회장 : 한원용 ( 천문연, , 부회장 : 김용기 ( 충북대, , 박재우 (ETRI, , 최기혁 (

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ISSN 1598-5601 한국우주과학회보 Bulletin of The Korean Space Science Society 제 26 권 1 호 2017 년 4 월 사단법인 한국우주과학회 The Korean Space Science Society

회장 : 한원용 ( 천문연, 042-865-3219, whan@kasi.re.kr) 부회장 : 김용기 ( 충북대, 043-261-3202, ykkim153@chungbuk.ac.kr) 박재우 (ETRI, 042-860-5634, pjw@etri.re.kr) 최기혁 ( 항우연, 042-860-2217, gchoi@kari.re.kr) 총무이사 : 최영준 ( 천문연,042-865-3266, yjchoi@kasi.re.kr) 학술이사 : 이유 ( 충남대, 042-821-5468, euyiyu@cnu.ac.kr) 재무이사 : 이병선 (ETRI, 042-860-4903, lbs@etri.re.kr) 이사경재만 ( 천문연, 042-865-3253, jman@kasi.re.kr) 곽영실 ( 천문연, 042-865-2039, yskwak@kasi.re.kr) 김영수 ( 천문연, 042-865-3247, ykim@kasi.re.kr) 김용하 ( 충남대, 042-821-5467, yhkim@cnu.ac.kr) 김호일 ( 천문연, 042-865-3254, hikim@kasi.re.kr) 문홍규 ( 천문연, 042-865-3251, fullmoon@kasi.re.kr) 박상영 ( 연세대, 02-2123-5687, spark@galaxy.yonsei.ac.kr) 박장현 ( 천문연, 042-865-3222, jhpark@kasi.re.kr) 심은섭 ( 항우연, 042-860-2470, esim@kari.re.kr) 유광선 ( 과기원, 042-350-8619, kwangsun@kaist.ac.kr) 윤태석 ( 경북대, 053-950-6365, yoonts@knu.ac.kr) 이대영 ( 충북대, 043-261-2316, dylee@chungbuk.ac.kr) 이동훈 ( 경희대, 031-201-2449 dhlee@khu.ac.kr) 이재우 ( 천문연, 042-865-3264, jwlee@kasi.re.kr) 조경석 ( 천문연, 042-865-3257, kscho@kasi.re.kr) 조중현 ( 천문연, 042-865-3238, jhjo39@kasi.re.kr) 지건화 ( 극지연, 032-760-5306 ghjee@kopri.re.kr 진호 ( 경희대, 031-201-3865, benho@khu.ac.kr) 감사강영운 ( 세종대, 02-3408-3234, kangyw@sejong.ac.kr) 양종만 ( 이화여대, 02-3277-2330, jyang@ewha.ac.kr) 편집위원회위원장이유 ( 충남대, 042-821-5468, euyiyu@cnu.ac.kr) 부위원장이은상 ( 경희대, 031-201-2047, eslee@khu.ac.kr) 편집실장김숙경 ( 학회, 042-865-3351, cosmos@ksss.or.kr) 위원김방엽 ( 항우연, 042-860-2144, kby@kari.re.kr) 나자경 ( 천문연, 042-865-2055, jknah@kasi.re.kr) 박찬덕 ( 연세대, 02-2123-5692, park.chandeok@yonsei.ac.kr) 이기원 ( 가톨릭대, 053-850-2573, leekw@cu.ac.kr) 이대희 ( 천문연, 042-865-3370, dhlee@kasi.re.kr) 이병선 (ETRI, 042-860-4903, lbs@etri.re.kr) 이수창 ( 충남대, 042-821-5470, screy@cnu.ac.kr) 이재진 ( 천문연, 042-865-3248, jjlee@kasi.re.kr) 이주희 ( 항우연, 042-860-2378, jhl@kari.re.kr) 지건화 ( 극지연, 032-260-6132, ghjee@kopri.re.kr) 최영준 ( 천문연, 042-865-3266, yjchoi@kasi.re.kr) Chung Yue Hui (Chungnam National University, Daejeon Korea) Xinlin Li (University of Colorado, Boulder USA) Tapas Kumar Das (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Calcutta India) Edward F. Guinan (Villanova University, Pennsylvania USA) Boonrucksar Soonthornthum (Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai Thailand) Paul A. Evenson (University of Delaware, Newark USA) David Ruffolo (Mahidol University, Bangkok Thailand) Jeongwoo Lee (New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark USA) Eunhwa Kim (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton USA) Ivan L. Andronov (Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine) Lee-Anne Mckinnell (South African National Space Agency, South Africa) Lin-Ni Hau (National Central Univeristy, Taiwan (R.O.C.)) Vitaly P. Kim (Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN), Russia) Jiuhou Lei (University of Science and Technology of China, China) Charles Lin (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (R.O.C.)) Huixin Liu (Kyushu University, Japan) Valery Nakariakov (University of Warwick, United Kingdom) Yuichi Otsuka (Nagoya, University) Ilya Usoskin (University of Oulu, Finland) Chao Xiong (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany) Sungpil Yoon (NOAA, NOS, MD USA) 포상위원회위원장김용기 ( 충북대, 043-261-3202, ykkim153@chungbuk.ac.kr) 위원최영준 ( 천문연,042-865-3266, yjchoi@kasi.re.kr) 윤태석 ( 경북대, 053-950-6365, yoonts@knu.ac.kr) 이유 ( 충남대, 042-821-5468, euyiyu@cnu.ac.kr)) 손영종 ( 연세대, 02-2123-5688, sohnyj@yonsei.ac.kr) 학술대회준비위원회위원장이대영 ( 충북대, 043-261-2316, dylee@chungbuk.ac.kr) 위원김록순 ( 천문연, 042-865-2018, rskim@kasi.re.kr) 변용익 ( 연세대, 02-2123-2693, ybyun@yonsei.ac.kr) 이재우 ( 천문연, 042-865-3264, jwlee@kasi.re.kr) 이주희 ( 항우연, 042-860-2378, jhl@kari.re.kr) 지건화 ( 극지연, 032-760-5306 ghjee@kopri.re.kr 진호 ( 경희대, 031-201-3865, benho@khu.ac.kr) 사무국사무과장 : 고미희 ( 학회, 042-865-3391, ksss@ksss.or.kr) 사단법인한국우주과학회 34055 대전광역시유성구대덕대로 776 한국천문연구원내 Tel: (042) 865-3391 Fax: (042) 865-3392 Homepage: http://ksss.or.kr E-mail: ksss@ksss.or.kr 이발표논문집은 2017 년도정부재원 ( 과학기술진흥기금및복권기금 ) 으로한국과학기술단체총연합회의지원을받아발간되었음

ISSN 1598-5601 한국우주과학회보 Bulletin of The Korean Space Science Society 제 26 권 1 호 2017 년 4 월 사단법인 한국우주과학회 The Korean Space Science Society

차 례 등록및교통안내 8 2017년봄학술대회일정표요약 (CONFERENCE PROGRAM) 9 구두발표논문제목및시간표 (PAPER PROGRAM) 13 포스터발표논문제목및시간표 (POSTER TITLES) 20 구두발표논문초록 (ABSTRACTS) 26 포스터발표논문초록 (ABSTRACTS-POSTER) 44 프로시딩 (PROCEEDINGS) 65 학회및관련기관소식 85 연구홍보 / 광고 117 < 사단법인한국우주과학회입회안내 > 사단법인한국우주과학회는천문 우주과학및관련분야에종사하는여러분의입회를환영합니다. 우리학회에입회를희망하시는분은입회원서양식에인적사항을기재하시어학회로보내주시거나홈페이지에서가입하시고입회비와연회비는학회은행계좌로송금하시기바랍니다. 보낼곳 : 한국우주과학회 34055 대전광역시유성구대덕대로 776 한국천문연구원내전화 042-865-3391 팩스 042-865-3392 은행계좌 : 국민은행 012-01-0603-888 우리은행 126-435843-01-001 예금주한국우주과학회 회비납부안내 회원구분 입회비 연회비 회원의구분은정관제6조에의거하며, 변 학생회원 ( 학부생 ) 10,000원 - 경된연회비는학회운영에대한규정제2조 정회원 10,000원 50,000원 에의거한사항입니다. 회장, 부회장, - 100,000원 이사, 감사 - 100,000원 뒷면의입회원서를복사하여사용해주십시오. [ 표지사진설명 ] 근적외선영상분광기 NISS는 0.95 ~ 2.5μm파장대에서저분산 (R~20) 으로가까운은하들, 은하단, 별생성영역및저배경원지역들에대해영상분광탐사를수행할예정이다. 최종비행모델제작이완료되어정밀검교정수행후 2017 년말에발사될예정이다. 발사이후에는 2년여동안관측운영될계획이다.

