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1 CAE on AWS Jungin Lee Oct 2016
3 한국을포함, 총 13 개의도시에 AWS Region 이위치하며, 각 Region 은 2 개이상의 Availability Zone 의독립적데이터센터로이루어져있음
4 AWS 위에서는서버확장 / 축소가불과몇분안에일어나며, API 를통한자동화를이용하여비즈니스의민첨함과순간확장성을극대화함 Auto Scaling Case Study Rich APIs On demand Uniform Compute Scaling Security CDN Backup DNS Database Storage Load Balancing Workflow Monitoring Networking Messaging Pay as you go Available ec2-run-instances ami-b232d0db --instance-count 5 --availability-zone eu-west-1c --instance-type m1.medium 4
5 현재약 70 여개의서비스를제공중 TECHNICAL & BUSINESS SUPPORT Support Professional Services Partner Ecosystem Training & Certification Solutions Architects HYBRID ARCHITECTURE Integrated Networking Direct Connect Identity Federation Integrated App Deployments Business Apps ANALYTICS Data Warehousing Business Intelligence Hadoop/ Spark Streaming Data Analysis Streaming Data Collection Machine Learning Elastic Search Identity Management Business Intelligence APP SERVICES Queuing & Notifications Workflow Search Transcoding Access Control DevOps Tools Key Management & Storage MOBILE SERVICES API Gateway Identity Sync Mobile Analytics Single Integrated Console Push Notifications MARKETPLACE Security SECURITY & COMPLIANCE Monitoring & Logs DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS One-click App Deployment DevOps Resource Management Application Lifecycle Management Containers Triggers Resource Templates Configuration Compliance Networking Web application firewall Databases IoT Rules Engine Device Shadows Device SDKs Device Gateway Registry Assessment and reporting Storage ENTERPRISE APPS Virtual Desktops Sharing & Collaboration Corporate Backup Resource & Usage Auditing Account Management Data Backups Compute VMs, Auto-scaling, & Load Balancing Storage Object, Blocks, Archival, Import/Export CORE SERVICES CDN Databases Relational, NoSQL, Caching, Migration Networking VPC, DX, DNS Security & Pricing Reports Integrated Resource Management Regions INFRASTRUCTURE Availability Zones Points of Presence
6 AWS Korean Customers
8 Scalability for a Simulation-Driven World Discovery, analysis, visualization 점차중요해지는 Simulation-Driven, Data-Driven 디자인및개발 Examples 고에너지물리학 기상모델링 유체, 구조, 재료분석 유전, 단백질및분자역학 반도체및유전시뮬레이션 3D 렌더링및시각화 리스크분석 딥러닝 Cloud unlocks data-driven analysis at massive scale
9 사이클의더많은반복은, 비용효율적인생산으로.. Engineering Design (CAD) Conceptual Design Data & Process (PLM) Simulation & Analysis (CAE) Tooling Design (CAM) Production
10 Engineering / Design Simulation (CAE) FEA Thermal CFD Crash Electro Magnetic
11 CAE 와같은 HPC 는클라우드가제공하는가치를최적으로활용할수있으며, AWS 는가장많은경험과파트너를축적하고있음 Time 결과도출시간절감 Cost 비용절감 Collaboration AWS 글로벌인프라활용
12 CAE 와같은 HPC 는클라우드가제공하는가치를최적으로활용할수있으며, AWS 는가장많은경험과파트너를축적하고있음 Time 결과도출시간절감 Cost 비용절감 Collaboration AWS 글로벌인프라활용
13 CAE 효율성 = 컴퓨팅자원의유연성 Predicted Demand Actual demand What size of cluster do you need? 디자인과해석워크로드에따라사실은다른종류와규모의컴퓨팅이필요함 결국 CAE 에서의시간의혁신은 HPC 컴퓨팅자원의한계를어떻게뛰어넘는가의문제로귀결 And what kind of cluster is it? Large Memory? More and faster Cores? Faster Storage? Faster Networks? What Generation of Processor?
14 HPC 클러스터의유지관리는 HPC H/W 는막대한 Long-Term 투자? 언제가가장완벽한구매 Timing 인지? 얼마나구매해야하는지? 어떤스펙으로구매해야하는지?. 과연이러한부분이조직의 Core Competency 인가?
