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1 July 작성 : 조봉래
2 CONTENTS 1. Process Line (Stainless Steel) 1.1 Cold Rolling- Flow Chart 1.2 Material Flow 1.3 Main Specification 1.4 Layout (APL, BAL) 1.5 Tension Map 1.6 Terminal- Description 1.7 Technical Issue 2. Entry Section 2.1 Pay off Reel (POR) 2.2 Flattener 2.3 Entry Shear (refer to Exit) 2.4 Welder (Narrow Lap Seam) 2.5 Degreasing Section 2.6 Entry Looper 3. Exit Section 3.1 Exit Looper (refer to Entry) 3.2 Picking Section 3.3 Skin Pass Mill (SPM) 3.4 Tension Leveler (TLL) 3.5 Exit Shear, Side Trimmer. 3.6 Inspection- Strip Defect 3.7 Tension Reel (refer to Entry) 3.8 CPC & EPC System 3.9 Roll Specification 4. Calculation Data 4.1 Bridle Roll- Tension, Roll dia. 4.2 POR, TR - Calculation. 1
3 1.1 Cold Rolling (STS)- Flow Chart
4 1.2 Material Flow (APL, BAL) Incoming Materials Degreasing Section Pickling Section Entry Section Brush Tank Pickling Tank Entry Coil Skid, Car Hot Water Rinse Tank Rinse Tank / Dryer No. 1.2 Pay off Reel Cold Water Rinse Tank Bridle / Steering Roll Paper Winder Hot Air Dryer Exit Section Pinch Roll & Flattener Alkali System Exit Looper Carry over Conveyor Bridle / Steering Roll SKP, TLL Entry Shear Entry Looper Inspection Pinch Roll & Side Guide Tension / Dancer Roll Exit Shear Welder Annealing Furnace Recoiler Bridle Roll Cooling Section Production 3
5 1.3 Main Specification (APL, BAL) ITEM APL (Annealing & Pickling Line) BAL (Bright Annealing Line) Raw material Material Stainless Steel, AISI 300, 400 series Stainless Steel, 300, 400 series Tensile Strength max. 130 kg/mm² as rolled max. 130 kg/mm² as rolled max. 70 kg//mm 2 annealed max. 70 kg//mm 2 annealed Yield Strength max. 130 kg/mm² as rolled max. 130 kg/mm² as rolled Coil Dimension max. 40 kg//mm 2 annealed max. 40 kg//mm 2 annealed Coil Width 600-1,350 mm 600-1,350 mm Input Gauge 0.3 ~ 3.0 mm 0.2 ~ 2.0 mm Weight Max. 20 ton Max. 20 ton Inside dia. 610 mm 610 mm Outside dia. Max. 2,000 mm, with Spool, Paper Max. 2,000 mm, with Spool, Paper Production Material Tensile Strength max. 80 kg//mm 2 annealed max. 80 kg//mm 2 annealed Yield Strength max. 60 kg//mm 2 annealed max. 60 kg//mm 2 annealed T * V value Line Speed Max. 60 mpm Max. 50 mpm Ent / Exit Max. 80 mpm Max. 60 mpm Capacity 18 ton / hr 5 ton / hr Production 11,000 ton / month 3,000 ton / month 4
6 1.4.1 Process Line- Layout (HAPL).. 5
7 1.4.2 Process Line- Layout (CAPL) 6
8 1.4.3 Process Line- Layout (BAL) Raw material Coil Width mm Input gauge 0.1 ~ 1.5 mm Horizontal Bright Annealing Line Weight Max. 10 ton Inside dia. 508 mm Outside dia. Max. 2,000 mm, Production Tensile Strength max. 80 kg/ / mm2 Yield Strength T * V value max. 60 kg/ / mm2 7 Line Speed Max. 40 mpm Capacity 2.0 ton / hr Production 1,200 ton / month Looper Looper Pay off Reel Tension Reel Shear Degreasing Heating Furnace Welder Cooling Shear S/R B/R S/R B/R B/R Entry section Welder Cleaning section Heating section Cooling section Looper Exit section Coil Skid Side Guide Pre- Degreasing tank Tension control Temper Cooling Looper car Pinch Roll Coil car Clamper Cleaness Furnace Fast Cooling Zone Bridle Roll Strip Cleaner #1.2.Pay off Reel Welder Brush Scrubber tank Heating Cooling Blower Steering roll Shear Paper Winder