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1 Blender 3D 를활용한 CAD/Surface Mesh Repair 삼성중공업해양부유체연구파트연성모
2 Overview Background Blender3D Surface Repair에서의활용방법 Open Source Mesh Generator (SHM, cfmesh) 에서의활용방법 사용상의장애물 기타활용처 요약및결론 p2
3 Background CAD File Cleanup Leakage 수정 (watertight mesh) Surface mesh 수정 Time consuming work 상용 CAD S/W SolidWorks Rhino 3D AutoCAD Open Source CAD S/W FreeCAD Open CasCade 기반 Unmature (beta) Open Source 3D Modeler Blender 3D p3
4 Blender 3D 역사 네델란드애니메이션회사 NeoGeo의창업자 Ton Roosendaal에의해개발 1995년 in-house tool로서개발시작 자회사 NaN 설립 and 망함 2002년 Blender Foundation 설립 2002년 10월 : NaN 투자자로부터소스코드에대한 IP 획득 GPL로 open source화 (Blender v2.26) ( 저장소 git://git.blender.org/blender.git) 2006년예술프로젝트 오렌지 시작 세계최초오픈소스애니메이션 코끼리의꿈 (Elephants Dream) 발표 3D 애니메이션, 게임, VFX 영화제작및공개 제작에관련된모든소스공개 2008년 v2.5부터 UI 변경 현재가장성공한 Open Source S/W 상용 : 3D Max ( 게임 ), Maya (Wavefront) ( 영화 ) Open Source : Blender 3D 2016 SIGGRAPH 출전작품 ( 심사위원상수상 ) : Cosmo Laundromat p4
5 주요기능 Modeling tool Rich keyboard shortcuts Python scripting Game creation Interactive application Physics model Python scripting Sculpting tool Zbrush Dynamic topology sculpting Camera & object tracking Powerful camera reconstruction Real-time preview of tracked footage and 3d scene Realistic simulation GPU&CPU rendering Accurate shader Realistic material Fluid,smoke,hair, cloth, particles Character animation Fast rigging Skeleton Automatic skinning Powerful video-edit p5
6 Why Blender 3D as a Surface Repair Tool Keyboard shortcut oriented workflow 작업효율증가 (VIM 과비슷 ) Advanced selection methods 반복적인작업최소화 Mesh diagnostic method 제공 Water-tight mesh check Python scripting 복잡하거나, 반복적인작업의프로그래밍 OpenFOAM 과의궁합 OpenFOAM 지원 Export 파일포맷 p6
7 Surface Repair Scenario selection 기능을 이용한 cleanup 및 leakage 수정 Select similar by length (Shift+G)를 이용한 비슷한 edge length 선택 Non-manifold selection (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M)을 이용한 leakage 수정 Merge by distance (w)를 이용한 gap 수정 Duplicate vertices (w) 제거 Desolve (x)기능을 이용한 불필요한 vertex, edge, face 제거 Normal Recalculation (Ctrl+N) 을 이용한 face normal 수정 p7
8 Surface Repair Scenario StarCCM+ repair mesh 기능의보완도구로서의 Blender 3D Surface mesh 진단항목 Pierced faces Non-manifold edges Non-manifold vertices Free edges Face quality Face proximity STL file import 시쉽게발생되는문제 Pierced faces Non-manifold edges Non-manifold vertices 원인 삼각화된각 face 들의 vertex 의 tolerance 문제 Blender 3D 에서의해결방법 STL export 전에모든 face 들을삼각화시킴 (Ctrl+T) Single-region only Boundary surface 구분이안됨 p8
9 Open Source Mesh Generator (SHM, cfmesh) 로의활용방법 STL file format 구조 Single region only Face 정보 (facet) 만존재 Connectivity information 없음 readstlascii.l exhaustive search 방법으로재구성 labellist pointmap; label nuniquepoints = mergepoints ( STLpoints, 100*SMALL, // merge distance false, // verbose pointmap ); pointfield& sp = storedpoints(); setsize(lexer.ntriangles()); sp.setsize(nuniquepoints); forall(stlpoints, pointi) { const floatvector& pt = STLpoints[pointI]; sp[pointmap[pointi]] = vector ( scalar(pt.x()), scalar(pt.y()), scalar(pt.z()) ); } // Assign triangles label pointi = 0; forall(*this, i) { operator[](i)[0] = pointmap[pointi++]; operator[](i)[1] = pointmap[pointi++]; operator[](i)[2] = pointmap[pointi++]; operator[](i).region() = STLlabels[i]; } A facet vertex2 ASCII format 구조 보통 hash table 이용 solid name facet normal nx ny nz outer loop vertex v1x v1y v1z vertex v2x v2y v2z vertex v3x v3y v3z endloop endfacet endsolid name BINARY format 구조 vertex1 UNIT8[80] Header UINT32 Number of triangles Foreach triangle REAL32[3] Normal vector REAL32[3] Vertex 1 REAL32[3] Vertex 2 REAL32[3] Vertex 3 UNIT16 Attribute byte count vertex3 p9
