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1 온톨로지구축과 의미메타데이터관리 ( 주 ) 솔트룩스 이경일 정보통신표준화 & 제 3 회메타데이터표준화워크숍 메타데이터와의미호환 (Metadata & Semantic Interoperability) ( 목 ), 성균관대학교 600주년기념관

2 목 차 온톨로지개요 온톨로지표현언어소개 온톨로지엔지니어링 온톨로지기반리즈닝 2 정보통신표준화 & 제 3 회메타데이터표준화워크숍

3 근본적인질문들... 인간의지식을어떻게온전하게표현하고공유할것인가? 어떻게추상적개념, 경험, 지식을표현 / 전달 / 축적 / 공유할수있을까? 사람이가진지식을어떻게컴퓨터에저장하거나이해시킬수있을까? 사람과컴퓨터, 컴퓨터와컴퓨터간에명확한커뮤니케이션이가능할까? 컴퓨터가보다지능적이고상황인지적인서비스를수행할수는없을까? META... 온톨로지구축 의미부착, 관리 의미정보질의 추론 Value Innovation Partner 3

4 온톨로지란? Ontology : 아리스토텔레스가처음사용 (BC 360) Predicate 을통한각개체의관계로존재를연구 단어 (word) 를사용해어떤도메인을개념화하고명시적으로표현 concepts properties and attributes of concepts constraints on properties and attributes Individuals (often, but not always) 온톨로지의다른관점의표현 공통어휘집 (a common vocabulary) 공유된이해 (a shared understanding) Value Innovation Partner 4

5 온톨로지란? An ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization of a domain of interest. [Gruber + α] 형식적인 (formal) 기계가읽을수있어야한다. (XML, BNF...) Value Innovation Partner 5

6 온톨로지란? An ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization of a domain of interest. [Gruber + α] 명시적인 (explicit) 개념의종류와그들의관계, 개념들의제약조건들이명백하게기술되어있다. Value Innovation Partner 6

7 온톨로지란? An ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization of a domain of interest. [Gruber + α] 공유된 (Shared) 사람과사람, 사람과기계, 기계와기계가합의된표현체계에따라개념을공유한다. Value Innovation Partner 7

8 온톨로지란? An ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization of a domain of interest. [Gruber + α] 개념화 (Conceptualization) 표현하고자하는대상세계의개념들을특정모델로 추상화하는과정을의미한다. Value Innovation Partner 8

9 온톨로지란? An ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization of a domain of interest. [Gruber + α] 관심영역 (Domain) 개념을표현, 공유하고자하는지정된영역에제한된다. ( 목적성및도메인의존성존재 ) Value Innovation Partner 9

10 왜필요한가? To share common understanding of the structure of descriptive information among people among software agents between people and software To enable reuse of domain knowledge to avoid re-inventing the wheel to introduce standards to allow interoperability To make domain assumptions explicit easier to change domain assumptions (consider a genetics KB) easier to understand and update legacy data To separate domain knowledge from the operational knowledge re-use domain and operational knowledge separately (e.g., configuration based on constraints) To manage the combinatorial explosion Value Innovation Partner 10

11 온톨로지의이해 다음은무엇을설명한것일까요? (5 고개 ) 1 이것은보통손바닥길이정도의크기입니다.? Value Innovation Partner 11

12 온톨로지의이해 다음은무엇을설명한것일까요? (5 고개 ) 1 이것은보통손바닥길이정도의크기입니다. 2 대부분손가락굵기의긴막대기모양입니다.? Value Innovation Partner 12

13 온톨로지의이해 다음은무엇을설명한것일까요? (5 고개 ) 1 이것은보통손바닥길이정도의크기입니다. 2 대부분손가락굵기의긴막대기모양입니다. 3 한쪽끝이뾰족합니다.? Value Innovation Partner 13

14 온톨로지의이해 다음은무엇을설명한것일까요? (5 고개 ) 1 이것은보통손바닥길이정도의크기입니다. 2 대부분손가락굵기의긴막대기모양입니다.? 3 한쪽끝이뾰족합니다. 4 막대기속에는잉크가들어있습니다. Value Innovation Partner 14

15 온톨로지의이해 다음은무엇을설명한것일까요? (5 고개 ) 1 이것은보통손바닥길이정도의크기입니다. 2 대부분손가락굵기의긴막대기모양입니다.? 3 한쪽끝이뾰족합니다. 4 막대기속에는잉크가들어있습니다. 5 뾰족한끝에작은쇠공이달려있습니다. Value Innovation Partner 15

