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1 Evolutionary Process of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空 ) and Birth of the Present Universe Table. Activity of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, dharma + a globe) from Onset of Oscillation and Vibration of Beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) to Births of Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正 明 宮 ) and jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) Table. Classification of the Universe during the 6 th Evolutionary Cycle of Beop-gong(법 공, 法 空, dharma + a globe) Table. Period of Birth of the Present Universe(현존우주, 現 存 宇 宙 ) and its moving way(현존 우주의 생성 기간 및 이동 경로) Table. Each Evolutionary Cycle of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, Dharma + a Globe) Figure. Structure of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, Dharma + a Globe) during its Resting Phase Figure. Structure of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, Dharma + a Globe) during its Evolutionary Phase

2 Table. Activity of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, dharma + a globe) from Onset of Oscillation and Vibration of Beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) to Births of Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正 明 宮 ) and jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) Timeline Birth Process of Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正 明 宮 ) Oscillation and Vibration of Beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) began. Birth Process of Jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) 0 yr 400 million yrs 500 million yrs Until 1 billion yr 1.5 billion yrs 2 billion yrs Births of 4 pure glass beads due to wave of 1-6 system of beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) *.(Law of Division applies to this process.) Each of four pure glass beads(공, 空, gong) is divided into three beads by the law of 1-3 division, resulting in births of 12 ** pure gongs (공, 空, globes). Each of the 12 pure gongs(공, 空, empty globes) is changed to five pure jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空, vaccum-like globes) by the law of yeum(음, 陰, -) and yang(양, 陽, -) coupling. The five pure jin-gongs that the law of yee-hap(이합, 二 合, a double bond) applies to are named Se-je-il-beop jin-gongs (세제일법진공, 世 第 一 法 之 眞 空 ).(This process takes 400 million yrs.) The pure jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空, vaccum-like globes) with the structure of yee-hap(이합, 二 合, double bond) bring about turning power and interact for 100 million yrs as combining with neutrinos the lightest dark matter also called as yeum(음, 陰, -) of dark matter, resulting in births of the yeum (음, 陰, -) of hexa-root jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空, vaccum-like globes) as well as onset of the pure Se-je-il-beop jin-gongs(세제일법진공, 世 第 一 法 之 眞 空 ) and hexa-root jin-gongs ejections into the center of the beop-gong(법공, 法 空 ). The ejected pure Se-je-il-beop jin-gongs(세제일 법진공, 世 第 一 法 之 眞 空 ) from 1-6 system of beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) gave birth to hexa-root jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空, vaccum-like globes) by being first combined with the lightest dark matters due to the turning power, which the law of Sam-hap(삼 합, 三 合, triple bond) applies to. At the same time, se-je-il-beop jin-gongs(세제일법진공, 世 第 一 法 之 眞 空 ) finished their ejection to the border of 40% of dark matter layer with its center point in size as they are producing hexa-root jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空 ). The process took 500 million yrs. The period for formation of an enormous globe composed of se-je-il-beop jin-gongs(세제일법진공, 世 第 一 法 之 眞 空 ) and the yeum(음, 陰, -) of hexa-root jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空 ) ***. It took 500 million yrs. It took 500 million yrs that the huge globe was changed to Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正 明 宮 ). The completion of Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正 明 宮 ) took 2 billion yrs after oscillation and vibration of beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) began. 음( 陰 )의 여섯 뿌리 진공 탄생시킴과 동 시에 세제일법의 순수 진공과 여섯뿌리 진공이 법공 내부 암흑물질과 경계되는 지점으로 분출되기 시작. 세제일법 진공이 회전에 의하여 암흑물 질 가벼운 것과 첫 삼합을 하여 여섯 뿌 리 진공 만들면서 법공 내부의 법공 크 기 40%되는 암흑물질층으로 분출(5억 년 소요)? * Refer to the figure Structure of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, Dharma & Globe) during its Resting Phase. ** The 12 pure gongs(공, 空, globes) mean six pure gongs(공, 空, globes) by the law of yeum(음, 陰, -) and yang(양, 陽, +) coupling. *** The hexa-root jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空, vaccum-like globes) are classified into two types such as the yeum(음, 陰, -) of hexa-root jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空, vaccum-like globes) and the yang(양, 陽, +) of hexa-root jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空, vaccum-like globes). Purusha is used for jin-gongs such as a se-je-il-beop jin-gong(세제일법진공, 世 第 一 法 之 眞 空 ) and a hexa-root jin-gongs(진공, 眞 空, a vaccum-like globe)

