지각의존재론적이미지와예술비평 * 윤대선 ** (perception)..?, -,,. * 112 (2015. 11. 7, ),. **
철학탐구 1. 서론 : 예술적이미지, 사유와지각사이에서... < 그림 1> 마그리트의 잘못된거울 (Le faux miroir, 1935) 한예. 실재세계의애매성, 내가보고있는푸른하늘은실재자체인가, 아니면내눈에비춰진하늘인가?..... < 1>. 1) 1) (R. Magritte).. (Le modèle rouge, 1937), (Le seducteur, 1951).
??........,...,. 2)
철학탐구. (Alberti, 1404~1472).,.. 3)....... (R. Descartes, 1596~1650)... 4) 2)..,. (,,,, 1997, p.74.) 3) :,,,, 2011. 4).
.,. 5)...... -. 6). (1618). (,,,, 2003, p.48.) 5),,,, 1997, p.55. 6) -.,,,.,. (-, (L'OEil et l'esprit, 1964),,, 2008, p83.)
철학탐구?, -,,.... 2. 포스트모던시대의예술적이미지의새로운근거...,,,,. 7). 7),,,, 2011, p.203.
. 19,.. (aura)... (W. Benjamin, 1892~1940). 8).,,.. < 2> (E. Aget, 1857~ 1927). 8),,..,,... (,,,, 2005, p.23.)
철학탐구...,. < 그림 2> 앗제의사진작품. 벤야민에따르면아우라를파괴하는일은오늘날지각의예술이갖는시대적특징이다.. 9).,...... 9). (E. Degas) (1876).,. (,,,, 2011, p.219.)
. (ready made). 10) (Duchamp, 1887~1968)..,... (La Fontaine, 1917).....,.. 10).,. (,, p.363.)
철학탐구.,.. < 3> (R. Sera, 1939~).. 11) < 그림 3> 세라의 기울어진호 ( 弧 ) (1985). 3 차원적공간과시간속에배치되는설치예술은장소특수적인공공예술의새로움을시도한다. 여기서예술적생명력은공간지각을떠나존재할수없다... (locality). 11).. (,,,, 2007, p.64.)
... 3. 사물의있음에대한지각이미지의예술적재구성. (P. Cézanne, 1836~1906),,..... -..
철학탐구..... ( 同化 )...,.... 2.,.,.. 12) 12)..
,,,,... < 그림 4> 몬드리안, 브로드웨이부기우기 (1942~43). 비구상작품의회화적물질성은상상력과구도에의해재구성된다.. 13). 14). ( 形相 )... (S.-M.,,,, 2000, p.64.) 13)... (,,, 2011, p.59.) 14), :,,, 1994, p.41.
철학탐구. ( 形像 ).,...,.,..... ( 物我一體 ) ( 同化 ). 15), 15).,.,
..,. 16)...... 17).... (,,,, 1980, p22.) 16),,,, 2007, p.108. 17) Enn. III 8, 10....,. (Enn. IV 7, 9.)
철학탐구?. 18).... ( 無 ). < 그림 5> 김창렬작가의 물방울 (1973). 지각은물질적이미지에투시된본질을직관한다. ( 靈感 ).... - (M. Merleau-Ponty, 1908~1961)... 18) Enn. I 6, 2.
..,. (moi naturel). 19),,... - (être au monde). -?..,.,. 20) -... 21) 19) Merleau-Ponty, Phénoménologie de la perception, Paris: Gallimard, 1945, p.239. 20) Merleau-Ponty, Le visible et l invisible, Paris: Gallimard, p.1964, p.271. 21) -..
철학탐구 (schéma corporel)..,,.. 4. 베르그손이후지각의새로운이미지와잠재성........ 22). 23),. (-,, pp.43~44.) 22) Bergson, Matière et mémoire, Paris: PUF, 1939, p.233. ( MM ) 23).
.... < 6>... ( 場 ) < 그림 6> 베르그손에게있어지각의이미지는어떻게구성될까? 좌측에서첫번째원은지속의범주, 두번째원은정신 ( 의식 ) 의범주, 세번째원은신체의범주, 네번째원은물질의범주이다. 데카르트의심신이원론은정신과신체가서로전혀다른실체의지위갖고있다. 이에반해베르그손에게있어심신일원론은정신과신체가마치고리와같이연결되어있는존재론적구조를갖는다.... 24).... (,,,, 2006, p.59.) 24)...