Inspection #1.Rinse tank Muffle Cooler CPC EPC. Coil Opener Bridle Roll #2.Rinse tank Muffle Expansion System Tension Meter Deflector Roll Pinch Roll Dryer Tension control sys Tension Reel Flatterner Pure Water System Entry Sealing Paper Unwinder Carry Over Converor Alkali mixing tank Exit Sealing Coil Car Crop Shear Oil Separator Ammonia Dissociator Coil Skid Fume Exhaust Fire indicater system Spool Charger Steering roll Gas Exhaust system Paper Charger Safety System Belt Wrapper Dancer Roll 7
9 1.5 Tension Map Section STS (BAL, APL) Mild (CGL, CAL) Pay off Reel 0.7 ~ ~ 1.5 Degreasing 1.0 ~ ~ 2.0 Looper 1.0 ~ ~ 2.0 Furnace Section 0.3 ~ ~ 1.2 Pickling Section 1.5 ~ 3.0 Skin Pass Mill 5.0 ~ ~ 5.0 Tension Leveler 6.0 ~ ~ 10.0 Looper 1.0 ~ ~ 2.0 Tension Reel 1.5 ~ ~ 3.0 8
10 1.6 Terminal- Description 1. Entry Section Entry Section 은 Pay-off Reel 에서부터 Entry Looper 에걸치는 Line 을일컬으며, Process Line 에 Strip 을공급하기위한前공정으로서 Pay-off Reel 로부터공급되는 strip 은용접기에서선행 coil 의후단부와후행 coil 을 Welder (Seam 혹은 Spot Type) 에의해연결이되어 Strip 은연속적으로통판작업이진행이되고. Entry Section 의주요설비의하나로 Pre-Cleaning Section 을들수있다. BAL 혹은 CGL 의경우, 입측으로공급된 Coil 들은압연유, 압연철분및이물질이표면에부착되어있으며, 이러한이물질들을완전히제거되지않은채 BA 분위기로에들어갈경우분위기형성이어려워짐으로, 냉연 Coil 의표면압연유및이물질은 Pre-Cleaning Section 에서제거하여야되는데, 탈지조 (Degreasing Section) 은 Alkaline Solution (NaOH) 에의한화학적청정과 Brush Scrubber 에의한기계적청정으로나뉜다. 이때 NaOH 용액의온도및농도등이주요변수로작용하며, Brushing Scrubber 의주기적인교환이역시표면청정에있어주요관리사항이된다. Entry Looper 는입측의용접중에발생되는 Welding Time 으로인한 Line 정지나속도저하시 Process Section (Heating, Pickling) 이일정한속도로운전되도록 Strip 을저장하는역할을한다. Looper 는수직형과수평형이있으며, 보통 2.5~3 분정도의저장량을확보하도록설계한다. 2. Delivery (Exit) Section Delivery Section 은 Heating Section 출측에서부터 Coil 이권취되는 Tension Reel 에걸치는 Line 을일컬으며, Heating Section 을통과한후상온으로냉각된 Strip 은표면에다량의 Scale 이발생하기때문에이의제거를위해산세공정 (Pickling Section) 을거치고또한교정공정 Skin Pass Mill(SPM) 및 Tension Leveler(TLL) 로진행하여형상및평탄도교정을하게된다. 산세및교정공정을거친 Strip 은입측과마찬가지로 Delivery Loop 로진행되며, 출측설비정지시중앙설비의정상작업이가능하도록이곳에서 Strip 이저장된다. Looper 를통과한 Strip 은검사대에서제품품질판정을받게되며이과정에서합격된제품만이수요가에게공급된다. 검사대를통과한 Strip 은출측 Shear 에서분활되어 Tension Reel 에서권취되어 Coil car 에의해 Skid 로운반된다. 또한전체 Line 의 Strip 사행으로인한 Center 이탈을방지하기위해 Roll 에 Crown 을주거나혹은 CPC, EPC 장치가필요위치에설치되어 Center 이탈을방지하고있다.
11 1.7 Technical Issue Division Technical Issue Entry Section Pay off Reel Flattener Welder Pre-Treatment Looper Exit Section Pickling Section Skin Pass Mill Tension Levelling Shear & Trimmer EPC & CPC Tension Reel Roll Tension, Reel Dia, CPC, Motor Power. Roll Gap Adjustment Welder Type, Welding Sequence & Time. Degreasing Type, Tank Length, Cleaning Effect. Type, Handling Time, Looper Capacity, Length. Process, Length, Chemical Type Roll Dia. Tension, Elongation Leveller Type. Tension, Elongation Shearing Force, Hydraulic Power, Trimmer Gap System Theory, Application. Mandrel Dia. Tension, EPC, Motor Power Specification, Roll Dia. Crown, Rubber Material
12 2 Entry Section 11
13 2.1.1 Reel 구조 (1) 12
14 2.1.2 Reel 구조 (2) 13
15 2.1.3 Reel Mandrel Dia. Length Mandrel Dia. Length 선정 Normal Mandrel Dia.= 508 / 610 mm Mandrel Condition Hot Coil Cold Coil Pay off Reel Expansion + 30 ~ 40 mm + 15 ~ 25 mm Collapse - 70 ~100 mm - 30 ~ 50 mm Tension Reel Expansion + 0 mm + 0 mm Collapse - 25 ~ 30 mm - 20 ~ 30 mm Mandrel- Barrel Length Barrel Length = Strip Width * (1.10 ~ 1.25 ) 14
