134 25, 135 3, (Aloysius Pieris) ( r e a l i t y ) ( P o v e r t y ) ( r e l i g i o s i t y ) 1 ) 21, 21, 1) Aloysius Pieris, An Asian Theology of Li

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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh

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300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름


25 133162 ( ) I 21

134 25, 135 3, (Aloysius Pieris) ( r e a l i t y ) ( P o v e r t y ) ( r e l i g i o s i t y ) 1 ) 21, 21, 1) Aloysius Pieris, An Asian Theology of Liberation (New York: Orbis Books, 1990); /, ( :, 1988) 90 3 I I 1 20084 (Wesley S Ariarajah), 1997 Drew 21

136 25, 137,, 1 3 2 1017 183 60 10 1 800 14 50 3 1 5 3600 2 HIV/AIDS, 104 2) 60% 2, 10 3) 20091026 (Poverty in Asia and the Task of Korean Christianity) (Belinda Haban) 4) 800, 3 1 1, 40% 255 5, 93 2) 2007 183 1993 2000 2015 (MDG) 3) ;,, 2008 5 28 4) Belinda D Haban, Poverty in the eyes of the Philippine Urban Poor,, 6 8

138 25, 139 214%1,410 452%, 1, 329%, 505%, 623% 5) 3? 40 1960 70, 21 10% ( )748% 6) 5),,, 6), 21 (20002007, 5,000 ), 10% 533% ( 2007 ) 10% 748% 1970 21 2005 700, 120% 716 15%, 2005 460 250 4,905 7 1 7) 20081 531,133 8), 20093 402, 439 9) 7),, 1,, 3 8) 9),? 21, 781, 2009 10 19, 28

140 25, 141, I I I 1?,, 10) 10), ( :, 1979), 59 ( 140:13) ( 71:4) ( 142:8; 68:7 ) 11) 12) 22 13) ( ) 11), 191, 194 12), 69 70 13), 73

142 25, 143 (10:1 3), (3:1 3) 2 (ochlos) 2 (laos) 36, 14),,, 15) (6:20), 14),, ( :, 1991), 87 15), 91 (2:5) 16) ptochos penes ptochos 17) ptochos,, 53,,, A D 50 p t o c h o s penes, 18) 16 ),, ( : ), 1983 17), 398 399 18), 400

144 25, 145 611 2,,,,, ( 4:6 9, ) IV 3 1 (Gustavo Gutierrez) ( ) 19) 20), (spiritual pover ty),, 19) /, ( :, 1977), 363 20), 364

146 25, 147 21) ( 4:7 8) 22),,, 23),,, 24) 1), 2), 3) 25) 2003 21), 376 22) /, ( :, 1988) 23), (1988), 340 24), 341 25), 353, 26) 2, 3?, 27) 26) Daniel Hartnett, Remembering the Poor: An Interview with Gustavo Gutierrez, America 188/3 (February 2003),,?,, ( :, 2006), 141 142 27), ( :, 2005), 27

148 25, 149,, 28),, 29) 14 30) ( 14:21),,,,, 28), ( :, 1998), 208 29), 210 30), ( :, 1983), 231 V,, 1 (Aloysius Pieris)1934 (1959), (1966), (1964), 1972 1972, (reality) (authentic) (Churches in

150 25, 151 Asia) (Churches of Asia) 31), 32) 33), 1960, 34) 31), (1988), 71 72 32), 89 98, 33) Aloysius Pieris, Two Encounters in My Theological Journey, Frontiers in Asian Chrstian Theology (New York: Orbis Books, 1994), 141 146 34) Ibid, 144 35) Ibid, 146?, 35) 2 (Reality), 3,

