일본요리의정수 ( 精秀 ) 가이세키, 오감으로재현되다. Taste the best of Kaiseki with all your five senses. 고급일본요리의정수가이세키요리를감각적인스타일로재현하는일식당무라사키는 건강한삶, 품격있는스타일 을지향하는최고급다이닝입니다. 국내특급호텔최초로선보이는 교토오반자이 콘셉트와네오클래식가이세키콘셉트의최고급메뉴를통해새로운일식오뜨퀴진 (Haute Cuisine) 을선보입니다. Japanese restaurant Murasaki presents a sensational Kaiseki meal, a representative Japanese course dish, at a premium dining space targeting healthy life and elegant style. Each seasonal change is reflected in exquisite details at the restaurant. Come marvel at the Haute Cuisine including premium hotel s first Kyoto Obanzai and other finest dishes under Neo-classical concepts. 우유, 계란, 밀, 콩, 땅콩, 견과류, 생선, 패류등은알러지를유발할수있으므로알러지가있는고객께서는미리말씀해주시기바랍니다. Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soybeans, Peanuts, Tree nuts, Shellfish can cause allergic symptoms. Please let us know in advance if you have any food allergies or dietary issues.
Weekend Special Course 藤 I 등나무 I Wisteria 海鮮サラダ해산물샐러드 Seafood Salad 旬のお造り 3 種盛り계절생선회 3 종 3 Kinds of Seasonal Sashimi 韓牛サーロイン炙り한우타타키 Korean Beef Sirloin Tataki 穴子柳川風야나가와붕장어냄비 Sea Eel in a Hot Pot 海老かき揚げ茶漬け 새우, 야채튀김과오차쯔께 Deep-fried Shrimps, Vegetables and Ochazuke 本日のデザート오늘의특선후식 Murasaki Special 68,000 (per person)
Weekend Special Course 紫陽花 I 수국 I Hydrangea 本 日 の 先 付 오늘의전채요리 of the Day 旬のお造り 5 種盛り 계절생선회 5종 5 Kinds of Seasonal Sashimi 季節魚の朴葉味噌焼き 계절생선박잎된장구이 Grilled Seasonal Fish with Soybean Paste 肉 豆 腐 고기두부조림두부콩 ( 국내산 ) Meat and Tofu Stew 御寿司 3 種とちり鍋 스시 3종과계절생선냄비 3 Kinds of Sushi and Seasonal Fish Jiri 本日のデザート 오늘의특선후식 Murasaki Special 菖蒲 I 붓꽃 I Iris 本 日 の 先 付 오늘의전채요리 of the Day 旬のお造り 5 種盛り 계절생선회 5종 5 Kinds of Sashimi 季節の焼魚 2 種盛り 계절생선구이 2종 Grilled Seasonal Fish 海老と野菜の天婦羅 새우와야채튀김 Deep-fried Shrimps and Vegetables 海鮮鍋焼きうどん 해물냄비우동 Seafood Udon in a Hot Pot 本日のデザート 오늘의특선후식 Murasaki Special 78,000 (per person)
Casual Kaiseki 전통적가이세키의고품격구성을간결하고임팩트있게즐기고자하는 고객을위해만든캐주얼가이세키는세개의젠 (Zen) 으로나누어정성스럽게제공됩니다. Casual Kaiseki, specially designed for urban lifestyles looking for the finest arrangement of traditional Kaiseki in a simplified but uncompromised fashion, are served with three Zens [ 一の膳 ] 本日のおすすめ先付 和風胡麻サラダ [ 첫번째 Zen] 오늘의추천전채요리, 일본풍참깨샐러드 [1 st Zen], Japanese Sesame Sala [ 二の膳 ] 鱚焼霜と揚げ粟麩の椀物 お 造 り 二 種 盛 り カ マ ス 胡 麻 焼 き と 南 京 七 味 焼 き [ 두번째 Zen] 보리멸구이와튀긴밀기울맑은국, 생선회 2 종, 꼬치고기참깨구이, 단호박시치미구이 [2 nd Zen] Grilled Sand Smelt and Fried Wheat Bran Clear Soup, 2 kinds of Seasonal Sashimi, Brown Barracuda Grilled with Sesame, Pumpkin Grilled with Shichimi [ 三の膳 ] 豚 肉 の 豆 乳 鍋 季節の炊き込み御飯 赤 出 汁 香 の 物 [ 세번째 Zen] 돼지고기두유냄비 계절솥밥과된장국, 절임 [3 rd Zen] Pork and Soy Milk Hot Pot Hot Pot Rice with Miso Soup, Osinko 115,000 (per person) 상기메뉴에는 10% 의봉사료와 10% 의세금이포P함되어있습니다.