15 매우큰컴퓨팅파워를요구하는, 유체역학시뮬레이션 Job 이하나있다고가정하면..
16 대부분현재부서에서보유하고있는클러스터의사이즈가너무작아오래걸린다고하면..
17 회사차원에서 HPC 클러스터 Farm 을구축하여 Job 을처리하려고합니다.
18 하지만, 이역시 Job Queue 가생기게되고기다리는 Job 이생기게됩니다.? 다시처음으로반복됩니다..
19 Job Queue 의폐해 HPC 사용자는가장빠르게결과를얻고싶어하며, 기존의한정된자원을점유하기위해내부적으로 Queue 를만들게됨 IT 관리자는이미구매한리소스에대해최대한의 Utilization 을원함 Fewer simulations = lost opportunity! 자연스레 Job Queue 는 IT 자원을관리하기위한 Buffer 의역할을하게되어 Delay 가일어나게됨
20 반면, 클라우드에서는내가원할때마다동적으로 1-Click 으로원하는사이즈의 HPC Farm 을구성합니다.
21 Small Job 은그에맞게
22 그보다조금더큰작업도필요에만큼
23 Job Queue 없이병렬적으로!! 누구도기다리지않습니다.
24 Job 의종류에따른다양한인스턴스타입 Scale up and scale out
25 정리하자면 Job A = 1 core x 500 hours
26 정리하자면 Job A = 1 core x 500 hours Job A = 500 core x 1 hour
27 사례 ) 시간에따른서버 Core 수
28 CAE 와같은 HPC 는클라우드가제공하는가치를최적으로활용할수있으며, AWS 는가장많은경험과파트너를축적하고있음 Time 결과도출시간절감 Cost 비용절감 Collaboration AWS 글로벌인프라활용
29 AWS EC2 Consumption Models 온디맨드요금제 시간당요금제로내가원하는시간에만과금 Pay for compute capacity by the hour with no long-term commitments For spiky workloads, or to define needs 예약요금제 1 년혹은 3 년을예약하여 30~60% 할인 Make a low, one-time payment and receive a significant discount on the hourly charge 스팟요금제 AWS Region 의유휴자원에대한입찰 온디맨드가격의약 20% Bid for unused capacity, charged at a Spot Price which fluctuates based on supply and demand
30 On-demand 가격알아보기 66% Saving! 500 Cores 365 일사용 (100% Utilization) 500 Core 한달 20 일사용 (66% Utilization) 500 Cores 하루 8 시간사용 (33% Utilization) $17K/mo $11K/mo $5K/mo
31 AWS Spot Market 100% Spot On On-demand Reserved capacity 0% Capacity Over Time
32 Best Practices for Using Spot Stateless Fault tolerance Multi-AZ Loosely coupled Instance Flexibility HPC 와완벽한 Fit 을가진요금제
33 HPC Users Love Spot
34 Bid Price Vs Market Price You pay the market price
35 Bid Price Vs Market Price 75% Bid 50% Bid 25% Bid You pay the market price
36 Spot 가격알아보기 500 Cores 365 일사용 (100% Utilization) 500 Core 한달 20 일사용 (66% Utilization) 500 Cores 하루 8 시간사용 (33% Utilization) $17K/mo $11K/mo $5K/mo $2~3K/mo $1~2K/mo $0.5~1K/mo 80~90% More Saving!!!
37 CAE 와같은 HPC 는클라우드가제공하는가치를최적으로활용할수있으며, AWS 는가장많은경험과파트너를축적하고있음 Time 결과도출시간절감 Cost 비용절감 Collaboration AWS 글로벌인프라활용
38 AWS 를통한 GE 의제조협업플랫폼운영 (CEED) Cloud provides a global, distributed, secure, and scalable environment for collaborative design and manufacturing
39 서울포함, 전세계 13 개의지역의 Region 보유
40 Collaboration is More Secure in the Cloud Bring the users to the data, don t send the data to the users
41 Collaboration is More Secure in the Cloud Bring the users to the data, don t send the data to the users
42 P2, G2 Instance Types P2 8 NVIDIA Tesla K80 Accelerators ( 각각 2 개의 NVIDIA GK210 GPU) 을지원 각 GPU 는 12GB 메모리를가지고있으며 ( 초당 240GB 메모리대역폭제공 ) 2,496 개의병렬코어를지원 최대 20Gbps 대역폭지원 G2 Intended for remote graphics rendering and streaming High-performance NVIDIA GPUs, each with 1,536 CUDA cores and 4GB of video memory Each GPU features an on-board hardware video encoder designed to support up to eight real-time HD video streams
43 Application Streaming Middleware
44 Thin Client Remote Collaboration
46 Scaling Out Simulation: Platform Strategy Simulation Trends Desktop Platform Multiphysics Simulation Systems Engineering Robust Design Simulation Democratization Enterprise Platform ANSYS EKM HPC Data Mgmt. Process Mgmt.
