학년 학기기말_ 천재교육( 이재희외) 학년영어 범위 : 8~단원. 다음글에서설명하는탈의그림은어느것입니 까?. 다음표를보고, 대화의마지막에들어갈알맞은 말은어느것입니까? 요일월요일화요일수요일목요일금요일영어영화마술쇼한일청소농구공부감상보기 A: What day is it today? B: t's Wednesday. B: cleaned my room. played basketball. studied English. watched a movie. saw a magic show.. 다음대화를읽고, 오늘은무슨요일인지우리말 로쓰세요.. 다음대화를읽고, Mary의남동생에대한설명으 로바르지않은것은어느것입니까? Tom: Do you have a brother? Mary: Yes, do. Tom: What does he look like? Mary: He has big eyes and big ears. 귀가크다. 눈이크다. 머리가짧다. 입이작다. 키가작다. He has short hair. And he has a small mouth. Tom: s he tall? Mary: Yes, he is.. 다음대화를읽고, 음악콘서트가열리는요일은 언제입니까? A: Oh, t's eight thirty. 'm late for school. B: Don't worry. You don't have any classes today. A: What day is it today? B: t is Saturday. A: Look! We have a music concert tomorrow. B: That sounds fun. What day is it today? A: t's Thursday. 월요일 목요일 일요일 수요일 금요일 영어 학년
Lesson 0 6. 다음대화의내용과일치하는것은어느것입니 까? John: Where's my box? My apples are in the box. Ann: Your box is under the tree. John: Aha, it's here. Thank you. John 은자신의가방을찾고있다. John 의사과들은상자위에있다. John 의상자는나무아래에있다. John 의상자는가방아래에있다. John 은자신의상자를찾지못했다. Lesson 0 7. 다음그림에대한알맞은문장이되도록빈칸에 들어갈알맞은말을쓰세요. 9. 다음중어구와뜻이바르게짝지어지지않은것 은어느것입니까? make a house : 집을만들다 paint an airplane : 비행기를만들다 clean the room : 집을청소하다 play soccer : 축구하다 wash the dishes : 설거지를하다 0. 다음대화에서틀린부분을찾아바르게고쳐서 쓰세요. A: a What b are you c doing? B: d 'm e read a book.. 다음대화를읽고, John과 Jane이현재하고있 는일이바르게짝지어진것은어느것입니까? The cap is. Lesson 0 8. 다음그림을참고로, 대화의빈칸에들어갈알맞 은단어는어느것입니까? mom: John, mom is home. What are you doing? John: 'm doing my homework. mom: Good boy. What is Jane doing? John: She is washing her hands in the bathroom. John이하고있는일 Jane이하고있는일 로봇을만들고있다. 세수를하고있다. 로봇을만들고있다. 손을씻고있다. 전화를받고있다. 손을씻고있다. 숙제를하고있다세수를하고있다. 숙제를하고있다손을씻고있다.. 다음대화를읽고, 엄마가 Amy를도와주지못한 이유는무엇입니까? A: Where is the? B: t's on the sofa. bag dog box doll ball Amy: Mom, can you help me? mom: Sorry, can't. 'm washing the dishes. 청소하고있어서 설거지하고있어서 그림을그리고있어서 요리를하고있어서 강아지를목욕시키고있어서 영어 학년
. 다음 < 보기> 와관계가갖도록빈칸에들어갈 알맞은단어를쓰세요. < 보기> parents - mom, dad - Saturday, Sunday. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈알맞은말을무엇입 니까? What did you buy there? Why did you go there? What did you make? What did you see there? Did you have a good time?. 다음중밑줄친부분의표현이틀린것은어느 것입니까? B: went to the museum. A: B: saw old pictures and books there. He watched TV. cleaned my room. met my new teacher. didn't Did you play soccer yesterday. had a good weekend? 6. 다음대화를읽고, Tom이지난주말에한일을 모두고르세요. Jane: What did you do last weekend? Tom: visited my grandma on Saturday. Jane: And watched a soccer game on Sunday. 삼촌댁을방문했다. 할머니댁을방문했다. 친구집을방문했다. 축구를했다. 축구경기를보았다. 7. 다음대화의마지막에이어질알맞은말은어느 것입니까? A: How was your vacation? B: Not so good. 'm tired. 