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6 : KEM : ~ (100% ) :, KEM,,, SUV, e- SUV


8 KEM Core Domain KEM Core Domain Merge Test Bed Roadmap

9 Competency Query

10 () ( ) ( ) 4 ( )

11 #1/3 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6:

12 #2/3

13 #3/3,.

14 (#1/4),,.,

15 (#2/4) ( ),

16 (#3/4)

17 (#4/4)

18 Full Content Understanding

19 ( ) KEM Core - KEM core KEM Core - - -

20 KEM Core

21 KEM Core KEM Domain Domain

22 KEM Core Container Class ) General KEM Class class property title( ) Property : KEM DB

23 KEM Core (#1/5) Class Property Ontology Engineering OTK Class Property DataProperty ObjectProperty DataProperty ObjectProperty has Prefix Component word ) ( ) Plain figure -> PlainFigure name property SameAs

24 KEM Core (#2/5) Class General General Container

25 KEM Core (#3/5) Property Relation Inverse Property

26 KEM Core (#4/5) Relation property

27 KEM Core (#5/5) Vocabulary class KEM KEM,

28 KEM Core (#1/6) Learning Resource #1/2

29 KEM Core (#2/6) Annotation & Contribution

30 KEM Core (#3/6) Identifier & MetaMetadata

31 KEM Core (#4/6) Organization

32 KEM Core (#5/6) Requirement & Taxon

33 KEM Core (#6/6) KEMVocabulary

34 Domain Ontology

35 Domain Ontology 2 ) subclass, subclass

36 Domain,

37 Domain

38 Domain Ontology (#1/2) Domain Ontology subclass

39 Domain Ontology (#2/2) LearningResource_30

40 -> -> ->

41 Domain Ontology Graph( )

42 KEM Core Domain Merge

43 Merge (#1/5) Merge merge semi-structured

44 Merge (#2/5) Merge Namespace URL import class namespace Class semantic class Class semantic namespace concept namespace owl:sameas property

45 Ontology Merge (#3/5) Merge copy Domain KEM core class copy semantic semantic class

46 Merge (#4/5) Merge namespace merge Class Semantic namespace query copy class namespace

47 Merge #1/4, copy merge KEM core subject container, subclass domain merge identifier test bed merge

48 Merge #2/4 Protégé ontology importing

49 Merge #3/4 ontology importing

50 Merge #4/4 Namespace class


52 Test bed Protégé 3.11, Protégé 3.2 Beta RDF, OWL(DL) SPAQLE, RDQL JENA with swrl, Bossam, KAON2

53 Test Bed Benchmark Ontology Jena, Bossam, KAON2 Jena Bossam KAON2 KEM core Domain merge Test bed

54 Ontology Reasoner Test pellet OWL DL. (OWL full ) RDF/OWL HP Jena DIG. (8081 ) SPARQL. SWRL (Negation )

55 Reasoner (#1/2) Bossam RDFS, OWL, SWRL F-logic(Frame ) NAF,Classical Negation Buchingae Query. Jena Xerces RIO Piccolo

56 Reasoner (#2/2) KAON2 RDFS, OWL, swrl Dig Interface NAF,Classical Negation SPARQL Query. RETE Tableaux

57 (#1/4) LBUM LBUM : Lehigh University Benchmark schema 3 LBUM 14 5

58 Query1 (type GraduateStudent?X) (takescourse?x - :, Query2 (type Publication?X) (publicationauthor?x - Query3 (type Professor?X) (worksfor?x (name?x?y1) ( address?x?y2) (telephone?x?y3) - Query4 (type Person?X) (memberof?x - Query5 (type GraduateStudent?X) (type University?Y) (type Department?Z) (memberof?x?z) (suborganizationof?z?y) (undergraduatedegreefrom?x?y) -3 3

59 Test (#1/3) Ontology Reasoning BOSSAM KAON2 (ms) BOSSAM KAON2 O1 O2 O3 O1 O2 O

60 Test (#2/3)

61 Test (#3/3) Bossam KAON Rule KAON2 rule -> Bossam



64 년도 ~ 효율적인검색환경 QBE Type 질의지원 Graphic 환경을통한도메인온톨로지검색 사용자역량맞춤형검색지원 제한된자연어검색지원 Full Natural language 검색지원 사용자맞춤형검색지원 효율적온톨로지구축 KEM 전체요소에대한 Core 온톨로지개발 Metadata 변환기술 사용자역량온톨로지지원 교과별도메인온톨로지 이러닝콘텐츠에서온톨로지자동추출 사용자온톨로지지원 교과별도메인온톨로지 교과별도메인온톨로지 시스템 표준 rule 언어제정 Full description Logic 지원 확률을이용한 ranking 지원 OWL-DBMS 연동지원 rule 지원 cache 를이용한추론속도개선 추론알고리즘개선

