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야쿠르트2010 9월재출

Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이




야쿠르트2010 3월 - 최종




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CONTENTS INTRO 회사비전 핵심가치 회사연혁 Message from CEO Workplace Successful Innovation 기술/제품 혁신 생산/품질 혁신 영업/서비스 혁신 Core Purpose 쌍용자동차는 근본적인 혁신(Breakthrough In




HAEIN 50 Year History

Congratulations to you and the Hae In team on celebrating 50 years as the Caterpillar dealer for the Republic of South Korea! Caterpillar is extremely proud of the enduring partnership we have had with you and your family in bringing outstanding products and services to our customers in Korea, and we cherish the many wonderful relationships that have blossomed over these 50 years of working hand-in-hand with your team as not only colleagues, but as friends. The next five years will be incredibly exciting for Caterpillar, Hae In and our customer in South Korea as we work together to bring new products, new technologies and new services to the market that will make our customers even more successful. And, of course, we look forward to the next 50 years! K.H., once again, my heartiest congratulations to you and the Hae In team, and all the best for a successful 50-year celebration. Douglas R. Oberhelman CEO / Caterpillar Inc.

I have just received an invitation to the auspicious occasion of Haein s 50th anniversary celebration. I am very much looking forward to attending this event and celebrate with all my friends at Haein. I feel honored to have been invited. I have been working with you and the Haein team for nearly 6 years now. I dearly appreciate the cooperation and friendship you have extended to the Caterpillar and Perkins industrial engines team and myself. We have enjoyed a lot of success together and I am certain beyond any doubt that this success will only increase in the future. So for now I will look forward to seeing you next months and hopefully we will get to share a glass of white wine together! Jaz Gill General Manager / Perkins Engine (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. On behalf of the entire team at Powerscreen we would like to congratulate Hae-In on it s 50th anniversary celebrations. We are delighted to have been associated with Hae-In and are looking forward to increasing our sales of crushing and screening products into the South Korean market. Andrew Dakin Strategic Marketing Director / TEREX Powerscreen Hae In is successfully marketing our products for over a decade in South Korea. Together we became a major electrical fork lift truck player and the number 1 VNA brand in this highly competitive market. To stay ahead for 50 years is only achievable with an outstanding team and performance. From our hearts all the best for the next 50 years of mutual success. Martin Herbrich Managing Director / JUNGHEINRICH Lift turck Singapore Pte. Ltd. We would like to extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes to Haein management and staff on reaching their fiftieth anniversary. While only partnering with Haein since 2006, we have quickly established a strong and binding relationship which has seen sales and market share growth. We look forward to a continued good business development and wish Haein safe sailing for the next fifty. Alan Heggie CEO / Atlas Copco Mfg. Korea Co., Ltd.




2010 Total Solution Provider HAEIN

24 25

26 27 HAEIN

28 29

30 31


32 33

34 35

HAEIN 36 37

38 39

40 41


42 43

44 45

46 47

48 49 HAEIN

50 51

1960 ~ 2010 50 Year History of HAEIN

(1960~1969) 1960.10. 1969.02.

1969.02. 1969.12. 54 55

(1969~1986) 1971.04. 1971.06.

1971.10. 1971.10. 56 57

1972.04. 1972.06. 1969 ~1986 PLAY 1972.08. 1972.08.

1972.06. 1972.06. 1972.09. 1972.09. 58 59

1975.09. 1982.09. PLAY 1985.05.

1976.06. 1982.05. 1969 ~1986 1985.05. 1985.10. 1986.02. 60 61

(1986~1997) 1986.05. 1989.09.

1989.11. 1990.12. 62 63

1992.01. 1986 ~1997 1991.10. 1992.07

1992.05. 1992.12. PLAY 1992.07. 64 65

1993.05. 1993.12. PLAY 1986 ~1997 1996.12. 1996.12.

1995.03. 1996.10. 1997.03. 66 67

(1997~2008) 1998.06. 1999.07.

2002.07. 2002.08 68 69

2002.11. 2003.09. 1998 ~2008 2004.06. 2005.02. 2006.03~ 04.

2004.01. 2006.12. 2007.01. 70 71

2007.06. 2007.10. 2007.11. 2007.11.

2007.10. 2007.10. 1998 ~2008 2007.12. 72 73

(2008~2010) 2008.01. 2008.02.

2008.07. 2008.07. 74 75

2008.11. 2008 ~ 2010 2008.11. PLAY 2009.05.

2009.08. 2009.12. 2009.07. 76 77

2010.03. 2008 ~2010 2010.02. PLAY 2010.05.

