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1 econd level 제 5 회 LED 연구회 workshop ( ) Issues on LED Materials 김봉옥 bokim@rohmhaas.com ( 주 ) 그라쎌 [ 1 ]

2 econd level Contents I. LED Market II. LED Materials III. Issues on LED Business [ ]

3 Why LED? econd level LED = CRT: Cost, Color, Viewing angle, Response time + LCD: Thickness & Weight, Power Consumption [ 3 ] 3

4 Market egmentation and Position econd level Lighting AM PM AMLED PMLED DI(K) LGD(K) CMEL(T) 4 [ 4 ]

5 Applications of LED Flexible TV econd level Third utside level ign otebook Application of LED Lighting Panel Car instrument panel Watch Road sign Big creen TV Laser diode 5 [ 5 ]

6 LED (rganic Light Emitting Diode) cathode EIL econd ETL level HBL EML HTL HIL IT Glass ~150nm HTL EML ETL Electron Affinity (EA) Metal HIL EIL Exciton IT Ionization Potential (IP) [ 6 ] 6

7 Inorganic solid econd level trong coupling between atoms, ions - Delocalized electronic states, band.. Metal no band gap emiconductor moderate band gap ~1.5eV Insulator large band gap Inorganic vs. rganic olid rganic solid Intra molecule - strong coupling Inter molecule - weak coupling π conjugate system - π electrons move via π-electron clouds overlap. - Have moderate charge transfer despite large band gap. [ 7 ] 7

8 Hole Injection Materials Idemitsu, DI, LG Chem., Merk, Dupont, 양극으로부터정공주입을용이하게함. - IT Click 와의높은 to 계면접착력 edit. Master text styles - 적절한 HM level - 좋은전기전도성. econd 평면적분자구조, level 분자 (1) tarburst amine type materials () CuPc (3) PEDT * n * * 3 - (H+ ) * m 분자간오비탈중첩이용이한구조 Br Br. + bcl 6 - Br R' R R -TATA R' Cu PEDT/P TBPAH α-6t CuPc 8 [ 8 ]

9 Hole Transport Materials Hodogaya, LG Chem., CPK, Merk, 정공운반, 전자를발광층에속박. - Unipolar, Click, high to hole edit mobility. Master text styles - 높은 LUM level - 열안정성, 높은유리전이온도. econd 방향족아민기를포함 level (1) Third Biphenyl diamine level diamine derivatives () tarburst type materials (3) piro type materials Me Me 포함, 열안정성확보를위하여구조다양화 PB PPD Me Me Me Me Me Me TPAC BFA-1T TPTE 9 [ 9 ]

10 Electron-transport Materials LG Chem., Kodak, Chisso, Merk, Toray, Idemistu, 전자운반. - High Click Electron to Mobility edit Master text styles - Electrochemical tability Electron Withdrawing Group을포함한구조, 또는 Complex Electron Withdrawing Group econd level (1) e-withdrawing moiety () Metal-rganic Complex () Metal (3) Third ilole Derivatives level (4) e-deficient center Fifth Me C 6 H 13 level C 6 H 13 Me spiro-pbd B TPBI BMB-3T B F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Me Me F PF-6P PyPyPyPy CT 10 [ 10 ]

11 Red Fluorescent Materials Idemitsu, Kodak, Toyo, Toray, - Highly polar - pi-conjugated ; low luminance efficiency - Aggregation Click in to solid edit state Master text styles - Low doping concentration - 넓은발광대역특성 econd 아민 unit 도입, 치환기의 level 치환기의자유도를최소화, active 탄소보호, deep trap formation 이용. (1) Pyran-based compounds () Perylene derivatives Dicyano naphthalene compounds (3) Dicyano Me C C R R' DCJTB Rubrene C C Me B AAAP (PPA)(PA)Pe-1 11 [ 11 ]

12 Green Fluorescent Materials Idemitsu, Gracel, LG Chem., FC, Kodak, Toyo,, - Less polar than red emitting material - on-planar structure with heteroatom - Aggregation Click in to solid edit state Master text styles 아민 unit 도입, bulky 한치환기이용, active 탄소보호 (1) econd Coumarin level Coumarin-based compounds () Quinacridone-based compounds (3) Polyarene materials C 4 H 9 Me C H 5 R' C545T C H 5 R R Quinacridone 1 [ 1 ]