65 Test bed

66 Ontology Test bed Query Scenarios Test bed 3 subproperty Rule Firefox 1.5 MS-Explorer MS-Explorer Firefox v1.5 rule rule s is if kem:firefox(?y) and kem:browserversion(?y,?z) and [?z >= 1.5] then kem:msexplorer(?y);

67 Ontology Test bed screen shot

68 Ontology Test bed screen shot



71 KEM KEM v3.0 XML Binding IEEE LOM (Final Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata) 9

72 KEM (1/6) Identifier Title Sub Title Language Description Table of Contents Keyword Coverage Structure Aggregation Level,,, ex) atomic, collection, networked, hierarchical ex),,,

73 KEM (2/6) Version Status Contribute (,,, ) Identifier Contribute Metadata Scheme Language

74 KEM (3/6) Format Size Location Requirement InstallationRemar ks OtherPlatformReq uirement Duration MIME nondigital (URI, URL etc..) Requirement

75 KEM (4/6) Interactivity Type Learning Resource Type Interactivity Level Semantic Density Intended End User Role Context Typical Age Range Difficulty Typical Learning Time Description Language Pedagogy,, -,,, ( ~ ) -,,, (,, ) (,, ),, ICT

76 KEM (5/6) Cost Copyright&Otherrestric tions Rights Holder Right Issuer Grant Expiry Date Description (y/n) (y/n) / (DRM ) (,..) Kind Resource

77 KEM (6/6) Entity Date Description. Purpose Taxon Path Description Keyword (,,, ) classification Classification,

78 KEM 475, ,969 79% 14, % Keris 7 14,863 Keris EM 338

79 Educational Category 364, ,878 (76%)

80 Rights Category ( Kem_Basic_info ) 379,969 10,238 (2%)

81 KERIS 7th Curriculum : 93

82 (1/2) KERIS EM > Technical > Format

83 (2/2) Technical > Format

84 KEM DB RDBMS Rule 2. KERIS EM Technical > Format. Format.

85 Ontology TestBed

86 Ontology Reasoner Test pellet OWL DL. (OWL full ) RDF/OWL HP Jena DIG. (8081 ) SPARQL. SWRL (Negation )

87 Ontology Reasoner Test Bossam RDFS, OWL(?), SWRL F-logic(Frame ) NAF,Classical Negation Buchingae Query. Jena Xerces RIO Piccolo

88 Ontology Reasoner Test Ontology Test1: Boris M, et al(2005) Lehigh UNIV Semintec_0 KEM Core Class hiararchy Test 2: KEM_Core Ontology Property, datatype Property 10, 20 Property 30

89 Ontology Reasoner Test Ontology Test3: Protégé swrl 20 Property 12 Rule

90 Ontology Reasoner Test Test 1 Query Set Test Query RacerPro Reasoner Boris M, et al(2005) Q1.?x = Man(x) Q2.?x = Client(x) : (Man, Woman ) Q3.?x?y?z = Man(x) & iscreditcardof(y, x) & Gold(y) & livesin(x,z) & Region(z)

91 Ontology Reasoner Test Semintec_0

92 Ontology Reasoner Test Semintec_0

93 Ontology Reasoner Test Test 2 Query Set KEM Q1.?x = e_content(x) (e_content ) Q2.?x?y= hascontributor(x, y) (hascontributor )

94 Ontology Reasoner Test Test 2 Pellet q2

95 Ontology Reasoner Test Ontology with swrl (Test3) Pellet swrl Rule Bossam Bossam Buchingae Rule Bossam 20 Rule OWL-DL swrl differentfrom property

96 Ontology Reasoner Test Test 3 Query Set Q1.?x = Man(x) (e_content ) Q2.?x?y= hasson(x, y) Q3.?x?y= hasgrandson(x, y) ( )