2010.03. 2010.03. 2010.06. 2010.06. 78 79

82 83

84 85

86 87

88 89

90 91

92 93

94 95

96 97

98 99

100 101

102 103

104 105

106 107

1906~1989 108 109

110 111


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I n t e r v i e w

126 127


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ii n t e r v i e w

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160 161

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168 169

170 171

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174 175

176 177

178 179

180 181

182 183

184 185

186 187

Total Air Compressor Roller Idler Press Roller Idler Grinder Track Link Rebuilder Dynamometer Fuel Injection pump Test Bench Track Press Load Bank Over head Crane Over head Crane Over head Crane Over head Crane Jib Crane 188 189

190 191

I n t e r v i e w

192 193


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I n t e r v i e w

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I n t e r v i e w

242 243

HAEIN 50th Anniversary Festival 2010.09.04 Challenge

Future Passion Hope

HAEIN 50th Anniversary Festival

246 247

HAEIN 50th Anniversary Festival 248 249

HAEIN 50th Anniversary Festival

250 251

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1 258 259

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5 292 293

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1 298 299

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A P P E N D I X 312 313

02 CI 1969 ~1986 1986 ~2009

A P P E N D I X 2010 314 315


A P P E N D I X 316 317


A P P E N D I X 318 319

05 2002.07.

06 A P P E N D I X 1978.02. 1981.02. 1982.02. 1982.03. 1984.02. 1986.03. 1991.06. 1991.06. 1992.05. 1992.06. 1993.06. 1994.12. 2000.08. 2002.11. 2005.05. 2006.03. 2008.04. 2008.09. 2010.08. 320 321


A P P E N D I X 322 323


A P P E N D I X 324 325


A P P E N D I X 326 327

08 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1961.7.1 ~1962.6.30 1962.7.1 ~1963.6.30 1963.7.1 ~1964.6.30 1964.7.1 ~1965.6.30 1965.7.1 ~1966.6.30 1966.7.1 ~1967.6.30 1967.7.1 ~1968.6.30 1968.7.1 ~1969.6.30 1969.7.1 ~1970.6.30 1970.7.1 ~1971.6.30 1971.7.1 ~1972.6.30 1972.7.1 ~1973.6.30 7,373 6,691 9,027 5,783 8,033 9,054 11,635 40,820 249,692 201,672 217,717 235.334 2,373 535 3,784 535 2,349 3,209 4,525 28,746 193,839 133,103 108,185 48,903 5,000 6,156 5,243 5,248 5,684 5,845 7,110 12,074 55,853 68,569 109,532 186,431 5,929 13,262 5,162 8,122 9,305 11,212 16,401 38,253 105,756 88,944 52,348 174,418 806 2,448-908 913 316 146 1,258 7,003 54,022 24,303 30,162 97,850 806 2,448-908 913 437 459 1,266 4,964 46,023 9,713-13,129 25,133

A P P E N D I X 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 0 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 1973.7.1 ~1974.6.30 1974.7.1 ~1975.6.30 1975.7.1 ~1976.6.30 1976.7.1 ~1977.6.30 1977.7.1 ~1978.6.30 1978.7.1 ~1979.6.30 1979.7.1 ~1980.6.30 1980.7.1 ~1981.6.30 1981.7.1 ~1981.12.31 1982.1.1 ~1982.12.31 1983.1.1 ~1983.12.31 1984.1.1 ~1984.12.31 1985.1.1 ~1985.12.31 241,649 414,437 573,215 974,484 1,366,201 2,085,085 2,090,777 2,351,693 3,174,871 4,161,190 5,183,912 6,486,148 7,883,034 79,625 209,877 203,880 441,556 575,843 939,147 1,001,524 1,243,507 1,321,285 2,061,149 2,721,862 3,888,483 5,148,017 162,024 204,560 369,335 532,928 790,358 1,145,938 1,089,253 1,108,186 1,853,586 2,100,041 2,462,050 2,597,665 1,734,556 195,348 348,621 829,836 1,545,040 2,038,863 3,996,414 2,885,152 3,652,699 2,360,881 5,865,054 7,884,316 8,341,180 9,517,862 102,174 198,102 546,973 1,123,538 1,320,222 1,736,587 1,105,741 1,273,054 899,156 2,130,207 2,396,330 2,512,582 2,558,249 11,155 60,424 240,554 331,538 307,430 430,579 136,799 134,329 133,409 351,937 490,266 285,614 235,966 328 329

