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6 주차. Classification and division essays

6 주차. Classification and division essays

Lesson contents Classification and Division Essays - Categories for division - Suitable topics for division - Methods of division - Classification by rating or ranking to a standard - Suitable topics for classification

Lesson objectives Understanding categories for division Dividing items into separate categories Writing a division essay Classifying items by rating or ranking to a standard Writing a classification essay

Mission Write a classification or division essay about a category of food or drink.

6 주차. Classification and division essays

Division Essays

1 Division separates items into categories. Division separates items into categories. Complex subjects are easier understood when broken down into smaller groups. A complicated discipline like medicine is divided into specialties -- hematology, psychiatry, and neurology. Scientists organize rocks by the way they were formed: sedimentary and volcanic.

1 Division separates items into categories. College students can be separated by major, birthplace, or gender. Pollution can be easier to analyze by dividing environmental hazards by type -- biological, chemical, radioactive -- or by source -- sewage, ground run-off, or automobile exhaust.

1 Division separates items into categories. In studying the homeless population, you might discover that the people you meet in shelters fall into one of three distinct groups -- alcoholics, mental patients, and battered women. To address the problems of the homeless, it s necessary to appreciate the needs of each group.

2 Your categories should be as distinct as possible. In writing a division essay, it is important to develop appropriate categories. In creating categories, remember that your goal is to make your subject easier to understand and work with.

3 Categories should be meaningful. One might write a meaningful essay about Korean presidents and divide them by their politics, their attitudes toward the reunification of the two Koreas, or their religious convictions. But dividing presidents by their blood types, their pets, or their nicknames serves little purpose.

3 Categories should be meaningful. Can you think of some topics that would be good for a division essay? Let s look at some examples together.

4 Example topics for division essays the ways people cope with bad news types of housing the ways students prepare for exams kinds of investment plans ways of rearing children types of sitcoms/soap operas/movies

4 Example topics for division essays methods of losing weight/exercising kinds of computer systems types of vacation spots kinds of athletic shoes

5 Developing a topic for writing division can be made easier by considering your paper to be a series of descriptions or definitions. 1 Narrow your topic. 2 List sub-topics on a page or computer screen in columns.

5 Developing a topic for writing division can be made easier by considering your paper to be a series of descriptions or definitions. 3 4 List ideas under each sub-topic. If you develop too many subtopics, consider narrowing the general topic.

6 Write a strong thesis statement that announces the topic and explains the method of division. EX People cope with loss in four common ways: anger, depression, denial, and compensation. Children develop personal values from three major influences: parents, peers, and teachers.

7 Avoid oversimplifying and qualify your remarks. Stating the number of subtopics can help readers recall major points. To avoid oversimplifying your subject, qualify your remarks and point out possible exceptions.

7 Avoid oversimplifying and qualify your remarks. EX Most people deal with loss in three ways. In most instances investigators use one of four methods to detect fraud.


Imagine you are going to write a division essay about jobs that people can apply for. Brainstorm for your essay by filling in the chart below with some of your ideas. The second category has been started for you. Food Industry Retail Industry Entertainment Industry Transportation Industry department stores music stores

To test your understanding of logical organization, order the following sentences from 1-3 to make a logical paragraph. 1. 2. 3. But many more are shopping for inexpensive recreation. The teenagers, the dating couples, and the nuclear families all find cheap entertainment at the mall. Sure, some people visit the mall in a brief, businesslike way, just to pick up a specific purchase or two.

번역 1. 2. 3. 그러나많은사람들이비싸지않은레크리에이션을위해쇼핑을합니다. 십대들, 데이트하는커플, 그리고핵가족들은모두쇼핑몰에서저렴한오락거리를찾습니다. 물론몇몇사람들은단지특정한물건을한두개사기위해업무차쇼핑몰을잠깐들리기도합니다.

Write a topic sentence for each paragraph. 1) The young lovers are easy to spot because they walk hand in hand, stopping to sneak a quick kiss after every few steps. They first pause at a jewelry store window so that they can gaze at diamond engagement rings and gold wedding bands. Then, they wander into furniture departments in the large mall stores. Finally, they drift away, their arms wrapped around each other's waist.

Write a topic sentence for each paragraph. 2) Hearing the music of the antique carousel housed there, Jenny begs to ride her favorite pony with its shining golden mane. Shouting "I'm starving!, Fred Jr. drags the family toward the food court, where he detects the seductive scent of pizza. Mom walks through a fabric store, running her hand over the soft velvets and slippery silks. Meanwhile, Dad has wandered into an electronics store and is admiring the sound system he'd love to buy someday. The mall provides something special for every member of the family.

