10 장 도로시설속도및량지하철근승용차보유 Roads Speed and Traffic Volume Subways Commuting Car
O2@6Khg <Bhg J@5hg 7@Hhg W&Y W&Y & & J@5 @5hg J(Yhg.Y.Y W. W. W.Y W.Y O2@6Khg <Bhg J@5hg W2@6Xhg 7@Hhg & S5 J@5 @ew&h @0Y 3=eO&5 @5hg &0M@1hg hg J(Yhg.Y Chg < W. W.Y W&Y @L 31 V4@0Y (1) 도로시설 Roads 서울의도로망은방사형, 격자형, 순환형도로들이혼합된형태이며, 이는도시의형성과정과연관이있다. 1930년대 도로현황 2000 Roads, 2000 에는 4대문안과마포, 영등포등일부외곽지역에만도로가연결된형태에서점차강북지역에도로망이형성되는 도시고속도로 Expressway 주간선도로 Major Arterial Road 보조간선도로 Minor Arterial Road 과정을거쳐 80 년대에는강남지역에격자형도로망이발 @hg Nhg J@5hg 7@Hhg hg hg J@5hg 7@Hhg @0Y 달되었으며, 90 년대도시고속도로를비롯한간선도로정비를하여오늘에이르고있다. 도로망체계를보면외곽순환, 내부순환도로가환상축을형성하고, 강변북로와올림픽대로가동서방향의간선축을이루며, 동부간선, 서부간선, 그리고최근개된북부간선도로가차량이동의중추기능을담당하고있다. 서울의 2000년현재도로길이는 7,844Km이며시가화면적에대한도로면적으로계산한도로율은해마다증가하여현재약 21% 에이르고있다. The roads of Seoul show a combined pattern of radial roads, cross stripe roads, and a ring type road, and it is closely related to the formation process of Seoul. In the 1930s, roads were inside the Four Gates and they were connected to limited regions such as Mapo and Yeongdeungpo. Roads were gradually expanded to the northern areas of Seoul and in the 1980s cross stripe type roads were built in the Gangnam region. In the 1990s, city highways were added and main roads were expanded and repaired. Seoul's road networks are made up of an outer ring circular road and an inner ring circular road around Seoul while the Kangbyonbukno(north of the Han River road) and the Olympic road form an axis that crosses Seoul in east-west direction. In addition, the Tongbu main road, Sobu main 1936 그림76 도로망형성과정 1936-1989 1966 1972 Figure 76 Development of Road Network, 1936-1989 1989 사직로, 율곡로, 흥인문로, 퇴계로, 의주로 시흥대로, 대방로, 용호로, 청파로 관악로, 한강로, 의주로, 일로 서오릉로, 진흥로, 세검정길, 자하문길 남대문로, 태평로, 세종로 동작대로, 서빙고로 반포로, 소공로, 무동길 헌릉로, 강남대로, 한남로, 삼일로 배오개길, 창경궁로, 동소문로, 미아로, 도봉로 논현로, 동호로, 훈련원로, 대학로 언주로, 응봉로, 고산자로, 종암로 송파대로, 자양로, 구의로, 뚝섬길 밤고개길, 광평로, 영동대로, 동2로, 동1로 양재대로, 밤고개길 개화동길, 남부순환로, 둔촌로 도림천로, 신대방길, 은천길 사당로, 서초로, 테헤란로, 올림픽로, 풍납로, 선사로 공항로, 강남로, 현충로, 동작대로, 사평로, 봉은사로 제물포길, 신촌로 만리재길 왕십리길, 광나룻길, 강동대로 제물포길, 선유로, 양화로, 신촌로, 서소문로, 을지로 청계천로, 천호대로 경인로, 마포로, 충정로, 새문안길, 종로, 왕산로, 망우로 보문로, 안암로, 종암로, 월곡동길, 화랑로 수색로, 성산로 @hg Nhg J@5hg 7@Hhg hg hg J@5hg 7@Hhg road, and the recently opened Pukbu main road, form a backbone for transportation. As of 2000, the total length of roads in Seoul amounts to 7,844Km and the road rate, which reflects the percentage of land in use as road vs built-up area has increased annually and presently stands at 21%. 자료 : 서울특별시도로계획과, 2000 Source : Road Plan Division, Seoul Metropolitan Government 2000
