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( ),.,.,., ( ) ( ). () ( ).,, %. *

( ), (SLOC : Sea Lines of Communication, Sea Lanes of Communication ). %., /,,.,..,,,,,,.,,., - - - (Bab-el Mandeb)... ). ( -, ) ( - ) (EEZ).

.. ( ),..,..,., (, NGO, ),,,,,..

(non-military),. (transnational threats),,,.,.. (globalzaition)., (Ohmae )..,,,,,,,..., (Kugler ).,,.

,,.,.,,... (IMB). (for private ends),,,. (IMB-ICC )., (The Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific : CSCAP) (maritime environment),,,.,,,,.

.,.. Stanley B. Weeks (politically-motivated piracy) (Weeks ), (VLCC,, ).,..

.,.,,,.,,. (Raymond ).,.,,,., (Chalk ; Ian Story ; Petretto ; Murpht ).,.., (Chalk ; Ian Story ; Raymond ; Petretto ).,. (The Right of Innocent Passage), (The Right of Transit Passage) (Archipelagic Sea Lanes Passage).,,.

(Abhyankar ; Koknar ; Raymond ).,..,,, (Chalk ; Petretto ; Murphy ).. (Boutilier ; Chalk ; Sina ).,.,. ( ). (Vagg ; Eklöf ; Raymond ).,.,,,,,,,,

..,,.. %. (EEZ).,,. - -(Bab-el Mandeb) ( ).


(IMB),.,,,,,,, Total for the year SEASIS FAR EAST INDIAN SUB CONTINENT SOUTH AMERICA AFRICA REST OF WORLD ) Malacca Straits Singapore Straits China/HKong/ Macau South China Sea HLH Area(Hongkong /Luzon/Hainan) East China Sea Red Sea/Gulf of Aden Caribbean Indian Ocean Arabian Gulf Gulf of Oman Arabian Sea Pacific Ocean Caspian Sea.

(ICC-IMB )..,,.,. %.,. %. )

,,..,.,. - -(Bab-el Mandeb).. ).

. (Amarullah )., (Jemaah Islamiah)., (, ). ( ),..

- -(Bab-el Mandeb). (Triangle du Diable) (Shabwa), (Mareb), (Jof),. ( )., Ali Al Shihri Al Shabab - - -.. - -,, ( ),.



. UN,, CTF-,... % (Charalambous ). (Achille Lauro).. UN (International Maritime Organization : IMO) (Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation),.,. (Aden) (USS Cole), (U.S. Navy ). (IMO)

(International Ship and Port Facility Security Code : ISPS).. (Operation Enduring Freedom - Horn of Africa : OEF-HOA), WMD,. CTF, CTF-,,,.,,. (Emergency Countermeasures T/F),.,,. (.. ), ) ISPS ( ) ( ). ISPS.. ).

,,,... - -..

,. ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ),,..,. )

(UNCTAD, ).,. (GICOMS : General Information Center on Maritime Safety & Security) (VMS : Vessel Monitering System), (LRIT : Long-Range Identification and Tracking of ships), (SSAS : Ship Security Alert System),.,,.,,,, - -.,km,.,,.. (DDH- ), LYNX ).

(RIB),...,,..,.,.. ( ),,,,,,.

. (Maersk-Alabama)..,..,,..,.,..,

..,,.,..,., ( ) ( ).,...,..,


.. ( ). -(.. ).... :..... :... Amarullah.. Security in the Straits of Malacca.. Charalambous, Nicolas., Piracy and armed robbery against ships. International Seminar of Future Development of Anti Piracy and Armed Robbery against ship at sea. Seoul : Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. Hanjin, Bae.. ROK s Countermeasures and International Cooperation Efforts against Piracy. International Seminar of Future Development of Anti Piracy and Armed Robbery against ship at sea. Seoul : Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. ICC-IMB.. Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report.

.. Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Annual Report... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Report for period of January March... Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships Report for period of January June. Mickolus, Edward F.. Transnational Terrorism : A Chronology of Events, ~. London : Aldwych. Ohmae, Kenichi.. Borderless World: Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy. New York: HarperBusiness Book. UNCTAD.. Review of Maritime Transport. Weeks, Stanley B.. Piracy in East Asia : Trends and Counter-measures. paper presented at The Eleventh Asia Pacific Roundtable in Kuala Lumpur. U.S. Navy.. Fact do not warrant any punitive action. News special.... http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/server/shower/conmediafile. http://www.cusnc.navy.mil/cmf/cmf_command.html http://www.ndu.edu/inss/spa/ kugler.html http://www.maritimeterrorism.com/definitions/ http://www.gicoms.go.kr/introduce/gicoms.asp?page= Asia Times....