변역 1) 젊은연인들은손을잡고다니기때문에눈에쉽게띄며, 몇발자국씩걸을때마다몰래갑작스러운키스를하려고걸음을멈춘다. 그들이처음으로걸음을멈추는곳은다이아몬드약혼반지나결혼금반지를보기위한귀금속매장창가앞이다. 다음은좀더큰매장들이있는곳으로가서가구매장을둘러본다. 서로의허리를감싸고마침내그곳을떠난다.

변역 2) 그곳에있는낡은회전목마의음악소리를들은제니는자기가좋아하는빛나는금빛털이있는회전목마를타고싶다고조른다. 프레드주니어는후드코트에서나는향긋한피자냄새를맡고는 나배고파죽겠어요! 라고소리지르며가족들을그곳으로끌고간다. 엄마는의류상점에들어가부드러운벨벳과매끄러운실크제품을손으로만져본다. 그러는사이아빠는전자제품상점을둘러보며언젠가꼭사고싶은음향시스템에매료되어있다. 쇼핑몰은가족모두를위한뭔가특별한것들을마련해놓고있다.

6 주차. Classification and division essays

Classification Essays

1 Classification Essays Classification essays rank groups according to a common standard. Classification essays, like division essays, break a topic into subtopics -- with a difference. Instead of simply dividing a topic into groups, a classification essay rates or ranks the groups according to a common standard.

1 Classification Essays Classification essays rank groups according to a common standard. Homicide, for instance, is classified as first, second, and third degree murder according to circumstances and intent. Burns are classified as first, second, or third degree depending on tissue damage.

1 Classification Essays Classification essays rank groups according to a common standard. You will study classification in psychology, anatomy, biology, business, and economics. It is a convenient way to organize data and simplify complex decisions. Insurance companies base rates on codes, classifying businesses according to their chance of experiencing a loss. Stockbrokers classify investments from a low to a high risk.

1 Classification Essays Classification essays rank groups according to a common standard. The method of measurement must be clearly stated. Each category must be measured against the same standard: price, quality, durability, time, quantity, and so on. Don't mix standards. Keep categories uniform. If you are rating personal incomes or prices, maintain uniform increments -- 20,000-30,000; 30,000-40,000; etc.

1 Classification Essays 1 Topics for classification essays rate cars by quality, ease of repair, or price rate best to worst bosses, students, or customers you have encountered evaluate the best to worst methods of disciplining a child rate local daycare options by price

1 Classification Essays 1 Topics for classification essays classify local apartments by size, price, or age rate best to worst computer search engines rate stores from best to worst in service rate airlines from best to worst based on your personal experience

1 Classification Essays 2 Developing a classification paper is a two step process Choose a subject Select and define a clear method or standard of evaluation

2 An explanation of your role and purpose 1 Methods of classification EX The quality of airlines can be classified by their on-time record and their response to customer complaints. Talk shows can be classified by their choice of topics and the host's attitude.

2 An explanation of your role and purpose 1 Methods of classification To keep your ideas straight and develop a clear outline, use a chart to guide your first draft. Here is a great example.

2 An explanation of your role and purpose 1 Methods of classification BEST TALK SHOWS Socially meaningful topics -- child custody, clean energy, health care Expert guests -- professors, authors, researchers Thought provoking host -- seeks to summarize/explain complex ideas for a general audience

2 An explanation of your role and purpose 1 Methods of classification AVERAGE TALK SHOWS Entertaining topics -- celebrity divorces, fashion, fad diets Celebrity guests -- movie stars, comics, singers Entertaining host -- seeks to entertain by showcasing talent and interviewing for gossip rather than insight

2 An explanation of your role and purpose 1 Methods of classification WORST TALK SHOWS Controversial topics -- drugs, cults, gangs Dysfunctional guests -- criminals, social misfits, rebels Confrontational host -- seeks to lure guests into fights, arguments, confrontations to excite audience

2 An explanation of your role and purpose 1 Methods of classification Now that we ve seen how to classify topics, let s think about the introduction to your essay, which is probably the most important part. Remember that if your introduction is not strong, the reader will not continue reading. It should be interesting, but at the same time, very clear.

3 Classification essays rank groups according to a common standard 1 Open your paper with an explanation of your role and purpose. EX Having worked in the restaurant business for six years, I can classify most customers in one of three categories of tippers (generous, fair, or cheap tipper).