16 온톨로지의이해 다음은무엇을설명한것일까요? (5 고개 ) 1 이것은보통손바닥길이정도의크기입니다. 2 대부분손가락굵기의긴막대기모양입니다. 연필? 3 한쪽끝이뾰족합니다. 제조사? 모델명 흑연연필 필기구 만년필 색연필 4 막대기속에는잉크가들어있습니다. 5 뾰족한끝에작은쇠공이달려있습니다. 볼 펜 길이굵기볼크기잉크타입 존재 / 지식 / 추상적개념을공통된 특징 으로설명 Value Innovation Partner 16

17 온톨로지의이해 그냥젊은남자 사람이름나이성별키 이경일 28세남자 183cm 임수전 26세여자 165cm 이혜원 4세여자 95cm Value Innovation Partner 17

18 온톨로지의이해 가정적인사람 그냥능력있는젊은사람남자 행복한사람 사람이름나이성별키 이경일 28세남자 183cm 임수전 26세여자 165cm 소트루스 벤처기업 서울시강남구 이혜원 4세여자 95cm 쏘이더스 연예기획사 서울시강남구 Value Innovation Partner 18

19 온톨로지의이해 한채연 27세여자 167cm 가정적인바람둥이사람 그냥능력있는젊은사람남자 행복한사람 (?) 이경일 28세남자 183cm 사람이름나이성별키 임수전 26세여자 165cm 소트루스 벤처기업 서울시강남구 이혜원 4세여자 95cm 쏘이더스 연예기획사 서울시강남구 Value Innovation Partner 19

20 온톨로지의이해 한채연 가정적인도대체바람둥이알사람수없 그냥는사람능력있는젊은사람남자 양성애자행복한사람 (???) (?) 사람이름나이성별키 27 세 여자 167cm 이경일 28세남자 183cm 임수전 26세여자 165cm 정재훈 25세남자 180cm 소트루스 벤처기업 서울시강남구 이혜원 4세여자 95cm 쏘이더스 연예기획사 서울시강남구 Value Innovation Partner 20

21 온톨로지의이해 한채연 가정적인도대체바람둥이알사람수없 그냥는사람능력있는젊은사람남자 양성애자행복한사람 (???) (?) 사람이름나이성별키 27 세 여자 167cm X 1:1 이경일 28세남자 183cm O O 임수전 26세여자 165cm 정재훈 X 여 : 남 25세남자 180cm 소트루스벤처기업서울시강남구 이혜원 4 세 여자 95cm 쏘이더스연예기획사서울시강남구 Value Innovation Partner 21

22 온톨로지의이해 한채연 27 세 여자 가정적인도대체바람둥이알사람수없 그냥는사람능력있는젊은사람남자 양성애자행복한사람 (???) (?) 사람이름나이성별키 167cm 이경일 임수전 28세 26세 X 1:1 남자여자 183cm 165cm 존재 / 지식 / 추상적개념을 ( 배우자 관계 / 애인 ) 와 제약조건 으로설명 존재 / 지식 / 추상적개념을 관계 와 제약조건 으로설명 정재훈 25 세 남자 180cm X 여 : 남 소트루스 벤처기업 서울시강남구 O O 이혜원 4 세 여자 95cm 쏘이더스 연예기획사 서울시강남구 Value Innovation Partner 22

23 온톨로지구성요소 Concepts / Class concepts of the domain or tasks, which are usually organized in taxonomies Example: Person, Car, University, Relations a type of interaction between concepts of the domain Example: subclass-of, is-a,, Functions a special case of relations in which the n-the element of the relationship is unique for the n-1 preceding elements Example : Father_of, Sum_of_Price, Axioms model sentences that are always true Example: a+0 = a, if x > y, then x+a > y+a, Instances / Individuals to represent specific elements Example : Student called Peter, Instance Function Concept Relation Axiom Value Innovation Partner 23