3 Timeline Birth Process of Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正 明 宮 ) Birth Process of Jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) 2.5 billion yrs Birth of a golden sun resulting from the changes in its cheon-gung(천궁, 天 宮 ) which include the processes of the nucleus of tae-yang-su +9, white hole, quasar and hwang-geum-al-dae-il(황금알대일, a golden egg-like star) in order in 6 billion yrs after oscillation and vibration of Beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) begin. Period of formation of a enormous globe for Jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) was 500 million yrs to 2.5 billion yrs from 2 billion yrs after oscillation and vibration of Beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) began. Duration : 500 million yrs Period of the huge globe s change to Jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) was 500 million yrs 3 billion yrs from 2.5 billion yrs after oscillation and vibration of Beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) began. Duration : 500 million yrs. 3 billion yrs Duration from the process of the nucleus with tae-yang-su +9 to : the process of hwang-geum-al-dae-il(황금알대일, a golden egg-like star) : 4 billion yrs. 6 billion yrs Eruption of matters due to the 7 billion yrs 8 billion yrs 10 billion yrs collapse of the inner nucleus in the golden sun occurs for 1 billion yr. Contracting period of the golden sun named as Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正 明 宮 ) for 3 billion yrs. Great explosion of the neutron star, which is well known as Big Bang Birth of one star every 100 million yrs for 1 billion yr results in 10 stars for the completion of Jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) experienced the changes of its cheon-gung(천궁, 天 宮 ) to 7 billion yrs from 3 billion yrs after oscillation and vibration of Beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) began. The changes of its cheon-gung(천궁, 天 宮 ) : Process of the nucleus with tae-yang-su(태양수, 太 陽 數 ) +9 ð process of white hole ð process of Quasar ð process of hwang-geum-al-dae-il(황금알대일, a golden egg-like star). Duration : 4 billion yrs Eruption of matters due to the collapse of the inner nucleus in the golden sun named as Jin-myeong-gung (진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) occurs for 1 billion yr. Contracting period of the golden sun named as Jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) for 3 billion yrs. Sang-cheon-gung(상천궁, 上 天 宮 ) 11 billion yrs Completion Sang-cheon-gung(상천궁, 上 天 宮 ) of Explosion of Jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) ( Birth of the present Polaris) 12 billion yrs or 1 billion yrs Completion of Cheon-il-gung(천일궁, 天 一 宮 ) with 10 stars after gae-cheon(개 천, 開 天 ) named as Big Bang occurs.

4 Table. Classification of the Universe during the 6 th Evolutionary Cycle of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, dharma + a globe) Timeline * Major Classification Middle Classification Minor Classification Name of Universe Expanding phase of the Oscillation and vibration of 1-6 system in the beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) by wave occurred. beop-gong(법공, 法 空 ) * If you would like to know the universe before Big Bang occurred, please refer to the table Activity of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, dharma + a globe) from oscillation and vibration of Beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) to births of Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正 明 宮 ) and jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) 10 billion yrs Gae-cheon(개천, 開 天, The sky is open.) known as Big Bang ** Sky in Sang-gyea-woo-ju(상계 의 우주, 上 界 之 宇 宙 ) Sang-cheon-gung(상천궁, 上 天 宮, the upper paradise)- the yeum(음, 陰, -) of the sky Cheon-il-gung(천일궁, 天 一 宮 ) - the yang(양, 陽, +) of the sky Cheon-il-woo-ju(천일우주, 天 一 宇 宙 ) with 100 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) Sang-gyea-wooju(상계의 우주, 上 界 之 宇 宙, Universe of Cheon-il-il woo-ju(천일일 우주, 天 一 一 宇 宙 ) Cheon-il-yee woo-ju(천일이 우주, 天 一 二 宇 宙 ) Upper Dharma Seon-cheon-wo Cheon-il-sam woo-ju(천일삼 우주, 天 一 三 宇 宙 ) World.) o-ju(선천우주, 先 Ji-il-il woo-ju(지일일 우주, 地 一 一 宇 宙 ) 天 宇 宙, Former Sky Ji-il-yee woo-ju(지일이 우주, 地 一 二 宇 宙 ) Universe) Ji-il-sam woo-ju(지일삼 우주, 地 一 三 宇 宙 ) Jung-gyea-wooju(중계의 우주, 中 界 之 宇 宙, middle world in the universe) In-il-il woo-ju(인일일 우주, 人 一 一 宇 宙 ) In-il-yee woo-ju(인일이 우주, 人 一 二 宇 宙 ) In-il-sam woo-ju(인일삼 우주, 人 一 三 宇 宙 ) Cheon-yee-sam woo-ju(천이삼 우주, 天 二 三 宇 宙 ) Ji-yee-sam woo-ju(지이삼 우주, 地 二 三 宇 宙 ) In-yee-sam woo-ju(인이삼 우주, 人 二 三 宇 宙 ) 22 billion yrs(2000ab) The end of this civilisation was supposed to happen in 2000AD, but it is postponed after only a few decades. Sky in Jung-gyea-woo-ju(중계의 우주, 中 界 之 宇 宙 ) Jung-ang-cheon-gung-sang-gung(중앙천궁 상궁, 中 央 天 宮 上 宮 ) Jung-ang-woo-ju(중앙우주, 中 央 宇 宙 ) with 100 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) Cheon-yee-il woo-ju(천이일 우주, 天 二 一 宇 宙 ) Cheon-yee-yee woo-ju(천이이 우주, 天 二 二 宇 宙 ) Ji-yee-il woo-ju(지이일 우주, 地 二 一 宇 宙 ) Ji-yee-yee woo-ju(지이이 우주, 地 二 二 宇 宙 ) In-yee-il woo-ju(인이일 우주, 人 二 一 宇 宙 ) In-yee-yee woo-ju(인이이 우주, 人 二 二 宇 宙 ) Hu-cheon-woo -ju(후천우주, 後 天 宇 宙, Latter Sky Universe) Ha-gyea-woo-ju (하계의 우주, 下 界 之 宇 宙, Universe of Lower Dharma World.) Sky in Ha-gyea-woo-ju(하계의 우주, 下 界 之 宇 宙 ) Cheon-sam-sam woo-ju(천삼삼 우주, 天 三 三 宇 宙 ) Ji-sam-sam woo-ju(지삼삼 우주, 地 三 三 宇 宙 ) In-sam-sam woo-ju(인삼삼 우주, 人 三 三 宇 宙 ) Ha-cheon-gung(하천궁, 下 天 宮, Lower paradise) Ha-cheon(하천, 下 天 ) with 100 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) Cheon-sam-il woo-ju(천삼일 우주, 天 三 一 宇 宙 ) Cheon-sam-yee woo-ju(천삼이 우주, 天 三 二 宇 宙 ) 46 billion yrs Extinct period of beop-gong(법공, 法 空 ) for 14 billion yrs 60 billion yrs Collapse period of beop-gong(법공, 法 空 ) for 30 billion yrs 90 billion yrs Resting period of beop-gong(법공, 法 空 ) for 100 billion yrs 100 billion yrs The End of Expanding phase of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空 ) Ha-gyea-woo-ju Ji-sam-il woo-ju(지삼일 우주, 地 三 一 宇 宙 ) Ji-sam-yee woo-ju(지삼이 우주, 地 三 二 宇 宙 ) In-sam-il woo-ju(인삼삼 우주, 人 三 三 宇 宙 ) In-sam-yee woo-ju(인삼이 우주, 人 三 二 宇 宙 ) Da-bo-gung(다보궁, 多 寶 宮 ) with 72 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces) * Timeline applies to major classification and middle classification except for minor classification and specific universes. Earth time system is applied in the time of the table the 6 th evolutionary cycle of beop-gong(법공, 法 空, dharma + a globe). Earth time system applies to the above table. ** Refer to the table Activity of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, dharma + a globe) from Onset of Oscillation and Vibration of Beop-seong(법성, 法 性 ) to Births of Jeong-myeong-gung(정명궁, 正 明 宮 ) and jin-myeong-gung(진명궁, 眞 明 宮 ) if you would like to know the process of birth of the universe before Big Bang occurred.