16 2.1.4 Reel 설계시고려사항 Items Description Material Steel Grade, Ts, Ys, General Strip Width Widthness, Thickness, Coil Diameter (OD, ID), Weight, Speed Max. Threading, Acc, Dcc Line Tension Unit Tension, Tension, Motor Power Productivity Operating Time, Pass Line Height, Direction, Reel Winding Direction Over, Under Coil Handling Transfer Car, Crane, Mandrel Diameter, Length, Gripper, Coating Other Gripper, Stripper, Out Board, Paper Winder Dia, Weight Other Belt Wrapper Position CPC, EPC Maker, Stroke, Other Spool, Snubber Roll, Band, Weigher, Lubrication. 15
17 2.2 Flattener- Roll Gap Adjustment 16
18 2.4 Welder -Layout 17
19 2.4.1 Welder (Narrow Lap Seam) 18
20 2.4.2 Welder, Notcher 19
21 2.4.3 Welding Sequence 20
22 2.4.4 Welding- Sequence &Time 21
23 2.5. Degreasing 방식 세정방식 - 종류 세정제사용방법특기사항 TCE 용제 ( 트리크로에칠렌 ) * 침적방식 * 증류방식 린스공정불필요. 환경문제, 독극물 - 현재는채용감소추세임. 알카리세정 * 침적, Spray 방식 *Brush 세정. * 지금까지채용이제일많다. * 배수처리설비가별도필요. 탄화수소계 * 침적방식 *Spray 방식 * 품질적으로안정하다. * 최근에채용하는경향이증가추세. 22
24 2.5.1 Degreasing Section ( 알카리탈지설비 ) Alkali 탈지 - 설비구성 23
25 2.5.2 Degreasing System- 세정능력 탈지방법 - 세정능력비교 Div. Alkali Electric Hot Water Cleanness Spray Dipping Brushing Cleaning Brushing Rinse % Remark Case-1 O O 13~ 19 Case-2 O O 88~ 94 Case-3 O O O O 86~ 90 STS Case-4 O O O O O over 95 CGL Case-5 O O O O O over 95 Strip 표면이물질부착량 ( 세정효과 ) ( 유분 -90%, 철분, 기타 - 10%) Cleaning 前 Cleaning 後 Max. 600 mg/m2 Max. 15 mg/m2 24
26 2.5.3 Degreasing System- 주요사양 구분항목주요사양비고 방법 Spray Nozzle or Dipping 방식 알카리세정 Tank 알카리액 NaOH 3~ 5%, 60~ 80 도 Tank 재질 ( Steel or STS 304 ) Spray 압력 3 kg/cm2, 상하 6~ 8 set. Scrubber Tank ( #1, 2 ) Brush Roll Spray Brush 재질- Nylon, 2set, 압력 2~3 kg/cm2, 100 ~ 300 L/min. 역회전방식 ( 효과좋음 ) Spray 압력 3~5 kg/cm2, 500 ~ 2,000 L/min. Hot Water Rinse Tank (#1,2) Water Water 온도 60~ 80 도 Tank 재질 ( STS 304 ) Wringer Roll Double Roll Type, 재질 - Hyparon, Spray Spray Nozzle, 90~ 120 도 Dryer Blower 100 m3/min, 1,000~ 2,000 mmaq, Steam Heater 25
27 2.5.4 Degreasing System- Flow Diagram 26
28 2.5.5 탈지설비 - 설계요령 (1) 27
29 2.5.6 탈지설비 - 설계요령 (2) Brush Roll 28
30 2.5.7 탈지설비 - 설계요령 (3) Brush Roll- Spray Nozzle 설계 Brush 재질 - Nylon or P.P 29
31 2.5.8 탈지설비 - 수질기준 수질분석 - 비교표 Alkali 용해용 - 용액수질 - 알카리를용해하는물은 Mg+ Ca++ 등이많은해수나경수를사용하면잘용해되지않기때문에사용할수없고, 비눗물이잘풀리는연수를이용해야함. Rinse 용 - 세정수수질 - Rinse 불량이될경우 - Strip 표면의변색이나녹및 Water Mark 등의품질결함의원인이된다. - 그원인은수질에함유된 Cl -, Ca +, Mg +, Ion 이문제임. - 근래에연수대신, 순수를채용하는추세임. 30
32 2.5.9 Brush Roll- Motor Power 31
33 2.6.1 Looper - Capacity (Entry) Entry Looper- Handling Time (1) Condition : Entry welder Entry Max.speed Entry Threading Speed : Entry Acc.Rate Entry Dec. Rate 3-cut Mode : 550 mpm 80 mpm : 40 mpm/s : 40 mpm/s Entry Down Time Entry Up Time Entry Production Time time 32
34 2.6.2 Looper - Capacity (Entry) Entry Looper- Handling Time (2) No. Handling Sequence Time(Sec) Length(M) 1 Deceleration : 450 to 80 mpm Threading to Welder by 80 mpm Deceleration to Welder : 80 to Welding Threading to Notcher Notching Accelerating : 0 to 450 mpm Entry Down Time Recovering Looper Entry Up Time Entry Production Time Entry Looper Capacity : Lp 450/60 * = Lp Lp = effective strip storage length = m Entry Up Time : Tup Tup = sec Entry Production Time : Tp Tp = Td + Tup = = sec Looper Storage 량 일반적으로 Max. Speed 의 2.5 ~ 3 분가량저장량으로한다. 33
