1 Young Jin Lee, Joong Man Kim, and Do-Sim Park 일검체를별도의검사로이원화하거나희석하여재측정하는과정들이필요해졌고, 이에효율적으로대처하고자거의모든임상적검체에대해희석과정없이검사가가능하고, 경제적으로도유리한전범위 CRP 검사들이도입되어이용
- 미희 모
- 7 years ago
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1 Korean J Lab Med 21;3:9-16 DOI /kjlm Original Article Clinical Chemistry Evaluation of Analytical Measurement Ranges of Three Full Range C-Reactive Protein Tests Using Immunoturbidimetric Assay Young Jin Lee, M.D. 1, Joong Man Kim, M.T. 1, and Do-Sim Park, M.D. 1,2 Department of Laboratory Medicine 1 and Institute of Wonkwang Medical Science 2, School of Medicine, Wonkwang University, Iksan, Korea Background : Recently developed full-range C-reactive protein (CRP) tests, which are based on the immunoturbidimetric method, have wider analytical measurement ranges (AMR) than previously used tests. We evaluated the AMR of 3 full-range CRP tests-2 new and 1 previously used test. Methods : We analyzed the precision and AMR of 2 full-range CRP tests (Sekisui, Nanopia CRP, N-CRP and Iatron, IATRO CRP-EX, I-CRP) and compared the values obtained for these tests with those obtained for the conventional full-range CRP test (Sekisui, PureAuto S CRP, P-CRP). We evaluated the tests for the limit of quantification and for linearity. We also compared these results of these tests by using the comparative test (Dade Behring, ccrp) for cardiovascular risk assessment. Results : Coefficients of variation (CVs) of all the full-range CRP tests were less than 1% for concentrations greater than.6 mg/l, and CVs of N-CRP and I-CRP were lower than those of P-CRP for concentrations less than 1 mg/l. N-CRP ( mg/l) and I-CRP (.1-28 mg/l) had wider AMR than P-CRP (3-233 mg/l). All the full-range CRP tests showed more than 9% agreement with the ccrp values for the assessment of cardiovascular risk. Conclusions : The 3 full-range CRP tests, by virtue of their wide AMR, may be used for the detection of acute inflammation as well as for the assessment of cardiovascular risk. N-CRP and I-CRP may be more useful than P-CRP for determining the CRP concentration, especially for the detection of concentrations close to the lower or upper limit of the analytical range, without the need for repetition of the test. (Korean J Lab Med 21;3:9-16) Key Words : C-reactive protein, Analytical measurement range, Cardiovascular risk, Immunoturbidimetry 서 C-reactive protein (CRP) 는급성반응기물질로급만성염증질환의진단및중증도표지자로사용되어왔고, 심혈관질환발병위험도를분류할목적으로도활용되고있다 [1]. 일반적으로급만성염증반응을검출할목적으로사용하는전통적 (conventional) CRP 검사의저농도측정한계는 3-5 Received : August 18, 29 Manuscript No : KJLM9-14 Revision received : December 8, 29 Accepted : December 15, 29 Corresponding author : Do-Sim Park, M.D. Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Wonkwang University, Sinyong-dong, Iksan , Korea Tel : , Fax : @wku.ac.kr *This paper was supported by a grant from Wonkwang University in 28. 론 mg/l인반면, 심혈관질환발병위험률을예견하려는목적으로사용하는고민감도 CRP 검사는임상적결정치가 1 mg/l와 3 mg/l로전통적인 CRP 검사보다낮은범위에서의정밀도가중요하다 [1]. 이런이유로 Robert 등은심혈관질환의발병예견을위한고민감도 CRP 검사는.2 mg/l 미만의농도에서 1% 이내의변이계수 (coefficients of variation, CV) 를가져야한다고제안하였고, 최근미국식품의약안전청 (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) 은고민감도 CRP 검사의사용목적을세분하여염증반응을제외하고건강한사람의염증상태를보다민감하게평가하기위한고민감도 CRP 검사 (high sensitivity CRP, hscrp) 와심혈관질환발병위험도를동정하거나분류할목적으로이용되는심장 CRP (cardiac CRP, ccrp) 검사로별도로분리하였다 [2, 3]. CRP 검사의세분화추세에따라검사실에서는환자들의동 9
2 1 Young Jin Lee, Joong Man Kim, and Do-Sim Park 일검체를별도의검사로이원화하거나희석하여재측정하는과정들이필요해졌고, 이에효율적으로대처하고자거의모든임상적검체에대해희석과정없이검사가가능하고, 경제적으로도유리한전범위 CRP 검사들이도입되어이용되어왔다 [4-6]. 그러나기존의전범위 CRP 검사들의일부는심혈관질환의저위험군과평균위험군을분류하는결정치에근접한농도 (.6-1. mg/l) 에서 Robert 등이제시한고민감도 CRP 검사의기준을만족하지못했고, 측정상한한계도 25 mg/l 내외로제한되어있다 [4-6]. 반면, 최근도입되는전범위 CRP 검사들은이전보다측정상한및하한범위를넓혀그유용성을확장하고있다 [7, 8]. 본연구에서는국내에최근도입된 2종의전범위 CRP 검사들의측정범위를검증하고, 기존에사용하여온전범위 CRP 검사와비교하였다. 또한, FDA에서제안한 ccrp 검사로서필요한주요조건을충족시켜심혈관질환평가용으로도이용될수있는지확인하기위해 ccrp 검사로서공인된방법인 CardioPhase hscrp (Dade Behring, Marburg, Germany) 와도비교하였다 [3]. 대상및방법 1. 대상 29년 1월에서 6월까지본원검사실에 CRP 검사가의뢰된검체의잔여혈청을 -2 에보관후해동하여이용하였고, 정밀도검사의일부는 Biorad사의정도관리물질 (Liquichek Immunology Control, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA) 을이용하였다. 2. 방법 ccrp 검사는면역비탁법을이용한 CardioPhase hscrp (Dade Behring, Marburg, Germany) 시약을 BNII (Dade Behring, Marburg, Germany) 장비에장착하여시행하였다. CardioPhase hscrp 시약을이용한검사법은고민감도 CRP 검사와전통적 CRP 검사시희석배수가다르므로, 1 mg/l 이하검체는고민감도 CRP 측정방식으로, 그이상검체는전통적 CRP 측정방식으로검사하였다. 면역혼탁법을이용한전범위 CRP 검사는 Nanopia CRP (N-CRP; Sekisui, Tokyo, Japan) 와 IATRO CRP-EX (I-CRP; Iatron, Tokyo, Japan) CRP 시약을이전부터사용해온 CRP 시약인 PureAuto S CRP-SS 형 (P-CRP; Sekisui) 과함께 Hitachi 자동화학분석기 (Hitachi High-Technologies Co., Tokyo, Japan) 에장착하여장비의희석배수를변환하지않고시행하였다. 1) 정밀도및정량한계 (Limit of quantification) 정밀도는 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) EP5-A2 지침을일부변형하여실시하였다 [9]. 희석한정도관리물질과혼주혈청을매일각회당 2번씩, 2회측정하고, 5일 ( 총 2 회 ) 또는 1일간 ( 총 4회 ) 반복검사하여, 총변이계수 (CV) 및검사내변이계수를구하였다. 정량한계는 ccrp 검사상.36 mg/l인혈청을 1% 단위로증류수로희석하고매일 4회씩 5일간총 2회측정하여, CV가 2% 이내인농도로구하였다 [1]. 2) 직선성직선성평가는 CLSI EP6-A의지침에따라실시하였다 [11, 12]. 3종시약의제조사에서정한측정범위는 N-CRP.1-42 mg/l, I-CRP.1-3 mg/l, P-CRP.3-3 mg/l이었으므로, 약 467 mg/l인혈청을.2 mg/l의혈청으로희석하여 1단계농도 (1%-1%) 로제조후, 각 4회씩측정하고, Analyse-it version 2.2 (Analyse-it Software Ltd., Leeds, UK) 으로직선성검증을시행하였다. 회귀선이일차선형이고유의한적합성결여 (lack of fit) 가없는경우직선성이있다고판정하였다. 