients : a, b, c a : v b : : ( c b a) T c : 8 r : polyroots( v) Roots r fx ( ) : a x + b x + c r r fr ( ) fr ( ) 5 f(x) and Its Real Roots r r Solving an Equation in a Single Unknown Root function. fx ( ) : function f(x) guess value fx ( ) : x + e x x : soln : root( f( x), x)
19 Solution: soln. Real Solution of f(x) soln Solving a System of Linear Equations n lsolve function : w, x, y, z. w.5 w. 8. w +. x y. z.8 x. x. y z. w + 9. x +.9 y. z y z... M : non-singular matrix corresponding to the n equations in n unknowns:.. v :... soln : lsolve( M, v) soln w x y z
20 Solving a Nonlinear System of Equations Solve Block n. guess values : n unknowns: x : Given y : z : x y x y + y 5 z + z + z e z vec : Find( x, y, z) Solve Block Given,,,, Find(x,y,,,) Solution: vec Solving Each of a Family of Equations fx ( ) g( x, a) fx ( ) : e x gxa (, ) : a x x a x :,.99.. f( x) gx (, ) gx5 (, ) gx (, ) 5 A plot like this helps you guess the value of the (negative) root of the equation. x
21 root Sax (, ) : root( f( x) g( x, a), x) a a :.. Initial guess: x : ( ) x a : S a, x a Answers: a x a fx a ( ) gx ( a, a) -.? -5 -.? -5 Solve Blocks with Inequality Constraints Intersection of a circle and a line (unconstrained case): Guess values: x : y : Given x + y 6 Circle x + y Line One solution xval yval : Find( x, y) xval. Guess values: x : y : yval. 6 x x 6 x Unconstrained Case x, x Another solution Given x + y 6 x + y
22 xval yval : Find( x, y) xval.55 yval.55 These are all the solutions, as the plot indicates: x :.5, ξ :,.99.. Now introduce an additional constraint of the form x > a, where a is constant. The shaded region below is now eliminated from consideration. a : η :,.6.. a ζ :,.6.. Constrained case (x>a) ξ ζ 6 x 6 x x, x, ξ, η Intersection of a circle and a line (constrained case): Guess values: x : y : Given x + y 6 x + y Circle Line x > a Added constraint xval yval : Find( x, y) xval.56 yval.56
23 Linear Programming This QuickSheet illustrates the solution of linear programming problems. Problem with Two Variables fx ( ) : x + x Objective function M : v : Constraint coefficients Constraint Set Boundary t t + t Graph of feasible region x : 6 t Initialization Given M x v Solve block x Maximize( f, x) 5 5 Solution Problem with Six Variables fx ( ) : 8 x + x + x + 6 x + x + 9 x 5 Objective function M : v : Constraint coefficients
24 x 5 : Initialization Given M x v x Solve block x Minimize( f, x).6. Solution.8
25 Handling Data Files Introduction Mathcad ASCII text, Excel, Lotus --, and MATLAB format. data file Mathcad worksheet Import Export. data. Writing to a Data File File Write component : to write data stored in a Mathcad variable data data file.. Insert menu Component.. dialog box File Read Write.. Write to a File.. file format (Formatted Text, Tab Delimited Text, Excel, Lotus --, etc.). path file name. 5. Click Finish. 6. data variable name placeholder tabarray is a tab delimited text file. tabarray.txt xlarray is an Excel file. xlarray.xls i :.. B < > tabarray.txt B B j :....9 j B i, j : i xlarray.xls B B Note: data component right mouse button. Reading from a Data File data file Mathcad File Read component.. Insert menu Component... dialog box File Read Write.
26 . Read from a File...: (tabarray.txt or xlarray.xls.) 5. Click Finish. 6. data variable name placeholder Read : tabarray.txt cols( Read) 5 a : Read, rows( Read) a. Importing from a Data File data file Link data Input Table component.. Choose Component from the Insert menu.. Choose Input Table and click Finish.. Fill in the placeholder that appears with the variable name to hold the data. For example, type Import. You'll see this: Import : Import. Click on the table, and then click on it with the right mouse button and choose Import from the pop-up menu. 5. Use the dialog to specify the file you want to import. Note: To edit the numbers in an Input Table, just click on the table. To resize the table, click on it and use the sizing handles to drag the borders. Using Functions to Read from and Write to ASCII Data Files ASCII data file, File Read, Write component. WRITEPRN ("output.prn") : B C : READPRN ("output.prn")
27 Using APPENDPRN APPENDPRN data file data. D : APPENDPRN ("output.prn") : D READPRN ("output.prn")..6
28 Animating a Graph Creating Animations Mathcad plot. Animation FRAME Animating the Graph. View menu Animate. animate.... dialog box Animate animation.. 5..avi drag.. hyperlink. Animation Setup fx ( ) FRAME : x x :,.99.. The graph is plotted below with FRAME. This will be a parabola that gets steeper as FRAME increases. FRAME is divided by to make the changes more gradual. f( x) x ( ) fx ( ) : sin FRAME πx FRAME a : FRAME f( x) ( ) fx ( ) : sin a πx x a
29 Using the Excel Component Component Excel "Creat empty excel worksheet" "from file" "Display as icon" Input Output : The Excel spreadsheet shown below contains annual totals of sunspots from to 995. Input Table component. Table 95 Data : 5 Data T.?.?.?.?.? Data T year count : excel component year count: Data : ( Data Data ) Annual Sunspot Count count year
30 Using the SmartSketch Component : Mathcad SmartSketch CAD drawing Link Mathcad Link CAD drawing drawing. ang : 5deg 9 5 excel component ang Mathcad SmartSketch LE CAD drawing. Click.