35 2.6.3 Looper- Handling Time Exit Looper Time- Simple 계산 34
36 2.6.5 Looper Tower (Vertical)- Configuration A looper structure mech. stop point quick stop point for entry sec. starting point for quick stop of entry sec. harmonic position harmonic zone(tuning range) A : Entry Speed 550 mpm to 450 mpm (max. looper stroke) mm by Quick Stop rate 60mpm/s (effective looper stroke) A = ( ) / 60 * ( )/60/2/32 = m B normal stop of carriage starting point for quick stop of center sec. quick stop position for center sec. mech. stop point B : Center Speed 450 mpm to 0 mpm by Quick stop rate 60mpm/s B = 450 / 60 * 450 / 60 / 2 /32 = m 1700 bottom roll level 2500 ground level 35
37 3. Exit Section 36
38 3.2.1 Pickling Process ( 산세설비 ) 산세목적 - 산화열처리에의해생성된 Scale 의제거및부동태화 - ( 부동태피막 Cr2O3 형성 ) 산세전처리설비 - Salt Bath(Kolene 법 ) Type - 중성염전해산세 (Neolyte) Type 산세처리설비 - 질산 (HNO3) 전해산세 - 혼산 (HF+HNO3) 산세 산세 Process 300 계 : Salt Bath 황산조 혼산조 Rinsing 400 계 : Salt Bath 황산조 질산전해조 (A,B) Rinsing 37
39 3.2.2 APL Pickling (STS) Acid 역할 H 2 ㅇ황산의역활 Scale 과모재사이에 H 2 Gas 에의해 균열발생을촉진시켜혼산조에서 산세를용이하게함 모재 ㅇ혼산의역할 (HF + HNO 3 ) - 불산 (HF) : 모재를녹이는역할 ( 산세촉진 ) - 질산 (HNO 3 ) : 부동태피막형성하여국부과산세방지 ( 산세억제 ) 적정비율혼합필수 (300계경우 HNO 3 : HF = 4 : 1 ) Me + 4 HNO3 -> Me(NO 3 ) 3 + NO + 2 H 2 O Me(NO 3 ) 3 + 3HF -> MeF3 + 3HNO Me + 0.7HNO 3 + 3HF -> MeF 3 + NO + 2H 2 O 38
40 3.2.3 Scale Breaker 목적 - 산세효과증대 (Strip 표면 - Scale 균열발생 ) 39
41 3.2.4 Pickling Section (STS) Tank P.P tank, 약 100 m #1. Zone 중성염전해조. 황산나트륨 (Na2SO4) 약 50 m ( ) #2. Zone 질산전해조 ( HNO3) 20 m #3. Zone 혼산조 ( HF + HNO3 ) 30 m 40
42 3.2.5 Pickling 설비 - 적용실적 Salt Bath 黃酸전해 Alkali 전해中性鹽전해硝酸전해混酸조 Company 설비명설치년대 H2SO4 NaOH Na2SO4 HNO3 HNO3 + HF BNG # 1,2 AP 1970 년 O O O O ( 한국 ) Nishine # 2 AP 1960 년 O O O O ( 일본 ) # 3 AP 1970 년 O * 3 units # 4 AP 1970 년 O * 2 units O # 5 AP 1970 년 O O * 2 units O # 6 AP 1980 년 O O * 2 units # 7 AP 1990 년 O O * 2 units O O * 2 units POSCO ZPSS 2000 년 O * 2 units O O * 2 units ( 중국 ) QPSS 2000 년 O * 2 units O O * 2 units 41
43 3.3.1 SPM & TLL- 설비배치도 42
44 3.3.2 SPM & TLL- Control System 43
45 3.3.3 SPM- Control System 44
46 3.3.4 SPM- Elongation (STS) Strip Thickness mm STS 300 Series (270 N/mm2) STS 400 Series (320 N/mm2) % 0.35% % 0.40% % 0.60% % 0.80% % 1.30% % 1.50% % 2.00% % 2.00% % % WR- 860mm Dia. Strip- 1350mm W 45
47 3.3.5 SPM - 판형상교정 46
48 3.4.1 Tension Leveler (TLL) Extension Roll Unit- 2set Anti- Wave Anti- Cambering Roll Unit Anti- Longitudinal bow Anti- Cross bow 47
49 3.4.2 TLL- 교정원리 (1) 48
50 3.4.3 TLL- 교정원리 (2) 49
51 3.4.4 TLL- 교정원리 (3) Before levelling εο σt Adding tension Tension Bending correction Tension Elastic strain 0 εο ε Tension of edge part Tension of center part ε Plastic strain Elastic strain Plastic strain Elastic strain Plastic strain Elastic strain After levelling Setting elongation of equipment ε 50