적합성결여가있는경우는, 각농도의상대적비직선성이모두 2.5% 이하인경우해당범위에서직선성이있다고판정하였다. 직선성평가결과상비직선적으로나온경우최고농도검체를한단계씩배제하여직선성을재평가하였다 (Fig. 1). 동일한방법으로 8 mg/l와.5 mg/l인혈청을이용하여저농도에서의직선성을평가하였다. 3) 저농도검체의 ccrp법과의비교및고농도검체의전범위 CRP 검사법간비교검사방법간비교는심혈관위험도평가용과그이상농도를갖는급성염증반응평가용으로분리하여평가하였다. 심혈관계질환평가를위한검진자및환자중.2-8. mg/l 인 91 명의검체를선택하여 ccrp법으로검사하고 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)/American Heart Association (AHA) 에서제안한심혈관질환발병예측을위한임상적결정치에적용하여세개의위험군 (1 mg/l 미만, 저위험군 ; 1-3 mg/l, 평균위험군 ; 3 mg/l 초과, 고위험군 ) 으로분류하였다 [1]. 동일검체를 3종의전범위 CRP법으로검사하여재분류한후, ccrp법과각전범위 CRP 검사법의정성적일치도를
3 AMR of three full-range CRP tests y = 4.79x R 2 = 정밀도및정량한계 결 과 N-CRP I-CRP P-CRP y = 4.66x R 2 = 1. y = 5.33x R 2 = Dilution rate (%) Fig. 1. Linearity of the 3 full-range CRP tests. The closed shapes are excluded from the linearity calculations and the open shapes (N-CRP, 1%-1%; I-CRP, 1%-6%; P-CRP, 1%-5%) indicate statistically linear range (P<.5) with 2.5% of allowable nonlinearity. Abbreviations: CRP, C-reactive protein; ccrp, cardiophase CRP; N- CRP, Nanopia CRP; I-CRP, IATRO CRP-EX; P-CRP, PureAuto S CRP. 보았다. ccrp법과 3종의전범위 CRP 검사법의정량적비교는일반선형회귀분석과 Bland-Altman 분석을이용하였다 [13]. 급성염증반응평가를위한비교검사는 CRP 농도가약 1-3 mg/l인검체를이용하였고, 3종의전범위 CRP 검사법들만정량적으로비교하였다. 정성적일치도비교는 MedCalc version 7.5 (MedCalc software, Mariakerke, Belgium), 정량비교는 Analyse-it version 2.2을이용하여분석하였다. ccrp 농도를참고 (reference) 농도로정하고분류한 1종검체에대해정밀도를평가한결과, 전범위 CRP 검사들은모두.6 mg/l 미만의농도부터 1% 미만의 CV를보였다. 3 mg/l 이하의범위에서는저농도에서고농도로갈수록 CV가작아지는경향을보였고, N-CRP (CV 9% 이하 ), I-CRP (CV 19% 이하 ), P-CRP (CV 35% 이하 ) 순으로정밀도가우수하였다. 또한 N-CRP는.2 mg/l 농도부터 CV가 1% 미만으로, ccrp에근접하는 CV를보였고, 제조사가제시한직선성상한범위를초과한농도 (pool 1) 까지도 1% 미만의 CV를보였다 (Table 1). 각제조사에서제시한하한측정범위 (N-CRP 및 I-CRP.1 mg/l, P-CRP.3 mg/l) 를참조하여, CV가 2% 이내인농도로정량한계를확인한결과, N-CRP.7 mg/l, I-CRP.11 mg/l, P-CRP.25 mg/l 순으로낮은정량한계를보였으며, 이들은모두제조사에서제시한하한측정범위와비슷하거나낮았다. 2. 직선성약 467 mg/l인검체를 1% 단위로희석하여평가한결과, N-CRP는 1-1% 범위에서직선성판정기준을만족한반면, I-CRP와 P-CRP는 1-6%, 1-5% 범위에서직선성판정기준을만족하였다. 그러므로 N-CRP 467 mg/l (1%), I- CRP 28 mg/l (6%), P-CRP 233 mg/l (5%) 순의상한직선성한계를갖는것으로판단하였다. 본평가의결과로 N- CRP의직선성한계는제조사에서제시한직선성상한범위 (42 mg/l) 보다높았으나 I-CRP와 P-CRP의직선성한계는제조사에서제시한범위 (3 mg/l, 3 mg/l) 보다낮았다 (Fig. 1). 8 mg/l에해당하는농도를.5 mg/l 농도와희석하여 1%- 1% 로 1 농도로제작후직선성을평가한결과, 3종의전범위 CRP 검사모두직선성판정기준을통과하여 3종모두해당범위에서직선성이있는것으로판단하였다. 3. 저농도검체의 ccrp법과의비교및고농도검체의전범위 CRP 검사법간비교전범위 CRP법들에의한심혈관질환발병의위험도분류를 ccrp법에의한분류와비교한결과, kappa값과일치율은모
