Analog Simulation with PSpice Lab Workbook 368 3F Phone (02) Fax (02) Analog Simu
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1 PSpice A/D Simulation with PSpice Workbook Software Version 10x
2 Analog Simulation with PSpice Lab Workbook 368 3F Phone (02) Fax (02) Analog Simulation with PSpice page iii
3 Capture v Introduce v Simulation 1 Bias Point Analysis 11 DC Sweep 17 AC Sweep 23 Stimulus Editor 31 Transient Analysis 37 Parametric Analysis 43 Editing a model! subcircuit! simulation model symbol! Symbol Editor! Hierarchical blocks symbols! page iv Analog Simulation with PSpice
4 Introduction Spice (Simulation Program eith Integrated Circuit Emphasis) :,,, (simulation) SPICE, 1972 Berkely SPICE,,,,,,FET Pspice : SPICE 1972 Berkely SPICE PC Analog/Digital Pspice, CaptureStimuls editor,pspice A/D,Probe 11,000 Analog library 2,000 Digital library Vendor Pspice library model Simulation 1Schematic Entry -Schematic: -Stimulus Editor: 2 Analysis Setup &Simulate: -Pspice A/D: A/D 3Output -Probe:,,, -Text editor:netlist,output file text format Analog Simulation with PSpice page v
6 Simulation Goals: Lesson 1 schematic : symbol, wires, attributes, Source, design Schematics (Menu Bar) (Toolbar) (shortcuts) (Drawing Area ) Schematic Analog Simulation with PSpice page 1
7 Lesson 1-Entering a Design for Simulation Browser dialog Place/Part <SHIFT-P> Hot key Tool Bar Button Part Browser dialog 1 Part Name (Browser ) 2 OK symbol cursor 3 click page copy 4 click page 2 Analog Simulation with PSpice
8 Lesson 1-Entering a Design for Simulation Notes: click copy Recent Part box Part Browser Wild card Part Browser dialog wild card 4000 *4000*? parts browser help 1 click 2 Edit/Rotate <CTRL-R> Draw/Wire toolbar button <SHIFT-W> Hot key drawing mode cursor 1 click wire 2 click wire drawing mode 3 click click drawing mode Analog Simulation with PSpice page 3
9 Lesson 1-Entering a Design for Simulation Options/Display Options: COLOR GRID PAN/ZOOM SELECT, TEXT,TAB X / Y on /off properties ( DC voltage ) symbol ( click) Edit/Properties symbol Property Editor dialog page 4 Analog Simulation with PSpice
10 Lesson 1-Entering a Design for Simulation Property 1 Property 2 Apply 3 OK dialog Note: attribute asterisk attribute attributes Symbol Editor schematic click Set Attribute Value dialog Property Display Values Property Display Values 1 Property dialog 2 3display preferences, orientation, and justification 4 Apply Analog Simulation with PSpice page 5
11 Lesson 1-Entering a Design for Simulation netlister (label) Probe node Analog Behavioral Model (ABM) device node : 1 Property Editor dialog 2 node Net Alias 3 OK Note: Node,, %, &, * page 6 Analog Simulation with PSpice
12 Lesson 1-Entering a Design for Simulation Exercise circuit voltage source 1 Place/Part (type <SHIFT-P >, toolbar button) 2 Part dialog VDC 3 Click OK <Enter> 4 source 5 resistors 1 Place/Part (<SHIFT-P>, toolbar button) 2 Add Part dialog R 3 OK 4 (R1) OK 5 <CTRL-R> resistor 6 (R2) 7 capacitor 1 Place/Part (<SHIFT-P>, toolbar button) 2 Add Part dialog C 3 OK <Enter> Analog Simulation with PSpice page 7
13 Lesson 1-Entering a Design for Simulation 4 <CTRL-R> capacitor 5 capacitor 6 NOTE <Pspice library file> Pspice model library,symbol library 1model library -analog/digital device definition file -file name: *lib -ASCII text file(model subcircuit ) - symbol library 2symbol library - file -file name: *olb -device page 8 Analog Simulation with PSpice