52 3.4.5 SPM & TLL- Operating Condition No.3 Bridle Roll # 2 # 3 # 1 # 4 # 1 # 2 # 3 Tension Leveller No.5 Bridle roll # 2 # 3 # 1 # 4 Cooling Tower No.4 Bridle roll [ T1 ] [ T2 ] [ T3 ] [ T4 ] Exit Looper Description DQ & DDQ Yp.Max 20kg/mm2 CQ Yp.max 30kg/mm2 Hss & F/H Yp.Max 56kg/mm2 thickness mm width mm Above table is based on when elongation rate of tension leveller is 0.5% maximum. unit T1 T2 T3 T4 U.T[kgf/mm2] Total tension [kgf] 974 1,159 1,656 1,680 U.T[kgf/mm2] Total tension [kgf] 1,857 2,210 3,158 3,345 U.T[kgf/mm2] Total tension [kgf] 6,209 7,392 10,560 12,012 U.T[kgf/mm2] Total tension [kgf] 1,420 1,691 2,415 2,490 U.T[kgf/mm2] Total tension [kgf] 2,523 3,003 4,290 4,695 U.T[kgf/mm2] Total tension [kgf] 7,617 9,068 15,114 17,886 U.T[kgf/mm2] Total tension [kgf] 2,725 3,244 3,816 3,960 U.T[kgf/mm2] Total tension [kgf] 3,550 4,227 4,973 6,248 U.T[kgf/mm2] Total tension [kgf] 8,427 10,032 10,560 18, Line tension of the tension leveller entry(t3) is depending on the exit side tension(t4) and intermesh setting value of tension leveller 51
53 3.4.6 TLL, Bridle Roll- Drive System Mechanical drive system with differential regulation Stretching Motor Entry Corner Gear Unit with Differential Exit Corner Gear Unit Main Motor Entry Pinion Motor Entry Gear Unit with Differential Exit Gear Unit with Differential Exit Pinion Motor Strip Entry Bridle Tension Leveler Exit Bridle Entry DC Motor Exit DC Motor Electric drive system Strip Entry Bridle Tension Leveler Exit Bridle
54 3.4.7 TLL- Elongation (STS) Typical Tension Leveling Process Material Gauge YS Tension Elongation 300 Series 0.3 ~ 2.5 mm ~ 160 N/mm2 0 ~ 2.0% 300 Series 2.5 ~ 5.0 mm ~ 60 N/mm2 0 ~ 1.5% 400 Series 0.3 ~ 2.5 mm ~ 210 N/mm2 0 ~ 1.0% 400 Series 2.5 ~ 5.0 mm ~ 52 N/mm2 0 ~ 0.8% Duplex 5.0 mm 600 Max. 60 N/mm2 0.50% 53
55 3.5.1 Shearing- Force 계산 Shearing- 전단반력계산 54
56 3.5.2 Hydraulic Cylinder- 내경계산 55
57 3.5.3 Hydraulic Line- Hose Size 결정 노모 Graph - 사용 ( 예 ) 압력 Line 의유속 - 3m/sec, 필요유량 - 50l/min 인경우 Hose 호칭 Size- 19 가적당함. 56
58 3.5.4 Side Trimmer- Knife (Gap, Lap) Knife- Gap Knife- Lap knife gap(mm) Gap= t t knife lap(mm) Lap = 0.2t strip thickness(mm) strip thickness(mm) Thickness (mm) Thickness (mm) Gap (mm) Lap (mm)
59 3.6.1 Strip Shape- Defect ( 제품형상결함 ) Edge wave Herring bone Coil-set (Curl) Center buckle Twist Cross-bow (Gutter) Side buckle Camber 58
60 3.6.2 Strip Surface- Defect ( 제품표면결함 ) 결함명 English 결함명 English 긁힘 Scratch 종이압입 Paper Relled In 슬립 Slip Mark 부식 Pitting 오염 Pollution 녹 Rust 과산세 Over Pickling 권취불량 Telescope 산세불량 Raw Pickle 응력 Stains 산잔류 Pickle Residue 백분 White Powder 소둔결함 Anneal 롤마크 Roll Mark 산세정지 Acid Stop Mark 폭불량 Width 로내정지 Furnace Stop Mark 형상불량 Shape 59
61 3.8. CPC, EPC- System 60
62 3.8.1 CPC- Pay off Reel Side Shifting Range ~ 150mm, Accuracy +-5mm 61
63 3.8.2 EPC- Tension Reel Side Shifting Range ~ 150mm, Accuracy +-1mm 62
64 3.8.3 CPC- Steering Roll 63
65 3.8.4 CPC- Steering Roll Steering 효과 큼. 일반적으로만히사용함. 용도 - Looper 입. 출측. 탈지산세설비 - 입. 출측. Steering Roll ~ Deflector Roll 간거리 = 통상 Strip 폭의 3 배이상 64
66 3.8.5 CPC- Steering Roll 65
67 3.8.6 CPC- Steering Roll Steering 효과 보통. 일반적으로잘적용치않음. 용도 - Looper 내부 Strip 사행조정용. 66
68 3.8.7 CPC, EPC- System (Specification) 라인사양 (Line Specification) Value 라인속도 (Line speed) Max m/min Min m/min 스트립두께 (Strip thickness) Max mm Min mm 스트립폭 (Strip width) Max mm Min mm 텐션 (Tension) Unit Total N/ mm2 N 스트립소재 (Strip material) Caarbon steel Stainless steel Other 기계무게 (Machanism mass) 코일무게 (Coil mass) N N 마찰계수 (Friction coefficient) μ= 운전력 (Operating force) N(Piston rod thrust) 조작능력 (Manipulated variable) Shifting value ± mm,correction angle mm 실린더사이즈 (Cylinder size) Bore mm, Rod dia mm, Stroke mm 콘트롤시스템 (Control system) Tension reel ( ) Payoff reel ( ) Steering roll ( ) EPC ( ) CPC ( ) 콘트롤방법 (Control method) Tension reel: Arm method ( ) Arm less method ( ) Payoff reel: Sensor gap mm 사행량 (Meander value) ± mm 67