47 ANSYS Enterprise Cloud
48 ANSYS Enterprise Cloud: HPC on AWS Auto-scaling HPC provisions resources on-demand, using machine configurations optimized for specific workloads. Scale on demand 수요에따른서버확장 Match compute instances to workloads 워크로드에따른서버타입매치 Optimize steady state (reserved) and ondemand AWS spend
49 각고객마다분리되고고립된 Private 환경에서구동됨 (AWS VPC)
50 Solution Deployment ANSYS Enterprise 는고객마다별도로분리된 Account 에배포됨 ( 논리적망분리및고립 ) CloudFormation 템플릿을통해몇번의클릭만으로환경세팅이가능함 이로인해 AWS 의 Region 을다양하게확장하여사용가능 Chef 를통해탄력적인인프라배포 전체 Deployment 가 3 시간안에가능함 ( 기존에수개월이걸렸던것과비교 )
52 Rapid Innovation in Electronic Products Hitachi 의자회사였으나 Western Digital 로인수됨 HGST applications for engineering: 분자동역학시뮬레이션, CAD, CFD, EDA 협업을위한데이터저장, 공유, 배포 제조수율분석을위한 Big Data Running drive-head simulations at scale: 수백만의병력적인파라미터를변경하며수개월이걸리는시뮬레이션을단몇시간안에완료함 Peak 시최대 85,000 Core 를사용함 (Spot Instance)
53 Scale Drives Faster Innovation at Honda Cloud offers us an opportunity, as we can innovate faster than before. - Ayumi Tada, IT System Administrator, Honda R&D Scalable Materials Simulations Before: 80 HPC nodes, 1 year to complete all needed simulations After: Scalable, on-demand HPC cluster on AWS Up to 1000 nodes, 16,000 cores at peak More simulations means more accurate results at lower cost
54 ResAssure 1M simulation in 1 day on AWS cloud Stochastic Simulation 은아직도 대다수의유전저류엔지니어 가수년씩걸리는 시뮬레이션을하루만에 가능하게합니다.. Dr Andrew Wadsley Chief Technology Office The company demonstrated ResAssure's capability, by carrying out 1 million realizations in 1 day for a real field Cartesian model of: 200,000 grid cells against 28 sensitivity parameters using 40 standard processing cores on AWS cloud Source:
55 자전거디자인 CFD 분석 Trek applications for engineering: CFD Simulations for bicycle design: 병렬적으로많은시뮬레이션을구동함 자전거시장에서매우중요한드래프팅기술을좌우하는디자인요소에대한통찰력제공
Azure Stack – What’s Next in Microsoft Cloud
Microsoft Azure Stack Dell EMC 와함께하는하이브리드클라우드전략 Microsoft Korea, Cloud+Enterprise 사업부진찬욱부장 Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Azure Stack Azure Momentum 120,000 New Azure customer subscriptions/month 715 Million
solution map_....