Modern Kaiseki 彩コース 아야코스 A-ya Course 계절감을느낄수있는최고급식재료를사용하여은은함과아름다움을표현한플레이팅이돋보이는모던가이세키입니다. Modern Kaiseki appealing to five senses follow the order and composition of traditional Kaiseki. Seasonal premium ingredients are used combining elegant plating for additional delight. 本日の先付오늘의전채요리 Today's 鮪のユッケと白身魚の 薄 造 り 帆 立 黄 金 焼 き と 雲 丹 磯 辺 揚 げ 참치육회와얇게뜬흰살생선 Tuna Sashimi and Thinly Sliced White Flesh Fish 가리비황금구이와성게알김말이튀김 Broiled Scallop and Deep-fried Sea Urchin Roe in Seaweed 牛肉のはりはり鍋소고기경수채냄비 Beef and Kyona Pot トロの炙り 辛子酢味噌掛け 살짝구운참치뱃살과겨자초된장 Mildly Broiled Tuna Belly with Mustard Miso Sauce 真鯛ともずく雑炊참돔과큰실말죽 Red Seabream and Mozuku Soup 150,000 (per person)
Special Course 寿司コ - ス 스시코스 Sushi Course 한층업그레이드된무라사키만의스시을즐길수있는코스요리로서신선한제철생선을활용한초밥과면요리로구성되어있습니다. A course meal upgraded for MURASAKI sushi lovers include fresh seasonal sushi and your choice of noodles. 茶 碗 蒸 し 계란찜 Hot Egg Custard 寿 司 盛 り 合 せ 모둠스시 Assorted Sushi う ど ん 又 は そ ば 우동또는소바 Udon or Buckwheat Noodles 135,000 (per person)
Special Course オマール海老味噌鍋特選 바닷가재된장냄비특선 Lobster Miso Nabe Special 무라사키고객들에게꾸준히사랑받고있는특선코스메뉴로서 메인요리는일본식된장으로맛을내어구수하면서도깔끔한맛을자랑합니다. Experience the special course meal loved by MURASAKI guests. The main dish is flavored by Japanese-style bean paste and boasts of a rich taste. 小 鉢고바치 お造り三種盛り생선회 3 종 3 kinds of Sashimi オマール海老 味噌鍋 바닷가재된장냄비 Lobster Miso in a Hot Pot 季節の炊き込み御飯 계절솥밥 Seasonal Hot Pot Rice 139,000 (per person).
Special Set 特選定食 정식메뉴 鰻定食 장어정식 Broiled Eel お 造 り 五 種 盛 り 생선회 5종 5 kinds of Sashimi 鰻寿司と海鮮うどん 又 は 鰻 蒲 焼 と 白 飯 장어스시와해물우동또는장어구이와백반 Broiled Eel Sushi and Seafood Udon or Broiled Eel and Rice 155,000 (per person) 季節魚煮つけ定食 계절생선조림정식 Seasonal Braised Fish お 造 り 五 種 盛 り 생선회 5종 5 kinds of Sashimi 季 節 魚 煮 つ け 계절생선조림 Seasonal Braised Fish 110,000 (per person)
Special Set 特選定食 정식메뉴 目板鰈と春野菜の鍋定食 봄야채도다리냄비정식 Spring Vegetable and Flunder in a Hot Pot お 造 り 五 種 盛 り 생선회 5종 5 kinds of Sashimi 目板鰈と春野菜の鍋 봄야채도다리냄비 Spring Vegetable and Flunder in a Hot Pot デザート후식 \150,000 (per person) 季節の焼魚定食 계절생선구이정식 Grilled Seasonal Fish お 造 り 五 種 盛 り 생선회 5종 5 kinds of Sashimi 季 節 の 焼 魚 계절생선구이 Grilled Seasonal Fish 130,000 (per person)