13 - omatic non-planar structure - Wide bandgap ( 3.0 ev) - Thermal Click stability to : edit high T g Master text styles anthracene 골격및 distyryl econd level () Distyrylarylene (3) Third Polyphenyl level R R n R R Blue Fluorescent Materials - High PL efficiency of host distyryl arylene 이용, 많은 aromatic ring. (1) Anthracene-based compounds Distyrylarylene-based compounds Polyphenyl / aromatic compounds (4) Metal-organic complexes DA Idemitsu, Kodak, Gracel, FC, LG Chem., Toray, Cannon, Mitsui, Merk, Me DA-amine Me R DA/mAD/TBAD TBPe Y X PAQ DPAQ spiro-oligo(phenylene) 13 [ 13 ]

14 Phosphorescent Complexes UDC, FC, Cannon, Idemitsu, C, BAF, Konica, Pt Click to edit Master text styles econd PtEP btp level (acac) Fifth bon (acac) level (650nm) (586nm) (616nm) Et (C 6 ) (acac) (585nm) αbsn (acac) (60nm) bt (acac) (557nm) pq (acac) (597nm) dp (acac) (550nm) βbsn (acac) (594nm) bzq (acac) (548nm) bttp (acac) (593nm) bo (acac) (55nm) op (acac) (50nm) ppy (acac) (516nm) tpy (acac) (51nm) F F F (acac) (490nm) F F F (pic) (470nm) M.E.Thompson et al J.Am.Chem.oc., 001, 13, [ 14 ]

15 Material Design Consideration Functionality : mobility, match with other material, polarity, econd level Thermal stability Electrochemical stability ynthesis Purification Mass production color purity, oscillation strength, 15 [ 15 ]

16 LED Trend & Material Requirements PMLED : brighter, bigger panel power consumption High luminance, low operating voltage, long lifetime econd level AM LED : small size panel high resolution - color purity, high efficiency, long lifetime large size panel - patterning white, LITI, wet process 16 [ 16 ]

17 R, G, B 독립발광방식 econd level Red Green Blue Metal 전극 전자수송층 발광층정공수송층 IT 투명전극 효율이높으나대형화를위해서는패터닝문제를해결하여야함. 17 [ 17 ]

18 Color converting method : Idemitsu econd level Metal 전극전자수송층 Blue 발광층 정공발광층투명전극 색변환층 Red Green Blue 에너지가가장큰 blue emission 을 green, red 발광물질의여기에너지로사용. 수명이가장떨어지는청색 LED 를이용해야하는문제. [ 18 ] 18

19 White LED w/ color filter econd level Metal 전극전자수송층 White 발광층 정공수송층 IT 투명전극 Color Filter Red Green Blue WLED spectrum 의일부분만사용하므로, 효율이떨어지나대형화에는유리. [ 19 ] 19

20 Ink Jet 법 econd level Ink-Jet & Laser 전사법 (LITI) Laser 전사법 ubstrate Laser Beam Donor Film 용액형태재료사용 용액 / 박막형태재료사용 열증착방식대비효율수명등소자의특성이상당히떨어지는문제를해결해야함. [ 0 ] 0

21 Click 강화되고 to edit 있음. Master text styles econd level Issues on LED Business IP : Idemitsu, Kodak, UDC 등시장초기참여기업들의특허공세가 매우넓은범위의특허이며, 물질뿐아니라다양한응용방법까지도특허를걸고있음. 향후전반적인 rganic Electronics를포괄할가능성 R&D : LCD 와의경쟁을이겨낼만한기술혁신속도와범위 Market Trends : LED 산업은향후어떤방향으로진행될것인가? 우리는어떤준비를하고있나? [ 1 ] 1

22 econd level Thank you! [ ]


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유기 발광 다이오드의 전하주입 효율 향상을 통한 발광효율 향상 연구 - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - 그림차례 - vii - - viii - - 1 - 5). - 2 - - 3 - 유기발광다이오드 ( 고분자또는저분자 ) 무기발광다이오드 (p-n junction LED) - + cathode ETL EML HTL HIL anode 발광 두께 : 100 ~ 200 nm 양극 ( 투명전극,

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