3 Classification essays rank groups according to a common standard 1 Open your paper with an explanation of your role and purpose. If you are establishing a personal method of evaluation, state it clearly at the outset of the essay. Explain what the classification method is based on.

3 Classification essays rank groups according to a common standard 1 Open your paper with an explanation of your role and purpose. There are three two four several kinds groups types classes of. Example : There are three kinds of energy: wind, hydraulic, and solar.

3 Classification essays rank groups according to a common standard 1 Open your paper with an explanation of your role and purpose. I can divide classify into three group categorize parts: groups:. types: kinds: Example: I can divide my computer games into three groups: action, simulation, and strategy.

3 Classification essays rank groups according to a common standard 1 Open your paper with an explanation of your role and purpose. can be divided classified into grouped categorized three parts: two groups:. three types: several kinds: Example: News articles can be divided into three types: local, national, and international.


Brainstorm some ideas for topics you might have to classify for each of the following classes. Situation Topic for classification Political science class Chemistry class Business class

Read the introductory paragraph of this essay about friends. The topic sentence is missing. Read the paragraph and then write an appropriate topic sentence. Ever since I was a child, my mother raised me to recognize and appreciate various kinds of friends.. We encounter each of them every day, whether in school, home, or at the gym. However, we rarely spend much time actually thinking about and classifying these people. First, there are the "pest friends or general acquaintances. Next, there are "guest friends" or social partners. Lastly, we have "best friends," which are our true friends.

Reread the introductory paragraph to the essay about friends. Then write the first logical supporting paragraph. Ever since I was a child, my mother raised me to recognize and appreciate various kinds of friends. I classify them according to how well I know them and how well they know me. We encounter each of them every day, whether in school, home, or at the gym. However, we rarely spend much time actually thinking about and classifying these people. First, there are the "pest friends or general acquaintances. Next, there are "guest friends" or social partners. Lastly, we have "best friends," which are our true friends.

Reread the introductory paragraph to the essay about friends. Then write the first logical supporting paragraph.

번역 첫번째유형의친구는단지알고지내는사람입니다. 이것은당신이기본적으로단지그들의이름만을안다는것을의미합니다. 만약당신이짧은기간동안휴가를가기위해떠나있다면당신은그들의외모를기억하지못할수도있습니다. 보통당신은이런유형의사람들을학교에서, 직장에서, 버스에서, 체육관에서, 또는당신이있게되는기타다른곳에서만나게됩니다. 당신은보통그들과커피한잔하는것을싫어하지않을것입니다. 그러나어떤일이발생하면당신은어려움없이헤어질수없습니다. 당신은보통그들이다른곳에있으면그들을그리워하지않습니다. 이런유형의사람들이당신에게화나게하는일을가장많이할수있습니다.

번역 대부분당신은학교또는직장처럼당신이친절하게행동해야하는장소에있기때문에당신은보통그가또는그녀가손가락으로탁자를부딪쳐소리를내거나큰소리로껌을씹는것과같은화나게하는행동을할때그사람에게말하지않을것입니다. 이러한이유때문에나는그들을 성가신친구 라고부릅니다.

6 주차. Classification and division essays

Write a classification or division essay about a category of food or drink. After you decide on your topic, you will need to think of different types. Then write an essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

1 Paragraph writing People all over the world have been drinking beer for centuries, and it has had plenty of time to evolve into many different types. All of the various flavors, body, and colors of the many styles of beer generally fall under two classifications, either lager or ale. Together, these two classes of beer collectively make up thousands of different varieties of beer.

1 Paragraph writing The two different categories of beer differ in the type of yeast used to brew them and the temperature at which they are brewed. Beer that is classified as lager uses special yeast that ferments best at cooler temperatures. Beer classified as ale uses another type of yeast that ferments best at warmer temperatures. Both lagers and ales contain hops, malted barley, yeast and water.

1 Paragraph writing There are four types of beer that fall under the lager category: American style pale lager, pilsner, light lager and dark lager. Pale lager usually contains more carbonation than the other types of beer. It tends to be light in color as well as in body. The most popular brands of beer in the United States, such as Coors and Budweiser, are examples of a pale lager.

1 Paragraph writing Pilsner is another type of lager that is pale in color. However, pilsners tend to have more distinct flavors and are often more bitter than American style pale lager. In the U.S., light lager beer has less barley, which reduces the caloric content of the beer. Light beer also has a slightly lower alcohol concentration than regular beers.