Special Set 特選定食 정식메뉴 特選弁当 무라사키특선도시락 MURASAKI Lunch Box お 造 り 三 種 盛 り 생선회 3종 3 kinds of Sashimi 特 選 弁 当 특선도시락 Lunch Box デザート후식 119,000 (per person) 季節魚鍋定食 계절생선냄비정식 Seasonal Fish in a Hot Pot お 造 り 三 種 盛 り 생선회 3종 3 kinds of Sashimi 季 節 魚 ち り 鍋 계절생선냄비 Seasonal Fish in a Hot Pot デザート후식 110,000 (per person)
Obanzai Set Menu 愛 아이 Ai 제철채소, 해산물, 육류등을활용하여조림, 구이, 생선회까지한상차림으로구성하여건강함을가득담아낸오반자이정찬을특급호텔최초로선보입니다 A healthy and fresh meal set with braised and grilled dishes using various kinds of seasonal vegetables, seafood and meat. Served in a luxury hotel for the first time 和風胡麻サラダ お造り二種盛り 일본풍참깨샐러드 Japanese Sesame Salad 생선회 2 종 2 kinds of Sashimi 季 節 の 焼 魚 계절생선구이 Grilled Sasonal Fish 肉 豆 腐 고기두부조림 Meat and Tofu Stew 季節野菜のおひたし 계절야채다시절임 Marinated Seasonal Vegetable 薩 摩 芋 サ ラ ダ 고구마샐러드 Sweet Potato Salad 蛸とアボカドの柚子胡椒マリネ 合鴨と粟麩の鍬焼き 穴 子 と 茄 子 の 揚 げ 出 し 冷し素麺豆乳餡かけ バラちらし寿司 유자후추에마리네이드한문어와아보카도 Octopus Marinaded in Citron and Black Pepper with Avocado 오리와밀기울간장양념구이 Grilled Soy Sauce Duck and Wheat Bran 붕장어와가지튀김 Sea Eel and Eggplant Tempura 두유소스를얹은차가운소면 Cold Noodles with Soy Milk Dressing 지라시스시 Chirashi Sushi 75,000 (per person) 쌀 ( 국내산 ), 소고기 ( 국내산한우 ), 닭고기 ( 국내산 ), 오리고기 ( 국내산 ), 두부콩 ( 국내산 ), 돼지고기 ( 국내산 )
Obanzai Set Menu 樂 라쿠 Laku 제철채소, 해산물, 육류등을활용하여조림, 구이, 생선회까지한상차림으로구성하여건강함을가득담아낸오반자이정찬을특급호텔최초로선보입니다 A healthy and fresh meal set with braised and grilled dishes using various kinds of seasonal vegetables, seafood and meat. Served in a luxury hotel for the first time 和風胡麻サラダ お造り二種盛り 일본풍참깨샐러드 Japanese Sesame Salad 생선회 2 종 2 kinds of Sashimi 季 節 の 焼 魚 계절생선구이 Grilled Seasonal fish 肉 豆 腐 고기두부조림 Meat and Tofu Stew 季節野菜のおひたし 계절야채다시절임 Marinated Seasonal Vegetable 薩 摩 芋 サ ラ ダ 고구마샐러드 Sweet Potato Salad 蛸とアボカドの柚子胡椒マリネ 合鴨と粟麩の鍬焼き 穴 子 と 茄 子 の 揚 げ 出 し 冷し素麺豆乳餡かけ 季節の炊き込み御飯 유자후추에마리네이드한문어와아보카도 Octopus Marinaded in Citron and Black Pepper with Avocado 오리와밀기울간장양념구이 Grilled Soy Sauce Duck and Wheat Bran 붕장어와가지튀김 Sea Eel and Eggplant Tempura 두유소스를얹은차가운소면 Cold noodles with Soy Milk Dressing 계절솥밥 Seasonal Hot Pot rice 65,000 (per person) 쌀 ( 국내산 ), 소고기 ( 국내산한우 ), 닭고기 ( 국내산 ), 오리고기 ( 국내산 ), 두부콩 ( 국내산 ), 돼지고기 ( 국내산 )