08 120,000,000 100,000,000 80,000,000 60,000,000 40,000,000 20,000,000 0 120,000,000 90,000,000 60,000,000 30,000,000 0 1986.1.1 ~1986.12.31 1987.1.1 ~1987.12.31 1988.1.1 ~1988.12.31 1989.1.1 ~1989.12.31 1990.1.1 ~1990.12.31 1991.1.1 ~1991.12.31 1992.1.1 ~1992.12.31 1993.1.1 ~1993.12.31 1994.1.1 ~1984.12.31 1995.1.1 ~1995.12.31 19961.1 ~1996.12.31 1997.1.1 ~1997.12.31 8,947,493 9,832,142 13,689,849 19,158,116 38,254,811 48,120,484 54,849,129 61,440,637 67,056,961 73,429,922 92,104,062 116,557,630 5,957,302 6,445,650 5,569,633 8,308,403 18,958,005 18,913,978 21,840,833 23,379,756 26,688,997 28,086,543 41,866,698 66,630,475 1,989,740 3,386,492 8.120,216 10,849,713 19,296,806 29,206,506 33,008,296 38,060,881 40,367,964 45,343,379 50,237,364 49,927,155 11,179,180 12,974,283 17,192,281 23,737,473 53,543,173 69,119,148 50,875,812 48,608,559 61,902,855 78,395,985 83,045,815 120,754,313 2,896,829 4,132,839 5,559,019 10,103,054 22,238,682 24,800,717 15,819,940 12,054,613 16,145,002 24,898,609 28,427,542 32,066,675 313,151 476,301 886,291 2,968,966 8,643,640 10,499,291 4,354,183 971,546 2,709,136 5,412,046 5,449,780 597,651

A P P E N D I X 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 0 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 0 1998.1.1 ~1998.12.31 1999.1.1 ~1999.12.31 2000.1.1 ~2000.12.31 2001.1.1 ~2001.12.31 2002.1.1 ~2002.12.31 2003.1.1 ~2003.12.31 2004.1.1 ~2004.12.31 2005.1.1 ~2005.12.31 2006.1.1 ~2006.12.31 2007.1.1 ~2007.12.31 2008.1.1 ~2008.12.31 2009.1.1 ~2009.12.31 104,115,632 100,115,632 99,627,541 91,227,195 102,625,850 108,041,950 111,581,536 111,297,881 108,548,036 111,385,454 144,761,138 195,717,108 52,947,072 48,063,876 47,012,936 37,190,153 39,587,986 40,868,387 44,243,958 30,880,039 27,086,732 26,090,214 59,980,687 87,832,887 51,168,560 52,909,375 52,614,605 54,037,042 63,037,864 67,173,563 67,337,578 80,417,842 81,461,304 85,295,240 84,780,451 107,884,221 75,341,992 76,161,841 75,382,815 79,807,967 93,843,449 100,051,115 117,618,302 117,464,401 103,961,706 134,304,967 144,355,710 161,615,531 21,098,040 16,942,195 18,973,020 19,391,627 24,637,225 22,745,800 22,749,004 27,698,682 25,001,423 30,587,813 30,587,813 25,214,145 1,559,759-1,367,110 553,830 1,731,061 11,638,619 4,256,001 1,143,945 5,842,651 1,811,410 5,418,847 3,201,487 1,086,010 330 331

09 1970 1971 1971 1974 1974 1975 1975 1976 1977 1977 1978 1978

A P P E N D I X 1980 1982 1985 1985 1985 1985 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1989 332 333

09 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995

A P P E N D I X 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1999 334 335

09 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2006 2006 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008

A P P E N D I X 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2009 2010 2010 336 337


A P P E N D I X 338 339

11 1970 ~1989 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

A P P E N D I X 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 340 341

11 1990 ~1999 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

A P P E N D I X 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 342 343

11 2000~2010 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

A P P E N D I X 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 344 345

12 1960 1970 1971 1972 1973 1975 1976 1977 1960.10.17 1960.10.17 1966.07.19 1968.03.04 1968.08. 1968.08.12 1969.02.04 1969.12.26 1970.10. 1971.06.01 1971.06.16 1971.07. 1971.09.07 1971.10.18~23 1971.10.18~23 1972.02.18 1972.06.23 1972.06.29 1972.11.20 1973.01.01 1975.09. 1975.11.01 1976.04.18 1976.06.17 1976.08. 1977.01.01 1977.02.12