4 12 Young Jin Lee, Joong Man Kim, and Do-Sim Park Table 1. Imprecisions of the ccrp test and 3 full-range CRP tests Pool Full range ccrp N-CRP I-CRP P-CRP Mean* CV% Mean CV% Mean CV% Mean CV% 1 (N=2) (8.7) (9.) (18.) (33.2) 2 (N=2) (8.8) (8.8) (1.4) (16.1) 3 (N=4) (4.8) (5.) (7.1) (12.1) 4 (N=4) (3.5) (4.9) (6.5) (14.5) 5 (N=4) (4.) (4.2) (4.7) (9.) 6 (N=2) (4.) (3.) (2.9) (4.8) 7 (N=2) (3.9) (1.) (1.5) (1.5) 8 (N=2) (3.5) (.9) (1.8) (.9) 9 (N=2) (5.) (1.) (1.6) (1.8) 1 (N=2) NT NT (2.) NT NT NT NT *The results (less than 1 mg/l) of ccrp test were considered as the reference concentrations; For calculation of the total CV and within-run CV in parenthesis, each pool aliquot was tested in duplicate per run, 2 runs per day for 5 days (pool 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 1) or 1 days (pool 3, 4, and 5). Abbreviations: CRP, C-reactive protein; ccrp, cardiophase CRP; N-CRP, Nanopia CRP; I-CRP, IATRO CRP-EX; P-CRP, PureAuto S CRP; NT, not tested; CV, coefficient of variation. Table 2. Agreement of relative cardiovascular risk categories by ccrp test and 3 full-range CRP tests Test Relative risk categories* by each full-range CRP test Low (N=25) ccrp Average (N=44) High (N=22) N-CRP Low 19 Average 6 43 High 1 22 Agreement (%) 19/25 (76.) 43/44 (97.7) 22/22 (1.) Total agreement (%) 84/91 (92.3) I-CRP Low 25 3 Average 41 1 High 21 Agreement (%) 25/25 (1.) 41/44 (93.2) 21/22 (95.5) Total agreement (%) 87/91 (95.6) P-CRP Low 25 1 Average 43 High 22 Agreement (%) 25/25 (1.) 43/44 (97.7) 22/22 (1.) Total agreement (%) 9/91 (98.9) *Low, <1 mg/l; Average, 1-3 mg/l; High, >3 mg/l. Abbreviations: CRP, C-reactive protein; ccrp, cardiophase CRP; N- CRP, Nanopia CRP; I-CRP, IATRO CRP-EX; P-CRP, PureAuto S CRP. 두.9 및 9% 이상으로 3종모두 ccrp법과높은일치도를보였다. 각각의 kappa값과일치율은 P-CRP.99, 98.9%, I- CRP.95, 95.6%, N-CRP.9, 92.3% 순으로 3방법중 P- CRP가 ccrp와일치도가가장높았다. 불일치한예들에서 P- CRP는 1검체 (1.1%) 를 ccrp에의한분류보다한단계낮게분류하였고, I-CRP는 4검체 (4.4 %) 를한단계낮게분류하였고, N-CRP는 7검체 (7.7 %) 를한단계높게분류하였다 (Table 2) mg/l 범위의정량적비교에서 ccrp법과 3종의전 범위 CRP 검사법의일반선형회귀분석상기울기는.97-1., 절편은 였고, 상관계수는모두.99 이상, 추정치의표준오차 (standard error of estimate; Sy/x) 는모두.65 미만으로기울기와상관계수는 1, 절편은 에근접하였고표준오차도 1 미만으로적어 3종모두항등식에가까운회귀식을보였다 (Fig. 2A). Bland-Altman 분석에서도 3종의전범위 CRP 검사법과 ccrp법의차의평균은 ±.18 mg/l, 95% 신뢰구간은 ±.33 mg/l 이내로정량적으로도매우근접한결과를보였다. 95% 신뢰구간을넘은경우는 N-CRP 2예, I-CRP 3예, P-CRP 4예가있었으나이들도모두 1. mg/l 이내의차이를보였다. I-CRP와 ccrp, P-CRP와 ccrp의차의평균은음수인데반해, N-CRP와 ccrp의차의평균은양수이고 95% 신뢰구간도양수로, 정성적분류상불일치된경우들에서 N-CRP가모두한단계높게분류한것과일치하는소견을보였다 (Fig. 2B). CRP 농도가약 1-3 mg/l인검체들로전범위 CRP 검사법들간의일반선형회귀분석을한결과, I-CRP와 N-CRP 간의기울기와절편은.95 및 -.54로기울기가 1에가깝고, 결과값들이항등식에근접하는분포를보였다. 반면, P-CRP와 I-CRP, P-CRP와 N-CRP 간의회귀식에서는농도가증가할수록 P-CRP가 N-CRP나 I-CRP값에비해높은경향으로인해, 기울기가.85 미만이었고 ( 기울기와절편,.79,.83 및 6.55, 7.76), 고농도결과값들이항등식의우하방으로치우쳐분포하였다. 전범위 CRP 검사법들간의상관계수는모두.99 이상이었고, 추정치의표준오차는모두 6.55 미만이었다 (Fig. 3A). Bland-Altman 분석에서도 I-CRP와 N-CRP의차의평균은 -5.2 mg/l이었고, 전검체모두두검사간결과차이가 3
