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Microsoft Azure Stack Dell EMC 와함께하는하이브리드클라우드전략 Microsoft Korea, Cloud+Enterprise 사업부진찬욱부장 Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Azure Stack

Azure Momentum 120,000 New Azure customer subscriptions/month 715 Million Azure Active Directory Users 20 Million SQL database hours used every day 120 Billion Hits to websites run on Azure web services >50 Trillion Storage objects in Azure 85% Of Fortune 500 Companies use Microsoft Azure Microsoft is growing its cloud faster than Amazon Business Insider 2016 >5 Trillion Storage transactions every month 1 Trillion Messages delivered every month with Event Hubs 1.4 Million SQL databases deployed in Azure AWS revenue grew about 69% but Microsoft Azure revenue grew by 127% 2 of Y

Why Hybrid Solution? Performance Latency Customization Security & Regulations Data sovereignty 3 of Y

Hyper-scale Azure Stack Enterprise-proven Hybrid Power of Azure in your datacenter Microsoft Azure Stack 은하이브리드클라우드플랫폼을지원하는새로운제품입니다. Azure 에서제공하는서비스를자사의데이터센터에서직접제공할 On-premises 수있습니다. 4 of Y Azure Stack

Microsoft s hybrid cloud platform Power of Azure in your datacenter Portal PowerShell DevOps tools Azure Resource Manager Azure IaaS Azure PaaS Compute Networking Storage App Service Functions Container Service* Service Fabric* Cloud-inspired infrastructure 개발자 단일 Azure 에코시스템통합된 App 개발환경자사의 Datacenter에서 Azure운영 Portal PowerShell DevOps tools Azure Resource Manager Azure IaaS Azure PaaS IaaS PaaS Compute Network Storage App Service Service Fabric* Cloud-inspired infrastructure Microsoft Azure Stack On-premises Hosted IT 관리자 Microsoft Azure Azure Stack Private Public Hosted 5 of Y

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Dell EMC & Microsoft a heritage of cloud partnership Private Cloud for Microsoft FAST TRACK CPS Premium Private Cloud Dell EMC Validated Solutions Dell EMC CPS Standard Hybrid Cloud System Dell EMC first and only Microsoft partner to offer all these cloud solutions Dell EMC Azure Stack Hybrid Cloud System 7 of Y

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What is the Dell EMC Hybrid Cloud Platform for Azure Stack?

Azure vs Azure Stack 10 of 24

통합시스템기반으로 Azure Stack 인프라스트럭처제공 Azure 의사용자경험을그대로 일괄공급체계 (Turnkey) 의시스템으로제공 고객요구사항 ( 품질과신뢰성 ) 실현 Software Hardware Support Services 11 of 24

4 DD2200 Dell EMC hybrid cloud overview Software Support Hardware Services 10GbE ToR Switches or 1GbE Management Switch Dell R4x0 management server Azure Stack Engineered Platform Hyper-Converged architecture (R7x0XD) S\M\L Sizing per Scale Unit Flexible Configuration Options (Compute/Storage) Backup/Recovery/Archiving Data and Cloud Security Delivered and Deployed as an Integrated System Integrated Lifecycle Management Dell R7x0XD servers Architecture, hardware, and topology Deployment, configuration, provisioning Validation Monitoring, diagnostics Min Config 4-Nodes Security and privacy Business continuity Patching and updating Field replacement of parts 12 of Y

Understanding how Azure Stack scales One cloud endpoint Example: Global enterprise or service provider Several regions Multiple scale units (SU) per region Each scale unit can be different generation hardware Scale unit = fault domain = failover cluster Smallest scale unit = 4 servers Scale = #servers per SU x #SU s per regions x #regions GA scale: 1 x Region, with 1 x Scale unit with min 4 and max 12 servers Customers can incrementally add one server at a time 13 of Y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 CISCO NEXUS 3172-10GE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 CISCO NEXUS 3172-10GE FAIL OK N2200-PAC-400W N3K-C3048-FAN 4 FAN STAT FAIL OK N2200-PAC-400W 50 50 51 52 51 52 53 54 53 54 MGMT 1 ID 0 CONSOLE STAT Dell EMC hybrid cloud configurations Scale Unit Configuration options Inside a Scale Unit Multiple Capacity Config options: (Small, Mid or High) Smallest Unit of scale: 4 x HCI nodes Largest Unit of scale at GA: 12 x HCI nodes TOR: Dell EMC Networking S4048 10GbE Mgmt Switch: Dell EMC Networking S3048 1GbE Dell EMC PE R430 mgmt node (16C, 64GB Mem, 2 x 800GB SSD Data) Expansion upto 12 Nodes 4 x HCI node increments Homogenous based on Low, Mid or High capacity configurations Some examples of how to get started: 14 of Y

Azure Stack 가격정책 Azure Stack S/W 비용없음 IaaS and PaaS services charged on a pay-for-use basis Windows Server bring your own license or pay for usage (VM) SQL Server bring your own license Service Base VM Windows Server VM Azure Storage (blob, table, or queue) Azure App Service (Web Apps, Mobile Apps, API Apps, Functions) Metering Unit Per vcpu/min Per vcpu/min or Base VM fee + Bring your own license Per GB (no transaction fee) Per vcpu/min 15 of Y

How to Buy Azure Stack Integrated delivery and turnkey deployment Software 통합시스템에미리설치된형태로 Azure Stack 소프트웨어제공 서비스사용량에따라마이크로소프트에비용지불 (EA 또는 CSP 계약 ) Hardware 하드웨어구매는하드웨어파트너를통해고객이직접구매 기술지원과설치서비스포함 Support 기존 MS Premier 서비스활용가능 H/W 파트너를통한시스템기술지원제공 16 of Y