'm very happy. t was fun. was sick. had a good time. 8. 다음우리말뜻에알맞은문장이되도록빈칸에 들어갈알맞은말을쓰세요. a book 나는책을읽었다. 9. 다음대화를읽고, 두사람이이번주주말에할 일은무엇입니까? A: How was your vacation? B: t was great. played baseball. like baseball. A: Then, let s play it this weekend, too. B: Sounds good. 피아노를연주할것이다. 바이올린을연주할것이다. 농구를할것이다. 축구를할것이다. 야구를할것이다. 0. 다음표의내용과일치하지않는것은어느것 입니까? 어제 한일 Sumi Jina Emily Sunny Anna 박물관 가기 'm Sumi. went to the museum. 'm Jina. did my homework. 'm Emily. cleaned my house. 'm Sunny. went skating. 'm Anna. made a robot. 숙제청소쇼핑 로봇 만들기 영어 학년
학년 학기기말천재교육( 이재희외)_ 정답과.... 토요일. 6. 7. under the bed 8. 9. 0. e read reading... weekend.. 6., 7. 8. read 9. 0.. Look at the mask. t has a white face. ( 탈을봐. 그것은얼굴이하얘.) t has a big nose. ( 그것은코가커.) There are three red circles on the face. ( 얼굴에는세개의빨간색동그라미가있어.) 하얀색얼굴에코가크고, 얼굴에빨간색동그라미 가 개있는탈은 입니다.. Tom: Do you have a brother? ( 너는남동생이있니?) Mary: Yes, do. ( 응, 그래.) Tom: What does he look like? ( 그는어떻게생겼니?) Mary: He has big eyes and big ears. ( 그는눈이크고귀가커.) He has short hair. ( 그는머리가짧아.) And he has a small mouth. ( 그리고그는입이작아.) Tom: s he tall? Mary: Yes, he is. ( 그는키가크니?) ( 응, 그래.) Tom이 Mary 에게남동생의키가큰지를물었는데, Mary 가긍정의대답을했으므로, 는키가크다. 가 되어야합니다. Lesson 9. B: t's Wednesday. ( 수요일이야.) ( 너는어제무엇을했니?) B: played basketball. ( 나는농구를했어.) cleaned my room. ( 나는내방을청소했어.) played basketball. ( 나는농구를했어.) studied English. ( 나는영어를공부했어.) watched a movie. ( 나는영화를봤어.) saw a magic show. ( 나는마술쇼를봤어.) 오늘은수요일인데, 어제한일을물었으므로, 화요 일에한일로답해야합니다.. A: Oh, t's eight thirty. 'm late for school. ( 오, 8시 0 분이에요. 저는학교에늦었어요.) B: Don't worry. You don't have any classes today. ( 걱정하지마. 너는오늘수업이없어.) A: What day is it today? ( 오늘은무슨요일이에요?) B: t is Saturday. ( 토요일이야.) What day is it today? 라는물음에 t is Saturday. 로 답했으므로오늘이 토요일 이라는것을알수있습 니다.. A: Look! We have a music concert tomorrow. ( 봐! 우리는내일음악콘서트가있어.) B: That sounds fun. What day is it today? ( 재밌겠다. 오늘은무슨요일이니?) A: t's Thursday. ( 목요일이야.) 오늘은목요일인데, 음악콘서트는내일열리므로, 음악콘서트는금요일에열린다는것을알수있습 니다. A: What day is it today? ( 오늘은무슨요일이니?) 영어 학년
Lesson 0 6. John: Where's my box? My apples are in the box. ( 내사과들이상자안에있어.) Ann: Your box is under the tree. ( 네상자는나무아래에있어.) John: Aha, it's here. Thank you. ( 내상자는어디에있지?) ( 아하, 그것은여기에있구나. 고마워.) John 의상자를찾고있는데, 상자는나무아래에있 고, 상자안에는 John 의사과가들어있습니다. 그리 고 니다. John은자신의상자를찾고고맙다는말을했습 Lesson 0 7. The cap is under the bed. ( 모자는침대아래에있다.) 그림에서모자는침대아래에있으므로, under the bed 가들어가야합니다. Lesson 0 8. A: Where is the bag? ( 가방은어디에있니?) B: t's on the sofa. ( 그것은소파위에있어.) bag doll ( 가방) dog ( 개) ( 인형) ball ( 공) 빈칸에는 box ( 상자) 그림에서소파위에있는것은가방이므로, 빈칸에 는 bag ( 가방) 이들어가야합니다. 9. make a house : 집을만들다 paint an airplane : 비행기를 clean the room : 집을청소하다 play soccer : 축구하다 wash the dishes : 설거지를하다 색칠하다 0. A: a What b are you c doing? ( 너는무엇을하고있니?) B: d 'm e reading a book. ( 나는책을읽고있어.) 