5 AMR of three full-range CRP tests 13 N-CRP S: 1. (.99-1.) I:.19 ( ) R=1., Sy/x=.65 N= N-CRP - ccrp m:.18 (.5-.31) I-CRP S:.97 ( ) I: -.6 (-.8~-.3) R=1., Sy/x=.9 N=91 ccrp I-CRP - ccrp Average of N-CRP and ccrp m: -.12 ( ) P-CRP ccrp S:.97 ( ) I:.2 (.-.5) R=1., Sy/x=.7 N=91 P-CRP - ccrp Average of I-CRP and ccrp.6 m: -.5 ( ) ccrp A Average of P-CRP and ccrp B Fig. 2. Method comparison between ccrp and each of the 3 full-range CRP tests in 91 patient samples (.2-8. mg/l) for cardiovascular risk assessment. (A) Linear regression analysis. The blue solid lines indicate the regression line, and the dashed lines indicate identity. S, I and the numbers in parenthesis indicate slope, intercept, and 95% confidence intervals (CI). (B) Bland-Altman analysis. The blue solid lines indicate the mean (m) of the difference, and the dashed lines (numbers in parenthesis) indicate 95% CI for the differences. Abbreviations: See Fig. 1. mg/l 이내였다. 반면 N-CRP와 P-CRP, I-CRP와 P-CRP의차의평균은 mg/l와 mg/l로음수이고, 95% 신뢰구간도 I-CRP와 N-CRP 간의 95% 신뢰구간에비해넓었으며, 특히 5 mg/l-1 mg/l부터비례적인음의편향이있었고, 그두검사간의결과차가 3 mg/l를넘는경우도각 1예와 4예가관찰되었다 (Fig. 3B). 고찰최근측정범위를이전보다확장한전범위 CRP 검사들이도입되고있으나, 이들검사의측정범위평가나 ccrp 검사로서의활용가능여부에대해서는잘알려져있지않다. 본연구에서는최근도입된 2종의전범위 CRP 검사를평가한결과, ccrp 검사로서활용될수있을것으로보였고, 이전의전범위 CRP 검사보다측정범위가넓어재검사율을낮추고, 신속한보고를
6 14 Young Jin Lee, Joong Man Kim, and Do-Sim Park N-CRP S:.95 ( ) I: -.54 ( ) R=1., Sy/x=6.33 N= N-CRP - I-CRP m: -5.2 (9.~-19.4) N-CRP S:.79 ( ) I: 6.55 ( ) R=1., Sy/x=5.95 N=51 I-CRP N-CRP - P-CRP Average of I-CRP and N-CRP m: (-46.47~21.2) I-CRP S:.83 ( ) I: 7.76 ( ) R=1., Sy/x=4.8 N=51 P-CRP I-CRP - P-CRP Average of P-CRP and N-CRP 2 m: ( ) P-CRP A Average of P-CRP and I-CRP B Fig. 3. Method comparison among the 3 full-range CRP tests in 51 patient samples (1-3 mg/l). (A) Linear regression analysis. The blue solid lines indicate the regression line, and the dashed lines indicate identity. S, I and the numbers in parenthesis indicate slope, intercept, and 95% Confidence intervals (CI). (B) Bland-Altman analysis. The blue solid lines indicate mean (m) of the difference, and the dashed lines (numbers in parenthesis) indicate 95% CI for the differences. Abbreviations: See Fig. 1. 하는데유용할것으로판단하였다. 전범위 CRP 검사는기존의전통적인 CRP 검사와고민감도 CRP 검사의기능을희석배수의변환없이실시할수있는것이가장중요한특성이므로저농도에서의정밀도와고농도에서직선성이필수적요건이다. 본연구에서는최근도입된 2종의전범위 CRP 검사뿐아니라기존에사용하여왔던전범위 CRP 검사모두 1 mg/l 미만부터 1% 이내의 CV를보여미국 FDA에서제시한고민감도 CRP 및 ccrp 검사기준에공히합당하였 다 [3]. 그러나, Robert 등 [2] 이고민감도 CRP 검사로제시한기준 (.2 mg/l 농도까지범위에서 1% 이내의 CV를갖을것 ) 은더엄격하여, 이기준을적용할경우에는 N-CRP만이전범위 CRP 검사로서기준을통과하였다. 또한 N-CRP는.5 mg/l 미만의농도에서도 ccrp와비교할만한정밀도를보였다. 그러므로 N-CRP는 ccrp와마찬가지로인종간차이나, 약제, 비만, 영양변화에따른미세한 CRP 농도변화를알아보고자할때다른전범위 CRP 검사들보다유용한방법으로판단하였다