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02 Web Application Hosting in the AWS Cloud www.wisen.co.kr Wisely Combine the Network platforms Web Application Hosting in the AWS Cloud Contents 개요 가용성과 확장성이 높은 웹 호스팅은 복잡하고 비용이 많이 드는 사업이 될 수 있습니다. 전통적인
Agenda 오픈소스 트렌드 전망 Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform Open Hybrid Cloud
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2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. ? IT Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Amazon Relational
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모바일 클라우드 서비스 융합사례와 시장 전망 및 신 사업전략 2011. 10 AGENDA 01 02 03 모바일 산업의 환경변화 모바일 클라우드 서비스의 등장 모바일 클라우드 서비스 융합사례 AGENDA 01. 모바일 산업의 환경 변화 가치 사슬의 분화/결합 모바일 업계에서도 PC 산업과 유사한 모듈화/분업화 진행 PC 산업 IBM à WinTel 시대 à
1.장인석-ITIL 소개.ppt
HP 2005 6 IT ITIL Framework IT IT Framework Synchronized Business and IT Business Information technology Delivers: Simplicity, Agility, Value IT Complexity Cost Scale IT Technology IT Infrastructure IT
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
Reasons for Poor Performance Programs 60% Design 20% System 2.5% Database 17.5% Source: ORACLE Performance Tuning 1 SMS TOOL DBA Monitoring TOOL Administration TOOL Performance Insight Backup SQL TUNING
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 * 1) IT,,,, Salesforce.com SaaS (, ), PaaS ( ), IaaS (, IT ), IT, SW ICT, ICT IT ICT,, ICT, *, (TEL)
클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 클라우드컴퓨팅확산에따른국내경제시사점 * 1) IT,,,, Salesforce.com SaaS (, ), PaaS ( ), IaaS (, IT ), IT, SW ICT, ICT IT ICT,, ICT, *, (TEL) 02-570-4352 (e-mail) jjoon75@kisdi.re.kr 1 The Monthly Focus.
Principal Consultant Corporate Management Team ( Oracle HRMS ) Agenda 1. Oracle Overview 2. HR Transformation 3. Oracle HRMS Initiatives 4. Oracle HRMS Model 5. Oracle HRMS System 6. Business Benefit 7.
KAIST 00-03-03 / #1 1. NGN 2. NGN 3. NGN 4. 5. 00-03-03 / #2 1. NGN 00-03-03 / #3 1.1 NGN, packet,, IP 00-03-03 / #4 Now: separate networks for separate services Low transmission delay Consistent availability
세상을 바꾸는 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 미래 KT 그룹컨설팅지원실, 김미점(mjkim@kt.com) Gartner 10대 IT Trend에서 2009년에서 2011년까지 3년 연속 선정되고, 기업에서의 경영 방식이나 개인의 삶을 다양한 방식으로 바꿀 것으로 예상되는 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 미래 전망은 어떠할까? 빅 데이터의 등장과 다양한 모바일 디바이스의 출현으로 클라
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Application Server iplatform Oracle9 A P P L I C A T I O N S E R V E R i Oracle9i Application Server e-business Portal Client Database Server e-business Portals B2C, B2B, B2E, WebsiteX B2Me GUI ID B2C
Chapter 16 21 (Agenda). (Green),., 2010. IT IT. IT 2007 3.1% 2030 11.1%, IT 2007 1.1.% 2030 4.7%, 2020 4 IT. 1 IT, IT. (Virtualization),. 2009 /IT 2010 10 2. 6 2008. 1970 MIT IBM (Mainframe), x86 1. (http
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Copyright 2006 by Human Consulting Group INC. All Rights Reserved. No Part of This Publication May Be Reproduced, Stored in a Retrieval System, or Transmitted in Any Form or by Any Means Electronic, Mechanical,
Analyst Briefing
. Improve your Outlook on Email and File Management iseminar.. 1544(or 6677)-3355 800x600. iseminar Chat... Improve your Outlook on Email and File Management :, 2003 1 29.. Collaboration Suite - Key Messages
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13 Lightweight BPM Engine SW 13 Who am I? R&D, Product Development Manager / Smart Worker Visualization SW SW KAIST Software Engineering Computer Engineering 3 BPM? 13 13 Vendor BPM?? EA??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/business_process_management,
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Performance Optimization of SCTP in Wireless Internet Environments The existing works on Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) was focused on the fixed network environment. However, the number of
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O2O(Online to Offline)서비스 전략방향 연구 - 모바일 사용자 경험 디자인(UX Design)을 중심으로 - O2O(Online to Offline) Service Strategy Research -Focusing on Mobile UX Design- 주저자 김 형 모 Kim, Hyung-mo BK21플러스 다빈치 창의융합인재양성사업단 BK21Plus
PowerPoint Presentation
클라우드환경하의검증된 Hypervisor, 시트릭스 XenServer SeonKyung Cho, XenServer SE, APAC June 12, 2012 XenServer 고향 내용 클라우드컴퓨팅과서버가상화 클라우드컴퓨팅을위한고려사항 클라우드플래폼으로써의젠서버 클라우드컴퓨팅과서버가상화 일반적인오해 Cloud Computing = Server Virtualisation
CRM CRM (CRM : Customer Relationship Management ). CRM,,.,,.. IMF.,.,. (CRM: Customer Relationship Management, CRM )., CRM,.,., 57 45 (2001 )., CRM...,, CRM, CRM.. CRM 1., CRM,. CRM,.,.,. (Volume),,,,,,,,,,
Agenda I. What is SRM? II. Why SRM? Trend, III. Function / To-be - IV. V. Critical Success Factor 2
(Procurement Engineering) - Engineering Introduction & Case study 2006. June 8 th Yoon-chang So / IBM GBS Agenda I. What is SRM? II. Why SRM? Trend, III. Function / To-be - IV. V. Critical Success Factor
1996 : 1,500, : 1 2004 : 2,500, : 1.8 1996 280 ( 2,900), 235 2,764 ( 2.9). 1996 : 35,000 ( 4,900), Business Week 465 CEO (stock option ) : 578 ( 81). 2004 : 50,000, CEO : 700 B B A A A A B B Source : M.