24 온톨로지의분류 Content Ont Domain Ont Tell&Ask Ont Task Ont Indexing Ont Meta Ont General Ont (Mizoguchi, 1995) Domain Ont Task Ont General Ont Nouns Ont Verbs Ont Adjectives Ont Other Ont Things, Event Casuality, Behavior Top-Level Ont Domain Ont Task Ont Application Ont (Guarino, 1998) Structure Type Knowledge Modeling Ont Informationt Ont Lexicons Concept Issues Domain Ont Application Ont Representation Ont Generic Ont (Van Heijst, 1997) (Lassila and McGuinness, 2001) Value Innovation Partner 24

25 지식표현및리즈닝수준 Value Innovation Partner 25

26 유사의미표현체계들 Thesauri TopicMaps Front-End Taxonomies Navigation Information Retrieval Query Expansion Sharing of Knowledge Queries Ontologies Mediation EAI Semantic Networks Consistency Checking Reasoning Extended ER-Models Context Awareness Predicate Logic Back-End Value Innovation Partner 26

27 Taxonomy Object Person Topic Document Student Researcher Semantics Doctoral Student PhD Student F-Logic Ontology Taxonomy := Segementation, classification and ordering of elements into a classification system according to their relationships between each other Value Innovation Partner 27

28 Thesaurus Object Person Topic Document Student Researcher Semantics Doctoral Student PhD Student F-Logic Ontology synonym similar Terminology for specific domain Graph with primitives, 2 fixed relationships (similar, synonym) originate from bibliography Value Innovation Partner 28

29 Topic Map Object knows Person Topic Document writes described_in Student Researcher Semantics Doctoral Student PhD Student F-Logic Ontology Tel Affiliation synonym similar Topics (nodes), relationships and occurrences (to documents) ISO-Standard typically for navigation- and visualization Value Innovation Partner 29

30 Ontology is_a Object is_a knows Person Topic Document writes described_in Student Researcher Semantics F-Logic Ontology is_a Doktoral PhD PhDStudent Tel Affiliation PhD Student instance_of subtopicof F-Logic similar similar Ontology Rules Affiliation described_in is_about Affiliation York Sure AIFB Representation Language: Predicate Logic Standards: RDF(S), OWL T D T D P writes D is_about T P knows T Value Innovation Partner 30

31 온톨로지표현언어의비교 Value Innovation Partner 31

32 F-Logic F-logic (frame logic) 은개체지향개념기반의온전한지식표현이가능한온톨로지언어 Horn logic과개체지향개념에기반하여절차가아닌, 목표를정의하는방식의표현법사용 F-Logic은 object identity, complex objects, inheritance, polymorphism, query methods, encapsulation 등을지원 기존의 predicate logic이일종의데이터베이스프로그래밍과관련있다면, F-logic은개체지향프로그래밍에기반 F-Logic역시시맨틱웹표준상의 RDF 및 OWL-DLP에기반하고있으며, 매우강력하고효과적인규칙기반추론을지원함 Value Innovation Partner 32

33 Description Logic 추론의효과성을고려하여 1980년대초에개발된 Description Logic에대해많은선행연구가있었음 (Back, Classic, LOOM, ) 지난 10년간많은 DL 기반리즈닝시스템들이 tableaux algorithm에기반해최적화를수행해옴 - Examples : RacerPro, FaCT(FaCT++), Pellet, DLP, Cerebra - FOL 및 modal logic의 decidable한영역에대해계속확장 DAML과OIL이결합되어, 현재W3C의OWL(WebOntology Language) 에포함되어있음 DL의구현수준, 기능성이다양할수있음 (DL이라고모두같은것은아님 ) - ALC (Attribute Logic + Negation) : 가장작은규모의 DL - SHIQO(D), SHIQ(D), SHIQ, SHIQ - Value Innovation Partner 33

34 Semantic Web Architecture (TBL, 2005) Open-World Assumptions Value Innovation Partner 34

35 RDF : A Simple Example home.html creator kim <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:rdf xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:dc=" <rdf:description rdf:about=" <dc:creator>kim<dc:creator> </rdf:description> </rdf:rdf> Value Innovation Partner 35

36 RDF Schema RDF Schema RDF Vocabulary Description Language. For defining an appropriate RDF vocabulary (classes, properties and constraints) for each specific domain. Comprises very limited predefined primitives: subclassof, subpropertyof, domain and range. Cannot assert that particular properties are equivalent, transitive, reverse of one another, etc. Core Class rdfs:resource rdfs:literal rdfs:xmlliteral rdfs:class rdfs:property rdfs:datatype Core Property rdfs:subpropertyof rdfs:type rdfs:subclassof rdfs:domain rdfs:range rdfs:label rdfs:comment Value Innovation Partner 36