14 Lesson 1-Entering a Design for Simulation Components 1 Place/Wire (<SHIFT-W>,toolbar button) 2 Delete key Placing the analog ground symbol 1 Place/Part (<SHIFT-P>,toolbar button) 2 OK 3 ground symbol 4 1 C1 2 Property Editor reference box CAP1 3 OK <Enter> labels 1 V1 R1 2 Property Editor name box In 3 OK 4 R1, R2 CAP1 5 Property Editor name box Out 6 OK Voltage source 10V 1 source (0V) 2 Display Propert Value 10V 3 OK schematic 1 File/Save 2 FILE rcopj 3 OK Analog Simulation with PSpice page 9
16 Bias Point Analysis Goals: simulation menu, netlist, Lesson 2 Analysis Setup RC DC bias point analysis simulation DC bias Simulation Setting Pspice/Simulation Setting Bias Point Detail enabled Bias Point Detail outfile bias point Analog Simulation with PSpice page 11
17 Lesson 2-Bias Point Analysis Netlisting PSpice netlist PSpice/Create Netlist Electrical Rule Check (ERC) ERC errors netlist simulation Analysis/Examine Netlist Notes: netlisting simulation ERC netlisting commands <Pspice option> Optimizer : Option,,, Option page 12 Analog Simulation with PSpice
18 Lesson 2-Bias Point Analysis Simulating PSpice Pspice/Run,, Run simulation PSpice window Simulation Probe waveform Analog Simulation with PSpice page 13
19 Lesson 2-Bias Point Analysis Analysis/Examine Output errors, output file output file bias voltages dc circuit 2 voltage RC V1 negative V CAP1 = R 2 /(R 1 + R 2 ) x V1 page 14 Analog Simulation with PSpice
20 Lesson 2-Bias Point Analysis Exercise 1 rcopj 2 Analysis/Setup, toolbar button ( Bias Point enabled ) 3 Close 4 PSpice/Run simulation toolbar button ERC netlister 5 Probe window View/Output File output file Extra Credit 1 ground symbol simulate error? 2 Message Viewer error 3 message viewer 4 Highlight error <F1> Message Viewer troubleshooting errors Analog Simulation with PSpice page 15
22 DC Sweep Lesson 3 Goals: DC Sweep analysis, set up sources, Probe,markers DC Sweep analysis PSpice,, steady output file Probe DC Sweep Analysis setup 1 Simulation Setting dialog DC Sweep button DC Sweep dialog 2 3 Value List Value field list 4 5 nested sweep,nested Sweep button Nested DC Sweep dialog 2-4 Analog Simulation with PSpice page 17
23 Lesson 3-DC Sweep DC sweep DC attribute zero sources 1 source (0V) vlaue 2 value 3 OK markers Markers Probe trace node voltage level, node voltage markers voltage current, markers 1 PSpice/Marker menu 2 3 marker marker 3 node (voltage markers) pin hot spot (current markers) click 4 Voltage differential markers marker positive node negative node, marker 10V node 5V 5V markers 5V advanced markers 1 PSpice menu 2 Mark Advanced 3 marker type 4 marker marker Probe Probe waveform viewer software oscilloscope group delay, voltage, current, (AC Analysis only) node voltage currnet page 18 Analog Simulation with PSpice
24 Lesson 3-DC Sweep Probe Probe Setup tab display Probe PSpice/Edit Simulation Settings Probe Setup Options dialog Probe Startup tab simulation Probe Probe startup tab Probe starts dialog values Analog Simulation with PSpice page 19
25 Lesson 3-DC Sweep Data Collection tab simulation At markers only marker All voltage current None simulation CSDF checkbox probe data file simulation spreadsheet math program Edit/Copy command data export Excel simulation Probe setup page 20 Analog Simulation with PSpice
26 Lesson 3-DC Sweep Exercise sweep V1 0V 10V 1V 1 PSpice/Edit Simulation Setting 2 DC Sweep button 3 Swept Variable Type Voltage Source 4 Sweep Type Linear 5 NAME text box V1 field value V1 6 Start Value text box 0 7 End Value text box <Tab> 10 8 Increment text box <Tab> 1 9 OK 10 Close Analysis Setup dialog 11 Check PSpice/Edit Simlation Setting Probe Setup data Probe run 12 Run toolbar button simulation PSpice/Run menu item Probe Probe window marker trace markers blank Plot traces Trace/Add <Ins> toolbar Add Trace button 1Add Trace list box 1V(In) V(Out) trace Trace Expression box Traces display 2OK traces display Analog Simulation with PSpice page 21