69 3.9.1 Roll 종류, 용도 No Configuration 설비용도 1. Bridle Roll, Strip 구간별 tension 을조정하는 Roll 2. Steering Roll. Strip 이탈을방지하기위해 Centering 을조정하는 Roll 3. Pinch Roll, Strip 운반. 이송하는 Roll 4. Deflector Roll, Strip 진행방향을전환하는 Roll 5. Brush Roll, Strip 표면을 Brush 로 Cleaning 하는 Roll 6. Wringer (Squeeze) Roll Strip 표면물기를제거하는 Roll 7. Support ( Table ) Roll Strip Pass line 을받쳐주는 Roll 8. Tension meter Roll Strip tension 을측정하는 Roll 9. Snubber Roll Strip 이탈, 역회전을방지하는 Roll 68
70 3.9.2 Roll Crown- Strip 에미치는영향 Roll Crown, Strip 사행량, Strip Buckling 상관관게 일반적으로아래도표와같이 1. Strip 사행량은 Roll 의 crown 이작을수록, 스트립의속도가빠를수록, 스트립에걸리는장력이작을수록, roll 과스트립의마찰계수가작을수록사행량은증가한다. 2. 이에반하여 Strip Buckling 발생은 roll 의 crown 이클수록, 스트립에걸리는장력이클수록발생하기쉽다. ( 서로반비례함 ) 사행량 저속 고속 안정영역 B u c k l i n g 발생 Roll Crown 량 69
71 3.9.3 Roll Coating- 재질, 사양 Roll 명 Roll Lining Materials 표면재질 Thick mm Crown 량 Max. mm 경도 (+- 5) 조도 Ra (+- 0.5) Bridle, Steering Roll NBR, Polyurethane ~ 6 Deflector, Looper Roll NBR, Polyurethane ~ 6 Pinch, Snubber, Guide Roll NBR, Polyurethane ~ 6 Table, Support Roll NBR, Polyurethane ~ 6 Wringer Roll CSM (Hypalon) ~ 6 Brush Roll Nylon, Polypropylene ~ 6 Pickling Sink Roll CSM (Hypalon) ~ 6 Salt Bath Roll CSM (Hypalon) ~ 6 Measuring Roll, Skid Liner MC Nylon ~ 6 70
72 3.9.4 Roll Rubber- 물리적특성 고무종류 천연고무 NR 부칠고무 I I R 니트릴고무 NBR 에치렌. 프로피렌 EPT.EPDM 하이파론 CSM 우레탄 U 시리콘고무 Si 불소고무 FPM 화학구조 Poly Isoprene Isobutylene Isoprene Acryntrile Butadine Etylene- Propyrene Polyethlene Sulfonated Poly Urethane Siloxane Plopylene, Vinylidene 주요특징 고탄성기계적성질양호 내후성, 내오존성, 내가스투과성양호 내유성, 내마모성, 내노화성양호 내오존성, 내노화성전기적특성양호 내오존성, 내노화성내약품성양호 기계적강도매우우수 내열성, 내한성, 내유성양호 내열성, 내약품성, 양호 경도범위 KS, Hs 인장강도 Kg/cm2 전기절연성옴 -Cm 10~ ~ 90 15~ ~ 90 50~ 90 60~ ~ 90 50~ 90 30~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 18 2~ 10 12~ ~ 12 11~ 15 15~ 18 내마모성 양호 우수 양호 우수 양호 매우양호 우수 양호 내열성 약함 약함 보통 약함 약함 우수 매우양호 우수 내유성 약함 우수 양호 우수 우수 양호 양호 양호 내산성 약함 양호 우수 양호 양호 약함 보통 양호 내알카리성 우수 양호 우수 양호 양호 약함 양호 약함 71
73 4.1.1 Tension Bridle Roll- Arrangement (2, 3 Roll Type) 72
74 4.1.2 Tension Bridle Roll- Arrangement (4 Roll Type) 73
75 4.1.3 Tension Bridle Roll- 설계주요사양 74
76 4.1.4 Bridle Roll- Tension 계산 T T 1 = 0 µθ e μ 마찰계수 (std.) 0.1 ( 마찰계수를일정하게지킬수있는재료를써야한다. ) Θ 감긴각도 220 => π x 220 = T T 1 T 2 Roll 75
77 4.1.5 Bridle Roll- Tension 계산 ( 예 ) T 0 =100kg T 0 T 1 Θ Θ T 2 Θ:180~250 μ:0.15 (I) DRIVE Σ(Θ1+Θ2+Θ3+Θ4) T 1 =T 0 e μθ T 1 =T 0 e 0.15*220/180* 100* T 2 =T 0 e μ(θ1+θ2) =T 0 e *0.15*( )/180* T 2 =T 1 e μθ2 T 2 =T 1 e 0.15*180/180* 178* =100*2.85 =285 기타 No B/R : 상기와같은요령으로계산함 76
78 4.1.6 Bridle Roll- Strip Tension 77
79 4.1.7 Tension Loss 계산 (1) T2 = T1 + ΔB + ΔM + ΔF Tension Loss = ΔM + ΔB + ΔF ΔM : Mechanical Loss ΔB : Bend Loss ΔF : Friction Loss T1 T2 V F ㆍ Mechanical Loss Bearing Friction Loss Oil Seal Loss Mechanical Seal Loss ㆍ Bend Loss M B ㆍ Friction Loss Strip Friction Loss Roll Friction Loss
