제 7 장무역계약서작성요령 유하상
2 1. 매도서 2. 매도확인서 3. 구매서 1. 수량 (quantity) 2. 선적 (shipment) 3. 지급 (payment) 4. 보험과운임 (insurance4 & freight) 5. 수입면허 (import licences) 6. 검사 (inspection) 7. 산업소유권 (industrial property right) 8. 책임 (liability) 9. 클레임 (claim) 10. 불가항력 (force majeure) 11. 중재 (arbitration) 12. 무역조건 (trade terms) 13. 준거법 (governing law) 1. 계약관계 (privity) 6. 포장 (packing) 1. 선적통지 (notice of shipment) 1. 감소비용 (decreased costs) 5. 특허 (patents) 6. 보증 (warranty)
3 4. 구매확인서 5. 수출계약서 p/308 6. 수입계약서 p.325 2. 선박 (vessel) 5. 침해 (infringement) 6. 품질보증 (guarantee of quality) Article 5. 경비의변동 (variance of charges) Article 14. 확정손해배상액 (Liquidated Damages) 손해배상예정액 penalty clause 매수인이매매대금의이행을태만히하였을경우에연 25% 의비율에의한지연손해금을지급하기로한다. 을의책임있는사유로인하여갑이본계약의목적을달성할수없게된경우에을은갑에게금 원을배상금으로지급한다. 본계약을갑 ( 소유자, 매도인등 ) 이위약하였을시갑은을에게계약금의배액을배상하고을 ( 매수인, 임차인등 ) 이위약할시에는계약금을반환치않고본계약은무효로함. Article 16. 해제 (termination)
4 기타조항 이행보증 (performance guarantees) ; 은행보증서, 보증신용장, 계약이행보증금 분리가능조항 (severability clause) : 일부계약내용이무효되더라도다른조항은계속유효하다는조항 계약양도 (assignment clause) 이계약과이와관련한모든약정및조건은관계당사자와그승계인및양수인을구속하고그들의이익을위해효력이있다. 다만, 상대방의사전서면동의없이는이계약이나이에따른어떠한권리또는의무도임의로또는법률의정함에의거하여직 간접으로양도할수없다. 사정변경조항 (hardship clause)/ 이행가혹조항 계약당시예기하지못한경제 / 정치적사정으로계약내용대로이행이불가능하지는않지만현저하게상업적으로곤란해져계약의본질적변경이불가피해진경우계약내용의변경을요구할수있으며상대방은반드시이에응해야한다는조항
5 기타조항 웨이버비포기조항 (non waiver clause) 일시적으로어느계약조건의이행을청구하지않더라도이를이유로그후의동조항또는다른조항의이행청구권을포가한것으로보거나이를박탈할수없다는조항 면책승인조항 (releases clause) 계약만료때향후어떤법적소송도제기하지않겠다는약속 신축조항 (escalation clause) Plant( 산업설비 ) 나선박, 대형기계류처럼공정에장기간이소요되는물품의경우각종원부자재의가격상승에대응할수있도록가격의변경 ( 조정 ) 을허용하기위한조항 Waiver of Sovereign Immunity( 주권면제특권포기조항 ) 국가는주권행사보유권자를이유로타국의소송에응소하지않을권리가있으며, 국가자신이부담하는채권또는책임을일방적으로면제시킬수있는특권이있다. 따라서국가또는정부기관과체결하는국가계약 (state contract) 의경우에는이러한주권면제특권을포기하고완전히사인과동일한지위에서채무및책임을부담하고소송당사자가되겠다는것을약정하는주권면제포기조항을명시해둘필요가있다.
6 기타조항 완전합의 (Entire Agreement clause, 다른계약과의관계 ) 계약체결의이전단계에서의그계약과관련된의견교환 / 합의 / 약속등은정식으로체결된계약의내용에완전히흡수통합되어소멸하였으므로그것과계약내용이상치되더라도과거의것을주장할수없고오직정식으로체결된계약내용만이유효하다는조항 이계약은양당사자간의합의내용을완결짓는것이며, 이계약의목적과관련된이전의양당사자간모든협상및의사표명, 양해, 약정등을대체하고, 양당사자의서면합의에의하지아니하고는수정될수없다. 재판관할 (Jurisdiction) 계약서에중재조항이없는경우재판에의해분쟁을해결함 이경우소송시어느법원에서소송을진행할것인지에관한조항 막연히한국재판소, 미국재판소라고한경우한국또는미국의어느재판소라는뜻인가에대한문제가생길우려가있으므로 ( 서울 / 뉴욕등구체적으로지정하는것이바람직.)