O2@6Khg <Bhg J@5hg W2@hg 7@Hhg.Y W. W.Y W&Y @5hg W&hg 7Yhg J(Yhg 3X@5hg W.NHhg W&He 7@eLhg &hg J@5 @0Y @5 (Y O2@6Khg <Bhg J@5hg hg 7@Hhg W.Y B)X W&Y @1 & J@5 J@5 @e7(y @0Y 3=eC(Y @5hg J@ 7@ J(Yhg.Y J 6X W. V40Y (2) 속도및량 Speed and Traffic Volume 서울의자동차등록대수는 80 년대이후급속히증가하여 80 년약 20 만대에달하던자동차등록대수가 2000년현재 240 만대를넘어서고있다. 이러한자동차보급의증가는간선도로의행속도를급격히낮추고있다. 주요간선도로별속도를살펴보면외곽지역일부도로의경우 35Km 이상의속도를유지하나도심부와부도심일부지역은 15Km 이상의속도를내기어렵고, 대부분의구간에서시속 20Km 이하의속도를나타내고있다. 주요지점별량을살펴보면한남대를비롯한한강량들에서과이많으며, 인천시, 성남시, 고양시등수도권주변도시들을연결하는간선도로에서의량이많아강남강북간차이동과수도권과서울의직주분리현상이량조사에반영된것이라볼수있다. 그림 77 자동차등록대수 1965-2000 Figure77 Registered Cars, 1965-2000 주요간선도로속도및량 2000 Speed and Traffic Volume, 2000 량 속도 Traffic Volume 50,000 이하 Below 50,000~100,000 100,000~150,000 150,000 초과 Over ( 대, cars) Speed 15 이하 Below 15~25 25~35 35 초과 Over ( km /h) @hg Nhg J@5hg 7@Hhg hg hg J@5hg 7@Hhg Number of cars registered in Seoul has increased sharply since the 1980s. In 1980, Seoul had around 200,000 cars but by the year 2000, it reached 2.4 million. Such a sharp increase of cars distinctively slowed the driving speed on the main roads. Driving speed respective of major main roads are that some roads in the outer ring region of Seoul maintain 35km driving speed, however in the downtown areas and some areas in the secondary center of the city driving speed is less than 15km in most of the roads, and the average driving speed is lower than 20km. Traffic volume at major intersections are mostly at the bridges over the Hangang River and major main roads in Incheon, Songnam, and Koyang and other suburb cities of Seoul have huge traffic volume. It reflects the huge cross section traffic volume between the Kangnam and Kangbuk regions and the separation of offices downtown and residences in the suburbs. 자료 : 서울특별시관리실, 2000 년도정기속도조사자료서울지방경찰청, 서울시량조사자료, 2000 Source : Office of, Regular Speed Census in 2000 Seoul Metropolitan Policy Agency, Traffic Volume Census 2000 @hg Nhg J@5hg 7@Hhg hg hg J@5hg 7@Hhg
W& O2@6Khg 7@ J@5 <Bhg W&@H J@5hg 7@Hhg W&= 7@Hhg 7@(R'6Xhg @5hg hg hg J@(YV')Xhg J(Yhg W&(Yf@)hg.Y J@5hg 7@Hhg W. 7@He7@Hhg W.Y 3@Le@5hg W&Y V')KeC(Yhg & V4@0Y J@5 O2@6Khg <Bhg J@5hg @hf 7@Hhg.Y W. W.Y W&Y @5hg W@Hhf 7@hg J(Yhg & C(Y J@5 H @0Y Jhg W&<hg 7@ @5 @5 @H @ @hg Nhg J@5hg @0Y (3) 지하철 Subways 서울의운송수단별분담율을살펴보면 2000년기준으로지하철 35%, 버스 28%, 승용차 19%, 택시 9%, 기타 9% 등으로버스와택시의분담율은감소하며, 지하철과승용차의분담율은계속적으로증가하고있다. 서울의지하철은 1974년 1호선이개된이후 1985년까지 2, 3, 4호선이개되어 1기지하철이완성되었고, 1987년부터 2000년말까지 2기지하철이완공되었으며, 현재지하철 9호선의건설이추진되고있다. 