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제 9 강 Muscular tissue in general 筋肉組織근육조직 (1) - Abundant, tightly packed fibrous proteins 풍부한, 섬유성단백질이탄탄하게싸고있다 Brightly stained eosinophilic sarcoplasm 호산성근형질이밝게염색된다. # Sarco- : Muscle 근장 : 근형질이라고도한다. 골격근섬유의내부구성성분중근원섬유를제외한나머지의부분으로미분화의원형질이고, 세포내액을형성하고있다. 섬유의약 40% 에상당하고세포핵, 미토콘드리아, 근소포체, 골지체등의세포소기관및부형질 ( 글리코겐, 지방 ) 등을포함하고있다. 적색근섬유에는근장이많이포함되지만백색근섬유에는적다. - Long-rods or spindles in a longitudinal section 종단면도에서긴다리모양이나방추모양이다. Polygonal in a cross-section 횡단면에서다각형모양 Elliptical in a oblique section 경사단면에서타원형의모양 General histology 1) Skeletal muscle fibres or cells 골격근섬유와세포 (Fig.) - Mononuclear myoblasts 단핵의근아세포 Fusion into long one continuous myofibre 긴하나의연속적인

근섬유에서의융합 - ie., syncytium with the mononuclear cells 즉, 단핵세포들이다핵세포체형성 Resulting in many nuclei within single muscle fibres 하나의근섬유에서많은세포핵들의결과가되다. - Myofibres 근섬유 Forming primary bundles or fascicles 일차다발들과작은다발형성 Villous-like projections at the terminal portion of each myofibres 각각의근섬유들의말단부분에융모같은모양 - Complementary invagination of tendon 상호보완적인건의함입 - Morphology of muscle cell 근세포의형태 - Long cylinderical cell 긴원통적인세포 - Entire length of muscle bundle 근다발의전체길이 10-120 μm in dia. - Oval or spindle-shaped nuclei with considerable variation in size 많은크기다양성의계란형과축모양핵 Subsarcolemmal position ie., peripheral location 부분근세포막위치 ( 주변위치 ) Sarcoplasm 근형질 : 근세포의세포질 - Rich near nuclei and near nerve endings 핵근처풍부하고신경말단주위

Cross- striation 십자횡문 - Supporting elements (Fig.) - Transmission of contractile force to the tendon of origin and insertion 건의기원과삽입에서수축성힘의전염 a. Epimysium 근외막 Whole muscle bundle 전체근다발 A relatively thick, dense collagenous connective tissue 비교적두꺼움, 콜라겐의밀집결합조직 b. Perimysium or perimysial septa 근초또는근초의중격 - Interfascicular connective tissue, ie., between primary bundles 다발간결합조직즉, 일차다발들사이 - More dense collagenous fibres 더밀집된아교질의섬유들 - Blood vessels/ Nerves 혈관 / 신경 Muscle spindles (Skeletal muscle stretch receptors) 근방추사들 ( 골격근수용기를늘린다 ) - Connected into tendon 건에연결 c. Endomysium 근내막 - A sparce, fine web of reticular C. T. 망상 C. T. 의성기고가는막 - Containing fibroblasts and macrophages 섬유아세포와대식세포의포함 - Separating individual fibre 각각의섬유의분리 Supporting a network of capillaries and terminal nerve fibres

모세혈관의망과신경섬유의종말부분을지지 - 5 primary cell types in primary bundles 일차다발들에서 5가지기본세포형태 a. Myofibres 근섬유 - Predominent cells 대다수의세포들 - Thick, platter-shaped nuclei 두껍고, 접시모양의핵 - Euchromatic One or 2 nucleoli representing over half the nuclei 진정염색성의하나혹은 2개의핵인이핵의반에서나타난다. b. Endothelial cells and fibroblasts 내피세포들과섬유아세포 - Slightly smaller or darker 약간작거나어둡다 - 20 and 15 % of the total nuclei, respectively - Main components of the endomysium 내막의주요구성성분 c. Pericytes or satellite to capillaries 모세혈관에서주피세포혹은위성세포 - Small, dark, heterochromatic nuclei 작고어둡고이질염색체 Less than 5 % of the nuclear types 주피세포 : 모세관의전단계, 세동맥의기저막바깥주위에존재하는수축력을갖춘길고가느다란특수한세포의일종 d. Myosatellite cells 근위성세포 - Also mononuclear cells with similar heterochromatic nuclei 또한이질염색체와비슷한단핵의세포 - Adjacent to myofibres 근섬유의부위 - Separated from the myofibres 근섬유로부터의분리 Included within the myofibre's basal lamina 근섬유의기저막안에포함

- 20 % of the cells in the bundle in very young animals Less than 1 % in the adult e. Other cell types (a) Neurolemmocytes in the regions of the myoneural junctions ie., motor-end plates 근신경연접의지역안의슈반세포 (b) All the cells of dense irregular connective tissue 치밀불규칙결합조직의모든세포 - Type of skeletal muscle in fish - 1 White skeletal muscle - Anaerobic muscle 혐기성의근육 - Quick bursts of contraction 근육수축의빠른활동 - 2 Red skeletal muscle - Aerobic muscle/ Bloody muscle 호기성근육 - Superficial location between the epaxial and hypaxial musculature beneath the lateral line canal 측선관아래몸통상축근육계과몸통하축근육계사이의표면적인부위 - For continuous slow swimming - Well-vascularized 잘발달되관 - Circular cellular outline in cross section 단면적에서원형세포성윤곽 - More sarcolasm/ Narrow fibres/ Higher fat and myoglobin content 많은근형질 / 좁은섬유 / 고지방과 myoglobin 내용물 Formation of Cohnheim's field in cross section