10 Open Source Mesh Generator (SHM, cfmesh) 로의활용방법 STL file format 의한계 Named face/multi region 정보를가지기힘듦 ASCII 파일 Split STL file into each surface file Rename solid name Merge each surface file into a single file» cat *.stl > surfacemesh.stl Split+Rename+Merging 과정이번거로움 비표준방식 지원하는 S/W 거의없음 BINARY 파일» Import 후강제로 single region 으로병합됨 Attribute byte count 을이용한 colored STL 사용» RGB 를위한 5bit field 3 개 + flag bit 1 개로구성» 각 surface group 의이름을임의로줄수없음» 지원하는 S/W 가거의없고 (SolidWorks) 대부분의경우무시되는 field 임» Hexpress 에서사용 Multi region STL 구조 solid surface1 endsolid surface1 solid surface2 endsolid surface2 solid surface3 endsolid surface3 p10
11 Open Source Mesh Generator (SHM, cfmesh) 로의활용방법 Multi region 사용유무에따른 SHM 결과비교 (DTC tutorial 사용 ) Parameter Single region Multi region Feature Edge 3 3 RefinementSurface level (3 4) (3 4) for each region p11
12 Open Source Mesh Generator (SHM, cfmesh) 로의활용방법 대안 Wavefront file format (.obj) OpenFOAM 이후로권장포맷임 ASCII 기반 Multi-region 지원 Supported in Blender 3D Correct forward into Y Forward Turn off all options except Material Groups 장점 Named surface 관리및수정이용이 별도의 Surface split 과정이필요없음 Split + rename + merge 과정이없음 단점 ASCII 기반이기때문에대용량파일의경우불리 OpenFOAM외에지원하는 CFD tool이딱히없음 p12
13 Open Source Mesh Generator (SHM, cfmesh) 에서의활용방법 Blender 3D 에서 multi-region 작성 Linked flat faces (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F) 기능을이용한 surface selection Surface material 속성을이용한 named surface 작성 Export into Wavefront file format p13
14 사용상의장애물 User Interface 그동안학습된 Mouse LMB 기능과다른동작방식 Object 선택은 Mouse RMB 3D Max, Maya interface 지원 Zoom in/out, Rotation, Panning Mouse MMB 단축키위주의구성 익숙해지면작업효율상승 CAD file import 기능의부재 Blender 3D is modeler, not CAD S/W Approximate polymesh 기반 Python Add-on 개발로어느정도해결가능 B-spline curve (entity 126) 의경우성공사례있음 ( 면생성작업후 p14
15 기타활용처 OpenFOAM post-processor OpenFOAM Front-End 개발 paltform swiftblock and swiftsnap p15
16 Blender 단축키 Infographic p16
17 요약및결론 Repairing 에사용된단축키일람 x : 삭제및 desolve에사용 w : duplicate vertices (merge by distance) 제거에사용 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M : non-manifold selection에사용 Shift+G : selection by edge length에사용 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F : selection by angle에사용 Ctrl+T : face triangulation에사용 Ctrl+N : normal vector 수정에사용 Ctrl+F : flip normal CFD preprocessing tool 로써의 Blender 3D 평가 Surface (Mesh) 수정 단축키를활용한효율증대 다양한 selection 기능으로반복작업최소화가능 STL 또는 OBJ format으로 export 가능 Python 을이용한기능확장 OpenFOAM Front-End 개발 platform 제한적인 CAD file 지원 (not CAD tool) CAD S/W (freecad, 상용 S/W) 를이용한 STL export Python을이용한해결 p17
18 Q&A p18
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Principal Consultant Corporate Management Team ( Oracle HRMS ) Agenda 1. Oracle Overview 2. HR Transformation 3. Oracle HRMS Initiatives 4. Oracle HRMS Model 5. Oracle HRMS System 6. Business Benefit 7.