성명한글성별남여생년월일년월일영문 자택주소우편번호전화 직장주소우편번호전화 e-mail 이동전화 직장명직위 학위명입학년도학위취득일학교명전공 학 력 경 력 연구업적 위본인은귀학회의설립목적과취지에찬동하여이에회원가입을신청합니다. 년월일 신청인 : ( 인 ) 위사람을귀학회의회원으로추천합니다 ( 참고 : 정관 7 조 1 항에따라추천인은우리학회정회원이면누구나가능합니다 ). 추천인 : 직장및직위성명 ( 인 ) 추천인 : 직장및직위성명 ( 인 ) 사단법인한국우주과학회귀중

한국우주과학회 2017 년봄학술대회일정표 일시 : 2017. 4. 27.( 목 ) 13:40-28.( 금 ) 16:30 장소 : 변산대명리조트발표논문 : 초청강연 3편, 구두발표 63편, 포스터발표 88편총 154편발표시간 : 초청강연 (30분), 연구발표 (15분 ~20분 ) 3세션동시진행포스터집중발표 : 2017. 4. 27.( 목 ) 17:30-18:30 사단법인한국우주과학회

등록및교통안내 1. 등록 정회원의등록비는 130,000 원이며, 학생회원과정회원중석. 박사과정 ( 전일제 ) 학생은 70,000 원입니다. 사전등록을하신회원은등록자명부에서명후학회보, 명찰, 등록비영수증 ( 계산서 ) 을수령하시기바랍니다. 2. 회원가입 회원가입을원하시는분은학회홈페이지에서회원가입신청후입회원서를인쇄하여추천인 (2 인 ) 서명을받아학회사무국으로송부하여주시고입회비와연회비는학회계좌로송금하여주시기바랍니다. 입회비 : 10,000 원, 연회비 : 50,000 원 ( 학부학생회원은입회비 10,000 원, 연회비면제 ) 입니다. 학회계좌 : 국민은행 012-01-0603-888 우리은행 126-435843-01-001 예금주한국우주과학회 5. 교통 가. 주소전라북도부안군변산면변산해변로 51 T. 1588-4888 나. 찾아오시는길 자가용이용 - 서울 : 약 3 시간소요 - 대전 : 약 1 시간 30 분소요 시외, 고속버스이용 - 서울 ( 경부 ) <-> 부안버스터미널 (3 시간 10 분소요 ) - 동서울 <-> 부안버스터미널 (3 시간 30 분소요 ) 부안시내버스이용 - 부안터미널 -> 격포터미널 : 40 여분소요 자세한내용은리조트홈페이지참조 http://www.daemyungresort.com/daemyung.front.saupjang.byeon san.resort_way_map.ds/dmparse.dm?menuno=03 3. 발표자료준비 구두발표 : 발표자료는파워포인트파일로준비하시기바랍니다. 포스터발표 : 회원들이시간적여유를가지고포스터를관람할수있도록 4 월 27 일 ( 목 ) 14 시까지지정된장소에게시하여주시고, 28 일 ( 금 ) 14 시에수거하여주시기바랍니다. 집중발표시간에발표자는자신의포스터앞에서회원들의질문에답할수있도록준비해주시기바랍니다. 포스터를부착하지않거나학회종료후수거하지않은회원은추후학회발표가제한될수있습니다 (2006 년 3 차이사회결정 ). 4. 발표장 발표형식구분분과명 1 발표장 ( 가야금 ) 태양폭발현상, 태양코로나관측우주환경, 태양풍및자기권 구두발표 2 발표장 ( 거문고 ) 고층대기 I, II 달탐사특별세션 I, II 3 발표장 ( 휴플레이스 I) 우주천문및우주기술 I, II, III 포스터발표 휴플레이스 & 로비 우주기술, 우주응용, 우주천문, 태양및우주환경, 태양계및우주탐사, 기타 8 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

일정표요약 2017 년봄학술대회일정표 세션별발표장 발표일구분시간 제 1 발표장 ( 가야금 ) 제 2 발표장 ( 거문고 ) 제 3 발표장 ( 휴플레이스 1) 포스터발표장 ( 휴플레이스 3) 4월 27일 ( 목 ) 4월 28일 ( 금 ) 초청강연Ⅰ 13:50~14:20 IS-1 세션Ⅰ 14:30~16:00 태양폭발현상 고층대기 I 우주천문및우주기술 I 초청강연Ⅱ 16:20~16:50 IS-2 세션Ⅱ 09:30~11:05 태양코로나관측 달탐사특별세션 I 우주천문및우주기술 II 초청강연Ⅲ 11:20~11:50 IS-3 세션Ⅲ 13:00~14:45 우주환경일반 고층대기 II 우주천문및우주기술 III 세션Ⅳ 15:00~16:15 태양풍및자기권 달탐사특별세션 II 집중발표 17:30~18:30 구두발표 첫째날 4 월 27 일 ( 목요일 ) 시간 구분 11:30~ 등록 로비 12:00~13:40 점심 13:40~13:50 개회식 제1발표장 ( 가야금 ) 13:50~14:20 초청강연 I 장소 : 제 1 발표장 ( 가야금 ) 좌장 : 박필호 ( 천문연 ) 최기혁 (KARI) / 한국의우주탐사 / 우주과학전략 미국의우주탐사전략참고 14:20~14:30 휴식 제1발표장 제2발표장 제3발표장 ( 가야금 ) ( 거문고 ) ( 휴플레이스1) 태양폭발현상좌장 : 문용재 ( 경희대 ) 고층대기 I 좌장 : 유광선 (KAIST) 우주천문및우주기술 I 좌장 : 김방엽 ( 항우연 ) 14:30~14:45 I-1-1 김연한 I-2-1 곽영실 I-3-1 박성민 14:45~15:00 I-1-2 이겨레 I-2-2 조은별 I-3-2 송인웅 15:00~15:15 I-1-3 전성경 I-2-3 이창섭 I-3-3 신범준 15:15~15:30 I-1-4 장수정 I-2-4 홍준석 I-3-4 오대현 15:30~15:45 I-1-5 이하림 I-2-5 이재욱 I-3-5 이병선 15:45~16:00 I-1-6 박진혜 I-3-6 이승욱 16:00~16:20 단체사진촬영 16:20~16:50 초청강연 II 장소 : 제 1 발표장 ( 가야금 ) 좌장 : 곽영실 ( 천문연 ) 김용하 ( 충남대 ) / Bridging the gap between space science and atmospheric science 16:50~17:30 태양우주환경분과정기총회장소 : 가야금 17:30~18:30 포스터집중발표 18:30~20:30 만찬 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 9