1~8호선에이르는현재의지하철수송인원은일평균약 5백 16만명수준이며환상선인 2호선이 180 만명으로가장많고, 4호선과 5호선이그뒤를잇고있다. The mode shares of transportation of Seoul as of 2000 shows that the subways take up 35% of Seoul's transportation while buses 28%, cars 19%, taxis 9%, and others 9%. While transportation by bus and taxi is decreasing, the use of subways and cars are continuously increasing. Since the No.1 subway line opened in 1974, the 2nd line, the 3rd line, and 4th lines have been added until 1985, which is the 1st phase of subway development. The 2nd phase of subway development began in 1987 and was completed by the end of 2000. Presently, the 9th line is under construction. As of now 8 subways lines are in operation and they carry 5.15 million people per day. Line No. 2 circular subway transport largest number of people, 1.8 mil. people a day and it is followed by Line 4 and Line 3. 그림 78 운송수단별분담률 1985-2000 Figure78 Mode Shares of, 1985-2000 그림 79 지하철수송인원 1975-2000 Figure79 Subway Passengers, 1975-2000 지하철노선망 2001 도봉산혜화 Subway Line, 2001 경복궁안국창신도봉수락산 1호선 Line 1 당고개광화문종로3가종로5가동대문신설동 2호선 Line 2 동묘앞 3호선 Line 3 종각방학마들을지로3가을지로4가상계 4호선 Line 4 5호선 Line 5 시청창동노원을지로입구 6호선 Line 6 동대문운동장신당쌍문중계 7호선 Line 7 녹천청구 8호선 Line 8 서울역명동충무로회현동대입구수유하계구파발월계약수신금호미아성북공릉독바위태릉앞연신내미아삼거리석계봉화산돌곶이불암구산불광길음상월곡먹골역촌신이문녹번월곡중화응암성신여대입구종암휘경상봉북가좌홍제한성대입구안암회기면목증산보문혜화청량리무악재경복궁안국창신제기방화사가정수색청량리 ( 국철 ) 독립문동대문신설동광화문종각종3 성산종5 동묘앞신답상왕십리답십리용마산개화산서대문시청을1,3,4가송정운동장홍대입구아현회현명동신당마장고덕마포구청충무로중곡발산신촌김포공항충정로동대입구청구왕십리용답상일동망원서울역장안평군자 ( 능동 ) 이대입구명일약수신금호행당한양대우정산애오개아차산합정숙대입구금호성수광나루암사굽은다리상수광흥창대흥공덕남영응봉버티고개뚝섬어린이대공원천호당산마포삼각지옥수건대입구한강진길동화곡효창공원앞신정강동오목영등포구청밤섬뚝섬유원지구의강동구청용산녹사평이태원한남강변그림80 노선별수송실적 2001 영등포시장신용산압구정둔촌동까치산청담 Figure80 Subway Passengers by Line, 2001 목동양평여의도신사성내몽촌토성신정네거리문래이촌서빙고올림픽공원잠원신천신길강남구청학동잠실도림천영등포대방노량진양천구청논현방이장승배기고속터미널동작석촌구로신도림신풍보라매상도반포종합운동장삼성오류강남선릉오금온수대림학여울숭실대입구송파신대방삼거리역삼개롱내방대청구일거여개봉구로공단이수대가락시장대치마천남성천왕남구로서초도곡문정신대방신림봉천양재매봉수서일원광명가리봉서울대입구방배남부터미널장지철산낙성대사당 @hg Nhg J@5hg 7@Hhg hg hg J@5hg 7@Hhg 독산 남태령 시흥 자료 : 서울시정개발연구원도시부내부자료 Source : Department of Urban, Seoul Development Institute, Internal Document
O2@6Khg W2@6Xhg 7@e@1hg <Bhg J@5hg J@5J@5hg H7(Yhg 7@Hhg @5hg N@e@Hhg J@Lhg J(Yhg.Y O&0M@1hg <ehg W. fhg W.Y W&Y 3@LeJ@5hg & V')Ke@0Yhg J@5 V4 O2@6Khg <Bhg J@5hg O26Xhg 7@Hhg & V'(Y J@5 @(Y @0Y 7@H @5hg W2(MI')Xhg 7@HeN@1hg J(Yhg.Y J@5eJ@5hg '@HeW&(Yhg W. W.Y V'=W&@Hhg V'6&@5 W&Y J@5 @0Y (4) 근 Commuting 서울의근패턴은도심으로의이동이가장많고, 그외에 근 1997 Commuting, 1997 여의도를중심으로하는영등포구와강남구에집중되어있다. 강남지역의개발이미미하였던 80 년대에는강남구로의근이동이적었으나, 강남이상업업무지역으로개발된 90 년대이후근행이급증하여최근에는도심과더불어가장근행이많은지역이되었다. 