7 P. 278 GERNERAL TERMS & CONDITIUONS( 일반조건 ) The sale specified on the face hereof shall be subject to the following terms and Conditions. 일반조건본계약서의표면에명시된매도는아래의조건에따른다. P. 278 1. Quantity Quantity shall be subject to a variation of 10% plus or minus at Seller s option. 1. 수량수량은매도자의선택에따라 10% 증감변동을조건으로한다.
8 P. 278 2. Shipment Shipment within the time stipulated shall be subject to freight being available. In Case of FOB terms, Buyer is bound to give shipping instructions in time and to Provide necessary shipping space, otherwise, Seller may dispose of the goods for Buyer s account and risk. In case of shipment in installments, each lop shall be regarded as separate and independent contract. Date of bill of lading is to be taken as date of shipment. Any additional freight and extra charges incidental to such cause or cause as Prescribed in paragraph 8 shall be borne by Buyer. 2. 선적규정된시기이내의선적은이용가능한운송수단이있을것을조건으로함 FOB 조건의경우매수자는적시에선적지시를하여야할의무가있으며, 필요한만큼의선복을제공해야할의무가있다. 그렇지않을경우매도인은메수인의비용과위험으로상품을처리할수있다.( 선적할수있다.)
9 P. 278 3. Payment The Payment shall be made by means of an irrevocable and confirmed letter of Credit without recourse, in favor of and satisfactory to Seller. 3. 지급지급은매도인을수익자로하고매도자가만족하는상환청구불능, 취소불능확인신용장방식으로해야한다. The letter of credit shall cover the full contract amount, shall be established through a prime bank 30 days prior to the contracted shipping date, shall be negotiable on sight draft and shall be valid for negotiation for the relative draft for at least fifteen(15) days after the last day of the month of shipment. 신용장은총계약금액을커버해야하며, 계약된선적일자 30 일전에 1 류은행을통해서개설되어야한다. 또한일람불어음의매입이가능해야하며, 선적월의최종일자후적어도 15 일동간은관련어음의매입이가능해야한다.
10 P. 279 The letter of credit shall authorize reimbursement to seller for any expense incurred By Seller on account of Buyer pursuant hereto, and shall authorize partial avail against partial delivery. 신용장은본계약에따라매수인측 ( 이지급해야할 ) 비용을매도인이부담한모든비용을매도자에게상환되도록수권되어야한다. 또한신용장은분할인도에대해분할로이용가능하도록수권되어야한다. If Buyer fails to establish the letter of credit as foregoing. Seller may immediately Cancel the contract. Any bank charges arising in connection with payment hereunder shall be borne by Buyer. In the event of late payment of any amount Due hereunder, Seller shall, in addition to any other remedies, be entitled to Interest at the maximum rate allowed by law in the country of Buyer. 만약에매수인이앞에서말한대로신용장을개설하지않는다면매도자는즉시계약을취소할수있다. 본계약서의지급과관련되어발생되는모든은행수수료는매수인의부담이다. 본계약서에기인한모든비용의지급이지연될경우에는, 매도인은모든배상조치에추가하여, 매수인국가의법률에서허용하는최고율의이자를보상받을권리가주어진다.
11 P. 279 Seller shall retain, for security purpose, full title to all goods covered thereby Until Seller has received the full contract amount therefor. 매도자는안전을목적으로본계약서의총금액을수령할때까지모든상품을망라한모든권한 ( 소유권, 점유권등 ) 을유보한다. p.280 4. Insurance & Freight Insurance shall be effected by seller on ICC(A) at one hundred ten percent(110%) Of the invoice amount in case of CIF terms. War risk and/or any other risks additional to the foregoing shall be covered only at the specific request of Buyer and at Buyer s expense. Any unforeseen increase in freight and/or insurance premium subsequent to the date of the contract shall be for Buyer/s account. 4. 보험과운임보험은 CIF 조건인경우에송품장금액의 100% 로 ICC(A) 조건으로부보해야한다. 앞의위험이추가되는전쟁위험그리고 / 혹은기타의위험들은단지매수인의요청과매수인의비용으로만부보된다. 본계약일자이후의운임그리고 / 혹은보험료의예기치못한금액의증가는매수인의비용으로한다.