31 Developing MathML Web Sites Mathcad on-line file MathML. MathML WEB World Wide Web Consortium XML. MathML/HTML Browser. : Netscape. or greater, or IE 5. or greater, and the IBM techexplorer TM plugin or Active-X component. Creating a MathML Web Site Step : Creating Mathcad Files: Writing with Mathcad Steps and. Add Hyperlinks and Prepare a Table of Contents Step : Prepare a template file Step 5: Set your HTML Output Preferences View Preferences : MathML out-put PNG : is a lossless format so may result in clearer images for graphs and drawings JPEG : smaller or compatible with older browser versions. Object data : external data files (.dat) Inline data : file size online.. Note : graphs, data tables MathML HTML. object data Mathcad. Step 6: Choose File Save As
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Chapter 4. LISTS
연결리스트의응용 류관희 충북대학교 1 체인연산 체인을역순으로만드는 (inverting) 연산 3 개의포인터를적절히이용하여제자리 (in place) 에서문제를해결 typedef struct listnode *listpointer; typedef struct listnode { char data; listpointer link; ; 2 체인연산 체인을역순으로만드는
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2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.
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,,,,,, (41) ( e f f e c t ), ( c u r r e n t ) ( p o t e n t i a l difference),, ( r e s i s t a n c e ) 2,,,,,,,, (41), (42) (42) ( 41) (Ohm s law),
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ISSN : 1976-5304 Virtual Online Game(VOG) 환경에서의 디지털 증거수집 방법 연구 이 흥 복, 정 관 모, 김 선 영 * 대전지방경찰청 Evidence Collection Process According to the Way VOG Configuration Heung-Bok Lee, Kwan-Mo
274 한국문화 73
- 273 - 274 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 275 276 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 277 278 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 279 280 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 281 282 한국문화 73 17~18 세기통제영의방어체제와병력운영 283 284
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목 차 국회 1 월 중 제 개정 법령 대통령령 7 건 ( 제정 -, 개정 7, 폐지 -) 1. 댐건설 및 주변지역지원 등에 관한 법률 시행령 일부개정 1 2. 지방공무원 수당 등에 관한 규정 일부개정 1 3. 경력단절여성등의 경제활동 촉진법 시행령 일부개정 2 4. 대도시권 광역교통관리에 관한 특별법 시행령 일부개정 3 5. 영유아보육법 시행령 일부개정 4
종사연구자료-이야기방2014 7 18.hwp
차례 1~3쪽 머리말 4 1. 계대 연구자료 7 가. 증 문하시랑동평장사 하공진공 사적기 7 나. 족보 변천사항 9 1) 1416년 진양부원군 신도비 음기(陰記)상의 자손록 9 2) 1605년 을사보 9 3) 1698년 무인 중수보 9 4) 1719년 기해보 10 5) 1999년 판윤공 파보 10 - 계대 10 - 근거 사서 11 (1) 고려사 척록(高麗史摭錄)
인천광역시의회 의원 상해 등 보상금 지급에 관한 조례 일부개정조례안 의안 번호 179 제안연월일 : 2007. 4. 제 안 자 :조례정비특별위원회위원장 제안이유 공무상재해인정기준 (총무처훈령 제153호)이 공무원연금법 시행규칙 (행정자치부령 제89호)으로 흡수 전면 개
인천광역시의회 의원 상해 등 보상금 지급에 관한 조례 일부개정조례안 인 천 광 역 시 의 회 인천광역시의회 의원 상해 등 보상금 지급에 관한 조례 일부개정조례안 의안 번호 179 제안연월일 : 2007. 4. 제 안 자 :조례정비특별위원회위원장 제안이유 공무상재해인정기준 (총무처훈령 제153호)이 공무원연금법 시행규칙 (행정자치부령 제89호)으로 흡수 전면
2005. 12 1 2 ± KOTRA KOTRA 1 2,, 3 ) /, KOTRA δ 1 x 1 ζ y 1 ε 1 δ 2 x 2 η = βξ + ζ y 2 ε 2 x x x δ 3 1 2 3 x 3 λ 1 δ = λ 2 ξ + δ λ 3 δ 1 2 3 y 3 ε 3 Interaction W 1 W 2 W 3 ISSUE
Interstage5 SOAP서비스 설정 가이드
Interstage 5 Application Server ( Solaris ) SOAP Service Internet Sample Test SOAP Server Application SOAP Client Application CORBA/SOAP Server Gateway CORBA/SOAP Gateway Client INTERSTAGE SOAP Service