7 AMR of three full-range CRP tests 15 [14-17]. 3종의전범위 CRP 검사의하한정량한계는제조사에서제시한범위와일치한반면 P-CRP와 I-CRP의상한한계는제조사에서제시한범위보다낮았는데, 이는본연구에서직선성평가방법으로이용한 CLSI EP6-A의통계적평가와허용기준이제조사의평가방법과다른것이가능한원인으로추정되었다 [11, 12]. 본연구에서 2% CV를갖는저농도하한한계와고농도직선성상한한계를기준으로구한측정범위평가상, N-CRP의측정범위 ( mg/l) 는 P-CRP의측정범위 ( mg/l) 뿐아니라이전이나최근소개된전범위 CRP 검사들에비해훨씬넓게나왔다 [4-7]. 그러므로 N-CRP검사는저농도뿐아니라심한세균감염이나심한조직손상에서관찰될수있는 CRP 농도의변화를재검사없이바로확인하는데다른전범위 CRP 검사들에비해유용한검사로판단되었다. 미국 FDA에서 ccrp 검사로서공인받기위해서는정밀도외에부가적으로임상적결정치와유용성에대한평가가필요한데, 본연구에서심혈관질환발병위험도평가를위한검진자나환자의임상검체에대해 CDC/AHA에서정한임상적결정치를이용하여 ccrp 검사와비교한결과, 3종의전범위 CRP 검사모두 9% 이상의정성적일치율을보이고저농도측정범위내에서 ccrp와정량적일치정도도높아 ccrp 검사로활용될수있을것으로보였다 [1, 3]. P-CRP 검사는저농도정밀도와고농도직선성의상한한계가가장낮았음에도불구하고, 전범위 CRP 검사중 ccrp 검사와심혈관질환발병위험률에관련된분류의일치도는가장높았다. 반면 N-CRP는반대의결과를보였는데, 이는두제조사모두 ERM-DA 47 ( 이전의 CRM 47) 물질 [18] 을이용하여 calibrator를표준화했음에도불구하고임상적결정치에근접한농도들에서 N-CRP의 calibration 보다는 P-CRP의 calibration이 ccrp의 calibration에보다일치하였기때문으로보였다. 본연구는한검사실내에서만시행되었으므로이의원인이본연구를시행한검사실내에한정된것인지검사시약자체에서기인한것인지정확히알수는없었으나이후 N-CRP의보다유용한임상적활용을위해추가의정확도검사나검사실간비교검사가필요할것으로보인다. 이전의연구들과비슷하게본연구에서도저농도검체들은정량적으로높은일치정도를보인반면, 5-1 mg/l 이상의고농도검체들은주목할한만농도의불일치를보였다 [4]. 이들검체들은 I-CRP와 N-CRP 간비교에서는차이가상대적으로고루분포하는반면, P-CRP와비교한경우는고농도에서보다음의방향으로큰차이를보이는경향이있었고, 1 mg/l 이 상의검체들은정밀도검사결과 (Table 1의 pool 9) 를포함하여 P-CRP 결과가항상 N-CRP나 I-CRP 결과보다높은결과를보였다. 이외에본연구내용에포함하지않았지만부가적으로약 2 mg/l의검체들을 1배희석하여평가한결과, I-CRP 와 N-CRP는 1% 에해당하는농도가나오는데반해 P-CRP 는 7-8% 정도의결과를보인점등을고려할때고농도에서불일치의원인은주로 P-CRP에기인한것으로보였다. 본연구에서최근도입된전범위 CRP 검사들은기존전범위 CRP 검사들보다확장된측정범위를보여주었고, 더불어 8 mg/l 이하의검체를 ccrp 검사와비교하였을때, 심혈관질환의위험도를적절하게분류하고정량적으로도 ccrp 검사에매우근접하여급성염증뿐만아니라심혈관질환의위험도평가에도유용하리라판단되었다 [4-7]. N-CRP는 3종의전범위 CRP 검사중가장우수한정밀도와넓은측정범위를보였음에도 ccrp 와비교할때일치율은다른검사들에비해약간낮은경향을보였는데, 이의원인이규명된다면이전의전범위 CRP 검사보다재검률을줄여검사보고시간을단축하고, 저농도내에서미세농도변화및기존전범위 CRP 검사의고농도측정한계를벗어난범위내에서농도변화를정확히검출하는장점이있으므로보다유용하게활용될수있을것으로보인다. 요약배경 : 최근개발된면역혼탁법전범위 C-reactive protein (CRP) 검사들은이전검사들에비해측정범위를확장하였다. 본연구에서는 3종 ( 새로이도입된 2종과기존에사용하였던 1종 ) 의전범위 CRP 검사에대해측정범위를평가하였다. 방법 : 새로이도입된 2종 (Sekisui, Nanopia CRP; N-CRP 및 Iatron, IATRO CRP-EX; I-CRP) 의전범위 CRP 검사의정밀도와측정범위를구하였고, 이들을기존에사용하던 1종의전범위 CRP 검사 (Sekisui, PureAuto S CRP; P-CRP) 와비교하였다. 또한 3종 CRP 검사의정량한계와직선성한계를평가하고, 이들에의한심혈관질환의위험도평가를비교방법 (Dade Behring, CardioPhase hscrp; ccrp) 에의한평가와비교하였다. 결과 : 3종의전범위 CRP 검사의변이계수는모두.6 mg/l 이상의범위에서 1% 보다낮은변이계수를보였고, 1 mg/l 미만의범위에서 N-CRP와 I-CRP는 P-CRP 보다변이계수가낮았다. N-CRP ( mg/l) 와 I-CRP (.1-28 mg/l) 는 P-CRP ( mg/l) 보다넓은측정범위를보였다. 3종의전범위 CRP 검사에의한심혈관질환위험도평가결과는