27 Lesson 3-DC Sweep Markers Plot traces display traces marker 1 X V(In) 2 <Shift> key V(Out) traces 3 <Delete> key display traces 4 <Alt-Tab> Schematics window 5 PSpice/Markers/Voltage Level 6 node In marker 7 node Out marker 8 click placement mode 9 Probe window Probe display of DC Sweep page 22 Analog Simulation with PSpice
28 AC Sweep Lesson 4 Goals: AC analysis, AC sources, Probe, markers AC Sweep analysis, PSpice small-signal voltage Bode plot AC Sweep signal analysis 100 1V 100V nonlinear effects simulation Analog Simulation with PSpice page 23
29 Lesson 4-AC Sweep AC Sweep Analysis setup Analysis Setup dialog AC Sweep/Noise sweep type Total Pts Field points number linear sweep point number frequency swept Octave Decade sweeps points number octave decade point OK Exit Noise analysis blank page 24 Analog Simulation with PSpice
30 Lesson 4-AC Sweep AC Sweep analysis AC source, source AC attribute value AC sources, AC source DC source 1 VAC source 2 ACMAG attribute Porperty Editor list 3 Value field phase shift AC voltage current value filed vlaue format <AC magnitude> <Phase shift> 5 volts 90 degree phase shift 5V, 90 4 Apply button Probe Probe simulation table Suffix Meaning of Output Variables for AC analysis None Magnitude DB Magnitude in decibels G Group delay (-dphase/dfrequency) I Imaginary part M Magnitude P Phase in degrees R Real part Examples Meaning of Output Variables II(R13) Imaginary part of the current through R13 IGG(m3) Group delay of M3 s gate current IR(VIN) Real part if I (current) through VIN IAG(T2) Group delay of current at port A of T2 V(2,3) Magnitude of complex voltage across nodes 2 & 3 VDB(R1) Db magnitude of V across R1 VBEP(Q3) Phase of base-emitter V at Q3 VM(2) Magnitude of V at node 2 Analog Simulation with PSpice page 25
31 Lesson 4-AC Sweep Probe Function Description Available in PSpice A/D? ABS(x) x YES SGN(x) +1 (if x>0), 0(if x=0), -1(if YES x<0) SQRT(x) x1/2 YES EXP(x) e x YES LOG(x) ln(x) YES LOG10(x) log(x) YES M(x) magnitude of x YES P(x) phase of x(degrees) YES R(x) Real part of x YES IMG(x) Imaginary part of x YES G(x) Group delay of x (seconds) NO PWR(x,y) x y YES SIN(x) sin(x) YES COS(x) cos(x) YES TAN(x) tan(x) YES ATAN(x) tan -1 YES ARCTAN(x) d(x) Derivative of x with respect YES* to the x-axis variable s(x) Integral of x over the range YES** of the x-axis variable AVG(x) running average of x over NO the range of the x-axis variable AVGX(x,d) running average of x from NO X_axis_value(x)-d to X_axis_value(x) RMS(x) Running RMS average of x NO over the range of the x-axis variable DB(x) Magnitude in decibels of x NO MIN(x) Minimum of the real part of NO x MAX(x) Maximum of the real part of x NO * In PSpice A/D, this function is called DDT(x) ** In PSpice A/D, this function is called SDT(x) Note AC analysis Probe s magnitude display page 26 Analog Simulation with PSpice
32 Lesson 4-AC Sweep Exercise Clipper circuit 1 circuit R, C, VDC, VAC, D1N3940, EGND, BUBBLE reference designators caps resistors label 2 Markers/Advanced marker vdb 3 Clipperopj Analog Simulation with PSpice page 27