일정표요약 둘째날 4 월 28 일 ( 금요일 ) 제 1 발표장제 2 발표장제 3 발표장 시간 ( 가야금 ) ( 거문고 ) ( 휴플레이스1) 태양코로나관측 달탐사특별세션 I 우주천문및우주기술 II 좌장 : 채종철 ( 서울대 ) 좌장 : 김주현 ( 항우연 ) 좌장 : 이대희 ( 천문연 ) 09:30~09:45 Ⅱ-1-1 이재옥 Ⅱ-2-1 김은혁 Ⅱ-3-1 이종우 09:45~10:00 Ⅱ-1-2 이진이 Ⅱ-2-2 최영준 Ⅱ-3-2 윤희중 10:00~10:15 Ⅱ-1-3 조일현 Ⅱ-2-3 김경자1 Ⅱ-3-3 이혜영 10:15~10:30 Ⅱ-1-4 봉수찬 Ⅱ-2-4 김경자2 Ⅱ-3-4 이성환 10:30~10:45 Ⅱ-1-5 강주형 Ⅱ-2-5 정민섭 Ⅱ-3-5 이재원 10:45~11:05 Ⅱ-1-6 Nakariakov (Invt.) Ⅱ-3-6 황정아 11:05~11:20 휴식 11:20~11:50 초청강연 III 장소 : 제 1 발표장 ( 가야금 ) 좌장 : 강영운 ( 세종대 ) 정웅섭 (KASI) / Infrared Space Missions for Cosmic Infrared Background Study in Korea 11:50~13:00 점심식사 우주환경일반 좌장 : 김연한 ( 천문연 ) 고층대기 II 좌장 : 지건화 ( 극지연 ) 우주천문및우주기술 III 좌장 : 김천휘 ( 충북대 ) 13:00~13:15 III-1-1 성숙경 III-2-1 지건화 III-3-1 이대희 13:15~13:30 III-1-2 Miyashita Yukinaga III-2-2 김은솔 III-3-2 김민빈 13:30~13:45 III-1-3 채종철 III-2-3 감호식 III-3-3 정수민 13:45~14:00 III-1-4 임다예 III-2-4 김관혁 III-3-4 Vikas Agaradahalli Gurumurthy 14:00~14:15 III-1-5 이강우 III-2-5 권혁진 III-3-5 표정현 14:15~14:30 III-1-6 신슬기 III-2-6 권종우 III-3-6 홍진주 14:30~14:45 III-3-7 권오혁 14:45~15:00 휴식 태양풍및자기권 좌장 : 이대영 ( 충북대 ) 달탐사특별세션 II 좌장 : 심채경 ( 경희대 ) 15:00~15:15 Ⅳ-1-1 최정림 1 Ⅳ-2-1 서행자 15:15~15:30 Ⅳ-1-2 최정림 2 Ⅳ-2-2 백슬민 15:30~15:45 Ⅳ-1-3 서정준 Ⅳ-2-3 선창완 15:45~16:00 Ⅳ-1-4 김명준 Ⅳ-2-4 이응석 16:00~16:15 Ⅳ-1-5 장재진 Ⅳ-2-5 서민교 10 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

일정표요약 포스터발표 집중발표시간 : 2017. 4. 27.( 목 ) 17:30~18:30 번호 분야 발표자 소속 번호 분야 발표자 소속 P-1 우주기술 구인회 항우연 P-27 우주기술 임정흠1 항우연 P-2 우주기술 김영윤1 항우연 P-28 우주기술 임정흠2 항우연 P-3 우주기술 김영윤2 항우연 P-29 우주기술 임현수 항우연 P-4 우주기술 김형완 항우연 P-30 우주기술 장경덕 항우연 P-5 우주기술 김희경 항우연 P-31 우주기술 장성수1 항우연 P-6 우주기술 박봉규 항우연 P-32 우주기술 장성수2 항우연 P-7 우주기술 박응식 항우연 P-33 우주기술 장재웅 항우연 P-8 우주기술 박종석 항우연 P-34 우주기술 전문진1 항우연 P-9 우주기술 박종오1 항우연 P-35 우주기술 전문진2 항우연 P-10 우주기술 박종오2 항우연 P-36 우주기술 전현진 항우연 P-11 우주기술 박주호 항우연 P-37 우주기술 조승원 항우연 P-12 우주기술 박진형 항우연 P-38 우주기술 조창권 항우연 P-13 우주기술 방수완 항우연 P-39 우주기술 천이진 항우연 P-14 우주기술 신재민1 항우연 P-40 우주기술 허윤구 항우연 P-15 우주기술 신재민2 항우연 P-41 우주기술 한상혁 항우연 P-16 우주기술 신현규 항우연 P-42 우주응용 명환춘 항우연 P-17 우주기술 연정흠 항우연 P-43 우주응용 박종억1 항우연 P-18 우주기술 윤용식1 항우연 P-44 우주응용 박종억2 항우연 P-19 우주기술 윤용식2 항우연 P-45 우주응용 신상윤 항우연 P-20 우주기술 이상록 항우연 P-46 우주응용 이도경 항우연 P-21 우주기술 이상택1 항우연 P-47 우주응용 이종원 항우연 P-22 우주기술 이상택2 항우연 P-48 우주응용 이종태 항우연 P-23 우주기술 이선호 항우연 P-49 우주천문 문봉곤 천문연 P-24 우주기술 이원범 항우연 P-50 우주천문 박종엽 천문연 P-25 우주기술이주훈 1 항우연 P-51 우주천문박형민 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터 P-26 우주기술이주훈 2 항우연 P-52 태양및우주환경김수진천문연 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 11

일정표요약 번호분야발표자소속번호분야발표자소속 P-53 태양및우주환경김지은극지연 P-71 태양계및우주탐사배종희항우연 P-54 태양및우주환경김진현경희대 P-72 태양계및우주탐사손승희항우연 P-55 태양및우주환경노성준충북대 P-73 태양계및우주탐사송영주항우연 P-56 태양및우주환경문병하전남대 P-74 태양계및우주탐사송호섭충남대 P-57 태양및우주환경박은수경희대 P-75 태양계및우주탐사이만규경희대 P-58 태양및우주환경서정준천문연 P-76 태양계및우주탐사이승아경희대 P-59 태양및우주환경신재혁경희대 P-77 태양계및우주탐사이정규경희대 P-60 태양및우주환경오수연전남대 P-78 태양계및우주탐사이주희항우연 P-61 태양및우주환경이원형 국가기상위성센터 P-79 태양계및우주탐사이효정경희대 P-62 태양및우주환경이정우서울대 P-80 태양계및우주탐사이희재충북대 P-63 태양및우주환경정종일충남대 P-81 태양계및우주탐사임조령항우연 P-64 태양및우주환경조영준항우연 P-82 태양계및우주탐사정다운항우연 P-65 태양및우주환경최화진극지연 P-83 태양계및우주탐사조경복충남대 P-66 태양및우주환경함영배극지연 P-84 태양계및우주탐사최이레 한국지질자원연구원 P-67 태양계및우주탐사김연규항우연 P-85 태양계및우주탐사홍익선충남대 P-68 태양계및우주탐사김영록항우연 P-86 기타강철항우연 P-69 태양계및우주탐사김주현항우연 P-87 기타이창은항우연 P-70 태양계및우주탐사김형규공주대 P-88 기타이훈희항우연 12 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

구두발표논문제목및시간표 초청강연 I 좌장 : 박필호 ( 천문연 ) 13:50 [IS-I] 한국의우주탐사 / 우주과학전략 - 미국의우주탐사전략참고 최기혁 한국항공우주연구원 I-1 태양폭발현상 좌장 : 문용재 ( 경희대 ) 14:30 [I-1-1] Loop eruption observed in He I D3 line associated with B-class brightening on 2016 May 30 Yeon-Han Kim, Su-Chan Bong, Eun-Kyung Lim, Heesu Yang 1, Be-Ho Jang, Young-Deuk Park Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute University of Science and Technology 14:45 [I-1-2] Period Change Caused by Shock Merging in the Chromosphere of Sunspots Kyeo-Re Lee, Jongchul Chae Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University 15:00 [I-1-3] Classification of the kinematics of coronal mass ejections Seong-Gyeong Jeon, Kangwoo Yi, Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 15:15 [I-1-4] Two distinct types of CME-flare relationships using SOHO and STEREO Soojeong Jang, Yong-Jae Moon, Rok-Soon Kim, Sujin Kim, Jae-Ok Lee Kyung Hee University Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 15:30 [I-1-5] Statistical study on the radial and azimuthal wave modes of 25 Halo CMEs using multi spacecrafts Harim Lee, Yong-Jae Moon, V. M. Nakariakov School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University Centre for Fusion, Space & Astrophysics, Physics Department, Univ. of Warwick, UK 15:45 [I-1-6] Dependence of the peak fluxes of solar energetic particles on 3D CME parameters from STEREO and SOHO Jinhye Park, Yong-Jae Moon, Harim Lee Department of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University I-2 고층대기 I 좌장 : 유광선 (KAIST) 14:30 [I-2-1] Scientific objectives of the SNIPE mission Young-Sil Kwak 1,2, Jae-Jin Lee 1,2, Junga Hwang 1,2, Jaeheung Park 1,2 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korea University of Science and Technology 14:45 [I-2-2] Sporadic E layer as a measure of wind shear in the mid-latitude ionosphere Eun-Byeol Jo, Yongha Kim Dept. Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University 15:00 [I-2-3] Comment of the paper Mesospheric temperatures estimated from the meteor radar observations at Mohe, China by Liu et al. (2017) Changsup Lee, Jeong-Han Kim, Geonhwa Jee, In-Sun Song, Yongha Kim Korea Polar Research Institute Chungnam National University 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 13