myoglobin : 근세포속에있는헤모글로빈과비슷한헴단백질로적색색소 를함유하고있어조류나포유류의근육을붉게염색하는물질이다. # Cohnheim's field - Cross-sectioned myofibril groups separated by narrow strand of sarcoplasm 횡단면의근원섬유그룹은근형질의좁은가닥에의해분리된다. 2) Smooth muscle fibres 민무늬근육섬유 (Fig.) (Fig.) (1) Muscle cell morphology - Small spindle shapes 작은방추모양 - < 10um in diameter 20-500 um (100 um) in length depending on their location 그들의위치에따라길이는 20-500um이다. - A single central ovoid nucleus 하나의중앙의난형의핵 No definite cross-striation 확실하지않는가로무늬 - Irregularly arranged contractile elements parallel to the long axis of the cell 불규칙적으로배열된수축성성분들이세포의긴축과유사하다 (2) Supporting elements - All myofibres comprising a bundle 모든근원섬유는다발을형성. A fine network of elastic and reticular fibres (Fig.) 탄력이있고망상의섬유가가는망을이루고있다. Azan stain 아잔염색 - Production by smooth muscle cells 민무늬근세포의생산 No fibroblasts or other cell types within primary

bundle 섬유아세포나다른세포의형태가일차다발안에없다. - No definite perimysium or epimysium 뚜렷하지않은근주막 또는근외막 - Contraction 수축 Change in size or shape of the organ 장기의크기와 모양을변화 * Individually within connective tissue (Tunica albugenea) Organized circular and longitudinal layers (Wall of GIT) 결합조직 (Tunica albugenea) 안에는개별적으로조직화된원형과세로의층 (Wall of GIT) 3) Cardiac muscle 심근 (Fig.) - Special organization for the requirements of the pumping 펌핑기능의요구조건으로특수히생성된기관 - A cylindrical striated cells 원통형의줄이있는세포 Similar in size to small skeletal myofibres 작은골격근섬유의크기와비슷하다 A single cells 단세포 Branching and anastomosisng 가지를치고문합을한다. Intercalated disk 개재판 (Fig.) (Fig.) (Fig.) (Fig.) Centrally located single nucleus 단핵의중앙에위치문합 : 동물의조직이나장기, 예를들면위족, 신경, 혈관등에유합이일 어나서서로연락이생기는것또는 주요혈관, 신경이형태상연락 을갖는것

- The network of cardiac muscles 심근의망 - Atrioventricular plate 방실사이의판 Ventrally running 배쪽으로 - Interventricular septum 앞심실사이고랑격벽 Apex ( 끝, 절정?) Spiraling Ventricular outer wall 심실외벽 -----------<------------ - Little uniform division of the cardiac muscle network into bundles 다발안으로심근망의약간의균일적인분열이일어난다 - Most of the connective tissue surrounding the individual fibres A profuse capillary network in the loose connective tissue between the muscle elements 근육성분사이의결합조직안에풍부한모세관망이있다 - Pericytes and fibroblasts 혈관주위세포와섬유아세포들 No myosatellite cells 근위성세포가아님 Ultramicroscopic structure of muscle cells 근육세포들의미세구조 - A chemical energy 화학에너지 Mechanical energy 기계상의에너지 Sliding-filament model 활주섬유모형 Striation 줄무늬 (Fig.) (Fig.) - A part of contractile cytoplasmic mass 수축성이있는세포질연결덩어리의한부분 - Contractile elements 수축성의성분

- Myofilaments 근육미세섬유 (Fig.) (Fig.) (Fig.) Packaging the cytoplasm 세포질을싸고있음 55 % of total protein in skeletal muscle 골격근에서 55% 의총단 백질 a. Actin and myosin b. Actinins, M line proteins c. Tropomyosin and troponin Regulating the actin and myosin interaction 액틴과미오신상호작용을조절한다 - 1 Proteins - Actin filament - Actin/ Tropomyosin/ Troponin - Actin - G (globular) actin (5.6 nm in diameter) Polymerized F (filamentous) actin - Myosin filament - Myosin - Actinins/ M-line protein 2 ATP/ Calcium 1) Striated muscle 횡문근 - Greatest orderliness 고도로정렬됨 - Skeletal muscle > Cardiac muscle 골격근 > 심근 - Thick myofilaments responsible for the darkness 두꺼운근육잔

섬유들이어두움의원인이된다 Myosin, 15 nm in diameter Thin myofilaments responsible for the brightness 얇은근육잔섬유들이밝은것의원인이된다 Actin, 6 nm in diameter # Isotropic band 균등한결합 Light band (I band) Anisotropic band 비균등한결합 Dark band (A band) Polarized light 빛이편광하다 - Myofibrils 근원섬유 - Composed of myofilaments 미세근섬유로구성 - 1 μm in dia. within myofibres - No fibrils visible in smooth muscle with L. M. 광학현미경으로평활근에는이섬유들이보이지않는다 - Fibrous sarcoplasm like a brush at the cut ends 자른말단에서솔모양으로생긴섬유성의근육세포질 Granular sarcoplasm between myofibrils 근육섬유들사이에서과립상의근육세포질 (1) Sarcomere 근육원섬유마디 (Fig.) (Fig.) (Fig.) - Z-line Z-line - A functional unit of myofibril 근육원섬유의기능적단위 a. Bands I band Bright interval 빛나는구역 Actin filament and Z line