Data Industry White Paper
2017 2017 Data Industry White Paper 2017 1 3 1 2 3 Interview 1 ICT 1 Recommendation System * 98 2017 Artificial 3 Neural NetworkArtificial IntelligenceAI 2 AlphaGo 1 33 Search Algorithm Deep Learning IBM
한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol. 12, No. 3 pp. 1408-1416, 2011 클라우드 컴퓨팅에서의 보안 고려사항에 관한 연구 박춘식 1* 1 서울여자대학교 정보보호학과 Study on Security Considerations in the Cloud Computing Choon-Sik Park 1* 1 Department of Information Security,
VMware vsphere 4 This document was created using the official VMware icon and diagram library. Copyright 2009 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright
FMX M JPG 15MB 320x240 30fps, 160Kbps 11MB View operation,, seek seek Random Access Average Read Sequential Read 12 FMX () 2
FMX FMX 20062 () wwwexellencom sales@exellencom () 1 FMX 1 11 5M JPG 15MB 320x240 30fps, 160Kbps 11MB View operation,, seek seek Random Access Average Read Sequential Read 12 FMX () 2 FMX FMX D E (one
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(Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business) ( ) ,, Bio Bio 1 2 3 Money Money ( ) ( ) 4025 39 21 25 20 13 15 13 15 17 12 11 10 1 23 1 26 ( ) 1 2 2 6 (1 3 ) 1 14:00 20:00 1 2 1 1 5-6 4 e t / Life Cycle (e-commerce)
Web Windows NT/2000 Server DP&NM Lab 1 Contents 2 Windows NT Service Provider Management Application Web UI 3 . PC,, Client/Server Network 4 (1),,, PC Mainframe PC Backbone Server TCP/IP DCS PLC Network
감각형 증강현실을 이용한
대한산업공학회/한국경영과학회 2012년 춘계공동학술대회 감각형 증강현실을 이용한 전자제품의 디자인 품평 문희철, 박상진, 박형준 * 조선대학교 산업공학과 * 교신저자, hzpark@chosun.ac.kr 002660 ABSTRACT We present the recent status of our research on design evaluation of digital
Interoperability :,, Reusability: : Manageability : Accessibility :, LMS Durability : (Specifications), AICC (Aviation Industry CBT Committee) : 1988, /, LMS IMS : 1997EduCom NLII,,,,, ARIADNE (Alliance
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, N-. N- DLNA(Digital Living Network Alliance).,. DLNA DLNA. DLNA,, UPnP, IPv4, HTTP DLNA. DLNA, DLNA [1]. DLNA DLNA DLNA., [2]. DLNA UPnP. DLNA DLNA.
http://dx.doi.org/10.5909/jeb.2012.17.1.37 DLNA a), a), a) Effective Utilization of DLNA Functions in Home Media Devices Ki Cheol Kang a), Se Young Kim a), and Dae Jin Kim a) DLNA(Digital Living Network
2 Worldwide Converged Mobile Device Shipment Share by Operating System, 2005 and 2010 Paim OS (3.6%) BiackBerry OS (7.5%) 2005 Other (0.3%) Linux (21.8%) Symbian OS (60.7%) Windows Mobile (6.1%) Total=56.52M
Model Investor MANDO Portal Site People Customer BIS Supplier C R M PLM ERP MES HRIS S C M KMS Web -Based
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Answers for industry. NX NASTRAN,, FEA siemens.com/plm/nxnastran . Aquila Engineering Ben Terrell Perth /, / Siemens..,. 24% 28% 36% 41% 47% (n=157) : Aberdeen Group 2010 4 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%,,....,..,.
