: 2013 1 25 Homepage: www.gaia3d.com Contact: info@gaia3d.com
I I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5 I-6 GIS II II-1 II-2 II-3 III III-1 III-2 III-3 III-4 III-5 III-6 IV GIS IV-1 IV-2 (Complement) IV-3 IV-4 V References * 2012.
I I-1 FOSS(Free & Open Source Software): FOSS FOSS,,, FOSS Free,,,, FOSS (Open Standard). FOSS (OGC OSGeo ) 4 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
I I-2 Freeware vs FOSS FOSS (No-Cost) FOSS (Commercial) FOSS (Closed Source) (Proprietary) (Freeware) (FOSS). ( ), 5 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
I I-3,,, 2 GPL O O O X LGPL O O O O MPL O O O O BSD License O O X O Apache license O O X O 6 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
I I-4,, (Network Effect) (Tipping Point),, 7 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
I I-5,,,, 8 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
I I-6 GIS GIS : Client ArcMAP Google Earth QGIS Web Interface WMS WFS WCS CSW Middleware ArcTMS TMS GeoWebCache Server ArcServer ArcSDE GeoServer MIP DBMS Oracle PostgreSQL Data Map Image DEM 9 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
II II-1 ( ), ( ),,,, Microsoft, Adobe Systems, Oracle, ESRI, HEXAGON 11 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
II II-2,,,, (Needs), / (Whole Product) / 12 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
II II-3,,,,,,,,, 13 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
III III-1 Leverage own knowledge Leverage others knowledge too,,, We are smarter than Me 15 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
III III-2,,,,,,,, : = 1:N ( ) : = 1:1 ( ),. ( ) 16 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
III III-3 (1), ( ) (Dual License) (Open Core),, 17 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
III III-3 (2),,,,, 18 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
III III-4 We are smarter than Me > 19 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
III III-5 Gold wins everything! 20 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
III III-6 21 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
IV GIS IV-1,, 직접개발외부구매오픈소스 (Commodity Features):. 특화사양 (Differentiated Features) 1 2 3. 기본사양 (Baseline Features) 2 1 2 (Baseline Features):. GIS SHP GeoTiff, GIS.. 근간사양 (Commodity Features) 3 2 1 (Differentiated Features): (Added Value).. 23 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
IV GIS IV-2 (Complement) (Complement) GIS GIS (Complement Goods)? Plugin Plugin 24 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
IV GIS IV-3 CDMA (Le ap Frogging) GIS, GI S Open Sour ce 25 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
IV 한국의 독점 GIS 소프트웨어 개발 전략 IV-4 특화 시장 침투 전략 특화 시장 침투 전략 인프라적인 성격의 기술에 대해서는 과감하게 오픈 소스 소프트웨어를 활용하고, 이러한 인프라적인 기술과 결합하여 새로운 가치(Value)를 창출하는 분야에는 독점 소프트웨어를 활용하는 전략 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 가치보다 기술에 집중 범용 인프라 기술적 성격의 시장 독점 소프트웨어 고객 친화성 틈새 시장 독점 소프트웨어로 틈새 시장 공략 기술과 틈새 시장의 체화 지식(Embodied Knowledge)를 통합하는 과정이 필요 한국형 독점 GIS 소프트웨어 탄생 Technology Business Logic 고객의 가치 향상이 비즈니스의 최종 목적임을 고려하여 고객 요구(Needs)를 만족시키는 가치를 제공하는 시장 공략 방식으로 전환 All rights reserved. 26 신상희(shshin@gaia3d.com)
V <, 28 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
V >,, ( ) 29 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
V!!! 30 (shshin@gaia3d.com)
Reference Eric Raymond, The Magic Cauldron, hjp://www.catb.org/esr/wrimngs/magic- cauldron/ John Carroll, Open source vs proprietary: Both have advantages, ZDNet, 2004. hjp://www.zdnet.com/open- source- vs- proprietary- both- have- advantages- 3039155570/ Arnoud Engelfriet, Mixed- source so^ware development, Intellectual Asset Magazine issue 19, A ugust/september 2006. John Carrol, How the so^ware economy is driven by proprietary work, ZDNet, hjp://www.zdnet.com/how- the- so^ware- economy- is- driven- by- proprietary- work- 1139148761/, 2004.,,, 2004 11 /12 James Dixon, The Wild Hive Model for Open Source Projects, hjp://jamesdixon.wordpress.com/the- bees- and- the- trees/proprietary- model/ Detlev J. Hoch, Secrets of So^ware Success, Harvard Business School Press, 2000 James Dixon, The Maple Syrup Farm Model for Proprietary So^ware Companies hjp://jamesdixon.wordpress.com/the- bees- and- the- trees/proprietary- model/ Vidyasagar Potdar & Elizabeth Chang, Open Source and Closed So^ware Development Methodol ogies, ICSE, 2004, (Dual- license) :, SW, 2006. SW, http://www.oss.kr/oss_intro06,,, 2009. 32 (shshin@gaia3d.com)