8 16 Young Jin Lee, Joong Man Kim, and Do-Sim Park ccrp에의한평가결과와 9% 이상의일치도를보였다. 결론 : 3종의전범위 CRP 검사는급성염증뿐아니라심혈관질환의위험도평가를위해일반임상검사실에서활용될수있을것으로보였고, 새로이도입된 2종의전범위 CRP 검사 (N- CRP와 I-CRP) 는기존의사용하던방법 (P-CRP) 에비해재측정과정없이이전검사법의측정하한이나상한에근접한범위의농도를검사하는데유용할것이다. 참고문헌 1. Pearson TA, Mensah GA, Alexander RW, Anderson JL, Cannon RO 3rd, Criqui M, et al. Markers of inflammation and cardiovascular disease: application to clinical and public health practice: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association. Circulation 23;17: Roberts WL, Sedrick R, Moulton L, Spencer A, Rifai N. Evaluation of four automated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein methods: implications for clinical and epidemiological applications. Clin Chem 2;46: US Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for industry and FDA staff: Review criteria for assessment of C-reactive protein (CRP), high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hscrp), and cardiac C-reactive protein (ccrp) assays. Silver Spring, MD: U.S. Center for Devices and Radiological Health Kang SY, Suh JT, Kim JH, Lee WI, Lee HJ. Comparison of high sensitivity C-reactive protein assay with a wide assay range. Korean J Lab Med 25;25: ( 강소영, 서진태, 김정훈, 이우인, 이희주. 측정범위가넓은 C-Reactive Protein 검사법비교. 대한진단검사의학회지 25;25: ) 5. Sa@nchez A, Mirabel JL, Barrenechea E, Eugui J, Puelles A, Castan)eda A. Evaluation of an improved immunoturbidimetic assay for serum C-reactive protein on a COBAS INTEGRA 4 Analyzer. Clin Lab 22;48: Jang SS, Lee W, Chun S, Min WK. Evaluation of cobas integra 7 and distribution of high sensitivity C-reactive protein levels in Koreans. Korean J Lab Med 22;22: ( 장성수, 이우창, 전사일, 민원기. 자동화학분석기 Cobas Integra 7의평가및High Sensitivity C- Reactive Protein의참고치분포. 대한진단검사의학회지 22;22: ) 7. Pie@roni L, Chahbani N, Hainque B. Verification of the analytical range of a new reagent for full-range C-reactive protein determination. Clin Chem Lab Med 29;47: Marie Dupuy A, Boutet A, Paul Cristol J. Evaluation of the high-sensitivity, full-range Olympus CRP OSR6199 application on the Olympus AU64. Clin Chem Lab Med 27;45: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Evaluation of precision performance of quantitative measurement methods; approved guideline. CLSI document EP5-A2. Wayne, PA: CLSI, Armbruster DA and Pry T. Limit of blank, limit of detection and limit of quantitation. Clin Biochem Rev 28;29(S1):S Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Evaluation of the linearity of quantitative measurement procedures: a statistical approach; approved guideline. CLSI document EP6-A. Wayne, PA: CLSI, Emancipator K and Kroll MH. A quantitative measure of nonlinearity. Clin Chem 1993;39: Bland JM and Altman DG. Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. Lancet 1986; 1: Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FA, Genest J, Gotto AM Jr, Kastelein JJ, et al. Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein. N Engl J Med 28;359: Mora S and Ridker PM. Justification for the Use of Statins in Primary Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUP- ITER)--can C-reactive protein be used to target statin therapy in primary prevention? Am J Cardiol 26;97:33A-41A. 16. Nguyen XM, Lane J, Smith BR, Nguyen NT. Changes in inflammatory biomarkers across weight classes in a representative US population: a link between obesity and inflammation. J Gastrointest Surg 29;13: Kelley DS, Siegel D, Fedor DM, Adkins Y, Mackey BE. DHA supplementation decreases serum C-reactive protein and other markers of inflammation in hypertriglyceridemic men. J Nutr 29;139: Johnson AM. A new international reference preparation for proteins in human serum. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1993;117:29-31.
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THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2018 Oct.; 29(10), 799 804. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2018.29.10.799 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Method
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Cho, Mun Jin (E-mail: mjcho@ex.co.kr) ABSTRACT PURPOSES : The performance of tack coat, commonly used for layer interface bonding, is affected by application rate and curing time. In this study, bonding
Pharmacotherapeutics Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee Univ
Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee University College of Medicine & Hospital E mail : ycell2@yahoo.co.kr Abstract
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조사연구 권 호 연구논문 한국노동패널조사자료의분석을위한패널가중치산출및사용방안사례연구 A Case Study on Construction and Use of Longitudinal Weights for Korea Labor Income Panel Survey 2)3) a) b) 조사연구 주제어 패널조사 횡단면가중치 종단면가중치 선형혼합모형 일반화선형혼 합모형
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` Companies need to play various roles as the network of supply chain gradually expands. Companies are required to form a supply chain with outsourcing or partnerships since a company can not
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The Study on the Grid Size Regarding Spatial Interpolation for Local Climate Maps* Cha Yong Ku** Young Ho Shin*** Jae-Won Lee**** Hee-Soo Kim*****.,...,,,, Abstract : Recent global warming and abnormal