152 25, 153 3 (Christopher Rowland), 30 36) 1, 2, 3 37),,,, 3 6 ) Christopher Rowland, ed, The Cambridge Companion to Liberation Theology (London: Cambridge Press, 1999), xiii 37) Pieris, An Asian Theology of Liberation (1990), 69-38) ( ) ( ),,,, ( =, ) ( ), (=,, tanha, ( ) ) ( ) (=, ) ( ),,, 38), (1988), 74 76

154 25, 155 3, (dis cernment) (Voluntary poverty) (forced poverty) 39),, 40) ( 6:24), ( 19:21),, 39), 46 40), 37 41) 42) ( 16:14 15) 43) ( 16:19 25) 41), 38 42), 39 43), 41

156 25, 157 44),, ( 11:21 27), 45), 4 47) ( 2:13 17),,, 48),, ( 15:39),, (Churches of Asia), 46) 44), 46 45), 46 47 V I :? 46), 89 47), 94 48), 95

158 25, 159 21, (reality) (poverty) (religiousness), 49),, 50) 49), 52 50), 27 (God search) (human concern)?, 51),,,, (Pieris, Asia, poverty, religiousness, Minjung theology) 51), (1977), 141

160 25, 161 20091102 ( ) 20091207 20091215 Love Meets Wisdom: A Christian Experience of Buddhism N e w York: Orbis Books, 1988 Rowland, Christopher ed The Cambridge Companion to Liberation Theology London: Cambridge Press, 1999, x i i i Sugirtharajah, R S ed Frontiers in Asian Christian Theology New York: Orbis Books, 1994, / :, 1977 :, 1983 :, 2006, :, 1983 :, 1979 ; 2008 5 28 :, 1991 :, 2005 :, 1998? 21, 781, 2009 10 19 :, 1987 / :, 1988 / :, 1988 Haban, Belinda D Poverty in the eyes of the Philippine Urban Poor Pieris, Aloysius An Asian Theology of Liberation New York: Orbis Books, 1990 Fire & Water: Basic Issues in Asian Buddhism and Christianity New York: Orbis Books, 1996 Theological Meaning of Poverty in Pieris Theology Park, Do Woong Lecturer Methodist Theological University Seoul, Korea Aloysius Pieris has been well known as a representative theologian of Asian Liberation Theology He has eagerly tried to build an authentic Asian theology based on the Asian realities and context as he has showed in his representative work, An Asian Theology of L i b e r a t i o n He is also the founder and director of Tulana Research Center in Kalaniya, Sri Lanka for doing Asian theology He points out that Asian people and churches are in the context of people with a long time history of authentic religiousness and crushing poverty In that sense, Pieris insists strongly that theological reflection in Asia must take poverty and religiousness together as its starting point

162 25 In this essay, especially, I focused on Pieris theological view about poverty for our understanding of poverty in Korean context as well as that of Asia today To clarify Pieris theology, I briefly researched the biblical view of poverty and view of Latin America Liberation Theology and Minjung Theology about the same topic In the Bible, the poor has been consistently considered God s beloved people and sons and daughters both in the Old and New Testaments Especially, in the New Testament, Jesus promised them a blessing of having the kingdom of heaven While Matthew expressed the poor in spirit (Mt 5:3), Luke the poor (Lk 6:20) Then, I reviewed Latin America Liberation Theology and Minjung Theology in terms of poverty Both started from the poor and oppressed people s context in Latin America and Korea Therefore, both are deeply interested in people or M i n j u n g s socio-political and economic context and their liberation In both theologies, the poor has been considered the subject of struggle for liberation (Latin America Liberation Theology) and history (Minjung Theology) Pieris suggests to see poverty in two ways: forced and voluntary He believes that the former is the result of oppression and evil power while the latter is the seed of liberation He strongly insists that the Asian churches should be the churches of Asia not in Asia through seeing poverty as their reality In his theology the voluntary poverty can work as a liberative way to defeat the forced poverty and the power of Mammon To build and find an authentic Asian theology and view of poverty, we also should recognize the poor context of Asia as a reality for doing theology in present Asia and Korea