대화는현재진행형시제이므로, e는 read가아닌 reading 으로바꾸어야합니다.. mom: John, mom is home. (John, 엄마집에왔다.) What are you doing? John: 'm doing my homework. ( 저는숙제를하고있어요.) mom: Good boy! What is Jane doing? ( 너는뭘하고있니?) ( 착하구나! Jane 은무엇을하고있니?) John: She is washing her hands in the bathroom. ( 그녀는화장실에서손을씻고있 어요.) John의말 'm doing my homework. 와 She is washing her hands in the bathroom. 에서 John은 숙제를하고있고, Jane은화장실에서손을씻고있 다는것을알수있습니다.. Amy: Mom, can you help me? ( 엄마, 도와주실래요?) mom: Sorry, can't. 'm washing the dishes. 엄마의말 ( 미안하지만, 할수없어. 나는설거지를하 고있거든.) 'm washing the dishes. 에서엄마가설 거지를해서도와줄수없다는것을알수있습니 다. 의 paint an airplane 은 비행기를색칠하다 라는 의미입니다. 영어 학년
. < 보기> parents - mom, dad ( 부모님 - 엄마, 아빠) weekend - Saturday, Sunday ( 주말 - 토요일, 일요일) 토요일과일요일을합쳐서표현하는단어는 weekend ( 주말) 입니다.. ( 너는어제무엇을했니?) B: went to the museum. ( 나는박물관에갔었어.) A: What did you see there? ( 너는그곳에서무엇을봤니?) B: saw old pictures and books there. ( 나는그곳에서오래된그림들과책들을봤어.) What did you buy there? ( 너는그곳에서무엇을샀니?) Why did you go there? ( 너는그곳에왜갔니?) What did you make? ( 너는그것을왜만들었니?) What did you see there? Did you have a good time? 빈칸의말에대한대답으로, B가자신이그곳에서 본것들에대해말했으므로, A는 B에게그곳에서무 엇을보았는지에대해물었을것입니다.. He watched TV. ( 그는 TV 를봤어.) cleaned my room. ( 나는나의방을청소했어.) met my new teacher. ( 나는나의새로운선생님을만났어.) didn't play soccer yesterday. ( 나는어제축구를하지않았어.) Did you had a good weekend? (X) Did you have a good weekend? ( 너는주말에좋은시간을보냈니?) 상대방이과거에 ~ 을했는지를확인하는말은 Did you 동작을나타내는단어의원형 ~? 으로표현합니 다. 6. Jane: What did you do last weekend? ( 너는지난주말에무엇을했니?) Tom: visited my grandma on Saturday. ( 나는토요일에나의할머니댁을방문했어.) Jane: And watched a soccer game on Sunday. ( 그리고나는일요일에축구경기를 봤어.) Tom 은토요일에는할머니댁을방문했고, 일요일에 는축구경기를보았습니다. 7. A: How was your vacation? ( 네방학은어땠니?) B: Not so good. was sick. ( 그리좋지않았어. 나는아팠어.) 'm tired. ( 나는피곤해.) 'm very happy. ( 나는매우행복해.) t was fun. ( 재미있었어.) was sick. ( 나는아팠어.) had a good time. ( 나는즐거운시간을보냈어.) 방학이어땠는지를묻는 A의말에 B가좋지않았다 고했으므로, 과거에좋지않았던이유와관련된문 장이이어지는것이자연스럽습니다. 8. read a book ( 나는책을읽었다.) 읽다 라는뜻의단어인 read의과거형은 read 입니다. 6 영어 학년
9. A: How was your vacation? ( 네주말은어땠니?) B: t was great. ( 아주좋았어.) played baseball. like baseball. ( 나는야구를했어. 나는야구를좋아해.) A: Then, let s play it this weekend, too. ( 그러면이번주에도그것을하자.) B: Sounds good. ( 좋아.) B 가방학에야구를해서즐거웠다는이야기를하자, A 가주말에야구를하자고제안하는말을했습니다. 0. 'm Sumi. went to the museum yesterday. ( 나는 Sumi 야. 나는어제박물관에갔었어.) 'm Jina. did my homework yesterday. ( 나는 Jina 야. 나는어제숙제를했어.) 'm Emily. cleaned my house yesterday. ( 나는 Emily 야. 나는어제집을청소했어.) 'm Sunny. went skating yesterday. ( 나는 Sunny 야. 나는어제스케이트타러갔었 어.) 'm Anna. made a robot yesterday. ( 나는 Anna 야. 나는어제로봇을만들었어.) Sunny 는어제쇼핑을했으므로, 는 went shopping yesterday. 라고표현해야합니다. 7 영어 학년