미디어정보처리 (c) -4 한남대 정보통신멀티미디어학부 MCCLab. - -...... (linear filtering). Z k = n i = Σn m Σ j = m M ij I ji 컨볼루션 영역창 I I I I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 x 컨볼루션 마스크 M M M M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 7 M 8 I 입력 영상 Z 4 = 8 k
(Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern (Micro- Environment) Re
EMF Health Effect 2003 10 20 21-29 2-10 - - ( ) area spot measurement - - 1 (Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern
... 수시연구 2009-18.. 고속도로 휴게타운 도입구상 연구 A Study on the Concept of Service Town at the Expressway Service Area... 권영인 임재경 이창운... 서 문 우리나라는 경제성장과 함께 도시화가 지속적으로 진행되어 지방 지역의 인구감소와 경기의 침체가 계속되고 있습니다. 정부의 다각 적인
Introduction to UML Team. 5 2014/03/14 원스타 200611494 김성원 200810047 허태경 200811466 - Index - 1. UML이란? - 3 2. UML Diagram - 4 3. UML 표기법 - 17 4. GRAPPLE에 따른 UML 작성 과정 - 21 5. UML Tool Star UML - 32 6. 참조문헌
Chapter 1 05 Chapter 2 51 Chapter 3 99 Chapter 4 151 Chapter 1 Chapter 6 7 Chapter 8 9 Chapter 10 11 Chapter 12 13 Chapter 14 15 Chapter 16 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 21 Chapter 22 23 Chapter
KO fx-82ex fx-85ex fx-350ex RJA532550-001V01 ...2... 2... 2... 3... 4...5...5...6... 8... 9...10... 10... 11... 13... 16...17...17... 17... 18... 20 CASIO Computer Co., Ltd.,,, CASIO
008년도 상반기 제회 한 국 어 능 력 시 험 The th Test of Proficiency in Korean 일반 한국어(S-TOPIK 중급(Intermediate A 교시 이해 ( 듣기, 읽기 수험번호(Registration No. 이 름 (Name 한국어(Korean 영 어(English 유 의 사 항 Information. 시험 시작 지시가 있을
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Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Tel: 02-824-5768 E-mail: hhcho@selabsoongsilackr? OOP (Object) (Encapsulation) (Message) (Class) (Inheritance) (Polymorphism) (Abstract Class) (Interface) 2 1 + = (Dependency)
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Game Maker Tool & Tutorials 2011 년 9 월 2 일 영산대학교 게임 * 콘텐츠학과 채영숙 영산대학교 2011년도 2학기 게임제작개론 ( 채영숙 ) 1 What is Game Maker? 100 Game Maker Games in 10 Minutes 국내제작카페
The Series Pendulum Impact 601 & 602 Analog Tester For Regular DTI-602B (Izod) DTI-601 (Charpy) DTI-602A (Izod) SPECIFICATIONS Model DTI-601 DTI-602 Type Charpy for plastics lzod for plastics Capacity
한국지능시스템학회 논문지 2010, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 375-379 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 강인한 Support vector machine 설계 Design of Robust Support Vector Machine Using Genetic Algorithm 이희성 홍성준 이병윤 김은태 * Heesung Lee, Sungjun Hong,
Stage 2 First Phonics
ORT Stage 2 First Phonics The Big Egg What could the big egg be? What are the characters doing? What do you think the story will be about? (큰 달걀은 무엇일까요? 등장인물들은 지금 무엇을 하고 있는 걸까요? 책은 어떤 내용일 것 같나요?) 대해 칭찬해
이용자를 위하여 1. 본 보고서의 각종 지표는 강원도, 정부 각부처, 기타 국내 주요 기관에서 생산 한 통계를 이용하여 작성한 것으로서 각 통계표마다 그 출처를 주기하였음. 2. 일부 자료수치는 세목과 합계가 각각 반올림되었으므로 세목의 합이 합계와 일 치되지 않는 경우도 있음. 3. 통계표 및 도표의 내용 중에서 전년도판 수치와 일치되지 않는 것은 최근판에서
한국공항공사와 어린이재단이 함께하는 제2회 다문화가정 생활수기 공모전 수기집 대한민국 다문화가정의 행복과 사랑을 함께 만들어 갑니다. Contents 02 04 06 07 08 10 14 16 20 22 25 28 29 30 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 17 16 19 18 21 20 23 22 24 25 26 27 29 28
Solution Package Volume II DATABASE MIGRATION 2010. 1. 9. U.Tu System 1 U.Tu System SeeMAGMA SYSTEM 차 례 1. INPUT & OUTPUT DATABASE LAYOUT...2 2. IPO 중 VB DATA DEFINE 자동작성...4 3. DATABASE UNLOAD...6 4.