Lesson1. Let s Go Green Shopping [ 실용영어 R&W 능률 ] 학습포인트 1. 1 과의핵심어법익히기 2. Writing Practice [ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] At first, I didn t know what it was. I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess what I found! I was surprised by how many ways there are to be a green shopper. 간접의문문 : 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 특징 : 두문장의결합으로의문문이있는문장이 ( ) 자리에들어간다. [ 분석해보기 ] (1) At first, I didn t know what it was. At first, I didn t know+ What was it? (2) I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess what I found! I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess + What did I find? (3) I was surprised by how many ways there are to be a green shopper. I was surprised by + How many ways are there to be a green shopper.? [Study Further] 1. 의문사가없는간접의문문 I wonder + He likes me. 의문사가없을때 : 2. think, consider, guess 등의동사일때 Do you think? + How old is she? 1
[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~ 라는점을감안할때, 고려할때 Considering 시제 : Had+ p.p. ( 대과거 )- 과거보다이전에일어났을때 I had met her before she knew me. After he had finished the work, he went home. [ 구문해석 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. [ 생략된요소 ] (1) 접속사뒤의 ( ) 는생략가능 (2) 접속사 that 이목적어자리에올때생략가능 (3) 관계대명사가 ( ) 일때생략가능 [Basic Drills] 다음문장에서생략된것을쓰면? (1) And in this little box, I finally found my new cellphone case, wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic. (2) So I went online, and while looking for ways to avoid wasteful packaging, I discovered Green Shopping. (3) Here are ads I found from eco-friendly companies that provide creative ways to shop green. 2
[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Buying products that help conserve precious resources, save on energy use, and prevent unnecessary waste. Most importantly, shopping with a reusable bag helps reduce the number of paper and plastic bags that use up precious natural resources. 준사역동사 help (1) 3 형식 : He helped study English. 목적어자리에올수있는형태 : (2) 5 형식 : He helped her study English. [Basic Drills] 해석해보기 1. Buying products that help conserve precious resources, save on energy use, and prevent unnecessary waste. 2. Most importantly, shopping with a reusable bag helps reduce the number of paper and plastic bags that use up precious natural resources. 3
[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] You will be amazed by the creative designs of our recycled products, such as pencils and bags made from 100% recycled newspaper. [ 수동태가만들어지기위한조건 ] ~ 목적어가있어야한다. [ 조동사가있는수동태 ] 조동사 + be + p.p. [ 수동태연습하기 ] He will buy the camera for me. 수동태로바꾸면? I will give you a book. 수동태로바꾸면? (1) (2) [ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Check out our website and sell the things you aren t using anymore and help keep the Earth free from waste. 명령문 : 동사원형, and : 부정 : Don t 동사원형 / Never 동사원형 : 4
[Writing Practice] 영작에필요한요소 1. 관계대명사를이용하여영작하기 someone/ buy my used bike. I am looking for someone who want to a person/ study for the final exam with me. I am looking for someone who want to 2. ~ 하다면... 해주세요. be interested/ contact me at ssu1983@ naver.com. If you are interested, please have any questions/ use the Q&A board. If you need more information/ check out my websites. If you 3. 상황에맞게영작하기 I want to sell my cellphone because 최신형의기종을부모님께서사주셨기때문에, 휴대전화를팔고싶다. ( the latest model), so I want to sell one of my T-shirts. 나는이미비슷한종류의티셔츠를너무많이가지고있어서이중하나를팔고싶다. ( too many similar kinds of T-shirts/ already ) Since, I want to sell my computer. 새자전거를사려면돈이필요하기때문에, 내컴퓨터를판매하고싶다. ( some money, to buy a new bicycle.) [Language Help] I would like to : ~ 하고싶다. Its most distinctive feature is: 가장독특한특징은 ~ 다. Contact me at~ : ~ 로연락하세요. Phone me at~ :~ 로전화하세요. Call me at~: ~ 로전화하세요. : ~ 로메일을보내세요. 5
[Review Test] 1. 괄호안의단어를어법에맞게고쳐문장을완성하면? Robert was very (surprise) at the rumor of their marriage. My kitchen window was (break) by my sister. 2. 괄호안에서어법상올바른것을고르면? (Don t be afraid/ Not be afraid) to say that you don t know. When we received your email, we (already shopped/ had already shipped) your order. 3. 다음문장을수동태로바꾸면? Can students use the internet to write a report? We are taking care of our patients sincerely. 4. 다음문장의밑줄친부분과어법상쓰임이같은것은? I didn't know that he passed the final exam. (1) I have a box that is so big and heavy. (2) I remember that she was a very smart girl. (3) There is one thing that you should be aware of at first. (4) That is my cat. (5) It was yesterday that I met her. 점수 : 다시복습할부분 : 6