The Intranet Data Warehouse Richard Tanler Ch4 : Online Analytic Processing: From Data To Information 2000. 4. 14 All rights reserved OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP OLAP is a label, rather than a technology
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4. Mobile Service Technology Mobile Computing Lecture 2012. 10. 5 안병익 (biahn99@gmail.com) 강의블로그 : Mobilecom.tistory.com 2 Mobile Service in Korea 3 Mobile Service Mobility 4 Mobile Service in Korea 5 Mobile
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CRM 2000. 8. KAIST CRM CRM CRM CRM :,, KAIST : 50%-60%, 20% 60%-80%. AMR Research 10.. CRM. 5. Harvard Business review 60%, 13%. Michaelson & Associates KAIST CRM? ( ),,, -,,, CRM needs,,, dynamically
목차(Table of Content) 1. 클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스 개요... 2 1.1 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 정의... 2 1.2 미래 핵심 IT 서비스로 주목받는 클라우드 컴퓨팅... 3 (1) 기업 내 협업 환경 구축 및 비용 절감 기대... 3 (2) N-스크린 구현에 따른 클라우드 컴퓨팅 기술 기대 증폭... 4 1.3 퍼스널 클라우드와 미디어 콘텐츠 서비스의
Corporate PPT Template
ASC Director ASC / CRM Oracle Korea Sales Service Solution ERP Agenda Extended ERP CRM Oracle CRM Oracle CRM Extended ERP Extended ERP CRM CRM CRM Oracle CRM Oracle CRM Design Concept Oracle CRM Product
이제는 쓸모없는 질문들 1. 스마트폰 열기가 과연 계속될까? 2. 언제 스마트폰이 일반 휴대폰을 앞지를까? (2010년 10%, 2012년 33% 예상) 3. 삼성의 스마트폰 OS 바다는 과연 성공할 수 있을까? 지금부터 기업들이 관심 가져야 할 질문들 1. 스마트폰은
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Innovation for Total Solution Provider!! eslim SV5-2410 Opteron Server 2008. 3 ESLIM KOREA INC. 1. 제 품 개 요 eslim SV5-2410 Server Quad-Core and Dual-Core Opteron 2000 Series Max. 4 Disk Bays for SAS and
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IBM Partner Program March, 2012 Jaemin, Lee SWG Channels, IBM Korea SWG Channels 2012 IBM Corporation Agenda IBM Korea SWG Channels Software Value Plus Software Value Incentive Revalidation 2 IBM Software
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102 103 R&D closed innovation strategy open innovation strategy spin-off Chesbrough technology marketing IBM Intel P&G IBM Dell Apple Nintendo Acer http //www ibm com/ibm/licensing MIT 1) 104 Bucher et
Microsoft Word - 조병호
포커스 클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스 기술 및 표준화 추진 동향 조병호* 2006년에 클라우딩 컴퓨팅이란 용어가 처음 생겨난 이래 글로벌 IT 기업 CEO들이 잇달아 차 기 핵심 기술로 클라우드 컴퓨팅을 지목하면서 전세계적으로 클라우드 컴퓨팅이라는 새로운 파 라다임에 관심이 고조되고 있다. 클라우드 컴퓨팅 기술을 이용하면 효율적인 IT 자원을 운용할 수 있으며 비용절감
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글로벌 클라우드 금융서비스와 정보보호 전략_한국은행
글로벌클라우드금융서비스와 정보보호전략 아마존웹서비스 신용녀이사 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. 목차 클라우드보안 AWS 책임공유모델 더나은가시성 더나은제어 더나은감사기능 전통적인방식 정적이고고정적인시스템 다계층보안 데이터센터의물리적인보안 네트워크보안 시스템보안
Agenda 2
(SRM Strategic Sourcing) Procurement/PLM Leader IBM GBS SCM Seungmin Hong Agenda 2 / /, Procurement Competency Performance Human ( /,, Resource Physical/Virtual) Sourcing Spend Analysis, Virtual Team /
Logistics Strategic Planning pnjlee@cjcci.or.kr Difference between 3PL and SCM Factors Third-Party Logistics Supply Chain Management Goal Demand Management End User Satisfaction Just-in-case Lower
Domino Designer Portal Development tools Rational Application Developer WebSphere Portlet Factory Workplace Designer Workplace Forms Designer
Domino, Portal & Workplace WPLC FTSS Domino Designer Portal Development tools Rational Application Developer WebSphere Portlet Factory Workplace Designer Workplace Forms Designer ? Lotus Notes Clients
발 간 등 록 번 호 11-1430000-000484-08 심판관 보수교육 교재 Ⅰ ISSN 1975-3446 상 표 판 례 (통권 제17호) 2008. 12 특 허 심 판 원 목 차 제6조 제1항 제2호 1. 2008허6642(등록무효) 3 제6조 제1항 제3호 1. 2008원(취소판결)34 11 2. 2008허5878 16 3. 2008허6468 23 4.