철학탐구.,. 25) (1896)...,,.. 26)..,. (MM, p.17.) 25).... (MM, p.21.) 26) MM, p.72.
. 27).?... < 7> < 그림 7> 김영원작가의 그림자의그림자 : 꽃이피다 (2008). 과연생명의꽃이란무엇인가?........ -. 27),. (MM, p.200.)
철학탐구. 28). 29). ( 形像, figure).. (sensation)...., 30) -... ( 脫 ). 31) 28).,.,,. (,,,,, 2006, p.14.) 29). ( 層理, niveaux)... (Deleuze, Francis Bacon : Logique de la sensation, Paris: Seuil, 2002, p.49. FB ) 30) FB, p.40. 31) (H. D. Thoreau, 1817~1862)). (...)... (
.,. (F. Bacon). 32). ( 種差 ) ( 形像, figure)., (1981),. < 8>, < 그림 8> 김미루작가의퍼포먼스 <The pig that therefore I am>(2012) 인간과동물사이의경계에서새로운잠재성의체험은서로의다름을와해시키는감각적직관에의해가능하다..... (ordre),,,,,,, 2002, pp.108~109.) 32). (,?, 64,, 2010, p.170.)
철학탐구.. 33) -... ( 分化, différenciation).... 34) (élan vital).. (puissance).. 35). 33) FB, p.41.,. 34) Deleuze, Le Bergsonisme, Paris: PUF, 1966, p.100. 35).. (, :,,, 2008, p.19.)
.. < 9>., (aplat).... < 그림 9> 베이컨의 투우경기 (1969). 들뢰즈에따르면그는회화적구상을차단시킨비구상성을단적으로표현한다.. -. 36). 36) (sensible).. (immédiateté), (le pour autre). (proximité). (Lévinas, Autrement qu'être ou au-delà de l'essence, La Haye: Marinus Nijhoff, 1974, p.94.)
철학탐구... 37).... 5. 결론. 19.. 37), :,,, 2003, p.82.
,,. 20. -.?.......,.
철학탐구 참고문헌,,,,, 2007.,,,,, 1997., S.-M.,,,, 2000. -,, (L'OEil et l'esprit, 1964),,, 2008.,, :,,, 2003.,, (L'Eau et les rêves, 1942),,, 1980., (La Psychanalyse du feu, 1938),,, 2007.,,, 2011.,, ( 2 ),,, 2007,,,,,,, 2006.,, :,,, 1994.,,,,, 2011.,,,,, 2011.,,,,,, 2002.,?,, 64, 2010.,,,, 2011.,,,,, 2003.,,,,, 2005.
,, :,,, 2008.,,,,, 1997.,,,, 2006. Bergson, Henri, Matière et mémoire, Paris: PUF, 1939. Deleuze, Gilles, Le Bergsonisme, Paris: PUF, 1966., Francis Bacon : Logique de la sensation, Paris: Seuil, 2002. Lévinas, Emmanuel, Autrement qu'être ou au-delà de l'essence, La Haye: Marinus Nijhoff, 1974. Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Phénoménologie de la perception, Paris: Gallimard, 1945., Le visible et l invisible, Paris: Gallimard, 1964. Plotinus, Ennead(I~VII), with an english translation by A. H. Armstrong, Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1966.
철학탐구 The Ontological Image of Perception and Criticism of Art Yun, Dae-Sun (Kyonggi Univ.) The image of painting represents the real object in the painter's point, but that is not simply in itself. Of course the subjective thinking of the artist creates an image. But as Cézanne said that the painter in the face of his motif is about to join aimless hands of nature. A picture is accomplished by the perception, that is occurred between objets and painter. In any case the artist must perceive the external phenomenon that is definitely different from the artist's thinking. So the image in the drawing paper is a description that is realized by the prospect vision and perception of the artist, that produce the artistic images. This article proposes the question the contemporary art of Cézanne, Sera, Bacon compared to the philosophical vision of Bergson, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. Specially these philosophers think on the figure of being that is manifested in the original manner of body s perception. The connection between things and painter is found in perception. And the figure in painting is already communicated in the body's perception. This article proposes three principles of perception as virtuality, difference and duration. Key w ords: Artistic figure, Bacon, Bergson, Cézanne, Criticism of art, Deleuze, Image of perception, Merleau-Ponty
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