1 Paragraph writing In Europe, a light lager is a beer that is light in color rather than calories. Dark lagers are made with roasted barley and hops, and therefore have richer flavor, a very dark color and a fullbodied taste.

1 Paragraph writing The main types of beer are referred to as ales include brown ale, porter and stout. Brown ale is usually red or copper colored rather than brown. It has a milder flavor than the other types of ale beer.

1 Paragraph writing Porters are darker and more full-bodied. Porters usually have a more noticeable barley flavor that is reminiscent of chocolate, along with a mild hop flavor. Stouts are the darkest type of beer, almost black in color. They are thick and taste strongly of barley and hops.

1 Paragraph writing Within these two broad categories, several thousand unique types of beer can be created through different combinations of ingredients and added flavors. Fruit, vegetables, spices and so on are added to both lagers and ales to create beer with flavors like cherry wheat and pumpkin spice, for example. The variety in these creative brews is enough to satisfy any drinker.

1 번역 전세계사람들이수세기동안맥주를마셔왔습니다. 그리고맥주는많은시간을거치면서많은다른유형으로발전되었습니다. 많은종류의맥주가가지고있는다양한맛, 농도, 그리고색깔은일반적으로라거맥주아니면에일맥주두가지유형으로분류됩니다. 이두가지종류의맥주는함께수천개의다양한맥주를만들어냅니다.

1 번역 두가지서로다른유형의맥주는맥주를양조하기위해사용되는효모의유형과맥주가양조되는온도에있어서다릅니다. 라거로분류되는맥주는시원한온도에서가장잘발효되는특별한효모를사용합니다. 에일맥주는따뜻한온도에서가장잘발효되는다른형태의효모를사용합니다. 라거맥주와에일맥주모두홉, 보리로만든엿기름, 효모, 누룩, 그리고물을함유하고있습니다.

1 번역 기본적으로라거맥주로분류되는 4 가지유형의맥주가있습니다. 아메리칸스타일페일라거, 필스너, 라이트라거, 그리고다크라거입니다. 페일라거는다른유형의맥주보다일반적으로더많은탄산을내포하고있습니다. 이맥주는농도뿐만아니라색깔에서도더옅은경향이있습니다. 미국에서가장유명한맥주브랜드인쿠어스와버드와이저는페일라거의일종입니다.

1 번역 필스너는색깔이옅은또하나의라거유형의맥주입니다. 하지만필스너는아메리칸스타일페일라거보다더독특한맛이있으며종종더쓴맛을냅니다. 미국에서는라이트라거맥주가더적은양의홉과보리를함유하고있으며, 이것때문에맥주의칼로리함유량이줄어듭니다. 라이트맥주는보통맥주보다도알코올농도가약간더낮습니다. 유럽에서는라이트라거가칼로리보다색깔에있어서더옅습니다. 다크라거는구운보리와홉으로만들며따라서맛이더풍부하고, 색깔이아주진하고감칠맛이납니다.

1 번역 에일맥주로분류되는맥주의주된유형에는브라운에일, 포터, 그리고스타우트가들어갑니다. 브라운에일은갈색이라기보다보통붉은색이나구리색을띱니다. 이맥주는다른유형의맥주보다더순한맛을냅니다. 포터는색깔이더진하고감칠맛이납니다. 포터는부드러운홉맛과함께초콜릿을생각나게하는더두드러진보리맛을가지고있습니다. 스타우트는맥주중에서가장짙은색깔의맥주로서거의검정색깔입니다. 이맥주는맛이진하며원료인보리와홉의맛이강하게납니다.

1 번역 비록일반적으로두가지유형의맥주가있지만수천개의독특한유형의맥주가맥주를만드는재료와맥주에첨가된맛을서로다르게배합하여만들어지고있습니다. 예를들자면과일, 야채, 조미료등을라거와에일에모두첨가하여체리밀, 호박스파이스와같은맥주를만들어내고있습니다. 이러한다양한양조방법은어떤유형의맥주애호가도모두만족시킬수있습니다.

6 주차. Classification and division essays

Wrap Up Introduction 1 Provide background information about the topic to be classified. 2 3 Explain the purpose for the classification. Describe how you are going to divide the topics into groups.

Wrap Up Introduction 4 State the number and names of the groups. 5 Provide a clear thesis statement.

Wrap Up Supporting Paragraph 1 Identify and describe one group in each supporting paragraph. 2 Explain the common characteristics of the members of each group.

Wrap Up Conclusion 1 Restate the method of classification. 2 Summarize the groups.