80 4.1.8 Tension Loss 계산 (2) N = μ( T1 + T2 + W ) Mechanical Loss ΣMo = ( T2 - T1 )* D/2 - N * d/2 = 0 ΔM = T2 - T1 d/d * μ *( 2 * T1 +W ) Mechanical Loss D M ΔM = (2*T + W + P) * d * μ + n * F * d' D d μ : bearing friction coeff. T : strip tension T1 w T2 V W : roll weight P : snubber roll force d : dia of shaft d : dia of bearing D : roll dia. n : No. of Oil seal f : Oil seal friction ( 5kgf )
81 4.1.9 Tension Loss 계산 (3) Bend Loss Rc = t * E / (2 * Sy) Tc = Sy 2 * w * t / (3 * E * (1 - cos(θ/2)) x = T / Tc R1 = (1/x)^0.5 * Rc for α > 1 R1 = ((x^2+3)^0.5 - x) * Rc for 0<α < 1 ΔB θ Ro Tout α = 2 * R * Sy / (t * E) ΔTc = w * t 2 * Sy / (4 * R) i ) α > 1 인경우 ΔB = 1/(3 α ) * ΔTc T1 ii ) 1/2 < α < 1 인경우 3-3α + α 2 (1-α ) 4 (2+α ) 2 B = [ α ] * Tc iii ) 0 < α < 1/2 인경우 ΔB = ( 2 51/12α + 10 / 3α 2 1/ 2α 3 + 1/12α 4 ) Tc
82 Tension Loss 계산 (4) Friction Loss ΔF = { 1/2 Cf ρ V² Ws Wl } * 2 / 9.8 (kgf) 액면 ΔF : viscous friction Loss (kgf) Cf : friction coefficient = / Re1/5 H Re : Reynold No. = V Wl / n ρ : density ( kg/m³) V : strip speed (m/s) φ θ (L-w)/2 w L Ws : strip width (m) Wl : strip deep length (m) n : kinematic viscosity (m/s²) = μ/ρ μ : viscosity coefficient (kg/(m*s)
83 Bridle Roll- Motor Power 계산 (1) 82
84 Bridle Roll- Motor Power 계산 (2) 83
85 Roll Dia. 계산 - Bridle Roll ρ = E σ y where t ρ : σ E : t y : B : : 1 B Roll 반경 (mm) 항복응력 (kg/mm 2 ) 영률 (kg/mm 2 ) 판두께 (mm) 보정치수 (Marker Know-how) 소둔후 AF : 소둔전 FH: 4 AF: After Annealing FH: Full hard ρ = 21000kg / mm 2 70kg / mm 2 0.8mm 1 2 = 120mm E : : 70 σ y D = 240mm 2EA t =
86 Roll Dia. 계산 - Deflector Roll D E * T' 2 * ( Sy - UT ) D : min. BR roll dia.(mm) E : Young's Modulus (kgf/mm2) = T : strip thickness (mm) = 0.4 A : thickness parameter A = 1-1/T^(1/2) = D * * ( 30-4 ) = mm T' : strip compensation thickness (mm) T' = (1 - A) * T = Sy : Strip Yield Strength (kgf/mm2) = 30 UT : Unit Tension (kgf/mm2) = 4 85
87 Roll- Shell 두께 Bridle Roll- Shell 두께 86
88 Strip Catenary- Calculation Roll 간격 - Strip 처짐량 임의위치 - Strip 처짐량 87
89 4.2.1 POR- Calculation of Motor Power POR Pay off Reel Condition : I.D. = 420 mm O.D. = 2050 mm Max. Speed = 550 mpm Acc / Dec rate = 40 mpm/s Strip size : 0.1t * 508 ~ 0.4t * 1220 mm T, v T, v a) Inner Dia. :dia. 420 mm 2) Strip size : 0.4 * 1220 mm2 POR Tension : 730 kgf Line Speed : 550 mpm Motor Speed : v = r Θ' 550/60 = 0.42/2 * Wr/60 * 2 * p Wr = rpm GR (gear ratio) = 4.2 Wm = GR * Wr = 4.2 * = 1750 rpm Motor Power : P = F * v = -730 * 9.8 * 550/60 * 0.95 /1000 = kw (Dragging) 88
90 4.2.2 Pay off Reel- Tension 89
91 4.2.3 Tension Reel- Tension 90
92 Attachment 첨부설계자료 1. Terminal 설비 - 설계자료. - 입. 출측설비설계 (Reel, Bridle Roll) - Looper Capacity 설계 - Pinch, Deflector Roll 설계 - Conveyor 설계 - POR, Tension Reel 설계 - Motor 용량검토. - 각종설계자료. 2. Cleaning Section 설계자료 - Dip, Scrubber, ECT, Rinse, Dryer. 3. Process Engineering 설계지침서 - Walking Beam, Reel, Conveyor, Shearing 이론. 91
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1 1.1,,.,. (solid mechanics)., (kinematics), (statics), (kinetics). ( d y n a m i c s ).,,. ( m e c h a n i s m ). ( l i n k a g e ) ( 1.1 ), (pin joint) (revolute joint) (prismatic joint) ( 1.2 ) (open
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1... 2 System... 3... 3.1... 3.2... 3.3... 4... 4.1... 5... 5.1... 5.2... 5.2.1... 5.3... 5.3.1 Modbus-TCP... 5.3.2 Modbus-RTU... 5.3.3 LS485... 5.4... 5.5... 5.5.1... 5.5.2... 5.6... 5.6.1... 5.6.2...