구두발표논문제목및시간표 15:15 [I-2-4] Climatology of the ionospheric mid-latitude trough based on satellite observations Junseok Hong, Yongha Kim Chungnam National University Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 15:30 [I-2-5] Evidence of teleconnection between low-latitude and high-latitude MLT through 16-day wave during stratospheric warmings in the southern hemisphere Jaewook Lee, Sunkara Eswaraiah, Yongha Kim, Madineni Venkat Ratnam Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea National Atmospheric Research Laboratory(NARL), Gadanki, Tirupati, India I-3 우주천문및우주기출 I 좌장 : 김방엽 ( 항우연 ) 14:30 [I-3-1] GEANT4 모의실험을통한우주기상탑재체입자검출기의반응도출 15:15 [I-3-4] The magnetic field measurement of KSEM: I. AC clearing process Daehyeon Oh, Donghee Lee, Jiyoung Kim, Hyesook Lee National Meteorological Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Administration 15:30 [I-3-5] Current activities of the CCSDS navigation working group Byoung-Sun Lee Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute University of Science and Technology 15:45 [I-3-6] 우주과학연구를위한고정밀도 Fluxgate 형자력계개발진행사항 이승욱, 노성준, 최정림, 강경인, 류기홍, 김지석, 박영진, 이대영 충북대학교, 한국과학기술원인공위성센터, 경북대학교 박성민, 신유철, 우주, 윤지원, 채규성, 선종호, 이강진, 구본준 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 한국전자통신연구원 초청강연 II 좌장 : 곽영실 ( 천문연 ) 14:45 [I-3-2] 위성탑재용광학반사경의열 - 진공우주환경시험시오차및성능분석 송인웅, 양호순, 김학용, 이회윤, 김석환 연세대학교천문우주학과우주광학연구실, 한국표준과학연구원우주광학센터, 과학기술연합대학원대학교측정과학과 16:20 [IS-II] Bridging the gap between space science and atmospheric science Yongha Kim Dept. Astronomy Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University 15:00 [I-3-3] Orbit determination of GEO satellites using optical wide-field patrol network(owl-net) data with batch filter Bumjoon Shin, Sang-Young Park, Eunji Lee Astrodynamics and Control lab., Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University 14 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

구두발표논문제목및시간표 II-1 태양코로나관측 좌장 : 채종철 ( 서울대 ) 10:45 [II-1-6] Decayless kink oscillations of solar coronal loops Nakariakov, V. M. School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 09:30 [II-1-1] Coronal magnetic field distributions inferred from CME-driven shock signatures and polarized brightness mesurements by LASCO-C2 coronagraph Jae-Ok Lee, Yong-Jae Moon, Kyung-Suk Cho Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 09:45 [II-1-2] Heating of an erupting prominence associated with a coronal mass ejection on 2012 January 27 Jin-Yi Lee, John C. Raymond, Katharine K. Reeves, Yong-Jae Moon, Kap-Sung Kim Kyung Hee University Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 10:00 [II-1-3] Determination of 2D solar wind speeds derived from LASCO/C3 observations by using the phase velocity decomposition method Il-Hyun Cho 1, Yong-Jae Moon 1,2, Jin-Yi Lee 1 1 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University 2 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 10:15 [II-1-4] 2017 total solar eclipse expedition of KASI Su-Chan Bong, Seonghwan Choi, Jihun Kim, Jongyeob Park, Bi-Ho Jang, Young-Deuk Park, Kyung-Suk Cho Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute University of Science and Technology 10:30 [II-1-5] Coelostat design of Seoul national university Juhyeong Kang, Jongchul Chae, Kyeore Lee Seoul National University II-2 달탐사특별세션 I 좌장 : 김주현 ( 항우연 ) 09:30 [II-2-1] Science goals for Korea pathfinder lunar orbiter science instruments Eunhyeuk Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute 09:45 [II-2-2] Preliminary system design of core instruments for the future Korea lunar exploration Young-Jun Choi, Mihyun Kim, Seung Kwan Kim, Seong Je Park, Geon-Hee Kim, Khyungin Kang Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute University of Science and Technology Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials Korea Basic Science Institute Satellite Technology Research Center, KAIST 10:00 [II-2-3] Report on development of the gamma-ray spectrometer for the Korea pathfinder lunar orbiter Kyeong Ja Kim 1,2, Yire Choi 1,2 Junghun Park 1, Eung Seok Yi 3, Sungsoon Lee 1, Young-Kwang Yeon 1, Chang Wan Sun 2, K. B. Lee 4, Yong-Kwon Kim 5, Kyoung Wook Min 6, Kyungin Kang 6, Jin Yeon Cho 7, Jeong-Hun Cha 9, Yeon Cheol Kang 7, Nobuyuki Hasebe 8, Richard Elphic 9, KGRS science Team 1 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Chungnam National University 4 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science 5 Nucare 6 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 7 Inha University 8 Waseda University 9 NASA Ames Research Center 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 15

구두발표논문제목및시간표 10:15 [II-2-4] Introduction to a gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer suite for future planetary surface investigation in the solar system Kyeong Ja Kim 1,2, Junghun Park 1, Yire Choi 1,2, Eung Seok Yi 1,3, Chang Wan Sun 1,2, Sungsoon Lee 1, Young-Kwang Yeon 1, K. B. Lee 4, Nobuyuki Hasebe 5, Won-Kee Park 6, Bongkon Moon 6, Kyungin Kang 7, Young-Jun Choi 6 1 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 2 University of Science and Technology 3 Chungnam National University 4 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science 5 Waseda University 6 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 7 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 10:30 [II-2-5] Preliminary design of wide-angle polarimetric camera for Korean pathfinder lunar orbiter (KPLO) Minsup Jeong, Young-Jun Choi, Sungsoo S. Kim, Kyung-In Kang, Chae Kyung Sim, Il-Hoon Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Kyung Hee University Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology University of Science and Technology II-3 우주천문및우주기술 II 좌장 : 이대희 ( 천문연 ) 09:30 [II-3-1] Laser-based spacecraft relative navigation with intermittent observation data Jongwoo Lee, Dae-Eun Kang, Sang-Young Park, Youngro Lee, Pureum Kim Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University University Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University 10:15 [II-3-4] 국내외큐브위성개발현황및동향분석 이성환, 진호, 이정규, 이효정, 신재혁, 이만규, 이승아 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 인투룰, 경희대학교우주과학과 10:30 [II-3-5] 조도정보를활용한주 야간자동전천관측기술개발연구 이재원, 기균도, 박인춘, 김영철 국방정보본부지형기상정책과, 나고야대학교우주지구환경연구소, 한서대학교항공운항학과 10:45 [II-3-6] Small scale magnetospheric and ionospheric plasma experiments; SNIPE mission Junga Hwang, Jaejin Lee, Jongdae Shon, Jaeheung Park, Young-Sil Kwak, Uk-Won Nam, Won-Kee Park Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 초청강연 III 좌장 : 강영운 ( 세종대 ) 11:20 [IS-III] Infrared space missions for cosmic infrared background study in Korea Woong-Seob Jeong Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute University of Science and Technology 09:45 [II-3-2] Dynamic vectorial platform for the polarization mode trains realized with Jones vectors in Mathematica III-1 우주환경일반 좌장 : 김연한 ( 천문연 ) Hee-Joong Yun Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information 10:00 [II-3-3] Development of 64-channel silicon photomultiplier sensor and low light camera using the sensor H. Y. Lee, Jin-A Jeon, Il H. Park, Jik Lee Institute of Science and Technology in Space, Sungkyunkwan 13:00 [III-1-1] Consistency between magnetic field orientations in solar corona and near the Earth using 60 CME-ICME pairs Suk-Kyung Sung, Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University Department of Space Science, Kyung Hee University 16 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