33 Lesson 4-AC Sweep AC sweep simulation 1 PSpice Edit Simulation Settings 2 Simulation Settings dialog box AC Sweep 3 AC sweep 4 OK Simulation Settings dialog box 5 Close Analysis Setup dialog box 6 PSpice menu Run, simulate toolbar button UNIT Scale Symbol Name T, t Tera G, g Giga MEG, Meg, meg Mega K, k Kilo- C, c Clock cycle (digital) 10-3 M,m Milli- 254*10-6 MIL, Mil, mil mil 10-6 U,u Micro N,n Nano P,p Pico F,f Femto- page 28 Analog Simulation with PSpice
34 Lesson 4-AC Sweep Probe Probe marker net voltage db magnitude (20log10) Out Mid VDB(Mid), capacitance load resistor VDB(Out) bandpass response linear analysis AC 1V ( ) Analog Simulation with PSpice page 29
35 Lesson 4-AC Sweep Bode plot 1 Schematics PSpice/Markers/Mark Advanced 2 Out Vdb Vphase marker 3 Mid Vdb marker 4 Probe window plots 5 VP(Out) 6 Edit/Cut Cut toolbar button 7 Plot/Add Y Axis 8 Edit/Paste bode plot Bode Plot of Clipper s Frequency Response page 30 Analog Simulation with PSpice
36 Stimulus Editor Goals: stimulus source symbols /, stimulis (PWL, sin wave, clock, bus), configure & unconfigure stimulus file Stimulus Editor (StmEd) transient analog digital sources PSpice source SIN, PWL, SFFM, Exponential, Pulse, digital Signals stimuli ASCII file file configured schematic simulation stimulus file local global Schematics 3 stimulus symbols stimuls type Vstim StmEd voltage sources Lesson 5 Istim StmEd current sources Analog Simulation with PSpice page 31
37 Lesson 5-Stimulus Editor Digstim StmEd digital sources Simulation Settings dailog stimulus schematic stl directory file local stimulus file PSpice/Edit Simulation Settings Library tab dialog stimulus files configure page 32 Analog Simulation with PSpice
38 Lesson 5-Stimulus Editor Exercise 1 Sin Wave Stimulus 1 Schematics dsn pop-up New Schematic 2 VSTIM 3 STIMULUS= text 60_hz_sin 4 STIMTEST file 5 VSTIM Edit/PSpice Stimulus stimuls dialog 6 SIN radio 7 OK 8 dialog Offset 0 Amplitude 5 Frequency 60 amplitude peak-to-peak 9 OK 60Hz sine sin wave 10 File Save toolbar button 11 Schematics PSpice/Edit Simulation Setting Library tab Analog Simulation with PSpice page 33
39 Lesson 5-Stimulus Editor Exercise 2 Piecewise Linear Stimulus exercise exercise one Stimulus Editor 1 StmEd window 2 Stimulus/New 3 Name MYPWL 4 PWL radio button 5 OK button cursor 6 Axis Setting toolbar button 7 X 2m 8 Y 01 9 OK button 10 cursor window X Y 11 (2m, 0) data point square marker ( vertex) 12 (4m, 25) (6m, 2,5) (8m, 0) (10m, 0) (12m, -25) (14m, -25) (16m, 0) (18m, 0) (20m, 25) (22m, 2,5) (24m, 0) (26m, 0) (28m, -25) (30m, -25) (32m, 0) (34m, 0) (36m, 5) (38m, 2,5) (40m, 0) (42m, 0) 13 placement mode page 34 Analog Simulation with PSpice
40 Lesson 5-Stimulus Editor Correcting mistakes PWL stimulus points points ( vetices) Point 1 vertex 2, vertex 1 point 2 delete key delete Vertex 1 Add New Point toolbar button 2 new point 3 placement mode Analog Simulation with PSpice page 35
42 Transient Analysis Lesson 6 Goals transient analysis,stimulus Editor,Probe Transient analysis time domain simulation transient Probe oscilloscope Time x swept voltage current y Print Step VPRINT or VPLOT printing plotting Print Step Probe Final Time simulation transient simulations TIME=0 Final Time No-Print Delay time period Step Ceiling simulator step size waveform convergence error Detailed Bias Pt transient bias solution Analog Simulation with PSpice page 37
43 Lesson 6-Transient Analysis A note on Bias calculations: simulation DC bias calculation OP bias calculation transient analysis transient bias DC value ( source AC, DC, transient component) source TIME=0 OP bias calculation DC value transient bias e source TIME = 0 source Exercise 1 1 rcdsn 2 DC source Vstim source 3 attribute MYOULSE pulse source StmEd 4 StmEd file StmEd 5 PSpice/Edit Simulation Settings DC Sweep 6 Transient Analysis final time 5u Probe Print Step 7 OK 8 Close button setup dialog 9 Run toolbar button simulation 10 IN OUT net marker schematic markers ( simulate ), Probe traces (V(IN) V(OUT)) Add Trace toolbar button 11 schematic fil page 38 Analog Simulation with PSpice