Extended Calculations
xtended Calculations of 39 4/1/2014 10:10 AM Member [191] Beam: B_202 W18x86 (A992) Seq: A Length: 37-1 7/16 Camber: 0 ABM: N/Assign ------------ Left End ------------ ------------ Right End -----------
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2.2, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 m 2 () m 2 m 2 ( ) m -1 s, Wm -2 K -1 Wsm -3 K -1, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 Jm -3 K -1 Wm -2 K -1 Jm -2 K -1 sm -1 Jkg -1 K -1
KS B ISO 9806-2 - 2 1. ( ) ( ),. 2. 2.1 (1) :, (2) :,. (3) :, CPC(Compound Parabolic Concentrator) (4) : (5). (6) () (7) :. (8) :. (9) () :,., CPC. (10) : 2.2, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 m 2 () m 2 m 2 (
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C 0.0.2 ma Cr 14.5~16.5 Co 2.5 max Iron 4~7 Mn 1 max Mo 15 ~ 17 Ni Balance P 0.03 max Si 0.08 max S 0.03 max W 3 ~ 4.5 V 0.35 max 8.89g/cm 3 Multipurpose corrosion resistance of NickelMolybdenumChrome.
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, 11, 1, pp. 113-118 (2012. 2) Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 113-118 (2012. 2) Twist Wheel 방식폐비닐수거기개발에관한연구 (Ⅰ) - 자주형비닐수거기의개발 - 하유신 *, 박규식 *, 김진현
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1 n dn dt = f v = 4 π m 2kT 3/ 2 v 2 mv exp 2kT 2 f v dfv = 0 v = 0, v = /// fv = max = 0 dv 2kT v p = m 1/ 2 vfvdv 0 2 2kT = = vav = v f dv π m
n dn dt f v 4 π m kt 3/ v mv exp kt f v dfv 0 v 0, v /// fv max 0 dv kt v p m / vfvdv 0 kt vav. 8v f dv π m k m 0 v / R0 4 T vav.45 0 cm / sec M M p v v fvdv 0 3 fvdv 0 kt m / 3kT v v. 5 m rms v p n dn
A 001~A 036
4 3 2 0 8 91 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 08 09 00 01 02 03 04 18 19 10 29 20 22 23 39 30 31 32 33 48 49 40 41 59 50 69 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 4 7 10 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 rev. C C r C a f h f h L h h nrpm f h f n L C 3 P L
Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 393~400, June, 2011 GGGGG DOI 10.4334/JKCI.2011.23.3.393 x RC { sƒ y y 1) *Á½ 1) Á 2) 1) y w œw 2) w œw Bond Strength Evaluation of RC Beams
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Materials Material Grades : PL Series Applicaton : Power transformer and Inductor Grades μi Freq. (MHz) Pcv 1) (Kw/ m3 ) Bs 2) (mt) Materials Characteristics PL-7 2,400 ~ 0.2 410 390 Mn-Zn Low loss PL-9
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DC Link Application DC Link capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low inductance DC buffer circuits and DC filtering, smoothing. They
DC Link Capacitor DC Link Application DC Link capacitor can be universally used for the assembly of low inductance DC buffer circuits and DC filtering, smoothing. They are Metallized polypropylene (SH-type)
C H A P T E R 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13.1 ( ) 12 000 psi [ 13 1] 6in 10 [ 13 2] (stamping) 500 501 (pressure regulator) (oil mist) (lubricator) (air dryer) (muffler) 13.2 21 % 78 % 1 % 4
(2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4). (3). (1) (2) Antoine. (5) (6) 80, α =181.08kPa, =47.38kPa.. Figure 1.
Continuous Distillation Column Design Jungho Cho Department of chemical engineering, Dongyang university 1. ( ).... 2. McCabe-Thiele Method K-value. (1) : :, K-value. (2) : :, α. α (3)., (3). α α (4) (4).
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Study on the characteristic of heavy rainfall in the middle northern Gangwon Province by using Gwangdeoksan radar data 2004. 12. 10. Fig. 2.2.1 Measurement range of Gwangdeoksan radar site Fig. 2.2.2
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5. Kapitel URE neu
URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Standards: IEC 60 269-4 BS 88-4 Class: ar Voltage ratings: AC 240 V AC 700 V Current ratings: 5 A 900 A Features / Benefits High interrupting
국가기술자격검정 필기시험문제 메카트로닉스산업기사 2060 2시간 A 시험문제지는 답안카드와 같이 반드시 제출하여야 합니 제 과목: 기계제작법 테르밋 용접(thermit welding) 이란? 가. 원자수소의 발열을 이용하는 방법이 나. 전기용접과 가스용접법을 결합시킨 것이 산화철과 알루미늄의 반응열을 이용한 방법이 라. 액체산소를 이용한 용접법의 일종이 8
TABLE OF CONTENTS [ENGINE] 4A0A-E00 CYLINDER BLOCK GROUP........................... 4A0LX-E00 CYLINDER BLOCK GROUP...........................3 4A0-E00 OIL PAN GROUP................................... 5