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example code are examined in this stage The low pressure pressurizer reactor trip module of the Plant Protection System was programmed as subject for
2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
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Reasons for Poor Performance Programs 60% Design 20% System 2.5% Database 17.5% Source: ORACLE Performance Tuning 1 SMS TOOL DBA Monitoring TOOL Administration TOOL Performance Insight Backup SQL TUNING
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1 SW 2015. 02 26
02 1 SW 2015. 02 26 2-1 SW 2015. 02 27 SW 2015. 02 2-1 28 SW 2015. 02 29 2 SW 2015. 02 2-2 30 2-2 SW 2015. 02 31 SW 2015. 02 32 2-3 SW 2015. 02 33 3 SW 2015. 02 2-3 34 2-4 SW 2015. 02 35 4 SW 2015. 02
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SW 2015. 02 88 SW 2015. 02 5-1 89 SW 2015. 02 5-2 5-3 90 SW 2015. 02 5-4 91 SW 2015. 02 5-5 5-6 92 5-7 SW 2015. 02 93 SW 2015. 02 5-8 5-1 94 SW 2015. 02 5-9 95 SW 2015. 02 5-10 5-2 96 SW 2015. 02 5-11
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Altium Designer 16 Intergratech 목차 1. 3D STEP Model Generation in IPC Wizard 2. Embedded Board Array Enhancements 3. Design Rules Enhancements 4. Streamlined Design Rule Editor 5. Differential Pair Routing
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UNIST_교원 홈페이지 관리자_Manual_V1.0
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( Design and Implementation of a Generalized Management Information Repository Service for Network and System Management ) ssp@nile nile.postech.ac..ac.kr DPE Lab. 1997 12 16 GMIRS GMIRS GMIRS prototype
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PRO1_09E [읽기 전용]
Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_09E1 Information and - ( ) 2 3 4 5 Monitor/Modify Variables" 6 7 8 9 10 11 CPU 12 Stop 13 (Forcing) 14 (1) 15 (2) 16 : 17 : Stop 18 : 19 : (Forcing) 20 :
TTA Verified : HomeGateway :, : (NEtwork Testing Team)
TTA Verified : HomeGateway :, : (NEtwork Testing Team) : TTA-V-N-05-006-CC11 TTA Verified :2006 6 27 : 01 : 2005 7 18 : 2/15 00 01 2005 7 18 2006 6 27 6 7 9 Ethernet (VLAN, QoS, FTP ) (, ) : TTA-V-N-05-006-CC11
아트앤플레이군 (2년제) Art & Play Faculty 95 교육목표 95 군 공통(네트워크) 교과과정표 96 드로잉과 페인팅 Drawing & Painting Major Track 97 매체예술 Media Art Major Track 98 비디오 & 사운드 Video & Sound Major Track 99 사진예술 PHOTOGRAPHIC ART Major
Redundancy Adding extra bits for detecting or correcting errors at the destination Types of Errors Single-Bit Error Only one bit of a given data unit is changed Burst Error Two or more bits in the data
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Push... 2 Push... 4 Push... 5 Push... 13 Push... 15 1 FORCS Co., LTD A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution Push (Daemon ), Push Push Observer. Push., Observer. Session. Thread Thread. Observer ID.
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TRIBON 실무 DRAFT 편 조선전용 CAD에 대한 기초적인 사용 방법 기술 기술지원팀
TRIBON 실무 DRAFT 편 조선전용 CAD에 대한 기초적인 사용 방법 기술 기술지원팀 1. 1-1) TRIBON 1-2) 2D DRAFTING OVERVIEW 1-3) Equipment Pipes Cables Systems Stiffeners Blocks Assemblies Panels Brackets DRAWINGS TRIBON Model Model
<4D F736F F F696E74202D C61645FB3EDB8AEC7D5BCBA20B9D720C5F8BBE7BFEBB9FD2E BC8A3C8AF20B8F0B5E55D>
VHDL 프로그래밍 D. 논리합성및 Xilinx ISE 툴사용법 학습목표 Xilinx ISE Tool 을이용하여 Xilinx 사에서지원하는해당 FPGA Board 에맞는논리합성과정을숙지 논리합성이가능한코드와그렇지않은코드를구분 Xilinx Block Memory Generator를이용한 RAM/ ROM 생성하는과정을숙지 2/31 Content Xilinx ISE
1 1.1,,.,. (solid mechanics)., (kinematics), (statics), (kinetics). ( d y n a m i c s ).,,. ( m e c h a n i s m ). ( l i n k a g e ) ( 1.1 ), (pin joint) (revolute joint) (prismatic joint) ( 1.2 ) (open
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Tel: 02-824-5768 E-mail: hhcho@selabsoongsilackr? OOP (Object) (Encapsulation) (Message) (Class) (Inheritance) (Polymorphism) (Abstract Class) (Interface) 2 1 + = (Dependency)
BMP 파일 처리
BMP 파일처리 김성영교수 금오공과대학교 컴퓨터공학과 학습내용 영상반전프로그램제작 2 Inverting images out = 255 - in 3 /* 이프로그램은 8bit gray-scale 영상을입력으로사용하여반전한후동일포맷의영상으로저장한다. */ #include #include #define WIDTHBYTES(bytes)
2011년 10월 초판 c 2011 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. 서면 허가 없이 전체 또는 일부를 복제하는 것을 금합니다. 기능 및 규격은 통보 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. Sony와 Sony 로고는 Sony의 상표입니다. G L
HXR-NX3D1용 3D 워크플로 가이드북 2011년 10월 초판 c 2011 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. 서면 허가 없이 전체 또는 일부를 복제하는 것을 금합니다. 기능 및 규격은 통보 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. Sony와 Sony 로고는 Sony의 상표입니다. G Lens, Exmor, InfoLITHIUM, Memory
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모델링,프린팅 강사 양성
E3-4 : 3D 프린팅, 협업그리고따뜻한기술 2016.6.20 이충일 (tapecopyman@gmail.com) 3D Printer Evangelist 1 목차 1. 3D 프린팅개요 2. 3D 프린팅과협업사례들 3D 프린팅오픈소스커뮤니티 3D 프린팅과 DIY 3D 프린팅활용사례 3. 3D 프린팅과따뜻한기술 교육분야에서의적용사례 장애인들을위한적용사례 적정기술
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Representation, Encoding and Intermediate View Interpolation Methods for Multi-view Video Using Layered Depth Images The multi-view video is a collection of multiple videos, capturing the same scene at