44 Lesson 6-Transient Analysis waveforms ramps steady state Probe display of transient RC simulation Analog Simulation with PSpice page 39
45 Lesson 6-Transient Analysis Exercise 2 1 rcdsn LF411, Bubble, VDC refergators component values 2 File/Save As opampdsn 3 transient analysis stimulus file PSpice/Edit Simulation Settings library tab 4 simulation run 5 Probe Add Trace toolbar button I(CAP1) 6 Plot/Add Y Axis Y 7 trace I(CAP2) 8 Plot/Axis Settings Y labels 9 pulldown box Y list 1 10 CAP1 Current 11 Y list 2 12 CAP2 Current 13 OK dialog page 40 Analog Simulation with PSpice
46 Lesson 6-Transient Analysis Note: Y >>,, Multiple Y axis plot Analog Simulation with PSpice page 41
48 Parametric Analysis Lesson 7 Goals: global parameter, parametric simulation Probe, Parametric analysis Parametric analysis parameter parameters voltage source, current source, temperature, model parameter, global parameter Parametric analysis parameter parameter list linear, octave, decade sweep A parametric analysis basic analysis type AC Sweep, DC Sweep, transient simulations enabled parametric analysis parameter simulation global parameter model parameter parametric DC Sweep Probe parametric analysis curves parametric analysis global parameter component value, model value, Analog Behavioral Modeling expression analysis specification (AC Sweep, DC Sweep, or transient) parametric analysis specification design simulate Probe Analog Simulation with PSpice page 43
49 Lesson 7-Parametric Analysis Exercise Opampsch global parameter 1 Place/Part 2 PARAM part name 3 Ok 4 PARAM component placement mode 5 PARAMETERS : symbol attribute 6 NAME1 CVAL Apply button 7 VALUE1 1n Apply button 1n 8 OK dialog box page 44 Analog Simulation with PSpice
50 Lesson 7-Parametric Analysis attribute value global parameter 1 CAP2 ( 1n) 2 {CVAL} 3 OK model parameter component (resistors, capciture,inductors ) simulation { } PSpice, 1n { CAP2} CAP2 PSpice CVAL CVAL parameter simulation PSpice/Edit Simulation Seetings 1 Parameter Analysis 2 Global Parameter radio button sweep parameter 3 Name parameter {} 4 Linear radio button linear sweep 5 Start Value parameter 100p 6 End Value 700p 7 Increment 25p 8 OK dialog parametric analysis 9 transient analysis configure Run Analog Simulation with PSpice page 45
51 Lesson 7-Parametric Analysis Probe CAP2 25 transient analysis 25 list option OK 25 traces 1 <alt-tab> 2 PSpice/Markers/Mark Current into Pin 3 CAP2 marker 4 <alt-tab> Probe 25 traces CAP2 100p 700p 1 X I(CAP2) <delete> 25 traces 2 Add Trace toolbar button 3 space trace command I(CAP2)@25 trace list I(CAP2) command box field peak value Pobe peak search Add Trace toolbar button 2 Trace command I(CAP2)@25 I(CAP2)@1 3 OK 4 Toggle Cursor toolbar button 5 I(CAP2)@25 I(CAP2)@1 page 46 Analog Simulation with PSpice
52 Lesson 7-Parametric Analysis 6 Cursor Peak toolbar button cursor box Y u CAP2 700pF,CAP2 144uA CAP2 100pF Probe Performance Analysis Performance Analysis search commands functions Add Trace search command CAP2 capacitance performance analysis PSpice A/D & Basics+ User s Guide performance analysis Extra Credit: Probe use Trace/Performance Analysis/Wizard I(CAP2) Y PLOT CVAL Analog Simulation with PSpice page 47
54 Analog Simulation with PSpice page 49