97 Ontology Reasoner Test Test 3 Rule set

98 Ontology Reasoner Test Test 3 Q2

99 Ontology Reasoner Test Test 3 Boris.M(2005)


101 E-Learning Portal E-learnig

102 E-Learning Portal A. e-learning B KERIS C. E-learnig

103 E-Learning Portal A. E-Learning E-learnig

104 E-Learning Portal 1. e-learning e-learning E-learnig

105 E-Learning Portal ( ) E-learnig

106 E-Learning Portal 2. KERIS - KEM v3.0 - E-learnig

107 B. E-Learning Portal E-learnig

108 E-Learning Portal 1. (, )... E-learnig

109 E-Learning Portal : E-learnig

110 E-Learning Portal 2. KERIS KERIS e-learning E-learnig

111 E-Learning Portal : > 1 2 E-learnig

112 E-Learning Portal 3. KEM v3.0 -, - Windows application -KEM v3.0 XML E-learnig

113 E-Learning Portal : > > KEM E-learnig

114 E-Learning Portal 3. KEM - ( ) -- General: -- Lifecycle: -- Metametadata: -- Technical: -- Educational: -- Rights: -- Relation: -- Annotation: -- Classification: *. * XML XML. E-learnig

115 E-Learning Portal 3. KEM - ( ) -- Identifier:. General, Metametadata, Resource. -- Contribute:. LifeCycle, Metametadata. -- Requirement:. Technical. -- OrComposite: or. Requirement. -- Pedagogy:. Educational. -- Assessment:. Pedagogy. -- GoalElement:. Assessment. -- RightsHolder:. Rights. -- RightsHolderIdentifier: ( ). RightsHolder. -- Contact:. RightsHolder. -- RightsIssuer:. Rights. E-learnig

116 E-Learning Portal 3. KEM - ( ) ( ) -- Grant:. Rights. -- Permission:. Grant. -- Constraint:. Grant. -- Period:. Constraint. -- Resource:. Relation. -- TaxonPath:. Classification. -- Taxon:. TaxonPath. *. * XML XML. E-learnig

117 E-Learning Portal 3. KEM General Lifecycle Metametadata Identifier Contribute Identifier Contribute Technical Educational Requirement OrComposite Pedagogy Assessment GoalElement *. E-learnig

118 E-Learning Portal 3. KEM Rights RightsHolder RightsIssuer Grant Contribute RightsHolderIdentifier Contact Permission Constraint Period *. E-learnig

119 *. E-Learning Portal 3. KEM Relation Annotation Classification Resource TaxonPath Identifier Taxon E-learnig

120 E-Learning Portal 3. KEM - KEM -- CharacterString:. -- LangString: (, ). -- DateTime:. -- Duration:. -- Vocabulary:. -- VCard:.. * KEM, XML XML. E-learnig

121 E-Learning Portal 3. KEM - -- KEMEditor:. -- IdDialogBox:. -- ToCDialogBox:. -- ToCItemAddDialogBox:. -- ToCItemNameDialogBox:. -- LifecycleContributeDialogBox:. -- MetametadataContributeDialogBox:. -- MIMETypeAddDialobBox: MIME. -- RequirementDialogBox:. -- OrCompositeDialogBox: or. -- AssessmentDialogBox:. E-learnig

122 E-Learning Portal 3. KEM - -- RightsHolderDialogBox:. -- GrantDialogBox:. -- RelationDialogBox:. -- AnnotationDialogBox:. -- ClassificationDialogBox:. -- TaxonPathDialogBox: VocaLibrary: Vocabulary. E-learnig

123 E-Learning Portal KEM E-learnig

124 E-Learning Portal KEM E-learnig

125 E-Learning Portal KEM - 1 E-learnig

126 E-Learning Portal KEM E-learnig

127 E-Learning Portal 3. (GMAT) - (KEM, SCORM, CanCore, DC/EdNA) - - Web application E-learnig

128 E-Learning Portal KEM E-learnig

129 E-Learning Portal KEM - 1 E-learnig

130 E-Learning Portal : > > 1 E-learnig

131 E-Learning Portal 4. 4 E-learnig

132 E-Learning Portal : > > 1 2 E-learnig

133 E-Learning Portal 5.,,, (version control) Open-source (GNU/LGPL) Contents Management System (CMS) Tikiwiki E-learnig

134 E-Learning Portal : > > 1 2 E-learnig

135 E-Learning Portal 6. : - - / E-learnig

136 E-Learning Portal : E-learnig

137 E-Learning Portal : > ( ) 1 E-learnig

138 E-Learning Portal : > ( / ) 1 E-learnig

139 E-Learning Portal E-learnig





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