5 Table. Period of Birth of the Present Universe(현존우주, 現 存 宇 宙 ) and its moving way * 上 天 宮 天 一 宇 宙 六 合 의 六 合 天 一 宇 宙 六 合 의 九 合 天 一 宇 宙 六 合 의 十 二 合 上 界 의 宇 宙 天 一 三 天 一 一 天 一 二 地 一 三 地 一 一 地 一 二 人 一 三 人 一 一 人 一 二 中 界 의 宇 宙 天 二 三 中 央 天 宮 上 宮 天 二 一 天 二 二 地 二 三 中 央 宇 宙 46 宮 (10억 년) 地 二 一 地 二 二 人 二 三 中 央 宇 宙 54 太 陽 宮 人 二 一 人 二 二 下 界 의 宇 宙 天 三 三 下 天 宮 天 三 一 天 三 二 地 三 三 下 天 46 宮 地 三 一 (10억 년) 地 三 二 人 三 三 下 天 54 太 陽 宮 人 三 一 人 三 二 Universe in the Extinct phase of the beop-gong(소멸기 우주) (12 billion yrs) 72 多 寶 宮 * Refer to the table Classification of the Universe during the 6 th Evolutionary Cycle of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, dharma + a globe)

6 (Revised Edition) Law of Sil-sang(실상, 實 相, Tattvasya laksana) in Myo-beop-hwa(묘법화, 妙 法 華, Saddharma-ka)(2015)-paperbook, written in Korean Table. Each Evolutionary Cycle of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, Dharma + a Globe) Evolutionary Stages According to Earth time system According to the whole cosmos time system Evolution a r y Period(진 화기) * Expanding Phase (팽창기) 46 billion yrs 460 billion yrs Extinct Phase (수축기, 소멸 기) 14 billion yrs 140 billion yrs Collapse Phase (붕괴기) 30 billion yrs 300 billion yrs Resting Phase (휴식기) ** 10 billion yrs 100 billion yrs Total Time 100 billion yrs 1,000 billion yrs * Refer to the figure Structure of the beop-gong(법공, 法 空 ) during its Evolutionary phase. ** Refer to the figure Structure of the beop-gong(법공, 法 空 ) during its Resting phase.

7 (Revised Edition) Law of Sil-sang(실상, 實 相, Tattvasya laksana) in Myo-beop-hwa(묘법화, 妙 法 華, Saddharma-ka)(2015)-paperbook, written in Korean Evolutionary period of beop-gong(법공, 法 空, Dharma and a globe) includes its expanding phase and lapse phase. * * Table. Each Evolutionary Cycle of Beop-gong(법공, 法 空, Dharma + a Globe)


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