구두발표논문제목및시간표 13:15 [III-1-2] Near-Earth magnetotail and auroral arc development associated with substorm onset: A new interpretation of substorm triggering Yukinaga Miyashita, Yasutaka Hiraki, Vassilis Angelopoulos, Akimasa Ieda, Shinobu Machida Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Advanced Knowledged Laboratory, Inc. University of California Los Angeles Nagoya University 13:30 [III-1-3] Performance of the autoregressive method in long-term prediction of sunspot number Jongchul Chae, Yeonhan Kim Seoul National University Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 13:45 [III-1-4] Major flare occurrence rate depending on magnetic field parameters Daye Lim, Yong-Jae Moon, Jongyeob Park School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 14:00 [III-1-5] Application of convolution neural network to flare forecasting Kangwoo Yi, Eunsu Park, Seulki Shin, Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 14:15 [III-1-6] Application of a deep-learning method to the forecast of daily solar flare occurrence using convolution neural network Seulki Shin, Yong-Jae Moon, Hyoungseok Chu School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University Software Policy & Research Institute III-2 고층대기 II 좌장 : 지건화 ( 극지연 ) 13:00 [III-2-1] New radar for monitoring polar ionosphere at Jang Bogo station, Antarctica Geonhwa Jee, Changsup Lee, Jeong-Han Kim, Young-Bae Ham, Hyuck-Jin Kwon, Eunsol Kim, Yongha Kim Korea Polar Research Institute Chungnam National University 13:15 [III-2-2] Climatology of the electron density profiles in the polar ionosphere using long-term incoherent scatter radar observations Eunsol Kim, Geonhwa Jee, Yongha Kim, Youngsil Kwak Chungnam National University Korea Polar Research Institute Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 13:30 [III-2-3] Derived temperature from meteor radars in Northern and Southern high-latitude regions Hosik Kam, Yongha Kim, Nicholas Mitchell, Jeong-Han Kim 3, Changsup Lee Chungnam National University University of Bath Korea Polar Research Institute 13:45 [III-2-4] SC-associated electric field variations in the magnetosphere and ionosphere Khan-Hyuk Kim 1, Su-In Kim 1, Hyuck-Jin Kwon 2 1 School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 2 Division of Polar Climate Sciences, Polar Research Institute 14:00 [III-2-5] Solar wind-driven Pc5 waves at Jang Bogo station, Antarctica Hyuck-Jin Kwon, Khan-Hyuk Kim, Geonhwa Jee, Jeong-Han Kim, Changsup Lee Division of Polar Climate Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute School of Space Research, Kyung-Hee University 14:15 [III-2-6] Statistical analysis of EMIC Pc1-Pc2 waves observed at the subauroral-latitude Athabasca (L ~ 4.6) ground station and estimation of EMIC wave source region Jong-Woo Kwon, Khan-Hyuk Kim, Ho Jin School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 17

구두발표논문제목및시간표 III-3 우주천문및우주기술 III 좌장 : 김천휘 ( 충북대 ) 13:00 [III-3-1] 한국형우주망원경융합연구사업가능성연구 이대희 한국천문연구원, 과학기술연합대학원대학교 Jinju Hong, Kyung-Won Suh Chungbuk National University 14:30 [III-3-7] 마이컬슨 몰리실험, 로렌츠변환그리고상대성이론의재해석 권오혁 부경대학교지질환경연구소 13:15 [III-3-2] High-resolution camera for Earth observation and astronomy: design, adjustment and space-suitability tests Min Bin Kim, Mariia Tumarina, Mikhail Ryazanskiy, I.H. Park, Gihan Hong, Nikolay Vedenkin, Aleksander Milov Sungkyunkwan University SatByul Co. Dauria Aerospace 13:30 [III-3-3] On-orbit calibration of UFFO/Lomonosov for detecting the early photons from GRBs S. Jeong, I. H. Park, on behalf of the UFFO collaboration SungKyunKwan University, Institute for Space Technology and Science, Suwon, Korea Instituto de Astonomica en Andalucia-CSIC, Granada, Spain IV-1 태양풍및자기권 좌장 : 이대영 ( 충북대 ) 15:00 [IV-1-1] The kinetic Alfven solitary wave in resistive tearing instability 최정림, 우민호, 이대영, 박경선, P. Yoon 충북대학교천문우주학과, 국가핵융합연구소, Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland 15:15 [IV-1-2] Particle diffusion by obliquely propagating kinetic Alfven wave 최정림, 우민호, 독고경환 3, 이대영, P. Yoon 충북대학교천문우주학과, 국가핵융합연구소, 3 한국과학기술원물리학과, 13:45 [III-3-4] The performance of Slewign mirror telescope on orbit, problem of faulty encoder and it's solution Agaradahalli Gurumurthy Vikas, Gaikov Georgii, Jeong Soomin, Jeong Hyomin, Kim Minbin, Lee Jik, I. H. Park Department of Physics, Sungkyunkwan University 14:00 [III-3-5] Status of the MIRIS data reduction and analysis Jeonghyun Pyo, Il-Joong Kim 1, Woong-Seob Jeong 1,2, Dae-Hee Lee 1,2, Bongkon Moon 1, Youngsik Park 1, Sung-Joon Park 1, Won-Kee Park 1, Duk-Hang Lee 1, Uk-Won Nam 1, Wonyong Han 1,2, Kwang-Il Seon 1,2, Toshio Matsumoto 3, Min Gyu Kim 4, Hyung Mok Lee 4 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute University of Science and Technology ISAS/JAXA, Japan Seoul National University 14:15 [III-3-6] A new catalog of AGB stars based on AKARI PSC Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland 15:30 [IV-1-3] Whistler waves in the solar wind: unidirectional or bidirectional propagation? Jungjoon Seough Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 15:45 [IV-1-4] The study of interplanetary small-scale magnetic flux rope by ACE observations and global MHD simulation Myeong Joon Kim 1, Kyung Sun Park 1, Dae-Young Lee 1, Rok Soon Kim 2, Kyungsuk Cho 2, Gyu Cheol Choi 3, Jae hoon Kim 4 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungbuk National University Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Space Environment Laboratory The Korean Space Weather Center of the National Radio Research Agency 18 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

구두발표논문제목및시간표 16:00 [IV-1-5] Effects of conductance asymmetry and source characteristics on quarter-wave modes Jae-Jin Jang, Dong-Hun Lee Kyung Hee University IV-2 달탐사특별세션 II 좌장 : 심채경 ( 경희대 ) 15:00 [IV-2-1] Analysis of lunar spectral features for near-ir Haingja Seo 1, Eunjin Cho 1,2, Ikseon Hong 1,2, Minsup Jeong 1, Young-Jun Choi 1,3 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute 2 Department of Astronomy, Space Science and Geology, Chungnam National University 3 University of Science and Technology 15:15 [IV-2-2] Statistical analysis of ULF waves observed by Lunar Prospector at the Moon Seul-Min Baek, Khan-Hyuk Kim, Ho Jin School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University 15:30 [IV-2-3] Cross correlation 을이용항 Kaguya lunar radar sounder (LRS) 궤도데이터정밀보정 선창완 1,2, 고바야시타카오 1, 김경자 1,2, 최영준 3 1 한국지질자원연구원국토지질연구본부지질연구센터, 2 과학기술연합대학원대학교물리탐사공학과, 3 한국천문연구원우주과학본부 행성과학그룹 15:45 [IV-2-4] 분광분석을이용한알프스협곡지역의화산쇄설물후보조사 이응석 1,2, 최이레 2,3, 선창완 2,3, 김경자 2, 김용하 1 1 충남대학교우주지질학과우주과학실험실, 2 한국지질자원연구원국토지질연구본부지질연구센터, 3 한국과학기술대학원대학교 (UST) 16:00 [IV-2-5] 달탐사로버이동기구부의안정성, 주행성능증진을위한월면환경고려요소 서민교, 이우섭 한국과학기술연구원로봇미디어연구소, 과학기술연합대학원대학교 KIST 캠퍼스 HCI 및로봇응용공학 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 19