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,,,,,, (41) ( e f f e c t ), ( c u r r e n t ) ( p o t e n t i a l difference),, ( r e s i s t a n c e ) 2,,,,,,,, (41), (42) (42) ( 41) (Ohm s law),
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전자회로 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 김영석 충북대학교전자정보대학 2012.3.1 Email: k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
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1 SV - ih.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 - - - 23 24 R S T G U V W P1 P2 N R S T G U V W P1 P2 N R S T G U V W P1 P2 N 25 26 DC REACTOR(OPTION) DB UNIT(OPTION) 3 φ 220/440 V 50/60
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2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 60.27(2.37) 490.50(19.31) 256.00 (10.07) 165.00 111.38 (4.38) 9.00 (0.35) 688.00(27.08) 753.00(29.64) 51.94 (2.04) CONSOLE 24CH 32CH 40CH 48CH OVERALL WIDTH mm (inches) 1271.45(50.1)
(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
Continuous Distillation Column Design Jungho Cho Department of chemical engineering, Dongyang university 1. ( ).... 2. McCabe-Thiele Method K-value. (1) : :, K-value. (2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4).
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DC Link Application DC Link capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low inductance DC buffer circuits and DC filtering, smoothing. They
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FirmSYS Zigbee etworks Kit User Manual FS-ZK500 Rev. 2008/05 Page 1 of 26 Version 1.3 목 차 1. 제품구성... 3 2. 개요... 4 3. 네트워크 설명... 5 4. 호스트/노드 설명... 6 네트워크 구성... 6 5. 모바일 태그 설명... 8 6. 프로토콜 설명... 9 프로토콜 목록...
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Vol. 15, No. 2 pp. 1051-1058, 2014 멤리스터의 전기적 특성 분석을 위한 PSPICE 회로 해석 김부강 1, 박호종 2, 박용수 3, 송한정 1*
(Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern (Micro- Environment) Re
EMF Health Effect 2003 10 20 21-29 2-10 - - ( ) area spot measurement - - 1 (Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern
제목을 입력하세요.
1. 4 1.1. SQLGate for Oracle? 4 1.2. 4 1.3. 5 1.4. 7 2. SQLGate for Oracle 9 2.1. 9 2.2. 10 2.3. 10 2.4. 13 3. SQLGate for Oracle 15 3.1. Connection 15 Connect 15 Multi Connect 17 Disconnect 18 3.2. Query
User s Manual 100% ) ( x b a a + 1 RX+ TX+ DTR GND TX+ RX+ DTR GND RX+ TX+ DTR GND DSR RX+ TX+ DTR GND DSR [ DCE TYPE ] [ DCE TYPE ] RS232 Format Baud 1 T100MD+
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2016 Oct.; 27(10), 926 934. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Multi-Function
8-VSB (Vestigial Sideband Modulation)., (Carrier Phase Offset, CPO) (Timing Frequency Offset),. VSB, 8-PAM(pulse amplitude modulation,, ) DC 1.25V, [2
VSB a), a) An Alternative Carrier Phase Independent Symbol Timing Offset Estimation Methods for VSB Receivers Sung Soo Shin a) and Joon Tae Kim a) VSB. VSB.,,., VSB,. Abstract In this paper, we propose
1. 2. 3. 4. 1. ; + - & (22kW ) 1. ; 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 DC AC (Ferrite) (NdFeB; ) /, Hybrid Power Thyrister TR IGBT IPM Analog Digital 16 bit 32 bit DSP RISC Dip SMD(Surface Mount Device) P,
28 THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF TEX [2] ko.tex [5]
The Asian Journal of TEX, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2009 Article revision 2009/5/7 KTS THE KOREAN TEX SOCIETY SINCE 2007 2008 ko.tex Installing TEX Live 2008 and ko.tex under Ubuntu Linux Kihwang Lee *
목 차 1. 안전을 위한 주의사항 2. 사 전에 2-1. 제품 특징 2-2. 제품 구성 2-3. 각 부분의 명칭 2 4 5 6 7 3-11. 전 뷰어 / 뷰어 설정 3-12. 전 뷰어 / 환경 설정 3-13. 환경설정 본 값 3-14. 재생방법 (블랙박스) 3-15.