특히송파에서강남으로오는근행이 4만인을초과하고있으며, 최근의근행패턴은과거에비해다양해지는특성이있다. Commuting from residences in the suburbs to the 그림 81 구간근자수 1980 Figure 81 Number of Commuters, 1980 10,000 이하 Below 10,000~20,000 20,000~30,000 초과 Over ( 명, Person) 그림 82 구간근자수 1990 Figure 82 Number of Commuters, 1990 10,000 이하 Below 10,000~20,000 20,000~30,000 초과 Over ( 명, Person) 10,000 이하 Below 10,000~20,000 20,000~30,000 40,000 초과 Over ( 명, Person) downtown area constitutes the largest percentage of commuters while Yeongdeungpo-gu centering in Yeouido and Gangnam-gu come next to downtown in the number of commuters. In the 1980s when the Gangnam region had yet been developed, commuters going to Gangnam- @hg Nhg J@5hg 7@Hhg hg hg J@5hg 7@Hhg @0Y gu were rather small in number. In late 1990s, however, when the Gangnam region was developed as a commercial and business center, commuting to Gangnam region increased sharply, making it, together with the downtown area, the source of the largest number of commuters. In particular, commuters commuting from Songpa-gu to Gangnam exceeded 40,000 people. The recent commuting patterns have been diversified compared with that of the past. @hg Nhg J@5hg 7@Hhg hg hg J@5hg 7@Hhg 자료 : 서울특별시, 1997 Source : Seoul Metropolitan Govermment, 1997
W2@6Xhg O26Xhg @(MI'1hg &0M@1hg @ew&h @ @0Y 3=eO&5 hg J@HeN@Lhg W&5eJhg Chg < *@He7@Hhg N@f@5hg @L V4@0Y 31 3LeJ(Yhg N)Ke.Y S5 W2@6Xhg 7@Hhg hg &0M@1hg @0Y @ew&h 3=eO&5 hg J@5hg Chg < 7@Hhg @L V4@0Y 31 J@5 S5 @hg Nhg J@5hg @0Y (5) 승용차보유 Car 서울시의자동차등록대수는 2000년현재 240만대를넘어서고있다. 이가운데승용차가 73.6%, 승합차 ( 버스 ) 가 그림 83 사고발생 1968-2000 Figure83 Traffic Accident Occurrence, 1968-2000 승용차보유 2000 Private Car, 2000 11.8%, 기타화물차와특수차가 14.6% 에달한다. 승용차가운데는자가용이 95% 이며, 기타영업용과관용승용차가있다. 인구 1,000명당승용차보유대수를살펴보면강남지역이강북지역보다높은것으로나타나며, 행정시설과상업시설 100 이하 Below 100~200 200~300 300 초과 Over ( 대 / 인구 1,000명 ) (Cars/1,000 person) 이밀집한종로구와중구일부지역과소득이높은서초구, 강남구, 송파구와여의도를포함한영등포구, 용산구일부등에서승용차보유대수가높은것으로나타났다. 승용차보유 ( 승용차등록대수 / 인구 )x1000 Privare car (Number of Registered cars /Population by Dong)x1000 As of the year 2000, Seoul has over 2.4 million cars registered. Of them, cars 73.6%, mini buses 11.8%, freight trucks and other special-purpose cars 14.6%. Of cars, 95% are private cars and the rest are cars for business purposes and official use. A study revealed that in terms of the number of @hg Nhg J@5hg 7@Hhg hg hg J@5hg 7@Hhg J@5 private cars per 1000 population the Gangnam region has more than the Gangbuk region. Some areas in Jongno-gu and Jung-gu where administrative and commercial institutes gathered and the high income bracket regions of Seocho-gu, Gangnam-gu, Songpa-gu, and Yeongdeungpo-gu including Yeouido, and Yongsan-gu have more cars than other areas. 그림 84 자동차증가 1965-2000 Figure84 Car increase, 1965-2000 @hg Nhg J@5hg 7@Hhg hg hg J@5hg 7@Hhg J@5 자료 : 서울특별시, 정보마당홈페이지 Source : Traffic Information Center, Seoul Metropolitan Govermment http://traffic.metro.seoul.kr