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 ~ 우주기술 [P-1] 대용량위성영상을위한 k-means clustering 의병렬처리 구인회, 한수희, 이선구, 정대원 한국항공우주연구원, 경일대학교공간정보공학과 [P-8] 정지궤도복합위성의별추적기지지구조물설계박종석, 최정수, 김창호, 최재동, 이상률 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성사업단, 한국항공우주연구원위성기술연구단 [P-9] 중형위성전기지상시험장치개발방안박종오, 전현진, 김경수, 배진곤 한국항공우주연구원위성연구본부차세대중형위성체계팀, 한국항공우주산업위성시스템팀 [P-2] Development of the equipment for the power line interface check between avionics of satellite Young-Yun Kim, Dong-Chul Choi, Joo-Ho Park, Guee-Won Moon Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-3] Interfaces check between avionics test set and engineering test bed Young-Yun Kim, Jin-Young Ryu, Seung-Won Cho, Yun-Gu Huh, Guee-Won Moon Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-4] 설계프로세스개선을위한순차적인반복 (sequential iteration) 모델연구 김형완, 최정수, 박종석 한국항공우주연구원 [P-5] Considerations on thermal environments of lunar lander on lunar surface Hui-Kyung Kim, Dong-Young Rew Korea Aerospace Research Institute University of Science and Technology [P-6] GEO-KOMPSAT-2B SLR (satellite laser ranging) time slot analysis Bong-Kyu Park, Jae-Dong Choi Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-7] 정지궤도위성액체원지점엔진고장시임무수명분석 박응식, 채종원 한국항공우주연구원정지궤도복합위성사업단, 한국항공우주연구원 위성기계팀 [P-10] 중형위성전기지상시험장치시험계획 박종오, 전현진, 김경수, 배진곤 한국항공우주연구원위성연구본부차세대중형위성체계팀, 한국항공우주산업 위성시스템팀 [P-11] Solar array simulator design and test preparation Joo-Ho Park, Dong-Chul Chae, Yun-Goo Huh, Young-Yun Kim, Seung-Won Cho, Su-Wan Bang, Guee-Won Moon Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-12] Scan angle measurement and analysis for detecting image loss of AMI Jinhyung Park, Chiho Kang Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-13] 저궤도위성의 ITOS (integrated test of system) 설계방안 방수완, 허윤구, 조승원, 박주호, 문귀원 한국항공우주연구원 [P-14] Understandings of design difficulty on a future wide bandwidth SAR system Jae-Min Shin Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-15] Design of point-target RCS for SAR calibration activities Jae-Min Shin Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-16] Design and implementation of SDL parser Hyun-Kyu Shin Korea Aerospace Research Institute 20 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 [P-17] 정지궤도미래형전자광학탑재체광구조부개념설계 연정흠, 이원범, 김성희, 이덕규, 이승훈 [P-26] 위성 Optical Bench 설계 이주훈, 김선원, 김경원, 권상룡 한국항공우주연구원, 대한항공 한국항공우주연구원탑재체광학팀, 한국항공우주연구원위성탑재체연구단 [P-18] CFRP 기계특성시험을통한우주비행체활용성연구 윤용식, 최익현 한국항공우주연구원융합기술연구센터항공우주응용재료팀 [P-19] 우주방사선노출및기계특성시험을통한 CFRP 의우주비행체활용가능성연구 윤용식, 정지연 한국항공우주연구원융합기술연구센터항공우주응용재료팀 [P-20] 인공위성태양전지판온도센서 Return 의태양전지판구동기 Slip Ring 공유영향성분석 이상록, 전문진, 김창균, 임성빈 한국항공우주연구원달탐사체계팀 [P-21] 우주개발품에발생가능한주요고장및검토 이상택, 이해선, 백명진 한국항공우주연구원 [P-22] 우주급부품인증제도에대한검토 이상택, 이우준, 백명진 한국항공우주연구원 [P-23] 영상레이더위성의 InSAR 도플러중심주파수최소화를위한시스템운영방안 이선호 한국항공우주연구원 [P-24] 신소재대구경고안정광구조체지상검증모델설계 이원범, 연정흠, 김성희, 정대준, 이덕규, 이승훈 한국항공우주연구원 [P-25] 아리랑위성구조개선연구 이주훈, 김선원, 김경원, 윤길원 한국항공우주연구원, 대한항공 [P-27] Propellant budget analysis for orbit maintenance of two out-of-plane low earth orbit satellites Jeong-Heum Im, Ji-Marn Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd. [P-28] Mission orbit selection study for the second medium-sized low earth orbit satellite Jeong-Heum Im, Ji-Marn Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd. [P-29] Design and implementation of maintenance and supporting subsystem for GK2A satellite operations center Hyun-Su Lim, Wooyeol Choi Ground System Development Team, Satellite Operation Division, Satellite Information Research Laboratory, Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-30] 중형위성의자기장영향검증기법연구 장경덕, 김태윤, 장재웅, 이창은 한국항공우주연구원 [P-31] 정지궤도복합위성탑재체의전원특성을고려한보호회로설계 장성수, 이나영, 유재남 한국항공우주연구원 [P-32] 전기추력기전원장치의개발동향과개발개념소개 장성수, 최재동, 이상률 한국항공우주연구원 [P-33] EMC safety margin analysis of AOCS units in multi-purpose satellite Jaewoong Jang, Taeyoun Kim, Kyoungduk Jang, Changeun Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 21

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 [P-34] 시험용달궤도선의전력분석 전문진, 이상록, 김창균, 임성빈 한국항공우주연구원달탐사체계팀 [P-35] 시험용달궤도선의태양전지판운용 전문진, 이상록, 김창균, 임성빈 한국항공우주연구원달탐사체계팀 [P-36] 인공위성전력시스템효율성제고를위한반작용휠의실제소모전력계산 전현진, 박종오 한국항공우주연구원 [P-37] 기저대역전기지상지원장비검증장치설계 조승원, 방수완, 박주호, 문귀원 한국항공우주연구원 [P-38] 모델기반시스템엔지니어링을이용한위성의결함관리설계방안제안 조창권 한국항공우주연구원 [P-39] A scenario-driven and behavior-based satellite telemetry simulation system Yee-Jin Cheon Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-40] 저궤도위성개발단계별통합시험 운영시스템 (ITOS: integrated test and operation system) 활용범위 허윤구, 방수완, 류진영, 문귀원 한국항공우주연구원 [P-41] 한국의큐브위성개발현황 한상혁, 최연주, 공현철 한국항공우주연구원 우주응용 [P-42] FCI/ABI/AHI 의최신동향소개 명환춘, 양군호 한국항공우주연구원 [P-43] The design concept analysis of the electronic module for the high resolution GEO-satellite electro-optic camera system Jong-Euk Park, SeungHoon Lee, Kijun Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering [P-44] The preliminary design analysis of the lunar exploration electro-optic payload control module Jong-Euk Park, Haeng-Pal Heo, Kijun Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering [P-45] The advanced satellite data interface for the payload system Sangyoun Shin, Hyoungho Ko Korea Aerospace Research Institute Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering [P-46] Acceleration process for sensor reliability improvement in the LUTI program Do Kyoung Lee, Gmsil Kang, Sang Youn Shin, Hang Pal Heo, SeungHoon Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-47] 마이크로중력환경활용액적 (droplet) 연소실험을위한연소챔버의성능시험 이종원, 김연규, 이주희 한국항공우주연구원융합기술연구센터항공우주응용재료팀 [P-48] The feasibility study on 2 dimensional space image data transmission Jong Tae Lee, Seung Hoon Lee, Ki Jun Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute Chungnam National University 22 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 우주천문 [P-49] Preliminary mechanical design of lunar infrared spectrometer (LIRS) Bongkon Moon, Sung-Joon Park, Dukhang Lee, Kyeongyeon Ko, Woong-Seob Jeong, Dae-Hee Lee, Youngsik Park, Jeonghyun Pyo, Il-Joong Kim, Won-Kee Park, Haingja Seo, Minsup Jeong, Mihyun Kim, Seung Kwan Kim, Seong Je Park, Geon-Hee Kim, Khyungin Kang, Young-Jun Choi Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute University of Science and Technology Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials Korea Basic Science Institute Satellite Technology Research Center, KAIST [P-50] An operating software design of a prototype coronagraph for the total solar eclipse in 2017 Jongyeob Park, Seonghwan Choi, Ji-Hye Baek, Jihun Kim, Heesu Yang, Su-Chan Bong, Young-Deuk Park, Kyung-Suk Cho Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute [P-51] Introduction of solar observation system in national youth space center Hyungmin Park, Gwangwon Choi, Sun-Gill Kwon, Sanggak Lee National Youth Space Center 태양및우주환경 [P-52] Solar cycle variation of microwave polar brightening and EUV coronal hole observed by Nobeyama radioheliograph and SDO/AIA Sujin Kim, Jong-Yeop Park, Yeon-Han Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute University of Science and Technology Kyung Hee University [P-53] The instrumentation and analysis technique for SATI Ji Eun Kim, Geonhwa Jee, Jeong-Han Kim, Changsup Lee Division of Climate Change, Korea Polar Research Institute [P-54] Relative contribution of solar/geomagnetic activities and CO2 variation to global temperature anomaly from 1859 to 2015 Jinhyun Kim, Yong-Jae Moon, Roksoon Kim, Junga Hwang, Jae-Ok Lee, Soojeong Jang Kyung Hee University Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute [P-55] Effect of heat treatment on hysteresis loop of the core material Metglas 2714A for fluxgate magnetometer Sung-Jun Noh, Seunguk Lee, Gi-Hong Rue, Cheong-Rim Choi, Dae-Young Lee, Ji-Seok Kim, Young-Jin Park Chungbuk National University Kyungpook National University [P-56] The variation of solar limb darkening coefficient analyzed from solar images Byeongha Moon, Suyeon Oh Chonnam National University [P-57] Comparison between empirical magnetopause location models with geosynchronous satellite observations for solar cycle 23 Eunsu Park, Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University [P-58] Effect of the core-halo relative drift velocity on the strahl formation in the solar wind electron: particle-in-cell simulation Jungjoon Seough Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute [P-59] Initial operational results of the ground-based search-coil magnetometer at the Jang Bogo antarctic research station (JBS) Jehyuck Shin, Khan-Hyuck Kim, Ho Jin, Hyomin Kim, Jongwoo Kwon, Seungah Lee, Jung-Kyu Lee, Seongwhan Lee, Geonhwa Jee and Marc R. Lessard School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Korea Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA Korea Polar Research Institute, Korea Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, USA [P-60] Periodicity of cosmic ray flux at the solar minimum year of 2008 Suyeon Oh Chonnam National University 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 23