37 Origins of OWL DAML OIL RDF All were influenced by RDF DAML+OIL DAML = DARPA Agent Markup Language OIL = Ontology Inference Layer OWL OWL is now on track to become a W3C Recommendation! Value Innovation Partner 37

38 OWL Language OWL has three layers: OWL Full OWL DL (ie, OWL Description Language) OWL Lite OWL layers were defined to reflect compromises on expressability vs. implementability Value Innovation Partner 38

39 Ontology Engineering 개요 Ontology Engineering? 특정분야 (Domain) 안에서사용되는용어 (terms) 와그들의관계를정의 관심도메인내의개념 (concepts) 을정의 : classes 정의 계층구조로개념들을정렬 : subclass-superclass hierarchy 속성및특성 (properties) 을그들의제약조건 (constraints) 와함께정의 각개념과개념의속성값 (indiciduals, instances) 을설정 지식정보와그구조의공통의미이해를공유하기위해필요 사람과사람의공유를위해 사람과기계, 기계와기계의의미이해를공유하기위해 관심분야의지식 (domain knowledge) 의효과적재활용을위해필요 지식정보가공유되지않음으로발생되는소모적, 반복적재투자를방지 복잡하고이질적인정보시스템의효과적인상호운용과표준화가능 Value Innovation Partner 39

40 Methodologies generalize TOP-DOWN Bottom-up Middle-Out THING specialize person material process [ ] [ ] [ ] Value Innovation Partner 40

41 Ontology Engineering 단계 간략단계 : 적용범위결정 기존자원재활용검토 용어를열거 개념 ( 클래스 ) 정의 속성정의 제약조건정의 인스턴트생성 실제단계 ( 반복적모델링 ) : 적용범위결정 기존자원재활용검토 용어를열거 기존자원재활용검토 개념 ( 클래스 ) 정의 용어를열거 개념 ( 클래스 ) 정의 속성정의 개념 ( 클래스 ) 정의 속성정의 제약조건정의 인스턴트생성 개념 ( 클래스 ) 정의 인스턴트생성 기존자원재활용검토 속성정의 제약조건정의 인스턴트생성 Source : Stanford University Value Innovation Partner 41

42 OntoKnowledge(OTK) 방법론 단지기술적인요구사항충족만으로는온톨로지기반솔루션을개발할수없다. 시맨틱솔루션개발의세가지관점 Human issues Software engineering (e.g. architecture, interfaces) Knowledge-Meta processes 본격적온톨로지엔지니어링전에, 명확한응용영역의이해, 활용목표를정의필요 의미기반 응용솔루션 Value Innovation Partner 42

43 기타방법론들 Cyc methodology Manual codification of common sense knowledge extracted by hand, machine learning tools for new knowledge acquisition Uschold and King Identify the purpose, build, evaluate, document Gruniger and Fox Identify the main scenarios, identify the competency questions, extract relevant concepts and relations, formalize in FOL KACTUS methodology Ontology built on the basis of an application KB, by abstraction 그외 : CO4 methodology, (KA) 2 methodology, Aussenac- Gille methodology, Maedche methodology, FCA-merge, PROMPT, ONIONS, Ontoclean, Gomez-Perez evaluation methodology Value Innovation Partner 43

44 다양한온톨로지 Tools 거의 100개에달하는온톨로지구축 tool이존재! 어떤것을써야하지? 온톨로지표현문서편집보다는온톨로지엔지니어링이가능한 tool 선택이중요! Value Innovation Partner 44

45 Ontology Engineering Tool - Protégé Value Innovation Partner 45

46 Ontology Engineering Tool - OntoStudio Value Innovation Partner 46

47 Ontology Engineering Tool - OntoStudio Value Innovation Partner 47

48 Ontology 와 Rule 기반추론 Example domain: access rights for documents issupervisorof Employee isallowedtoread Document hastitle string Tony issupervisorof Albert Business report Private letter isallowedtoread isallowedtoread Report 1 hastitle Development April 2006 IF AND THEN Employee X isallowedtoread Business Report B issupervisorof Employee Y Employee X Employee Y isallowedtoread Business Report B Value Innovation Partner 48

49 Reasoning Engines KAON2 RacerPro OntoBroker (F-Logic) Value Innovation Partner 49

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