사설명서 목 차 1. 안전을 위한 주의사항 2. 사 전에 2-1. 제품 특징 2-2. 제품 구성 2-3. 각 부분의 명칭 2 4 5 6 7 3-11. 전 뷰어 / 뷰어 설정 3-12. 전 뷰어 / 환경 설정 3-13. 환경설정 본 값 3-14. 재생방법 (블랙박스) 3-15. 재생방법 (일반 동영상 플레이어) 3-16.
Preliminary spec(K93,K62_Chip_081118).xls
2.4GHz Antenna K93- Series KMA93A2450X-M01 Antenna mulilayer Preliminary Spec. Features LTCC Based designs Monolithic SMD with small, low-profile and light-weight type Wide bandwidth Size : 9 x 3 x 1.0mm
DDX4038BT DDX4038BTM DDX4038 DDX4038M 2010 Kenwood Corporation All Rights Reserved. LVT A (MN)
DDX4038BT DDX4038BTM DDX4038 DDX4038M 2010 Kenwood Corporation All Rights Reserved. LVT2201-002A (MN) 2 3 [ ] CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT 4 1 2 Language AV Input R-CAM Interrupt Panel Color Preout
PowerSHAPE 따라하기 Calculate 버튼을 클릭한다. Close 버튼을 눌러 미러 릴리프 페이지를 닫는다. D 화면을 보기 위하여 F 키를 누른다. - 모델이 다음과 같이 보이게 될 것이다. 열매 만들기 Shape Editor를 이용하여 열매를 만들어 보도록
PowerSHAPE 따라하기 가구 장식 만들기 이번 호에서는 ArtCAM V를 이용하여 가구 장식물에 대해서 D 조각 파트를 생성해 보도록 하겠다. 중심 잎 만들기 투 레일 스윕 기능을 이용하여 개의 잎을 만들어보도록 하겠다. 미리 준비된 Wood 파일을 불러온다. Main Leaves 벡터 레이어를 on 시킨다. 릴리프 탭에 있는
Application TI-89 / Voyage TM 200 PLT application. application, application. APPLICATIONS :, N. 1. O application. 2. application : D C application,. a
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iii. Design Tab 을 Click 하여 WindowBuilder 가자동으로생성한 GUI 프로그래밍환경을확인한다.
Eclipse 개발환경에서 WindowBuilder 를이용한 Java 프로그램개발 이예는 Java 프로그램의기초를이해하고있는사람을대상으로 Embedded Microcomputer 를이용한제어시스템을 PC 에서 Serial 통신으로제어 (Graphical User Interface (GUI) 환경에서 ) 하는프로그램개발예를설명한다. WindowBuilder:
요약문 1 요 약 문 1. 과 제 명 : 소음노출 저감을 위한 작업환경관리 및 측정방안 연구 2. 연구기간 : 2007 1. 1 ~ 2007. 12. 31. 3. 연 구 자 : 연구책임자 장 재 길 (연구위원) 공동연구자 정 광 재 (연구원) 4. 연구목적 및 필요성
보건분야-연구자료 연구원 2007-102-1027 소음노출 저감을 위한 작업환경관리 및 측정방안 요약문 1 요 약 문 1. 과 제 명 : 소음노출 저감을 위한 작업환경관리 및 측정방안 연구 2. 연구기간 : 2007 1. 1 ~ 2007. 12. 31. 3. 연 구 자 : 연구책임자 장 재 길 (연구위원) 공동연구자 정 광 재 (연구원) 4. 연구목적 및 필요성
개요 AXSR5 레코더에 연결 시 NEXFS700 전용 RAW 포맷으로 변환되어 AXSR5 에서 녹화됩니다(PMWF55, F65 용 RAW 포맷과 다름). 또한 이 제품의 간단한 플레이백 기능을 사용하여 AXSR5에서 레코딩 된 비디오를 볼 수 있습니다. 플레이백 되는
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