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 [P-61] Validation of the estimated local K index for operational use in Korea Wonhyeong Yi, Jiyoung Kim, Gun-Il Jang National Meteorological Satellite Center / Korea Meteorological Administration [P-62] Thermal and nonthermal flare emissions revealed by microwave maps and EUV differential emission measures Jeongwoo Lee Nagoya University [P-63] An analysis on diurnal variation of cosmic ray flux at Jang Bogo neutron monitor Jongil Jung, Suyeon Oh, Yu Yi, Paul Evenson, Roger Pyle, Jeong-Han Kim, Changsup Lee, Geonhwa Jee, Kwang Won Jang, Suyeon Kim, End Ji Kim Chungnam National University Chonnam National University University of Delaware Korea Polar Research Institute [P-64] 달궤도위성개발을위한달궤도우주방사선환경분석 조영준, 장진백 한국항공우주연구원위성전자팀 [P-65] Role of gravity waves in the upper atmospheric temperature changes in association with sudden stratospheric warming Hwajin Choi, In-sun Song, Changsup Lee, Jeong-Han Kim, Geonhwa Jee Korea Polar Research Institute [P-66] Vertical incidence pulsed ionospheric radar (VIPIR) at Jang Bogo station, Antarctica Young-bae Ham, Geonhwa Jee, Jeong-Han Kim, Changsup Lee, Hyuck-Jin Kwon, Terence Bullett, Justin Mabie, Robert Livingston Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, Republic of Korea Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Scion Associates, Port Townsend, USA 태양계및우주탐사 [P-67] 달및화성탐사로버시스템의성능비교를통한달탐사로버서브시스템의아키텍처연구 김연규, 이주희 [P-68] Effect of measurement acquisition condition on lunar orbiter orbit determination Young-Rok Kim, Young-Joo Song, Jonghee Bae, Bang-Yeop Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-69] 달탐사과학자료관리와공개를위한 KPDS 를포함하는과학자료관리서브시스템의기능과개발계획 김주현, 최연주, 김방엽 한국항공우주연구원국가위성정보활용지원센터달탐사항행운영팀, 한국항공우주연구원융합기술연구센터미래항공우주기술팀 [P-70] 달의충돌구에서의자화방향결정 김형규, 김형래 공주대학교지구물리위성탐사연구실 [P-71] Preliminary analysis of lunar orbit insertion burn delay of lunar orbiter Jonghee Bae, Young-Joo Song, Young-Rok Kim, Bang-Yeop Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-72] Study of data product and its science outcome with lunar exploration missions Seunghee Son, Haingja Seo Korea Aerospace Research Institute Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute [P-73] Optimal delta-vs to release a lunar cubesat impactor at the mother-ship s entry of lunar sphere of influence Young-Joo Song, Ho Jin, Bang-Yeop Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute Kyung Hee University [P-74] Infrared imaging spectrometer for detection of form, abundance, and temporal variability of lunar water Ho-Sub Song, Ik-Seon Hong, Yu Yi Chungnam National University [P-75] 달궤도자기장측정기예비설계모델의구조설계및해석 이만규, 이성환, 문봉곤, 이덕행, 권성철, 채봉건, 진호 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 인투룰, 한국천문연구원기계구조팀, 조선대학교항공우주공학과우주기술융합연구실, 경희대학교우주과학과 한국항공우주연구원 24 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

포스터발표논문제목및시간표 [P-76] Electrical system design for KPLO magnetometer (KMAG) Seungah Lee, Hyojeong Lee, Jung-Kyu Lee, Sihyung Lee2, Ho Jin, Khan-Hyuk Kim, Yu-Sung Jang School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Kyung Hee University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Kyung Hee University [P-77] Lunar Prospector 의고분해능자력계데이터를활용한 octopus 지역의달자기이상현상연구 이정규, Omid Ghassemi, 백슬민, Rachel Maxwell, Ian Garrick-Bethell, 진호, 이효정, 김관혁, Cecile Cournede 경희대학교우주탐사학과, Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Santa Cruz [P-78] 달탐사 2 단계로버착륙후보지역사례분석 이주희, 김연규, 이종원, 류동영 한국항공우주연구원항공우주응용재료팀, 한국항공우주연구원 달탐사선행임무팀 [P-79] 한국형시험용달궤도선의자기장측정기개발 이효정, 진호, 이정규, 이성환, 이만규, 신재혁, 이승아, 이시형, 김관혁, 장유성, 손대락, 김은애 경희대학교우주탐사학과, 경희대학교우주과학과, 인투룰, 경희대학교 [P-83] Crustal field s effects on the ion composition of Mars upper atmosphere during ICME events Gyeongbok Jo, Junga Hwang, Roksoon Kim, Soojeong Jang, Kyungsuk Cho, Jaejin Lee, Yu Yi Chungnam National University Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Korea University of Science and Technology Kyung Hee University [P-84] Comparative analysis in timing resolution of pulse shaping for gamma-ray spectrometer Yire Choi, K. B. Lee, Kyeong Ja Kim, Eung Seok Yi, Chang Wan Sun University of Science and Technology, Korea Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources Korea Institute of Standards & Science [P-85] Scheduling algorithm for lunar terrain imager (LUTI) on Korea pathfinder lunar orbiter (KPLO) Ik-Seon Hong, Young-Jun Choi, Hong-Kyu Moon, Myung-Jin Kim, Gmsil Kang, HaengPal Heo, Yu Yi Chungnam National University Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute University of Science and Technology Korea Aerospace Research Institute 산학협력단, 센서피아 [P-80] Photometric Study of NPA Rotator (5247) Krylov Hee-Jae Lee, Josef Ďurech, Hong-Kyu Moon, Myung-Jin Kim, Chun-Hwey Kim, Young-Jun Choi, Young-Seok Oh, Jintae Park, Dong-Goo Roh, Hong-Suh Yim, the DEEP-South Team Chungbuk National University, Korea Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Korea Charles University, Czech Kyung Hee University, Korea [P-81] KPLO 탑재체관측데이터처리를위한 SPICE Kernels 활용가능성검토 임조령, 최연주, 김방엽 한국항공우주연구원 [P-82] Real-time Hapke illumination simulation of the moon Dawoon Jung, Seunghee Son Korea Aerospace Research Institute 기타 [P-86] 인공위성형상관리를위한형상기준및식별에관한연구 강철 한국항공우주연구원 [P-87] Improved electromagnetic compatibility of power control and distribution unit for satellite Chang-Eun Lee, Jae-Woong Jang, Kyung-Duk Jang, Tae-Youn Kim Korea Aerospace Research Institute [P-88] Introduction to feature extraction for region based lunar terrain detection on rough terrain Hoonhee Lee Korea Aerospace Research Institute 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 25