A P P E N D I X 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1977.06. 1977.06.16~17 1977.12.01 1978.02.23 1978.04.01 1978.07.12 1979.01.01 1980.07.28~08.04 1981.02.10 1981.02.20 1982.02.26 1982.03.03 1982.05.26~29 1982.06.23 1983.03.21 1983.04.01 1983.04.29 1983.06.07 1984.02.23 1984.08.15 1984.10.25 1984.11.05 1985.05.06 1985.06. 1986.01.01 1986.02.18~20 1986.03.03 346 347

12 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1986.03.15 1986.05.31 1986.06.01 1986.08.28 1986.12.20 1987.01.01 1987.01.20 1987.03.31 1987.09.03 1988.02.15 1988.05.01 1988.05.15 1988.07.11 1988.08.25 1989.02.15 1989.04.26 1989.05.20~06.03 1989.07.22~08.09 1989.09. 1989.12.30 1990.03.26 1990.04.06 1990.06.14 1990.06.30 1990.08.13 1990.10.19 1990.10.24

A P P E N D I X 1990 1991 1992 1993 1990.12.05 1990.12.26 1991.01.01 1991.03.01 1991.03.19 1991.05.10 1991.05.12 1991.05.16 1991.05.24 1991.05.31 1991.06.19 1991.06.21 1991.06.28 1991.10.17 1991.12.30 1992.01.01 1992.03.20 1992.07. 1992.11.01 1992.12.16 1993.02.27 1993.04.01 1993.05.01 1993.06.24 1993.07.01 1993.10.15 1993.11.20 1993.12.15 348 349

12 1994 1995 1996 1997 1994.01. 1994.02.01 1994.04. 1994.07.05~09 1995.01.01 1995.01.01 1995.08.15 1995.10.01 1996.01.12 1996.02. 1996.03.01 1996.03.02 1996.03.28 1996.04.19 1996.05.03~14 1996.05.13~06.08 1996.10.28~29 1996.12.01 1996.11.30 1997.01 1997.02.20 1997.03.03 1997.03.08 1997.04.01 1997.07.04 1997.08.01 1997.08.28~09.11 1997.12.12

A P P E N D I X 1997 1997.12.31 1998 1999 1998.02.27 1998.03.01 1998.04.01 1998.04.13 1998.06.01 1999.01. 1999.01. 1999.01.25~29 1999.04. 1999.06.30 1999.07.26 1999.12.01 1999.12.15 2000 2001 2002 2000.01. 2000.02.10 2000.02.18 2000.10.17 2001.02.07 2001.08.30 2001.09.05 2002.05.10~07.01 2002.07.24 2002.08.23 2002.08.30 2002.11.01 2002.12.01 350 351

12 2003 2004 2005 2006 2003.01.21 2003.06.01 2003.09.01 2003.09.20 2003.10.15 2003.10.31 2003.11.13~14 2003.11.17 2004.01.30 2004.02.26 2004.03. 2004.04.29 2004.06.12 2004.11.24 2005.01.28 2005.02. 2005.02.05 2005.06.20 2005.07. 2005.07.01 2005.07.21 2005.08.25 2005.08.25 2005.10.17 2005.10.25 2005.11.10 2006.02. 2006.03.14

A P P E N D I X 2006 2007 2008 2006.05.02 2006.07.30~08.05 2006.09. 2006.10.01 2006.11. 2006.11.07 2006.11.22 2006.12.19 2006.12.30 2007.01.23 2007.02.01 2007.03.01 2007.05.29 2007.06. 2007.06. 2007.09. 2007.09.12 2007.10.10 2007.10.29 2007.10.31 2007.11.16 2007.12. 2008.01.01 2008.01.31 2008.03.27 2008.07.01 2008.07.19 2008.08.28 352 353

12 2008 2009 2008.11.11 2008.11.15 2008.11.18 2008.12.01 2009.02.02 2009.02.17 2009.03.10 2009.03.26 2009.04. 2009.04.06 2009.04.24 2009.05. 2009.05. 2009.05.09 2009.05.11 2009.06. 2009.06.09~11 2009.07. 2009.08.10~20 2009.09. 2009.09.02 2009.09.09~12 2009.09.17 2009.11.14 2009.11.16 2009.11.25~28 2009.12.01 2009.12.09 2009.12.21

A P P E N D I X 2010 2010.02. 2010.02.02 2010.03. 2010.03.04 2010.03.10 2010.03.15 2010.03.30 2010.03.~05. 2010.04. 2010.04.01 2010.05.12 2010.06.01 2010.06.01 2010.06.01 2010.06.20 2010.06.29 354 355