I II III (C B ) (C L ) (HL) Min c ij x ij f i y i i H j H i H s.t. y i 1, k K, i W k C B C L p (HL) x ij y i, i H, k K i, j W k x ij y i {0,1}, i, j H. K W k k H K i i f i i d ij i j r ij i j c ij r ij
Process, Power & Marine 인터그래프코리아 회사소개 인터그래프코리아 2011-08-08 1. 설립연도 및 일반 사항 Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) Security, Government & Infrastructure(SG&I) Industry-leading design & data-centric information management
3 IBM WebSphere User Conference ESB (e-mail : ljm@kr.ibm.com) Infrastructure Solution, IGS 2005. 9.13 ESB 를통한어플리케이션통합구축 2 IT 40%. IT,,.,, (Real Time Enterprise), End to End Access Processes bounded by
논문 10-35-03-03 한국통신학회논문지 '10-03 Vol. 35 No. 3 원활한 채널 변경을 지원하는 효율적인 IPTV 채널 관리 알고리즘 준회원 주 현 철*, 정회원 송 황 준* Effective IPTV Channel Control Algorithm Supporting Smooth Channel Zapping HyunChul Joo* Associate
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SSD를 100% 이해한 CONTENTS SSD? 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 15 14 17 18 18 19 03 SSD SSD? Solid State Drive(SSD) NAND NAND DRAM SSD [ 1. SSD ] CPU( )RAM Cache Memory Firmware GB RAM Cache Memory Memory
<4D F736F F F696E74202D20A4B5A4D3A4B5A4D1A4BCA4C4A4B1A4A1A4C0A4B2A4BFA4A920A4B2A4BFA4B7A4B2A4C3A4B2A4A9A4C7A4A42DA4BDA4C7A4BEA4B
시스템개발방법론 @ 포항공대 김장우 2012 년 7 월 26 일 포항공대고성능컴퓨팅연구실 성공적인시스템개발방법? 1 1 목차 성공적인시스템 성공적인시스템의개발방법 시스템레벨디자인 시스템모델링및시뮬레이션기술 시스템워크로드기술 시스템개발방법론 @ POSTECH 2 태권 V 를성공적으로개발하려면? - 개발기간? - 개발비용? - 전투대상? - CPU? 운영체제?
スライド タイトルなし
2 3 회사 소개 60%출자 40%출자 주식회사 NTT데이타 아이테크 NTT DATA의 영업협력이나 첨단기술제공, 인재육성등 여러가지 지원을 통해서 SII 그룹을 대상으로 고도의 정보 서비스를 제공 함과 동시에 NTT DATA ITEC 가 보유하고 있는 높은 업무 노하우 와 SCM을 비롯한 ERP분야의 기술력을 살려서 조립가공계 및 제조업 등 새로운 시장에
1 non-linear consumption 2 Whatever will change television will do so by re-defining the core product not just the tools we use to consume it. by Horace Dediu, Asymco 3 re-defining the core product not
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Journal of Fashion Business Vol. 5, No. 4. pp.158~175(2001) A Study on the Apparel Industry and the Clothing Culture of North Korea + Kyu Hwa Cho Prof., Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Ewha Womans University