구두발표논문초록 초청강연 I 좌장 : 박필호 ( 천문연 ) 13:50 [IS-I] 한국의우주탐사 / 우주과학전략 - 미국의우주탐사전략참고 최기혁, 이주희, 김해동 한국항공우주연구원 이논문에서우리의우주탐사와우주과학전략을미국의우주탐사전략을참고하여분석하였다. 한국은 20 년대달탐사 30 년대화성탐사를기본계획으로하고있다. 국내위성개발능력은선진국수준에달하고있고국산발사체도 2020 년경완성될예정이다. 미국 NASA 는 2030 년대유인화성탐사를국가적목표로정하였고글로벌한협력체계구축을추진하고있다. 또한대한민국은북한의핵과미사일에지속적으로위협을받고있는상황이다. 우리의우주탐사와우주과학전략은이러한국내외환경을고려해야만실현가능성과지속가능성이있을것이다. 즉한국형발사체를사용하여달과화선탐사를우주탐사 / 우주과학의기본목표로삼고, 탐사선의탑재체개발과관련된우주과학연구를수행하도록하고미국 NASA 와의국제협력도이러한틀에서이루어지도록해야할것이다. 국가안보를간접적으로지원하기위한연구도필요한데, 고체과학로켓과우주파편감시용지상장거리레이다개발이필요하다. 전략적인탑재체로서 SAR 레이다, 레이저분광계와적외선센서를개발해야한다. 선진국의사례에서보면순수천문학기술이의외로국방안보기술과밀접한관계에있는것으로알려져있다. 이렇듯국내우주탐사와우주과학도국가적인우주기술의발전과국가안보에기여하도록하고미국을중심으로하는글로벌한우주탐사에동참해야지만실현가능성과지속가능성이커질것이다. I-1 태양폭발현상 좌장 : 문용재 ( 경희대 ) 14:30 [I-1-1] Loop eruption observed in He I D3 line associated with B-class brightening on 2016 May 30 Yeon-Han Kim, Su-Chan Bong, Eun-Kyung Lim, Heesu Yang 1, Be-Ho Jang, Young-Deuk Park Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute University of Science and Technology The He I D3 line has a unique response to a flare impact on the low solar atmosphere and can be a powerful diagnostic tool for energy transport processes. We would like to obtain comprehensive data sets for studying solar flare activities in D3 spectral line. Thus, we performed observations for several days using the 1.6m New Solar Telescope of Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) in 2015 and 2016, equipped with the He I D3 filter, the photospheric broadband filter, and Near IR imaging spectrograph (NIRIS). On 2016 May 30, we got some meaningful data during the observing period from 16:00 UT to 18:00 UT. We observed loop eruptions in He I D3 images associated with B class brightenings in a small active region and dynamic variations of photospheric features in G-band images. In this presentation, we will give the observation results and the interpretation. 14:45 [I-1-2] Period change caused by shock merging in the chromosphere of sunspots Kyeo-Re Lee, Jongchul Chae Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University We obtain Hα imaging spectral data of 8 sunspots using Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph of the 1.6m New Solar Telescope at the Big Bear Solar Observatory. By deriving Doppler velocity from Hα core with the lambdameter method, we investigate propagation of shocks in the chromosphere of sunspots. At 6 out of 8 sunspots, nonlinear phenomena that a shock often overtakes the preceding shock are found. We mark 197 shock merging at one sunspot data with stable 84min observation. Shock merging occurred at the entire part of the inner sunspot and slightly concentrated at the umbra-penumbra boundaries. We suggest shock merging as a bridge of period difference between umbral 3min oscillations and penumbral 5min oscillations. Period change inferred from shock merging can explain twice period increase from center to outer sunspots. It also show similar trend with period measured by the wavelet method. 15:00 [I-1-3] Classification of the kinematics of coronal mass ejections Seong-Gyeong Jeon, Kangwoo Yi, Yong-Jae Moon School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University In this study we investigate the classification of the kinematics of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using about 4,000 LASCO CMEs from 1996 to 2015. We use SOHO/LASCO C3 data and exclude all poor events. Using the constant acceleration model, we classify these CMEs into three groups: Acceleration group, Constant Velocity group, and Deceleration group. For classification we adopt four different methods: Acceleration method, Velocity Variation method, Height Contribution method, 26 Bull. Kor. Spa. Soc. 26(1), April 2017

구두발표논문초록 and Visual Inspection method. Our major results are as follows. First, the fractions of three groups depend on the method used. Second, the results of the Height Contribution method are most consistent with those of the Visual Inspection method, which is thought to be most promising. Third, the fractions of different kinematic groups for the Height contribution method are: Acceleration (34.6%), Constant speed (47.4%), and Deceleration (18%). Fourth, the fractions also depend on CME speed; the fraction of Deceleration increase with speed. 15:15 [I-1-4] Two distinct types of CME-flare relationships using SOHO and STEREO Soojeong Jang, Yong-Jae Moon, Rok-Soon Kim, Sujin Kim, Jae-Ok Lee Kyung Hee University Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute Univ. of Warwick, UK We have made a statistical investigation on the radial and azimuthal wave modes of full halo coronal mass ejections (HCMEs). For this, we consider 25 HCMEs which are simultaneously observed by SOHO and STEREO A & B from August 2010 to August 2012 when they were roughly in quadrature. Using the SOHO/LASCO C3 and STEREO COR2 A & B running difference images, we estimate the instantaneous apparent speeds of the HCMEs at 24 different position angles. Major results from this study are as follows. First, there are quasi-periodic variations of the instantaneous radial velocity with the periods ranging from 24 to 48 mins. Second, amplitudes of the instant speed variations reach about a half of the projected speeds. Third, the amplitudes are found to anti-correlate with period and to correlate with speed. Our preliminary identification from SOHO observations shows that there are several distinct radial and azimuthal wave modes: m=0 (radial) for five events, m=1 for eight events, m=2 for eight events, and unclear for the other events. In this paper, we present two distinct types of CME-flare relationships according to their observing time differences. We compare CME 3D parameters (speed, width, and kinetic energy) using multi-spacecraft data (SOHO and STEREO A&B) and their associated flare ones (fluence, duration, and emission measure). For this, we consider 107 flare-associated halo CMEs from 2010 to 2013. We divide them into two types depending on their observing time difference, ΔT, defined as flare peak time minus CME first appearance time at STEREO COR1 field-of-view. There are 41 events for group A (T<0) which first appear after the flare peak times and 66 events for group B (T 0). Our main results are as follows: (1) a correlation coefficient between flare fluence and CME 3D speed (cc=0.59) for group B is much higher than that (cc=0.32) of group A; (2) there is a possible correlation between are fluence and CME 3D width for group B (cc=0.51) and little correlation for group A; (3) a CME 3D kinetic energy for group B is well correlated with a flare fluence with a correlation value of 0.67, which is much stronger than that (cc=0.32) for group A; (4) all the events belonging to group A have short flare durations less than 1 hour with the mean value of 21 mins, while the events for group B have long durations up to about 4 hours with the mean value of 81 mins; and (5) the CME 3D speed is correlated with a square root of emission measure ( ) based on GOES for group B (cc=0.56). A closer comparison between CME speed and GOES X-ray flux profiles for two representative examples shows that the temporal evolutions of two profiles for group B are consistent with each other for a longer time than those for group A, indicating a close relationship between plasma motions in CMEs and magnetic reconnection process in flares. 15:30 [I-1-5] Statistical study on the radial and azimuthal wave modes of 25 Halo CMEs using multi spacecrafts Harim Lee, Yong-Jae Moon, V. M. Nakariakov School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University Centre for Fusion, Space & Astrophysics, Physics Department, 15:45 [I-1-6] Dependence of the peak fluxes of solar energetic particles on 3D CME parameters from STEREO and SOHO Jinhye Park, Yong-Jae Moon, Harim Lee Department of Astronomy & Space Science, Kyung Hee University School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University We investigate the relationships between the peak fluxes of 18 solar energetic particle (SEP) events and associated coronal mass ejection (CME) 3D parameters (speed, angular width, and separation angle) obtained from SOHO, STEREO-A and/or B for the period from 2010 August to 2013 June. We apply the STEREO CME Analysis Tool (StereoCAT) to the SEP-associated CMEs to obtain 3D speeds and 3D angular widths. The separation angles are determined as the longitudinal angle between flaring regions and magnetic footpoints of the spacecraft, which are calculated by the assumption of Parker spiral field. The main results are as follows. 1) We find that the dependence of the SEP peak fluxes on CME 3D speed from multi-spacecraft is similar to that on 2D CME speed. 2) There is a positive correlation between SEP peak flux and 3D angular width from multi-spacecraft, which is much more evident than the relationship between SEP peak flux and 2D angular width. 3) There is a noticeable anti-correlation (r=-0.62) between SEP peak flux and separation angle. 4) The multiple regression method between SEP peak fluxes and CME parameters shows that the longitudinal separation angle is the most important parameter, and the CME 3D speed is secondary on SEP peak flux. 한국우주과학회보제 26 권 1 호, 2017 년 4 월 27